Sociology: Chapters 3-6

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group of people who share a common characteristics, no interaction/organization example teenagers, people over 50+

categorical group

italian physical psychiatrist; "father of modern criminology"

cesaer lambroso

master status is _______ example is popular athlete and an AIDS carrier his or her popularity, serve, passion for the sport will be ignored


7 examples of counterculture is?

challenged dominant cultural norms hard work financial success dress code sexual restrictiveness military superiority white supremacy

who came up with looking-glass self

charles horton cooley

what does cultural transmission theory stem from?

chicago school

is the use of intimidation or threat of force or violence to control the action of others (parents/teens)


every individual occupies a ______ of _____

combination; status

this is a society system of ____ ______

common heritage

cultural universals are _____ among all culture and these social needs are met through ___ ____

commonalities; social institutions

if we know the language we can ______


very common; western society promotes and respect it example is students competing for grades


culture is very _____ and _____- however, there are certain things that is ______

complex; diverse; universal

takes place in social interaction when one individual/group attempts to control the behaviors of another individual/group


tension between the powerful and powerless; powerful exploits powerless


focus to their goals and the means is non-deviant


absolute and moral view often found in what?

conservative political and religious concepts

if we understood the ______, ______ and _____ of other people with whom we interact, well find efficient way to deal with them

feelings; attitudes; ideas

punishable by one year or more


secondary groups have ____ emotional ties


idiocultures do not exists when a group is what?

first formed

voluntary report (usually juveniles/prison inmates) if they have committed various criminal acts

self reporting

developing a sense of ____ and generalized _____

self; others

act/behavior is OK one situation/some time period/geographical location, may be not OK in others example intercourse between hubby and wife at private is OK


____ has a significant effect on member interaction


to perform well in our job, we need to lean certain _____, ______, _____

skils, values, norms

mind, self, and society from the standpoint of a _____ ______

social behaviorist

resource or benefits people gain from their social network

social capital

this is how we reproduce a

social class

____ _____ and _____ in rate of deviance

social context; variation

different forms of social control can limit/decrease deviance

social control theory

technology uses our what?

social costume and practical techniques for converting raw materials to finish products

a group is a number of people who have something in common

social group

system of norms, values, statues and roles that develop around a basic social need example religion, education, family

social institution

patterns/webs of social relationship between individuals/organization

social network

children dont understand the web of ____ ____

social relationships

a system of knowledge, beliefs, behaviors and customs created through group interactions example is a family at a dinner table


nature and nurture controversy is an ______


secondary groups interact in an ______ _____

impersonal manner

what do parents teach?

importance of education, work, patriotism, religion

social capital is very ______ in todays world


giving out cues to lead interaction to a particular direction example handshaking with friends, quite with strangers

impression management

people feel they belong and with which they share a consciousness of kind example is LSU graduates strong "we-ness"


freedom of press is what?

inconsistencies between value and behavior

crimes recorded in the FBI report called

index crime

norms tha a society feels strongly about becomes ____


our behavior is _____ example is the way we talk, smile, cry, eat, read, everything


sexual behavior is ____, not biological (later and handel)


language is ____, ____, and ______ from generation to generation

learned; shared; transmitted

more tv=

less imagination

internal control is saying "___________________"

let your conscience be your guide

______ ______ (ABC) learned and shared like other cultural elements

linguistics symbols

social network ____ _____

links people

for architects/civil engineers: understand the what?

local culture, heritage before they construct any structure

verstehen is ___ ____ concepts

max webers

who develops the concept of I vs me


who came up with criticism?


who came up with dysfunction?


who created the strain and anomie theory?

merton 1957

disproportionate % of criminal belongs do this category; why? no clear reason


muscular, stocky, athletic


less serious crime; punishable by mostly fine


self is simply nothing what?

more than "self presentation" and role performance

important than folkways; reactions to the violation are more serious example why dont we betray our contras wellbeing for money


measuring crime is difficult because of what 2 reasons?

most crimes go undetected unreported

problems with collecting UCR (3)

only show the recorded crimes biased info only the most serious offense is recorded

committed by an organized group; have control over large scale illegal business; perfect chain of command example is drug dealing and gambling crimes


cultural knowledge helps us advance in what?

our social and economic statues

people feel they do not belong, do not share consciousness of kind example is no belongingness


teens who fail to conform to their peers behavior may be seen as _______


problems in data collection by NCVS (3)

over reporting under reporting victims memory

our jobs affect our what?

