sociology chapter 9, Sociology 101: Chapter 14, Essentials of Sociology Chapter 1, Essentials of Sociology Chapter 3, Essentials of Sociology Chapter 2, Essentials of Sociology Chapter 4, Essentials of Sociology Chapter 5, Essentials of Sociology Cha...

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Horticultural Society

A society based on the cultivation of plants with hand tools. Horticultural societies stayed longer in areas, as opposed to H-G or Pastoral. Emerged 10-12,000 years ago.

Pastoral Society

A society that relies on domesticated animals as the main source of food. Pastoral nomads lead their animals to seasonal grazing grounds rather than settling permanently in a single location.

Pluralistic Society

A society which consists of several distinct cultures and groups


An institution entrusted with making and enforcing the rules of society.

Sociologists understand that education __________.

can promote self-fulfilling prophecies that affect student achievement

an economic system in which the means of production are held largely in private hands, and the main incentive for economic activity is the accumulation of profits


general practices found in every culture, such as sports, cooking, marriage, religious ritual, and sexual restrictions

cultural universals

The values, norms, and material goods that characterize a given society are called ____________________. social structure institutions culture statuses


In research methodology, a ___________________ predicts a relationship between two variables. theory experiment likert scale hypothesis


If a social group has a shared and informal expectation for behavior, that is a __________. Once this shared expectation becomes organized, written down, and formalized, it is then a __________.

norm; law

power rested in the hands of a few, both inside and outside government

power elite

A sociologist interested in studying the impact of coal mining on Appalachian people cannot receive funding from a coal producer because of problems with __________.

research ethics

Social Construction of Reality

Theory - Our perceptions are colored by our beliefs and experiences.

marriage as a capstone

a voluntary commitment you enter once your adult life is in place, or when you feel it would nicely complement your life

Which of the following is one of the reasons most college students must work, part-time or full-time?

a widening gap between federal grant stipends and tuition costs

Gender Socialization

the tendency for boys and girls to be socialized differently.


the tendency of the most industrialized nations to exploit less-developed countries politically and economically.

Which of the following statements about childlessness in the U.S. is correct?

there has been a modest increase in childlessness


The study of individual cultures in a society, rather than the society as a whole. Traditionally, it focuses on "primitive" cultures and their languages, kinship patterns, and cultural artifacts.

Personal space

The surrounding area over which a person makes some claim to privacy

Scientific Method

-A series of steps followed to solve problems including collecting data, formulating a hypothesis, testing the hypothesis, and stating conclusions.

Differential Association Theory

-Attitudes and social learning depends on primary groups and significant others -Responsibility for deviance rests in networks and ongoing social experiences, not in macro, distant structural forces such as culture

Approximately what percentage of new legal immigrants over the age of 18 are fluent in English? A.45 percent of men and 38 percent of women B.12 percent of men and 5 percent of women C.55 percent of men and 71 percent of women D.94 percent of men and 96 percent of women

45 percent of men and 38 percent of women

Hate crime

A criminal act by an offender who is motivated by some bias, such as racism, sexism, or homophobia. For example: Attacking someone because they are gay, black, Hispanic, etc.

Tamara worked as a waitress for five years after high school before she went to college. After college, Tamara got a job as a sales representative for a pharmaceutical company. This best exemplifies which of the following types of mobility? (A) Intergenerational (B) Intragenerational (C) Unilateral (D) Horizontal (E) Structural


Nathan wants to study the behavior of city residents as they travel on the subway to work every day. What type of research would be most appropriate for Nathan's research project? (A) Experimental research (B) Field research (C) Content analysis (D) Secondary analysis (E) Survey method


Raw materials are processed and converted into finished goods in which sector of the economy? (A) Agricultural (B) Industrial (C) Public (D) Service (E) Information


Sex is__________ and gender is ______________. (A) socially constructed, socially constructed. (B) biological, socially constructed. (C) socially constructed , biological. (D) biological, biological (E) none of the above


The increase in prejudice that sometimes resulted from court-ordered desegregation in public schools is a: (A) manifest function of desegregation (B) latent dysfunction of desegregation (C) functional alternative to desegregation (D) secondary function of desegregation (E) rational exchange for desegregation


What is the basic formula of the Malthus theorem? (A) crude birth rate - crude death rate + net migration (B) population grows geometrically while food supply grows arithmetically (C) exponential growth - geometric growth + food supply (D) population growth is a function of industrialization while food supply is a function of the agrarian society (E) population-death rate


In the study of social class, a sociologist would be LEAST likely to focus on: (A) power (B) social mobility (C) style of life (D) motivation (E) occupational status


Mark is a foreign exchange student living with a Chinese family. The first night he was with them his hosts served a delicious entree of meat and vegetables. Although tasty, Mark could not identify the meat. When his host told him it was roast dog Mark became upset and decided to become a vegetarian for the course of his stay. In view of this, which sociological concept did Mark just experience? (A) cultural lag (B) relativist fallacy (C) cultural leveling (D) culture shock (E) counterculture


Societies that are postindustrial are distinguished from industrial ones by: (A) an economy based largely on manufacturing (B) a universal return to traditional cultural values (C) the political power of people with low asset levels (D) the predominance of knowledge-based service industries (E) the proportional expansion of the agriculture sector of the economy


Which of the following is considered to be an environmental concern and effect of industrialization? (A) fossil feuls (B) greenhouse effect (C) global warming (D) all of the above (E) none of the above


Which of the following relies most heavily on sampling methods? (A) Small group experiment (B) Laboratory experiment (C) Participant observation (D) Survey research (E) Case study


The idea that "women are more passive than men" is an example of a commonsense explanation for social behavior that relies on __________.


mental health professionals have removed the ---- from forms of sexual expression other than being straight


What term describes the invisible barrier that keeps women from advancing to the top levels of a corporation? gender tracking the glass escalator the sticky floor the glass ceiling

the glass ceiling

control group

the group that does not receive the experimental treatment.

According to Sigmund Freud, the inborn drive for self-gratification is called __________.

the id

Transformational Leader

A leader who is able to instill in the members of a group a sense of mission or higher purpose thereby changing the nature of the group itself.

Transactional Leader

A leader who is concerned with accomplishing the group's tasks, getting group members to do their jobs, and making certain that the group achieves its goals.

Which of the following statements is true regarding the parent's responses to the conflict between family needs and work pressures? A.Although women tend to spend more time with their children than men do, both parents now spend more time with their children than their counterparts did several decades ago. B.Women spend less time with their children than men do, and both parents spend much less time with their children than their counterparts did several decades ago. C.Although women tend to spend more time with their children than men do, both parents now spend about the same amount of time with their children as their counterparts did several decades ago. D.Men spend less time with their children than women do, and both parents spend much less time with their children than their counterparts did several decades ago.

Although women tend to spend more time with their children than men do, both parents now spend more time with their children than their counterparts did several decades ago.

Question 15 1967's Supreme Court case Loving v. Virginia, a case which legally allowed interracial marriage, is an example of: Racism Assimilation Amalgamation Stereotyping


Employers who utilize varying job titles in order to differentiate similar work by gender and thereby pay women less are practicing what sociologists refer to as comparable worth discrimination. True False


Gender stratification refers to the ranking of males and females according to their access to power, property, and prestige based on their sex. True False


Question 12 True or false: The majority of American citizens are descendents of immigrants. True False


Race and ethnicity are based in the assumption of difference; but both are social constructions not based in concrete biology. True False


The income gap in the US is widening such that the poor are becoming poorer and the rich are becoming exponentially richer. True False


The term family is difficult to define because of the many varieties of family displayed in the world's cultures. True False


As Mexican Americans and other groups assimilate into the dominant culture of the U.S., their family lives

take on both the positive and negative aspects associated with White households.

the impact that a teacher's expectations about a student's performance may have on the student's actual achievements

teacher-expectancy effect

Which of the following is a manifest function of the U.S. education system?

teaching reading and writing

Agricultural Society

tended crops with an animal harnessed to a plow.

Seemingly gendered behavior, such as aggression in sports or competition, produces higher levels of __________. testosterone progesterone future aggressive behavior stress


In a meritocracy, society believes that those who are __________.

the most deserving will rise to the top

Sociologically, what is the immediate family of husband, wife, and children called who live apart from other kin? the vertical extended family the horizontal extended family the traditional family the nuclear family

the nuclear family

The idea that people may change their behavior, beliefs, and attitudes when they know they are being studied is called __________.

the observer effect

dependent variable

the outcome factor; the variable that may change in response to manipulations of the independent variable


the study of human society


the study of the biological basis of human behavior

An example of sex segregation in the workplace would be crowding comparable worth discrimination job assignment by sex all of the above are correct examples

all of the above are correct examples

In the "nature versus nurture" argument regarding socialization, the "nurture" component refers to ________. the social environment heredity genetic composition instinct

the social environment

According to , our individual identities are only understandable in social contexts

the sociological imagination

social interaction

what people do when they are in one another's presence


when a powerful country invades a weaker country in order to exploit its resources, thereby making it a colony

Cultural Diffusion

when an aspect of culture spreads throughout a culture or from one culture to another.

is the situation in which human beings do not have enough money for basic survival. a. Relative poverty b. Absolute poverty c. Irreversible poverty d. Official poverty


Advertisements that portray romantic couples with images of one man and one woman convey __________ messages about sexual orientation. homonormative heteronormative homophobic gendernormative


The event or item in your research that is considered to be the cause or influence of the other variables is called the __________ variable.


A researcher studying alcoholism attends a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and interviews people there. This is an example of which type of sample?

purposive sample

Sometimes sociological data about the world from quantitative research tells us the "what," but we need data from which type of research to tell us the "how"?


Imagine that a sociologist asks the following research question: "Do men and women feel differently about gender equality in the United States?" This research question is which type of question?


According to the text, which type of research primarily uses statistics to deduce findings?

quantitative methods

term that refers to the feeling or perception of being in direct contact with the ultimate reality, such as a divine being, or of being overcome with religious emotion

religious experience


religious group integrated with society


religious group outside standard cultural norms


religious group set apart from society

practices required or expected of members of a faith

religious rituals

Individuals are born _________, but NOT _____________; they have to be taught to be masculine or feminine. gendered; sexed sexed, gendered androgynous; gendered gendered; androgynous

sexed; gendered


sexual sharing among two or more females and two or more males.

Status Symbols

signs or symbols of a respective status


single deity

How many social classes have been identified in the United States today, according to the text?

six or more

What is the single best predictor of a person's life chances?

social class

Whether your parents see themselves as positive or negative role models for you depends, in part, on what __________ you belong to.

social class

Which of the following is a true statement about social class in the United States?

social class is a powerful piece of our identities

The Thomas Theorem

"if a person perceives a situation as real, it is real in its consequences." Our behavior depends not on objective reality, but our subjective interpretation of reality.

The poverty line for a family of four for 2018 is _________________. $24,200 $25,100 $24,900 $25,000


Karl Marx

(1818-1883)-German philosopher and founder of Marxism, the theory that class conflict is the motor force driving historical change and development.


...does not require geographic borders, only that members of a society- as well as nonmembers- recognize that land as belonging to that society.


A form of marriage in which men have more than one wife.

participant observation

A research method in which investigators systematically observe people while joining them in their routine activities


A type of organization marked by a clear hierarchy or authority and the existence of written rules or procedure and staffed by full-time, salaried officials.


ACCEPT society's goals ACCEPT methods of achieving them


ACCEPT society's goals REJECT methods of achieving them

Primary deviance

According to Edwin Lemert, the actions that cause others to label one as a deviant. In labeling theory, the initial act that someone does and others than label you as bad or different in somewhay. For example: A student cheats on one test and then for the next four years, all his teacher think of him as a cheater because he cheated that one time.


An aspect of personality that is self-aware.

The sequence of an agricultural society?

Animals pull plows, large land area is cultivated, soil is aerated, yielding more crops over time, productivity increases, towns emerge, job specialization, economy intensifies.

William Julius Wilson

Argued that welfare was not the culprit. Stated that the cause of poverty was Deindustrialization, globalization, institutional discrimination, and similar structural processes and forces. Lack of jobs as a result of these factors led to a corresponding lack of employed men for women to marry.

The term sociology was coined by founding social scientist ____________________________.. C. Wright Mills Auguste Comte Herbert Spencer Emile Durkheim

Auguste Comte

According to Max Weber, what are the three most important variables in determining one's place in the social stratification system? (A) education, race, occupation (B) property, power, prestige (C) power, education, occupation (D) race, property, sex (E) age, sex, race


Demographic transition theory explains population changes by: (A) connecting them exclusively to changes in the food supply (B) linking population changes to technological development (C) focusing on the migration of people in and out of specified territories (D) tying population growth to changes in the sex ratio (E) referring to a culture's religious attitudes


Max Weber saw __________________ as the core reason for the shifts in characteristics of culture and societies over time. (A) capitalism (B) religion (C) the industrial revolution (D) technology (E) media


Mrs. Jones has a parent-teacher meeting scheduled at the school where she teaches. The meeting is scheduled at the same time as her daughter's piano recital. Mrs. Jones will have to decide how to juggle the contradictory expectations of teacher and parent. This situation is referred to as: (A) role strain (B) role conflict (C) status conflict (D) status set (E) role set


The term "sociology" was coined by its founder, the nineteenth-century positivist: (A) Émile Durkheim (B) Auguste Comte (C) Max Weber (D) Harriet Martineau (E) George Herbert Mead


What term do sociologists use to describe a culture, in which their values and norms place it at odds with the dominant culture? (A) subculture (B) counterculture (C) material culture (D) non-material culture (E) symbolic interactionism


What type of social movement involves people uniting to resist social change, such as members of the NRA collectively fighting against stricter gun control laws? (A) proactive social movement (B) reactive social movement (C) redemptive social movement (D) reformative social movement (E) authoritative social movement



Belief that "our culture is best" or is normative

Which of the following is the best example of an egalitarian relationship? A.One person works full time and one person attends to the caretaking needs of the family. B.Both adults work outside the home and both are responsible for the caretaking needs of the family. C.Both adults attend to the caretaking needs of the family, but only one is responsible for working outside the home. D.Both adults work outside the home, but only one is responsible for the caretaking needs of the family.

Both adults work outside the home and both are responsible for the caretaking needs of the family.

Five Caste's of Indian Caste System

Brahman - Priests and Scholars Kshatriya - Warriors Vaishva - Skilled Craftspeople Shudra - Manual Laborers Harijan - Untouchables


Buddhists follow the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama. Does not feature any all-powerful deity, but teaches that by eschewing materialism one can transcend the illusion of life and achieve enlightenment.

According to Max Weber, authority derived from the understanding that individuals have clearly defined rights and duties to uphold and that they implement rules and procedures impersonally is: (A) traditional authority (B) charismatic authority (C) rational-legal authority (D) coercion (E) persuasion


All of the following are examples of voluntary associations EXCEPT the: (A) Republican Party (B) League of Women Voters (C) Federal Bureau of Investigation (D) First Baptist Church of Atlanta (E) Little League Baseball Association


In An Essay on the Principle of Population, Thomas Malthus argued that: (A) human population and food production grow at about the same rate (B) food production always grows faster than human population growth (C) human population grows exponentially while food production grows linearly (D) famines tend to be caused by problems in food distribution rather than food production (E) free markets in farmland would encourage the development of productive agricultural technologies


Joanne is a member of a group that is developing a questionnaire as a group project in her sociology class. The leader of her group is always trying to gain consensus by explaining proposed actions and suggesting alternative approaches and giving facts as the basis for their evaluation of the members work. What leadership style is being exhibited in this case? (A) Authoritarian (B) Democratic (C) Expressive (D) Laissex-Faire (E) None of the above


Which of the following allows human beings to adapt to diverse physical environments? (A) Instinct (B) Heredity (C) Culture (D) Stratification (E) Ethnocentrism


Extended Family

Closely related people of several generations.

Nonverbal communication

Communication between individuals based on facial expression or bodily gestures rather than on language

Role Strain

Conflicting demands and expectations WITHIN a given role (parenting)

An increase in the lowest level of education required to enter a field is referred to as what?


Three Tiers of Crime

Crime against the Person Crime against Property Victimless Crimes

Organized crime

Criminal activities carried out by organizations established as businesses. Activities of individuals and groups that supply illegal goods and services for profit For example: For people in these organizations, crime (gambling, drug dealing, prostitution) is a business.

The opposite of ethnocentrism is...

Cultural Relativism


Culturally patterned ways of behaving, interacting, thinking

Max Weber's three dimensions of social stratification are which of the following? (A) Class, politics, education (B) Prestige, politics, occupation (C) Residence, occupation, religion (D) Status, class, power (E) Status, religion, prestige


What is the explanation of global stratification that includes core nations, semiperiphery nations, periphery nations, and external areas? (A) colonialism (B) neocolonialism (C) modernization theory (D) world system theory (E) Darwinism


Which of the following groups have the lowest intermarriage rates in the United States? (A) American Indians and Whites (B) Latinos and Whites (C) Asian Americans and Whites (D) African Americans and Whites (E) Jewish Whites and Protestant Whites


Which of the following would most likely be an agent of involuntary resocialization? (A) Mass media (B) An institution of higher learning (C) A peer group (D) A total institution (E) The family


Which of the following terms refers to something that has an unexpected detrimental effect on social institutions or society? (A) Secret function (B) Manifest function (C) Manifest dysfunction (D) Latent function (E) Latent dysfunction


Which of the following theorists is most associated with structural functionalism? (A) Karl Marx (B) Max Weber (C) Randall Collins (D) Herbert Blumer (E) Émile Durkheim


Which of the following types of societies is least differentiated? (A) Horticultural (B) Pastoral (C) Hunting and gathering (D) Agricultural (E) Industrial


Control Theory

Each person has a set of Inner and Outer controls that work against their desire to deviate.


Earnings from work or investment

Couples who cohabit together before eventually marrying are less likely to divorce because they have already lived together and learned how to manage their differences and arguments. True False


Sociologically, "gender" and "sex" are interchangeable terms that have virtually the same meaning. True False


What are the basic characteristics of a hunter-gatherer society?

Family-based and driven, Small and nomadic, Generally Interdependent, Labor division is based on sex, with men hunting and women gathering.

Georg Simmel

Formal Sociology - a form of sociology which brings attention to the recurring forms of social interaction in the seemingly diverse range Particularly interested in how the size of a group affects its members. Believed that larger groups were more stable, but smaller groups were more loyal and intimate.

Reference Group

Groups that individuals compare themselves to regularly

In a particular school system, a teacher's aide must report to her teacher, and the teacher must report to his assistant principal, who then must report to her principal, who then must report to the superintendent, who ultimately is responsible to the board of education. This illustrates which characteristic of a bureaucracy?

Hierarchy of authority

Ideal Type

How an organization should ideally be run, but is often different from how it operates in reality.

When looking at prejudicial perceptions, symbolic interactionists would emphasize which of the following: How parents socialize their children to believe stereotypes about certain groups Because minorities have historically been denied fair pay and equal treatment, they have higher rates of poverty Minority group statuses are often used to create working class labor forces that can be paid less. Prejudices are built into structural and institutional settings to create a hierarchy.

How parents socialize their children to believe stereotypes about certain groups


How we decorate ourselves and our surroundings, such as clothing, jewelry, pictures, material things, etc.

ALL of the following are assumptions of the sociological perspective EXCEPT: Humans are naturally social beings. Humans are manipulated by their environments. Humans tend towards self-interested behavior unless held in check by society. Humans can create social change within their environment.

Humans tend towards self-interested behavior unless held in check by society.

Saints and Roughnecks

Hypothesized that the label of Deviant is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Of 16 high school boys, The Saints were well-to-do and well-liked, while the Roughnecks were poorer and discriminated against. Chambliss found the labeling of the boys effected others perceptions and treatment of them for the same transgressions, and how their lives followed this same path.

Corporate crime

Illegal acts knowingly committed by corporate employees on behalf of the corporation and with its support (health, safety, environmental violations) For example: when the car company VW purposely lied about how much pollution their cars put out.

Illegitimate Opportunity Structures

Illegal means to achieve success

Which of the following statements about polygamy is correct?

In some forms of polygamy, men often marry a woman and her sisters.


Institution that produces and distributes goods and services.

Second Social Revolution

Invention of the Plow. Led to agricultural societies emerging 5-6,000 years ago.


Key basis of integration into society; fulfills instrumental, personal, and emotional needs

W.I. Thomas

Labeling theory, definitions of the situation, self-fulfilling prophecy

Anticipatory Socialization

Learning new norms and values in anticipation of a role we may occupy in the future.

Which of the following is a true statement regarding scientific literacy in the United States?

Low scientific literacy undermines our ability to take part in the democratic process today.


MORE-AY Norm based on morality, usually results in disapproval. Sex before marriage/marriage equality.

Industrial Society

Makes use of advanced energy, rather than human or animal labor.

Bestowing status on students by awarding them a diploma after have successfully completed all graduation requirements can be considered what?

Manifest Function of Education


Marriage from different classes or groups


Marriage to only one person at a time


Marriage within the same class or group


Marx's term for capitalists, those who own the means of production

____________________________ refers to those physical objects created within a society that in turn impact the way in which people live and experience their lives. Cultural artifacts Cultural universals Material culture Nonmaterial culture

Material culture

George Ritzer would describe the fact that Coca-Cola is a popular beverage throughout much of the world as an example of __________.


Social Control

Means of encouraging conformity to norms.

Criminal Profile

Men in their mid-teens to early-twenties in lower income neighborhoods are most likely to commit crimes of any nature. Age, Sex, Social Class, and Race are all used to build a basic criminal profile.

Question 20 Arizona Senate Bill 1070, often referred to colloquially as the "papers, please" law, was aimed widely at those of: Mexican descent Middle Eastern descent Irish descent Chinese descent

Mexican descent

What are most common world governments?

Monarchy, Democracy, Authoritarianism,

What illustrates a current trend in higher education?

More women than men are participating in higher education.


Most widespread world religion. Derived from Judaism. Based on belief that Jesus Christ was the son of God and the redeemer of mankind.

The average salary of teachers in the United States places them where?

Near the average of all wage earners in the nation


Norm that is written and enforced, with a specific relative punishment. DUI, murder.


Norms that are not strictly enforced For example: Driving 63 miles per hour (mph) in a a 55 mph zone, and not getting a speeding ticket.

Question 3 According to the social construction of race school of thought, race is: A product of the media No longer in existence Not biologically identifiable Based only on geographic regions

Not biologically identifiable


Not following the unspoken rulesor laws. What you do may or may not be against the law, but it makes you "different". For example: Running down the street with no clothes on.

Case of Isabelle

Ohio, 1930s; Banished with deaf-mute mother to attic by grandfather.


Oldest major world religion. Guided by set of ancient cultural beliefs, such as: Karma, which is strengthened with good acts and harmed by bad acts. The state of a person's karma dictates what form they will take when reincarnated.

Numerous sociological studies have revealed that additional years of formal schooling are associated with what?

Openness to new ideas

Richard Cloward and Lloyd Ohlin

Opportunity theory Proposed that crime doesn't just result from limited legit opportunity but also from readily access to illegal opportunity. Cloward and Ohlin also argued that if people were dissatisfied with what they had, what they earned, or where they lived, they would be motivated to work harder to improve their circumstances.

American Dream

Oppurtunity The widespread belief that the United States is a land of opportunity and that individual initiative and hard work can bring economic success.

Case of Anna

Pennsylvania, 1938; Mother kept her in storage room with barely enough food and minimal contact.

Industrialized Societies differed from previous societies in that...

People and goods traversed much longer distances because of innovations in transportation, such as trains and steamships. Rural population moved to cities for jobs; the majority living within commuting distance of a major city. Suburbs popped up to provide housing for the incoming population. Occupational specialization became drastically more prevalent.

Attachment in the Expanded Control Theory

People feel a strong attachment to others are less likely to be deviant.

Outer Controls

People in our lives encourage us not to deviate.

Social Aggregate

People temporarily in the same place at the same time, for example waiting at a bus station

Commitment in the Expanded Control Theory

People who are committed to their goals are less likely to be deviant.

Social Category

People who share a common characteristic (such as gender of occupation) but do not necessarily interact or identify with one another.


People who share a particular characteristic.

Belief in the Expanded Control Theory

People who share values with the dominant society are less likely to be deviant.

face-to-face communication

People's need to interact with others in their presence. This idea argues that we get more out of interactions when we are face-to-face than from electronic communications

Agents of Socialization

People, groups, or experiences that influence our behavior and self-image. Family (most impact), school, peers, media.

Relativism and Deviance

Perceptions of deviance change by location, age, social status, and individual society.

Henry and Margaret Harlow

Performed sociological experiments on monkeys in the 1960s. Food is not what develops bonds, contact is. Isolation caused monkeys to not function normally.

Question 16 Anaïs's sixth grade class is diverse: there are two students from Korea, five students from South America, two students from the United States, three students from Kuwait, a student from Mexico, two students from England, and one student from France. Anaïs's class is: Assimilated Pluralistic Profiled Segregated



Political system in which a representative from the reigning family controls the government.


