Sociology of Aging

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In 2014 in the United States, the 85+ group was ___ times larger than in 1900.


In 1990, adults ________ were 9.2 percent of the world population, but by 2050 will make up 21 percent.

60 and older

A home health nurse informs a 90-year-old man with terminal illness that he should file an advance directive. Which element of end-of-life care does this approach reflect?

A person-centered, family-oriented care

Older Latina women are more likely to live in poverty than any other category of women, except for older

African American women.

Which of the following populations tend to be the most religious?

African Americans

The four federally protected groups are

African Americans, Latinos, American Indians, Asian/Pacific Islanders

Among the four federally protected groups of people of color, ____________ experience the highest rates of poverty and _________have the highest life expectancy.

American Indians; Asian/Pacific Islanders

Which type of widowhood is most likely to have adverse psychological consequences?

An active 60-year-old woman whose seemingly healthy husband suddenly dies of a heart attack

Which two strategies can older women proactively plan for resilient, active aging?

Anticipate changes in marital status; promote health through diet and exercise

The United States is far behind which country in life expectancy at birth?


Stress, inactivity, and hypertension are health and behavioral risk factors for which of these diseases?


Which generation coined the term "retireless"?

Baby boomers

How do preventive health behaviors save the individual and society significant amounts of money?

By decreasing the occurrence of acute and chronic problems

Lower gasoline prices in recent years have negatively affected older adults, especially those who don't drive, because

COLA was greatly reduced.

When her long-time lesbian partner, Caroline, had to go into a skilled nursing facility, Samantha was able to visit her despite the objections of Caroline's family because, although unmarried,

Caroline had signed a durable power of attorney.

The first wave of Asian immigrants came in to the United States in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century from

China, Japan, and the Philippines

Which of these symptoms is characterized by episodes lasting for more than three to six months and damage to the nervous system?

Chronic pain

The most affluent subgroup within the Spanish-speaking population is

Cuban Americans

Which of the following factors underlies the increase in life expectancy

Decline in fertility rates

In japan low fertility rates and increased life expectancy have reached the point of causing generational conflicts known as a

Demographic divide

Which of these explains why more male smokers experience heart disease than women who are smokers?

Female hormones provide some protective effects against coronary disease.

Medicare Part D, the prescription drug plan, was passed by Congress and signed by President

George W. Bush

Which of these reasons most likely accounts for the high number of AI/NA older adults' lack of access to public programs?

Historical distrust of the federal government

A person has been receiving pain management and end-of-life care from an interdisciplinary team for nearly six months. The patient is most likely in which of these programs of care?

Hospice care

How many Native American tribes are recognized by the federal government?


Which of these is a likely complication in obtaining appropriate treatment for older API patients with mental illness?

In the rare event they do seek treatment, they may not trust the service provider to keep the matter confidential.

How will removing gender inequities in the workplace affect today's older women?

It will not greatly benefit them because such changes need to be implemented in the workplace earlier in women's lives for any cumulative effect.

The AARP is known as the "800 pound invisible gorilla in the room" because of

Its staunch defense of medicare and social security

Juan, an 85-year-old male living in New York City, has recently been diagnosed with diabetes. He did not mention his condition to his son, who was taking his wife and children to Atlanta for a new job, because Juan did not want to "be a bother." Which concept does this exemplify?

La Raza

Which of these is a common cultural barrier to health services among most elders of color?

Lack of knowledge of services available

Blue Zones are areas in the world where many people

Live to 100+ years old

Why are Mexican Americans or Puerto Ricans who immigrated to the United States in middle or old age often dependent on their adult children?

Many worked for physically demanding, low-paying jobs in their home countries and are ineligible for public programs.

How have changes in the health care system impacted use of health services?

Medical care is now aligned with accessible community-based services rather than hospitalization

The majority of hospice funding is provided by


Which of the following did not exist before 1965?


Which of the following programs provides benefits in indirect form?


Most older adults live in

Metropolitan areas

In urban areas, this program can help break down perceptions that neighbors are strangers and feeling of being isolated.

Neighborhood Watch

In 1965, what three landmark programs were established for older adults?

Older Americans Act, Medicare, Medicaid

As baby boomers age, they are likely to lean toward which type of learning situation?

Online courses

Within the modern view of processing one's death in phases, which of these behaviors is characteristic of the accommodation phase?

Organizing a will, other legal documents, and possessions

Which of the following conditions has a much great impact on older women than older men?


Which of the following health conditions is a "silent disease" that affects older women?


Which of the following resulted from implementation of the Part D prescription benefit?

Out-of-pocket spending decreased for most Medicare enrollees

Hospital insurance for adults age 65 and over is covered by Medicare

Part A

Physicians have stopped intervening medically and are only administering medications to relieve a dying person's pain. Which of these terms applies best to the situation?

