Social Problems - Exam 2

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Average Wealth of U.S. Families 2013

-2,050 10th percentile (in debt) $81,400 - 50th percentile (doubled their wealth) $942,200 - 90th percentile (wealthier than 90 %, quadrupled their wealth $1,871,600 - 95th percentile $7,880,400 - 99th percentile (wealth increased 6 fold)

Union Density Rate

-The proportion of workers who belong to labor unions. grew in the 1930s peaked in the 1940s, 1950s - 35% of workers unionized In 2012, % of American workers fell to under 11.3% Declined: loss of manufacturing jobs Globalization led to layoffs/plant closing corporations fight to keep workers from unionizing weal U.S. labor laws fail to support /protect unionization at least 23,000 workers each year fired/discriminated against due to union-related activity strategies used by employers also use coercion, bribery, favoritism, force employees to attend mandatory one-on-one anti-union meetings with their supervisors.

Extent of poverty, wealth, and economic inequality in the world

1 Billion people - about 1 in 7 are extremely poor, living on $1.25 a day. 2014 - 1,645 Billionaires in the world, richest 1 % of adults (ages 20+) owned nearly half of global wealth

Problems caused by traditional gender roles?

1) Feminization of poverty women are socialized to put family ahead of education / careers - a belief that is reflected in their less prestigious occupations and lower incomes. 2) Social-psychological costs Women and transgender individuals tend to have lower self-esteem and higher rates of depression than men Men and boys are subject to the emotional restrictions of the "boy code" 3) Traditional gender roles carry health costs in terms of death and illness 4) Gendered violence is responsible for the deaths of men, women, and transgender individuals

What is the extent of economic inequality and poverty in the U.S.?

1) Highest level of income inequality/highest rate of poverty of any industrialized nation 2) In 2012, top 1% of U.S. taxpayers earned 22.5% of all U.S. income 3) the wealthiest 1% owned 40% of U.S. wealth. 4) groups at increased risk of poverty are children, women (especially single moms) low levels of education, racial and ethnic minorities.

Why are reported statistics on injuries and illnesses in U.S. workplaces inaccurately low?

1) Long term illnesses are not included 2)Employees don't always report injury/illness due to fear of being disciplined, losing jobs, or fear of being deported. 3)Employers discourage reporting and offer financial incentives 4)Employers don't always keep accurate records - fear increased workers' comp costs, govt inspectors, fines for violation of health and safety regulations. *In 2013, 4,585 U.S. workers (mostly men) died of fatal work-related injuries.

U.S strategies to reduce U.S. poverty and economic inequality

1) earned income tax credit 2) tax reform efforts to make taxes more progressive, close corp tax loopholes 3) political reforms to reduce influence of $ in politics 4) increase minimum wage and establishing living wage laws 5) reducing wage theft so workers receive the income they are legally entitled to

Myths about immigration

1) immigrants increase unemployment and lower wages among native workers. Reality: most academic economists agree that immigration has a small but positive impact on wages of native-born workers , because immigrants also consume goods and services which creates more jobs. Immigrants also start their own businesses at a higher rate than native U.S. residents, which increases demand for business-related supplies (computers and office furniture) and service providers (accountants and lawyers) 2) Immigrants drain the public welfare system and public schools REality: unauthorized and temporary immigrants are ineligible for major federal benefit programs. Two programs that do not have restrictions against unauthorized immigrants are SNAP and WIC and the National School Lunch Program benefits outweigh the costs. immigrants responsible for $9B in revenue in NC, cost the state $61m 3) Immigrants do not want to learn English Reality: In 2012, 29% of U.S. foreign born population (age 5 and older) spoke English "not well" or "not at all". While children learn from public schools, not many opportunities for adults to learn English 4)Undocumented immigrants have children in the U.S. as a means of gaining legal status. Realty: Under the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution any child born in the U.S. is automatically granted U.S. citizenship. Children under 21 are not allowed to peition for their parents' U.S. citizenship. Some legislators (repubs) have called for ending birthright citizenship by amending the constitution or enacting state law to limit citizenship to children who have at least one authorized parent. 5) Immigrants have high rates of criminal behavior. Realty: less likely than natives to commit crimes.

Global strategies for reducing poverty and economic inequality

1) increase taxes on the wealthy 2) promote economic development 3) invest in human development 4) provide microcredit programs that provide loans to the poor

What are some of the problems associated with the American school system?

1) lack of funding and the resulting reduction in programs and personnel 2) low levels of academic achievement in our schools 3) minority dropout rates are high 4) School violence, crime, discipline problems a threat 5) facilities in need of repair/renovations 6) personnel, teachers deficient *higher education must also address several challenges

4 reasons given as to why black and Hispanic Americans, in general, do not perform as well in school as their white and Asian counterparts?

1) race and ethnicity are so closely tied to socioeconomic status - they alone can determine school success when in fact it may be socioeconomic status. 2) many minorities are not native English speakers, making academic achievement more difficult 3) standardized tests have been demonstrated to be culturally biased favoring those in the upper and middle classes 4) racial and ethnic minorities may be victims of racism and discrimination.