Political system in which citizens are not permitted to participate in government.


Political system in which citizens choose officials to run their government.


Political system in which government maintains control over all aspects of citizen's lives.

Absolute Monarchy

Political system in which the King had complete control of the government.

Primary Deviance

Provokes little reaction/punishment. The Deviant does not change their behavior as a result of any reaction.


REJECT society's goals ACCEPT methods of achieving them


REJECT society's goals REJECT methods of achieving them IGNORE achievement altogether

__________ is a system for classifying people based on perceived innate physical characteristics, whereas __________ is a system for classifying people who are perceived to share cultural similarities. Race; ethnicity Ethnicity; race Race; essentialism Ethnicity; essentialism

Race; ethnicity


Research method in which information is obtained by asking many individuals a fixed set of questions

Characteristics of a Total Institution

Residents cannot leave. Actions are determined and enforced by authority figures. Contact with outsiders is monitored or disallowed. Environment is standardized. Rules, Rules, Rules. Individuality is discouraged. Prisons, institutions, military, cults.


Rule by a small minority within an organization or society.


Ruling many by a scant few.

Socioeconomic Status

SES; A person's position in society as determined by income, wealth, occupation, education, place of residence, and other factors.


Same God as Christianity & Judaism. Muslims believe that the true word of God was revealed to the prophet Muhammad around 570 AD.

The Sociological Imagination

Seeing the social in the personal. Thinking beyond yourself. Individual lives are profoundly social; everything is patterned by networks, cultures. resources, and groups.

Social Roles

Sets of expectations for those who occupy a given status


Shared beliefs about what is desirable or good


Shared rules of conduct


Shit is owned by society, rights limited, good of society valued over individuals, government controls economy. China

Power Elite

Small groups of wealthy, powerful, influential people monopolizing business/government/military.


Social Institution demystifying life and death.

Social Work v. Sociology

Social Work is an applied science, as it is designed to solve a specific problem using knowledge gleaned from sociological study.

____________________________ is a form of refuted deficiency theory in which the most able and talented naturally enjoy better quality of life chances compared to those seen as less fit. Culture of poverty Social darwinism Structural functionalism White privilege

Social darwinism


Social mechanisms for upholding norms (good and bad)

Primary Socialization

Socialization facilitated by those who raise us.

Positive Sanction

Socially constructed expression of approval.

Negative Sanction

Socially constructed expression of disapproval.

Structural Functional Theory

Society is a complex unit, made up of interrelated parts.

Protestant ethic

Sociological term used to define the Calvinist belief in hard work to illustrate selection in elite group

__________________________ is the field of social science that examines human behavior in the collective as it is formulated and maintained through interaction. Sociology Psychology Political science Anthropology


What was Karl Marx's view of social stratification and class?

Stratification results from ownership of means of production, which benefits the owners, while those who work for the owners are exploited.

"The reason that gender segregation of occupations exists is because it works. Apart from fairness - which is another question - work has to be divided among the population somehow. Division of labor by sex/gender is the way that people around the world have chosen to do so throughout history." Such a statement is most likely to be made by which type of theorist? Structural Functionalist Conflict Theorist Symbolic Interactionist Gender Theorist

Structural Functionalist

Edwin Sutherland

Studied deviance from the symbolic interaction perspective

Labeling theory falls under what general theoretical approach? Conflict Theory Symbolic Interactionism Structural Functionalism Feminist Theory

Symbolic Interactionism

Question 5 Jeff believes that most people's racial beliefs are based on images conveyed in popular media since many people never meet members of certain races for themselves. Jeff's perspective is: Conflict theorist Functionalist Symbolic interactionist Feminist

Symbolic interactionist


Systematic and scientific study of human social behavior (including its origins, development, organization, networks, and institutions). Sociology particularly places special emphasis on studying societies, both as individual entities and as elements of a global perspective.

What is necessary for a society?

Territory, Interaction, Culture

Question 14 Which group within the United States has been stereotyped as the model minority? The Arab American community The African American community The Asian American community The Hispanic American community

The Asian American community

In the United States, schoolchildren are taught not to speak until the teacher calls on them and to regulate their activities according to clocks or bells. This learning experience illustrates.

The Hidden Curriculum


The ID develops first in a newborn, responsible for the satisfaction of physical desires.

Which of the following is a true statement about income distribution in the United States?

The United States has among the most extreme income inequality in the developed world.

L'Enfant Sauvage

The Wild Child 1970 film of the alleged true story of a feral child and his re-socialization.


The ability to think, act, and make choices independently

secondary analysis

The analysis of data that have been collected by other researchers


The application of the scientific method towards the analysis of society. The belief that knowledge should be derived from scientific observation, in this case particularly that society can best be understood through scientific inquiry.

Personal Space

The area around our bodies that a person claims for their own.

Culture Shock

The disorientation one experiences when they encounter a new culture.


The do's and don't's of society. These can be both laws or unspoken rules.

Which of the following is a true statement about the intersectional nature of class inequality?

The economic south is home to more than four-fifths of all the world's poor—and a similar percentage of the world's people of color.

Capitalist Class

The elite class in positions of wealth and power.

Conversation analysis

The empirical study of conversations, employing techniques drawn from Ethnomethodology. Conversation analysis examines details of naturally occurring conversations to reveal the organizational principles of talk and its role in the production and reproduction of social order.

Cultural Relativism

The examination of a cultural trait within the context of that culture.

What is the difference between a family and a kin group?

The family is a household unit, and kin do not always live together


The final development, usually a balance of ID and Superego.


The idea/belief that all people are of equal worth. Informal mechanisms such as prejudice and discrimination, work to elevate certain groups and oppress others, thusly eliminating equality.

Group Dynamics

The implication that one's thoughts and behaviors are influenced by their peers.

Robert Michels

The iron law of oligarchy was developed by German sociologist _____ _____:

Goal displacement

The juggling or displacing of a goal with another in order to survive.

Involvement in the Expanded Control Theory

The more involved people are with legitimate activities, the less likely they are to be deviant.

Question 10 The term segregation is defined in the text as: The physical separation of two groups, particularly in residence, but also in workplace and social functions. The integration of diverse cultural concepts into a public school curriculum. The deliberate annihilation of a targeted, usually subordinate, group. The process by which a minority individual or group takes on the characteristics of the dominant culture

The physical separation of two groups, particularly in residence, but also in workplace and social functions.


The position a person occupies.

What is tracking?

The practice of placing students in specific curriculum groups on the basis of text scored and other criteria

Question 18 The term assimilation is defined by the text as: The theory that prejudice is embedded in our culture. The process by which a minority individual or group takes on the characteristics of the dominant culture. The act of singling out an individual because of his or her race. When a dominant group forces a subordinate group to leave a certain area or even the country.

The process by which a minority individual or group takes on the characteristics of the dominant culture.


The process of learning new norms when integrating into a new group, or when life circumstances change. new workplace, old age, jail, loss.


The process of shedding one's original traditions in order to fit into a new society.

Relative deprivation

The recognition that one has less than his or her peers. For example: You think what you have is enough until you see that your peers have more than you do. Then you feel like you don't have enough.


The recurrent patterned arrangements and hierarchies that influence or limit the choices and opportunities available to us.

Question 4 Adolf Hitler blaming Germany's pre-war problems on the Jewish population is an example of: White privilege The scapegoat theory Pluralism The social construction of race

The scapegoat theory

Status or social position

The social honor or prestige that a particular group is accorded by other members of a society.

Social Capital

The social knowledge and connections that enable people to accomplish their goals and extend their influence.

The hidden curriculum refers to what?

The standards of behavior that are deemed proper by society and are taught subtly in schools.


The tendency to judge other cultures by the standards of one's own. Usually entails the notion that one's own culture is superior to others.


The violation of a norm, good or bad.

Iron Law of Oligarchy

Theory that power increasingly falls into the hands of a scant few in an organization.- -Most of which act out of self-interest and carefully control outsider's access to power or resources.

According to the text, which of the following is true of the United States?

There is little social mobility; relatively few people change social class.

American society tends to have a very low rate of intergenerational mobility. True False


An individual may occupy multiple status' with multiple roles attached to each. T/F?




Immanuel Wallerstein

World Systems Theory

Walter is part of the richest 20 percent of the world's population. This group controls world income. a. 82.8 percent b. 9.9 percent c. 4.2 percent d. 1.0 percent


Within world systems theory, the term for the network of production and labor processes by which a product becomes a finished commodity is . a. commodity chain b. manufacturing model c. division of labor d. product development route


Which of the following is an example of institutional discrimination? a landlord's refusal to rent apartments to nonwhites a manager's refusal to hire gays and lesbians damage to a Jewish synagogue by a group of teenage vandals a corporation's systematic denial to women of access to managerial positions

a corporation's systematic denial to women of access to managerial positions

Social Security

a government program that provides economic assistance to persons faced with unemployment, disability, or old age

As an institution, education in the United States works in ways that ensure that white middle-class children prepare for college and middle-class careers, and many non-white and working-class children prepare for working-class jobs. This process is an example of __________.

a hidden curriculum

Which of the following is a relatively recent new trend among families in Western countries? decrease in the number of childbirths outside marriage decrease in nonmarital cohabitation decrease in the age of partners at time of marriage a liberalization of divorce laws

a liberalization of divorce laws

public sociology

a middle ground between research and reform, it refers to harnessing the sociological perspective for the benefit of the public

means of production

a way of producing goods and services


anything that carries a particular meaning recognized by people who share a culture

Sexual behavior, attraction, and identity __________. A.are the only prominent factors affecting the personalities of men B.are always consistent with one another C.are not always consistent D.are unrelated to sexual orientation

are not always consistent

How would a sociologist view guerrilla warfare? a dangerous step toward terrorism illegal under international law the best method for overthrowing a government a common way of fighting a war when one side has much more military strength than the other

as a common way of fighting a war when one side has much more military strength than the other

In traditional societies, religious affiliation is a(n) __________ status.


Characteristics like race and ethnicity are: achieved statuses ascribed statuses majority statuses roles

ascribed status

power that has been institutionalized and is recognized by the people over whom it is exercised


. According to , poverty results from the dependence of low-income countries on wealthy nations. a. modernization theory b. dependency theory c. world systems theory d. social exchange theory


According to theory, countries remain poor when traditional customs and kin relations discourage individual achievement. a. dependency b. modernization c. world system d. social exchange


Colonization ended soon after . a. World War I b. World War II c. the Industrial Revolution d. the Enlightenment


Neocolonialism, the continued control of low-income countries by wealthier nations, is maintained primarily through a. military intervention by the industrialized powers. b. the indebtedness of the poorer countries to wealthier nations. c. political sanctions imposed by core countries. d. multinational corporations


Being able to identify DNA as the key to heredity is an example of which of the following?

basic scientific literacy

Among the elements necessary to determine causality, sociologists must __________.

be able to demonstrate the order in which the variables occur


began with Durkheim; the values, norms, and material goods that are normal for a group

When many students graduate from college, they are able to earn an extra $1,435 a month between the ages of 25 and 65. These students manage to earn this bonus by ________. majoring in medicine being born male majoring in business joining an influential fraternity/sorority

being born male

relative poverty

being poor compared to most others in a society

name the three components of religion

belief, ritual, and experience

feminist perspective of education

believe that the educational system of the US has long been characterized by discriminatory treatment of women


believed in predestination, that God was all knowing and it became the dominant theological credo of the Puritans

Kingsley Davis and Wilbert Moore

believed that stratification serves an important function in society. Those who perform the difficult tasks are entitled to more power, prestige, and money.

Which pattern of descent is most typical in the U.S.?


linguistic relativity hypothesis

by Edward Sapir and Benjamin Lee Whorf; argues that the language we use influences our perceptions of the world

Compared with other countries, the populations of the world's richest countries are a. getting larger. b. younger. c. getting smaller. d. staying the same.


John lives and works in Mississippi. He is part of a commodity chain because a. he makes a product that is produced only in his town. b. he works at a company making brass plates sold around the world c. he is part of global production and labor process connecting him with other regions of the world d. all of the above


When workers work in one country and live in another county they represent . a. global culture b. political exiles c. transnational communities d. global outsourcing


Which of the following is not a component of the multidimensional poverty index? a. health b. education c. access to technology d. standard of living


power made legitimate by a leader's exceptional personal appeal to his or her followers

charismatic authority

Meant to emphasize the compulsory notion of normative gender production, ___________________ is a term that refers to individuals whose personal gender identity aligns with their sex assignment at birth, as well as normative conceptions of what that gender production should physically and visually present. sex identity sex preference cisgender gender


Which of the following systems of stratification is found in the United States?

class system

William Chambliss

conducted study of "Saints and Roughnecks" in 1973.

what perspective views the family as an economic unit that contributes to social injustice?

conflict perspective

The fact that cultures around the world are vastly different from each other is called __________.

cultural diversity

Coca-Cola is available worldwide, although the company's home is in Atlanta, Georgia. Critics of this brand's popularity overseas, which results in the transfer of cultural ideas and values to other countries and revenue from local economies to America, accuse Coca-Cola of __________.

cultural imperialism

Sociologist Richard Peterson refers to people with narrow ranges of tastes as which of the following?

cultural univores

The information we can collect from the social world to study, analyze, or calculate something in a systematic way is called __________.


number of deaths per 1,000 population in a given year

death rate

the systematic, widespread withdrawal of investment in basic aspects of productivity, such as factories and plants


The extended time it takes to complete the transition to adulthood has produced a new life stage sociologists call __________. A.the final countdown B.delayed childhood C.transition fatigue D.delayed adulthood

delayed adulthood

Karl Marx would agree with __________ that poverty is the result of exploitation

dependency theory

conflict theorists are far more critical of the ----------- in which education bestows status

differential way

Which of the following is needed for economic success in a credential society?

diplomas and degrees

Melvin Tumin

disagreed with Davis and Moore's assumption that the relative importance of a particular job can always be measured by how much money or prestige is given.

What have researchers concluded causes occupational sex segregation? A.only women's and men's choices of different occupations B.only employers' hiring preferences C.discrimination in hiring as well as job aspirations formed by gender socialization D.heterosexism

discrimination in hiring as well as job aspirations formed by gender socialization

For sociologists, the term racism includes two fundamental components: __________ and __________. A.discrimination; prejudice B.the one-drop rule; biological determinism C.discrimination; DNA D.ethnicity; race

discrimination; prejudice

In examining racial and ethnic discrimination, structural functionalist theorists might point out that: Whites benefited from the free labor of enslaved persons Discrimination against minorities fostered in-group solidarity among whites Discrimination, when coupled with the fact that other ethnic groups have "made it," encourages members of minority groups to "try harder," thus encouraging them to put up with discrimination each of these answers are examples of how a structural functionalist would think about racial inequity

each of these answers are examples of how a structural functionalist would think about racial inequity

Though women __________ than men, they still __________ than men. A.earn more college degrees; have lower average earnings B.are more feminist; are less interested in education C.have more education; believe in patriarchy more full-time more often; do less housework

earn more college degrees; have lower average earnings

Which of the following factors have contributed the most to the shift in public attitudes for married couples to remain childless?

economic considerations

system for producing, distributing, and consuming goods and services that depends on its level of development and its political ideology

economic system

a formal process of learning in which some people consciously teach while others adopt the social role of learner


Sarna, an Orthodox Jew, marries Nathan, a Reform Jew. Sarna is disowned by her parents because, as far as they are concerned, she has married outside their religion. She has violated the rule of


marriage within demographic groups defined by race, ethnicity, and class


A belief that one's culture is superior to that of others is called __________.


family in which relatives-- such as grandparents, aunts, or uncles -- live in the same home as parents and their children is known as ????

extended family

to survive, any society or relatively permanent group must accomplish ---- major tasks


The idea that women guests should not wear white to a wedding is an example of a __________.



group of people with common territory, interaction, and culture.


group of three

According to the logic of Hagan's punishment pyramid, behaviors are most likely to be outlawed in the criminal code and be aggressively enforced by the police when they __________. A.are viewed as socially harmful B.have broad popular support C.are supported by powerful people D.have broad popular support and are viewed as socially harmful

have broad popular support and are viewed as socially harmful

William Ogburn

identified six primary functions: (1) reproduction; (2) socialization; (3) protection; (4) regulation of sexual behavior; (5) affection and companionship; (6) provision of social status.

experimental group

in a study, the participants who receive the treatment

A major change in the past 50 years is a(n) __________ employment and educational attainment. decrease in men's increase in men's decrease in women's increase in women's

increase in women's

The class barrier to higher education is __________, and colleges and universities are becoming more racially and ethnically __________.

increasing; diverse


individuals situated at the bottom of the class system, often composed of people from ethnic minority backgrounds and have little chance of upward mobility or improvement

the exercise of power through a process of persuasion


case study

intensive study of a single group, incident, or community


items selected at random from a population and used to test hypotheses about the population

Patrilineal descent refers to a

kinship system that favors the relatives of the father.

__________ is/are an organized set of symbols by which we are able to think and communicate with others.


Institutionalized Means

legitimate ways of achieving success

the percentage of people getting married in 2010 compared to 1950 is -----

less overall

__________ examines large-scale institutional processes.

macro-level analysis

education has both ----- and ------

manifest and latent functions


marriage within the tribe, caste, or social group

__________ can purvey and perpetuate dominant social and cultural ideas or be sites of contestation and change.

mass media


money and material possessions held by an individual or group

social mobility

movement up or down the social class ladder

Social Mobility

movement up or down the social hierarchy


multiple deities

cultural relativism

not judging a culture but trying to understand it on its own terms

Monogamy refers to a form of marriage in which

one woman and one man are married only to each other.


organized way of using evidence to learn about the natural world

Master Status

overrides all other statuses and becomes the one we are known for.

Divine Right of Kings

posited that the authority of nobility comes directly from God.

Max Weber defined this term as the ability to exercise one's will over others


Cultural lag is a .

relatively gradual process

A form of marriage in which a person can have several spouses in his or her lifetime but only one spouse at a time is called

serial monogamy

multiple marriages or divorces

serial monogamy

refers to societal expectations about the attitudes and behavior of a person viewed as being ill

sick role

marriage is a ----- one builds up to



the application of the scientific approach to the social world


the ideas, beliefs, and attitudes about what is important that help guide the way you live

absolute poverty

the minimal requirements necessary to sustain a healthy existence

Those individuals who subsist at the very bottom of the American class system with very little access to even the most basic of resources are considered to be part of the the ____________________. working poor homeless population underclass lower class


list the six major functions that family performs

1. reproduction 2. protection 3. socialization 4. regulation of sexual behavior 5. affection and companionship 6. provision of social status

An example of a folkway in American society is: (A) joining a religious cult (B) eating a sandwich for lunch (C) failing to pay income taxes on time (D) stopping for a red light (E) being fined for jaywalking


Industrializing nations

Soviet Union

The United States is responsible for approximately of the global energy use. a. one-fourth b. one-third c. one-half d. two-thirds


A foundational principle of good sociological research is that researchers must always compare things that are __________.


Knowing how to play golf might help you achieve status among the wealthy and elite, and thus is a form of __________.

culture capital

The relatively gradual process by which nonmaterial elements of culture catch up with changes in material culture is known as __________.

culture lag

The unsettled or disoriented feeling experienced by a traveler to another land, where all the habits are unfamiliar, is known as __________.

culture shock

The incest taboo is an example of


"I am what I think you think I am" is a simplified explanation of this theoretical model of identity formation: dramaturgy labeling theory social constructionism looking-glass self

looking-glass self

A kinship system that favors the relatives of the mother is based on

matrilineal descent

way of determining descent that favors the mother's relatives

matrilineal descent


the practice of judging another culture by the standards of one's own culture

More than 95 percent of all men and women in the U.S. marry at least once during their lifetimes.


Beliefs are things we think are ________________; Values are things we hold to be ____________________. good; positive most of the time moral; necessary right or wrong; true true; right or wrong

true; right or wrong


type of formal organization in which a rational approach used to handle large tasks.

applied sociology

using sociology to solve problems

Albion Small

1854-1926 developed qualitative sociology.


Developing second in children, encourages conformity.

Social interaction

How people relate to one another and influence each other's behavior

Freud's Theory of Personality Development

ID -> Superego -> Ego


ability of individuals or the members of a group to achieve aims or further the interests they hold

An individual suffering from starvation because he or she cannot afford food is living in __________, whereas an individual who can afford basic necessities like food but is unable to maintain an adequate standard of living is experiencing __________.

absolute poverty; relative poverty

Karl Marx would have classified a factory owner as a member of which group?


If a researcher is analyzing how age affects religious views, in this analysis religious views is the __________ variable.


form of marriage in which each spouse has one spouse at a time


center of a city



a trait or characteristic that is perceived as negative by others.

The Motherhood Penalty: Independent and Dependent Variables

-Independent: Parenthood and Gender of Participant -Dependent: Starting Salaries

Which of the following sociologists asserted that race is the most serious problem in the United States? (A) Karl Marx (B) Max Weber (C) Harriet Martineau (D) Jane Addams (E) W. E. B. Du Bois


dependency culture

Charles Murray- describes individuals who rely on state welfare provision rather than entering the labor market.

Which of the following statements concerning stepfamilies is correct?

Children raised by stepmothers are likely to have less health care, education, and money spent on their food than children raised by biological mothers.

Sandra is female, she is African American, and she is sixteen years of age. These three characteristics are examples of Sandra's: (A) role sets (B) cultural roles (C) achieved statuses (D) ascribed statuses (E) mobility aspirations


Which of the following can properly be considered norms? I. Laws II. Folkways III. Mores (A) I only (B) III only (C) I and II only (D) II and III only (E) I, II, and III


_________________________________ is the study of how people make sense of the actions and interactions of others. Sociology Psychology Methodology Ethnomethodology


Howard Becker

First proposed labeling theory

Which sociological perspective portrays contemporary education as basically benign- for example, it argues that schools rationally sort and select students for future high- status positions, thereby meeting society's need for talented and expert personnel?

Functionalist Perspective

Which perspective generally takes a positive view of the bureaucratization of education?

Functionalist perspective

Non-Material Culture

Intangible aspects of a culture, such as values and beliefs.

Which of the following is a true statement about private schools in the United States?

Most Americans believe that private schools are superior to public schools.

Culture of Poverty

Poor people do not learn the norms and values that can help them improve their circumstances; hence, they become trapped in a repeated pattern of poverty.

Working Class

Powerless class who well their labor to the capitalist class.


Predates Christianity. Believes they are the chosen people of God.

____________________ refers to negative feelings about a person or group that leads us to prematurely judge them. Stereotype Discrimination Prejudice None of the above


Government conflict takes these three forms:

Revolution, War, Terrorism.

Name stages of Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development.

Sensorimotor Preoperational Concrete Operational Formal Operational

Collective Efficacy

The shared psychological sense that neighbors will work together to maintain social order

Sadly, the demographic group most likely to experience violence within the family are children, aged 0-3 years. True False



Two or more who interact, belong, and have norms that nonmembers do not have.

Qualitative Sociology

Understands societies by immersing oneself in the group's experiences. Including in-depth interviews, focus groups, and/or analysis of content sources as the source of its data. developed by Albion Small.

Quantitative Sociology

Understands societies by observing the group. Relies on statistical analysis to understand experiences and trends.

most industrialized nation

United States, Canada, Japan, Great Britain, France, and the other industrialized countries of Western Europe, all of which are capitalistic.

Sociology was first taught...

University of Kansas in 1890. University of Chicago in 1892. Atlanta University in 1897.

Social Classes in the United States

Upper Class or inherited wealth New Money or recent wealth Middle Class Working Class Working Poor Poverty

Symbolic Interaction Perspective

Views society as a product of everyday social interaction of individuals. Studies how people in everyday situations define deviance, which differs between culture and setting. Studies how people use symbols to create meaning.


What a role says you should do


What background assumptions are, How we arrive at them, How they influence our perceptions. Students of ethnomethodology often violate or challenge assumptions.

Spoiled Identity

When a stigma is permanent or severe, others permanently cast them in a negative light.


When and where events occur.


Your actions, beliefs, values, and motivations within a role

A student examining dependency theory is interested in documenting which of the following? a. neocolonialism b. modernization c. how values shape development d. class struggles within developing nations


About of the world's population comprises what the United Nation's calls the global underclass. a. one-fifth b. one-fourth c. one-third d. one-half



a residential pattern in which a married couple lives apart from both sets of parents

An example of a negative informal sanction is: a diploma a handshake a prison sentence an angry look

an angry look

he increasing divorce rate in the U.S. is attributable to

all of these

. Double deprivation refers to a. women and children being disproportionately impoverished. b. women bearing a larger share of global poverty than men. c. the result of a cycle of poverty. d. the likelihood of men to control to means of production.


