Social Psych Final Chap 11, Social Psych Final Chap 12, Social Psych Final Chap 13

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81. Grant, a chief executive officer for more than two decades, has observed the rise of many people to positions of leadership in his company. In retrospect, he realizes that most of these people have exhibited a particular set of traits, including intelligence, ambition, a need for power, and an ability to adapt to changing circumstances. Grant's observations are consistent with the a. great person theory. b. interactions approach. c. transactional approach. d. contingency model.

. great person theory.

118. Carnahan and McFarland (2007) conducted a study to determine whether a particular type of person is likely to sign up for a study like the Stanford University prison study. They found that advertisements for a study on "prison life" attracted potential participants higher than average in ____ and lower than average in ____. a. authoritarianism; aggression b. self-monitoring; altruism c. need for cognition; need for closure d. narcissism; empathy

. narcissism; empathy

60. Fegapessa is required to evaluate all of her employees and then communicate the results of these evaluations to the employees. Fegapessa is conducting a. performance appraisals. b. integrity tests. c. participative decision making. d. preferential selection.

. performance appraisals.

120. The tendency for people to inflate the value of objects, good, or services they already own is called the a. endowment effect. b. escalation effect. c. sunk cost effect. d. expectancy phenomenon.

a. endowment effect.

99. If there is a majority opinion in a jury's initial vote, then a. the deliberations will be marked by informational rather than normative influence. b. the leniency bias is less likely to play a role in the final verdict the jury will eventually deliver. c. the ultimate verdict will usually be consistent with the vote taken during the orientation stage. d. jury nullification becomes less likely to affect the outcome of the deliberations.

. the ultimate verdict will usually be consistent with the vote taken during the orientation stage.

1. As of 2015, the unemployment rate in the United States was ____ percent. a. 10 b. 8 c. 5 d. 2


68. As managers, Homer is viewed as easygoing and agreeable, while Marge is seen as very conscientious. Which of the following is most likely to occur? a. Homer will be more lenient than Marge in evaluating employees. b. Homer will be harsher than Marge in evaluating employees. c. Marge will be more likely than Homer to use objective measures of appraisal. d. Marge will be more likely than Homer to use subjective measures of appraisal.

a. Homer will be more lenient than Marge in evaluating employees.

22. All of the following personnel selection procedures are used legally by employers regardless of profession except a. polygraph testing. b. integrity tests. c. assessment centers. d. personality tests.

a. polygraph testing.

56. Each of the following individuals behaved aggressively, and each was punished for his or her aggression. For which person will the indicated punishment have the best chance of successfully reducing aggression? a. Jake, who was punished immediately following his act of aggression b. Keizer, who was extremely angry when punished for emotional aggression c. Lakes, who was punished in a very angry, hostile manner by her parents d. Danielle, who was punished for some of her aggressive acts but not for others

a. Jake, who was punished immediately following his act of aggression

66. Franklin, an African-American male, is on trial for attempted murder. The study conducted by Sommers (2006) regarding jury racial composition suggests which of the following jurors would be most likely to vote to convict Franklin? a. Jerry, a Caucasian male on an all-Caucasian jury b. Robin, a Caucasian male on a racially-diverse jury c. Eddie, an African-American male on an all-African-American jury d. Dave, an African-American male on a racially-diverse jury

a. Jerry, a Caucasian male on an all-Caucasian jury

69. According to research findings, which individual is most likely to be an opponent of the death penalty? a. Michael, who scores low on a self-report measure of authoritarian beliefs b. Buster, who holds fundamentalist religious beliefs c. Lindsey, who believes that the world is a fair place in which you get what you deserve d. Gob, who believes in the deterrent potential of capital punishment

a. Michael, who scores low on a self-report measure of authoritarian beliefs

102. Arleta gets extremely drunk. Given the research on alcohol and aggression, which of the following is unlikely to happen? a. She will be more aggressive only if she tends to be non-aggressive when sober. b. She will be more aggressive under the influence of alcohol than she is sober. c. She will fail to be as attentive to mitigating information when she is drunk. d. She will feel less anxious and thus will feel less inhibited about behaving aggressively.

a. She will be more aggressive only if she tends to be non-aggressive when sober.

18. Which statement most accurately summarizes an important point of controversy that has been debated among researchers who study reconstructive memory? a. Some believe that post-event information actually alters a witness's real memory, whereas others believe it affects only the reporting of the memory. b. Some believe that post-event information can bias an eyewitness's reporting of an event, whereas others believe that only information that is learned during acquisition can bias an eyewitness's reporting. c. Some believe that scientific jury selection is an effective way to reduce the chances that jurors will be biased by reconstructive memory, whereas others believe that this strategy is unethical. d. Some believe that the use of peremptory challenges leads to false memories, whereas others believe it helps ensure accurate memories.

a. Some believe that post-event information actually alters a witness's real memory, whereas others believe it

33. Which finding has been demonstrated in research on integrity tests? a. Such tests are predictive of job performance and behaviors such as theft or disciplinary problems. b. Both overt and covert integrity tests can be easily faked by motivated or knowledgeable test-takers. c. While covert tests can be easily faked, overt tests are too obvious to fake. d. Such tests are no more predictive of job performance than the flip of a coin.

a. Such tests are predictive of job performance and behaviors such as theft or disciplinary problems.

104. Many psychologists believe that allowing smaller jury sizes is a bad idea. What is not one of their explanations for this view? a. Tension and interpersonal conflict are more likely in small groups as opposed to large ones. b. Smaller juries are less representative of the communities from which they are drawn. c. Smaller juries spend less time discussing the case. d. It is harder for a dissenting juror to hold out for her position when she does not have a single ally.

a. Tension and interpersonal conflict are more likely in small groups as opposed to large ones.

23. In which state is there most likely to exist a culture of honor? a. Texas b. Illinois c. South Dakota d. Rhode Island

a. Texas

108. In a murder case involving a six-person jury, five of the jurors think the defendant is guilty and one thinks the defendant is not guilty. In another murder case involving a 12-person jury, ten think the defendant is guilty and two think the defendant is not guilty. Based on Asch's research on conformity, and all other things being equal, what predictions can be made about the likelihood that the jurors in the minority in these two trials will resist the pressures exerted by those in the majority to change their verdicts? a. The minority in the smaller jury should be less likely to maintain his or her independence because the minority in the smaller jury has no allies in dissent. b. The minority in the larger jury should be less likely to maintain their independence because the majority in the larger jury is comprised of more people. c. Because the proportion of majority to minority jurors is equivalent in these two juries, the minorities should be equally likely to maintain their independence. d. If the evidence in both cases is ambiguous, the minority in the smaller jury should be less likely to maintain his or her independence; but if the evidence in both cases is unambiguous, there should be no difference between the juries.

a. The minority in the smaller jury should be less likely to maintain his or her independence because the minority in the smaller jury has no allies in dissent.

94. Two people are placed in a room and provoked to behave aggressively toward one another. Which of the following is most likely to happen if there is a weapon in the room? a. There is a greater likelihood that they will behave aggressively toward one another than if there was no weapon. b. There is a greater likelihood that they will engage in higher-order cognition and subsequently behave less aggressively toward one another than if there was no weapon. c. The weapon will increase the likelihood that they will behave aggressively toward one another, but only if the two people are male. d. The weapon will have no effect on whether or not they behave aggressively toward one another.

a. There is a greater likelihood that they will behave aggressively toward one another than if there was no weapon.

94. According to research on leadership, which statement seems to be true? a. Transformational leaders are more effective than transactional leaders. b. Transformational leaders are less effective than transactional leaders. c. Transformational leaders and transactional leaders are equally effective. d. Transformational leaders are more effective in their use of rewards than are transactional leaders.

a. Transformational leaders are more effective than transactional leaders.

70. Tyson sits on a jury. Tyson is more likely to believe the defendant is guilty if a. Tyson has an authoritarian personality. b. the defendant is of the same race as Tyson and the evidence is weak. c. Tyson has principled objections to the death penalty. d. Tyson is a young adult.

a. Tyson has an authoritarian personality.

109. In which of the following juries will jurors spend the most time discussing the case? a. a 12-person jury that must reach a unanimous decision b. a 12-person jury that must reach a majority decision c. a 6-person jury that must reach a unanimous decision d. a 6-person jury that must reach a majority decision

a. a 12-person jury that must reach a unanimous decision

101. Research on the leniency bias and jury deliberations suggests that which of the following juries will have the easiest time reaching a unanimous decision? a. a jury in which ten jurors vote "not guilty" and two jurors vote "guilty" to start with b. a jury in which ten jurors vote "guilty" and two jurors vote "not guilty" to start with c. a jury that is evenly split at six-six to start with d. a jury that has paid close attention to the judge's final instructions

a. a jury in which ten jurors vote "not guilty" and two jurors vote "guilty" to start with

48. What is the "2D;4D ratio?" a. a measure of the length of one's index finger compared to the length of their ring finger b. an assessment of the overall ambient temperature on the 2nd and 4th floors of an office building c. a statistic that compares the second division to the fourth division of scores produced by participants in a research study d. a volume rating of one's second cerebral lobe (parietal) the fourth cerebral lobe (temporal)

a. a measure of the length of one's index finger compared to the length of their ring finger

34. Harwin is hooked up to a mechanical instrument that records his heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, and sweat gland activity. Harwin is being subjected to a. a polygraph test. b. an internalized interrogation. c. the voir dire process. d. a sequential line up.

a. a polygraph test.

84. The contingency model of leadership suggests that for a task in which there is low situational control, a. a relations-oriented leader often offers too little guidance. b. a task-oriented leader is unlikely to be successful. c. a transactional leader will usually fail to set clear goals. d. a transformational leader will often rub subordinates the wrong way.

a. a relations-oriented leader often offers too little guidance.

66. Marty watches his older brother act non-aggressively after being provoked. According to social learning theory, Marty is subsequently likely to a. act less aggressively and experience stronger restraints against aggression. b. refrain from acting aggressively because he believes that he will be punished for aggressing. c. experience catharsis and displace his aggression onto safer, more acceptable targets. d. find more socially acceptable outlets for his impulses, such as rough sports.

a. act less aggressively and experience stronger restraints against aggression

122. A dispute resolution system in which the prosecution and defense present opposing sides of the story is called a(n) ____ model. a. adversarial b. inquisitorial c. comparative d. cultural

a. adversarial

121. A newly developing country hopes to maximize its citizens' satisfaction with its new legal system. The new leaders of this country must be sure to a. afford high levels of process control. b. put the decisions in the hands of neutral experts who collect information on both sides of the issue. c. endorse an inquisitorial orientation. d. limit decision control to those who are charged.

a. afford high levels of process control.

11. Forbes and others (2009; 2011) examined how levels of aggression differed in individualist versus collectivist cultures. They found that a. aggression levels were highest in the U.S., a highly individualist culture. b. aggression levels were highest in China, a highly collectivist culture. c. aggression levels were lowest in the U.S., a highly collectivist culture. d. both the U.S. and China had equally high levels of aggression.

a. aggression levels were highest in the U.S., a highly individualist culture.

113. Judge Kellogg has just read a case file in which a defendant who had committed statutory rape was sentenced to 25 years in prison. He is considering sentencing in a statutory rape case in which the prosecutor is asking for 10 years for the defendant. Instead of going with the 10 years recommended by the prosecutor, he chooses to impose a sentence of 22 years. Judge Kellogg's decision illustrates the ____ effect. a. anchoring b. severity c. adversarial d. inquisitorial

a. anchoring

114. The tendency to use one stimulus as a reference point in judging a second stimulus is called the ____ effect. a. anchoring b. halo c. lock d. disparity

a. anchoring

74. Ethan has been released from jail in the United States and is applying for jobs in the South and the Northeast. Ethan is probably more likely to land interviews in the South than in the Northeast if he was in jail for a. assaulting a person who taunted him in public about an affair with his wife. b. committing fraud on a million-dollar insurance claim. c. illegally importing cocaine across the border. d. robbing a jewelry store owned by a member of a racial minority group.

a. assaulting a person who taunted him in public about an affair with his wife.

39. When job applicants are evaluated by multiple methods and multiple evaluators, they are best described as participating in a(n) a. assessment center. b. contingency model. c. structured interview. d. polygraph.

a. assessment center.

40. Mandy has applied for a job at a large telecommunications company. As part of the process, she goes to the human resources department and participates in several exercises. In one exercise, she is taken to an office, seated at a desk, and asked to process the in-basket on the desk as if it were her first day on the job. Multiple evaluators rate Mandy's performance on processing the in-basket work. Next, she does another task and is again rated by many evaluators. Mandy is participating in a(n) a. assessment center. b. structured interview. c. personality test. d. intelligence test.

a. assessment center.

15. Marilyn is the director of human resources for a small financial services company. The CEO of the company, Phil, asks her to interview three candidates for an open position in the billing department. Phil is particularly excited about candidate A, and tells Marilyn this. Research suggests that when interviewing candidate A, Marilyn will a. be somewhat more outgoing and cheerful than when she interviews the other candidates. b. scrutinize every response more carefully in the effort to disconfirm Phil's expectations. c. engage in self-promotion. d. hold off on making any judgments about the candidate until she completes the other two interviews as well.

a. be somewhat more outgoing and cheerful than when she interviews the other candidates.

28. Research on lineup administration by Greathouse and Kovera (2009) suggests that the police officer who conducts a lineup a. can affect the actual identification that a witness makes. b. can impact how confident an eyewitness is. c. will not unduly bias an eyewitness as he or she makes a conscious effort not to. d. is unlikely to be called as a witness in any subsequent legal action.

a. can affect the actual identification that a witness makes.

113. An attorney has a copy of a videotape that shows her client being beaten very violently by two men. Her client is suing these men. The jury has already seen this video several times during the trial, and the attorney is considering showing it many more times. However, an expert social psychologist should warn the attorney that replaying the videotaped beating many more times may reduce the likelihood of winning a large amount of money because the jurors might a. become desensitized to the beatings and thus grant less significance to the video in their final judgment. b. engage in higher-order cognitive processing and thus feel less sympathy for the client. c. become cultivated by the beatings and thus try to avoid thinking about them when making their final judgment. d. be vulnerable to the weapons effect and thus be less likely to award a high settlement.

a. become desensitized to the beatings and thus grant less significance to the video in their final judgment.

31. Which personality factor is most strongly associated with aggression? a. being low in agreeableness b. being low in conscientiousness c. being high in neuroticism d. being high in openness to experiences

a. being low in agreeableness

50. Drugs that ____ the level of serotonin tend to ____ aggression levels. a. boost; lower b. boost; increase c. boost; not affect d. decrease; raise

a. boost; lower

33. In which way does your text suggest that social psychologists could help the courts make better use of eyewitness testimony? a. by educating judges and juries so they can do a better job evaluating eyewitnesses b. by influencing legislation regulating the use of eyewitnesses in specific types of trials c. by contributing to high-profile trials, assisting with jury selection d. by appearing in public fora, such as television programs, to teach the public about the errors in eyewitness testimony

a. by educating judges and juries so they can do a better job evaluating eyewitnesses

37. The advantage of structured rather than traditional interviews when screening applicants is that an employer a. can avoid conducting biased interviews. b. can use integrity tests and/or polygraph tests as part of the interview procedure. c. can get a better implicit understanding of each applicant. d. has more flexibility to pursue interesting lines of questioning in the interview.

a. can avoid conducting biased interviews.

