Sociology Exam #2

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Churches are large bodies of people belonging to an established religious organization such as bureaucracies and hierarchies of officials. Ex. Catholicism or Islam.

Define a church.

Civil inattention is the process whereby individuals in the same physical setting demonstrate to one another that they are aware of each other's presence without being intrusive.

Define civil inattention .

Conservative Protestantism emphasizes literal interpretation of the Bible, morality, evangelizing. Examples include Southern baptists, Church of the Nazarene, the seventh day adventists, the Assemblies of God

Define conservative Protestantism and list examples.

Cults are loosely knit, transient and reject values of outside society religious innovation. They are are not revival and often have an inspirational leader. Ex. Aum Shinrikyo

Define cults.

Denominations are a faction of sects that with time become institutionalized; ex. Calvinism, Methodism, Mormonism. We're formerly sects.

Define denominations.

Ethnomethodolgy is the study of how we make sense of what others say and do. It is the "background expectancies" unstated cultural assumptions about what is said and why.

Define ethnomethodology.

Impression management is used by many to compel others to react to them the way they wish.

Define impression management.

This social construct as a cultural system of commonly shared beliefs and rituals that provides a sense of ultimate meaning and purpose by creating an idea of reality that is sacred, all-encompassing, and supernatural.

Define religion.

Religious economy is a theoretical framework within the sociology of religion that argues that religions can be fruitfully understood as organizations in competition of one another for followers.

Define religious economy.

Sects are religious movements that break away from orthodoxy and often under *revival*. These religious organizations are typically less organized and are set up in protest of the establishment.

Define sects.

Achievement gaps is one of the core concepts in the sociology of education which highlights the educational inequalities among different groups of students.

Define the achievement gaps.

The US is very religious with 58% saying religion is very important, 69% believing in god, 55% praying daily, 81% of believers always believed and 8/10 believing in the afterlife.

Give an overview of religious beliefs in the US.

Weber disagreed with both Marx and Durkheim and believed religion could inspire movements and was concerned more about social change relative to religion. He believed that Protestantism was the source of capitalism and believed material success was proof of gods favor. He believed calvinists reinvented their profits b/c they believed one shouldn't flaunt ones wealth.

How did Weber's views differs from that of Marx and Durkheim?

Religion has risen as a socially constructed concept because societies need religion as a source of solidarity and is also a source of social conflict.

How is religion considered as a social construct?

People who live in the poorest nations are more religious than those of industrialized societies. The US is the exception as it's the most religious industrialized nation.

In terms of secularization, what is the difference of religious beliefs?

IQ (intelligence quotient) tests consists of of a mixture of conceptual and computational problems used to measure intelligence.

What are IQ tests?

Roles are socially defined expectations that a person is given.

What are roles?

About 35% of US Jews make up the Reform Judaism denominational movement. These numbers have dwindled which can be related to low birth rate, intermarriage (60% of Jews have non Jewish spouses), and assimilation.

What are some trends of Judaism?

Dramaturgy is the idea that our social world is like a stage play with actors, roles, scripts, a back area and a front area.

What are the concepts behind dramaturgy?

Sociologists main concerns regarding the study of religion is the concern with social aspects of religion, the social organization of religion, its appeal and source of solidarity and social conflict. Sociologists mostly study prevailing beliefs, competition and the connections of religion to ethnic identity.

What are the main concerns sociologists have of religion and what is their primary study?

Among industrialized nations the US have all experienced secularization except the US; below are the percentages of church goers across industrialized nations: France & Germany<10% Belgium, Netherlands, UK: 10-15% Spain (21%), Portugal (29%), Italy (31%)

What are the percentages of religiosity across industrialized nations?

Black protestants are least educated and poorest whereas conservative protestants have slightly higher levels on these measures.

What are the socioeconomics of black and conservative protestants?

About 25% of US population identify as catholic. About 33% were raised catholic but only 25% remain affiliated. Half of those who have left are now Protestant.

What are the trends of Catholicism?

Audience segregation is the idea that in each of ones roles they act somewhat differently. This means they can have multiple selves.

What is audience segregation?

Credentialism is the idea that learning is less important than the diplomas. This is believed to be given jobs that used to require a HS diploma now require a college diploma.

What is credentialism?

Cultural capital are the advantages that well to do parents often provide for their children.

What is cultural capital?

Interactional vandalism describes cases like these in which subordinate person breaks the tactic rules of everyday interaction that are of value to the more powerful person.

What is interactional vandalism?

Liberal Protestantism is a more flexible and humanistic approach to religion such as Lutherans, united Methodists, united church of Christ, Episcopalians, Presbyterian & Disciples of Christ.

What is liberal Protestantism and some examples.

Personal space is the physical space individuals maintain between themselves and others. There are 4 zones; *intimate* (1-1.5 ft, lovers parents), *personal* (1.4-4ft, friends), *social* (4-12ft, formal settings) and *public* (12ft+, performing for an audience)

What is personal space and its 4 zones?

Secularization is the process in which a decline of the influence of religion occurs.

What is secularization?

Status/Social position is given depending on the role.

What is status/social position?

Liberal protestants are well educated upper/middle class income - mainly Anglo Saxon protestants.

What is the affiliation between socioeconomics and liberal protestants?

Moderate protestants have lower level educations income and social class. Catholics are the same.

What is the affiliation between socioeconomics and moderate Protestants?

Assimilation theory focuses of he "official" curriculum which promotes language, common history, common culture and fosters nationalism.

What is the assimilation theory?

The hidden curriculum is the traits of behavior of attitudes that are learned at the school but not included in the formal curriculum. Sam Bowles & Ginti believe modern education system is a response to the economic needs of industrial capitalism.

What is the hidden curriculum?

Tracking is the process of dividing students into groups that receive different instruction on the basis of assumed similarities in ability or attainment.

What is tracking?

There are between 1.37 and 2.75 million Muslims in the US of which 81% are US citizens. With only 30% of Americans holding favorable views of Islam.

What some trends of Islam?

Durkheim viewed religion as an important source of social solidarity. He looked at religion from a functionalist view. He believed religion contributed to stabilizing a society when people of that society are able to congregate and affirm the same beliefs and values.

What views did Durkheim have of religion?

No Child Left Behind (NCLB) was a policy enacted by George W Bush that emphasis the importance of standardized testing to measure academic performance; school choice which allows parents to choose where to send their children and causes low performing schools to lose funding.

What was the NCLB policy?

Marx did not study religion fully as he believed that religion was a form of false consciousness. He believed it blinded people. He referred to religion as "the opium of the people"

What were Marx's views of religion?

Criticisms of NCLB was that the emphasis of standardized testing caused teachers to teach narrow sets of skills that increase student's performances rather than acquire an in depth understanding of important concepts and skills. Achievement gaps haven't changed and the NCLB policy neglects role of the broader socioeconomic context.

What were some criticisms of the NCLB act?

Jews have the highest socioeconomic profile, college graduates with upper income categories.

Which religious affiliations have the highest socioeconomic status?

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