A new addition to World Systems Theory is a focus on which explains how differential profits are attached to the production of goods and services in the world market. a. the neo-Marxists b. the new international division of labor c. differential association d. public policy


According to dependency theory, today's global system of inequality originated a. with the emergency of agricultural societies. b. in the 1600s as European countries began to industrialize. c. in the 1850s as the U.S. began to industrialize. d. at the end of World War II (1945).


According to the United Nations, most of the children between five and fourteen years of age that are in the labor force throughout the world are in . a. Africa b. Asia c. Latin America d. North America


. As measured by the GNI, the United States is: a. very poor. b. poor. c. wealthy. d. very wealthy.


The majority of the poorest nations, as measured by the GNI in 2007 were in: a. Asia. b. Europe. c. Africa. d. North America.


The majority of the wealthy countries, as measured by the GNI in 2007 were in: a. North America. b. Asia. c. western Europe. d. the Middle East.


The term "transnational" refers to a. people who immigrate to another country seeking a better life. b. factories that are shipped to other countries where labor is cheaper. c. individuals who divide their time between countries, or families with members in different countries. d. refugees in camps waiting to return to their homes.


According to the United Nations, a. throughout the world women's poverty has been decreasing. b. women's share of representation in governments has been decreasing, despite some gains in education. c. women have achieved near-equity with men in terms of primary education. d. women continue to lag behind men in education outcomes.


According to the United Nations, how does violence affect women in different countries? a. Violence against women has become much less of a problem in the developed or industrialized world. b. It is not possible to discuss violence cross-culturally because it is such an individualized problem. c. Violence against women results at the societal level from gender roles and norms that tolerate violence. d. Income is a much more important determinant than gender in regards to violence.


If a student visits a country with a high gini coefficient the population is characterized by: a. equal income distribution b. high levels of wealth distributed to the bottom earners c. inequality d. little wealth


If a study abroad student was to go to a county with high levels of equality he or she will go to: a. Trinidad b. Brazil c. Sweden d. China


The total volume of goods and services produced by a country each year, divided by the size of the population is called the . a. production index b. the net national product (NNP) c. per capita gross national income (per capita GNI) d. the consumer index


Using power as a dimension, the countries of the world can be stratified on three levels. The countries that comprise a kind of middle class in this stratification system are the . a. core countries b. peripheral countries c. semi-peripheral countries d. hybrid countries


The debate in the United States over whether and how sex education should be taught in public schools—with some groups arguing for comprehensive sex education and other groups arguing for abstinence-only education—is an example of what sociologists call __________.

culture wars


customary residence with the husband's relatives after marriage, so that children grow up in their father's community

. According to the text, world poverty is caused by all of the following except: a. unstable governments unable to provide basic services. b. economies reorganized to pay debt decreasing resources for human services. c. changes in the world economic system that have favored some economies over others. d. there is not enough food grown in the world to feed everyone.


A comparison of the world's richest and poorest countries reveals that the poorest countries tend to be/have all of the following, except: a. be largely rural. b. be heavily dependent on subsistence agriculture. c. have large populations and high fertility rates. d. have a socialist government.


According to the World Bank, people live in extreme poverty. a. 7.8 million b. 21.1 million c. 308.7 million d. 1.4 billion



group of two

Which group of countries tends to have high birth rates?

low-income countries

A married couple and their unmarried children living together constitute a (an)

nuclear family

family type with a married couple and their unmarried children living together

nuclear family

Who were the original educators in society?


In Marxist terms, the important distinction in a capitalist society was between the __________ and the __________. proletariat; bourgeoisie capitalists; bourgeoisie proletariat; serfs serfs; bourgeoisie

proletariat; bourgeoisie

The globalization of capitalism

refers to the adoption of capitalism by countries around the world.


rules defining appropriate and inappropriate behavior

intergenerational mobility

social mobility across generations.

In the Blackboard article entitled "Barbie Girls vs. Sea Monsters," the author examines the ways in which children undergo routine _______________________ in American society. socialization peer pressure parental influence sports culture


The lifelong social processes by which humans learn and internalize the norms of a society and develop into their social selves is called _________________________________. socialization assimilation acculturation education


functional analysis

society is a whole unit, made up of interrelated parts that work together


sociological investigation that concentrates on large scale phenomena or entire civilizations

What is the largest immigration corridor in the world? A>the border between Ukraine and the Russian Federation B.the border between the United States and Mexico C.the border between India and Pakistan D.the border between the United States and Canada

the border between the United States and Mexico

One of the ways we are socialized to understand gender and sexual differences as well as inequality at a young age is through __________.

the media


the middle class, marx's term for capitalists, those who own the means of production

material culture

the physical things created by members of a society (ex food, clothes, houses)

Social Status

the position we occupy in a particular setting


the practice of one person owning another person


the preservation of different cultures or cultural identities within a unified society

the most basic manifest function of education is

the transmission of knowledge

The American ______________________ comprises approximately 20% of households and includes the so-called blue-collar and pink-collar jobs and occupations. middle class service class working class underclass

working class

According to Émile Durkheim, religion is characterized by a dichotomy between: (A) good and evil (B) worship and blasphemy (C) the sacred and the profane (D) believers and nonbelievers (E) the profound and the banal


After studying the use of personal space in several cultures, what conclusion did Edward Hall reach regarding the amount of space people prefer? (A) The amount of personal space people prefer varies from one culture to another. (B) There is virtually no difference in the amount of personal space preferred by people in different cultures. (C) The amount of personal space preferred by people is universal but fluctuates by season. (D) The amount of personal space preferred by people is dependent upon their level of industrialization. (E) The amount of personal space is always limited


As a nurse, Rex works to respect and fulfill the different values, beliefs, and behaviors of his patients. Which of the following is Rex practicing? (A) Cultural competence (B) Ethnocentrism (C) Alienation (D) Cultural lag (E) Assimilation


Communities that form adjacent to central cities are called: (A) secondary groups (B) suburbs (C) neighborhoods (D) exurbs (E) development zones


For a deviant act to be classified as a crime, what quality must pertain to it? (A) It must be a rule written into law. (B) It must result in harm to another person. (C) There must be a victim. (D) The act must be revolting to normal people. (E) It must constitute danger


In order for an occupation to be considered a profession by a sociologist, it must be an occupation that: (A) is based on abstract knowledge and a body of specialized information (B) has high public visibility in the community (C) requires training from a specialized school rather than from a university (D) serves government and industry as well as individuals (E) is a full-time position with a regular salary


In the United States, economic growth between 1985 and 2005 resulted in: (A) growth in the gap between the rich and poor (B) a narrowing of the gap between the rich and poor (C) no change in the gap between the rich and poor (D) growth in the economic gap between men and women (E) no change in the economic gap between men and women


Industrialization is most likely to reduce the importance of which of the following functions of the family? (A) Economic production (B) Care of young children (C) Regulation of sexual behavior (D) Socialization of the individual (E) Social control


Ken works on an assembly line in a paper factory in the midwestern United States. He believes that if he works hard enough, he will become very wealthy. According to Karl Marx, Ken's belief reflects which of the following? (A) False consciousness (B) Class consciousness (C) Collective consciousness (D) The caste system (E) Rational choice


Maria woke up with a fever. She called in sick to work, took medicine, and spent the rest of the day in bed. Maria's actions are most representative of: (A) a sick role (B) a role strain (C) a role conflict (D) medicalization (E) socialized medicine


Street crime has _______mortality costs and ______financial costs than white-collar crime. (A) lower, lower (B) higher, lower (C) lower, higher (D) higher, higher (E) always differs


The process by which an immigrant or an ethnic minority is absorbed socially into a receiving society is called: (A) assimilation (B) accommodation (C) cooperation (D) interaction (E) equilibrium


What is a general statement about how some parts of the world fit together and how they work? (A) a theory (B) a concept (C) a correlation (D) an operational definition (E) a method


What is another term for legitimate power? (A) authority (B) coercion (C) totalitarianism (D) politics (E) economics


Which of the following factors currently has the strongest influence on individual income? (A) Race (B) Gender (C) Attractiveness (D) Inherited social class (E) Level of educational attainment


Which of the following is true of a random sample? (A) It provides every member of the population with an equal chance of being selected. (B) It is biased, and therefore cannot be used to make generalizations about a population. (C) It is mostly used when the research assumes multiple causation. (D) It is mostly used in qualitative research. (E) It is a census list of all households.


Which of the following made up the largest number of immigrants to the United States in the 2000s? (A) Mexicans (B) Chinese (C) Italians (D) Canadians (E) Russians


Which of the following social practices is associated with overall lower divorce rates? (A) Getting married after the age of 30 (B) Valuing individualism strongly (C) Interacting with extended family members infrequently (D) Having a high participation of females in the labor-force (E) Living in regions with more women than men


New criminology

A branch of criminological thought, prominent in Great Britain in the 1970s, that regarded deviance as deliberately chosen and often political in nature. The new criminologists argued that crime and deviance could be understood only in the context of power and inequality within society.

Social Group

A collection of people who interact with one another and have a certain feeling of unity. For examples people who belong to fraternaties, sororities, or sports teams

Polygamy (plural marriage) has been illegal in the United States since the 1880s. Drawing from the labeling theory of deviance, how might this outcome be explained? A.At one time polygamy might have been considered acceptable, then at some point attitudes changed and a social construct was created that said polygamy was deviant. B.Polygamy falls into those "unstated terms of the social contract." C.Some people, such as polygamists, have no morals and need society to help them become more productive and better citizens. D.Polygamy was made illegal because of a systematic plan to create a better society in the late nineteenth century.

At one time polygamy might have been considered acceptable, then at some point attitudes changed and a social construct was created that said polygamy was deviant.

Florence, after shopping in Jesse's store, attempts to leave with merchandise concealed under her coat that she has not purchased. Jesse stops Florence, finds the merchandise, and brings her into the back room of the store. He then proceeds to search the rest of her bags and to lecture her on the evils of shoplifting for four hours before calling the police. Florence subsequently sues Jesse. Which of the following statements about the incident is true? (A) Jesse cannot be liable to Florence because Florence was herself breaking the law and therefore caused the incident. (B) Jesse may be liable to Florence even though she shoplifted because he held her too long before calling the police. (C) Jesse may be liable to Florence because he was not a police officer and was therefore not permitted to hold Florence against her will. (D) Jesse cannot be liable to Florence because Florence was contributorily negligent. (E) Both B and C are true.


How many classes exist in Erik Wright's modified Marxian model of social class? (A) two (B) four (C) five (D) six (E) eight


Which of the following best describes the relationship between q and z on the scattergram above? (A) A perfect positive correlation (B) A perfect negative correlation (C) A perfect curvilinear correlation (D) A low negative correlation (E) A correlation of zero


Which of the following best describes what sociologists of education mean when they refer to the hidden curriculum? (A) The manifest results of education (B) The unintended consequences of schooling (C) Delayed transmission of knowledge (D) The formal curriculum (E) Miscommunication between teacher and student


Which of the following is most likely to slow the world's population growth? (A) Elevating the cost of childbirth (B) Raising all nations out of poverty (C) Denying medical care to sick people over the age of 65 (D) Requiring all teens to take abstinence-only sex education classes (E) Encouraging adherence to traditional religious authorities throughout the world


Which of the following is true of a dependent variable? (A) It is spurious. (B) It is influenced by another variable. (C) It is manipulated. (D) It causes other variables to increase. (E) It is used to draw a sample from a population.


How do stereotypes relate to actual behavior? A.People seldom behave in stereotyped ways. B.Most everyone quickly and completely conforms to stereotypes. C.There is no link between stereotypes and actual behavior. D.Being told that something confirming to a stereotype is true of one's gender can lead one to stereotypical behavior that was not there before.

Being told that something confirming to a stereotype is true of one's gender can lead one to stereotypical behavior that was not there before.

A school system that teaches children of different ethnic groups in the children's own language and about their own particular ethnic heritage illustrates a policy of: (A) structural assimilation (B) cultural assimilation (C) accommodation (D) rationalization (E) ethnocentrism


A school system that teaches children of different ethnic groups in the children's own language and about their own particular ethnic heritage illustrates a policy of: (A) structural assimilation (B) cultural assimilation (C) accommodation (D) rationalization (E) ethnocentrism


Compared to the United States population in general, Asian Americans have: (A) larger proportions of their populations in poverty (B) lower median family incomes (C) a higher level of formal educational achievement (D) fewer ties to their family's country of origin (E) a lower proportion of first-generation immigrants


Demographic patterns have clearly demonstrated that more males than females are born in: (A) technologically developing countries only (B) technologically developed countries only (C) virtually every known human society (D) highly urbanized countries only (E) countries with high nutritional standards only


How would Robert Merton describe the intended beneficial consequences of Franklin D. Roosevelt s New Deal program that raised the standard of living for millions of Americans in the 1930s? (A) They would be classified as latent functions. (B) They would be classified as manifest dysfunctions. (C) They would be classified as manifest functions. (D) They would be classified as latent dysfunctions. (E) None of the above


Joe is on trial for selling drugs. He looks very different from when he was arrested. He has washed, cut, and combed his hair, and is wearing a clean, conservative suit and tie at the trial. Joe is engaged in: (A) dysfunctional behavior (B) altruism (C) impression management (D) exchange (E) anticipatory socialization


Marxist sociological theory attributes social stratification to: (A) an innate human tendency toward greed (B) political disagreements over ideology (C) private ownership of the means of production (D) disparities in ability and talent between different individuals (E) variation in the functional importance of occupational positions


Samantha works in a place that is hierarchical in nature, has written rules, and has written communications and records. Based on these characteristics, what can we conclude about Samantha's workplace? (A) Samantha works in a non-profit organization. (B) Samantha is in a voluntary association. (C) Samantha works in a bureaucracy. (D) Samantha is a part of an oligarch. (E) All of the above


The number of children that Americans consider ideal has____________ over the years. (A) exploded (B) increased moderately (C) decreased (D) stayed the same (E) increased dramatically


The philosopher Thomas Hobbes believed that social order developed out of the: (A) recognition of the transcendent power of God (B) biological need for humans to reproduce (C) desire to escape a state of continuous social conflict (D) discovery of agriculture (E) reaction to the industrial revolution


What effect did two years of intensive language training have on Isabelle, an isolated child discovered in Ohio in 1938? (A) Isabelle failed to benefit from the training because she was discovered too late. (B) Isabelle was able to achieve an intellectual level about half that of other children her age. (C) Isabelle reached an intellectual level normal for her age. (D) Isabelle surpassed the intellectual level of other children her age as a result of the intensive training. (E) None of the above


What is an unequal access to power, property, and prestige based on one's sex? (A) sex-typing (B) sexual harassment (C) gender stratification (D) matriarchy (E) patriarchy


What is the major difference between sociological and psychological theories used to explain deviance? (A) Sociological explanations are more accurate in explaining the true cause of crime. (B) Only psychological explanations are accepted by the medical community. (C) Sociological explanations focus on factors outside the individual, while psychological explanations look for answers within the individual. (D) Psychological explanations are based on genetic predispositions, while sociological explanations concentrate on body types and physical differences. (E) None of the above


What is the underlying principle of symbolic interactionism? (A) It measures how society uses sanctions to control behavior. (B) It states that behavior is controlled by factors beyond one s control. (C) It analyzes how one's behavior depends on the way they define themselves and others. (D) It is based on the premise that a history of man is a history of class conflict. (E) all of the above


What term describes a position in life that one does not choose, but is awarded at birth or is related to the life course? (A) achieved status (B) status set (C) ascribed status (D) master status (E) dominant set


What term describes people who share the same physical space but do not see themselves as belonging together? (A) ad hoc group (B) congregate (C) aggregate (D) category (E) bureaucracy


When American servicemen occupied Japan following World War II, the Japanese watched the Americans playing baseball, appreciated the sport, and adopted it themselves. Today, baseball is one of the most popular sports in Japan. This adoption of baseball by the Japanese is an example of: (A) reformulation (B) discovery (C) cultural diffusion (D) technological innovation (E) socialization


Which of the following distinguishes a crime from a deviant act? (A) The degree of harm caused by the act (B) The number of people who disapprove of the act (C) The definition of the act as criminal by a political entity (D) The social status of the person who committed the act (E) The social status of the person who is harmed by the act


Which of the following is true of social norms for the structure of marriage? (A) They have consistently required monogamy across all periods of history and cross-culturally around the globe. (B) They have favored polyandry in those societies wanting to increase their birth rate. (C) They have frequently held polygyny as the societal ideal, although this pattern was functionally available to and practiced primarily by the most wealthy and powerful. (D) They have no impact in democratic societies, since democracies allow individuals to choose their own form of marriage. (E) They are based on the ideal of gender equality.


Some sociologists view the family as an economic unit that contributes to social injustice because it is the basis for transferring power, property, and privilege from one generation to the next. Which of the following perspectives best describes that view? (A) Interactionist (B) Exchange (C) Structural functionalist (D) Conflict (E) Rational choice


The "G7" was once the "G8". Which country was suspended? (A) Canada (B) France (C) Germany (D) Russia (E) U.S.A


The process by which an individual learns how to live in his or her social surroundings is known as: (A) amalgamation (B) association (C) collective behavior (D) socialization (E) innovation


What are the expectations or rules of behavior that develop out of a group's values? (A) mores (B) folkways (C) laws (D) norms (E) theories


What is the major characteristic of the caste system that has permitted it to perpetuate itself for more than 3,000 years in India? (A) heterogamy (B) fluid class boundaries (C) cultural diffusion (D) endogamy (E) slavery


Which of the following administrative agencies regulates unfair trade practices and the formation of monopolies that restrain competition? (A) The National Labor Relations Board (B) The Securities and Exchange Commission (C) The Federal Reserve Board (D) The Federal Trade Commission (E) The Consumer Protection Agency


Which of the following is NOT characteristic of the Chicago School of Sociology? (A) They studied urban neighborhoods in the city of Chicago. (B) They were influenced by Herbert Spencer and Frederic Clements. (C) They used ethnography and field methods in their research. (D) Talcott Parsons was a proponent of the school. (E) They were most influential during the twentieth century.


Which of the following is an example of an informal positive sanction? (A) Marguerite receives a bronze medal for gymnastics at the Olympics. (B) Hank is awarded a high school diploma by the school board. (C) Halle receives a million dollars for her performance in a movie. (D) Danisha receives a new car from her parents when she scores 1600 on the SAT®. (E) William is sentenced to one year of community service and a $5,000 fine for shoplifting.


Which sociological perspective views society as being composed of groups that engage in fierce competition for scarce resources? (A) symbolic interactionism (B) structural functionalism (C) functional analysis (D) conflict theory (E) pseudo-latent theory


Uniform Crime Reports (UCR)

Documents that contain official data on crime that is reported to law enforcement agencies that then provide the data to FBI. The FBI's yearly publication of where, when, and how much serious crime occurred in the prior years.

Political Science

The study of government in societies.


The study of how people make sense of what others say and do in the course of day-to-day social interaction.


Total separation of races. Refers specifically to the South African policy of complete legal separation of the races, including the banning of all social contacts between blacks and whites. The work of Nelson Mandela and others have made apartheid illegal in South Africa, but prejudice remains.

Sociologically, females are appropriately classified as a minority group. True False


the active recruitment of women and minorities into the work place

affirmative action

poverty line

an official government measure to define those living in poverty in the United States

the death rate


__________ tell(s) us how to behave; __________ tell(s) us why.

norms; values

marriage to multiple men


men were absent for long periods of time for food-gathering.


family type in which spouses are regarded as equals

egalitarian family


A violation of a (criminal) law for which some governmental authority applies a formal penalty


The shared language, values, beliefs, behavior, and material that constitute a society's way of life.

feminist perspective of family

strong interest in the family as a social institution


An impersonal community

George Herbert Mead

"the act" develops through impulse, perception, manipulation, and consummation I and ME, I being own perception, and ME being social perception. Divided the individual into the "I" and "Me". "I" represents a process of fundamental awareness that becomes focused in different ways, leading to the development of the social self or "me". The focusing was said to occur through a process of taking the role of the other, which is how socialization occurred. Unsuccessful socialization might lead to personal disorganization - a self lacking in integration and consistency

Pierre Bourdieu

-Capitals: Human, Economic, Social, Cultural -Social reality is both material and embodied, and inequality is a story of capitals and conversions among capitals

Symbolic Interactionism

-Cooley, Mead -a micro-level theory in which shared meanings, orientations, and assumptions form the basic motivations behind people's actions

Functional Perspective on Deviance

-Deviance can be functional -Deviance identities and reinforces the "normal" -Deviance is brought about by social structure

Symbolic Interactionist Perspective on Deviance

-Focuses on relationships and shared meanings -Differential Association theory

3 Key Sociological Perspectives

-Functionalism -Conflict -Symbolic Interactionism

Differences between Groups and Networks

-Groups don't imply social complexity -Networks are structurally specific (certain, unique arrangement of relationships)

Conflict Perspective

-Marx, Bourdieu -Individuals strive for power and status -Society inherently unequal

Karl Marx

-Means of production -Proletariat and Bourgeoisie -Class conflict and eventual revolution -Father of Communism


-Scientific study of crime -focuses on how aspects of social structure are related to the prevalence of certain types of crime

Emile Durkheim

-Society sui generis -General focus on solidarity, social integration -Division of labor in society (living organisms) -Religion as "effervescent" ritual: reinforces group life through sacred symbols

Max Weber

-Sociology is "a science concerned with the subjective meaning of action" -Bureaucracy is governed by rationality and its momentum is irreversible -Jobs as "closed" social groups (rent extraction) -Types of Social Action: Value-rational, instrumental-rational, habitual, affectual

Functionalism Perspective

-Talcott Parsons -Each part of society contributes to its survival

Oscar Lewis

-The Culture of Poverty Theory

Conflict Perspective on Deviance

-Those who control resources and institutions are also who are in charge of: -Definitions of deviance and crime -Biased sanctioning of deviance and crime (Includes feminist perspective: rape within marriage)

Secondary Group

-Typically formal, large, impersonal -Contractual ("in it for a reason") -Usually meant to meet goals or instrumental needs

Primary Group

-Typically informal, small, personal (family, friends) -Usually meant to meet emotional or expressive needs

Research Model

1, Selecting a topic 2. Defining the problem 3. Reviewing the literature 4. Formulating a hypothesis 5. Choose a research method 6. Collecting the data 7. Analyzing the results 8. Sharing the results'

How not to do research

1. Choose a biased sample 2. Ask biased questions 3. List biased choices 4. Discard undesirable results 5. Misunderstand the subject's world 6. Analyze data incorrectly

Research Ethics

1. Maintain objectivity and integrity 2. Respect the subject's right to privacy and dignity 3. Protect subjects from personal harm 4. Acknowledge research collaboration and assistance 5. Disclose all sources of financial support

name the five basic characteristics of a bureaucracy

1. division of labor 2. hierarchy of authority 3. written rules and regulations 4. impersonality 5. employment based on technical qualifications

what are the five major tasks any society or relatively permanent group must accomplish?

1. replacing personnel 2. teaching new recruits 3. producing and distributing goods and services 4. preserving order 5. providing and maintaining a sense of purpose

Auguste Comte

1798-1857; Father of Sociology. Began studying as a result of the chaos following the French and Industrial Revolutions. Most of his finding have been disregarded as they were based on personal observation rather than objective investigation.

Sigmund Freud

1856-1939; Austrian. Austrian physician whose work focused on the unconscious causes of behavior and personality formation; founded psychoanalysis. Contributions: id/ego/superego, reality and pleasure principles, ego ideal, defense mechanisms (expanded by Anna Freud), psychoanalysis, and transference.

When considering only the following years as options, which had the highest divorce rate in the history of the United States? 1935 1945 1955 1965


WEB DuBois

1st black to earn Ph.D. from Harvard. Encouraged blacks to resist systems of segregation and discrimination, helped create NAACP in 1910. One of most renowned sociologists of race relations in America.

The poverty line in the U.S. is utilized to decide which citizens are granted financial assistance. In 1964, it was first tabulated by multiplying the cost of necessary food by _______. 2 3 4 5


How have women's wants in partners (generally) changed from the 50s and 60s to now?