parental values

absolute and moral view labelled what? example homosexuality, dishonesty

particular behavior as deviant act

cultural norms are not always beneficial for a society, group, or individual

pathology of normalcy

both in and out group draw their membership; similar status

peer group

learn from them

peer groups

set of expectations and behaviors associated with social status example mother(homemaker) father (breadwinner)

social roles

a core concept of SS is ____ _____

social status

the material aspect of society


culture creates (3)

verbal language written language non-verbal language of gesture (eye contact)

conflict this exploration causes institutionalized ________; _____ authorities ought to be ____, but they are _____...favoring rich

violence; legal; fair; unjust

common is assault; involves a victim


what are the 2 types of index crimes?

violent crime property crimes

common goal, shared value, more women than men (USA)

voluntary association

goffman also believed that what?

we give some cues to other people when we interact and by seeing/understanding those cues, other people can realize what type of interaction we expect

less emotional ties, more formal

weak ties

cooley mainly pointed out what?

when we say I want/feel/think we are actually referring to our "looking-glass self" not our physical being

committed in the course of the employment; personal/organizational gain; committees by "respectable"/ high status holder example stock manipulation

white collar

who linked body type to behavior

william sheldon

____ in language create meaning


we learn from school what?

work roles of community helpers, feel patriotic, countries geography, history and national holidays, governments

what is foreign is the best


applying meads role taking: for physicians: develop better what?

"bed-side manner" if they put themselves in the place of their patients they are treating

primary also has a sense of ____ and members are _____ ______

"we-ness"; emotionally attached

primary social groups are ___, ___ ____, and ______

family, close friends, neighbors

goal oriented


most values are learned early in life from?

family, friends, mass media, and other sources

unique _____ of human being capacity to use _____

feature; symbol

is human interaction necessary in socialization process? (remember video about kids)


peer groups are?(6)

-ethnic/racial interaction -sexual orientation -risk taking -adjustment -clothing style -music

what are the 3 components of coolers sense of self through interaction and feedback from others

1 how we think our behaviors appears to others 2 how we think others judge our behavior 3 how we feel about their judgement

what are the 3 traditional views of deviance?

1. absolute and moral 2. medical and socio-pathological view 3. statistical view

what are the 4 types of social bonds:

1. attachment: family 2. commitment: career 3. involvement: "midnight basketball" for teenagers, garden project 4. belief: agreement with traditional moral standard

what are the 4 major skills we learn from teachers?

1. compete : western society promotes 2. achieve : set goal 3. cooperate : group assignment, team player 4. obey rules : law abiding citizens

cultural lag indicates what two things?

1. cultural elements change in different rates 2.both material and non-material cultural elements have strong influences on each other

functions of deviance (5)

1. define the limit of social tolerance 2. increase the solidarity and social integration of a group 3. safety value for social discontent 4. indicate defects/inadequacies in the existing social organization 5. set in motion steps that lead to social change

dysfunctions of deviance 4?

1. distrust social order 2. distrust the will of others to conform 3. destroy trust 4. divert resources

major components of social interactions (5)

1. exchange 2. cooperation 3. competition 4. conflict 5. coercion

what are the 5 agents of socialization?

1. family 2. school 3. peer groups 4. job 5. mass media

what are the 4 types of violent crimes?

1. homocide 2. forcible rape 3. aggravated assault 4. robbery

what are the 3 groups and their types?

1. non-social groups -statistical -categorial 2. limited social groups -aggregate -associational group -primary and secondary -in-group and out-group -peer group and reference group -small and large group

the 2 types of social groups

1. primary 2. secondary groups

positives consequences of ethnocentrism 3?

1. promotes group loyalty, cohesiveness, unity 2. improves morale, encourages conformity 3. reinforces nationalism and patriotism

what are the 4 units on cultural complexity and diversity?

1. subculture 2. idio-culture 3. ideal and real culture 4. social institutions

realistic views can have what 5 variations?

1. time 2. place 3. situation status 5. gender

what are the 7 different crimes?

1. violent crime 2. white collar 3. organized crimes 4. juvenile 5. felony 6. misdemeanor 7. property crime

cultural lag is what 3 things?

1.a phenomena 2.change in technology and material culture rapid 3.change in nonmaterial culture slow

what are the two negative consequences of ethnocentrism? examples are nazis in germany

1.increases resistance to change 2. excludes outsiders, who may have something good to contribute

characteristics by weber: (5)

DOL public office merit selection career pattern objective rules

who developed pathology of normalcy?

Erich Fromm

believe every interaction begins with a presentation of self

Erving Goffman

mead theoretically divides a person into two points :

I and Me

40,000 house holds are sampled each year; data on frequency, characteristics, and consequences of crimes interviewed twice during the year




who came up with this?

Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis

official data collected by FBI; published in yearly volume


what are the three methods of collecting?

UCR NCVS self-reporting

human development proceeds because we have the what?

ability to use and understand symbols

values are _____


instrumental helps others _____ the ____ and ______ members to act _____

achieve; goal; persuade; appropriately

status that we choose or attain example religion and nationality


group of people who are together in one place, unstructured, interact briefly/ sporadically example people waiting at bus/cross street


If everybody follows his own "me" we will what?

all end up behaving in the same way

cultural relativism is NOT the idea of __ _____ nazims

anything goes

no connection between the symbol and what is means

arbitrary designation

we are all unique because what?

are I may or may not agree with our Me

these physical products are called _____ example?

artifacts beer cans, religious objects, books, clothes, type writer

obtained at birth example is age, race, etc


socialization process is directly what? example is self control, ego strength, high frustration tolerance, etc

associated with developing one's conscience

common interest, formal structure, some kind of interaction example royalty club


we prepare ourselves at the "____", present at the "____ ____"

backstage; front stage

what is good and correct, what is bad and incorrect, what is beautiful and what is ugly

basis of our judgement

geneticsmatter, different XY chromosomes, genetic, anatomical, physiological


what are the 3 types of theories?

biological psychological sociologist

both ____ and ____ theories overlooked the relative nature of ______

biological;psychological; deviance

we use ___ ____ as cues examples hand shaking

body languages

mead and cooley what? example how i should talk/walk/sit. i know society expects from me and i try to meet those expectations

both developed social theories of self and pointed out that society exists first, individuals is shaped by the society

presentation of self is a part of a ____ ___, ____ ____

broader concept; impression management

who is this survey administered by? since when?

bureau of justice statistics; 1973

directs and coordinates the efforts of the people involved in various organizational tasks

bureaucracy: formal organization

complexity and diversity of a culture can be understood...

by examining various units of a culture

______ understanding is important


who theorized the idea of the self develops in the process that uniques reference to other people


when individual works to achieve some common goal example group mates (assignments)


a subculture tha abide by a set of beliefs and values that "reject and opposes significant elements of the dominant culture of which it is a part of" example is hippies


is the violation of criminal statutory law


biology +social condition =


scientific study of crime


deviance is disproportionately concentrated in the lower socioeconomic people


nonpolitical deviations are ignored; causes of deviant acts are ignored


this is the idea of what?

cultural capital

_____ ____ and ___ ____ influence the choice of leaders example is housing committee

cultural expectation; social status

the accumulation of all these form our "_____ ____"

cultural knowledge

there is no right or wrong, correct or incorrect

cultural manifestation

the idea that societies develop differently adapting to their own environments and making use of different materials or resources

cultural materialism

the idea that cultures must be judged on their own terms rather than by the standards of another culture

cultural relativism

also known as the subculture theory

cultural transmission theory

strain and anomie is tension between what? example is racial minorities, poor teenagers

culturally prescribed goals and socially approved ways of achieving them

a system of ideas, values, beliefs, knowledge, norms, customs, and technology shared by almost everyone in a particular society


material artifacts often reflect non-material _____-symbols,beliefs, values, norms example is stars and strips


material culture+non-material culture= ______


ideas, values, beliefs, knowledge, norms, customs, and technology

culture elements

social groups have a ____ and _____ _____ example is a family

definable; recognizable structure

SI is important in the ____ of ____

development; self

____ is a variation from set of norms/social expectation


variation from a set of norms or shared social expectation


absolute and moral view considers what?

deviance as absolute and immortal

labelled people see themselves as "_______"


people who violate these shared expectations or dont follow the set of norms


we are all ___ in some ____

deviants; aspects

children learn from families what?

dialects, food habit, leisure activities

statistical view is being what and is any what?

different than average people and any atypical behavior

society that has what has sub-culture?

diverse languages, religions, ethnic/racial groups, varying economic levels

______ ___ ______ increases when size increases example mom and dad in kitchen and chef in kitchens

division of labor

_____ culture and ______ may conflict

dominant; subculture

study done; though women can pursue career, they come home and are a caretaker

double shift

goffman compared social interaction to what?

drama on stage

social interaction to a drama on stage is what?

dramaturgical approach

trained incapacity, obsessives adherence to the procedure, formal qualifications, and too much DOL


skinny, fragile


______ is an institution (abstract) and _____ is an organization (visible structure)

education; LSU

soft, round, fat


what are the 3 types of body types?