82. A reduction of the motive to aggress that is said to result from any imagined, observed, or actual act of aggression is called a. catharsis. b. displacement. c. rumination. d. cultivation.

a. catharsis.

34. What is the nature of the relationship between self-control and aggression? ambiguous and inconsistent a. clear and consistent negative correlation b. ambiguous and inconsistent c. clear and consistent positive correlation d. one that is mediated by self-esteem

a. clear and consistent negative correlation

127. The study of how different nations use different processes to enforce laws is called a. comparative law. b. cross-cultural psychology. c. international criminal justice. d. cultural defense.

a. comparative law.

83. The idea that leadership effectiveness is determined both by the personal characteristics of leaders and the control afforded by the situation is most consistent with the a. contingency model. b. transformational model. c. expectancy theory. d. great person theory.

a. contingency model.

36. Martha is accused of insider trading. During a polygraph test, she is asked if she ever littered as a child. This question is an example of a a. control question. b. crime-relevant question. c. peremptory challenge. d. reconstructive memory.

a. control question.

110. People often try to relieve the distress of being underpaid or overpaid by a. convincing themselves that equity already exists. b. escalating commitment. c. using assessment centers. d. perceiving rewards as having informational value.

a. convincing themselves that equity already exists.

100. Research suggests that it is easier to a. create a reasonable doubt in the minds of your fellow jurors than it is to convince them that there is no reasonable doubt. b. convince fellow jurors to change their votes from not guilty to guilty than it is to convince them to change from guilty to not guilty. c. persuade a fellow juror using normative social influence than it is to do so using informational social influence. d. change the minds of fellow jurors when deliberating on a civil trial versus a criminal trial.

a. create a reasonable doubt in the minds of your fellow jurors than it is to convince them that there is no reasonable doubt.

126. A Japanese-American woman discovered her husband was having an affair and tried to drown both herself and her children. In her defense, she claims she was trying to save her children from the shame her husband had brought on the family, something she sees as a Japanese custom. She and her lawyer are using a(n) ____ defense. a. cultural b. comparative c. inquisitorial d. offensive

a. cultural

25. Rika has applied for a job at an investment firm. Before interviewing her, the hiring manager does an Internet search of Rika's name, and then look for any information she can find about Rika on Face Book. After seeing a picture of Rika holding an alcoholic beverage while in a bathing suit on a beach, the hiring manager decides that Rika is not right for the position and declines to offer her an interview. Rika has lost this job opportunity because of a practice called ____. a. cybervetting b. web sniffing c. due process d. personal referencing

a. cybervetting

4. A witness's consumption of alcohol is most likely to pose problems for the ____ of memory, which involves the person's perception of events as they take place. a. encoding b. storage c. retrieval d. consolidation

a. encoding

21. The fact that the American population has been aging in recent years has been offered as an explanation for the a. decrease in violent crimes. b. increase in gun-related violence. c. greater availability of violent pornography. d. current overcrowded conditions in prisons.

a. decrease in violent crimes.

126. Tofi and Farrington (2011) found that in general, school-based bullying programs have a. decreased bullying by an average of more than 20 percent. b. increased bullying by an average of more than 20 percent. c. decreased bullying by an average of more than 50 percent. d. increased bullying by an average of more than 10 percent.

a. decreased bullying by an average of more than 20 percent.

61. Bandera and colleagues' (1961) study of aggressive behavior in children a. demonstrated that children will follow an adult model's lead in terms of degree and nature of aggression demonstrated. b. identified the specific antisocial personality characteristics associated with highly aggressive children. c. demonstrated that violent TV has little effect on the children's own aggressive tendencies. d. illustrated the ability of punishment to curtail the aggressive tendencies of children.

a. demonstrated that children will follow an adult model's lead in terms of degree and nature of aggression demonstrated.

111. Reduction in emotion-related physiological reactivity in response to a stimulus is called a. desensitization. b. cultivation c. rumination. d. catharsis.

a. desensitization.

123. Lamont has a 42-inch high definition television that he purchased for $1200 six months ago. He's decided to replace it with a larger 60-inch television, and tries to sell the smaller one for $1100. He finds that nobody will buy it, and tells prospective buyers "it is almost brand now and I'm selling it for less than it cost when I bought it!" Lamont fails to recognize that the same televisions can now be purchased for $800, and he is inflating the value of his television just because he owns it. This is called the a. endowment effect. b. disposition effect. c. escalation effect. d. sunk cost principle.

a. endowment effect.

126. Ulrich bought an investment property that he intended to rent to tourists on the beach. After six months, he had had only one rental for far less than the cost he had hoped to charge. His wife encouraged him to sell the home, but he insisted that it will be profitable if they don't give up and keep trying to rent it. Ulrich's unwillingness to sell the home and cut his losses is an example of the ____ effect. a. escalation b. persistence c. endowment d. sunk cost

a. escalation

5. The difference between aggression and violence is best described as one of a. extremity. b. intent. c. affect. d. hostility. ANSWER:

a. extremity.

25. When Gene is at a convenience store, he sees a robbery take place and hides behind a large display to avoid being victimized. Later he tells the police that he thinks that an African American woman was the culprit, and he points to the woman talking to a police officer on the other side of the parking lot. He doesn't realize that she actually owns the store and was working stocking a shelf near where the robbery occurred. Gene's memory that the woman was there but failure to recognize the circumstances under which he saw her is called the ____ bias. a. familiarity-induced b. ultimate attribution c. nullification d. availability

a. familiarity-induced

41. Assessment centers' multidimensional approach to making hiring decisions is a. good at predicting who will make a good employee. b. very inexpensive compared to traditional methods c. assumed to be less effective than traditional interviews. d. more prone to applicant attempts to manipulate the interview process.

a. good at predicting who will make a good employee.

63. Henry is a Caucasian male and the foreman of a criminal jury. The defendant in the trial is also a Caucasian male, and the evidence against him is quite strong. Research suggests that Henry is likely to be a. harsher in his judgments than he would have been if the defendant were not Caucasian. b. more lenient in his judgments than he would have been if the defendant were not Caucasian. c. more forceful than the other jurors in making his arguments about the case. d. less concerned with procedural aspects of the deliberations than other jurors.

a. harsher in his judgments than he would have been if the defendant were not Caucasian.

99. When Pauline accidentally bumps into Christopher, causing Christopher to spill his coffee, Christopher assumes that Pauline's behavior was deliberately intended to make him spill his coffee. He responds by yelling obscenities at Pauline. Christopher could be described as a. having a hostile attribution bias. b. suffering from catharsis. c. displaying instrumental aggression. d. displaying relational aggression.

a. having a hostile attribution bias.

40. Which of the following is not currently being investigated by researchers as a potential alternative to traditional polygraph tests? a. hypnosis b. fMRI assessment of blood oxygen in the brain c. thermal imaging to detect rises in skin temperature. d. pupil dilation

a. hypnosis

57. When Purdie-Vaughns and others (2008) presented African-American corporate professionals with a brochure for a fictitious management consulting firm, they found that a. if the brochure depicted a low level of minority representation, they were uncomfortable with the idea that the firm was colorblind. b. if the brochure depicted a low level of minority representation, they were comfortable with the idea that the firm was colorblind. c. if the brochure depicted a high level of minority representation, they were uncomfortable with the idea that the firm was colorblind. d. the professionals were uncomfortable with the colorblind firm regardless of what was depicted in the brochure.

a. if the brochure depicted a low level of minority representation, they were uncomfortable with the idea that the firm was colorblind

104. According to I3 theory, what "I" decreases the chance of aggression? a. impellance b. instigation c. inhibition d. impetuousness

a. impellance

106. Being Type A or having a high level of dispositional hostility are examples of ____ factors in I3 theory. a. impellance b. instigation c. inhibition d. ignorance

a. impellance

27. Char ice, a teenaged girl, is angry with her friend, so she tells all her other friends that this girl has had sex with most of the football team. Carmen's behavior illustrates ____ aggression. a. indirect b. hostile c. physical d. overt

a. indirect

43. With respect to social influence processes in interrogations, internalization refers to the process in which a. innocent suspects come to believe that they have committed the crimes for which they are being interrogated. b. suspects confess to crimes that they did not commit in order to escape aversive interrogations. c. accused suspects are offered lighter sentences in exchange for important information. d. juries are able to disregard confession testimony that was extracted through coercion.

a. innocent suspects come to believe that they have committed the crimes for which they are being interrogated.

79. Of the following, the frustration-aggression hypothesis would probably be least effective as an explanation for a. instrumental aggression. b. emotional aggression. c. a strong correlation between economic conditions and prejudice toward minority groups. d. examples of "road rage."

a. instrumental aggression.

7. Proactive is the same as ____ aggression, while reactive is the same as ____ aggression. a. instrumental; emotional b. emotional; instrumental c. relational; impersonal d. impersonal; relational

a. instrumental; emotional

1. The defining characteristic of aggression is that the aggressor a. intends to harm another living being. b. actually causes physical or psychological harm. c. is angry or otherwise emotionally aroused during the aggressive act. d. derives enjoyment from the aggressive act.

a. intends to harm another living being.

100. Research investigating the relationship between alcohol and aggression has shown that a. intoxicated people are likely to base their aggressive responses on initial, salient information about a situation and fail to recognize later, subtle cues. b. small and large amounts of alcohol tend to increase aggression, whereas moderate amounts tend to decrease it. c. alcohol makes men more likely to aggress, but it makes women less likely to aggress. d. intoxicated people are more likely to be influenced by the weapons effect, whereas sober people are more likely to be affected by factors relevant to the cognitive neoassociation analysis.

a. intoxicated people are likely to base their aggressive responses on initial, salient information about a situation and fail to recognize later, subtle cues.

86. Paige is elected the leader of a group requiring a moderate degree of situational control. According to the contingency model, she is most likely to be an effective leader if she a. is relations-oriented. b. is single-minded in her focus on job performance. c. makes most decisions herself and does not ask for guidance. d. is task-oriented.

a. is relations-oriented.

106. Relative to large juries, smaller juries may spend less time deliberating mostly because they are a. less conducive to the emergence of minority allies. b. more likely to have a male foreperson. c. less inclined to reach a unanimous verdict. d. not used in trials involving complex decisions.

a. less conducive to the emergence of minority allies.

52. The defense attorney asks Twila, a prospective juror, if she knows the prosecuting attorney. This illustrates what process? a. voir dire b. normative influence c. informational influence d. jury nullification

a. voir dire

29. Compared to straight men, gay men are a. less likely to physically aggress, but equally likely to engage in indirect aggression. b. less likely to both physically and indirectly aggress. c. more likely to physically aggress, but less likely to engage in direct aggression. d. more likely to both physically and indirectly aggress.

a. less likely to physically aggress, but equally likely to engage in indirect aggression.

16. The tendency for false post-event information to become integrated into a person's memory for the event is called the a. misinformation effect. b. familiarity-induced bias. c. leniency bias. d. positive coercion bias.

a. misinformation effect.

53. Hellman et al. (1998) had pairs of men and women work on two-person tasks in which the woman was always assigned a leadership role. The women in the study were a. more confident in their leadership ability when they felt they had, at least in part, earned the position on merit than when they were assigned to it based on their gender. b. less satisfied with their performance on the task when they felt they had been appointed leader based on merit than when they were assigned to it based on gender. c. more negative in their appraisals of their performance than their male partners when gender was in any way part of the decisional process for assigning leaders. d. likely to perceive the leadership selection process as unfair to the extent that their gender contributed in any way to their leadership position.

a. more confident in their leadership ability when they felt they had, at least in part, earned the position on merit than when they were assigned to it based on their gende

34. Compared to a paper-and-pencil personality test, a structured interview is a. more difficult to fake. b. less predictive of future performance. c. too expensive for most companies to utilize. d. less likely to result in a self-fulfilling prophecy.

a. more difficult to fake.

103. Alcohol narrows people's focus of attention. This phenomenon is called alcohol a. myopia. b. hostility. c. aggression. d. blindness.

a. myopia.

94. The members of a jury are at the point in their deliberations where they are scrutinizing the evidence, constructing stories to account for the evidence, and discussing the judge's instructions. This jury is at what stage of deliberation? a. open conflict b. orientation c. reconciliation d. nullification

a. open conflict

92. The stage of deliberation during which jurors set an agenda, talk in open terms, raise questions, and explore the facts is called a. orientation. b. open conflict. c. reconciliation. d. nullification.

a. orientation.

49. Several studies have found that finger length ratio is associated with higher levels of ____ aggression in ____. a. physical; men b. relational; men c. physical; children d. relational; children

a. physical; men

12. Marlowe and others (1996) found that 62% of hiring managers studied selected a candidate who was a. physically attractive. b. a college graduate. c. male. d. white.

a. physically attractive.

53. Chris is a playground bully. He finds that he can win the admiration of his peers by acting aggressively. Chris's aggressive behavior is encouraged by a. positive reinforcement. b. negative reinforcement. c. positive punishment. d. negative punishment.

a. positive reinforcement.

75. Which term describes a source of non evidentiary influence? a. pre-trial publicity b. the testimony of expert witnesses c. fingerprint evidence d. eyewitness testimony

a. pre-trial publicity

10. Robbing a bank because you need money is an example of ____ aggression. a. proactive b. emotional c. institutional d. reactive

a. proactive

6. Aggressive behavior whereby harm is inflicted as a means to a desired end is known as ____ aggression. a. proactive b. reactive c. emotional d. relational

a. proactive

84. As described by Dollard, the original notion of catharsis included two steps. What are those steps? a. reduction of physiological arousal; decrease in anger and aggression b. freeing up of intrapsychic energy; greater ability to distract oneself from a frustrating stimulus c. increase of physiological arousal; displacement of aggression onto weaker targets d. behaving in a way that is the opposite of an unacceptable, deeply rooted unconscious impulse

a. reduction of physiological arousal; decrease in anger and aggression

65. Halo effects are most likely to be caused by a. reliance on implicit personality theories. b. the tendency to perceive women as having a nurturing role. c. biases in the graphology process. d. the use of structured interviews in personnel selection.

a. reliance on implicit personality theories.

75. Ken wants his managers to be better evaluators of his employees. Toward this end, he can do all of the following except a. rely on one evaluator who is shown to be objective for all employees. b. train his managers to sharpen their memory skills. c. teach managers to focus attention on job-relevant behaviors. d. minimize the time between employee performance and performance evaluation.

a. rely on one evaluator who is shown to be objective for all employees.

58. Jonnie is a defense attorney representing a client charged with drug offenses. He conducts a survey in the community and discovers that residents with conservative politics are particularly unsympathetic to defendants in drug cases. He therefore decides to use his peremptory challenges during jury selection to remove from the panel prospective jurors with a history of voting for conservative political candidates. Jonnie is making use of a. scientific jury selection. b. an implicit personality theory. c. trial attorney intuition. d. jury consultants.

a. scientific jury selection.

60. The use of community surveys to identify correlations between demographics and attitudes relevant to the trial is called a. scientific jury selection. b. implicit personality theories. c. jury nullification. d. the leniency bias.

a. scientific jury selection.

7. The discovery of the Hawthorne effect laid the foundation for industrial/organizational psychology because it illustrated the role of a. social influences in the workplace. b. job interviewing techniques in the creation of a homogenous workforce. c. equity motivation in worker loyalty. d. personality variables in economic decision making.

a. social influences in the workplace.