50s and 60s: wanted to marry someone financially stable now: finances less important, want more of a relationship than a sugar daddy

least industrialized nations

70 percent of the world's people

The current average gendered earnings ratio, as discussed in class, is _________%. 79 80 81 82


"This may sound really strange, but . . ." The statement above is an example of: (A) a disclaimer (B) an account (C) an excuse (D) a justification (E) a concession


A characteristic of a triad is that it: (A) is prone to coalition formation (B) allows more power per member than a dyad (C) is the smallest type of group (D) can develop the strongest relationships (E) has little impact on human behavior


According to sociological terminology, an analysis of the amount of violence in mass media, such as television shows, would be which of the following? (A) Content analysis (B) Secondary analysis (C) Quasi-experiment (D) Participant observation (E) Ethnographic interview


Max Weber linked the emergence of capitalism to the: (A) Calvinist doctrine of predestination (B) Catholic monks' belief in asceticism (C) Protestants' desire for material luxuries (D) increasing power of the nobility in medieval Europe (E) Hindu belief in reincarnation


Max Weber's principle of verstehen was meant to: (A) explain the subjective beliefs that motivate people to act (B) determine how society is dysfunctionally organized (C) focus on the inequality in society (D) search for the social structures that fulfill people's needs (E) identify the patterns of exchange among individuals or groups


The practice of judging another culture by the standards of one's own culture is called: (A) ethnocentrism (B) cultural relativism (C) cultural integration (D) transference (E) multiculturalism


When all members of a country belong to a single religion and that religion is considered the official religion for the country, the religion is referred to as: (A) an ecclesia (B) a denomination (C) a sect (D) a cult (E) an alternative religion


Which of the following concepts seeks a consensus of opinion, or group conformity, by taking a narrow view of an issue? (A) Groupthink (B) Resocialization (C) Institutionalization (D) Mass hysteria (E) Resource mobilization


Which of the following levels of racial-ethnic relations is best exemplified by the 2008 election of President Barack Obama? (A) Assimilation (B) Cultural transmission (C) Internal colonialism (D) Accommodation (E) Segregation


Which perspective is most aligned with the belief that family provides to society economic production, socialization of children, care of the sick and aged, and reproduction? (A) the functionalist perspective (B) the conflict perspective (C) the symbolic interactionist perspective (D) the feminist perspective (E) the social bonding perspective


Which set of concepts best illustrates material culture? (A) jewelry, clothing, hairstyles (B) beliefs, values, norms (C) buildings, clothing, folkways (D) sanctions, mores, weapons (E) buildings, values, expressions


Ideal Type

A "pure type," constructed by emphasizing certain traits of a social item that do not necessarily exist in reality. An example is Max Weber's ideal type of bureaucratic organization.


A concept first brought into wide usage in sociology by Durkheim, referring to a situation in which social norms lose their hold over individual behavior. Breakdown of social bonds between an individual and community. For example:


A culturally approved concept about what is right or wrong/desirable or undesirable.

It is not legal to deny individuals the right to vote based on race, but a disproportionate number of racial minorities are denied their voting rights. Which statement below accurately breaks down the reason why? A.Jim Crow laws continue to prohibit African Americans from voting. B.A disproportionate number of African Americans are denied their voting rights because of laws that disenfranchise convicted felons. C.Illegal citizenship prohibits many Asian Americans from voting. D.Economic discrimination affects the ability of Latinos and Latinas to access voting facilities.

A disproportionate number of African Americans are denied their voting rights because of laws that disenfranchise convicted felons.


A group with which an individual does not identify and may feel competition/hostility towards.

Three major characteristics of a postindustrial economy...

A focus on ideas, with goods no longer driving the economy. As factory work did not require training, and there was a new focus on information and technology, the pursuit of higher education became prevalent. A shift from workplaces in cities, to the home, made possible because of the newly advanced communication technologies.


A form of marriage in which women have more than one husband.

Secondary Group

A group characterized by its large size and by impersonal, fleeting relationships.


A group consisting of three persons.


A group consisting of two persons.

Voluntary Association

A group that people choose to join usually in pursuit of a common goal.

Reference Group

A group that provides a standard for judging one's attitudes or behaviors.


A large group of individuals with a definite set of authority relations. Many types of _______ exist in industrialized societies, influencing most aspects of our lives. While not all _________ are bureaucratic, there are close links between the development of ___________ and bureaucratic tendencies.


A large, complex organization composed of appointed officials

Scientific Method

A logical, systematic approach to the solution of a problem that entails a series of steps, including collecting data, formulating a hypothesis, testing the hypothesis, and stating conclusions.

Nuclear Family

A married couple and their unmarried children living together.

In schools in the United States, Bilingual education has been defended on the grounds that it what?

A means to encourage cultural diversity


A meeting between two or more people in a situation of face-to-face interaction. Our daily lives can be seen as a series of different ____ strung out across the course of the day. In modern societies, many of these ____ are with strangers rather than people we don't know.


A person who is able to influence the behavior of other members of a group.


A mode of reward or punishment that reinforces socially expected forms of behavior. For example: Getting a speeding ticket for driving 100 mph in a 60 mph zone.


A norm followed for the sake of tradition or convenience. Usually does not have serious consequences. Holding a door for someone.

Hunter-Gatherer Societies

A nomadic people who live chiefly by hunting, fishing, and harvesting wild food. Fell out of style 12,000 years ago; before then most societies were H-G.


A process by which the members of a group ignore ways of thinking and plans of action that go against the group consensus.


A program under the U.S. Social Security Administration that reimburses hospitals and physicians for medical care provided to qualifying people over sixty-five years old

Degradation Ceremony

A ritual designed to expel a person from a group, thereby stripping their identity and sense of belonging.


A rule of behavior established by a political authority and backed by state power. Governmental social control

stratified random sample

A sampling design in which the population is divided into several subpopulations, or strata, and random samples are then drawn from each stratum.

Formal Organization

A secondary group organized specifically to achieve a certain goal or goals.


A series of social ties that can be important sources of information, contacts, or assistance.

Iron Law of Oligarchy

A term coined by Weber's student Robert Michels meaning that large organizations tend toward centralization of power, making democracy difficult.


A set of informal and formal social ties that links people to one another.


A set of norms necessary for survival of a society.

Primary Group

A small social group whose members share personal and lasting relationships such as family and very close friends.

caste society

A society in which a person's social position is determined by the family he or she is born into.


A specific personality type; such individuals lack the moral sense and concern for others held by most normal people. Person lacking in social conscience or inner censor

Human Resource Management

A style of management that regards a company's workforce as vital to its economic competitiveness.


A subtype of norm; they are widely adhered to (followed) and have great moral or social significance. Violations are generally sanctioned (punished) strongly. Norms that are widely observed and have great moral significance Attitudes and behaviors that are so firmly fixed that they are followed like laws For example: Being very rude to someone making your coffee.

Broken windows theory

A theory proposing that even small acts of crime, disorder, and vandalism can threaten a neighborhood and render it unsafe. For example: At Pruitt-Igoe, when the city didn't pick up the trash, that gave the message to the community that no one cared and they the residents also stopped caring for where they live, and the neighborhood became bad.

Control theory

A theory that views crime as the outcome of an imbalance between impulses toward criminal activity and controls that deter it. These theorists hold that criminals are rational beings who will act to maximize their own reward unless they are rendered (made) unable to do so through either social or physical controls. Theory that compliance with social norms requires strong bonds between individuals and society For example: A high school dropout has little to lose by being arrested, while a good sutdent has a lot to lose, such as getting into a good university.

Deviant Subculture

A way of living differing from the dominant culture and is based on a shared deviance.

Secondary deviance

According to Edwin Lemert, the next deviation occurs when an individual accepts the label of deviant and acts accordingly. Results in the individual being labeled as deviant and accepting the label as true For example: A student cheats once on a test and gets caught. After that, all of his teachers always think he is cheating even if he is not. After some time, the student starts to believe he is a cheater and starts acting that way all the time.

Numerous myths and misunderstandings inform the public opinion regarding welfare and its recipients. Which of the following is/are an example of such 'welfare myths'? Welfare recipients are thought to be lazy. Undocumented residents abuse the system. Individuals and families stay on welfare for their whole lives. All of these options are common myths about welfare.

All of these options are common myths about welfare.

Estate System

An ancient stratification system composed of the nobility, the clergy, and the commoners.


An internal cluster or faction within a group.

Differential association

An interpretation of the development of criminal behavior proposed by Edwin H. Sutherland, according to whom criminal behavior is learned through association with others who regularly engage in crime. Edwin Sutherland's theory that posits that deviance is learned behavior. For example: If you grow up around drug dealers, theives or bank robbers, there is a good chance you will become one too because that is what you learned.


An intimate community

Corporate Culture

An organizational culture involving rituals, events, or traditions that are unique to a specific company.


Analyzation of face-to-face social interaction.


Analyzation of large-scale society, such as institutions.

Ferdinand Tonnies

Analyzed the different types of societies that existed before and after industrialization. Coined the terms Gemeinschaft ( intimate community) and Gesellschaft (impersonal association).

While the notion of gender refers to sociological characteristics, the concept of sex refers to ________ characteristics. Anthropological Anatomical Philosophical Psychological


Which of the following statements about Anna and her family are true? A.Anna's cousin Cheryl is a member of her "family of procreation." B.Anna and Neil adopted Ian, who is a member of Anna's "family of orientation." C.Anna and her husband Neil are members of a "family of orientation." D.Anna and her biological sister Beth are members of a "family of orientation."

Anna and her biological sister Beth are members of a "family of orientation."

According to Émile Durkheim, the more homogeneous a group the greater its: (A) organic solidarity (B) mechanical solidarity (C) functional differentiation (D) co-optation (E) stratification


Barry sneaks up behind Caesar and hits him over the head with a bat. Caesar suffers a concussion and incurs damages exceeding $50,000.00. Under these facts, Caesar will most likely win a suit against Barry for: (A) assault (B) battery (C) conversion (D) false imprisonment (E) negligence


If a demographer wanted to compare the United States population by age and sex with that of Mexico, what would he or she use to illustrate the population dynamics between these two countries? (A) the population index (B) population pyramids (C) demographic pictures (D) the basic demographic equation (E) population material


In Gesellschaft, people are more likely than in Gemeinschaft to: (A) have frequent face-to-face contact with those they know (B) see others as a means of advancing their own individual goals (C) be united by primary group bonds (D) have altruistic concerns for others (E) be tradition-directed


In general, females perform better than males do on tests of: (A) general intelligence (B) verbal ability (C) visual-spatial ability (D) scientific information (E) mathematics


In his research, George Farkas discovered that, even though they had identical test scores, some students were prone to receive better grades than others. Which students received the best grades? (A) boys and Latinos (B) girls and Asian Americans (C) white females and African Americans (D) Latino males and white females (E) girls and Whites


In the United States, semiskilled positions held primarily by women, such as waitperson, cashier, and receptionist, are known as which type of occupation? (A) Blue-collar (B) Pink-collar (C) White-collar (D) Nonpatriarchal (E) Matriarchal


In the United States, which family members are primarily responsible for what is known as the second shift? (A) Fathers Only (B) Mothers Only (C) Both fathers and mothers (D) Children (E) Grandparents


In the world's economic system, which of the following is true about the relationship between high-income countries and low-income countries? (A) High-income countries depend on low-income countries to purchase natural resources from them. (B) High-income countries build manufacturing plants in low-income countries to obtain cheap labor. (C) High-income countries encourage the development of state-owned economic enterprises in low-income countries. (D) High-income countries are more likely than low-income countries to have an agriculturally based economy. (E) High-income countries have less-diversified sources of income.


James's family disapproves of his marriage to Juanita because she is from a different social class. Which of the following best describes James's family's marriage practices? (A) Exogamy (B) Endogamy (C) Monogamy (D) Homogamy (E) Polygamy


Laura is conducting an experiment to determine the effect of caffeine on wakefulness. She gives half of her subjects a caffeinated beverage to drink. These subjects are the: (A) control group (B) experimental group (C) independent variable (D) dependent variable (E) study population


Leo is a college graduate, cello teacher, and a member of Who s Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities. What are these accomplishments collectively called? (A) his social class (B) his achieved statuses (C) his social roles (D) his ascribed statuses (E) none of the above



Having more than one spouse at a time.

Critics of home-schooling suggest that home-schooled children are what?

Isolated from the larger community and lose an important chance to improve their socialization skills.

Macrosociology tends to focus on _________________ where as microsociology focuses on social interaction. (A) buildings and factories (B) large scale features of social life (C) families and societies (D) small scale features of social life (E) all of the above


Marguerite recently moved to the United States from Spain for better economic opportunity. Her move is an example of which of the following processes? (A) Forced migration (B) Voluntary migration (C) Step migration (D) Selective immigration (E) Internal migration


Robert Merton

Developed the Strain Theory of Deviance clarified the difference between manifest functions and latent functions

The claim that the division of labor based on gender has survived because it is beneficial and efficient for human living is an example of: (A) structural functionalism (B) conflict theory (C) ethnomethodology (D) symbolic interactionism (E) phenomenology


What are the three essential components of socialism? (A) public ownership of the means of production, central planning, free-market economy (B) central planning, public ownership of the means of production, distribution without profit motive (C) free-market economy, public ownership of the means of production, pursuit of profit (D) distribution of goods without a profit motive, individual ownership of the means of production, competition unequal (E) public ownership of the means of production, no planning, individuals own market


Walter Reckless

Developed the control theory to explain how some resist the pressure to become deviants.

Which of the following is a true statement about Pierre Bourdieu's study of the cultural elements of class?

As people gain greater distance from necessity, class cultures develop.

Which of the following terms refers to a philosophical system under which knowledge of the world and human behavior is derived from scientific observation in search of universal laws? (A) Theology (B) Determinism (C) Positivism (D) Phenomenology (E) Metaphysics


Michael Harrington

Author who wrote The Other America. He alerted those in the mainstream to what he saw in the run-down and hidden communities of the country.

_____________________ racism refers to a specific form of racist ideology in which so-called 'well-intentioned' individuals speak and act in paternalistic ways that underscore their personal assumptions of superiority. Aversive Overt Institutional None of the above



Any action that contravenes (goes againt) the laws established by a political authority.


Any behavior that violates the standards of conduct or expectations of a group or society

Carol Gilligan

Argues that Kohlberg's theory is inaccurate as he studied only boys. Gilligan posits that girls look beyond morality to find the caring thing to do, regardless of whether that action breaks a pre-existing rule.

Conflict theory

Argument that deviance is deliberately chosen and often political in nature. For example: If you are someone who grew up in a poor neighborhood and you have very few opportunities of finding a good job, then you become a drug dealer, because that is the best way to be successful.

When gays and lesbians began to "come out of the closet" and tell friends and family about their sexual orientation, it made it more difficult, according to deviance theory, for the moral crusade against same-sex relationships to succeed in labeling them deviants for which of the following reasons? A.Same-sex relationships were no longer statistically deviant. B.Same-sex marriages were shown to be just as successful as traditional heterosexual marriages. C.As "out" gays and lesbians became more numerous, the visibly growing size of the group challenged the view that only a small number of people were gay, and almost everyone would come to know at least one friend or family member who was gay. D.Violence against gays and lesbians showed that their attackers were the true deviants.

As "out" gays and lesbians became more numerous, the visibly growing size of the group challenged the view that only a small number of people were gay, and almost everyone would come to know at least one friend or family member who was gay.

What was the result of the study conducted by H. M. Skeels and H. B. Dye where they placed an experimental group of mentally challenged babies in an institution to be cared for by caring adults? (A) The babies were abused by the care givers, and the experiment ended prematurely. (B) The intelligence scores of the babies significantly increased when retested two and a half years later. (C) There was no change in the intelligence scores of the babies when retested two and a half years later. (D) The intelligence scores of the babies decreased when retested two and a half years later. (E) The babies in the experimental group did not survive


Which of the following approaches to stratification is most likely to suggest that, as a society becomes more stratified, it prevents the talents of those at the bottom from being known or used and thus potentially fails to benefit from the contributions of all its members? (A) Interactionist (B) Conflict (C) Postmodernist (D) Demographic (E) Structural functionalist


Which of the following religious organizations seeks to maintain exclusiveness, claims to represent the true faith, and is most likely to have split off from a larger religious group? (A) Cult (B) Sect (C) Church (D) Denomination (E) Ecclesia


Which of the following theorists argued that class conflict was inevitable in a capitalistic society and would result in revolution? (A) C. Wright Mills (B) Karl Marx (C) Robert Park (D) Max Weber (E) Karl Mannheim


Which social scientist first proposed applying the scientific method to the social world, a practice known as positivism? (A) Maximilien Robespierre (B) Auguste Comte (C) Emile Durkheim (D) Herbert Spencer (E) minimization


Which statement about political participation in the United States is true? (A) Almost everyone of voting age in the United States is registered to vote. (B) Voter turnout in the United States is lower than in most European nations. (C) Voter turnout has increased dramatically in the last twenty years. (D) People of higher social class tend to participate less in voting than lower social classes. (E) Younger adults are more likely to vote than those over 65


Which term is used to describe a group's way of thinking, gestures, language, values, and social norms? (A) material culture (B) nonmaterial culture (C) cultural relativism (D) ethnocentrism (E) subculture


Which theoretical perspective stresses that society is a whole unit, made up of interrelated parts that work together harmoniously? (A) symbolic interactionism (B) functional analysis (C) conflict theory (D) the neo-conflict perspective (E) labeling theory


Who was the sociologist who described deviance this way: It is not the act itself but the reactions to the act, that make something deviant? (A) Napoleon Chagnon (B) Howard Becker (C) Stephen Steel (D) Ross Koppel (E) Christine McSimmons


Within the scientific perspective, which of the following are the most important sources of knowledge? (A) Common sense and tradition (B) Empiricism and reason (C) Authority and structure (D) Paradigms and intuition (E) Existentialism and reference groups


Which theory assumes that deviance occurs among individuals who are blocked from achieving socially approved goals by legitimate means? (A) Hirschi's social control theory (B) Labeling theory (C) Merton's strain theory (D) Differential association theory (E) Cultural transmission theory


What is the relationship between power and state deviance? A>The state has an enormous amount of power to commit deviant acts as a group, but individuals within the state do not have the same level of power. B.Because the state defines deviance, and administers laws that control deviance, state representatives must meticulously avoid committing deviant acts. C.The state has less power than individuals to commit deviant acts because they adhere to a strict code called the Geneva Convention. C.Because the state possesses more power than individuals, state representatives are better able to commit deviant acts without experiencing severe consequences.

Because the state possesses more power than individuals, state representatives are better able to commit deviant acts without experiencing severe consequences.

Critics of bilingualism in schools in the United States argue that what?

Bilingualism undermines the social and political integration that education has traditionally promoted.

Samantha wakes up in the morning, breastfeeds her baby, showers, shaves her legs, and puts on the high heel shoes that will match her green dress. She carefully applies makeup before leaving the house for work. Which part of the scenario reflects sex, and which part reflects gender? A.Waking up, breastfeeding a baby, and shaving hair from the body reflect sex; wearing high heels, applying makeup, and leaving the house for work reflect gender. B.Breastfeeding a baby and applying makeup reflect sex; waking up in the morning, showering, and leaving the house for work reflects gender. C.Breastfeeding a baby reflects sex; shaving hair from the body, wearing high heels, wearing a dress, and applying makeup reflect gender. D.Breastfeeding a baby and shaving hair from the body reflects sex; wearing high heels, wearing a dress, and applying makeup reflect gender.

Breastfeeding a baby reflects sex; shaving hair from the body, wearing high heels, wearing a dress, and applying makeup reflect gender.

A collection of people who happen to be walking down the street at the same time but who have nothing else in common is known as: (A) a social movement (B) a social category (C) an aggregate (D) a primary group (E) a secondary group


A sex ratio of 120 means that in a population there are: (A) 120 more males than females (B) 120 more females than males (C) 120 males for every 100 females (D) 120 females for every 100 males (E) 12% more males than females


A society in which women have more wealth, privilege, and political power than men have is said to be experiencing which of the following? (A) Gender equality (B) Gender-role reversal (C) Gender stratification (D) Gender expectations (E) Gender dissonance


A sociologist of religion who studies secularization is interested in which of the following? (A) The increasing prevalence of religious cults in a society (B) A society that changes from having a few religious practices to many religious practices (C) The development of more extreme religious practices in a society (D) A society that changes from closely identifying with nonreligious values to closely identifying with religious values (E) A society that changes from closely identifying with religious values to closely identifying with nonreligious values


An advertisement for men's cologne depicts a woman as a pair of legs. This is an example of: (A) objectification (B) subjectification (C) misrepresentation (D) characterization (E) minimization


Compared to the United States population in general, Asian Americans have: (A) larger proportions of their populations in poverty (B) lower median family incomes (C) a higher level of formal educational achievement (D) fewer ties to their family's country of origin (E) a lower proportion of first-generation immigrants


Which of the following is best described as an organized sphere of social life, or societal subsystem, designed to support important values and to meet human needs? (A) Social structure (B) Social organization (C) Social institution (D) Social culture (E) Economic corporation


Which of the following is the best example of exogamy? (A) The father is considered the head of the family. (B) Interracial marriage was prohibited by law in many states prior to civil rights legislation. (C) The incest taboo prohibits close relatives from marrying one another. (D) Some religious groups encourage their members to marry within their religion. (E) All of the above


Which of the following statements is most accurate regarding patriarchy? (A) It is a form of political organization in which the state assumes paternal responsibility for citizens. (B) It is a form of social organization in which one's kinship lineage is traced through the family of the mother. (C) It is a form of social organization in which males control most formal and informal power. (D) It is found only in those societies that practice polyandry. (E) It is not found in those societies that practice polygyny.


With which of the following statements would a sociologist adhering to the disengagement theory most likely disagree? (A) It is less disruptive to society when older people live beyond retirement age. (B) When older people retire, it creates opportunities for younger people. (C) When workers retire, it means a loss of experienced labor for businesses. (D) Mandatory retirement is beneficial because older workers tend to experience a decline in physical abilities that can negatively affect work performance. (E) Retirement improves morale and happiness.


Zachary's parents were divorced three years ago. During the first year after the divorce, Zachary's father visited him every week. Then Zachary's father remarried and fathered another child. Now he rarely visits Zachary. What is this scenario called? (A) child neglect (B) child abuse (C) serial fatherhood (D) middle-age fatherhood (E) patriarchy downward


Labeling Theory

Deviance is what it is labeled as. No behavior is inherently deviant, but only becomes deviant when others judge it so.

_____________________ is the term widely used to describe the profit-oriented economic system in which there is concentrated private ownership of wealth Service-sector economy Capitalism Bureaucracy Democracy


According to proponents of the economic restructuring perspective, how have social structural changes affected family life? A.Changes in women's job opportunities have resulted in families returning to the independent breadwinner-homemaker family form that was common in the 1950s. B.New laws that prohibit same-sex marriage have resulted in a growing number of cohabiting same-sex couples. C.New laws that make it more difficult to get divorced have had the unintended consequence of reducing the marriage rate. D.Changes in men's job opportunities have resulted in families finding it more difficult to survive on only one income.

Changes in men's job opportunities have resulted in families finding it more difficult to survive on only one income.

Life Stages

Childhood Adolescence Adulthood Old Age Dying These stages are socially constructed.

Which of the following conclusions is true based on sociological research regarding child well-being and divorce? A.Children in high-conflict families whose parents divorce do better than children raised in low-conflict families whose parents divorce. B.Children in high-conflict families whose parents divorce do better than children raised in high-conflict families whose parents do not divorce. C.Children in high-conflict families whose parents divorce do worse than children raised in high-conflict families whose parents do not divorce. D.Children in high-conflict families whose parents divorce do just as well as children raised in high-conflict families whose parents do not divorce.

Children in high-conflict families whose parents divorce do better than children raised in high-conflict families whose parents do not divorce.

Alternative Families

Cohabitation, childlessness, living alone, single parents, Gay/Lesbian.

Culture Lag

Coined by William Ogburn. When material and non-material cultures develop at different rates.

Material Culture

Concrete, visible parts of a culture, such as food, clothing, cars, weapons, and buildings.

__________________________ theorists would examine poverty as the result of class inequalities between those who own the means of production and those who labor within them. Conflict Structural functionalist Symbolic interactionist Feminist


Which perspective views the bureaucratization of education as simply a reflection of the values of powerful groups in society?

Conflict Perspective

The theorists most likely to view the law as an instrument of oppression wielded by the powerful in order to maintain their privileged position in society are: Symbolic Interactionists Conflict Theorists Functional Theorists Subcultural Theorists

Conflict Theorists

Which sociological perspective is most critical of the differential way in which education bestows status?

Conflict perspective

Question 13 Angela believes that race relations in America are poor because the white ruling class has enacted various laws and regulations to keep other racial groups from achieving equality. With which sociological perspective does Angela's view best align? Feminism Symbolic interactionism Conflict theory Functionalism

Conflict theory

According to Charles Horton Cooley, how do we develop our self concept? (A) Our self concept is inherited based on genetic characteristics. (B) Our self concept is a product of self-discipline. (C) Our self concept is the result of deep-seated psychological development. (D) Our self concept develops from interaction with others. (E) All of the above


Karl Marx

German socialist who saw history as a class struggle between groups out of power and those controlling the means of production; preached the inevitability of social revolution and the creation of a proletarian dictatorship.

According to George Herbert Mead, how does a child learn to take the role of others? (A) through play and imitation (B) through intellectual development and biochemical processes (C) through formal education (D) through a natural maturation process that shapes instinct (E) through formal education


According to the functionalist perspective, which is a function of religion? (A) answering questions about the meaning of life (B) providing guidelines for life (C) emotional support (D) all of the above (E) none of the above


According to world-systems theory, the global system is primarily: (A) political (B) military (C) social (D) economic (E) cultural


All of the following are properties of primary groups EXCEPT: (A) They are important sources of social support. (B) They tend to be ethnocentric. (C) They significantly influence personality development. (D) They tend to be large in number. (E) They are frequently characterized by face-to-face relationships.