5 Common myths about welfare and welfare recipients

1) welfare recipients are lazy, have no work ethic and want a "free ride" on welfare rather than work 2) most welfare moms have large families/many kids 3) welfare benefits are granted to many people who are not really poor or eligible to receive them 4) there is widespread abuse and fraud in the SNAP program 5) immigrants place an enormous burden on the welfare system

How do symbolic interactionist perspectives view wealth, poverty, and economic inequality?

1)Calls attention to ways in which wealth and poverty are defined and the effects of being labeled "poor." 2) Is concerned with how economic inequality has come to be more widely recognized as a social problem as a result of media attention stemming from the Occupy Wall Street movement and the recent publication of Thomas Piketty's book Capital in the Twenty-first Century.

Sustainable Development Goals

17 goals adopted by the UN in 2015 to reduce poverty and economic inequality and improving lives

Forbes list

17% of Forbes 400 have family members on the list 40% of 2011 Forbes 400 inherited "sizeable asset" from spouse or family member 1 African American on list 10% women (88% inherited fortune 60% income owned by those on Forbes 400 comes from capital gains investments taxed at a lower rate than other income

racial desegregation

1954 Supreme Court ruling in Brown v. Board of Education stated that segregated education was unconstitutional and inherently unequal

Affirmative Action

1960s federal legislation that requires any employer that receives contracts from the federal government must make "good faith efforts" to increase the number of female and other minority applicants to promote equal opportunity as well as diversity

What was the manifest function of the civil rights movement?

1960s was to improve conditions for racial minorities

CEO compensation to Average Worker pay 1965-2014

1965 - 20:1 1978 - 30:1 1995 - 123:1 2000 - 376:1 2014 - 303:1

Coleman Report

1966 study found almost 80% of schools attended by whites contained 10% or fewer blacks and that whites outperformed minorities (excluding Asian Americans) on academic tests. this study advocated the integration hypothesis - a theory that the only way to achieve quality education for all racial and ethnic groups is to desegregate the schools. Attending a black segregated school continues to have negative influence on achievement attending a desegregated school, while having no negative achievement effect on white students, has positive effects on black and Hispanic students in terms of learning and graduation rates.

Sexual harassment

2 types Quid pro quo - employer requires sexual favors in exchange for promotion, salary increase, or other employee benefit existence of a hostile environment that unreasonable interferes with job performance, as in the case of sexually explicit comments or insults made to an employee

socioeconomic intergration

2007 U.S. Supreme Court held that public school systems "cannot seek to achieve or maintain integration through measures that take explicit account of a student's race." court's decision reflects general trend toward using socio-economic or income-based integration rather than race-based integration variables. advocates of this approach argue: 1) socioeconomic integration more directly / effectively achieves the first aim of racial integration - raising student achievement 2) socioeconomic integration achieves racial integration 3) school assignments based on socioeconomic status are perfectly legal whereas assignment based on race may be subject to govt scrutiny 4) problem of low income students regardless of race, is growing as poverty spreads 5) SES integration is evidenced as having a more cost-effective means of raising student achievement

Income women vs men

2012 women earned 81% of what men earned

Poverty rates by race

2013 U.S. poverty by race/ethnicity 1) Blacks: 27.6% 2) Hispanic: 24.8% 3) Asian:12.7% 4) White: 11.1% 5) Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: 20.1% 6) American Indian/Alaska Native: 28.9% 7) Two or more races: 20.4%

What variables predict school success?

3 Variables Socioeconomic status predicts school success: The higher the socioeconomic status, the higher the likelihood of school success. Race and ethnicity predict school success, with nonwhites and Hispanics having more academic difficulty than whites and non-Hispanics. Gender also predicts success, varies by grade level

According to the structural-functionalist perspective what are the functions of education?

4 Major functions 1) instruction - teaching students knowledge/skills 2) socialization - respect authority 3)sorting individuals into statuses, providing credentials 4)custodial care - babysitting agency

percentage of racial or ethnic minorities in public schools projected in 2021


Section 8 Housing

A housing assistance program in which federal rent subsidies are provided either to tenants (in the form of certificates and vouchers) or to private landlords.

Occupy Wall Street (OWS)

A protest movement that began in 2011, and is concerned with economic inequality, greed, corruption, and the influence of corporations on government.

political alienation

A rejection of or estrangement from the political system accompanied by a sense of powerlessness in influencing government.


A significant decline in activity across the economy, lasting for at least 6 months

behavior-based safety programs

A strategy used by business management that attributes health and safety problems in the workplace to workers' behavior, rather than to work processes and conditions.

progressive taxes

A tax rate that increases as the amount of ones income increases

integration hypothesis

A theory that the only way to achieve quality education for all racial and ethnic groups is to desegregate the schools.