60. Ira believes that aggression is an acquired tendency picked up by observing others and by experience with rewards and punishments. Ira's beliefs are most consistent with a. social learning theory. b. the evolutionary perspective. c. instinct theory. d. negative affect escape model.

a. social learning theory.

39. A major problem with using the polygraph as a lie detector is that a. some research suggests that it can make mistakes. b. arousal cannot be measured with the polygraph. c. it measures only the vocal channel, ignoring all other channels. d. control questions do not evoke arousal in innocent people.

a. some research suggests that it can make mistakes.

128. The economic rule of thumb that only future costs and benefits, not past commitments, should be considered in making a decision is the a. sunk cost principle. b. escalation effect. c. endowment effect. d. contingency model.

a. sunk cost principle.

112. Sentencing disparity refers to the a. tendency for different judges to apply different sentences for the same offense. b. fact that judges believe that the purpose of sentencing the convicted is deterrence, but the general public believes the purpose is retribution. c. tendency for judges to ignore differences in recidivism rates for different crimes. d. difference between the sentence given by a judge and the amount of time a convicted offender actually serves.

a. tendency for different judges to apply different sentences for the same offense.

89. Aretha is trying to determine the extent to which she should include her subordinates in a decision she is making regarding a company problem that has arisen. According to the normative model of leadership, which of the following factors should she consider? a. the clarity of the problem b. the magnitude of the problem c. the immediacy of the problem d. the level of employee morale

a. the clarity of the problem

102. If a jury is evenly split on their initial vote, then a. the final verdict is more likely to be acquittal. b. the final verdict is more likely to be conviction. c. they will most likely end as hung jury. d. there is equal probability of acquittal, conviction, or hung jury.

a. the final verdict is more likely to be acquittal.

75. The idea that (1) frustration always elicits the motive to aggress and (2) all aggression is caused by frustration is known as a. the frustration-aggression hypothesis. b. the negative affect model. c. excitation transfer theory. d. catharsis.

a. the frustration-aggression hypothesis.

7. Emily has just witnessed a violent crime. She is very worked up about it. In this agitated state, Emily is most likely to focus on the a. weapon. b. culprit. c. setting. d. victim.

a. weapon

39. In Ainsworth and Mariner's (2014) study, male participants playing a reaction-time computer game were most likely to blast their opponent with an aversive noise in their headphones if a. the participant was primed by viewing pictures of very attractive women and his opponent was regarded as being socially dominant. b. the participant was primed by viewing pictures of very attractive women and his opponent was regarded as being of average social dominance. c. the participant was primed by viewing pictures of less attractive women and his opponent was regarded as being socially dominant. d. the participant was primed by viewing pictures of less attractive women and his opponent was regarded as being of average social dominance.

a. the participant was primed by viewing pictures of very attractive women and his opponent was regarded as

8. Lindy is a college professor who is attempting to improve the performance of her students by making the course materials more learning-friendly. She rearranges the room, purchases lamps, and develops a new set of readings. Her students do, in fact, improve. If this improvement stemmed from a Hawthorne effect, then it can be best attributed to a. the students' perception that they were receiving special treatment. b. the students' feeling that Lindy's class is better than other classes. c. Lindy's positive attitude toward education. d. the effect of physical setting on academic performance.

a. the students' perception that they were receiving special treatment.

129. Less than 30 minutes into the four-hour film, Sanford could tell he was going to hate the movie. He considered getting up and walking out but felt compelled to sit through the whole movie because he had already spent his money on the ticket. This illustrates a. the sunk cost principle. b. the normative model. c. the due process model. d. equity theory.

a. the sunk cost principle.

15. Loftus and Palmer (1974) manipulated the wording of questions posed to participants who witness a filmed traffic accident. Their findings suggest that a. the wording affected the participants' memory for the accident. b. the wording did not affect the participants' memory for the accident. c. witnesses often store multiple, contradictory memories for a single event. d. most eyewitness errors have to do with problems that arise during encoding.

a. the wording affected the participants' memory for the accident.

19. Research on children's memory for events demonstrates that a. they may be especially susceptible to the effects of repetitive questions. b. they are particularly resistant to the effects of suggestive questions and misinformation. c. children witnesses often completely fabricate events in order to deceive adults. d. children usually make better witnesses because they are more honest than adults.

a. they may be especially susceptible to the effects of repetitive questions.

81. Research suggests that we're most likely to displace aggression a. toward others who are members of an out group. b. toward those who are biologically related to us. c. in the absence of provocation. d. when opportunities for catharsis are unavailable to us.

a. toward others who are members of an out group.

56. Claire, a district attorney, believes that elderly women are likely to be sympathetic to criminal defendants. She, therefore, summarily dismisses elderly prospective jurors during voir dire. This exemplifies the a. use of peremptory challenges. b. advantages of scientific jury selection. c. process of jury nullification. d. power of informational influence.

a. use of peremptory challenges.

91. Norbert is selected as the foreperson of the jury. Assuming that a typical selection process occurred, he was probably chosen a. very quickly and casually. b. after a long, heated, often irrational debate. c. after very careful, rational consideration of the candidates. d. by the judge at some point during the course of the trial.

a. very quickly and casually.

9. After Natalie testifies in court that she witnessed the defendant committing an armed robbery, a memory expert is called to testify on behalf of the defense. The expert testifies that Natalie's ability to encode the information accurately was probably impaired. Which factor did the expert most likely have in mind when he questioned Natalie's ability to acquire the information accurately? a. weapon-focus effect b. reconstructive memory c. misleading questions d. leniency bias

a. weapon-focus effect

8. The tendency for the presence of a weapon to draw attention and impair a witness's ability to identify a culprit is called the a. weapon-focus effect. b. distraction effect. c. inattention phenomenon. d. CSI effect.

a. weapon-focus effect.

15. According to your text, the fact that groping schoolgirls on the train in Japan is not uncommon illustrates that a. what is unacceptable aggression in relation to children differs across cultures. b. what is unacceptable aggression in relation to children is consistent across cultures. c. collectivist cultures are hyper sexualized. d. collectivist cultures are repressed sexually.

a. what is unacceptable aggression in relation to children differs across cultures.

73. In the case of Lockhart v. McCree, what issue did the U. S. Supreme Court consider? a. whether the death qualification violates a defendant's right to a fair trial b. whether scientific jury selection should be legal or not c. whether a jury should have six or 12 members d. whether a jury must have a unanimous verdict or not

a. whether the death qualification violates a defendant's right to a fair trial

58. Mario and Luigi are trying to decide whether to spank their child when she does something undesirable. Research suggests that this type of punishment a. will be most effective if she perceives her parents to be warm and supportive. b. is very unlikely to lead their daughter to engage in serious aggression later in life. c. is not used by many of their friends, if they are representative of U.S. citizens. d. will cause their child to learn the rules of their family very quickly.

a. will be most effective if she perceives her parents to be warm and supportive.

74. The practice of obtaining multiple evaluations of an individual worker from supervisors, peers, and subordinates is known as a ____ appraisal. a. circular b. 360-degree c. multidirectional d. recombinant

b. 360-degree

18. Craig and colleagues (2000) set up hidden cameras and microphones in a Canadian schoolyard and found that bullying in midsized schools occurred at a rate of ____ episodes per hour. a. 1 b. 4.5 c. 7.25 d. 10

b. 4.5

109. Many researchers maintain that there is a positive relationship between exposure to violent media and real-life aggressive behavior. The claim that exposure to violence actually increases aggression would be best supported by which of the following? a. A study in which the variable "number of hours of violent television watched per week" is used to predict the likelihood that participants will be convicted of a violent crime in the future b. A study in which participants who are randomly assigned to play violent video games later administer greater levels of electric shock to a confederate than participants who are assigned to play neutral games c. Real-world examples where young people have committed crimes intended to mimic behaviors they have seen in violent movies d. A study in which men who have been accused of sexually aggressive behavior in the past report high levels of exposure to violent media

b. A study in which participants who are randomly assigned to play violent video games later administer greater levels of electric shock to a confederate than participants who are assigned to play neutral games

63. Supervisor appraisals of an employee seem to be least influenced by a. ability. b. friendliness. c. on-the-job knowledge. d. dependability.

b. friendliness.

73. Gretel wants to be as accurate and fair as she can when evaluating her subordinates. Which of the following would help her be both accurate and fair in her evaluations? a. Gretel has her employees evaluate themselves and then observes them on repeated occasions, rating their performance on a numerical scale. b. Gretel receives training on the biases of social perception and gives her subordinates clear performance standards. c. Gretel remains detached from her employees and is the sole evaluator. d. Gretel has several raters assess her subordinates and then gives the employees feedback without using due process in her appraisal.

b. Gretel receives training on the biases of social perception and gives her subordinates clear performance standards.

77. In what way is pre-trial publicity dangerous? a. It creates a first impression of innocence. b. It creates a first impression of guilt. c. It glamorizes the defendant. d. It exploits the victim.

b. It creates a first impression of guilt.

116. Which of the following is not a reasonable criticism of the Stanford University prison study? a. All of the participants were younger than 30 years old. b. Lack of random assignment made it possible that the individuals assigned to be guards were generally more sadistic. c. Participants were not real prisoners and guards, so their behavior may not be representative. d. Some of the participants endured pain and suffering, making the study ethically questionable.

b. Lack of random assignment made it possible that the individuals assigned to be guards were generally more sadistic.

32. Regarding self-esteem and aggression, which statement is false? a. Narcissism is a good predictor of aggression. b. Low self-esteem is a good predictor of aggression. c. Narcissism is correlated with aggression in response to provocation. d. High self-esteem is predictive of aggression when combined with narcissism and provocation.

b. Low self-esteem is a good predictor of aggression

37. Which statement is most consistent with evolutionary explanations of aggression? a. Children are more likely to be abused by their biological parents than by stepparents. b. Male-to-female violence is predominantly triggered by sexual jealousy. c. Male-to-male violence is triggered by a rise in testosterone. d. Different cultures demonstrate different levels of aggressiveness.

b. Male-to-female violence is predominantly triggered by sexual jealousy.

127. The Owlets Bullying Prevention program recommends interventions at several levels to reduce the incidence of bullying in schools. Which intervention would be described as a classroom-level component? a. Form a bullying-prevention coordinating committee. b. Post and enforce school-wide rules against bullying. c. Ensure that all staff intervene on the spot when they observe bullying behaviors. d. Involve community members in the discussion of how to reduce bullying.

b. Post and enforce school-wide rules against bullying.

43. In research examining different types of interviews, some students were interviewed in person while others were given a telephone or video interview. Which outcome was found? a. Students who were given a telephone interview were more likely to rate the process favorably. b. Students who were given an in-person interview were more likely to accept a job offer. c. Those students who had an interview via videoconference rated the process as being the fairest. d. There were no significant differences between in-person, video, and telephone interviews.

b. Students who were given an in-person interview were more likely to accept a job offer.

76. Which conclusion is least consistent with the original formulation of the frustration-aggression hypothesis? a. The need to aggress in response to frustration can be reduced if the frustrated individual behaves in an aggressive but relatively harmless way toward an object that is not related to the source of the frustration. b. The need to aggress in response to frustration is taught directly by reinforcement, important models, and the media, and can be "unlearned" if the reinforcements and models change. c. The need to aggress in response to frustration is a psychological drive that resembles the physiological drive of seeking food in response to hunger. d. The need to aggress in response to frustration can lead to nonviolent acts of aggression such as spreading rumors about someone or telling hostile jokes.

b. The need to aggress in response to frustration is taught directly by reinforcement, important models, and the media, and can be "unlearned" if the reinforcements and models change.

3. A negative, antagonistic attitude toward another person or group is called a. emotional aggression. b. hostility. c. anger. d. instrumental aggression.

b. hostility.

95. Which of the following most closely represents the weapons effect? a. The presence of weapons deters individuals from performing aggressive acts, but not from learning the positive reinforcements that are associated with violence. b. The presence of weapons can act as an aggression cue that increases the likelihood of aggressive behaviors. c. Although the presence of weapons does not make aggression more likely, it does tend to increase the severity of aggression. d. Exposure to weapons in the media desensitizes individuals to violence, thus reducing their inhibitions against aggression.

b. The presence of weapons can act as an aggression cue that increases the likelihood of aggressive behaviors.

49. Jurors in criminal trials often fail to fully discount coerced confessions. In what sense can the fundamental attribution error explain this tendency? a. People often overlook the situational factors that lead others to commit criminal acts. b. We tend to think that no situational influences could be strong enough to lead someone to confess to something they did not do. c. Jurors usually think that false confessions result from certain personality characteristics, such as passivity or lack of education. d. Few people think that they themselves would ever admit to a crime they did not commit.

b. We tend to think that no situational influences could be strong enough to lead someone to confess to something they did not do.

28. Which statement about gender differences in aggression is true? a. Men use more relational aggression than verbal aggression. b. Women use relational aggression more than men. c. When there is a clear provocation, men use much more overt aggression than women. d. Women use more verbal aggression than indirect aggression.

b. Women use relational aggression more than men.

20. Barney, an admissions officer, is interviewing a college applicant about whom he has very high positive expectations. Barney is outgoing and cheerful during the interview, spends considerable time recruiting the applicant, and asks the applicant questions that solicit positive information. As a result, Barney is pleased with the applicant's performance and admits her to the school. This interview process demonstrates an example of a. the Hawthorne effect. b. a self-fulfilling prophecy. c. a contrast effect. d. entrapment.

b. a self-fulfilling prophecy.

124. Breonna has been arrested for prostitution. She hires a lawyer who puts together a defense against the case created by the prosecuting attorney. Each side then presents its case in court. This scenario is an example of the a. deliberation process. b. adversarial model. c. reconciliation phase. d. inquisitorial model.

b. adversarial model.

58. Two changes in the world that have led organizational psychologists to begin to consider cultural issues in the workplace are a. the U.S Civil Rights movement and affirmative action. b. affirmative action and a worldwide trend toward globalization. c. an increase in the number of workplace discrimination lawsuits and a worldwide trend toward globalization. d. the U.S. Civil Rights movement and an increase in the number of workplace discrimination lawsuits.

b. affirmative action and a worldwide trend toward globalization.

13. According to the research of Rhodes & Anastasi (2012), children, young adults, and the elderly all had difficulty recognizing others who were part of a different ____ than their own. a. neighborhood b. age group c. ethnicity d. religion

b. age group

37. In theory, when innocent suspects are subjected to a polygraph test, they a. are more aroused by crime-relevant questions than control questions. b. are more aroused by control questions than crime-relevant questions. c. exhibit overall lower levels of arousal than guilty suspects. d. exhibit overall higher levels of arousal than guilty suspects.

b. are more aroused by control questions than crime-relevant questions.

61. Miguel will be using scientific jury selection in an upcoming trial. The first step of this process will be to a. ask prospective jurors personal questions during the voir dire. b. assess demographic characteristics and trial-relevant attitudes of the community in which the trial will take place. c. submit a motion to the judge to allow an independent consulting firm to interview prospective jurors. d. meet with the judge and opposing counsel to discuss the range of questions that will be permitted during the voir dire.

b. assess demographic characteristics and trial-relevant attitudes of the community in which the trial will take place.