Approximately what percent of the people in the United States live in metropolitan areas? (A) 45% (B) 50% (C) 65% (D) 85% (E) 95%


As children, boys usually receive trucks, sporting equipment, and action toys. Girls receive dolls and gifts that are more passive. Overall, what do sociologists call this sex-based criteria for the gifts children receive? (A) resocialization (B) gender tracking (C) the hidden curriculum (D) gender socialization (E) gender inhibition


Cooley called a person's self-conception based on the responses of others: (A) the divided self (B) self-esteem (C) the concrete operational stage (D) the looking-glass self (E) the "I" and "me"


How long does an American family remain in poverty on average? (A) ten to twenty years (B) five to ten years (C) two to five years (D) one year or less (E) lifetime


In regards to physical health, why do poor individuals have more sicknesses and a high death raterate? (A) unequal access to medical care (B) unhealthy lifestyle (C) harder life (D) all of the above (E) none of the above


In the study of social class, a sociologist would be LEAST likely to focus one's position? (A) power (B) social mobility (C) style of life (D) motivation (E) occupational status


Why is it difficult to get an accurate count of the homeless? Definitions of homelessness are problematic, as many of the homeless may temporarily live with friends and family or cannot be located by surveyors. Many of the homeless are adept at hiding from researchers. Many of the homeless are in and out of hospitals. Many of the homeless live in areas too dangerous for researchers to visit.

Definitions of homelessness are problematic, as many of the homeless may temporarily live with friends and family or cannot be located by surveyors.

According to your reading entitled "Color-Blind Privilege," the notion of colorblindness is problematic because it ______________. Denies the structural basis by which whites are privileged and others are not Ignores the racism practiced by non-white groups Ignores the role of gender in inequality is discriminatory towards whites

Denies the structural basis by which whites are privileged and others are not

C. Wright Mills

Described the importance of the sociological imagination when viewing the world, especially for people with power.

Why are some groups in the United States dominant and others subordinate? The groups who were in the US first are the dominant ones The dominant groups are always the ones with greater numbers than the subordinate ones Different groups have different access to the power structure All groups in the US are equal

Different groups have different access to the power structure

Why are some groups in the US dominant while others are subordinate? The groups who were in the US first are the dominant groups. The dominant groups are always the ones with greater numbers than the subordinate ones. Different groups have different access to the power structure. There are really very few differences in who has access to power in the US.

Different groups have different access to the power structure.

For a race or ethnic group to be classified as a minority group, they must experience which of the following? Difficulty in gaining access to power Be a numerical minority Have privileges afforded to them through group belonging Have political power

Difficulty in gaining access to power

Characteristics of a Bureaucracy

Division of Labor. Labor hierarchy. Has written rules for how jobs are to be performed. Official communication is written to minimize confusion and streamline task completion. Employees have impersonal relationship with the organization.

Impression management is exhibited by a college student who: (A) aces an exam after forgetting to study for it (B) anticipates graduating and getting a job (C) expects to do well on an exam and ends up doing so (D) anticipates flunking a course and stops going to class (E) cleans the dorm room in preparation for Parent's Weekend


Max Weber

German sociologist theorized that the engine of government needs bureaucracies to provide expertise in a way that short-term elected or appointed official cannot.

Target hardening

Doing things that make it harder for people to commit crimes, such as community policing, locking doors and windows. having security cameras.

Question 11 In 2010, what did controversial Senate Bill 1070 propose, causing a series of protests and legal battles? During a lawful stop, detention, or arrest, Arizona police officers may establish the immigration status of anyone they suspect may be here illegally. If suspected of illegal activity, Nevada police may search the home of any immigrant, or child of an immigrant, without a warrant. After being detained by New Mexico police, immigrants are given no rights by the authorities and may be held for weeks without being officially charged. After being charged with a crime, Wisconsin courts can order legal immigrants back to their countries of origin.

During a lawful stop, detention, or arrest, Arizona police officers may establish the immigration status of anyone they suspect may be here illegally.


Durkheim's term for a lack of social integration.

According to the functionalist perspective, which is a function of religion? (A) answering questions about the meaning of life (B) providing guidelines for life (C) emotional support (D) none of the above (E) all of the above


According to Émile Durkheim, a society that lacks clear-cut norms to govern aspirations and moral conduct is characterized by: (A) rationalism (B) altruism (C) egoism (D) secularism (E) anomie


All of the following characteristics are commonly attributed to postmodern culture EXCEPT: (A) moral relativism (B) skepticism toward traditional authority (C) growing tolerance of diversity (D) loss of faith in absolutes (E) adherence to traditional gender roles


Ed lives in Maine, a state that has a so-called merchant protection statute (or shopkeeper's privilege). One day Ed goes to the grocery store to shoplift some steaks for dinner. The owner of the grocery store catches Ed red-handed in the act of shoplifting. He and an employee gently restrain Ed in the back room, feeding him gourmet food and wine until the local sheriff finally shows up three days later. If Ed sues the grocer for the tort of false imprisonment, he will win if he can prove that: (A) he did not intend to steal the steaks (B) the gourmet food that he was fed was poorly prepared (C) the grocer had no authority from the sheriff to hold him (D) the grocer detained him for a reasonable time after reasonably suspecting him of shoplifting (E) the grocer detained him for an unreasonable time after reasonably suspecting him of shoplifting


Elizabeth lost her home, her job, and all of her material possessions during an economic downturn. As a result, she experienced which of the following types of mobility? (A) Vertical (B) Meritocratic (C) Horizontal (D) Exchange (E) Intergenerational


In the past 30 years, the infant mortality rate in the United States has: (A) remained about the same as in other industrialized countries (B) declined for African American people but not for Caucasian people (C) declined among Caucasian people, while increasing among African American people (D) declined among Caucasian people, while remaining stable among African American people (E) declined among both African American people and Caucasian people, while remaining twice as high among African American people


Most of the funding for public schools in the United States comes from: (A) lottery revenues (B) state income taxes (C) local sales taxes (D) local income taxes (E) local property taxes


Socialization takes place: (A) only in childhood (B) mainly in adolescence (C) mainly in early adulthood (D) mainly through the reproductive years (E) throughout the life cycle


Sociological studies of gender socialization show that: (A) girls' games are more likely than boys' games to encourage assertive behaviors (B) girls' games are more likely than boys' games to emphasize strict observance of rules (C) girls are more likely than boys to learn to suppress emotions of sadness (D) girls are more likely to engage in competitive play and boys in cooperative play (E) girls are less likely than boys to receive attention from teachers


The concept of "glass ceiling" affecting women in the workforce is best illustrated by which of the following? (A) The instability of female-dominated jobs (B) The pay inequity between men and women for comparable jobs (C) The breakdown of gender stereotypes in the job market (D) The instability of marriages for women who are successful in the workforce (E) The barriers that limit career advancement for women


The early Chicago School researchers found that even though immigration changed the racial and ethnic composition of some areas of the city over time, the rates of crime in those areas remained relatively high. Which of the following interpretations of this finding is most consistent with the Chicago School's social disorganization perspective? (A) Police deployment practices failed to control crime. (B) Police were biased against immigrants. (C) Immigrants did not have legitimate means to achieve their goals. (D) Immigrants were labeled as criminals even when their actions were not illegal. (E) Neighborhood social institutions were ineffective at preventing crime.


The economy of the postindustrial United States is characterized by all of the following EXCEPT: (A) computer-facilitated automation (B) relocation of manufacturing plants to less-developed countries (C) international competition in the manufacturing sector of the economy (D) increasing numbers of service compared to manufacturing jobs (E) increased job security due to globalization


The practice in which a woman is married to two or more men at the same time is known as: (A) monogamy (B) polygyny (C) polyandry (D) serial monogamy (E) patriarchy


The term "SMSA" used in the United States census refers to a: (A) summary of many small areas (B) statistical mean of sampling error (C) summary of metropolitan shopping areas (D) standard measure of suburban areas (E) standard metropolitan statistical area


Two basic premises that underlie capitalism are that: (A) individuals pursue their desired occupations, and society rewards diligent workers (B) the free market demands more elaborate products over the years, and skill and hard work allow laborers to meet that demand (C) majority rule must be maintained for the free market to function properly, and individuals who desire wealth and prestige work hard (D) societal profits are distributed to each person according to need, and each person's skills determine his or her role in the workforce (E) goods are produced for profit, and the free market determines what is produced and at what price


Which of the following views stratification as being developed and maintained through everyday interactions? (A) Feminist theory (B) Labeling theory (C) Dependency theory (D) Structural functionalism (E) Symbolic interactionism


Charles Horton Cooley

Early Sociologist. Created The looking-glass self. Our self image reflects how others respond to us. We only develop a self-concept by interacting with others.

Which of the following is an accurate statement about education around the world?

Education is improving on an international scale, but a great deal of educational inequality remains.

Which of the following is an accurate statement about education in the United States?

Education is the primary way that people in our society can change their class position, but also reproduces existing inequalities based on race, class, or gender that appear to be inequalities based on individual aptitude.

Which of the following is a true statement about education and social inequality?

Education not only creates social inequalities but makes them seem natural, normal, and inevitable.

Travis Hirschi

Elaborated on the control theory, saying four elements render an individual more or less likely to commit deviance. Attachment Commitment Involvement Belief

____________________________ are developing countries that have recently become more industrialized. Emerging economies Democratic economies Capitalist economies Agrarian economies

Emerging economies

Which statement BEST illustrates how migration patterns result in brain drain? A.Only repressive countries like North Korea experience brain drain through migration. B.All forms of migration lead to brain drain. C.Immigration leads to brain drain. D.Emigration leads to brain drain.

Emigration leads to brain drain.

Functions of Deviance

Emile Durkheim argued that deviance is necessary and normal, and that it contributed to social order: Deviance affirms the social norm. Deviance unifies non-transgressors. Promotes social change

The restriction of mate selection to people within the same group is known as


Social Institution

Enduring a complex social structure that meets basic human needs

Herbert Spencer

English philosopher who was the first and most important proponent of Social Darwinism theory. He argued that society benefited from the elimination of the unfit and the survival of the strong and talented. His books were popular in America in the 1870s and 1880s.

Total Institution

Erving Goffman's term for a place where people are isolated from the rest of society for a set period of time and come under the control of the officials who run the institution.

_____________________________ refers to the judging of another culture by the standards of your own culture, whereas _____________________________ is understanding a society by its own standards instead. Ethnocentrism; cultural relativism Value neutrality; ethnocentrism Cultural relativism; value neutrality Cultural relativism; ethnocentrism

Ethnocentrism; cultural relativism

Harold Garfinkel

Ethnomethodology & degradation ceremony

Question 9 President Franklin D. Roosevelt's executive order 9066, which authorized the establishment of internment camps for anyone with as little as one-eighth Japanese ancestry following Pearl Harbor, is an example of: Genocide Communism Racial steering Expulsion


A married couple, their children, and other relatives—such as grandparents, aunts, or uncles—living together in the same household constitute a (an)

Extended Family

Welfare Capitalism

Features a market-based economy with an extensive welfare system. Sweden

Post-Industrial Society

Features an economy based on services and technology, not production.

Cooley's Theory of the Looking Glass Self

Focused on how society's, particularly our partner's, perceptions shape us. We imagine their perception and form a self-image based on that perception.

Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development

Focused on moral reasoning. Pre Conventional Child ascribes importance to authority of adults. Conventional Child follows rules to get approval. Post Conventional Person focuses on what is personally important to them. Few reach this stage.


Focuses on small groups and the individual

Information Technology

Forms of technology based on information processing and requiring microelectronic circuitry.

Durkheim's Study of Suicide

Found males, protestants, and single people have higher rates of suicide.

Emile Durkheim

Found the trends underlying suicide, less social integration=the higher the rate, protestant, male, and unmarried have higher rates

Question 19 Cedric's uncle believes that racism and discrimination have made a positive impact on society - but only in the lives of those who are members of the dominant group. Which sociological perspective is Cedric's uncle coming from? Symbolic interactionism Feminism Functionalism Conflict theory


Federal Title IX policies required schools to what?

Give girls more opportunities to play sports

Which of the following is evidence most consistent with an evolutionary biological theory of how biology might A. affect sexuality? A majority of identical twins of gay individuals are not gay. B. Studies continue to show that men prefer multiple partners while women prefer to hold off on sex until marriage. C. Given the fact that pregnancy takes nine months, frequent sex with multiple sexual partners does less to ensure reproduction for women than it does for men. D. Transgendered people staying in the closet to avoid harassment.

Given the fact that pregnancy takes nine months, frequent sex with multiple sexual partners does less to ensure reproduction for women than it does for men.

Reference Groups

Group we compare ourselves to for self-evaluation.


Group who lives differently, but not opposed to, the dominant culture.


Group who lives opposite of the dominant culture.

Dominant Cultures

Group whose members are in the majority OR who wield more power.

Irving Janis

Groupthink; likely to occur in a group that has unquestioned beliefs, pressure to conform, invulnerability, censors, cohesiveness within, isolation from without, and a strong leader.


Guideline or expectation for behavior. Each society makes its own rules, and decides when rules are violated and how to punish transgressors.

Origins of Stratification in Society

H-G had little to no stratification Horti/ Agri/Pastoral led to stratification Industrial increased stratification Post-Indust strengthened stratification

A structural functionalist would ask which of the following questions? How can a society eliminate the unjust distribution of power and privilege in society? How can a society make sure that unpleasant but necessary work gets done? When will the oppressed in a society shed their false consciousness and rise up against their oppressors? At what point will a society rid itself of hierarchies?

How can a society make sure that unpleasant but necessary work gets done?

You enroll in a freshman Introduction to Sociology course at your college, and the classes are held in a large auditorium with stadium seating that holds over hundred students with a single instructor behind a lectern. This illustrates which characteristic of bureaucracy?


Which of the following statements accurately describes implicit prejudice? A.Implicit prejudice refers to the fact that people generally complete tasks faster and with less difficulty when they involve nonstereotypical associations, such as the association between "white" and "foreigner." B.Implicit prejudice refers to the policies of organizations that exclude or harm members of particular racial groups. C.Implicit prejudice refers to the innate, biological prejudice individuals hold toward people of a different race. D.Implicit prejudice refers to the fact that people are unconsciously influenced by racial stereotypes.

Implicit prejudice refers to the fact that people are unconsciously influenced by racial stereotypes.

According to your reading by Goffman, attempts by individuals and groups to influence and alter the negative perceptions that others have of them are instances of _________________________. identity formation emotion work impression management the looking-glass self

Impression management

Which of the following is an accurate characterization of the U.S. immigration process? A.In general, the greater the financial resources of the prospective immigrant and sponsor, the easier the process. B.Once a parent is granted LPR status, his or her children are always automatically granted LPR status as well. C.In general, the United States grants LPR status more quickly to poor people, or as the bronze plaque inside the Statue of Liberty reads, the "poor" and "tired" masses. D.All immigrant applicants, irrespective of their country of origin, have an equal chance of being granted LPR status.

In general, the greater the financial resources of the prospective immigrant and sponsor, the easier the process.

Gender Role

a set of behaviors and personality characteristics expected and encouraged of a person based on their sex and gender.

In examining racial and ethnic discrimination, structural functionalist theorists might point out that: Minorities are able to incite social change through protest. Elites are statistically more likely to be white because Blacks and other minorities have been denied access to resources like jobs and equal pay. In its earliest years, the economy of the US was built on the forced labor of enslaved persons. The ways in which Americans have defined race as a social construct have had lasting impact on how minorities are treated in American society.

In its earliest years, the economy of the US was built on the forced labor of enslaved persons.

Major economic and political changes can transform even the language we use to describe the world. During which era were the words "factory," "class," and "capitalism" first used with the meanings they have today?

Industrial Revolution

Whites denying African Americans the right to vote, join labor unions, and work at high paying and prestigious jobs, to attend good schools, and receive good medical care all exemplify: Individual discrimination Institutional discrimination Moral discrimination Racial stereotyping

Institutional discrimination

_____________________ are those to which one feels both loyalty and respect; _______________________ are those for which one feels contempt and dislike, a group that does not belong. Secondary group; primary group Primary group; secondary group Out-group; in-group In-group; out-group

In-group; out-group

Max Weber

Individual who explained the rise of capitalism in part by what he called the Protestant ethic

The type of discrimination that is embedded within the structure of society is referred to as ___________________ discrimination. Institutional Overt Reverse Adaptive


Focused interation

Interaction between individuals engaged in a common activity or direct conversation with each other.

Unfocused interaction

Interaction occurring among people present in a particular setting but not engaged in direct face-to-face communication. This happens in busy places.

Which sociological perspective(s) would most likely focus attention on the personal relationships between stepparents and their stepchildren and the family dynamics involved in such relationships?

Interactionalist perspective

Question 17 Which of the following is NOT an example of a stereotype? Maria assuming her son-in-law is a heavy drinker because he is Irish. Cynthia believing her best friend to be good at math because she is Asian. Isaiah cooking his girlfriend a meat-free dinner because she is a vegetarian. Pedro assuming his neighbor likes rap music because he is African American.

Isaiah cooking his girlfriend a meat-free dinner because she is a vegetarian.

__________________________ refers to social class movement across generations, whereas _________________________ refers to socioeconomic movement between classes within a person's lifetime. Intragenerational mobility; structural mobility Exchange mobility; intergenerational mobility Intergenerational mobility; intragenerational mobility Intragenerational mobility; intergenerational mobility

Intergenerational mobility; intragenerational mobility

Inner Controls

Internalized thoughts and beliefs, such as morality, that encourage us not to deviate.

Conflict Theory

Interprets society as a struggle between groups for limited resources. Posits that there are two general categories in industrialized society: Capitalists and Working Class

The Questlove Articles that you read for online class serve as an example of the _________________ of race, class & gender in modern American society. Simplicity Intersectionality Duplicity None of the above


Social Disorganization Theory

Intricate, complex relations at the neighborhood level matter for managing deviance and crime. Can be good or bad depending on structural features of a neighborhood

Third Social Revolution

Invention of the steam engine. Led to the shift from agriculture to an industrial society.

Community policing

Is about the police working with local people For example: Police work closely with the people in the neighborhood to prevent crime before it happens.

Which of the following is a true statement about the 1954 Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education?

It declared state laws that established separate public schools for black and white students to be unconstitutional but did not solve the problem of racial segregation in public schools.

Why are advertisements recruiting racial minorities to colleges an example of "soft" affirmative action? A.Advertising does not require social structural changes, so there is a low effort-to-impact ratio. B.Increasing diversity through the use of intensive advertising campaigns is designed to replace affirmative action. C.Advertising has no acknowledged impact on racial diversity. D.It encourages racial diversity without requiring firm numbers or statistics as proof.

It encourages racial diversity without requiring firm numbers or statistics as proof.

Mass Society

Large, impersonal societies. Individual achievement is valued over kinship ties, people often feel isolated, and great diversity is common.

Teaching students to be on time, to be on time, to respect authority, and to follow directions can be considered a what?

Latent Function of education

Most of the foreign-born people living in the United States in 2010 were born in __________, and the second highest number of foreign-born people living in the United States were born in __________. A.Latin America and the Caribbean; Asia B.Asia; Latin America and the Caribbean C.Latin America and the Caribbean; Europe D.Europe; Asia

Latin America and the Caribbean; Asia

_________________________ functions are those that are intended and expected; _________________________ functions are those that are unexpected, but still serve a purpose. Manifest; Latent Latent; Manifest Necessary; Unnecessary Projected; Unforeseen

Manifest; Latent

Why are a disproportionate number of African Americans unable to vote? Many African Americans fail to register to vote. Many African Americans face disproportionately difficult registration processes. Many African Americans have lost their right to vote following felony convictions and find polling places in their neighborhoods disproportionately closed. Many African Americans do not have a driver's license.

Many African Americans have lost their right to vote following felony convictions and find polling places in their neighborhoods disproportionately closed.

Over the last few years, some politicians have emphasized the importance of returning to the traditional family as the ideal family form. If you were writing an editorial directed at someone who felt this way, which of the following is a criticism that you might use? A.This form of family is not as good as other variations on the family. B.Sociologists cannot clearly define the traditional family, so we cannot tell what kinds of families are traditional. C.The traditional family is not just the ideal family form; it is the only true family form. D.Many families find the traditional family form impossible to attain and/or unappealing.

Many families find the traditional family form impossible to attain and/or unappealing.

Based on a family that involves an unmarried, same-sex relationship without children, what can we deduce about the necessity of including procreation as part of defining family forms? A.Until a same-sex couple decides to adopt a child or procreate using a surrogate, they are not a real family. B.Many family forms result in neither children nor legal status. C.Divorced parents are still families even when their children have passed away. D.It is a common belief that couples are not a family unless they have children.

Many family forms result in neither children nor legal status.

class conflict

Marx's term for the struggle between capitalists and workers

surplus value

Marxist theory, the value of a worker's labor power left over when an employer has repaid the cost of hiring a worker excessive profits created through workers' labor and pocketed by the capitalist or owning class

First Department of Sociology founded at...

McGill University in Montreal, Canada in 1922. Harvard in 1930. University of California at Berkeley in 1950s.

Formal Organization

Means by which a group is rationally designed to achieve its objectives, often using explicit rules, regulations, and procedures.


Members of a society must come in contact with one another. Geographic distance and language barriers can separate societies within a country.

in this model, society is ruled by a small group of individuals who share a common set of political and economic interests

elite model

When a person denies that racism exists, they are practicing a type of ________________. Institutional Racism Hegemonic Racism Aversive Racism Modern Racism

Modern Racism

Which of the following statements is true regarding families who home-school their children?

Most home-schooled students perform better on standardized tests.

Which of these are true from a sociological perspective? A.Neither race nor ethnicity is biologically identifiable. B.Ethnicity is socially constructed, but race is not. C.Race is biologically identifiable, but ethnicity is not. Incorrect Answer D.Ethnicity is easily identifiable, but race is socially constructed.

Neither race nor ethnicity is biologically identifiable.

Global Stratification

Not only is each society stratified, but in a global perspective, societies are stratified in relation to one another.

What did George W. Bush's Council of Economic Advisers conclude was a long-run effect of immigration on government budgets? A.On average, immigrants pay more in taxes than they receive in government benefits. B.Since immigrants neither pay taxes nor are eligible for government benefits, immigration has little or no impact on government budgets. C.Irrespective of the country of origin, immigrants are putting a growing strain on government budgets by receiving more in benefits than they contribute in taxes. D.Immigration from Europe and parts of the Caribbean does not impact government budgets, because these immigrants do not rely on government benefits. Immigration from other parts of the world are putting a strain on government budgets, because these immigrants receive more in benefits than they contribute in taxes.

On average, immigrants pay more in taxes than they receive in government benefits.

culture of poverty

Oscar Lewis- a way of life that perpetuates poverty from one generation to the next

Impression Management

Our desire to manipulate other's impressions of us.




Refers to the tendency of people in positions of power to conform to the will of a group and ignore dissenting opinions.

Constitutional Monarchy

Political system in which the royal family is the symbolic leader, but elected officials do the governing.

Strain Theory of Deviance

Posits when people are prevented from achieving culturally approved goals through institutional means, the experience strain that can lead to deviance.

Conflict Theory and Crime

Powerful Capitalists pass laws protecting an benefitting themselves, while the working class criminals have no such protection.

What is the relationship between power and social control? A.Powerful individuals are needed to exert social control over the majority, to prevent the behavior of the majority from destroying society. B.Powerful individuals create and enact laws to penalize deviance, while protecting themselves from being penalized for their own deviant behavior. C.Powerful individuals in society are more subject to social control because people are always watching them. D.Powerful individuals control the deviance of those around them with the promise of financial reward.

Powerful individuals create and enact laws to penalize deviance, while protecting themselves from being penalized for their own deviant behavior.

A distinction between prejudice and discrimination is that: Prejudice is a behavior; discrimination is an attitude Prejudice is an attitude; discrimination is a behavior Prejudice is an ideology; discrimination is an attitude Prejudice is an attitude; discrimination is an ideology

Prejudice is an attitude; discrimination is a behavior

__________ refer(s) to the negative beliefs, feelings, or attitudes held about entire groups and is/are based on __________. A.Stereotypes; prejudices B.Discrimination; implicit prejudices C.Prejudice; stereotypes D.Structural discrimination; institutional discrimination

Prejudice; stereotypes

Question 6 The term discrimination is defined in the text as: The theory that prejudice is embedded in our culture. Biased thought based on flawed assumptions about a group of people. Prejudiced action against a group of people. An expression of dissatisfaction with the justice system.