Passive euthanasia

Who is most centrally involved in the debates found within the right-to-die movement?

Patients who are comatose

Productive aging along with successful aging can be grouped under the category of

Positive Gerontology

of all the organ systems, which one suffers the most from environmental pollutants and infection


Which of these describes an older woman who has "an able self"?

She enjoys a sense of personal power that comes from new experiences, learning, and relationships.

If a widow's Social Security benefits from her deceased husband are larger than her own, what is the "catch-22" that occurs if she enters the workforce after her husband dies?

She will have the same benefits if she does not enter the workforce

Typically our longest lasting relationships are with a sibling


Overall, the largest source of income for older adults is

Social Security

Which program was once viewed as the "third rail" of American politics, a sacred entitlement that no politician would dare touch?

Social Security

Which of the following theories emphasized a macro level of structural analysis

Social exchange

Why is achieving a peaceful death more difficult today in Western industrialized culture?

Society has adopted death-defying attitudes and actions that treat death as an event that should be avoided, delayed, and fought off.

Contrary to men, a woman's chance of remarriage later in life is strongly affected by which of these?

Socioeconomic status

Which person described is considered frail?

Someone with chronic exhaustion, weak grip, and slow walking speed.

In the 1969 theory of the five-stage process of coping with one's death, which of these is typically seen as stage 1 and stage 5?

Stage 1 as denial; stage 5 as acceptance

Which of the following reflects an intrinsic risk factor for falls?

Taking several medications that affect blood pressure

How do postmodernists view the aging female body?

The female body is a cultural and social occurrence that does not affect a person's core identity despite outward physical changes.

A major reason for increase in multigenerational families i recent years is

The loss of jobs opportunities after the great recession of 2008

How has the American Indian/Native American population contributed to social gerontology?

Their cultural emphasis on valuing adults' wisdom and life experiences has shaped social gerontological philosophy.

When the age to receive full social security benefits was raised to 66 and the "penalty" for retiring early increased

There was little change in the trend toward early retirement

Significant differences between Asian and Pacific Islander populations can mask health disparities such as short life expectancy among Native Hawaiians and Samoans and high rates of mortality for certain cancers among NHOPI subgroups. Which of the following is the best explanation for these health disparities?

They are the result of historical trauma and inexperience with accessible health care.

Why are most of today's oldest-old women at an economic disadvantage?

They did not have opportunities to work for pay and ensure economic security separate from their husbands'.

Why do elder women of color face what is known as "triple jeopardy"?

They encounter obstacles due to their female, minority, and older status.

Why are older women considered more resilient than men despite their higher likelihood of living alone?

They have more social resources and informal networks than older men.

Why do Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans, and Dominicans tend to experience physiological aging before chronological aging?

They suffer chronic and disabling conditions earlier in life and encounter more ADL limitations.

According to research, which of the following is a likely outcome for a person whose friend died?

They would most likely suffer from depression

Why are older adult women sometimes reluctant to remarry?

They yield to the objections of adult children.

Why do all cultures develop beliefs and practices regarding death?

To minimize its disruptive effects on the social structure

Older adults should be considered a(n)

Underutilized asset

Which of these employer perspectives would broaden future views on productivity?

Valuing skills gained through homemaking, volunteerism, and caregiving as transferrable to the marketplace

Which state passed a Dying with Dignity Law following the Supreme Court's decision that states could make their own laws pertaining to aid in dying?


Which of the following would be the best advice for an older adult with visual impairments to avoid road accidents?

Wear corrective lenses or glasses

Why is lower retirement income among women expected to continue into the near future?

Women continue to earn less money than men for equivalent work and are less likely to work later in life.

Which of these statements best describes the paradox of gender difference in health?

Women have greater longevity, but higher incidences of nonfatal chronic disease.

Which of these is a structural factor contributing to women's lower socioeconomic status?

Women tend to have interrupted employment histories related to family caregiving.

71 percent of never-married women received income from Social Security in 2014, compared to 88 percent of married women and 89 percent of widows. Which statement supports this fact?

Women who are not dependent on men are not protected economically.

A group of people born at approximately the same time and sharing many life experiences is known as

a cohort.

In its review of end-of-life cases, the Supreme Court concluded that

a competent adult has the right to refuse treatment

Because of the interconnectedness of most nations in today's global economy, the aging crisis could result in

a domino effect.

In Colorado Springs, an iHub is

a gathering place for intergenerational activities.

Because its symptoms include shoulder and chest pain, gastroesophageal reflux disease can be easily confused with

a heart attack

The prevalence of mental illness among Native Americans, especially depression, manifests itself most clearly through

a high suicide rate

The Spanish-speaking population is approximately 10 years younger than the rest of the population. The primary reason for this average age difference is

a higher fertility rate among most Latino subgroups

Medicaid is

a means-tested medical assistance program

At age 55, Alice had severe medical disabilities but very little income. She was surprised to learn that she was eligible for Medicaid because it is

a needs-based program

In contrast to activity theory, disengagement theory views old age as

a separate period of life

In contrast to activity theory, disengagement theory views old age as

a separate period of life.