endomorphs mesomorphs ectomorphs

american anthropologist; criminal organically inferior to "normal people"

ernest hooton

who came up with presentation of self

erving goffman

we think our culture is the best


most common types of interaction example employer/employee


idioculture opinions are ______ and information is _____ and _____ are experienced ______

expressed; exchanged; events; together

create group harmony, resolve conflict


those that come from outside an individual; they utilize pressures or sanctuaries to attempt to control an individuals behavior


deviance and social control in what 2 ways?

external internal

primary is ____ to _____ associated/interaction


what is the primary and most important agent


reflects the taste of the working class and the ethnic groups example?

folk culture crafts fairs, jazz festival

customs or conventions that provide rules for conduct, but violations bring mild punishment example is eating vegetables with spoon, not fork


what are the 3 types of norms?

folkways mores laws

systems (law enforcement agencies) created by society specifically to control deviance example is jail fine imprisonment

formal external

statical view is any variation what? example average height for women is 5'4" in US

from the statistical norm

it is ____ for the ____ system, but _____ for the ____ as a whole

functional; legal; dysfunctional; society

kids gradually internalize the intertwined nature of social relationship example i am mom, daughter, wife playing baseball/cricket (to win game, players recognize to understand how others will act/react)

game stage

deviance for women but not for men example topless (men/women)


the most important status is my ______. this is called my ____ ____

gender; master status

_____ do not pay enough attention to _____ and _____ favors in their studies

genetics; environmental; socialization

families give their children a what?

geographical location(wester/eastern) and background (urban/rural)

who came up with mind, self, and society

george herbert mead

who came up with socialization theories (3)?

george herbert mead charles horton cooley erving golfman

deviance is neither all ____ or ____

good; bad

idioculture is formed by the ____ _____

group itself

some norms can actually be _____


who said in 1990 tv shapes what we think and how we think


reflects the taste of the deathly, affluent, and upper class people Example?

high culture opera, mozart

material equals

house, clothes, tools, etc

all ___ _____ have languages. Some societies can read, write, and speak

human societies

norms and values people profess to follow example is equal rights, monogamy, ed for all

ideal culture

non material culture

ideas, values, languages, etc

socialization process shapes our (5)

identities norms skills values beliefs

what is an example of labelling theory

indian grandfather in AL, police come for "suspicious behavior" arrest because cant speak english well, police arrest him from behind and damaged spinal cord, becomes paralyzed

socialization levels (5)

individual interpersonal group organization institutional

it is an _____ part of every society


our own lifestyle, beliefs and products are ______ and opposite of ______

inferior; ethnocentrism

2 types of external control

informal formal

when parents, peers, friends, teachers, neighbors or other people apply pressure or encourage us to obey the rules

informal external

____ sanctions are stronger than ____ sanctions

informal; formal

accepts social goals, but rejects normatively prescribed means example good grades by cheating


what are the 6 ways to achieve the goals?

innovation ritualism retreatism rebellion conformity criticism

all behaviors are neither? it is presentation of self we learned through the socialization process

instinctual nor habitual

_____ and _____ are NOT name in sociology

institution; organization

organize group around its goal


human minds develop in what?


social groups have some type of ____ and a sense of ____ or ______

interaction; belonging; membership

we develop a sense of self through ____ and ___ from _____

interaction; feedback; others

social groups share ____, _____, ____, _____, and _____

interests; agreements; values; norms; goals

controls that exist within the particular individual moral and social codes of behavior

internal control

me is what?

internalized version of generalized others and is how one is expected to behave

medical and socio-pathological views say deviance what? deviants=sick people example repost

is pathological and biological malfunction

committed by under 18; not the type of crime, but the age od criminal is important


some behaviors are labelled as deviant and being labelled can influence our behavior

labelling theory

convey your thoughts, hopes, and dreams


most important set of symbols is _____


what does NCVS mean?

national crime victimization survey

social capital has ____, ____, and ____

network; norm; trust

_____ cannot differentiate objects they see gradually they learn to ______ important objects

newborns distinguish

there is ___ genetic basis for human behavior


rules of conduct or social expectations for behavior


____ are guidelines for actual _____ (students should not cheat on test)

norms; behavior

the way we socialized at workplace is called example teacher-avoid reader, athlete, physical fitness military personal punctuality

occupational socialization

the norms, skills, and values also shape our _____


cultural capital was coined by?

pierre bourdieu

french sociologist; sound social capital; network norm and trust

pierre bourdieu

deviance in one location/society/ culture may be non-deviant in others examples are multiple wives in africa (wealth, prestige, status) in america (punishable)


primitive way of practicing role taking example playing mother

play stage

what are the different stages of role taking?