64. Sommers and Ellsworth (2001) found that when a crime involves race, Caucasian jurors a. discriminated against an African-American defendant. b. avoided discrimination against an African-American defendant. c. were particularly motivated to be elected foreperson of the jury. d. processed trial evidence less carefully than when the crime was race-neutral.

b. avoided discrimination against an African-American defendant.

107. Relative to deliberations in which the jury must reach a unanimous verdict, deliberations in which the jury can use a non-unanimous decision rule tend to a. encourage open conflict among jurors. b. breed closed-mindedness among jurors. c. increase the influence of jurors in the minority. d. increase jurors' confidence.

b. breed closed-mindedness among jurors.

42. After a 36-hour interrogation, Liz just wanted to make it end so she confessed to the kidnapping even though she knew she had not committed the crime. Liz's confession would be labeled as a. internalization. b. compliance. c. reactive. d. misinformed.

b. compliance.

119. Researchers suggest that investors are more influenced by news and stock market tips during periods of rising and falling prices than during periods of relative stability. This is consistent with social psychological research concerning a. social exchange theory and equity theory. b. conformity and social comparison processes. c. cognitive dissonance and self-perception theories. d. contrast effects and excitation transfer.

b. conformity and social comparison processes.

32. A test measuring broad personality characteristics unrelated to the workplace is known as a(n) ____ test. a. overt integrity b. covert integrity c. standardized d. intelligence

b. covert integrity

55. Chao and Moon (2005) refer to the idea that every worker has a multidimensional identity in constituting an organizational a. melting pot. b. cultural mosaic. c. quilt of demography. d. diversity profile.

b. cultural mosaic

24. A controversial practice by which an employer investigates a prospective employee by getting informal, non- institutional data about that person by using the Internet is called ______. a. web interviewing b. cybervetting c. integrity testing d. 360 examination

b. cybervetting

129. According to your text, in terms of punishment, the most notable cultural difference concerns the a. length of a sentence. b. death penalty. c. age of emancipation. d. harshness of the prison environment.

b. death penalty.

71. Saul is a prospective juror in a mass murder case who, when asked by an attorney, says that he opposes the death penalty. The presiding judge then excludes him from the jury. This is an example of a. leniency bias. b. death qualification. c. scientific jury selection. d. jury nullification.

b. death qualification.

95. Research by Bedrail and Anderson (2005) suggests that all-female work groups tend to have a. centralized leadership structures. b. decentralized leadership structures. c. more conflict than all-male groups. d. less conflict than all-male groups.

b. decentralized leadership structures.

120. Whether or not a procedure affords the involved parties the power to accept, reject, or otherwise influence a final decision is called ____ control. a. integrative b. decisional c. nullification d. process

b. decisional

101. One race-related difference in employment experiences is that young employees of color are less likely than Caucasian employees to a. be assigned to work with a transformational leader. b. develop mentoring relationships with influential white men in their companies. c. be evaluated using a 360-degree appraisal. d. receive the benefits of the sunk cost principle.

b. develop mentoring relationships with influential white men in their companies.

77. Aggressing against a substitute target because aggressive acts against the source of the frustration are inhibited by fear or lack of access is called a. catharsis. b. displacement. c. rumination. d. desensitization.

b. displacement.

121. James has just purchased a stock for $50 a share, and in the first two days it rises to $60 a share. James decides that this 20% gain in 48 hours is a nice little windfall, and sells the stocks at that price. The fact that it next goes up to $80 a share in the following month leaves James wondering why he sold. This tendency to sell a stock too quickly after its value has increased is called the ____ effect. a. endowment b. disposition c. escalation d. sunk cost

b. disposition

122. The tendency for people to sell stocks that have risen too early and hold stocks that have declined for too long is called the a. endowment effect. b. disposition effect. c. escalation effect. d. sunk cost principle.

b. disposition effect.

57. Research by Sommers and Norton (2007) on the impact of race on the use of peremptory challenges implies that attorneys a. are equally likely to remove from the jury African-American and Caucasian individuals. b. do not always give accurate explanations when asked to justify a peremptory challenge. c. are impacted by prospective jurors' gender more so than their race. d. are influenced by race more so in civil trials as opposed to criminal trials.

b. do not always give accurate explanations when asked to justify a peremptory challenge.

66. Tyler is a company supervisor who oversees more than 35 employees. Halo effects are likely to be most pronounced in his performance appraisals of a. employees he knows very well. b. employees he does not know well. c. male employees. d. female employees.

b. employees he does not know well.

124. One difficulty that homeowners often run into when they attempt to sell is that they tend to value their own property much higher than do other people, including real estate agents and potential buyers. This tendency is consistent with the a. sunk cost principle. b. endowment effect. c. escalation effect. d. concept of entrapment.

b. endowment effect.

111. Terrell is concerned because he feels that he is working harder and performing better than most of the other wide receivers in the NFL, yet he is not being paid more than many of them. His concerns are consistent with a. contrast effects. b. equity theory. c. halo effects. d. 360-degree appraisals.

b. equity theory.

112. Greenberg (1988) found that workers assigned to higher-status offices improve their job performance, whereas those assigned to lower-status offices slow their performance. This finding supports the predictions of a. the transformational model. b. equity theory. c. the contingency model. d. intrinsic motivation.

b. equity theory.

125. The tendency for people to persist in failing investments to avert loss, which causes losses to mount, is known as the a. endowment effect. b. escalation effect. c. sunk cost principle. d. expectancy theory.

b. escalation effect.

41. The finding that male-to-male violence occurs primarily in response to status challenges, but male-to-female violence occurs primarily in response to sexual jealousy, supports the ____ perspective of aggression. a. instinct b. evolutionary c. learning d. sociocultural

b. evolutionary

91. On his way back from work, Orin nearly collided head-on with another car. After swerving out of the way at the last minute, Orin could feel his heart racing and his hands shaking. A few minutes later, he arrived home and, just as he walked in, received a phone call from a salesperson. Orin then became verbally abusive toward the salesperson. This outcome is most consistent with the concept of a. instrumental aggression. b. excitation transfer. c. the death instinct. d. incompatible responses.

b. excitation transfer.

17. Stark and others (2010) showed participants slides of a man stealing a woman's wallet and slipping it in his jacket. Then an auditory recording recounted the event, stating that the wallet had been slipped into his pants. The results showed that a. false memories tended to occur in the visual cortex. b. false memories tended to occur in the auditory cortex. c. false memories rarely occurred. d. memories could be accurately retrieved if participants visualized the crime.

b. false memories tended to occur in the auditory cortex.

131. People who violate the sunk cost principle often a. attribute random fluctuations in the stock market to predictable causes, thereby increasing the likelihood that self-fulfilling prophecies will occur. b. feel entrapped by their own initial commitments to some failing course of action but continue to pursue it in an effort to justify their prior decisions. c. wait too long before making their investment decisions, thereby passing up the opportunity to buy stocks when they are least expensive. d. base their decisions purely on economic rules and ignore the psychological implications of their actions.

b. feel entrapped by their own initial commitments to some failing course of action but continue to pursue it in an effort to justify their prior decisions.

49. Nacoste (1996) argues that affirmative action affects everyone involved in the hiring and promotion process and that procedural reverberations within the system are likely to occur when a. all interested parties have a chance to express their views. b. group membership is considered more important than individual contributions. c. policy is determined out in the open rather than behind closed doors. d. minorities are hired based on their merits.

b. group membership is considered more important than individual contributions.

46. Angelina is interested in whether the teenager she is preparing to adopt is likely to be aggressive as an adult. Research suggests that she would be wise to consider whether he a. is a twin. b. had aggressive biological parents. c. has long fingers. d. was born in a nation with a warm climate.

b. had aggressive biological parents.

64. Michael, the regional manager of his company, believes that Jim is a personable and productive individual. When asked to rate Jim's leadership skills, Michael does not have much to go on and therefore assumes he is also a good leader. This is an example of a(n) a. contrast effect. b. halo effect. c. escalation effect. d. Hawthorne effect.

b. halo effect.

30. Though women are at least as likely as men to aggress in an intimate relationship, men's aggression in such relationships differs in that it typically a. emerges in the face of provocation. b. has more severe consequences. c. results from alcohol abuse. d. is sexual in nature.

b. has more severe consequences.

121. Pinker (2011) argues that aggression and violence a. have increased over time. b. have decreased over time. c. have remained stable over time. d. are a result of rumination over time.

b. have decreased over time.

103. According to expectancy theory, worker motivation depends on all of these factors except a. valued rewards. b. high intrinsic motivation. c. performance recognition. d. a belief that effort will improve performance

b. high intrinsic motivation.

6. When Valentine and Mesout (2009) fitted visitors to the London Dungeon with a wireless heart monitor, they found that a. higher anxiety levels were associated with more accurate eyewitness identification. b. higher anxiety levels were associated with less accurate eyewitness identification. c. heart rate corresponded to arousal level. d. heart rate corresponded to the number of perpetrators encountered.

b. higher anxiety levels were associated with less accurate eyewitness identification.

97. Which theory explains the deliberate, thoughtful consideration that we give to stimuli before reacting to it? a. arousal-affect model b. higher-order cognitive processing c. frustration-aggression hypothesis (original version) d. relational association theory

b. higher-order cognitive processing

53. From the court's perspective, the voir dire process is intended to a. allow the lawyers to present evidence to the judge without the jurors present. b. identify and dismiss prospective jurors who may be biased. c. familiarize prospective jurors with one another before they begin deliberation. d. familiarize prospective jurors with the facts of the case prior to the actual trial.

b. identify and dismiss prospective jurors who may be biased.

42. Finnegan notices his wife talking to another man and flies into a jealous rage. According to the evolutionary perspective, Finnegan's behavior is designed to a. assert his social intelligence. b. increase his confidence in the paternity of his offspring. c. deflect the death instinct outward instead of inward. d. increase the level of serotonin in his brain.

b. increase his confidence in the paternity of his offspring.

119. Daniel fits the profile of a person who might engage in a sexually aggressive manner. This means that he probably exhibits ____ in response to violent pornography and tends to have ____ attitudes toward violence against women. a. increased arousal; negative b. increased arousal; posit c. decreased arousal; negative d. decreased arousal; positive

b. increased arousal; posit

113. Summer, the owner of a music box company, subscribes to equity theory. It is likely that she will be especially concerned that a. she maximizes employees' participation in the making of company decisions. b. individuals who put the most into the company earn the highest salaries. c. she provides for a variety of different kinds of rewards. d. salaries are based on objective measures of performance.

b. individuals who put the most into the company earn the highest salaries.

76. Pre-trial publicity tends to produce a bias against defendants because a. people assume that defendants are guilty until proven innocent. b. information in news reports usually comes from police or district attorneys. c. most people charged with crimes really are guilty. d. the publicity makes the defendant seem more familiar, resulting in a familiarity-induced bias.

b. information in news reports usually comes from police or district attorneys.

19. Chantal is interviewing for a job, and the interviewer cracks a joke. Chantal does not find it particularly funny, but she laughs anyway. Which faking strategy is Chantal using? a. exaggeration b. ingratiation c. outright lying d. image protection

b. ingratiation

125. Amin is a lawyer who has been appointed to investigate both sides of a dispute and present the evidence he finds in court. His presentation of the evidence will provide the basis for the court's decision on the matter. Amin is operating in a(n) ____ system of justice. a. adversarial b. inquisitorial c. occupational d. distributive

b. inquisitorial

105. According to I3 theory, what "I" increases Martin's likelihood of acting in an aggressive manner when Trisha declines his offer to go on a date? a. impellance b. instigation c. inhibition d. impetuousness

b. instigation

35. A structured interview is similar to a standardized test in that both a. require applicants to first pass rigorous pre-screening procedures before they can be administered. b. involve collecting the same information in the same way from all applicants. c. maximize an employer's impact on potential applicants. d. are potentially compromised by subjective judgments of the interviewer.

b. involve collecting the same information in the same way from all applicants.

62. Deion is least likely to imitate the aggressive behaviors of Darcy if Darcy a. is a cartoon character. b. is punished for behaving aggressively. c. is rewarded for behaving aggressively. d. experiences catharsis following the aggressive behavior.

b. is punished for behaving aggressively.

85. Jurors' power to disregard the law and the judge's instructions when they conflict with their personal conceptions of justice is called a. the inquisitorial model of justice. b. jury nullification. c. sentencing disparity. d. the process of peremptory challenges.

b. jury nullification.

31. One way in which expert testimony may increase the competence of jurors is by a. facilitating judges' use of scientific jury selection. b. leading jurors to be more critical of eyewitness testimony. c. eliciting sentencing disparity. d. modeling confidence, thus providing the jurors with a standard against which they can assess the confidence of non-expert witnesses.

b. leading jurors to be more critical of eyewitness testimony.

97. Romeo suggests if you know the majority opinion in a jury prior to deliberation, you know what the jury decision will be. What provides the strongest exception to his conclusion? a. jury nullification b. leniency bias c. voir dire d. death qualification

b. leniency bias

79. If the CSI effect is real, then it would make juries a. more likely to convict. b. less likely to convict. c. deliberate for a longer period of time. d. deliberate for a shorter period of time.

b. less likely to convict.

70. A socialization explanation for gender differences in aggressive tendencies a. would focus on differences between men and women in levels of hormones and neurotransmitters. b. might consider ways in which parents react differently to the aggressive actions of young boys versus girls. c. would suggest that such differences should be identical across different cultures. d. should examine the genetic similarity between relatives who show high levels of aggression.

b. might consider ways in which parents react differently to the aggressive actions of young boys versus girls.

72. In a murder trial, Bob was selected to serve on a death-qualified jury. Given his attitude toward the death penalty, he is probably ____ than the average U.S. citizen. a. more likely to vote for acquittal b. more likely to recommend the death penalty c. more tolerant of procedures that protect the accused d. less religious

b. more likely to recommend the death penalty

71. Compared to supervisor ratings, self-evaluations are likely to be a. more positive and more predictive of job performance. b. more positive but less predictive of job performance. c. more negative and more predictive of job performance. d. more negative and less predictive of job performance.

b. more positive but less predictive of job performance.

52. When aggression stops an undesired outcome or prevents it altogether, the aggressive behavior will increase in the future through the process of a. positive reinforcement. b. negative reinforcement. c. positive punishment. d. negative punishment.

b. negative reinforcement.

54. The only way that Britney can get her husband to stop leaving his dirty socks on the kitchen table is to pinch him every time he does it. Britney's aggressive behavior is perpetuated through the idea of a. positive reinforcement. b. negative reinforcement. c. positive punishment. d. negative punishment.

b. negative reinforcement.

38. Although the structured interview helps to reduce the bias often present in a conventional interview, it does not do so completely because a. most interviewers do not stick to the structured protocol. b. of the power of first impressions in a pre-interview. c. most job applicants do not like the structure. d. people take a very long time to size up a job applicant.

b. of the power of first impressions in a pre-interview.

95. Armand is participating in a jury trial. He and the other members of the jury are closely considering the evidence, trying to figure out how the evidence all pieces together, and considering their responsibilities as laid out by the judge. They are in the ____ stage of deliberation. a. orientation b. open conflict c. reconciliation d. nullification

b. open conflict

11. Research on physical attractiveness and job hiring suggests that attractiveness influences a. perceptions of female applicants, but not perceptions of male applicants. b. perceptions of both female and male applicants. c. evaluations made by male interviewers, but not female interviewers. d. evaluations made by both male and female interviewers.

b. perceptions of both female and male applicants.

