Sociology Exam 2

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caste system

a form of social stratification in which status is determined by one's family history and background and cannot be changed

upper class

a largely self-sustaining group of the wealthiest people in a class system; in the United States, they constitute about 1 percent of the population and possess most of the wealth of the country

simplicity movement

a loosly knit movement that opposes consumerism and encourages people to work less, earn less, and spend less, in accordance with nonmaterialistic value

socioeconomic status SES

a measure of an individual's place within a social class system; often used interchangeably with "class"


a measure of net worth that includes income, property, and other assets


a pattern of relations between ethnic or racial groups in which the minority group is absorbed into mainstream or dominant group, making society more homogenous

relative deprivation

a relative measure of poverty baed on the standard of living in a particular society


a set of beliefs about the superiority of one racial or ethnic group; used to justify inequality and often rooted in the assumption that differences between groups are genetic

status inconsistency

a situation in which there are serious differences between the different elements of an individual's socioeconomic status

open system

a social system which ample opportunities to move from one class to another

closed system

a social system with very little opportunity to move from one class to another


a socially defined category based on common language, religion, nationality, history, or another cultural factor


a socially defined category based on real or perceived biological differences between groups of people


a system in which rewards are distorted based on merit

feudal system

a system of social stratification based on a hereditary nobility who were responsible for and served by a lower stratum of forced laborers called serfs

social class

a system of stratification based on access to ugh resources as wealth, property, power, and prestige

situational ethnicity

an ethnic identity that can be either displayed or concealed depending on its usefulness in a given situation

symbolic ethnicity

an ethnic identity that is only relevant on specific occasions and does not significantly impact everyday life


an idea about the characteristics of a group that is applied to all members of that group and is unlikely to change regardless of the evidence against it

absolute deprivation

an objective measure of poverty, defined by the inability to meet minimal standards for food, shelter, clothing, or health care

just-world hypothesis

argues that people have a deep need to see the world as orderly, predictable, and fair, which creates a tendency to view victims of social injustice as deserving of their fates

everyday class consciousness

awareness of one's own social status and that of others

structural mobility

changes in the social status of large numbers of people due to structural changes in society


choosing romantic partners who are dissimilar to us in terms of class, race, education, religion, and other social group membership


choosing romantic partners who are similar to us in terms of class, race, education, religion, and other social group membership

middle class

composed primarily of "white collar" workers with a broad range of incomes; they constitute about 30 percent of the u.s. population

minority group

members of a social group that is systematically denied the same access to power and resources available to society's dominant groups but who are not necessarily fewer in number that the dominant groups

working class or lower middle class

mostly "blue collar" or service industry workers who are less likely to have a college degree; they constitute about 30 percent of the U.S. population

upper middle class

mostly professionals and managers who enjoy consider alb financial stability, they constitute about 14 percent of the u.s. population

intergenerational mobility

movement between social classes that occurs from one generation to the next


romantic, sexual, or martial relationships between people of different races

conflict theory approach to social inequality

social inequality crates intergroup conflict - poor and rich groups have different interests and may find themselves at odds as they attempt to secure and protect these interests

structural functionalism approach to social inequality

social inequality is a necessary part of society. Different reward structures are necessary as an incentive of rate best qualified people to occupy the most important positions. Even poverty has functions that help maintain social order

symbolic interactionism approach to social inequality

social inequality is part of our presentation of self. WE develop everyday class consciousness as a way to distinguish the status of others

conflict theory case study: poverty

social welfare programs that assist the poor are funded by tax dollars, which some wealthy citizens may be reluctant to provide because taxes reduce their net income. This can create conflict between rich and poor routs in society

symbolic interactionism case study: racial inequality

some individuals (white ethnics and light-skinned nonwhites in particular) have the option to conceal their race or ethnicity in situations where it might be advantageous to do so. this may allow them as individuals to escape the effects of racial inequality but does not erase it from society at large.

conflict theory case study: racial ineqaulity

some members of major groups (whites and men in particular) object to affirmative action programs that assist underrepresented groups. this can create conflict between racial groups in society


the deliberate and systematic extermination of a racial, ethic, national, or cultural group

social stratification

the division of society into groups arranged in a social hierarchy

internal colonialism

the economic and political domination and subjugation of the minority group by the controlling group within a nation

digital divide

the experience of unequal access to computer and internet technology, both globally and within the United States

population transfer

the forcible removal of a group of people from the territory they have occupied


the formal and legal separation of groups by race or ethnicity

structural functionalism case study: poverty

the functions of poverty for society include the facts that the poor take otherwise undesirable jobs and housing, purchase discount and secondhand goods and provide work for thousands, including social service caseworkers and others who work with the poor

Structural functionalism case study: racial inequality

the functions of racial inequality and conflict for society could include the creation of social cohesion within both the dominant minority groups

residential segregation

the geographical separation of the poor from the rest of the population


the most extreme form of social stratification, based on the legal ownership of people

vertical social mobility

the movement between different class statuses, often called either upward mobility or downward mobility

intragenerational mobility

the movement between social classes that occurs during the course of an individual's lifetime

social mobility

the movement of individuals or groups within the hierarchal system of social classes

horizontal social mobility

the occupational movement of individuals or groups within a social class


the poorest americans who are chronically unemployed and may depend on public or private assistance; they constitute about 5 percent of the u.s. population


the removal of the rights of citizenship through economic, political, or legal means


the social honor people are given because of their membership in well-regarded social groups


the system of segregation of racial and ethnic groups that was legal in South Africa between 1948 and 1991

cultural capital

the tastes, habits, expectations, skill, knowledge, and other cultural dispositions that help us gain advantages in society

social reproduction

the tendency of social classes to remain relatively stable as social class status is passed down from one generation to the next

Social inequality

the unequal distribution of wealth, power, or prestige among members of a society

embodied identity

those elements of identity that are generated through other's perceptions of our physical traits


unequal treatment of individuals based on their membership in a social group; usually motivated by prejudice


marrying "up" in the social class hierarchy

white collar

a description characterizing workers an skilled laborers in technical and lower-mangement jobs

blue collar

a description characterizing workers who perform manual labor

individual discrimination

discrimination carried out by one person against another

institutional discrimination

discrimination carried out systematically by institutions (political, economic, educational, and others) that affect all members of a group who come into contact with it

culture of poverty

entrenched attitudes that can develop among poor communities and lead the poor to accept their fate rather than attempt to improve their lot


marrying "down" in the social class hierarchy

symbolic interactionism case study: poverty

poor and wealthy persons have differential access to the "props" used to project particular versions of self. In particular, professional clothing such as business suits can be too expensive for poor individuals to purchase, which can put them at a disadvantage in job interviews, where a professional image is necessary. Organizations like Dress for Success provide professional clothing for those who can;t affor it, leveling the playing field a bit in terms of impression management

working poor

poorly educated workers who work full-time but remain below the poverty line; they constitute about 20 percent of the u.s. population


presenting yourself as a member of a different racial or ethnic group than the one you were born into

affirmative action

programs or policies that seek to rectify the effects of past discrimination by increasing representation and ensuring equal opportunity for any previously disadvantaged group

symbolic interactionism approach to race and ethnicity

race and ethnicity are part of our identity as displayed through our presentation of self

conflict theory approach to race and ethnicity

racial and ethnic difference create intergroup conflict - minority and majority groups have different interests and may find themselves at odds as they attempt to secure and protect their interests

structural functionalism approach to race and ethnicity

racial and ethnic differences are a necessary part of society. Even racial inequality has functions that help maintain social order

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