play stage game stage

music, art, dance, radio, linguistic trends, literature that produced and consumed by members of lower and middle class example?

popular culture soap operas, wrestling matches

what society suggest that we should do example mother homemaker

prescribed roles

what people should do


person orientated


examples of secondary groups are _____ groups and _____ groups

professional; classroom

committed with the intent of gaining property without the threat/use of force example is burglary, motor vehicle threat

property crime

what people should not do


mental illness, personality, motives, aggression, frustration, ego, strength


reasons are: example are failure in marriage-frustration-child abuse

psychological abnormalities; psychopathic, personality, mental illness

individual develops first, then respond to the society

psychological theories

frustration, aggression, unconscious needs, instincts, gilt, weak egos, personality traits

psychological theory

verstehen is what?

put yourself in someone else's shoes understanding the meaning of action from the actors point of view

culture people actually do follow

real culture

withdraw their allegiance to a society that is unjust example is gay right movement, womens rights, advocate new values, modify social structure


group with which people identify psychologically, they refer to the group in evaluating themselves and their behavior

reference group

deviance is a _____ _____

relative condition

deviance can interpreted only in the socio-culhral contest in which it happens

relativistic view

drastic mode of adaptation example drug addicts, live in their own group/society. no goals


what we learn at work place as "___" or "_____"- we teach our children

right; important

one mechanism to support a particular valve


follows rules rigidly example is lower, middle class americans do not chance less major cultural goals, but more petty rules


when the expectations associated with particular social status are unclear example divorced/single parents

role ambiguity

if there is a mismatch between prescribed role and role performance, then what happens?

role conflict

occurs when the demands/expectation associated with status are incompatible example motherhood vs career

role conflict

individuals point of view about his/her prescribed role example should i want to be a homemaker?

role perception

what we actually do example i am teaching

role performance

role overload or strain of our task and causes contradiction

role strain

prescribed roles are ____ ____ and ____ _____

role strain; double shift

___ _____ is an important ____ technique

role taking; verstehen

idioculture established gradually when?

rules are established

any act/ behavior that is OK for one group of people/certain status holder example club house membership, Mafia Don can, but prostitutes cannot (Thailand) example women and minorities aspired to be the US president were criticized (socially deviant)

social status

socially defined position that an individual occupies

social status

___ ___ and ___ ___ are intertwined

social status; social roles

includes geographical area and common cultures of people living and interacting with each other

social structure

is the lifelong process through which people are prepared to participate in society at every level


our relationship and behavior are _____ _______ and_______ example is classroom behavior

socially patterned; predictable

_____ is social structures


a group of interacting persons who live in a specific geographical area, who are organized in a cooperative manner who share a common culture


sociocultural, organizational, environmental, group facts


secondary groups have ____ and _____ purpose

specific; practical

I is what?

spontaneous and unique aspect of the self

laws are what?

standardized expressions of norms enacted by legislature bodies to regulate particular type of behavior

purely ______, may be they dont know each other


formed by sociologist/ statistician, members are unaware of belonging, no social interaction/organization example immigrant families in EBR parish

statistical group

a combination of all statues any individual holds at a given time example is female, mother, wife, daughter, teacher, dual nationality)

status set

highly negative labelled


what are the 5 sociological theories explaining deviance?

strain and anomie conflict cultural transmission labelling social control

most cases norms are clear, but sometimes (turmoil, war) people find themselves in unfamiliar situations

strain and anomie theory

high level of emotional involvement

strong ties

meads ____ published his lectures as a book


groups who share some of the cultural elements of the larger society, but still have their own norms, values, symbols, and lifestyles example is chinese/ asian american, merman, amish


our own culture is______ our ______, ________ and ______ are more correct other culture should be _______ in terms of our culture

superior ; values; beliefs; behaviors; evaluated

language is a ______


the social process that occurs within and among individuals as a result of the internalization of meanings and the use of language ;other person knows the meaning of the symbol

symbolic interaction

this is something that is used to represent something else examples?

symbols V for victory in WWII and V peace after 1960s

technology are certain what?

techniques and products that help us to maintain our living standard and lifestyle

mead believed what?

the human mind is entirely social

age, sex, race, social status all heavily affect what?

the nature and outcome of formal control mechanism

what does language not influence?

the way we perceive things and how we behave

what does UCR mean?

uniform crime report

what is important and worthwhile


what is cultural capitals?

values, attitudes, and knowledge provided by parents to help us succeed in society

sociologist define deviance as

variation from a set of norms or shared social expectation

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