22. Manisha witnesses a crime and is brought to the police station for an interview about what she saw. She is given a face construction booklet and asked to pick which of the 100 hairstyles looks most like the culprit's. Then she does the same for eyes, nose, mouth, ears, etc. Research suggests that this process is likely to lead Manisha to a. perform more accurately if she is shown a lineup including the culprit several days later. b. perform less accurately if she is shown a lineup including the culprit several days later. c. become more confident in her ability to identify the culprit. d. become less confident in her ability to identify the culprit.

b. perform less accurately if she is shown a lineup including the culprit several days later.

16. Because applicants try to present themselves in the best light, traditional employment interviews often lack a. reliability. b. predictive validity. c. construct validity. d. standardization.

b. predictive validity.

122. A long history of research in social psychology has consistently found that a powerful way to reduce violence within a society would be to a. emphasize a strict division of labor by gender. b. promote cooperation. c. harshly punish all acts of aggression. d. separate subcultures within the society.

b. promote cooperation

55. Litigants at trial may remove prospective jurors from their jury through the use of peremptory challenges. Traditionally, no explanation has to be given for the use of a peremptory, but within the past few decades, the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that peremptories may not be based on a juror's a. education level. b. race. c. physical appearance. d. sex

b. race.

90. Who should be least likely to aggress? a. someone who has just watched a slashes movie b. someone who has just watched a funny cartoon c. someone who has just been rejected for a date d. someone who has just watched the evening news

b. someone who has just watched a funny cartoon

89. Shaquille has been selected to be the foreperson of his jury. It is likely that Shaquille will a. exert more influence over the jury's decision than other members of the jury. b. spend more time than other jurors discussing procedural items. c. be especially liked because he had never served on a jury before. d. spend more time than other jurors expressing his opinion.

b. spend more time than other jurors discussing procedural items.

41. Police interrogations are often conducted in small, bare, soundproof rooms so that a. distractions will be minimized and the suspect will be better able to focus on the interrogation. b. suspects feel socially isolated and uncomfortable. c. police operating costs will be kept to a minimum. d. other police officers will not become biased against particular suspects.

b. suspects feel socially isolated and uncomfortable.

82. "Great leadership emerges in part out of time, place, and circumstances." Such a statement is best reflected in a. the classic trait approach. b. the contingency model of leadership. c. "top-down" views of leadership. d. the transactional model of leadership.

b. the contingency model of leadership.

73. Brown and others (2009) found the school violence is especially associated with a. the presence of weapons in the school. b. the culture of honor in the area. c. the level of economic frustration in the geographic region. d. the temperature of the day.

b. the culture of honor in the area.

27. Wells and Bradfield (1998) found that feedback can influence an eyewitness's confidence and memory when a. he or she makes an accurate identification. b. the feedback confirms the identification. c. when the suspect is of a different race. d. the feedback disconfirms the identification.

b. the feedback confirms the identification.

6. The Hawthorne effect refers to a. the relationship between working conditions and job satisfaction. b. the finding that workers who were given special attention increased their productivity regardless of what actual changes were made in the work setting. c. the fact that employees become so engaged in their work that they are immune to environmental manipulations. d. the tendency for bright levels of illumination to decrease worker productivity.

b. the finding that workers who were given special attention increased their productivity regardless of what actual changes were made in the work setting

47. Jurors often fail to adequately discount coerced confessions because of a. the positive coercion bias. b. the fundamental attribution error. c. a sentencing disparity. d. reconstructive memory.

b. the fundamental attribution error.

83. One reason judges' instructions tend to have little impact on jurors is that a. the instructions typically come before the evidence is presented, increasing the likelihood that the jurors will forget them. b. the jurors often find the instructions difficult to comprehend, leading to misunderstandings and confusion. c. the jurors frequently consider the instructions to be irrelevant to the trial, leading them to experience reactance. d. jurors usually try to avoid jury nullification.

b. the jurors often find the instructions difficult to comprehend, leading to misunderstandings and confusion.

25. The relatively greater violence rates in the southern United States has been attributed to a. greater variability of temperature in the South than in the North. b. the manner in which residents of the South respond to status threats. c. the ratio of males to females living in the South. d. the age demographics of the South.

b. the manner in which residents of the South respond to status threats.

115. Research concerning race and capital punishment indicates that a. for judgments of such serious repercussion, judges and juries are rarely if ever influenced by race. b. the more "stereotypically African American" a black defendant appears, the more likely he is to be sentenced to death. c. defendants are most likely to be sentenced to death when they murder a same-race victim. d. black women were more likely than black men to receive a capital sentence.

b. the more "stereotypically African American" a black defendant appears, the more likely he is to be sentenced

56. Plant and colleagues (2009) found that the more multicultural the dominant white employees were in their diversity beliefs, a. the more minority employees were employed. b. the more minority employees reported being engaged in their work. c. the less minority employees were paid. d. the lower the overall earnings of the company.

b. the more minority employees reported being engaged in their work.

14. Eyewitnesses' reports of crime details can be altered by exposure to post-event information. This results from a. the reliance on peremptory challenges. b. the reconstructive nature of memory. c. normative influence pressures. d. the positive coercion bias.

b. the reconstructive nature of memory.

47. Research on testosterone and aggression indicates that a. it is surprising that women ever aggress given that they have no testosterone. b. their relationship in human males is weaker and less reliable than expected. c. very little regarding aggressive behavior is actually heritable. d. their relationship disappears when you examine samples of elderly adults.

b. their relationship in human males is weaker and less reliable than expected.

99. Research on race and corporate leadership indicates that a. while minority individuals are underrepresented in entry-level positions, minority leaders and CEOs are well- represented. b. there is a disproportionately low number of racial minority CEOs. c. no racial underrepresentation is observed among leaders of Fortune 500 companies. d. race but not gender underrepresentation is observed among leaders of Fortune 500 companies

b. there is a disproportionately low number of racial minority CEOs.

98. Research shows that a jury's final verdict can often be predicted accurately if which of the following is known? a. non verbal behaviors of the jurors during the trial b. thoughts of the individual jurors just before deliberation begins c. initial vote of the foreperson d. proportion of men to women on the jury

b. thoughts of the individual jurors just before deliberation begins

69. Aloysius, a cashier in a department store, has been asked by store management to evaluate his shift supervisor. Aloysius is being asked to provide a. situational judgments. b. upward feedback. c. preferential absolute information. d. due process.

b. upward feedback.

26. Kirby is a juror in a rape trial in which both the prosecution and defense are relying on eyewitnesses. It is likely that Kirby will a. be able to determine which eyewitnesses are accurate. b. use eyewitness confidence as a cue to eyewitness accuracy. c. underestimate the accuracy of all of the eyewitnesses. d. understand the factors that influence eyewitness accuracy enough to determine whether an eyewitness is biased.

b. use eyewitness confidence as a cue to eyewitness accuracy.

80. Research on inadmissible evidence suggests that, contrary to the judge's instructions, juries often pay attention to such information a. even when it is unreliable. b. when it is reliable but inadmissible because of a legal "technicality." c. when it is emotional in content. d. when it is objected to by the defense and not by the prosecution.

b. when it is reliable but inadmissible because of a legal "technicality."

74. Kalven and Zeisel (1966) found that ____ percent of judges agreed with the verdicts juries rendered in all cases. a. 45 b. 60 c. 78 d. 92

c. 78

4. Which question would an industrial/organizational psychologist be least likely to study? a. Do employer expectations influence job performance? b. What personality characteristics are associated with effective leaders? c. Are people more or less satisfied with their current romantic partner? d. How do financial incentives affect worker motivation?

c. Are people more or less satisfied with their current romantic partner?

14. United States university students tend to be more likely than those of other nations to disapprove of a. violence against young girls. b. gun violence. c. a husband slapping his wife. d. bullying.

c. a husband slapping his wife

65. As described in your book, Sommers's (2006) study examining the influence of a jury's racial composition indicates that a. Caucasian and African-American jurors are often equally likely to vote to convict an African-American defendant. b. African-American jurors often successfully convince Caucasian jurors to change their votes during deliberations, particularly when they offer multiple arguments for doing so. c. Caucasian jurors often evaluate a trial differently when their jury is diverse versus all-Caucasian. d. diverse juries have a harder time coming to a unanimous decision than do all-Caucasian juries.

c. Caucasian jurors often evaluate a trial differently when their jury is diverse versus all-Caucasian.

131. Montresse has been found guilty of espionage in his home country. This nation usually prohibits the death penalty, but in unusually serious cases such as this, the death penalty may be permitted. In which country does Montresse live? a. Denmark b. Columbia c. Israel d. Kenya

c. Israel

71. Which statement concerning a culture of honor is true? a. It is more prevalent among women than men. b. It is more prevalent in the northern United States than in the southern United States. c. It is a product of socialization that can influence the tendency to aggress. d. It is produced by differences in testosterone and serotonin levels.

c. It is a product of socialization that can influence the tendency to aggress.

105. According to Locke and Latham, what feature(s) must a goal have to be effective? a. It must be specific. b. It must be simple. c. It must be specific and difficult. d. It must be general and simple.

c. It must be specific and difficult.

48. Which conclusion is not consistent with research on confessions? a. Confessions are discounted more by jurors who see a videotape that focuses on the interrogator instead of the defendant. b. When false evidence is presented by an interrogator, suspects are not only more likely to confess to a crime they did not commit but also to believe this confession. c. Jurors often fully discount a defendant's confession if they learn that the confession was obtained while the defendant was being physically threatened by police. d. Police detectives use an average of five to six tactics when trying to obtain a confession.

c. Jurors often fully discount a defendant's confession if they learn that the confession was obtained while the defendant was being physically threatened by police.

45. A police officer testifies that the defendant in a murder trial confessed to the crime. Under cross-examination, the officer reveals details of the interrogation that suggest it is likely that the defendant was coerced into confessing. How are jurors likely to react to the confession evidence? a. Jurors will discount the confession because it was coerced. b. Jurors will accept the confession because as a general rule jurors don't believe that people would confess to a crime that they did not commit. c. Jurors will believe that they have discounted the confession, but will vote to convict anyway. d. If the judge instructs jurors to disregard the confession evidence, then they will discount it, but otherwise, they will not.

c. Jurors will believe that they have discounted the confession, but will vote to convict anyway.

78. Kara sees a news story on television about an upcoming criminal defendant who was previously charged with similar crimes. If Kara is selected to serve as a juror for this defendant's trial, it is likely that a. the information concerning the defendant's prior criminal activity will have no impact on her verdict as long as she agrees to be objective and impartial. b. the information concerning the defendant's prior criminal record may bias her impression of the defendant, but instructions from the judge can counteract such a bias. c. Kara will interpret the facts of the case in a way that is consistent with the information about the defendant's prior criminal record. d. the pre-trial publicity will make the defendant seem more familiar to Kara and so she will be less likely to convict.

c. Kara will interpret the facts of the case in a way that is consistent with the information about the defendant's prior criminal record.

8. Which situation best illustrates instrumental aggression? a. When Buster finds out that his favorite television show has been preempted by the presidential debates, he kicks Gob, who just happens to be standing nearby. b. After getting fired from his job at the nuclear power plant, Homer pulls out his semi-automatic machine gun and shoots at the squirrels in his backyard. c. Karen pinches Grace until Grace finally moves out of the way so that Karen can get to the liquor cabinet. d. Edith stabs her husband Archie with a fork when she finds out that he totally forgot her birthday.

c. Karen pinches Grace until Grace finally moves out of the way so that Karen can get to the liquor cabinet.

65. Nonie gets a new Barbie doll for her sixth birthday, and she immediately begins to punch, kick, and throw the doll around the house. Which of the following is likely to have contributed to this behavior? a. Nonie saw Uncle Floyd yell at Auntie Mime when she threw her Barbie doll. b. Nonie saw her cousin Bruce hug and kiss his Barbie doll. c. Nonie just finished watching the new Barney beat up Barbie in a cartoon on television. d. Nonie has been socialized in a stereotypical female role.

c. Nonie just finished watching the new Barney beat up Barbie in a cartoon on television.

117. ​Research by Vons and colleagues (2006) demonstrates the effects of leading participants to think about money. What is not one of those effects? a. People tend to prefer to work alone as opposed to in groups. b. People tend to fail to ask for help with a problem they are having trouble solving. c. People tend to encroach on the personal space of other people. d.People tend to offer less help to others who are clearly in need of assistance.

c. People tend to encroach on the personal space of other people.

87. Which statement about jury forepersons is false? a. They tend to be the individuals who speak first in the jury room. b. They usually spend more time discussing procedural matters than indicating their opinion about the trial. c. They are usually chosen after a careful, deliberate discussion among jury members. d. They tend to moderate jury discussions more than dominate them.

c. They are usually chosen after a careful, deliberate discussion among jury members.

19. The Amish, the Hutte rites, and the Mennonites are all examples of societies that live in the violent United States without, for the most part, having become violent themselves. What is a similar type of nonviolent culture that resides in Southern Mexico? a. Pailyan b. Batik c. Zapata d. Glib

c. Zapata

24. An eyewitness identified Ashtok from a lineup as the man who robbed the bookstore. As an employee of the store, Ashtok was present during the crime but was not the person who committed the crime. The eyewitness's false identification was most likely the result of a. the leniency bias. b. the misinformation effect. c. a familiarity-induced bias. d. the fundamental attribution error.

c. a familiarity-induced bias.1

68. Prospective jurors who indicate a willingness to vote for the death penalty typically exhibit all of the attitudes except a. a greater concern with crime. b. more cynicism toward defense attorneys. c. a greater suspiciousness of police officers. d. a greater tendency to convict.

c. a greater suspiciousness of police officers.

67. Death qualification refers to a. pre-trial hearings that are conducted to determine whether a defendant should receive the death penalty. b. a procedure used during voir dire to ensure that jurors are prepared for potentially graphic testimony concerning violence, usually involving murder. c. a jury selection procedure that permits judges to exclude from capital cases all prospective jurors who say they would refuse to vote for the death penalty under any circumstance. d. jurors' decision to recommend the death penalty even if the prosecution has not asked for it.

c. a jury selection procedure that permits judges to exclude from capital cases all prospective jurors who say they would refuse to vote for the death penalty under any circumstance.

5. What sort of business was at the center of what became known as the "Hawthorne effect?" a. a construction company that built private and public housing b. a hospital where patients were waiting a long time to get medical care c. a plant that manufactured telephones and central office equipment d. a factory that was among the earliest to employ the assembly line

c. a plant that manufactured telephones and central office equipment

38. According to an evolutionary perspective, males are competitive with each other because a. females are predisposed to sexual jealousy. b. males select high-status females for mating. c. aggression enhances the male's confidence in the paternity of his offspring. d. males use physical aggression to eliminate women who are unlikely to provide offspring.

c. aggression enhances the male's confidence in the paternity of his offspring.

27. Murphy and others' (2003) survey of over 700 professionals indicated that most a. relied extensively on standardized tests of intelligence in personnel selection. b. had never heard of the use of standardized tests of intelligence in personnel selection. c. agreed that intelligence is not fully captured by standardized tests. d. believed that integrity tests were more important intelligence tests.

c. agreed that intelligence is not fully captured by standardized tests.