Prejudiced action against a group of people.

social roles

Preparing for the presentation of one's social role. This means that you will act and dress one way when you go on a job interview or when you are at work and then a different way when you are out with friends.

____________________________ methodologies utilize numerical, statistical data to address research inquiries. Quantitative Qualitative Ethnographical Observational



REJECT society's goals REJECT methods of achieving them REPLACE with their own methods

_________________________ are small personal slights and acts of disrespect that are hurtful to people of color. Racial epithets Racial microaggressions Overt prejudices Latent stereotypes

Racial microaggressions

Question 2 Which of the following is an example of racial steering? The Trail of Tears, when the United States government forced Native Americans to permanently leave their homes and territory. Jose's parents not allowing him to date Martha because she is of a different race. Ingrid being told she'll be bad at math because she is a girl. Real estate agents directing white clients to look for housing in certain neighborhoods, and non-white clients to others.

Real estate agents directing white clients to look for housing in certain neighborhoods, and non-white clients to others.

What is the difference between refugee status and asylum status? A.Refugee status is temporary, whereas asylum status is permanent. B. Refugees cannot naturalize, whereas asylum-status immigrants can. C.Refugee status is sought by someone outside the United States, whereas asylum status is for someone already on U.S. soil. D.Refugees can only live in certain states that can accommodate an influx of people, whereas asylum immigrants are free to move anywhere in the United States.

Refugee status is sought by someone outside the United States, whereas asylum status is for someone already on U.S. soil.

Informal Networks

Relations that exist in groups and organizations developed on the basis of personal connections; ways of doing things that depart from formally recognized modes of procedure.

Formal Relations

Relations that exist in groups and organizations, laid down by the norms, or rules, of the official system of authority.

Secondary Deviance

Repeated deviance in response to other's reaction/punishment to their primary deviance. The Deviant does not change their behavior as a result of any reaction.


Shit is owned privately, citizens are encouraged to seek profit for themselves, and success is determined by free-market competition. USA

Mead's Theory of Social Behaviorism

Self develops from social experience Social experience consists of communication Understanding through "taking the role of the other" Above results in self-awareness, with an active "I" and an objective "me". The I initiates and the me either continues, interrupts, or derails depending on how others respond.

Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development

Sensorimotor Period Birth - 2yo Main achievement is object permanence, learn by senses. Preoperational Period 2yo - 7yo Can achieve thought, but not reason. also aren't capable of conservation. Concrete Operational Period 7yo - 11yo Can perform mental operations, but only with tangible objects or real events. Formal Operational Period 11yo - on Become capable of mental operations on abstract concepts.

How can norms differ from society to society?

Setting, Culture, Time Periods. church v. party, Asia v. US, 50s v. now.


Shared environment of customs, practices, habits, knowledge, and material objects and behaviors within and through which socialization occurs

State Capitalism

Shit is owned privately but monitored and regulated by government. South Korea


Sociology seeks an objective, scientific, and often useful understanding of how the social and the personal are related

Some research shows that people in different cultures perceive shades of color differently because of variation in the array of words used to describe colors that are present in each culture's language. This is an example of __________.

Spair-Whorf hypothesis


Specific ideas that people feel to be true.

__________ is socially deviant and __________ is statistically deviant. A.Murder; adultery B.Stealing; not having a cell phone C.Prostitution; smoking marijuana D.Speeding; divorce

Stealing; not having a cell phone

__________ can be described as negative, simplified generalizations about a group, whereas __________ involves actions that harm individuals. Stereotyping; prejudice Prejudice; stereotyping Stereotyping; discrimination Discrimination; prejudice

Stereotyping; discrimination

Law of Primogeniture

Stipulates that only the first born son can inherit his family's wealth.

What was Émile Durkheim's view of social stratification and class?

Stratification integrates society, creating interdependence.

"The reason that gender stereotypes are used to place men and women in different jobs is that the work has to be divided among the population somehow. Division of labor by sex is the way that people around the world have chosen to do so." Such a statement is most likely to be made by what type of theorist? Symbolic Interactionist Conflict Theorist Structural Functionalist Human capital theorist

Structural Functionalist

Social Darwinism

The belief that only the fittest survive in human political and economic struggle.

Which of the following statements about the connection between love and marriage is not correct?

The connection between love and marriage is a cultural universal.

Question 7 Speedy Gonzalez is a popular cartoon character, but is widely considered an inappropriate stereotype. Many children are raised watching Speedy Gonzalez cartoons, unaware that such stereotypes are negative. This is a product of: Intersection theory The culture of prejudice The scapegoat theory Genocide

The culture of prejudice

social intergration

The degree to which people are tied to their social group.


The division of social life into different regional settings or zones. Example of rooms in a house a different times during the day and different days of the week (back (more private) areas and front (more public) areas)

First Social Revolution

The domestication of plants and animals. Led to the birth of horticultural and pastoral societies.


The group with which an individual identifies as a member


The idea that life is a never-ending play in which people are actors. When we are born, we are thrust onto the stage of everyday life, and socialization is our learning our role.

Labeling theory

The idea that people become "deviant" because they are labeled by others. For example; This means that if you do poorly on one test, and your teacher labels you as dumb, you start thing that you are dumb, and start acting that way.

Which of the following statements accurately characterizes the number of hours men and women devote to housework? A.The number of hours men devote has decreased since the 1960s and the number of hours women devote has increased. Not surprisingly, women do more housework than men. B.The number of hours men devote has stayed the same since the 1960s, while the number of hours women devote has declined. Not surprisingly, women still do more housework than men. C.The number of hours men devote has risen since the 1960s and the number of hours women devote has declined, but on average women still do significantly more housework than men. D.The number of hours men devote has risen since the 1960s and the number of hours women devote has declined. On average, men now do more housework than women.

The number of hours men devote has risen since the 1960s and the number of hours women devote has declined, but on average women still do significantly more housework than men.

Some theorists argue the poor are poor because of a "culture of poverty." These theorists claim: The poor have different values and lifestyles that become cyclical over generations Welfare payments are too low and the lack of government intervention perpetuates poverty Society is to blame for the presence of poverty in the US Because of the distribution of income in the US, the poor have less access to cultural activities than the rich

The poor have different values and lifestyles that become cyclical over generations


The study of human behavior in contexts of face-to-face interaction.


The study of production and distribution of a society's goods and services.


The study of the mental processes that occur within an individual and how society effects them, specifically. Particularly brain functions, memory, dreams, learning, and perception.

Deviant subcultures

The subculture of a group whose members hold values that differ substantially from those of the majority. For example: The Heaven's Gate religious group that believed that they would all have to kill themselves so that their souls could be rescued by a UFO, which 39 members did.

Which statement is least accurate regarding sex and gender? The terms "sex" and "gender" are sociologically and biologically interchangeable. The world offers unequal access to power, prestige, and property based on one's sex. Being born male or female carries images and expectations on how one should act. Gender is sociologically significant because it is the way in which society controls its members.

The terms "sex" and "gender" are sociologically and biologically interchangeable.

What differentiates sex in a hookup from other kinds of sex among unmarried young adults? A.The partners did not know each other before the encounter. B.There is no expectation of a relationship. C.There is only foreplay without intercourse. D.There is a focus on mutual pleasure.

There is no expectation of a relationship.

As predictors of overall quality of life, social demographics like race and social class often act together and their effects are often confused for one another. True False


What is the relationship between deviance and power? A.Those with more power segregate themselves with other powerful individuals when they commit deviant acts, so they are never viewed as deviant. B.Those with more power in society use their power to avoid situations in which their deviance would be recognized. C.Those with more power in society are more likely to be labeled deviant by those with less power in society. D.Those with more power in society carry greater influence in deciding who is deviant and what behavior is deviant.Correct. Not only do powerful individuals and institutions define deviance and impose their definitions on the less powerful, they also create and enact laws to penalize deviance as defined.

Those with more power in society use their power to avoid situations in which their deviance would be recognized.

Clock time

Time as measured by the clock, in terms of hours, minutes, and seconds.

_______________________ assets refers to those assets that have the power to dramatically change the quality of life experiences of those who possess them. Fundamental Privileged Transformative Opportunistic


__________ challenge the notion that gender is binary. Transgender individuals Lesbians Heterosexuals Women

Transgender individuals

In his NY Magazine OP-ED, Questlove wrote about his thoughts and feelings following the __________________ verdict. Michael Brown Trayvon Martin Eric Garner Tamir Rice

Trayvon Martin

uncomfortable interactions

When someone in a lower social position purposely breaks unspoken rules interaction that are valued by people in power. For example, when a homeless man tries to start a conversation with a passing woman.

The refers to the number of live births a woman will have over her lifetime at the current rate in her country. a. total fertility rate b. fecundity rate c. total growth rate d. composite growth rate


Using power as a basis of stratification, those that control and profit most from the world system are the . a. core countries b. peripheral countries c. semi-peripheral countries d. hybrid countries


Using power as a dimension, the countries of the world can be divided economically into three levels. Those with the most power are the . a. core countries b. peripheral countries c. semiperipheral countries d. cornerstone nations


Violence against women occurs: a. in every country in the world. b. only in underdeveloped countries. c. only in countries with authoritarian regimes. d. only in countries with fundamentalist societies.


Which of the following statements best explains the relationship between norms and sanctions? A.Violating social norms is likely to result in formal sanctions. B.Following social norms is likely to result in informal sanctions. C.Violating social norms is likely to result in informal sanctions. D.Following social norms is likely to result in formal sanctions.

Violating social norms is likely to result in informal sanctions.

Which of the following statements represents the view of modern sociologists regarding our identity?

We are influenced by our biological inheritance, physical surroundings, history, civilization, culture, and personal life experiences.

__________ refer(s) to the accumulated sum of assets (savings accounts, homes, cars) minus the sum of debts (mortgages, loans, credit card debts). Wealth Household income Financial obligations Asset allocation


_____________________________ refers to costly subsidies. grants, tax breaks and other publicly funded programs that disproportionately benefit elites and big business in American society. Trickle-down economics Welfare Wealthfare None of the above


Job Specialization

When everyone was no longer needed to produce food, they were free to take up other roles in the society.

Which of the following statements represents the research findings of the effects on children who are reared by same-sex couples? A.The experience of being reared by a same-sex couple did not produce any significant effects on children's sexual development; however, children were more likely to develop signs of cognitive and social deficiencies. B.The experience of being reared by a same-sex couple resulted in cognitive and social deficiencies among children, and children were more likely to be sexually promiscuous. C.Whether the measure is cognitive, social, or sexual development, the experience of being reared by a same-sex couple has no consequential effects on children. D.The experience of being reared by a same-sex couple did not result in children developing cognitive deficiencies, and there were no significant effects on children's sexual development. However, children did develop signs of social deficiencies.

Whether the measure is cognitive, social, or sexual development, the experience of being reared by a same-sex couple has no consequential effects on children.

Question 1 In the United States, which race would be considered the dominant group: White Black Hispanic Asian


________________________________ refers to those unearned perks and assets that members of the racial majority are able to enjoy without question or acknowledgement. Transformative assets White privilege Racial wealth Intergenerational mobility

White priviledge

Question 8 When Alexander, who is white, drives his car over the speed limit, a police officer lets him off with a warning. When Christopher, who is Hispanic, drives his car at the same speed as Alexander on the same road, the officer gives him a ticket, even though his record is clean. This is an example of: White privilege Intersection theory Affirmative action The social construction of race

White privilege

Multiple-name generator

Who would take care of your house when you go out of town

Single-name generator

With whom you discuss important matters with

Why do sociologists classify females as a minority group? Women are outnumbered by men in virtually every society. Women are not as physically strong as men. Women are discriminated against because of their physical characteristics. Men perform the most difficult and dangerous work in most societies.

Women are discriminated against because of their physical characteristics.

According to sociologists, why are women more likely than men to avoid casual sex? Women are more concerned about contracting sexually transmitted diseases. Women are more concerned about damage to their reputations. Women are less concerned about their own sexual satisfaction. Women are less concerned about increasing their number of offspring.

Women are more concerned about damage to their reputations.

Which of the following statements is true of the gender disparity among people earning college degrees in the United States? A.Men increasingly obtain more college degrees than women. B.Women receive more college degrees than men. C.Although men struggle in early education, they are more likely than women to succeed in getting a college degree. D.Poor standardized test scores prevent women from doing well in college.

Women receive more college degrees than men.


Your position in a group relative to other group members (Ascribed, Achieved, master)

What is the origin of the racial component to global inequality? a. the history of Western colonialism b. the racist nature of global capitalism c. the cultural differences between different populations d. the varied definitions of race around the world


Which of the following is false in regards to Western influence in the Middle East? a. Cultural influences are not connected in any way with stratification. b. Western influence is considered degenerate by some traditional leaders. c. Exposure to Western ways of life is a threat to traditional ways of life. d. The influence of Western culture has been pervasive.


Which of the following does the text define as a family?

a set of people related by blood, marriage (or some other agreed-upon relationship), or adoption who share the responsibility for reproducing and caring for members of society

. According to modernization theory, some countries are poor because: a. they have traditional values and institutions. b. they are agrarian countries. c. their government reinforces inequality. d. their population is too large.


. According to the text, increased economic globalization has a. expanded the system of capitalism. b. eliminated hunger in third-world countries. c. decreased poverty throughout the world by redistributing profits of the world system to have-not countries. d. created hospitals, roads, and other social services to improve life in underdeveloped countries.


. Most scholars of international development believe a. that fertility levels are affected by levels of industrialization. b. that there is no relationship between development and population. c. that large populations impede development. d. that agriculture affects fertility but industrialism does not.


. Terrorism is difficult to predict because: a. it is done by third world populations. b. terrorist operate outside the bounds of normative behavior. c. terrorist are not likely to be caught. d. it is a global offense.


According to , poverty results from adherence to traditional values and customs. a. modernization theory b. dependency theory c. world systems theory d. social exchange theory


According to dependency theorists, multinational corporations a. play an active role in keeping dependent nations poor. b. are good for the domestic economies of less developed countries. c. provide a valuable market for raw materials for poor nations. d. alleviate some global inequality.


According to modernization theory a. economic development is dependent on technological change. b. governments should make economic policies that, when necessary, restrict business activities and free trade. c. poor countries really have no control over being poor. d. poor countries will remain poor.


According to modernization theory, a. social change involves increasing complexity, differentiation, and efficiency. b. social change leads to an international division of labor. c. social change results from neocolonialism. d. social change is the result of some nations having more power than other nations.


According to the United Nations, absolute poverty is defined as a situation in which people live on less than a day. a. $1 b. $5 c. $10 d. $20


According to the text, global stratification a. has contributed to political instability and the threat of terrorism. b. creates a core group of strong nations able to ensure world peace. c. results in cooperation as countries work together to overcome poverty. d. has undermined the military power of wealthy nations.


Compared to Sweden the U.S. Gini coefficient reveals . a. the U.S. has a high degree of inequality b. the Swedes have a high degree of inequality c. the U.S. has a high degree of equality d. the Swedes are a highly stratified society


How is environmental degradation related to global stratification? a. The type of environmental degradation and its impact depends on the location of the country in the global stratification system. b. The wealthiest nations are unaffected by environmental degradation. c. The poorest nations are not developed enough to experience problems with environmental degradation. d. Environmental degradation is not related to the global stratification.


How is social class related to the context of terrorism? a. Suicide bombers are often recruited from among the poorly educated and impoverished groups in a society. b. The leaders of terrorist movements come from the poorest classes and bear a great of resentment toward those in wealthier countries. c. Rates of terrorism increase significantly when a country begins to develop economically. d. The negative consequences of terrorism are experienced more dramatically by the upper class.


Per capita GNI is only a reliable measure when used for countries that a. are based on a cash economy. b. make extensive use of bartering and non-cash transaction. c. have a socialist economic system. d. are not very economically developed.


The control of poor countries by rich countries without the use of direct political or military involvement is referred to as . a. neocolonialism b. postmodernism c. postdependency d. neoimperialism


The example of toy manufacturers is used in the text to illustrate a. the fact that goods like toys and clothing link the U.S. to the rest of the world. b. that the manufacture of toys in the U.S. is a growth industry that protects American jobs. c. how popular protests against outsourcing have been successful at protecting American jobs. d. how children are valued around the world.


The poverty line established by the U.S. government is a measurement of . a. relative poverty b. absolute poverty c. international poverty d. irreversible poverty



a set of assumptions about why something is the way it is and happens the way it does

Which of the following reflects the effects of population growth on development? a. Population growth leads to economic stagnation. b. Population growth leads to development. c. Population growth can lead to development or can lead to stagnation, depending on the country. d. Population growth is unrelated to economic development.


World cities are those that are a. closely linked in a system of international commerce. b. the locations of most of the refugee camps in the world. c. the oldest cities in the world. d. benefited from multinational corporations.


Based on research on the 1996 cohort of new legal immigrants, what was the average change in earnings from the immigrants' last jobs abroad to their first jobs in the United States? A.a 62 percent decrease for men and a 76 percent decrease for women B.a 44 percent increase for men and no statistically significant change for women 84 percent decrease for men and a 29 percent increase for women D.a 68 percent increase for men and a 62 percent increase for women

a 68 percent increase for men and a 62 percent increase for women

The recent pattern of downward mobility in the United States can be traced to which of the following?

a decline in manufacturing jobs coupled with a growth of service-sector jobs


a deliberate effort to attach a negative meaning to a behavior in order to stop people from committing crimes. This is sometimes used instead of sending someone to prison. For example: There are two different methods for this. One is outcasting someone so that they are no longer welcome in your society. The other is when people confront the crimininal but then work to bring them back into the community.

Which of the following is an example of a patriarchy? A.a student body government with male and female co-presidents B.professional dancing C.U.S. women's representation among those getting BA and MA degrees D.a government where officials are mostly male

a government where officials are mostly male

Which of the following is considered an extended family?

a married couple, their children, and the husband's sister all living together in the same home

A system based on the idea that the best get ahead is referred to as __________.

a meritocracy

Scientific Medicine

a new approach to medicine that focuses on treating symptoms of particular illnesses.

Which of the following is a process of gendered socialization? A.a parent dressing a girl in a dress athlete breaking a sports record C.a person refraining from watching mass media D.a teenager rebelling against parental commands

a parent dressing a girl in a dress


a residential pattern in which a married couple lives with or near the wife's family

A bridal shower to celebrate a woman's upcoming marriage is an example of __________.

a rite of passage

random sample

a sample in which every element in the population has an equal chance of being selected

scientific method

a series of steps that scientists use to answer questions and solve problems


a set of values that people devise to rationalize a particular social custom.

An example of a positive informal sanction is: a diploma from a University a smile from a friend a prison sentence a nickname

a smile from a friend


a social position that a person holds

Melting Pot

a society consisting of peoples from different societies who blend together into a single mass society.

life chances

a term introduced by Max Weber to signify an individual's opportunities to improve quality of life and achieve life goals

A teenage couple produces a baby, and they agree that they are too young to raise it on their own. The girl's aunt and uncle cannot produce a child of their own, and they all agree that it would be a good idea if they take legal custody of the baby. This is an example of


The process that allows for the transfer of the legal rights, responsibilities, and privileges of parenthood to a new legal parent or parents is referred to as


Sociologically speaking, the ability to think, act, and make choices independently is called _____________________. individualism agency power independence


The sexual double standard is based on the assumption that men are _____________ while women are ______________. right; wrong aggressive; passive sober; drunk passive; aggressive

aggressive; passive

Advances in these two factors lead to humans living longer than they used to

agricultural and medical

Gender socialization refers to learning about the roles associated with being a boy/man or girl/woman teaching other people about gender by "doing gender" in their presence the process of sanctioning others to impart and enforce societal gender norms all of the other answers are associated with gender socialization

all of the other answers are associated with gender socialization

Aspects within society that are predictive of women's status in any given society include valuation of size and strength level of economic activity among women the degree to which men are involved in domestic and parenting duties all of the other answers are correct

all of the other answers are correct

In which of the following ways do people perform or "do" gender? by the types of clothing they wear via the things that they talk about with other people through the way they walk or sit all of the other answers are ways to perform gender

all of the other answers are ways to perform gender

Which of the following factors has contributed to the rise of dual-income families in the U.S.?

all of these


all the cases in a group, from which samples may be drawn for a study.

Social scientists (and sociologists in the specific) largely view race as a social construct by which societies decide to ______________________________. organize their laws allocate resources create and foster solidarity formulate symbolic ethnicities

allocate resources

Class is a far less significant basis for collective organizing in the United States than it is in Europe, in part because __________.

americans have less class consciousness than europeans

Assuming the same levels of academic achievement, where does the greatest pay gap exist between men and women over their lifetime? among college graduates among those who earned some college credits but no degree among high school graduates among high school dropouts

among college graduates

The term sociological imagination refers to __________.

an analytic perspective that considers the context for individual behavior

Holistic Medicine

an approach to medicine that focuses on a persons environment, mental health, and general health.


an assumption we make about a person/people usually based on inaccurate information.

feminization of poverty

an increase in the number of the poor who are female

Class System

an individual's place in the social system is based on achieved statuses

basic sociology

analyzing some aspect of society, with no goal other than gaining knowledge

When Structural Functionalists examine the absence of rules and norms as the aftermath of sudden social change, they are examining instances of ________________. societal disruption public protests anomie false consciousness


Which of these movements could be classified as a current attempt to regulate morality? A.the campaign to make gay marriage legal B.the campaign to cut wasteful government expenditures C.legalization of marijuana campaign D.anti-bullying campaign in public schools

anti-bullying campaign in public schools

. Demographic statistics indicate that the world's poorest countries have: a. the highest death rates and the lowest birth rates. b. the highest death rates and the highest birth rates. c. the lowest death rates and the highest birth rates. d. the lowest death rates and the lowest birth rates.


Conceptually, modernization theory is an outgrowth of theory. a. conflict b. functionalist c. symbolic interactionist d. social control


Countries that are partly industrialized but extract profits from poor countries to pass on to core countries are called . a. Third world countries b. Semi-peripheral countries c. Exploitative countries d. Core zones


During its early years of nationhood Brazil declared itself a "racial democracy." What was the effect of this? a. Brazil does not have any racial problems, unlike other South American countries. b. People continue to be stratified according to their color. c. Separate parliaments exist for each of the several designated racial categories. d. Most of the leaders of Brazil have been Afro-Brazilian.


Modernization theorists argue that developing countries benefit greatly when they a. encourage government intervention in the economy to spur economic development. b. let the natural forces of competition determine which individuals become successful and which do not. c. colonize weaker nations on their borders. d. stem from a single economic system.


Newly industrializing countries (NICs), a. with large populations have not developed much. b. have shown rapid economic development. c. are located primarily in Africa. d. are the result of governmental, not individual, investments.


Since the collapse of the Soviet Union and the change in the governments of Eastern Europe, what changes have most of the second-world countries undergone? a. They now have democratically elected governments. b. They have moved toward a market economic system. c. They have returned to a more agricultural type of society. d. They have grown substantially in size.


The countries are typically poor and largely agricultural. a. core countries b. peripheral countries c. semi-peripheral countries d. hybrid countries


The examples of India and China as newly industrializing countries are notable because they demonstrate a. that communist countries can develop economically. b. that countries with large populations may experience successful economic development. c. that economic development may take place without industrialization. d. how economies can improve without government investment.


The highest incidence of poverty anywhere in the world is in . a. East Asia b. sub-Sahara Africa c. Eastern Europe d. the Arctic


Which of the following characterizes wealthy countries? a. Industrial and rural b. Industrial and oil producing nations c. Newly industrialized countries d. Nations with large populations


Which of the following is a disadvantage of the informal education system in many poor nations? a. It does not prepare students for agricultural work. b. It does not prepare students for the modern world. c. It reinforces gender inequality. d. It ignores the role of government in education.


Which of the following is false in regards to the status of women globally? a. In general women's status is lower in lowincome countries than in wealthier countries. b. Poverty is usually experienced more by men than by women. c. The status of women globally is monitored by the United Nations. d. Poverty among women has declined in some places around the world.


Which of the following is the measure used to address women's development status by sociology of development theorists? a. commodity chain b. gender inequality index c. capability index d. human poverty index


Which of the following is true about the situation in Iraq and terrorism? a. Al Qaeda leaders come from the poorer classes which is part of their resentment against the U.S. b. Prior to the U.S. war on Iraq, Iraq had a thriving middle-class economy. c. Terrorism is never premeditated. d. The families of suicide bombers do not benefit from their loved ones' deaths.


Which of the following is true about using annual per capita gross national income (per capita GNI) to measure the wealth of nations? a. It accurately reflects what individuals actually receive in wages. b. Per capita GNI reflects each person's share of their country's production, not wages or pay. c. It effectively measures informal exchanges and bartering in which resources are exchanged. d. It accurately reflects what families actually receive in wages or pay.


