Social Studies: American Revolution pg. 228-231 (#19-24)
22. Summarize the three tea taxes
*Stamp- paper *Sugar- *Townsend- tea, glass, lead, paint, and paper.
19. Explain what "no taxation without representation" means in your own words.
It means the colonists were upset with Britain because they were taxed and could not decide or participate in the laws.
21. In place of the Stamp Act, the British government added the Townsend Act. Explain the Townsend Act.
A tax placed on tea, glass, lead, paint, and paper.
24. Write at least 3 sentences describing what happened during the Boston Massacre?
During the Boston Massacre 5 colonists were killed. One of the men killed was Ciprus Attucks. The Boston Soldiers wanted to protect its officials in Boston.
20. The boycotts and protests worked, so the British Parliament and King George (III) decided to __________ the Stamp Act., which means to cancel it.
23. What did colonist do to get back at the British for being treated this way?
They boycotted- refused to buy or sell to Britain.