46. Kassin, Meissner, and Norwick (2005) videotaped male inmates confessing to crimes that they did and did not commit and showed these videos to college students and police officers, asking them to judge which of the two confessions was true for ten inmates. They found that college students a. were more accurate than police officers. b. were less accurate than police officers. c. and police officers were both inaccurate. d. and police officers were highly accurate.

c. and police officers were both inaccurate.

4. Whitley feels intensely displeased that Lena deliberately left the tuna fish sandwich sitting out in the sun so that Whitley would get food poisoning after she ate it. Whitley's emotional response would best be described as a. instrumental aggression. b. hostility. c. anger. d. displacement.

c. anger.

33. Bettina is extremely Type A. Research suggests that she will tend to a. be more aggressive than most people across situations. b. rely more on verbal versus physical aggression. c. be more aggressive than other people when provoked. d. exhibit more relational than overt forms of aggression.

c. be more aggressive than other people when provoked.

45. Twin studies suggest that heritability explains ____ of the variation in aggression in children a. less than one quarter b. between about a quarter and a third c. between about a third and a half d. between about a half and two thirds

c. between about a third and a half

79. Research on how people react to pay cuts/raises, layoffs, promotions, and affirmative action policies shows that a. how the decision was made is more important than what decision was made. b. what decision was made is more important than how the decision was made. c. both how the decision was made and what the decision was are important. d. neither how the decision was made nor what the decision was are important.

c. both how the decision was made and what the decision was are important.

35. Polygraph tests a. are extremely effective in detecting guilt in those who are guilty and innocence in those who are innocent. b. are difficult to fake. c. can be fairly accurate when the suspect is naive and the examiner is competent. d. can be admitted into evidence in all district courts throughout the United States.

c. can be fairly accurate when the suspect is naive and the examiner is competent.

59. One criticism of scientific jury selection is that it a. focuses jury selection on the question of whether or not a juror can be. b. does not make use of empirical data. c. can only be afforded by the wealthiest of defendants and plaintiffs. d. is used in civil trials, but not in criminal cases.

c. can only be afforded by the wealthiest of defendants and plaintiffs.

54. In implementing an affirmative action policy, an employer should do all of the following except a. set and communicate clear and explicit qualifications criteria. b. emphasize the target applicant's unique contributions to the organization. c. clearly inform employees that the use of a quota is, in certain cases, justifiable. d. provide the target applicant and coworkers with specific feedback about the target's qualifications.

c. clearly inform employees that the use of a quota is, in certain cases, justifiable.

128. Marita is studying how the legal system in the United States handles repeat offenders differently than the legal system in Canada. This is an example of a study in ____ law. a. tort b. business c. comparative d. forensic

c. comparative

29. A major concern when it comes to the effort to assess a future employee's character is that applicants tend to present themselves in overly positive ways. One form of assessment that avoids this problem is a. face-to-face interviews. b. overt integrity tests. c. covert integrity tests. d. non-structured interviews.

c. covert integrity tests.

105. Research suggests that small juries are more likely than large juries to a. produce non-unanimous decisions. b. resist normative pressures within the group. c. deliberate for a shorter period of time. d. be representative of the larger population.

c. deliberate for a shorter period of time.

78. When his wife tells him that he cannot go out bowling with the guys, Homer gets mad and yells at his son, Bart. Homer's behavior is an example of a. instrumental aggression. b. catharsis. c. displacement. d. vicarious aggression.

c. displacement.

45. Concerning the issue of affirmative action, surveys tend to show that Americans are a. strongly in favor of it, regardless of their race or sex. b. strongly opposed to it, regardless of their race or sex. c. divided on the issue, with African Americans and Hispanic Americans more supportive of it than Caucasians. d. divided on the issue, with men more supportive of it than women.

c. divided on the issue, with African Americans and Hispanic Americans more supportive of it than Caucasians.

72. To increase the accuracy of performance appraisals, it is recommended that managers a. maintain at least a two-week delay between performance and evaluations. b. use a single rater rather than multiple raters so as to avoid discrepancies. c. educate evaluators about the biases of social perception. d. train evaluators to focus their ratings on the middle of rating scales.

c. educate evaluators about the biases of social perception.

111. All of the following are potential motivations that underlie punishment in the criminal justice system except a. retribution. b. incapacitation. c. nullification. d. deterrence.

c. nullification.

14. Josiah is trying to get hired by the New Directions Company. All of the following will help his cause except a. being physically attractive. b. securing a face-to-face interview. c. engaging in self-effacement when being asked about his qualifications. d. an interviewer who has high expectations of him.

c. engaging in self-effacement when being asked about his qualifications.

127. The behavior of the second highest bidder in Tiger's (1980) dollar auction demonstrates a. effective use of the sunk cost principle. b. that people do not handle money as carefully as professionals do. c. escalation of a counterproductive endeavor. d. the fact that people take greater risks when gains are at stake.

c. escalation of a counterproductive endeavor.

93. The idea that arousal created by one stimulus can intensify an individual's emotional response to another stimulus is called a. social learning theory. b. the negative affect escape model. c. excitation transfer. d. aggression cultivation.

c. excitation transfer.

51. According to research on the role of the brain and executive function in predicting aggressive tendencies, when very aggressive teenagers witnessed a situation in which someone intentionally inflicted pain on another person, they exhibited brain activity associated with a. being part of a group. b. empathy. c. experiencing rewards. d. filtering sensory input.

c. experiencing rewards.

67. Based on the principles of social learning theory, which measure is most likely to be successful in teaching a child to act nonviolently? a. punishing the child physically for acting aggressively b. exposing the child to older models who are punished harshly for acting aggressively c. exposing the child to older models who act non-aggressively in response to provoking situations d. teaching the child how to displace frustrations and anger in safe, socially acceptable ways, such as by hitting a punching bag or role-playing a desired outcome

c. exposing the child to older models who act non-aggressively in response to provoking situations

28. Leonard is viewed as outgoing by his many friends, and he is often the center of attention because of his talkativeness. Based on research on personality traits relevant to desired work outcomes, Leonard is probably high on ____ and would probably be most successful as a(n) ____. a. agreeableness; accountant b. conscientiousness; librarian c. extraversion; salesperson d. emotional stability; medical records clerk

c. extraversion; salesperson

61. Dwight is a salesman for a paper company. His performance is assessed by determining how many boxes of paper he sells each month, which means that he is being appraised in terms of a(n) ____ criterion. a. psychographic and abstract b. preferential absolute. c. objective and quantifiable performance d. subjective performance

c. objective and quantifiable performance

23. Research that examines workers' personality characteristics has concluded that a. people who score high in conscientiousness tend to be too timid to be productive workers. b. low self-monitors are more likely to become organizational leaders. c. extraverts are more likely than introverts to succeed as managers and salespersons. d. self-esteem has little ability to predict job productivity or satisfaction.

c. extraverts are more likely than introverts to succeed as managers and salespersons.

78. The principle of the due process model that dictates that employees have the right to be evaluated by a supervisor familiar with their work as well as receive timely feedback about their evaluation and the opportunity to present their own case is called a. adequate notice. b. procedural fairness. c. fair hearing. d. situational control.

c. fair hearing.

119. Ming was involved in a civil dispute that came to trial. Though unhappy with the judge's decision, he felt that he truly had the chance to express his views and present his case completely. Ming apparently was most satisfied with a. the sentencing disparity. b. the voir dire process. c. his process control. d. the deliberation stage.

c. his process control.

30. Questionnaires designed to test a job applicant's honesty and character are called ____ tests. a. personality b. intelligence c. integrity d. job-specific

c. integrity

31. When Kinnaird applies for a job at a new firm, they give him a paper-and-pencil questionnaire that asked questions about whether or not he has been involved in any of several transgressions, such as illegal drug use and shoplifting. Kinnaird is taking a(n) ____ test. a. situational judgment b. polygraph c. integrity d. personality

c. integrity

77. All of the following are aspects of the due process model of performance appraisal except a. adequate notice. b. fair hearing. c. integrity tests. d. evidence of job performance.

c. integrity tests.

123. In comparison to the inquisitorial system of justice, the adversarial system a. is higher in decision control. b. provides less satisfaction for participants. c. is higher in process control. d. is far more common.

c. is higher in process control.

3. Research concerning eyewitness testimony has demonstrated that a. a coerced confession. b. eyewitness identifications are generally not susceptible to situational biases. c. juries are not well-informed about many of the factors that influence eyewitness accuracy. d. judges and lawyers are well aware of the limitations of eyewitness testimony.

c. juries are not well-informed about many of the factors that influence eyewitness accuracy.

76. Vito, the owner of a new company, believes that all appraisals in his company should be based on evidence of job performance rather than other considerations. In order for Vito to operate according to the due process model of appraisal, he must also a. make his performance standards clear and encourage workers to evaluate themselves. b. give employees useful and timely feedback, and make sure they are rated several times by one supervisor. c. make his performance standards clear, and give employees timely feedback and an opportunity to present their own case. d. encourage workers to evaluate themselves, and make sure they are rated several times by one supervisor.

c. make his performance standards clear, and give employees timely feedback and an opportunity to present their own case.

116. Amiable and Kramer (2011) would argue that ____ is one of the most important factors to motivation at work. a. pay b. recognition for good work c. making progress at work d. having social support at work

c. making progress at work

50. Which of the following is not a component of jury selection? a. compiling a list of potential jurors from sources such as voter registration lists b. using random selection to obtain a representative sample of community members who will be summoned for jury duty c. making sure that every single 12-person jury is representative of the community from which it is drawn d. subjecting those individuals who appear for jury duty to a pre-trial interview to exclude those who might be biased

c. making sure that every single 12-person jury is representative of the community from which it is drawn

92. Men who engaged in vigorous exercise were ____ attracted to an attractive female to whom they were introduced right after their workout. a. less b. inconsistently c. more d. not

c. more

87. According to Berkowitz's (1989) revision of frustration-aggression theory, exposure to all of the following likely increases aggression except a. very congested traffic. b. cigarette smoke. c. novel but pleasant odors. d. uncomfortably cold temperatures.

c. novel but pleasant odors.

110. Research on violent media suggests that depictions of indirect, relational forms of aggression on TV targeted toward adolescents are a. not particularly common. b. more likely to be demonstrated by male than female characters. c. often portrayed as eliciting a clear reward. d. do not influence the immediate behavior of adolescent viewers.

c. often portrayed as eliciting a clear reward.

109. Cleon has always enjoyed making ceramic figurines for his colleagues. In return for a particular piece, a colleague gives him $100. Cleon's intrinsic motivation for making ceramic figurines is particularly likely to be undermined if he a. perceives the payment as having informational value. b. did not expect to receive any money. c. perceives the money as controlling his behavior. d. believes in contingency models.

c. perceives the money as controlling his behavio

54. Lawyers may dismiss prospective jurors without having to justify their dismissal by using a. jury nullification. b. sentencing disparity. c. peremptory challenges. d. normative influence.

c. peremptory challenges.

40. Campbell proposed that women are more likely than men to use relational aggression because women a. lack direct access to wealth. b. have lower levels of testosterone. c. place more of a value on their own lives and therefore avoid risky behaviors. d. do not want to risk physically harming the father of their offspring.

c. place more of a value on their own lives and therefore avoid risky behaviors.

101. Jim thinks it would be funny to replace Dwight's regular after-work pitcher of beer with non-alcoholic brew without telling him. Research suggests that after drinking this pitcher, Dwight would a. be much less aggressive than he usually is after drinking alcoholic beer. b. exhibit a severe form of alcohol myopia. c. potentially be just as aggressive as usual given his expectation that he has consumed alcohol. d. be less likely than usual to engage in displacement because of the lack of alcohol-associated excitation.

c. potentially be just as aggressive as usual given his expectation that he has consumed alcohol.

46. Research by Bobcat and others (1998) showed that opposition to affirmative action is associated with a. conscious prejudice. b. unconscious prejudice. c. strong belief in the principle of merit. d. strong belief in the principle of equality.

c. strong belief in the principle of merit.

50. Which is an example of a "soft" form of affirmative action? a. giving preference to job applicants of color, but not considering gender in evaluating applications b. taking into consideration the socioeconomic status of college applicants, but not their racial background c. providing outreach programs intended to recruit applicants from underrepresented groups d. establishing a firm quota stating that 50 percent of all new employees at a firm must be female

c. providing outreach programs intended to recruit applicants from underrepresented groups

93. The members of a jury have been deliberating for several weeks. As they begin to converge on a verdict, disagreement is smoothed over and satisfaction with the verdict is affirmed. This stage of deliberation is called the period of a. retrieval. b. orientation. c. reconciliation. d. nullification.

c. reconciliation.

10. Research suggests that face-to-face interviews a. increase the probability of stereotyped judgments. b. exacerbate gender preferences in hiring decisions. c. reduce, but do not eliminate, racial preferences in hiring decisions. d. produce hiring decisions that are perceived to be more open-minded, but are no different from decisions based on evaluations of written materials.

c. reduce, but do not eliminate, racial preferences in hiring decisions.

112. When Mina first started playing the new Blood Bath Beach Party video game, the extremely violent images made her cringe. Now she has played the game so many times that she barely even notices such images. This illustrates a. desensitization. b. cultivation c. rumination. d. catharsis.

c. rumination.

80. Which term provides an example of the concept of displacement? a. catharsis b. habituation c. scapegoating d. diffusion of blame

c. scapegoating

36. Neve will be using a structured interview to hire her new assistant. One of the applicants for the position has requested a phone interview because she lives far from the job site. Based on the existing research, Neve a. should be concerned because structured interviews are only effective when administered in person. b. has no reason to worry because she can focus more intently on the applicant's responses during a phone interview. c. should feel reassured because structured phone interviews have been shown to be predictive of future productivity. d. will have to use a written integrity test rather than a structured interview in this situation.

c. should feel reassured because structured phone interviews have been shown to be predictive of future productivity.

59. The theory that behavior is learned through the observation of others as well as through the direct experience of rewards and punishments is called ____ theory. a. psychodynamic b. frustration-aggression c. social learning d. cultivation

c. social learning

89. Which is most likely to increase a person's aggressive response? a. embarrassment b. guilt c. social rejection d. kindness

c. social rejection

48. A company's attempt to conduct targeted employment recruitment with underrepresented groups from which they haven't successfully recruited employees before is known as a _____ form of affirmative action. a. blind b. hard c. soft d. loose

c. soft

10. Prida has witnessed a violent crime involving a knife. Research suggests that he will be less likely to identify the culprit than in a situation where no knife was present because Prida will a. be less aroused. b. focus more on the victim. c. spend more time looking at the knife. d. be too afraid to remember anything accurately.

c. spend more time looking at the knife.

44. Genie is considering using various evaluation techniques to help her hire a new employee. In trying to choose between general assessments of attributes versus job-specific tests, she should be aware that a. general assessments are more effective predictors of future work success. b. job-specific tests lack the predictive validity of other instruments. c. that potential applicants see job-specific tests as most fair. d. each assessment has significant weaknesses.

c. that potential applicants see job-specific tests as most fair.

24. ​ In which region of the United States is the murder rate consistently the highest? a. the Midwest b. the Northeast c. the South d. the West Coast

c. the South

88. Riesman et al. (1991) found that as temperatures rise to uncomfortable levels, major league baseball pitchers are more likely to hit batters with a pitch. This finding is consistent with a. social learning theory. b. the cognitive neoassociation model. c. the role of negative affect in aggression. d. scapegoating.

c. the role of negative affect in aggression.