Corporatocracy refers to

A. Power of mass media corporations to influence the opinions of people B. Large amounts of wealth controlled by economic corporations C. Dominance of an economy by transnational corporations D. A system of government that serves the interests of the corporations (answer D)


According to the 2014 official U. S. poverty threshold guidelines, a single adult earning $13,000 a year is considered "poor."

How does the conflict theory view work and the economy?

According to the conflict perspective, the ruling class controls the economic system for its own benefit and exploits and oppresses the working masses. The conflict perspective is critical of ways that the government caters to the interests of big business at the expense of workers, consumers, and the public interest Serves the interest of CORPORATIONS (corporatocracy) through lobbying and donations. The pervasive influence of corporate power in govt exists not only in the U.S. but throughout the world.


According to the text, corporations outsource labor to other countries so that U.S. consumers can save money on cheaper products.


According to the text, the wealthy are hardest hit by natural disasters because they have more to lose than do the poor.

Labor Unions

Advantages: fight for fair wages/benefits healthy and safe environments other forms of worker advocacy (legal representation) more power in numbers to get voice heard to make change Compared with non-union workers: higher earnings better insurance better pension benefits more paid time off higher life satisfaction Disadvantages: members must pay dues/fees loss of individuality majority rules (may conflict with individual employees' needs


All societies have some formal mechanism to educate their citizenry

incapacitated assault

An assault that takes place when the victim is unable to make an informed decision because of alcohol or other drugs, being unconscious, and the like


As of 2015, the United States did not guarantee workers paid maternity leave

American school system

Average, overall score 53%, C

Wealthiest American

Bill Gates (2014) take 218 years to spend all his $


Character education is associated with increased student achievement


Colleges and universities are prohibited from requiring students to take diversity courses as a graduation requirement.


Common Core State Standards have been embraced by and implemented in all states.


Compared with the U.S. born population, immigrants have high rates of criminal behavior.

How is poverty measured?

Developing world - $1.25 per day Relative poverty - members of household considered poor if household income is <50% of the median household income in that country. Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) considers health, education, and living standards in measuring who is poor. US establishes "poverty thresholds" that differ by the number of adults & children in a family/by age of the family head of household. Anyone living in a household with pretax income below the official poverty line is considered "poor." U.S. families need at minimum twice the poverty level income to meet a family's basic economic needs.

Which of the following statements is true about dropouts in the United States?

Dropouts have poorer health and shorter life expectancy

vulnerable employment

Employment that is characterized by informal working arrangements, little job security, few benefits, and little recourse in the face of an unreasonable demand.

According to FBI data, the majority of hate crimes are motivated by what kind of bias?

FBI began publishing hate crime date in 1992, the majority of hate crimes has been based on racial bias

Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

Federal law requiring organizations with 50 or more employees to provide up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave after childbirth or adoption; to care for a seriously ill family member or for an employee's own serious illness; or to take care of urgent needs that arise when a spouse, child, or parent in the National Guard or Reserve is called to active duty

ERA should be part of the Constitution

Feminists would argue which of the following?

Symbolic interactionists argue that

Gender roles are learned in the family, in the school, in peer groups, and in the media


George Ritzer coined the term the process by which the principles of the fast-food industry applied to dominate more and more sectors of American society as well as of the rest of the world: Efficiency Calculability Predictability Technology

What strategies can be used to end gender inequality?

Grassroots movements, such as feminism, the women's rights movement, and the men's rights movement, have made significant strides in the fight against gender inequality. Successful lobbying for passage of laws concerning sex discrimination, sexual harassment, and affirmative action. International efforts, Convention to Eliminate All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) aka International Women's Bill of Rights, which the UN adopted in 1979.

poverty by state (highest) 2013

Highest Poverty Rates (%) Mississippi: 24% New Mexico: 21.9% Louisiana: 19.8% Arkansas: 19.7% Georgia: 19% District of Columbia: 18.9% Kentucky: 18.8% Alabama: 18.7% South Carolina: 18.6% Arizona: 18.6% North Carolina: 17.9% Tennessee: 17.8%

Who is less likely to succeed in school at almost every level?

Hispanics and blacks


In 2013, a typical U.S. worker would have to work _____ years to make what a typical CEO of a large corporation earns in one year.


In 2014, how many active hate group chapters were there in the United States? 2019 - 940 / 55% increase since Trump elected in 2017 43% increase in hate groups against LGBTQ

efforts and abilities

In a meritocracy, individuals get ahead and earn rewards based on their

cultural competence

In reference to education, refers to having an awareness of and appreciation for different cultural groups in order to inform student-teacher and student-student interaction

Two or more races

Individuals identifying as _____________comprise the fastest growing racial group inthe United States?

According to structural functionalist, which of the following is not a major function of education?

Indoctrinate students into the capitalist ideology

child labor

Involves a child performing work that is hazardous, that interferes with a child's education, or that harms a child's health or physical, mental, social, or moral development. estimated 215 million school-age child laborers exist throughout the world

How does the conflict perspective view wealth, poverty, and economic inequality?