Which of these is a problem for countries with high birthrates? a. competition among adults over custody of the younger generation b. strains on public services such as schools and hospitals c. a lack of workers and the need to import labor d. a low death rate


Which of these is most likely to be a problem for low-income countries? a. lack of a labor supply b. infant death due to dehydration c. overproduction of greenhouse gas d. an aging population


Which of these statements about peripheral countries is false? a. they are the largely agricultural countries b. they lack natural resources c. they are often politically unstable d. they exercise little world power


Which of these statements about the world economic system is true? a. Everyone in core countries benefits from the world system. b. Low-wage sweat shops are found in all countries. c. No one in peripheral countries benefit from the world system. d. World systems theory no longer has any usefulness for understanding global inequality.


While it does not apply in every case, modernization theory does help explain how became successful through an emphasis on a national work ethic. a. Brazil b. Japan c. the United States d. Indonesia


are examples of former colonies that have achieved economic success. a. Ethiopia and Somalia b. Singapore and Hong Kong c. France and Great Britain d. Japan and China


is a system by which Western nations became wealthy by taking raw materials from colonized societies and reaping profits from products finished in the homeland. a. Profiteering b. Colonialism c. Imperial dependency d. Royal exploit


Erving Goffman

believed that the meaning was constructed through interaction (dramatology and impression management)

W.E.B. DuBois

believed the best way Blacks could improve their economic situation was through the political process

Secondary Group

belong until meeting ends, meet infrequently, task-oriented, non-intimate.

Primary Group

belong, meet often, share no tasks, are emotionally intimate.

way of determining descent in which both sides of a person's family are regarded as equally important

bilateral descent

According to one method of identifying race known as the "one-drop rule," a person with three white grandparents and one black grandparent would be considered __________. A.mixed race B.Hispanic C.white


Which of the following statements reflects the modern view of identity development?

both nature and nurture play a part in the development of our identities

. Which of the following statements is true regarding global stratification? a. Global stratification is stratification of individuals on the basis of income only. b. Global stratification exists in most countries. c. Global stratification is a hierarchy of countries on the basis of wealth. d. Global stratification is a recent phenomenon.


According to , social change leads to an international division of labor that benefits the few who receive profits, while exploiting those in the poorest and least powerful nations. a. modernization theory b. dependency theory c. world systems theory d. social exchange theory


According to dependency theory, under colonialism European powers a. promoted the development of their colonies as a way of increasing profits. b. helped colonies to improve the production of their goods in order to sell them on the global market. c. kept colonies underdeveloped to avoid competition from them. d. fostered the political independence of colonies so they could protect colonial investment.


According to world systems theory, poverty is the result of: a. adherence to traditional values and customs. b. dependence on wealthy nations. c. core nations extracting labor and resources from peripheral nations. d. racial inequality.


How do the textbook authors assess the overall impact of globalization? a. it has done more harm than good b. it has done more good than harm c. it has had both positive and negative impacts d. the impact of globalization is neutral


International data on poverty and hunger indicates that a. for many it is possible to live a somewhat healthy life, even on just $1 a day. b. there is not enough food in the world to feed the hungry. c. the current trend is a reduction in the number of malnourished people worldwide. d. rapid population growth is the biggest cause of poverty.


Modernization derives some of its thinking from the work of who argued that the value of individual achievement emphasized by Protestants promoted economic development during the Industrial Revolution. a. Emile Durkheim b. Herbert Spencer c. Max Weber d. Karl Marx


The World Bank warns that about of the world's population will face severe water shortages by the year 2025. a. 5 percent b. one-fifth c. one-half d. two-thirds


Donna, a 33-year-old divorcee with two sons, and Mark, a 50-year-old divorcee with two daughters, become engaged and live together. Although they are strongly committed to one another, they eventually decide not to get married. This is an example of


Which of the following is false about multinational corporations in the global economy? a. They have contributed to the exploitation of the poor peripheral nations. b. Multinationals' search for cheap labor has encouraged lowskilled workers to immigrate from poor to richer nations. c. Multinationals have created a poor and dependent workforce that is predominantly white. d. They have contributed to racial tensions between people from different countries.


Which of the following statements regarding education and literacy is false? a. In high-income nations, education is almost universal. b. In nations people without education have little chance for success. c. In most nations throughout the world elementary school is mandatory. d. In low-income countries education takes place outside of formal schooling.


Which of these is most likely to be a problem for the overall population of high-income countries? a. inadequate sewage system b. lack of access to clean water c. overproduction of greenhouse gas d. low-birth weight for newborns


Which of these is not a criticism of modernization theory presented in the text? a. it is based on the assumption that wealthier countries like the U.S. have superior values b. it ignores factors that are outside of the control of the poorer nations c. it places too great an emphasis on the role of government in influencing economic development d. it does not take into account the relationships that exist among countries


Which of these is not a criticism of world systems theory? a. Countries (like England) that were once the most powerful are no longer at the center of the world system. b. Core nations may be hurt by the world system through the loss of jobs. c. The world is no longer a set of economic interconnections between nations. d. Not everyone in a core nation benefits from the world system.


Which of these is not generally characteristic of multinational corporations? a. They conduct business across national borders. b. They buy materials and manufacture goods wherever it is cheapest. c. They have executives from each country in which they conduct business. d. They sell their products wherever they can make the highest profits.


Which of these statements about colonialism is false? a. Colonialism began as early as the 1600s. b. Much of Africa, Asia, and the Americas was colonized. c. All colonial powers were western European countries. d. Colonialism came to an end soon after WWII.


Which of these statements best describes the relationship between population growth and economic development? a. It is clear that large populations have a negative impact on development. b. The relationship between population growth and development is consistent across all countries. c. The cases of China, India, and the U.S. indicate that high birth rates do not necessarily prevent development. d. Population size effects development, but development has no impact on population size.


Which of these statements related to global stratification is true? a. All people in poor countries are poor. b. Poor countries lack natural resources. c. The majority of the world's population lives in poor countries. d. Poor countries are more urban than wealthy countries.


World systems theory focuses on a. internal factors in individual countries. b. patterns of migration and other population issues. c. the belief that there is a world economic system that must be understood as a single unit. d. neocolonial relationships between individual countries and their former colonizers.


theory explains global inequality using the characteristics of individual nations; theory argues no country or set of countries may be understood in isolation from the others. a. Dependency / modernization b. World systems / modernization c. Modernization / world systems d. Modernization / dependency


Helping to feed and bathe one's disabled sibling is an example of __________, and it is just as essential to a household's survival as bringing in an income. work B.transmitted loyalty C."encountering the other" D.therapeutic diversion

care work

Apartheid is an example of a(n) __________, organized on the basis of race.

caste system

The relationship of some variable to the effects it produces is called __________.


an enumeration, or counting, of a population


Members of which of the following groups are most likely to be poor?


Jean Piaget

cognitive psychologist; created a 4-stage theory of cognitive development, said that two basic processes work in tandem to achieve cognitive growth (assimilation and accommodation)

A person with a PhD marrying another person with a PhD is an example of which of the following?

educational homogamy

Status Set

collection of all our different statuses from every setting


collection of people with no common connection, who happen to be in the same vicinity.

The United States ranks among the best-educated countries in the world on which level(s)?

college only

an economic system in which all property is communally owned and no social distinctions are made on the basis of people's ability to produce


unit of social organization, either spatial or political, that gives people a sense of belonging


which strategy might a sociologist use when analyzing the social issues of infant mortality in the US?

comparison to other countries

middle class

composed broadly of those working in white-collar and lower managerial occupations

lower class

composed of those work part time or not at all and whose household income is typically low

Comparing two groups that are different, assuming they are the same, and drawing an inference between them is called __________.

compositional fallacy

Joan, a first-grade teacher, has a class with many boys who are struggling readers. She makes every boy stay in at recess to practice reading aloud. What logical error did Joan make?

compositional fallacy

Due to racial and economic segregation, nearly 90 percent of intensely segregated black and Latino schools have student bodies with __________

concentrated poverty

Middle-class parents typically engage in a form of intensive parenting sociologist Annette Lareau refers to as __________. A.kindercare B.concerted cultivation C.helicopter parenting D.natural growth

concerted cultivation

Feminists suggest that laws in the U.S. traditionally viewed wives and children as the property of the husband. This view reflects the concerns of which sociological perspective?

conflict perspective

Which sociological perspective suggests that denial of the right to marry reinforces the second-class status of gays and lesbians?

conflict perspective

Which sociological perspective would argue that the U.S. family contributes to social injustice and denies women opportunities that are commonly extended to men?

conflict perspective

Which sociological perspective would be likely to suggest that family decision making reflects the inequality of traditional gender stratification in which men have held a dominant position over women?

conflict perspective

Which sociological perspective would contend that social scientists need to rethink the notion that families without an adult male present are automatically a cause for concern?

conflict perspective

Melvin Kohn's research found that working-class families instill in their children the importance of __________, while middle-class and affluent families encourage the development of __________.

conformity; creativity

Wright Mills accurately defined sociology as a way of...

connecting biography to history

functionalist perspective of health

contend that an overly broad definition of illness would disrupt the workings of a society

Emile Durkheim

contributed many important concepts to sociology. His comparison of the suicide rates of several countries revealed an underlying social factor; people are more likely to commit suicide if their ties to others in their communities are weak. His identification of the key role of social integration in social life remains central to sociology today

For conflict theorists, the key determinant for social class is: education, which in turn influences occupation and income lifestyle, particularly patterns of interaction the size of one's house control over resources

control over resources

Two women kissing on a dance floor __________. A.are transsexuals B.are heterosexual C.could be of any sexual orientation D.are homosexual or bisexual

could be of any sexual orientation

Which of the following factors has contributed to the amount of childlessness in the U.S.?

couples not believing that having children automatically follows from marriage couples not considering reproduction to be the duty of all married couples economic considerations.

people that are worried by the secularization of society and oppose teaching that directly or indirectly questions biblical scripture


term used to describe an increase in the lowest level of education needed to enter a field


Auguste Comte

credited as the founder of sociology, began to analyze the bases of the social order. Although he stressed that the scientific method should be applied to the study of society, he did not apply it himself.

White-collar crime

crime committed by people who are in high social position because their jobs For example: Bernie Maddoff is an example of someone who did this. He told people that was investing their money, when he was really stealing it.

The practice of employers that floods specific types of jobs with women workers in order to create a surplus labor market is which wages can be kept low is called _____________. crowding employer discrimination comparable worth conflict method


People who enjoy listening to a wide range of music genres would be classified as __________ by sociologists of culture.

cultural omnivores

__________ is a standpoint that considers all cultures as equally valid in the experience of their own members.

cultural relativism

The fact that you are taking this sociology class means that you are learning ideas that have been transmitted across generations. This is an example of __________.


According to the text, global stratification contributes to the threat of terrorism, particularly against the U.S. Which of the following is not one of the reasons why this is the case? a. Western culture is perceived as degenerate by some traditional religious leaders. b. The consumerism of American culture is seen as threatening to the traditional way of life in some countries. c. The sexual freedom and relative equality of Western women is seen as undermining traditional values in other countries. d. Religious extremists do not recognize the economic dependency of poor countries on wealthy countries.


Colonization worked best for the industrial countries when the colonies a. were economically developed and producing their own goods for market. b. were given substantial autonomy making social and political decisions. c. had large educated the populations. d. kept underdeveloped so that they would not compete with the home country.


Critics of dependency theory note all of the following, except: a. not all former colonies are impoverished today. b. some very poor nations were never colonized. c. it has been possible for former some colonies to improve their economic status. d. some nations have fought against colonialism.


Global inequality is apparent in . a. life expectancy b. rates of infant mortality c. access to health services d. All of these choices are true.


Global migrants are characterized by which of the following? a. Victims of war b. Legal and illegal workers searching for work c. Low wage workers d. All of the above


Which of the following is false? a. High fertility rates are related to lower life expectancy for women. b. High fertility rates are related to women's degree of empowerment in the society. c. High fertility rates are lowered by providing women with education, property, and voting rights. d. High fertility rates are no longer a major factor in the context of poverty.


A researcher who develops hypotheses, then collects data that can test those hypotheses and analyzes the data to assess whether the hypotheses were supported or not is employing which of the following?

deductive reasoning

Consider recent debates about the extent to which the U.S. government should surveil private citizens. What would Alexis de Tocqueville's contribution to this debate be?

democracy can either enhance or erode individual liberty

term for the scientific study of population


Manuel and Melissa are celebrating the birth of twins, a boy and a girl. They receive many gifts from his family for both children; stuffed toys, Winnie-the-Pooh blankets, cars, toys, baseballs, and football-shaped teething rings. They notice that their friend has provided them with two kinds of diapers; diapers with pink hearts for the little girl and diapers with blue trucks for the little boy. In this scenario, what reflects sex and what reflects gender? A.Identifying one baby as biologically male and one baby as biologically female reflects sex; receiving diapers with designs meant for girls and different designs meant for boys reflects gender. B.The birth of the twins reflects sex; receiving gifts from Manuel's family reflects gender. C.Manuel and Melissa celebrating the birth of the twins reflect sex; receiving more toys meant for the little boy reflects gender. D.Receiving diapers with designs meant for girls and different designs meant for boys reflects sex; identifying one baby as biologically male and one baby as biologically female reflects gender.

dentifying one baby as biologically male and one baby as biologically female reflects sex; receiving diapers with designs meant for girls and different designs meant for boys reflects gender

The term __________________ refers to the dispersal or removal of an ethnic population from the originating homeland, as experienced by Palestinian populations, for example. diaspora assimilation emigration genocide


The popularity of Twitter in many areas of the world is an example of cultural __________.


W. E. B. Du Bois coined which of the following terms to describe the experience of black Americans?

double consciousness

term that refers to reductions taken in a company's workforce as part of deindustrialization


When looking at prejudicial perceptions, symbolic interactionists would emphasize which of the following: The role labeling plays in determining ethnic relations Socialization of children in prejudiced and stereotypical thinking How stereotypes are used to justify discrimination each of these answers are accurate

each of these answers are accurate

Racism is an overarching ideology that has three basic tenets. Which of the following prompts is among these main ideas comprising racism? Groups of people can be accurately separated into groups defined by physical difference. Physical differences that accompany racial groupings are innately connected to intelligence, morality, and abilities. Physical differences associated with race, together with other social and cultural differences, are all indicative of the superiority or inferiority of some groups rather than others. each of these answers are tenets of racist ideology

each of these answers are tenets of racist ideology

According to Patricia Hill Collins, African-American bodies and cultures have been commodified through _______________________. Hip-hop music culture The prison industry Sex work/prostitution each of these options are correct

each of these options are correct

Sociologists use the term __________ to denote a place where immigrants are sometimes forced to live, usually located on the outskirts of a city or in a distinctive quarter within a city. A.ethnic enclave zone C.racial township D.concentration camp

ethnic enclave

The requirement that individuals select mates from outside certain groups is known as


marriage across demographic groups


Which of the following best typifies the approach a sociologist might take toward understanding the situation faced by a father who is depressed because he lost his job?

exploring factors of the global economy that result in job loss or studying gender identities related to wage-earning

Which of the following is the most dynamic, fluid, quickest to change, and of shortest duration?


The practice of tattooing, once associated with lower-class and even dangerous groups, became a __________ in the 1990s but today is accepted as __________, with one out of five American adults and four in ten 18- to 29-year-olds having at least one tattoo.

fad; fashion

Polygamy, polygyny, and polyandry are all forms of serial monogamy.


Polygyny is a social system in which women may have several husbands and in which women are more powerful than men.


Two examples of endogamy are the incest taboo and former laws that prohibited the marriage of Blacks and Whites in some parts of the U.S.


a set of people who are related by blood, marriage (or some agreed upon relationship), or adoption who share the primary responsibility for reproduction and caring for members of society


Proponents of the __________ view the acceptance of same-sex partnerships as a devaluation of heterosexual marriage. decline perspective B.economic restructuring perspective C.evolutionist paradigm D.gender restructuring perspective

family decline perspective

Social scientists refer to the marked increase of women in poverty, particularly those who are the single-head of familial households, as the ____________________________. feminization of poverty stalled revolution anti-feminist backlash divorce boom

feminization of poverty

the level of reproduction in a society


Given what we know about the history of successful moral crusades, what are we likely to see in the future? A.more such successful crusades B.fewer such successful crusades C.about the same number of successful crusades D.Politicians and moral entrepreneurs are unpredictable and studying the history of moral crusades cannot tell us anything about the future.

fewer such successful crusades

The Symbolic Interactionist perspective: is more useful for macro than for micro issues is sometimes criticized for for neglecting the importance of symbols focuses on how people understand and interpret their social lives through shared meanings and interactions with others is often criticized as seeing all the interactions as conflictual, thus ignoring harmony

focuses on how people understand and interpret their social lives through shared meanings and interactions with others

Holding open doors and shaking hands when you meet a new person are examples of: laws folkways mores values


which is included in the poverty line calculation?

food, housing, clothing

the actual or threatened use of coercion to impose one's will on others


Fines, arrests, and prison sentences are considered __________. A.formal sanctions B.serious crimes C.informal sanctions D.rehabilitation

formal sanctions

Which of the following countries provides a system of "child minders" who are trained to care for up to five children at a time to supplement day care centers? A.France B.Sweden C.the United States D.Norway


Which sociological perspective notes the ways in which the family gratifies the needs of its members and contributes to the stability of society?

functionalist perspective

Which sociological perspective views marriage as a social institution closely tied to human reproduction?

functionalist perspective

Which sociological perspective would suggest that social change has influenced the family in that many traditional family activities, such as education, have been assumed by other social institutions?

functionalist perspective

an emphasis on doctrinal conformity and the literal interpretation of sacred texts


The historical, social, and cultural conception that men and women exist as opposites, with little variance in gendered identity or behavior outside those two options is often referred to as the ____________________________. gender binary social construction of gender gendered patriarchy sexual double standard

gender binary

The fact that nearly 80 percent of engineering degrees are awarded to men while 90 percent of library science degrees are awarded to women illustrates the phenomenon of ________. affirmative action gender segregation political correctness feminization of the workplace

gender segregation

The term for the unequal access to power, prestige, and property based on a person's sex is ________. sex typing sexual harassment gender stratification matriarchy

gender stratification

__________ refers to the interconnections—economic, political, cultural, social—among different groups of people all over the world, the dynamic webs that connect us to one another, and the ways these connections also create cleavages among different groups of people.


Which of the following statements on globalization and multiculturalism is true?

globalization and multiculturalism are reactions to each other, are organized in response to each other, and are produced by each other

A collection of individuals bound by a common social identity or by some shared goal and purpose is called a social __________.



groups of people with beliefs and customs that differ from those of the larger culture

In Groups

groups we belong to and feel loyal to.

Out Groups

groups we do not belong to and feel no loyalty to.

difference between births and deaths, plus the difference between immigrants and emigrants per 1,000 population

growth rate

The practical mastery of self that arises, in part, out of class location and distance from necessity is called __________.


Which of the following is NOT currently one of the formal requirements in the United States for becoming eligible for naturalization? A.having a sponsor B.a period of time as an LPR C.being physically present in the United States D.knowledge of English

having a sponsor

state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity


This year at Suburbia High School, Karen and Josh were elected Homecoming King and Queen. This common process of electing a Homecoming King and a Homecoming Queen in high schools is an example of__________. A.homophobia B.the double standard of sexuality C.the gender revolution D.heteronormativity


A heterosexual woman being verbally harassed because she is wearing masculine clothes and walking with another woman is experiencing __________. segregation B.the double standard of sexuality C.heterosexism D.hookup culture


latent means


term that refers to standards of behavior that are deemed proper by society and are taught subtly in schools

hidden curriculum

The United States is an example of a __________ country.


Marcus has been ridiculed and harassed at school for being gay. His classmates shun his company and he has been the victim of numerous threats. Marcus is fearful for his life. He is the victim of __________. heteronormativity a double standard of sexuality homophobia stereotyping


intragenerational mobility

how far people move up or down the socioeconomic scale during their working lives

Your age, race, ethnicity, social class, gender, sexuality, religion, height, musical interests, talents, and abilities all help to construct your __________.


Research shows that names are barriers to success for many people. Thus, names provide individuals with a primary __________, but they also reveal patterns of __________.

identity; inequality

interactionist perspective of education

if we label people in certain ways, they will fulfill those labels; children labeled as troublemakers may come to view themselves as delinquents

Stratified Society

in which there is an unequal distribution of society's rewards and in which people are arranged hierarchically into layers according to how much of society's rewards they possess.

downward mobility

individuals wealth, income, or status is lower than that they or their parents had

If sociologists want to study the experiences of people who use online dating apps, they might start by interviewing people who use the dating apps, then observe and analyze online dating activity on the dating apps. This research begins with observations and analysis rather than an existing theory or initial hypothesis, and it relies on __________.

inductive reasoning

The __________ reorganized the production and distribution of goods from the quaint system of craft production to large-scale factory production.

industrial revolution

begin in the middle of the 18th century, focused on the application of non animal sources of power to labor tasks

industrial revolution

___________________________________ refers to a shift in economies toward the use of machine-based production and non-human power sources. colonialism industrialization socialism modernization


conflict perspective of health

inequalities in health care and the manifestation of medicine with social control

number of deaths of infants under one year of age per 1,000 live births in a given year

infant mortality rate

A primary requirement of ethical research is that research subjects must be clearly told what the study involves, be assured of confidentiality, and then freely agree to participate in the research. This requirement is called __________.

informed consent

The failure to proportionalize and be able to fully understand numerical and statistical implications is referred to as ___________________________. innumeracy number laundering politics fake news


Patterned sets of interactions that work to meet collective needs that are not easily met by individuals working alone are called social __________.


The fact that the name "Eleanor" rose in popularity in the United States after the presidential election in 1932, when Eleanor Roosevelt became the First Lady, is an example of the influence of __________ on naming trends.


We may think of naming a child as a very personal, individual decision. However, a sociological perspective provides us with tools to analyze the context of naming behaviors. If we analyze the role of the media in influencing naming patterns, which element of the iSoc perspective are we using?


Émile Durkheim found that suicides varied by age, religion, marital status, and employment status because of differences in __________.

integration and regulation

If a sociologist analyzes the social issue of violence, what is the focus of his or her analysis?

interaction between nature and nurture

the teacher-expectancy effect is most associated with which perspective of education?


interactionist perspective of family

interested in how individuals interact with one another, whether they are cohabiting partners or longtime married couples

Response cries

involuntary exclamations individuals make when, for example, being taken by surprise, dropping something inadvertently or expressing pleasure. Example: Oops!

Conflict theorists believe that stratification exists because: it benefits individuals and groups who have the power to dominate and exploit others privilege, prestige, and power are equally distributed in society the capitalist drive to distribute wealth equitably is the foundation of American society capitalists and workers are class conscious

it benefits individuals and groups who have the power to dominate and exploit others

Due to child-bearing and care-taking, in general, women are penalized financially for ______________. earning postgraduate degrees undertaking traditionally male job roles undertaking a high-power job job interruptions and time out of the labor market

job interruptions and time out of the labor market

If a bank loans a family $35 to purchase chickens so that the family can sell the eggs the chickens produce, what would this process be called?


The double standard of sexuality refers to the fact that people tend to __________. A.describe their own sex lives differently than they are in reality B.refuse to discuss their sexual behavior in public C. judge women more harshly for having casual sex than they judge men D. expect heterosexual people to have non-monogamous relationships

judge women more harshly for having casual sex than they judge men

The case of the "Wild Boy of Aveyron," who was about 12 years old when he was discovered in the woods of southern France in 1800, illustrates that __________.

lack of socialization has serious consequences

an economic system in which businesses are able to compete more freely, with minimal government intervention

laissez-faire (meaning, let them do)

Multinational Corporations

large corporations that do business in a number of different countries, can exploit weak or poor countries by scouring the globe for inexpensive labor and cheap raw materials.

Wealthier neighborhoods and communities have more money to spend on public schools than poorer ones because education is funded __________.

largely by local property taxes

When a sociologist studies larger groups with more complex behaviors, the number of predictive variables is __________ when a sociologist studies smaller groups with less complex behaviors.

larger than

What often causes culture lag?

level of technology

median number of years a person can be expected to live under current mortality conditions

life expectancy

socialization is a...

lifelong and fluid process

The cultural norms, roles, values, expectations, and beliefs that shape distinct social contexts are called __________ culture.


While __________ have higher rates of nonmarital births, __________ have increased their rates of nonmarital childbearing. A.higher income couples; all groups in American society B.higher income couples; lower income couples C.whites; other races D.lower income couples; all groups in American society

lower income couples; all groups in American society

Analyzing the World Bank as part of the process of globalization is an example of which type of analysis?


conflict perspective of social institutions

major institutions help to maintain the privileges of the most powerful individuals and groups in a society, while contributing to the powerlessness of others

lending small sums of money to the poor, so they can work their way out of poverty


The status that has the most significance and salience in a person's life is called their _______________ status. master ascribed achieved manifest


a society that expects women to dominate in family decision making


Of the following, which did the text identify as an agent of great change and cultural diffusion?