96. The "leniency bias" refers to the a. tendency of jurors to go easier on ingroup defendants. b. impact of judicial instructions on jurors. c. the tendency for jury deliberation to tilt toward acquittal. d. the finding that judges are harsher on defendants than are juries.

c. the tendency for jury deliberation to tilt toward acquittal.

23. With respect to lineup identification, Devine found that eyewitnesses tend to be less accurate when a. there are six foils present in the lineup. b. the suspect is of the same race as the witness. c. the witness is informed that the culprit was in the lineup. d. the suspect and the foils are viewed one at a time.

c. the witness is informed that the culprit was in the lineup

32. Which attribute of an eyewitness to a crime is most likely to impact a jury's tendency to believe their testimony? a. the extent to which they appear to be well-educated b. their age c. their level of confidence d. their job status

c. their level of confidence

90. A leader who sets clear goals for her followers, rewarding those who live up to their end of the bargain, providing assistance, and meeting workers' psychological needs, is known as a(n) _____ leader. a. transformational b. normative c. transactional d. autocratic

c. transactional

93. Jordan, a successful CEO, is asked in an interview to explain her success. She replies, "To lead, you must inspire." Given her response, she can best be described as a ____ leader. a. transactional b. relations-oriented c. transformational d. task-oriented

c. transformational

92. Isaac, a well-respected man with charisma, wants to preserve some uninhabited islands from development. He carries out a "Save the Islands" campaign by focusing on people's love for nature, addressing their concern about what they believe is becoming an overdeveloped world. He also presents a strategy for preserving the islands forever. Such leadership best reflects a. the classic trait approach to leadership. b. a normative model of leadership. c. transformational leadership. d. task-oriented leadership.

c. transformational leadership.

118. ​According to research by Zhou and colleagues (2009), social rejection leads people to a. give up pleasures such as chocolate and sunshine. b. value money less. c. value money more. d. strive harder for social acceptance.

c. value money more.

42. Compared to an in-person interview, interviews done via telephone or videoconferencing tend to be a. more predictive of future employee performance. b. less susceptible to self-fulfilling prophecy. c. viewed as less fair by applicants. d. harder for applicants to "fake."

c. viewed as less fair by applicants.

82. During a trial, the prosecution refers to an illegally obtained tape recording of a phone call that makes the defendant appear guilty. Research suggests that after hearing this information, jurors are most likely to a. disregard the information if the defense attorney objects, even if the judge rules that the information is admissible. b. vote guilty, unless the judge rules that the information is inadmissible. c. vote guilty, even if the judge rules that the information is inadmissible. d. vote guilty if the judge rules the information is admissible, but vote not guilty if the judge rules that the information is inadmissible.

c. vote guilty, even if the judge rules that the information is inadmissible.

35. According to Smith's (2007) book about the evolutionary origins of human warfare, a. pacifists have a greater chance for reproductive success. b. pacifism is likely to become part of human nature. c. warriors have a greater chance for reproductive success. d. warriors are least likely to be accepted as part of the group

c. warriors have a greater chance for reproductive success.

115. Research by Judge and colleagues (2010) showed that job satisfaction is ____ with pay. a. strongly and positively correlated b. strongly and negatively correlated c. weakly and positively correlated d. uncorrelated

c. weakly and positively correlated

5. According to Evans et al., (2009) approximately ____ percent of police officers reported that they routinely encounter witnesses who are drunk or under the influence of drugs when committing a crime or being interviewed by the police. a. 24 b. 41 c. 59 d. 75

d. 75

16. A practice called chicken that occurs in Japan has recently come under criticism and steps are being taken to curtail it. What is this practice? a. People who sell drugs on the street are disciplined through public "vigilante" punishment rather than facing legal actions. b. Teachers in school are allowed to using caning as a disciplinary method on children as young as 4 years of age. c. Mothers take their daughters away from the home to raise them in solitude until they reach the age of 3 years. d. Adult businessmen grope schoolgirls who ride public transportation.

d. Adult businessmen grope schoolgirls who ride public transportation.

55. Consider a mother who slaps her son whenever he engages in aggression. If negative reinforcement is responsible for her behavior, what likely happens after she slaps him? a. He ignores her. b. He slaps her back. c. He behaves more aggressively. d. He behaves less aggressively.

d. He behaves less aggressively.

13. Which finding has been demonstrated in research on traditional employment interviews? a. Interviews tend to be very high in predictive validity. b. Applicants who exhibit the least amount of self-promotion are likely to be hired. c. Interviews eliminate biases toward physically attractive applicants. d. An employer's expectations can distort the interview process.

d. An employer's expectations can distort the interview process.

130. Which of the following countries does not permit the death penalty? a. Japan b. India c. Thailand d. Australia

d. Australia

26. Which statement regarding the relationship between gender and aggression is false? a. In virtually every culture, males are more violent than females. b. Men are more likely to commit a homicide and are more likely to be the victim of a murder than women. c. Males are more likely to engage in risky, self-destructive behavior than females. d. Boys demonstrate more overt and relational forms of aggression than do girls.

d. Boys demonstrate more overt and relational forms of aggression than do girls.

12. Tony, Silvio, Paulie, and Christopher were all in the convenience store when it was robbed. Who is likely to be the most reliable eyewitness? a. Tony, who was the only one to notice that the thief was brandishing a gun b. Silvio, who was extremely frightened by the whole incident c. Paulie, who was drunk at the time of the crime d. Christopher, who is the same race as the thief

d. Christopher, who is the same race as the thief

70. Anson asks an industrial/organizational psychologist for advice concerning whether he should ask his employees to complete self-evaluations. Which of the following is the psychologist least likely to indicate? a. Self-evaluations tend to be more positive than supervisor evaluations. b. Self-evaluations tend to be less predictive of job performance than supervisor evaluations. c. Individuals who have more power in the company will give themselves more positive evaluations than those who have less power. d. Female employees will give more positive evaluations of themselves than will male employees.

d. Female employees will give more positive evaluations of themselves than will male employees

2. Which scenario best illustrates aggression? a. Felix and Oscar engage in a heated debate concerning the merits of the Big Mac versus the Whopper. b. Maude trips over the scooter her son absentmindedly left in the driveway. c. In his attempt to save Samantha from dying, Darin breaks three of her ribs while performing CPR. d. Ginger kicks MaryAnn in the shins to keep her from eating the last coconut pie.

d. Ginger kicks MaryAnn in the shins to keep her from eating the last coconut pie.

108. Thor would like to get his son to read more without compromising the child's intrinsic motivation to read. Which strategy could best achieve this? a. Give the child a strict deadline by which time he must have read a set number of books. b. Set up a competition with other kids in the neighborhood to see who can read the most books. c. Create a schedule of how many hours the child should be reading each day and then closely supervise him to make sure he sticks to the schedule. d. Give the child a new book for every book that he reads and make it clear that he is doing a good job of reading the books.

d. Give the child a new book for every book that he reads and make it clear that he is doing a good job of reading the books.

67. Angus is accused of having a restriction of range problem in his evaluations of coworkers. What is most likely to be true about Angus? a. His ratings fluctuate dramatically over time. b. He tends to believe that friendly subordinates are also competent. c. He rates people he doesn't know well inaccurately. d. He probably fails to make adequate distinctions among those he evaluates.

d. He probably fails to make adequate distinctions among those he evaluat

30. Kwame, a noted psychologist, has been called as an expert witness in a trial. Kwame is least likely to provide which testimony? a. Alcoholic intoxication can impair ability to recall events. b. Police instructions can influence an eyewitness's confidence. c. Eyewitness confidence is not a good predictor of accuracy. d. Hypnosis increases the accuracy of eyewitness memory.

d. Hypnosis increases the accuracy of eyewitness memory.

44. Which research result would provide evidence that aggression is a heritable trait? a. Identical twins reared together are more similar in their levels of aggressiveness than identical twins reared apart. b. Adopted children are more similar in levels of aggressiveness to their adoptive parents than to their biological parents. c. Fraternal twins are more similar in levels of aggressiveness than non-twin siblings. d. Identical twins are more similar in levels of aggressiveness than fraternal twins.

d. Identical twins are more similar in levels of aggressiveness than fraternal twins.

44. Which statement best describes the conclusions reached by Kassin and Kiechel (1996) concerning false confessions? a. People are highly unlikely to confess to crimes they did not commit. b. Internalized false confessions are most likely to occur when a suspect is intimidated with bright lights and physical threats. c. Compliant false confessions are most likely to occur when a friendly interrogator offers sympathy and advice to a suspect. d. Internalized false confessions are most likely to occur when false evidence of guilt is presented.

d. Internalized false confessions are most likely to occur when false evidence of guilt is presented.

81. Which statement is not a viable explanation for the finding that jurors often fail to comply with a judge's instruction to disregard inadmissible evidence? a. Jurors do not like being told what they can and cannot pay attention to. b. The judge's instruction often draws greater attention to the evidence in question. c. Jurors are primarily motivated to reach the "right" decision. d. Judicial instructions do not make it clear which information should be disregarded.

d. Judicial instructions do not make it clear which information should be disregarded.

52. What is not a reason for why preferential selection policies have negative effects? a. People perceive focus on group membership in the decision process as unjust. b. The beneficiaries of the policies do not attribute their success on the job to their own skill and performance. c. Preferential selection leads beneficiaries of it to feel stigmatized at work. d. Preferential selection increases diversity in the workforce.

d. Preferential selection increases diversity in the workforce.

90. Based on the relevant research, which individual is most likely to be chosen as foreperson of a jury? a. Monica, who works on an assembly line similar to the one the defendant has worked on b. Joey, who sits in a chair situated on the long side of the jury table, close to the middle c. Rachel, who is one of only three jurors who does not say anything during the first few minutes of the deliberations d. Ross, who is chief of surgery at a local hospital and sits at the head of the table

d. Ross, who is chief of surgery at a local hospital and sits at the head of the table

22. A murder has been committed. Given the research on homicide, which of the following is most likely? a. The victim was black and the murdered was white. b. The murder occurred in the eastern United States. c. The murderer was over 55 years old. d. The murderer and victim were of the same race.

d. The murderer and victim were of the same race.

106. Which type of goal will be most effective in motivating a salesperson? a. Do your best to raise your sales. b. Try to raise your sales a little at a time. c. Try to raise your sales using established, effective means. d. Try to raise your sales by 50 percent.

d. Try to raise your sales by 50 percent.

96. Which is not an impediment to women trying to reach the top in executive positions? a. Women are conflicted about juggling a career and family. b. Women gravitate toward helping professions more than competitive, hierarchical positions. c. Lingering stereotypes portray women as followers, not leaders. d. Women have been less effective when placed in top positions.

d. Women have been less effective when placed in top positions

114. In 2012, American women were paid 82 cents for every dollar men were paid. Which explanation below for this gender-based wage disparity is not one proposed by your text? a. Consistent with the history of gender discrimination in this country, women have simply come to expect lower salaries than men do. b. Even when they perform well, women's self-ratings tend to be less positive than men's. c. In making social comparisons, women tend to compare themselves with other women, not with men. d. Women tend to exhibit an interdependent or collectivist self-view, whereas men are more likely to value independence or individualism in the workplace.

d. Women tend to exhibit an interdependent or collectivist self-view, whereas men are more likely to value independence or individualism in the workplace.

108. Research on the link between media violence and aggression has demonstrated that a. exposure to violent films increases aggressive behavior in the lab, but decreases aggressive behavior in the field. b. violent films increase aggressiveness, but violent music videos and song lyrics do not increase aggressiveness. c. all media violence ultimately reduces aggression by providing a cathartic outlet. d. all forms of media violence appear to increase the likelihood of aggressive behavior.

d. all forms of media violence appear to increase the likelihood of aggressive behavior.

38. Guilty suspects can fool a polygraph test if they a. simply deny any and all involvement in the crime for which they are being questioned. b. meditate prior to the administration of the test. c. lie in response to any crime-relevant questions, but tell the truth in response to the control questions. d. artificially inflate their physiological arousal while being asked control questions.

d. artificially inflate their physiological arousal while being asked control questions.

97. Liness and Thompson's (2000) survey of corporate executives indicated that, compared to their male counterparts, female executives are more likely to have a. greater access to role models and mentors. b. a more task-oriented leadership style. c. sought competitive, hierarchical positions. d. been passed over for jobs requiring relocation.

d. been passed over for jobs requiring relocatio

9. The original intent of the managers at the Hawthorne plant was to see if they could make their factory workers more productive by changing light levels in the factory. To do this, they increased the lighting for one group of workers in a special test room and kept the lights the same in the control room. They found that a. workers in the special test room came to outperform workers in the control room. b. workers in the control room actually outperformed workers in the test room. c. neither group of workers showed an increase in productivity. d. both groups of workers showed an increase in productivity.

d. both groups of workers showed an increase in productivity.

17. One form of violence that is prevalent across virtually all cultures is a. violence against young girls. b. gun violence. c. domestic violence. d. bullying.

d. bullying.

118. Research suggests that men's attitudes toward violence against women as well as their beliefs about rape myths a. are primarily influenced by nonviolent pornography rather than violent pornography. b. are stable personality traits that are not influenced by exposure to violent pornography unless the exposure is very frequent and the material is extremely violent. c. tend to be affected by the men's own arousal-based aggressive behaviors, but are not likely to be affected by observation of the aggressive behavior depicted in a movie. d. can influence the extent of their aggressive behavior in response to violent pornographic material.

d. can influence the extent of their aggressive behavior in response to violent pornographic material.

86. According to Berkowitz's (1989) revision of frustration-aggression theory, aggression is a response to a. only moderate, not extreme or mild, frustrations. b. previously displaced aggression. c. negative feelings. d. catharsis.

d. catharsis.

17. Which characteristic is not one of the forms of faking documented by Levashina and Campion (2007)? a. ingratiation b. outright lying c. image protection d. charisma

d. charisma

91. Which quality is not one of the four characteristics of transformational leaders? a. intellectual stimulation b. inspirational motivation c. individualized consideration of others d. conscientiousness

d. conscientiousness

11. The tendency for people to be more accurate at recognizing members of their own racial group than of other groups is called the a. in group homogeneity effect. b. out group homogeneity effect. c. own-race identification bias. d. cross-race identification bias.

d. cross-race identification bias.

114. Nikki, who watches a lot of violent television shows as well as documentaries about violent crime, thinks that the world is much more violent than it really is. Her overestimate is likely to be due to a. habituation. b. displacement. c. dehumanization. d. cultivation.

d. cultivation.

68. The transmission of domestic violence across generations is called the a. cultivation of honor. b. rumination/frustration hypothesis. c. domestic desensitization effect. d. cycle of violence.

d. cycle of violence.

110. One reason for controversy surrounding sentencing decisions in this country is that Americans often a. disagree about the adversarial model. b. believe that juries are inept. c. resist the inquisitorial model of justice. d. disagree about the goals of imprisonment.

d. disagree about the goals of imprisonment

117. The Stanford University prison simulation teaches us that a. sentencing disparity is much more pervasive than was previously believed. b. the conditions at privately-run prisons are far superior to those at state-run prisons. c. demographic profiles play a very important role in determining the degree to which the prisoners will use their prison time in a constructive manner. d. even normal people can be dehumanized by institutional roles and practices.

d. even normal people can be dehumanized by institutional roles and practices.

