Sociology Lesson 18

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Identify the three ways in which the ruling class influences power according to Domhoff.

William Domhoff believed that the ruling class influenced power in three ways. They use their wealth to influence the candidate selection process and the election of officials. They also participate in the special interest process to gain political favors and advantages. Finally, they influence power through appointment to government regulatory and advisory bodies.

Describe and differentiate between the four main types of political systems.

1. Monarchies - single family rules society and whose power is transferred across generations though lines of inheritance 2. Totalitarianism - many aspects of people's public and private lives are closely monitored and regulated by the government 3. Authoritarianism - people are denied the ability to participate in government but in which government does not attempt to intrude into and regulate the important aspects of citizens' day to day lives. 4. Democracy - people as a whole exercise power, either directly or indirectly through elected representatives.

What are the three forms of authority? Which is most common in industrialized societies?

1. Traditional Authority - is power legitimized by long-standing cultural customs and habits within a society. 2. Charismatic Authority - is power legitimized by the extraordinary characteristics or accomplishments of a person that inspire awe and obedience among others. 3. Rational-legal Authority - the most common form of authority in industrialized societies. Power is legitimized by law or written rules and regulations. This type of authority is often rooted in a socially recognized position, such as the president of the US, senator or judge.

Identify the key difference between the power elite view and the ruling class view

A key difference with the power elite view is that in the ruling class view, the masses can exercise power by organizing themselves into a cohesive group, such as a social movement (like the civil rights movement). This occurs when dissatisfaction and discontent with a particular issue, such as the denial of the right to vote to a particular category of people, becomes pervasive in the general population. People may band together in an attempt to influence public policy. Such movements attempt to influence public opinion and policy makers through the use of public demonstrations, lobbying, and the influence of movement allies. However, this happens infrequently


A political system in which a single family exercises power over a society; that power is transferred across generations through line s of inheritance.


A political system in which people are denied the ability to participate in government.


A political system in which the people as a whole exercise power either directly or indirectly (through elected representatives)


A political system in which the state extensively regulates many aspects of people's lives

elite model

A view of power in society as concentrated in the hands of a small group of elites, while the majority of people are relatively powerless.

pluralist model

A view of power in society that sees power as widely dispersed among many competing special interest groups

Explain the relationship between the pluralist model and special interest groups according to the functionalist view.

According to the pluralist model, power in society is widely dispersed across many competing special interest groups. Special interest groups are coalitions of people that share an interest in a specific issue or policy. The National Rifle Association (NRA), the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM), and the Sierra Club are examples of special interest groups. People influence politics by joining such groups and by voting. These groups compete for representation of their interests. One of the ways they compete is by trying to influence how people will vote. Because there exists a multiplicity of interests in a heterogeneous society such as the United States, groups must negotiate and compromise with each other in hopes of advancing their interests. This is seen as limiting the abuse of power. From the pluralist view, power is not cumulative. Gaining success on one issue does not ensure success on subsequent issues, nor does success convey an advantage in subsequent rounds of political participation. However, to increase their chances of exerting influence, special interest groups may form a political action committee (PAC). These are organizations of special interest groups that raise money to help elect and lobby public officials.

William Domhoff

Believed that the ruling class influenced power in three ways.

special interest groups

Coalitions of people that share an interest in a specific issue or policy

C. Wright Mills

Developed power elite view that sees the ruling elite as the top leaders of business, military, and government.

political socialization

Formal organizations that seek to acquire, occupy, influence, and control positions in government.

political action committees (PAC)

Organizations of special interest groups that raise money to help elect and lobby public officials.

List at least three factors that can affect an individual's political socialization

Political socialization is the process whereby people learn political values, perspectives, issues, and behaviors. An individual's social class, gender, and ethnicity influence political socialization. For example, the Republican Party has historically enjoyed the disproportionate support of Caucasians, men, and the well-to-do. In contrast, the Democratic Party has enjoyed the disproportionate support of women, African Americans, and poorer people.