Is concerned with how capitalism has contributed to poverty and economic inequality . 1) how wealthy corporations and individuals use their wealth to influence elections and policies in ways that benefit the wealthy 2) is critical of how trade and investment policies benefit wealthy corporations and negatively affect the poor

living wage laws

Laws that require state or municipal contractors, recipients of public subsidies or tax breaks, or, in some cases, all businesses to pay employees wages that are significantly above the federal minimum, enabling families to live above the poverty line.

Antiunion Legislation

March 2011, Wisconsin governon signed legislation weakening unions prohibited collective bargaining annual votes increased workers contributions for pensions and health care

U.S. Poverty rates by Family Structure 2014

Married- couple family: 6.2% Female householder, no spouse: 30.6% Male householder, no spouse: 15.7%


National Assessment of Educational Progress (Nation's Report Card) measures achievement with 3 indicators current levels of performance improvement over time achievement gap between poor and non-poor


National Organization for Women established in 1966 and remains the largest feminist organization in the U.S., with more than 500,000 members in 550 chapters.

poverty by state (lowest) 2013

New Hampshire: 8.7% Alaska: 9.3% Maryland: 10.1% Connecticut: 10.7% Hawaii: 10.8% Wyoming: 10.9% Minnesota: 11.2% New Jersey: 11.4% Virginia: 11.7% Massachusetts: 11.9% Vermont: 12.3% Delaware: 12.4%

relationship between education and poverty, 2013

No high school diploma: 36.8% High school diploma, no college: 20.7% Bachelor's degree or higher: 6.5%

Do all countries educate their citizens?

No. Many societies have no formal mechanism for educating the masses. Millions around the world are illiterate more in developing countries than in developed affects women more than men


Nonprofit schools are increasing at a faster rate than for-profit schools


Not one of the four principles of McDonaldization

wage theft

Occurs when employers "steal" workers' wages by requiring them to work off the clock or refusing to pay them for overtime.

Poverty Thresholds, 2014

One adult - $12,316 Two adults - $15,853 One adult, one child - $16,317 Two adults, one child - $19,055 Two adults, two children - $24,088


Online students compared to face-to-face students are more likely to be

Which of the statements about bullying is NOT true?

Over 50 percent of 12- to 18-year olds report being bullied at school

free trade agreement (FTA)

Pact between two or more countries that makes it easier to trade goods across national boundaries by reducing or eliminating restrictions on exports and tariffs (taxes) on imported goods and protecting intellectual property rights.

Consequences of poverty, economic inequality for individuals, families and societies?

Poverty is associated with health problems and hunger; sub-standard housing and homelessness; unequal treatment in the legal system; political inequality and alienation; crime, social conflict, and war; increased vulnerability to natural disasters; problems in education; unequal marriage opportunity, higher rates of divorce, child abuse/neglect, teenage and unintended pregnancy. These various problems are interrelated and contribute to the perpetuation of poverty across generations, feeding a cycle of intergenerational poverty.

How do the structural-functionalist view wealth, poverty, and economic inequality?

Poverty results from institutional breakdown: 1) economic institutions that fail to provide sufficient jobs & pay 2) educational institutions that fail to equip members of societies with skills needed for employment 3) family institutions that do not provide two parents 4) govt institutions that do not provide sufficient public support 5) focuses on both the functions and dysfunctions of poverty

What are the arguments for and against school choice?

Pros - reduce segregation, schools have to compete with one another providing better quality education Opponents - school choice programs increase segregation, treat disadvantaged students unfairly. Low-income students cannot afford to go to private schools, even with vouchers. Those against note that using govt vouchers to help pay for religious schools is unconstitutional.


Quid pro quo sexual harassment refers to the existence of a hostile working environment


Recent trends indicate that more males enter colle from high school than females

What are some of the conclusions of the study summarized in the Social Problems Research Up Close feature?

Results indicate when a student leaves school, it is a process rather than a decision, often based on social circumstances that are out of the student's control- criminal victimization illness in the family housing instability failure to connect with caring and concerned others *Students who leave school are resilient, nearly two-thirds return to graduate.

instrumental roles

Roles into which men are traditionally socialized (i.e., task-oriented roles).

expressive roles

Roles into which women are traditionally socialized (i.e., nurturing and emotionally supportive roles).


School vouchers are stat-funded "scholarships" that are transferred to the private school that parents select for their child.

STEM (acronym)

Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics

workers' self-directed enterprises

See worker cooperatives. Democratic business organizations controlled by their members, who actively participate in setting their policies and making decisions; also known as workers' self-directed enterprises

parent trigger laws

State legislation that allows parents to intervene in their children's education and schooling.


Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program - The largest food assistance program in the U.S.

Public assistance and welfare programs in the U.S.

Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), food programs (school meal programs and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), housing assistance, Medicaid, educational assistance (Pell Grants) child care assistance, and the earned income tax credit (EITC).