18. In the course of an interview, Maury is asked about work at a preceding job he held. At that job, he actually had quite a bit of trouble getting along with the boss and had fairly low-level responsibilities. But in his response to the interviewer's question, Maury does not mention the trouble getting along with his supervisor and talks about how significant his responsibilities were to the organization's success. Which faking strategy (or strategies) is Maury using? a. ingratiation and exaggeration b. exaggeration only c. image protection only d. exaggeration and image protection

d. exaggeration and image protection

115. Ophelia has seen so many violent movies that she has become desensitized to them. This means that she a. believes the world is a much more violent place than it is in reality. b. believes the world is a much less violent place than it is in reality. c. experiences more physiological arousal in response to new images of violence. d. experiences less physiological arousal in response to new images of violence.

d. experiences less physiological arousal in response to new images of violence.

107. Carmelo is an extremely talented basketball player and professional teams keep offering him lots of money to play for them. Though he doesn't particularly enjoy playing basketball, he continues to do so because of the money. In this situation, Carmelo is a. relations-oriented. b. task-oriented. c. intrinsically motivated. d. extrinsically motivated.

d. extrinsically motivated.

100. Bernard is an African-American professional. Research suggests fairly clearly that he will be more likely than a Caucasian professional to a. respond positively to a task-oriented leader. b. receive more negative employee evaluations. c. establish a mentoring relationship with a supervisor. d. feel excluded socially from informal work groups.

d. feel excluded socially from informal work groups.

13. United States citizens tend to be more likely than those of other nations to engage in a. politically motivated violence directed toward groups. b. mob violence at sporting events. c. violence against young girls. d. gun-related violence against individuals.

d. gun-related violence against individuals.

59. In a study of over 500 business, Cedric Herring (2009) found that those companies that ____ had higher profits and earned greater revenue than companies that did not. a. used 360 assessments b. cybervetted job applicants c. employed transactional leadership styles d. had greater racial and gender diversity

d. had greater racial and gender diversity

96. When exposed to situational cues, such as the presence of a gun, many people tend to a. demonstrate decreases in aggression. b. feel socially rejected. c. experience a decrease in testosterone. d. have automatic cognitions regarding aggression.

d. have automatic cognitions regarding aggression.

85. Shawna has just gone through a break-up with her arrogant and selfish boyfriend. While hitting the punching bag in her kickboxing class, she imagines that she is punching her boyfriend's head. Shawna believes that engaging in the relatively harmless pursuit of hitting the punching bag will drain the energy from her more violent tendencies (like her temptation to slit the tires of his car or to break his legs). Research on the idea of catharsis suggests that a. hitting the punching bag will reduce Shawna's "hot-blooded" aggressive intent. b. the good feelings Shawna derives from hitting the punching bag will be replaced by feelings of guilt and shame, which will make her less likely to engage in aggression in the future. c. hitting the punching bag will be a more successful technique for Shawna's attempt to reduce future aggression than would distracting herself by going out and having fun with other friends. d. hitting the punching bag will make Shawna feel more aggressive toward her ex-boyfriend.

d. hitting the punching bag will make Shawna feel more aggressive toward her ex-boyfriend.

1. Waleska is a social psychologist who studies the legal system. Which objectives would she be least likely to pursue in her research? a. improving the ability of police officers to determine when a criminal suspect is lying b. determining under what circumstances jurors are best able to understand and follow a judge's instructions c. assessing how judges apply sentencing guidelines to complex cases d. identifying the types of psychological disorders most likely to lead people to engage in criminal behavior

d. identifying the types of psychological disorders most likely to lead people to engage in criminal behavior

20. Which of the following would decrease the likelihood that Chris would behave in a physically aggressive manner? a. if Chris is a teenager b. if Chris is male c. if Chris is drunk d. if Chris is gay

d. if Chris is gay

57. Gershoff's (2002) meta-analysis of over 36,000 participants indicates a positive correlation between corporal punishment and other factors. Which factor was not shown to have a positive correlation? a. aggression as a child b. aggression as an adult c. adult criminal behavior d. improved academic performance

d. improved academic performance

2. Recent DNA exoneration cases have revealed the most common cause of mistaken convictions to be a. a coerced confession. b. false alibis. c. racially biased juries. d. inaccurate eyewitnesses.

d. inaccurate eyewitnesses.

87. Mismatches between a leader's personal style and the demands of the situation are most likely to lead to a. high situational control. b. low rates of employee absenteeism. c. increased leader competence. d. increased job stress and stress-related illnesses.

d. increased job stress and stress-related illnesses.

83. The concept of catharsis has been undermined by findings suggesting that engaging in or witnessing aggression often a. reduces the likelihood of cultivation. b. produces displacement. c. causes habituation. d. increases aggression at a later time.

d. increases aggression at a later time.

63. Aggressive models teach aggressive behavior by all of the following except a. teaching observers how to perform the aggressive act. b. fostering positive attitudes toward aggression. c. allowing observers to construct aggressive scripts. d. increasing the frustration experienced by observers.

d. increasing the frustration experienced by observers.

120. Sexually coercive behavior is least likely to be exhibited by someone who a. is highly sexually aroused by violent pornography. b. indicates greater acceptance of interpersonal violence against women. c. thinks he or she has consumed alcohol. d. indicates strong rejection of rape myths.

d. indicates strong rejection of rape myths.

3. Dr. Henry is a psychologist who studies practical issues concerning personnel selection, performance appraisals, and group leadership. She is probably a(n) ____ psychologist. a. clinical b. experimental c. economic/applied d. industrial/organizational

d. industrial/organizational

2. The study of human behavior in the workplace defines the field of a. clinical psychology. b. experimental psychology. c. economic/applied psychology. d. industrial/organizational psychology.

d. industrial/organizational psychology.

47. Sanchez and Chavez (2010) presented participants with a Latino candidate's resume for a selective minority internship. The candidate's background was strong, and half the time, the candidate was presented as bilingual (English/Spanish) and half the time not (English speaking only). They found that the language manipulation a. made no difference in how participants rated the candidate. b. affected how Caucasians, but not Latinos, rated the candidate. c. affected how Latinos, but not Caucasians, rated the candidate. d. influenced both Caucasians' and Latinos' ratings of the candidate.

d. influenced both Caucasians' and Latinos' ratings of the candidate.

103. As deliberation begins, nine jurors think that the defendant is guilty. At first, the three jurors who think otherwise are resistant to changing their minds, but after hearing what the others have to say, they are genuinely persuaded and decide to vote guilty. The factor most likely to have led these three jurors to change their verdict is a. the leniency bias. b. the influence of peremptory challenges. c. normative influence. d. informational influence.

d. informational influence.

104. Lancelot would like to increase employee motivation and productivity. According to expectancy theory, which strategy would be most effective? a. continually urging employees to do their best b. providing equal rewards to all employees regardless of effort or outcomes c. using only mildly positive symbolic rewards rather than monetary ones d. instituting a profit-sharing plan based on job performance

d. instituting a profit-sharing plan based on job performance

107. Which factor is not a component of the I3 theory of aggression? a. impellance b. instigation c. inhibition d. intelligence

d. intelligence

85. Nicola has good relations with her subordinates, exerts considerable power over them, and is faced with clearly structured tasks within the organization. According to the contingency model, Nicola is most likely to be an effective leader if she a. concentrates on making sure that her subordinates' feelings remain positive. b. appears to individualize her attention. c. explicitly endorses due process considerations. d. is very task-oriented.

d. is very task-oriented.

86. Eighteen-year-old André has been accused of statutory rape because he had sex with his 17-year-old girlfriend, who is a minor. When the case goes to trial, the prosecution presents evidence confirming that André broke the law; yet the jurors vote not guilty because they feel the law is outdated. The jury's action illustrates a. the positive coercion bias. b. internalization. c. sentencing disparity. d. jury nullification.

d. jury nullification.

29. Which of the following is not one of the five factors that influence eyewitness accuracy in lineup identifications? a. lineup format b. lineup construction c. lineup instructions d. lineup lighting

d. lineup lighting

98. Research regarding sex and leadership indicates that a. men are typically more effective leaders than women. b. women are typically more effective leaders than men. c. male leaders are more relations-oriented than female leaders, and females are more task-oriented than males. d. male leaders are more controlling in their approach than are female leaders, and females are more democratic than males.

d. male leaders are more controlling in their approach than are female leaders, and females are more democratic than males.

43. In a study about status (to successfully compete for mates), Vlades Griskevicius and others (2009) and Vaillancourt (2005) found that a. women do not use aggression of any type to boost their status. b. men are more likely to boost their status through indirect aggression. c. women are more likely to boost their status through direct aggression. d. men are more likely to boost their status through direct aggression

d. men are more likely to boost their status through direct aggression

26. Employee selection processes likely tests for all of the following except a. intelligence. b. personality. c. integrity. d. mental health.

d. mental health.

117. Jay has just been exposed to highly arousing violent pornography, whereas Dave has just been exposed to equally arousing but nonviolent pornography. The research on pornography and aggression suggests that, compared to Dave, Jay should subsequently be a. less aggressive toward both women and men. b. more aggressive toward both women and men. c. less aggressive toward women but no different in his level of aggression toward men. d. more aggressive toward women but no different in his level of aggression toward men.

d. more aggressive toward women but no different in his level of aggression toward men.

88. The theory that leadership is determined by the amount of participation and feedback that leaders invite from workers is called the ____ of leadership. a. contingency model b. transactional theory c. transformational theory d. normative model

d. normative model

21. Based upon her written application materials, Phyllis is perceived as the best candidate for a position with Conglomerate Company. It is likely that her interviewer will a. elicit negative information from Phyllis in order to make sure that his positive expectations are not wrong. b. hold Phyllis to a higher standard than usual in order to offset any personal bias. c. spend more time assessing Phyllis's fitness as a worker than really getting to know her. d. provide Phyllis with more information about the company and the job than other candidates would receive.

d. provide Phyllis with more information about the company and the job than other candidates would receive.

20. Which of the following has not been shown to bias a child's memory report? a. repeating the question b. introducing misinformation c. leading questions d. questioning in a group setting

d. questioning in a group setting

9. When Katie found out that her brother Matt had pulled the heads off all of her Barbie dolls, she threw her Easy Bake oven at him. Katie's behavior illustrates ____ aggression. a. instrumental b. proactive c. incompatible d. reactive

d. reactive

84. Research with mock jurors suggests that jurors comprehend judges' conventional instructions relatively well when these instructions are a. accompanied by music. b. presented by the attorneys rather than by the judge. c. given first to the jury foreperson, who then passes them along to the rest of the jury. d. rewritten in plain language.

d. rewritten in plain language.

36. Evolutionary accounts of aggression emphasize the a. role of aggression in securing food and land. b. contribution of genetics and hormones to aggressive behavior. c. importance of intrapsychic conflict in aggressive behavior. d. role of aggression in securing a mate.

d. role of aggression in securing a mate.

124. Denson, Capper, and others (2011) found that training in ____ resulted in less aggressiveness following provocation than if no training were provided. a. social learning b. self-esteem c. catharsis d. self-control

d. self-control

51. Madeline, Joe, and Ian have all applied for the same promotion. Madeline is chosen but may be particularly likely to devalue the promotion if she believes that a. it was based on equity considerations. b. the decision was made on the basis of an assessment center. c. her intrinsic motivation, not her ability, determined the decision. d. she got it because of her sex and not her qualifications.

d. she got it because of her sex and not her qualifications

21. Cathy witnesses a carjacking. A few days later, she is called to the police station to identify the culprit from a lineup. Cathy is most likely to be accurate if a. the police tell her that the culprit is in the lineup. b. one of the men in the lineup resembles the description that Cathy had given the police, while the other men in the lineup look very different from that description. c. she is first presented with some mug shots and then views a lineup containing one of the men whose mug shot she has seen. d. she observes the suspect and foils one at a time rather than together in a single lineup.

d. she observes the suspect and foils one at a time rather than together in a single lineup.

130. Vince buys tickets to a concert that his girlfriend, Jennifer, wants to see. The concert is in three months, but two weeks before the show, the couple split up. Vince decides to go to the concert anyway even though he doesn't really like the band. "I paid the money, so I might as well go," he says. Vince's decision demonstrates the ____ principle. a. base rate b. endowment c. escalation d. sunk cost

d. sunk cost

123. Aggression replacement training has all of the following components except a. improved moral reasoning. b. social competence training. c. aggression control. d. systematic desensitization.

d. systematic desensitization.

12. Group attacks against other groups are least likely to occur in a. the Middle East. b. Eastern Europe. c. Africa. d. the United States.

d. the United States.

80. Bobby, Peter, Greg, and Mike are all very effective leaders. Although their leadership styles vary, they are particularly likely to have in common a. an emphasis on smoothing over potentially tense relationships. b. the ability to negotiate deals efficiently and to their own advantage. c. an engaging way of speaking. d. the ability to use social influence effectively.

d. the ability to use social influence effectively.

69. Ryan was abused as a child. He is now married to a woman who abuses him, and he is physically abusive toward his child. This pattern of behavior is consistent with a. the negative affect escape model. b. the arousal affect model. c. cultivation. d. the cycle of violence.

d. the cycle of violence.

88. A juror is more likely to be chosen as foreperson if the juror is a. seated in the middle of the table as opposed to at the head. b. of lower rather than higher occupational status. c. quiet during the initial stages of jury deliberation. d. the first to speak in the jury room.

d. the first to speak in the jury room.`

98. The tendency to perceive hostile intent in the actions of others is called a. aggression cultivation. b. emotional aggression. c. excitation transfer. d. the hostile attribution bias.

d. the hostile attribution bias.

102. In considering whether or not she is satisfied with the compensation she receives from her job, Imelda is likely to consider all of these factors except a. benefits such as healthcare and stock options. b. how raises are determined. c. salary differences within the company. d. the procedural interdependence of the company.

d. the procedural interdependence of the company.

64. Gee and Leigh (2007) analyzed aggressive behavior in the National Hockey League (NHL). They concluded that players born in North America were more likely to resort to fighting to deal with their frustration because a. hockey players generally have aggressive personalities. b. they were always punished severely when they acted aggressively. c. the sport of hockey makes people act aggressively. d. they had been exposed to models of aggression in hockey from a young age.

d. they had been exposed to models of aggression in hockey from a young age.

62. Research on race and jury decision making indicates that jurors are a. always more lenient toward defendants of their same race. b. more likely to discriminate by race when race is a prominent issue during the trial. c. not influenced by race when evidence in a case is strong. d. very unpredictable from one trial and jury to the next.

d. very unpredictable from one trial and jury to the next.

51. The pre-trial interview of prospective jurors conducted by the judge and lawyers is called a. decision control. b. jury nullification. c. scientific jury selection. d. voir dire.

d. voir dire.

72. Nesbit & Cohen (1996) found that among ____ in the American South, there was a greater acceptance of the notion that a man has a right to kill in defense of his family and his house. a. black women b. white women c. black men d. white men

d. white men

62. Performance standards based on the perceptions of employees reported by their supervisors, coworkers, or the employees themselves are considered a. concrete appraisals. b. integrity tests. c. quantitative criteria. d. subjective measures.

subjective measures.

125. One of the most successful treatments for violent juvenile delinquents is called a. multisystem therapy. b. aggression replacement training. c. bullying prevention. d. sensitization therapy.

uvenile delinquents is called a. multisystem therapy.

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