What is politics? What is the relationship between government and political parties?

Politics is the social institution in a society through which power is organized, distributed, and exercised by some people and groups over others. The government is the formal organization that has the legal and political authority to direct the political life of a society. Political parties are formal organizations of people that seek to acquire, occupy, influence, and control positions in government. Essentially, political parties seek to influence politics and the exercise of power in society by controlling the government.

Describe the relationship between politics, power, and authority

Politics is the social institution through which power is organized, distributed, and exercised by people and groups. Power can be exercised in many ways. Two of the most basic forms of power are physical force or emotional coercion. However, the use of force and coercion is often viewed as an illegitimate way to obtain desired ends. Authority is power that people perceive as legitimate

What is the difference between power and authority?

Power is the ability of a group or person to achieve their aims despite the resistance of others. Power can take many forms, the most basic of which are emotional coercion and physical force. However, many people do not view the exercise of such power as legitimate. Authority is the form of power that people recognize as legitimate.

rational-legal authority

Power legitimized by written law or regulations and associated with a socially recognized position.

traditional authority

Power that is legitimated by longstanding customs and habits within a society.

What are special interest groups? What is their relationship with political action committees?

Special interest groups are coalitions of people who share an interest in a specific issue or policy. If such a group seeks to directly influence the election and decision making of public officials, they may form a political action committee (PAC). A PAC raises money to help elect and lobby public officials.

Describe the two variants of the elite model according to the conflict perspective.

The elite model of politics argues that power is concentrated in the hands of a small group of elites, while the majority of people are relatively powerless. This model of power sees the distribution of power as the shape of a pyramid, with power concentrated at the top in the elite and the masses of people at the bottom. There are two variants of the elite model. The power elite view, developed by C. Wright Mills, sees the ruling elite as the top leaders of business, the military, and the government. The power elite wield power as a result of the resources under their control. Pluralism, if it can be said to exist, operates in the middle of the pyramid with the legislative branch of government and special interest groups. In the power elite view, the masses are remote from power and exercise relatively little influence over its exercise. The ruling class view is slightly different. This view sees power as concentrated in the hands of the corporate rich. These people constitute a ruling class whose wealth is the basis of power that they use to influence the everyday workings of the political system

Distinguish between the two forms of the elite model of politics.

The elite model of politics associated with the conflict perspective in sociology, views power as concentrated in the hands of a small group of elites. There are two forms of the elite view. 1. Power elite view - elite group is made of top leaders in military, government and business 2. Ruling class view - sees elite as corporate rich


The formal organization with the legal and political authority to direct the political life of a society

Explain the relationship between nation-states and early political organization.

The four main forms of political systems began to develop as humans formed themselves into nation-states. Nation-states are units of political organization with specified and recognized geographic boundaries. Citizens of nation-states possess certain legal rights. There are roughly 190 nation-states in the world today, each of which has some type of political system.

List the four main forms of political systems

The four main types of political systems are monarchy, totalitarianism, authoritarianism, and democracy. A monarchy is a political system in which a single family exercises power over a society. Totalitarianism is a political system in which the state extensively regulates many aspects of people's lives. Authoritarianism is a political system in which people are denied the ability to participate in government. Democracy is a political system in which the people as a whole exercise power, either directly or indirectly (through elected representatives).

How does the pluralist model describe the distribution of power in the US?

The pluralist model (associated with functionalist perspective) views power as widely dispersed and balanced between many different special interest groups competing for representation and power. Because there are many of these special interest groups, and because their interests are narrowly focused, negotiation and compromise is commonplace. This in subsequent policy discussions.


The social institution through which power is organized, distributed, and exercised by some people and groups over others.

Identify the two basic forms of power.

Two of the most basic forms of power are physical force or emotional coercion.

charismatic authority

power that is legitimated by the extraordinary personal attributes of a person that inspire awe and obedience among others


power that people perceive as legitimate


the political entity in a society that possesses a legitimate monopoly over the use of force

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