Temporary Assistance for Needy Families cash assistance program for the poor with limited assistance, time limits and work requirements. w/in 2 yrs of receiving benefits, adult TANF recipients must be either employed or involved in work-related activities (on-the-job training, job search and vocational education. Fed Lifetime limit of 5 years is set for families receiving benefits Able-bodied recipients age 18-50 w/o dependents have a 2 year lifetime limit. Individuals with disabilities, victims of domestic violence, residents in high unemployment areas, and those caring for young children.


The U. S. Congress has issued an official apology to African American for slavery and Jim Crow laws


The U.S. economy is a mix of capitalism and socialism. Communism is more a political system than an economic system.


The U.S. is the most gender-equal nation in the world.


The United States is the only advanced nation that does not mandate a minimum number of vacation days


The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.


The devaluation hypothesis argues that female and male pay differences are a function of women's and men's different levels of education, skills, training, and work experience

the disproportionate number of women who are poor

The feminization of poverty refers to


The glass ceiling is an invisible barrier that prevents women and other minorities from moving into top corporate positions.

Human Capital Hypothesis

The hypothesis that pay differences between females and males are a function of differences in women's and men's levels of education, skills, training, and work experience.

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

The largest U.S. food assistance program.

motherhood penalty

The tendency for women with children, particularly young children, to be disadvantaged in hiring, wages, and the like compared to women without children.

structural sexism

The ways in which the organization of society, and specifically its institutions, subordinate individuals and groups based on their sex classification

Does gender inequality exist worldwide?

There is no country in the world in which men and women are treated equally. Women suffer in terms of income, education and occupational prestige Men suffer in terms of mental and physical health, mortality, and the quality of their relationships.

What is meant by value-added measurement (VAM), and why are there concerns about its use?

VAM is the use of student achievement data to assess teachers' effectiveness. Critics argue that assessing teachers based on student performance assumes all else constant, and ignores the reality of student differences in nonschool factors: family life, poverty, emotional/physical obstacles

Younger than 18

What age group in the United States has the highest rate of poverty?

racial and ethnic minorities, women and in some cases, Vietnam veterans and people with disabilities. Largest category of affirmative action beneficiaries is women

What group constitutes the largest beneficiary of affirmative action policies?


When it comes down to collecting census data on the U.S. population, a person is Hispanic if they say they are Hispanic.

Asian Americans

Which minority group in the U.S. is considered a "model minority"?

Racist Behavior

Which of the following has/have moved "backstage"? *book is not current with 2020. Racist/racism has moved front stage.

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Which of the following is responsible for enforcing laws against discrimination?


Which of the following occurs when a person adopts the culture of a group different from the one in which that person was originally raised?

based on a study of realty TV shows, primary male characters are most often portrayed as overweight and "paunchy"

Which of the following statements is NOT true?

There have only been four female justices in the history of the U.S. Supreme Court

Which of the following statements is true about women and U. S. politics?

Median Household Wealth by Race 2013

White: $141,900 Hispanic: $13,700 Black: $11,000

What are whiteness studies?

Whiteness studies are scholarly examinations of the issues surrounding white privilege as well as a look into the role of whiteness and white culture play in an increasingly multicultural society (e.g., what it means to be white in today's society, how 'whiteness' affects race relations and multiculturalism)

19th Ammendment (1920)

Women's right to vote

Gender and Education

Worldwide, women receive less education than men Women comprise 2/3 of the world's illiterate 70% of the 125 million children worldwide who are not in school are girls. Of the 167 countries with data available, 68% have not achieved gender parity in primary schools. Gender gap in math and reading scores has decreased over the last few decades boys outscore girls in math girls outscore boys in reading Boys more likely to lag behind girls in classroom be diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, learning disabilities, feel alienated from the learning process, drop out or be expelled Black and Latino males compared to white males, score lower on the NAEP, are less likely to be in advanced placement classes, less likely to be in gifted programs, less likely to graduate from high school or college.

Does slavery still exist?

Yes, all over the world including the U.S. in forced labor work in agriculture, mining, prostitution, and factories.

Is it possible for an individual to discriminate without being prejudiced?

Yes. Overt discrimination, individuals discriminate because of their own prejudicial attitudes. i.e. store clerk may watch black customers more closely because store manger is prejudice against blacks and has instructed employees to follow black customers in the store. Discrimination based on someone else's prejudice is called adaptive discrimination

Poverty rate by age U.S. 2014

Younger than 18: 21.1% 18-64: 13.5% 65 and older: 10%


a country governed by the wealthy

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)

a federal cash welfare program that involves work requirements and a five-year lifetime limit

chattel slavery

a form of slavery in which a slave is considered property that can be bought and sold

absolute poverty

a lack of resources that is life-threatening

Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI)

a measure of serious deprivation in the dimensions of health, education, and living standards that combines the number of deprived and the intensity of their deprivation

Under federal law, willful violation that results in a worker's death is considered

a misdemeanor with a maximum prison sentence of 1 year for a first conviction

implicit prejudice

a prevalent form of racial bias over which a person has little or no conscious awareness or control

Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)

a refundable tax credit based on a working family's income and number of children

boy code

a set of societal expectations that discourages males from expressing emotion, weakness, or vulnerability, or asking for help

aversive racism

a subtle form of prejudice that involves feelings of discomfort, uneasiness, disgust, fear, and pro-white attitudes


any work that is performed under the threat of punishment and is undertaken involuntarily; also known as forced labor More than 50 years ago, United Nations stated in Article 4 of its Universal Declaration of Human Rights that "no one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms."

racial microaggression

brief and commonplace daily verbal, behavioral, or environmental indignities, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative racial slights and insults toward people of certain race


business subcontracts with a third party to provide business services

Worker cooperatives

businesses that are owned by workers

SNAP benefits

cannot be used to purchase alcohol, tobacco, diapers.

minority group

category of people who have unequal access to positions of power, prestige, and wealth in a society. tend to be targets of prejudice and discrimination. based on social status in society


characterized by an inbalance of power that exists over a long period of time in which the more powerful intimidate or belittle others In 2012, 23% of public schools reported bullying occurred either daily or weekly. Bullies often perform poorly academically

structured choice

choices that are limited by the structure of society

sundown towns

communities that are purposely "all-white" and that have used various means to deliberately keep racial and ethnic minorities out


concentrated areas of poverty and poor housing in urban areas

What is mean by the idea that race is socially constructed?

concept of race refers to a category of people who are perceived to share distinct physical characteristics that are deemed socially significant. race is used to separate "us" from "them" and becomes a basis for unequal treatment of one group by another. races are cultural and social inventions; they are not scientifically valid because there are no objective, reliable, meaningful criteria scientists can use to identify racial groupings. Different societies construct different systems of racial classification, and these systems change over tieme

The "integration hypothesis" advocated which of the following? a. desegregation of schools through busing b. increasing neighborhood diversity c. putting affirmative action into place d. eliminating private schools

desegregation of schools through busing


displaying both traditional masculine and feminine psychological characteristics

green growth

economic growth that is environmentally sustainable


economic system characterized by private ownership, free enterprise, for profit in a competitive market private individuals or groups invest capital (money, technology, machines) to produce goods and services to sell for a profit supply and demand determine prices and wages critics argue capitalism creates too many social evils: alienated workers, poor working conditions, near-poverty wages, unemployment, a polluted and depleted environment, and world conflict over resources


economic system characterized by state ownership of the means of production and distribution of goods and services

multicultural education

education that includes all racial and ethnic groups in the school curriculum, thereby promoting awareness and appreciation for cultural diversity

Symbolic interactionists view of gender inequality

emphasize through the socialization process, both females and males are taught the meanings associated with being feminine and masculine

character education

emphasizes the moral and ethical aspects of an individual

full employment

exists when there are jobs available for all workers; usually when unemployment rate is below 5 %

Public Housing

federally subsidized housing that is owned and operated by local Public Housing Authorities (PHAs)

Economic Policy Institute's Family Budget Calculator

finds that U.S. families need at minimum twice the poverty level income to meet a family's basic economic needs.

How does structural functionalism view work and the economy?

focuses on the functions and dysfunctions of the economic institution and ways in which the economy affects and is affected by changes in society Provides basic necessities, food, clothing, shelter, basic survival needs contributing to social stability Concerned with how changes in one aspect of society affect other aspects: i.e. unemployment rises, college enrollment increases, crime increases, tax revenues decrease, this, in turn, hurts govt. ability to pay for services (education, police, etc.


form of job dissatisfaction work characterized by high degree of division of labor specialization of work roles, creating repetitive /monotonous tasks that involve no creativity; workers are unable to express and utilize their full potential According to Marx, when workers are merely cogs in a machine, they become alienated, estranged from their work, the product they create, other human beings, and themselves. Occurs in four components: Powerlessness Meaninglessness Normlessness Self-estrangement

transgender individuals

gender identity inconsistent with their reproductive organs

What are the various patterns of interaction that may occur when two or more racial or ethnic groups come into contact?

genocide expulsion segregation acculturation pluralism assimilation

Difference between the glass ceiling and glass escalator?

glass ceiling is invisible barrier that prevents women/minorities from moving into top corporate roles glass escalator refers to the tendency for men seeking traditionally female roles to have an edge in hiring and promotion practices.

means-tested programs

government assisted programs that have eligibility requirements based on income

Over the next decade, the need for teachers is likely to

increase because of immigration patterns

What accounts for the drop out rate

increased costs of public assistance, crime, health care, and reduced tax revenues

symbolic-interactionist perspective on education

individual/small-group issues in education such as teacher-student interactions and the self-fulfilling prophecy teacher-student interactions: a) middle and upper class students may elicit greater teacher approval due to their verbal and social skills; whereas disadvantaged children bring fewer social and verbal skills to middle-class teachers that are likely to elicit less approval and can result in lower self-esteem Self-fulfilling prophecy occurs when people act in a manner consistent with the expectations of others a) teacher who defines a student as "slow" may call on the student less, encourage them to pursue easier subjects, assign them to lower ability groups, resulting in student performing at a lower level.

working poor

individuals who spend at least 27 weeks per year in the labor force (working or looking for work) but whose income falls below the official poverty level

global economy

interconnected network of economic activity that transcends national borders

The global economy is becoming more ____________.



is a country rules by the wealthy.