Who holds the most power in a patriarchy? A.white people B.married people D. parents


Conflict theories would say that gender roles persist because men and women have differential access to the resources needed to succeed outside the home they are beneficial and efficient for society gender roles are incorporated into the self through the process of the looking glass self women are naturally suited to perform certain tasks while men are better at others

men and women have differential access to the resources needed to succeed outside the home

Conflict theorists would say that gender roles persist because: they are beneficial and efficient for society gender roles are incorporated into ones identity by the looking-glass self men and women have differential access to the resources needed to succeed outside the home women are naturally suited to perform certain tasks while men are better at others

men and women have differential access to the resources needed to succeed outside the home

Matriarchies emerged among Native-American tribal societies and in nations in which

men were often engaged in warfare

As long as we believe that education is a strict __________, then educational __________ will remain.

meritocracy; inequality

____________________________ studies to small group or individual face-to-face interaction, while _______________________________ examines large-scale groups, organization, and social systems. Psychology; sociology Sociology; psychology Microsociology; macrosociology Macrosociology; microsociology

microsociology; macrosociology

What is considered a peak period of peer group influence?

middle and late childhood

While other social classes within the American class strata have greater definition and meaning, the American _____________________ is instead a very widely defined group earning anywhere from $40k to $200k per year, thus making it a largely misunderstood and meaningless label. middle class working class blue-collar class upper class

middle class

Which concept is MOST consistent with the idea that moving from one place to another is a process rather than a single event? A.Immigration B.Emigration C.Migration D.Brain drain


The ______________________________ refers to the lowest possible federally mandated rate of pay, while a ______________________________ refers to a rate of pay that provides a reasonable standard of living. living wage; minimum wage minimum wage; living wage poverty wage; standard wage none of the above

minimum wage; living wage

In which type of society is one's job a primary marker of identity?


The decline in the popularity of Biblical names for children is consistent with the __________ of name trends.

modernization theory

this exists when a single business firm controls the market


Approximately how many married mothers with children under the age of one year are employed? A.more than 50 percent B.less than 5 percent C.between 10 and 20 percent D.between 30 and 40 percent

more than 50 percent

Carolina was born in Chile but has always had a very strong desire to live in the United States. Finally, when she was 20 years old, she migrated. Which of the following terms do social scientists sometimes use to describe people like Carolina? A.tied stayer B.mover-at-heart C.stayer-at-heart D.tied mover


New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman (2000) once predicted that "no two countries which both have a McDonald's will go to war with each other." Friedman's prediction turned out to be wrong, in part because he failed to recognize that globalization is also accompanied by __________.


When various different ethnic groups exist separately but equitably, sharing in economic and political life equally, it is called ___________________________________. assimilation acculturation multiculturalism ethnocentrism


__________ allows us to understand the very different ways that different groups of people approach issues, construct identities, and create institutions that express their needs.



multiple consensual sexual relationships of trios, groups of couples, and intentionally created families that emphasize emotional commitment

Correlation is a(n) __________ condition to establish a causal relationship between variables.

necessary, but insufficient

Danny really wants to try out for the school musical. When he gets the lead role, his macho, athletic group of friends treats him as an outcast. This is an example of __________. groups B.negative affirmations C.positive affirmations boundaries

negative affirmations

Systematically analyzing social ties among groups of people is the subject of which type of research?

network analysis

cultural capital

non-financial social assets that promote social mobility e.g. education

According to your blackboard reading on statistics, numbers and estimates that are used in social research and media tend to "take on a life of their own" and often it is difficult to trace back and thus verify their origin and validity. This is called _______________________________. innumeracy number laundering fake news politics

number laundering

Kent is passionate about early childhood education. After college he is quickly able to find a job in a local elementary school as a second grade teacher. Kent is one of only two male teachers in the entire school. Which concept would a sociologist most likely use to describe the percentage of occupations such as teaching that are male? A.the double standard of sexuality B.the gender revolution C.stereotypes D.occupational sex segregation

occupational sex segregation

manifest means

open, stated

One main goal of the Sociological Imagination is that it helps people see that: our individual biographies intersect with history our public issues are actually private troubles people feel trapped by their social lives sociology is the discipline that combines political science, economic, and history

our individual biographies intersect with history

interactionist perspective of social institutions

our social behavior is conditioned by the roles and statuses we accept, the groups we belong to, and the institutions within which we function (ex: social roles associated with being a judge occur within the larger context of the criminal justice system

If a sociologist is interested in learning about social dynamics in factories and spends one year working in a factory to collect data, which type of research is being conducted?

participant observation

Which of the following is part of the "hidden curriculum"?

passive consumption of ideas

interactionist perspective of health

patients actively seek the services of a health care practitioner; interested in how physicians learn to play their occupational role and speak the "language" of medicine

Males are expected to dominate family decision making in a (an)


a society that expects men to dominate in family decision making


way of determining descent that favors the father's relatives in terms of property, inheritance, and emotional ties

patrilineal descent

The biggest problem for children and their custodial mother after the male wage earner leaves the home is ______________. day care poverty social stigma child custody


Which of the following was made illegal by the Equal Pay Act? A.paying typically female careers less than typically male careers B.a biased perception that women's work is easier than men's work C.being unwilling to hire women in jobs filled mostly by men D.paying women less than men for the same job

paying women less than men for the same job

Gender conformity is most significantly taught by __________.


Most of the time, social life is orderly because: police enforce laws humans have a biological need to follow the rules people learn formal and informal norms that govern their behavior people value conformity more than other things

people learn formal and informal norms that govern their behavior


people who interact in a defined area (ex work, school, friends) and share a culture


people who respond to a survey

working poor

people who work but whose earnings are not enough to lift them above the poverty line


people who work for others; Marx's term

working class

people who work for wages such as factory workers

Before her engineering exam, Tessa was having a conversation with a male classmate about feeling nervous about the test. In response, he commented, "No one will fault you if you don't do well on the exam. Everyone knows that men are better at math and engineering than women are." According to the findings of sociological research about gender stereotypes, after hearing this comment, Tessa will be more likely to __________. A.become more competitive with other women taking the exam B.double her efforts, regardless of the result C.excel on the exam D.perform poorly on the exam

perform poorly on the exam

Stages of life may be marked by distinct __________, but the meanings associated with life stages are __________.

physical changes; socially constructed

A _____________________ is a trial run study in which only a small group of people participate. pilot study random survey population survey quantitative study

pilot study

model that says many competing groups within the community have access to government officials, so that no single group is dominant

pluralist model

Max Weber believed there were three components to social class: economic, social, and __________.


Harold Laswell defined this term as "who gets what, when, and how"


Under which marital form can a woman have several husbands at the same time?


What is the general term for a marriage in which an individual can have several husbands or wives at the same time?


Which of the following terms refers to the marriage of a man to more than one woman at the same time?


marriage to multiple women


social exclusion

poor individuals feel segregated and isolated from society

A basketball game is a form of __________.

popular culture

Which example reinforces heteronormativity? A.popular music songs about men and women having a romance B.the lack of representation of women with careers in movies C.increasing awareness of transgendered and intersex people in the media D.the representation of female-female couples in popular television shows

popular music songs about men and women having a romance

World System Theory

posited that as societies industrialized, capitalism became the dominant economic system, leading to the globalization of capitalism

city in which global finance and the electronic flow of information dominate the economy

postindustrial city

According to the Sociological Imagination, sociologists should always analyze ______________________________ when examining a given social phenomenon. personal tribulations power and control individual character traits cohort effects over time

power and control

According to Max Weber, a police officer is an example of someone who can have a great deal of __________ but comparatively low __________.

power; status

Regulating moral behavior has often been closely connected to the interests of the __________ and in maintaining __________. A.majority; social order B.powerful; social order C.wealthy; equality D.whole society; economic growth

powerful; social order

Unfocused interaction

practice of signaling mutual awareness and then withdrawing attention; for example looking at someone and saying hello when you get into an elevator and then withdrawing your attention

city with generally only a few thousand people living within its borders, and characterized by a relatively closed class system and limited mobility

preindustrial city


preparation for adult life by teaching them societal values and encouraging social integration.

marriage has gone from a marker of conformity to a marker of ----


The early learning that takes place in infancy and childhood and passes on the most basic cultural values to children is called __________ socialization.


Weber pointed out that the followers of John Calvin emphasized a disciplined work ethic, this-worldly concerns, and a rational orientation to life that he termed the ----

protestant ethic

__________ methods can be used to describe how various aspects of our identities are shared with others of our own groups; __________ methods can explore the meanings that we make of our membership in certain groups.

quantitative; qualitative

Closed-ended questions

questions that are followed by a list of possible answers to be selected by the respondent

Open-ended questions

questions that respondents answer in their own words

The negative impact of tracking primarily affects which group?

racial minorities

__________ are much more likely than __________ to live in poverty in the United States. racial minorities; whites whites; Hispanics whites; Native Americans Asians; blacks

racial minorities; whites

A sample in which every member has an equal (non-zero) chance of being selected is called a __________ sample.


The results of __________ show that when people have reason to think they are being watched, they are more likely to __________. A.interviews; accept transgendered individuals B.content analyses; accept patriarchy C.random-assignment experiments; conform to gendered stereotypes D.surveys; do worse on math tests

random-assignment experiments; conform to gendered stereotypes

social stratification

ranking of people or groups according to their unequal access to scarce resources

Which of the following presents the BEST modern social explanation for the currently high rates of single female-headed households among African-Americans? the direct effects of slavery modern day apathy among male partners the aftermath of reconstruction rapid rise in Black male unemployment in the late 1960's

rapid rise in Black male unemployment in the late 1960's

power made legitimate by law-- the written rules and regulations of a political system -- is known as ??

rational-legal authority

To escape Country X's civil war and famine, families have begun slipping across the border to find a new place to live in Country Y. Drawing on the terminology introduced in this chapter, Country Y is a(n) __________ country. A.transitory B.sending C.receiving D.asylum-seeking


Sociologists approach social issues by __________.

recognizing both stability and disorder

Feminization of Poverty

refers to the increasing number of female-headed households living at or below the poverty level.

Which situation would be similar to the intent of the Boyle Act of 1904? A.decriminalizing marijuana B.prohibiting the use of all pain relievers such as Advil and Tylenol C.releasing a previous prescription-only allergy medication for sale as an over-the-counter medication D.requiring prescriptions for over-the-counter cold medication

releasing a previous prescription-only allergy medication for sale as an over-the-counter medication

According to Emile Durkheim, a unified system of beliefs and practices relative to sacred things


statements to which members of a particular religion adhere

religious beliefs

Tracking in schools is an important mechanism of institutional socialization because it __________.

reproduces the social world in which some people are systemically pushed ahead and others are held back

The fact that even where social mobility is possible, most people remain at the same social location throughout their lives is called social __________.


To say that social class is "institutionalized" means examining the patterned ways in which social __________ takes effect.


The processes used to systematically collect and analyze information from the social world for the purposes of sociological study and understanding are called __________.

research methods

The first year of college is often difficult as expectations are very different from high school. Successful adjustment to college the first year is an example of which of the following?


In a meritocracy __________. rewards are linked to personal ability caste, more than any other factor, influences life chances personal connections have a disproportionately high impact on life chances persons from an upper-class background will have fewer life chances than other members of the same society

rewards are linked to personal ability

The capitalist drive to distribute wealth equitably is the foundation of modern societyIn a meritocracy __________. rewards are linked to personal ability caste, more than any other factor, influences life chances personal connections have a disproportionately high impact on life chances persons from an upper-class background will have fewer life chances than other members of the same society

rewards are linked to personal ability

The fact that the national anthem is sung at the beginning of all professional sports games in the United States is an example of a __________.


Many cultures have a traditional ceremony in the days or months following the birth of a baby, recognizing and welcoming the child into the group. These events are examples of __________.


Teaching, writing, grading papers, and advising students are part of a professor's: role ascribed status master status privilege


The "Equality of Educational Opportunity" study by James Coleman is an important example of research that studies which of the following?

school effects

If I am a sociologist who is interested in studying demographic trends in childbearing, and I use data previously collected by the U.S. Census, which type of analysis am I doing?

secondary analysis

symbolic interactionism

sees interaction and meaning as central to society and assumes that meanings are not inherent but are created through interaction

The various ideas, practices, or phenomena upon which a group of people agree, thus bringing it into existence and maintaining it as such is called a _____________________________. social construction social structure social agency socialized reality

social construction

John Locke's belief that society is formed through the rational decisions of free individuals who join together to form society is exemplified in his term __________.

social contract

study of the distribution of disease, impairment, and general health status across a population

social epidemiology

Sociologists are interested in the ways that different identities intersect with one another to shape our social identity and our experience of __________.

social inequality

School is one example of a __________ in which individuals construct their identity through interactions with others.

social institution

One of the chief functions of many __________, such as the family, education, or religion, is to transmit the values and rules of a society to the next generation.

social institutions

organized patterns of beliefs and behavior that are centered on basic social needs, such as replacing personnel (the family) and preserving order (the government)

social institutions

sociologists are interested in studying...

social integration and disintegration

Jean Piaget believed that which of the following is the key to cognitive development?

social interaction

If I am born into a working-class family and then I end up going to college and becoming a lawyer, I have experienced which of the following?

social mobility

Education is a major interest to sociologists precisely because it is currently one of the primary vehicles of __________ in the United States.

social reproduction

what is a school like St Pauls providing elite students?

social resources and cultural tools

caste system

social stratification based on birth

Caste System

social system based on ascribed statuses.

an economic system in which the means of production and distribution in a society are collectively rather than privately owned



socioeconomic differences among groups of individuals that create differences in how much money and power they have

Edwin Lemert

sociologist whose work heavily influenced labeling theory, particularly the Primary and Secondary deviance.

The research on divorce indicates that __________. some children benefit from divorce because it removes conflict from the home a mother's standard of living increases following a divorce divorced women who don't remarry within a year of their divorces never remarry children never benefit from divorce

some children benefit from divorce because it removes conflict from the home

Which of the following scenarios best describes how a man might be treated if he is in a female dominated profession? not being hired at the best job of his choice lacking appropriate and adequate mentors soon after hiring being recruited for an administrative promotion not being promoted because of affirmative action policies

soon after hiring being recruited for an administrative promotion

Alexander Liazos

speaks for the social-conflict approach when he states that: powerless people are at the highest risk of being defined as deviant.

Globalization has resulted in which of the following?

staggering disparities in the basics that provide quality of life

Adjusting for changes in the cost of living, earnings for middle-class men in the past 40 years have __________. A.increased B.decreased, as they have for middle-class women C.doubled in proportion to women's wages D.stagnated


Theory of Different Association

states that deviance is a learned behavior

Achieved Status

statuses that we either earn or choose


strict adherence to religious doctrine

"Divorce exists as symptomatic evidence of the structural breakdown of various support institutions formerly surrounding and assisting the family (government, education, economy, religion, etc). High rates of divorce over the last half-century reveal the inadequacies of support structures within these modern day institutions." This argument would most likely be asserted by which type of social theorist? symbolic interactionist conflict theorist structural functionalist feminist theorist

structural functionalist

Sociologists understand that poverty is a(n) __________.

structural problem

During the 1960s, __________ would have been considered a countercultural group.

students protesting the war

Because people possess __________, human beings do not behave in exactly the same ways all the time, and therefore a wide range of research methods is required to conduct sociological research.


pariah groups

suffer from negative status discrimination--they are looked down on by most other members of society

labeling perspective of health

suggest that the designation of "healthy" or "ill" generally involves social definition by others

If I steal a pack of gum from the store and then feel shame for doing so, Sigmund Freud would say that the shame is a result of the __________.


In general, structural functionalist theories can be said to: support the status quo encourage experimentation and social change welcome social reform examine definition and meaning within a given society

support the status quo

Which method gathers data on attitudes and behaviors using numerically coded measurement instruments such as a Likert scale?


An image, object, or idea that carries additional meanings beyond itself to others who share in the culture is called a __________.


The bald eagle is the national emblem of the United States. In this context, the bald eagle is an example of a cultural __________.


Spoken language is an example of the ____________________ component of culture. symbolic material normative cognitive


Erving Goffman's dramaturgical model emphasizing people as social actors in roles is based on which paradigm?

symbolic interactionism


system by which society ranks its members in a hierarchy


system of stratification in which one person owns another, and exploits the slave's labor for economic gain. Reasons for slavery include debt, crime, war, and beliefs of inherent superiority. Still prevalent today.

Agatha has worked for ten years in the public relations department of a large firm. She has been promoted to several higher paying managerial positions, but never to an executive position, even though she has directed several successful projects for the firm. Her lack of promotion most likely illustrates ________. the "glass elevator" the "glass ceiling" sexual harassment the "mommy track"

the "glass ceiling"

In which period did the idea of the "individual" take shape?

the Enlightenment

Economist Michael Lind argues that the middle class has always been a product of social engineering by the government. For example, today's American middle class emerged during which of the following?

the New Deal

Object Permanence

the ability to recognize that an object can exist even when its no longer in their field of vision.


the ability to recognize the measurable features of objects (i.e. length, volume, etc.) can be the same even when objects appear different.


the ability to think, act, and make choices independently

Imagine an elementary school child is reading a required book about a girl who is bad at math and would rather play with her dolls than do her math homework. This book would be an example of which of the following?

the chilly classroom climate

Social Integration

the degree to which an individual feels connected to others.

The terms "slut" and "player" are indicative of __________. A.heteronormativity B.the gender revolution C.the sexual orientation continuum D.the double standard of sexuality

the double standard of sexuality

In many companies, a secretarial job and a factory production job require the same levels of education and experience, but __________. A.the secretarial job pays more money B.while both jobs pay the same, women earn less than men within each job C.all people earn the same amount D.the factory job pays more money

the factory job pays more money

The fact that women and children are disproportionately likely to live in poverty is referred to as __________.

the feminization of poverty

Conflict theory

the idea that conflict between competing interests is the basic, animating force of social change and society in general.

social reproduction

the idea that parents pass to their children different resources such as socioeconomic status and all that comes with it, such as cultural capital


the industrial working class


the process by which minorities gradually adopt patterns of the dominant culture


the process by which one learns to become a competent member of a society.

The term "incest taboo" refers to

the prohibition of sexual relationships between certain culturally specified relatives.

The research method sociologists use for a particular study should depend on which of the following?

the question they want to address in their research


the repetition of an experiment in order to test the validity of its conclusion

Role Conflict

the result of competing demands from two or more roles that vie for one's energy/time.


the set of norms, values, behaviors, and personality attached to a status.

marriage as a cornerstone

the traditional model of marriage now less relevant, where marriage is an expected or desired foundation for navigating one's entire adulthood


the use of control and experimental groups and dependent and independent variables to test causation

value free

the view that a sociologist's personal values or biases should not influence social research

upper class

the wealthiest and most powerful members of society

Which of the following has most dramatically changed women's educational, occupational, and family lives since the 1960s? A.the emergence of the hookup culture B.increasing occupational sex segregation C.the sociological imagination D.the widespread availability of the birth control pill

the widespread availability of the birth control pill

In which of the following areas has the presence of women most greatly increased in the past 50 years? A.professional sports B.manual labor C.the workforce as a whole D.political leadership

the workforce as a whole

In traditional societies, families provide children with which of the following?

their first statuses, which tend to remain as permanent parts of their self-concept

According to George Herbert Mead, what is the focus of children younger than age 3?

themselves and their own thoughts

Sociological research on growing up with same-sex parents demonstrates __________. there are no consequential effects these children are likely to experience gender-deviance that children will fare worse than those in other family types that stereotypes about gay families are true

there are no consequential effects

Although there has been a "gender revolution" since the 1960s, __________. A.there has been more acceptance of women than of men deviating from traditional gender norms. B.women have not adapted as quickly to balancing work and family life as have men. c.women surprisingly still prefer caretaking roles over working outside the home have become homemakers more often than women have become full-time workers

there has been more acceptance of women than of men deviating from traditional gender norms

Social stratification refers to _______________________________. structured social inequality the ranking of people in society a system by which society rewards some groups more than others these are all aspects of stratification

these are all aspects of stratification

Psychologists Harry and Margaret Harlow's studies of rhesus monkeys raised apart from others of their species found that the isolated monkeys exhibited which behavior?

they refused to mate

Marx and the conflict perspective on religion

thought that religion impeded social change by encouraging oppressed people to focus on otherworldly concerns rather than on their immediate poverty or exploitation

unobtrusive measures

ways of observing people so they do not know they are being studied

E. D. Hirsch Jr.'s ideas about what every U.S. student needs to learn and his suggestions for a modern school curriculum have been critiqued as __________.

too culturally elite

way to project future growth in a society

total fertility rate (TFR)

A prison is an example of a(n) __________, in which individuals' props are removed and they are forced to conform to an absolutely rigid regime.

total institution

term that refers to the practice of placing students in specific curriculum groups on the basis of their test scores and other criteria


in a political system based on ----------, legitimate power is conferred by custom and accepted practice

traditional authority

Ascribed Statuses

traits or characteristics that people possess as a result of their birth.

cultural universals

traits that are part of every known culture

Which of the following terms refers to the money and goods sent from a migrant's country of origin in order to assist the migrant in the destination country? A.remittance B.transfer C.foreign voucher payment


The human use of language is different from that of animals in that humans use language to __________.

transmit culture

examples of latent functions of education

transmitting culture, promoting social and political integration, serving as an agent of change

cross-dressers who wear the clothing of the opposite sex



treating facts without influence from personal feelings or prejudices

Of the following, which is NOT a basic source of data for sociologists in the specific, and social scientists in general? survey research participant observation trial and error existing data analysis

trial and error

According to sociologist Alice Rossi, our society lacks clear and helpful guidelines concerning successful parenthood.


The term we use for the "like marries like" rule is homogamy.


t/f all societies have social institutions


Social Groups

two or more peoplewho interact with one another.

Which of the following is the way the textbook defines a domestic partnership?

two unrelated adults who share a mutually caring relationship, reside together, and agree to be jointly responsible for their dependents, basic living expenses, and other common necessities

blue- and pink- collar jobs

typically pay low wages and often involve manual or low-skill labor

sociological perspective

understanding human behavior by placing it within its broader social context

Which of the following is NOT an example of demand-side explanations (having to do with the employer) of the gendered pay gap? union membership employer discrimination gender ideology public policy

union membership

Technically considered to be the wealthiest of Americans, the ___________________ most often refers to elite households earning more than $200k per year and often having inherited wealth and investments. This class comprises approximately _______ of American households. middle class; 30% upper middle class; 60% upper class; 5% middle upper class; 10%

upper class; 5%

independent variable

variable that is changed in an experiment

Sign vehicles

various mechanisms we use to present ourselves to others, such as appearance, manner, setting.

conflict perspective of education

view education as an instrument of elite domination; point to sharp inequalities that exist in the educational opportunities available to different racial and ethnic groups

conflict perspective of family

view the family as not a contributor to social stability but as a reflection of the inequality in wealth and power that is found within the larger society; see family as an economic unit that contributes to societal injustice

All of the following are socially constructed problems of the modern American family EXCEPT: day care fatherlessness child custody violence


Which concept is MOST reflective of how immigration policy affects the process of migration? A.Naturalization B.Visa. C.Diaspora D.Brain drain


records of births, deaths, marriages, and divorces that are gathered through a registration system maintained by governmental units

vital statistics

Conflicting Agents of Socialization

when different agents teach children conflicting lessons.

short-range downward mobility

when someone moves from one job to another job that is similar in status and pay

The official government racial and ethnic categories on the census have changed with almost every census throughout American history. Which of the following is the only category to have been consistently named on the census throughout U.S. history? A.Asian B.Mexican D.white


Which of the following concepts refers to the unearned benefits whites enjoy, including having higher average earnings, more employment opportunities, and less likelihood of being arrested? A.ghettoization B.racial essentialism C.affirmative action D.white privilege

white priviledge

Based on demographic data, which racial group is projected to fall as a share of the U.S. population? A.Asians B.Latinos C.blacks D.whites


Who are most likely to work a full day outside the home for pay and perform a second shift of unpaid labor at home? women men newlyweds the elderly


One example of sex stereotyping within the workplace that might lead to the placement of women in the fields of human resources and communication is men are generally thought to be more in touch with the needs of others women are thought to have superior leadership skills women are thought to be more nurturing and naturally good with caretaking men are naturally more authoritative than are women

women are thought to be more nurturing and naturally good with caretaking

A matriarchy is a society in which

women hold greater authority than men.

According to your class text, many important social thinkers were excluded from the mainstream sociological perspective because they were _____________________________. too progressive young and inexperienced uneducated women or racial minorities

women or racial minorities

feminist perspective on religion

women play a fundamental role in religious socialization

Supply-side explanations of the gendered pay gap often examine so-called effort. These explanations often point to the following as rationale: women who balance work and family men who leave the workplace to care for their children women who leave the workplace to care for their children women who favor professional careers over traditional marriage

women who leave the workplace to care for their children

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