Multi-dimensional Poverty Index

is a measure of serious deprivation in the dimensions of health, education, and living standards that combines the number of deprived and the intensity of their deprivation.

How is color-blindness a form of racism?

it prevents acknowledgment of privilege and disadvantage associated with race, and therefore allows the continuation of institutional racism

According to a Gallup Poll, what is the most common complaint among U.S. workers?

job stress is the most common complaint of workers followed by the amount of money they earn 1/3 of Americans are dissatisfied with the amount of stress in their jobs

long-term unemployment

lasting for at least 27 weeks or more

corporate welfare

laws and policies that benefit corporations


laws and policies that benefit the rich

antimiscegenation laws

laws forbidding interracial marriage, which existed at the state level until 1967 Supreme Court (in Loving v. Virginia) declared unconstitutional

extreme poverty

living on less than $1.25 a day

Equal Pay Act of 1963 and Title VII of 1964 Civil Rights Act

made it illegal for employers to discriminate on basis of sex but sex discrimination still occurs 30,356 grievances in 2012

Conflict theorists view of gender inequality

male dominance and female subordination evolved in relation to the means of production - from hunting-and-gathering societies in which females and males were economic equals, to industrial societies in which females were subordinate to males.


male or female

gender based violence

men more likely to be involved in violence to kill or be killed; to wage war; to take their own lives; to engage in violent crimes of all types; to bully, harass, and abuse. Women and girls are often the victims of male violence a)worldwide, as many as 70% of women will be physically or sexually abused in their lifetime b) over 5,000 women and girls killed each year in honor killings.

What percent of the U.S. population (in 2014) was born outside the United States?

more than 1 in 10 U.S. residents (13.3 percent) were born in a foreign country

sweatshop labor in the U.S.

more than half the country's 22,000 sewing shops violate minimum wage and overtime laws and that 75% violate safety and health laws

bonded labor

most common form of forced labor today usually illiterate landless rural poor who take out a loan simply to survive or to pay for a wedding, funeral, medicines, fertilizer, or other necessities. debtors must work for the creditor to pay back the loan, but often they are unable to repay it migrant workers are vulnerable because if they try to escape and report abuse, they risk deportation


most dangerous place in the world to be a trade unionist

transnational corporations

multinational corporations that have their home base in one country and branches, or affiliates in other countries.

honor killings

murders, often public, as a result of a female dishonoring, or being perceived to have dishonored, her family or community Over 5,000 women and girls are killed each year in honor killings - murders, often public as a result of a female dishonoring, or perceived to have dishonored, her family or community

college grads

no guarantee of employment unemployment rate in 2013 - 8.8% (double that of overall unemployment) 45% college grads live with parents many grads cannot find work in their field

Causes of unemployment

not enough jobs job exportation (offshoring) outsourcing automation (replacing human jobs with robots) increased global competition mass layoffs/downsizing/companies going out of business

What is a self-fulfilling prophecy?

occurs when people act in a manner consistent with the expectations of others.

nativist extremist groups

organizations that not only advocate restrictive immigration policy, but also encourage their members to use vigilante tactics to confront or harass suspected undocumented immigrants


political system usually takes on form of totalitarianism - a one party system where the state controls all aspects of public and private life, permitting no individual freedom

What is an ethnic group?

population that has shared cultural heritage, nationality, or lineage can be distinguished on the basis of language,forms of family structures and roles of family members, religious beliefs and practices, dietary customs, forms of artistic expressions such as music and dance and national origin. Largest ethnic population in the U.S. is Hispanics or Latinos.

intergenerational poverty

poverty that is transmitted from one generation to the next


preconceived opinion or bias that could be positive or negative

Title IX of the 1972 Educational Amendments Act

prohibits sex discrimination, but continues at many levels women's underrepresentation in administrative positions; less participation and resources in athletic programs; lower performance in science and math; sex segregated career and technical education

Children's Act for Responsible Employment (CARE Act)

proposes to raise the minimum age of children working on farms from 12 to 14.

Workforce Investment Act (WIA) 1998

provides wide array of programs and services designed to assist individuals to prepare for and find employment

Corporate Welfare

refers to laws and policies that benefit corporations.

EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission)

responsible for enforcing laws against discrimination, including Title VII of the 1965 Civil Rights Act that prohibits employment discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sec, or national origin. Investigates, mediates, and may file lawsuits against private employers on behalf of alleged victims of discrimination

Gender Inequality

roles and inequality are ingrained 1) traditional gender roles are weakening 2) eliminating stereotypes liberates men as well as women 3) people are increasingly embracing androgyny-the blending of traditionally defined masculine and feminine characteristics 4) gender mainstreaming is becoming increasingly popular

Recruitment and retention of quality teachers

school districts with inadequate funding, facilities, low salaries, lack of community support, minimal professional development have trouble attracting and retaining qualified teachers number of school teachers leaving the field is increasing high teacher turnover is problematic because newer teachers are less experienced, less effective poorer districts have demand for talented teachers to work with diverse backgrounds Lateral entry - program allows person to obtain teaching license while teaching in the classroom

conflict perspective on education

schools perpetuate social class, race, and gender inequalities schools in poorer districts with minorities receive less funding creating inadequate facilities, books, materials, equipment and personnel.

Online education

segment of the population that would not otherwise be able to attend school - older, married, full-time employees and persons from remote areas

forced labor

slavery - 14,000 to 17,000 people trafficked into U.S. each year


social system where individuals get ahead and earn rewards based on their individual efforts and abilities

structural sexism and cultural sexism

structural sexism refers to the ways in which the organization of society, and its institutions, subordinate individuals and groups based on their sex classification structural sexism has resulted in significant differences between education and income levels, occupational and political involvement, and civil rights of women and men. Structural sexism is supported by a system of cultural sexism that perpetuates beliefs about the differences between women and men. Cultural sexism refers to the ways the culture of society - its norms, values, beliefs, and symbols - perpetuate the subordination of an individual or group because of the sex classification of that individual or group

Unemployment rate for young college grads

tends to be twice that of the overall unemployment rate.

education dividend

the additional benefit of universal education for women is that it reduces the death rate of children under 5 years of age


the belief that one sex is innately superior to the other


the belief that women should possess the same political and economic rights as men

earnings premium

the benefits of having a college degree far outweigh the cost of getting one


the biological distinction between females and males

occupational sex segregation

the concentration of women in certain occupations and men in other occupations

feminization of poverty

the disproportionate distribution of poverty among women

school to prison pipeline

the established relationship between severe disciplinary practices, increased rates of dropping out of school, lowered academic achievement, and court or juvenile detention involvement

devaluation hypothesis

the hypothesis that women are paid less because the work they perform is socially defined as less valuable than the work men perform

cultural imperialism

the indoctrination into the dominant culture of a society

relative poverty

the lack of material and economic resources compared with some other population

corporate tax inversion

the practice in which a company lowers its taxes by merging with a foreign company and changing to an offshore address

attributional gender bias

the practice of explaining the same behaviors of females and males using different explanations

Microcredit programs

the provision of loans to people who are generally excluded from traditional credit services because of their low socioeconomic status


the relocation of jobs to other countries

Economic Institutions

the structure and means by which a society produces, distributes, and consumes goods and services

institutional racism

the systematic distribution of power, resources, and opportunity in ways that benefit whites and disadvantage minorities

glass escalator effect

the tendency for men seeking or working in traditionally female occupations to benefit from their minority status

gender deviance hypothesis

the tendency to over-conform to gender norms after an act of gender deviance; a method of neutralization

masculine overcompensation thesis

the thesis that men have a tendency to act out in an exaggerated male role when believing their masculinity to be threatened


the total assets of an individual or household minus liabilities

second shift

the unpaid housework and child care often expected of women after they complete their day's paid labor

gender expression

the way in which a person expresses their gender identity, typically through their appearance, dress, and behavior.

cultural sexism

the ways in which the culture of society perpetuates the subordination of an individual or group based on the sex classification of that individual or group

How do symbolic interactionism view work and the economy?

the work role is an important part of a person's self-concept and social identity. (person's IDENTITY) Occupation represents a "master status" - the most significant status in a person's social identity. The theory emphasizes that job-related attitudes and behaviors are influenced by social interaction. a. employers/managers use interaction techniques that elicit attitudes/behaviors they want from employees b. union organizers are concerned w/ using interpersonal interaction techniques that persuade workers to unionize. c. parents teach children important lessons about work and unemployment

Structural functionalists views gender inequality

traditional division of labor was functional for preindustrial society and has become defined as both normal and natural over time. Today, modern conceptions of the family have replaced traditional ones to some extent

How does contemporary prejudice differ from more traditional "old-fashioned" prejudice?

traditional, old-fashioned prejudice is easy to recognize, because it's blatant, direct and conscious. More contemporary forms are often subtle, indirect, and unconscious. Racist expressions have gone "backstage" to private social settings. *except for the police

What was the latent function of the civil rights movement?

when it supposedly ended racial discrimination, whites were more likely to blame blacks for their social disadvantages, thus perpetuating negative stereotypes such as "blacks lack motivation" and "blacks have less ability"

2000 Census race categories

white black or African American American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander

Work-life conflicts became noticeable in the 1980s when ________.

women, with dependent children, started entering the workforce

emotion work

work that involves caring for, negotiating, and empathizing with people

Right-to-work laws

workers are allowed to work at unionized workplaces without having to join the union and pay union dues

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