A social constructionist views the set meal times of nursing homes as

a structural barrier to impede older adults.

In 2000, fourteen years after the elimination of mandatory retirement laws, the average retirement age was

about 12 years younger than in 1910.

In regards to death and grief, "accommodation" is defined as

accepting the reality of death

Optimizing opportunities for health, participation, and security to enhance the quality of life as people age is known as

active aging.

Even though a significant proportion of older adults do not complete ________, public support will continue to remain strong for

advance directives; individual choice in selecting life-sustaining treatment

During the 1990s, support for aged-based social programs continued to erode, with some members of Congress and the Social Security Advisory Council

advocating for private savings accounts as an alternative to Social Security

Chronic illnesses tend to

affect elders of color more than their white counterparts.

Most older adults die

after years of a chronic disease

Weight-loss programs are particularly important for older persons because

age is already associated with increased fat

The United Nations defines population aging as rapid growth of the population

aged 60 and older.

The jacksons had been the informal caregivers for their granddaughter precious, for 6 years when their daughter shanice died of a drug overdose, precious father deshawn wanted to become precious custodial parent even though he had never provided child support and had not seen his daughter in 2 years. When the jacksons tried to prevent deshawn from taking precious they found that

all legal rights remain with the parent

Ageism, like sexism, attributes certain traits to ________________ solely because of a characteristic they share (in this case, a certain age).

all members of a group

A key emphasis of health promotion is

altering lifestyle to improve well-being

Having lived through the Great Depression, Jerome's father valued economic self-sufficiency to the point that he

always paid cash, even for his house.

The most common disability among older adults is

ambulatory issues

The Jewish population in the United States is classified as

an ethnic group.

Menopause is no longer viewed as

an illness.

A major factor in the decision to retire can often be

an income other than Social Security.

Although race is a social construct, it is also

an organizing principle of social relations

A gerontological specialist is someone whose primary training is in

another discipline.

Eligibility for SSI is reserved for people who

are aged, blind, or disabled with little or no income.

Up until about age 60 to 65, African Americans

are biologically three years older than Whites

Compared with their married, divorced, or widowed counterparts, never-married women

are generally more satisfied with their lives.

Childless elders who lack he support system of children and grandchildren

are not necessarily socially isolated

Mandatory spending means that programs such as Social Security

are not subject to annual appropriations by Congress

Age discrimination laws

are not very effective for older workers seeking reemployment.

The current consensus is that the risks of using the hormone DHEA

are not worth the benefits.

Which of the following is(are) a more common cause of male impotence than prostate cancer?


More women than men have chronic problems with


Although some nations with shrinking worker pools have supported the labor market by allowing immigration of young workers, some countries are reluctant to take this step because of concerns about


Latisha objected to the Crones organization in her area because the concept

assumes that chronology must have fixed meanings.

Most patients in hospice care die

at home

The accumulation of lipids (fats) in arteries is known as


Cohorts change the world that comes after them. It is often argued that today's volunteer army is the result of

baby boomer's loathing of the Vietnam War.

To be eligible for Medicare-reimbursed home health care, the older person must

be capable of improvement

Aging in community is found to be associated with

better physical and mental health

In November 2016, the SCAN Foundation wrote a letter to President Trump urging him to

build new ways to measure health care quality

The poverty rate in 2014 for African Americans age 65 and older was 19 percent, about double the rate of all older Americans

but down significantly from the poverty rate in 1965

Social Security is funded

by employer and employee payments to the federal government

Despite formally holding the belief that euthanasia is incompatible with the physician's role as a healer, the American Medical Association concludes that, in cases of patients close to death, the physician

can withhold treatment, including hydration

When they retire, most older adults

cannot pay for even one year of nursing home care

Older adults may not be eligible for hospice care if they lack a


In comparison to older men, older women are more likely to be


Statins, which are cholesterol-reducing drugs not currently used as antiaging agents, may prevent

cellular senescence.

As baby boomers age, they are likely to

challenge age discrimination.

The most visible signs of aging are

changes to the hair and skin.

From a gerotranscendence point of view, civic engagement fails to recognize that some older adults

choose other ways to attain meaning and fulfillment later in life.

When discussing age, _______ is less important than functional ability.

chronological age

According to the textbook, the most relevant factor in shaping one's overall response to old age is


Until 1973, homosexuality was

classified as a mental illness by psychiatrists.

The life-course perspective posits that the

cohort is the fundamental unit of social organization.

Health disparities in old age based on racial inequalities are preventable because they

come from social injustices in access to resources that started at an earlier life course phase.

The idea that a healthier lifestyle delays and shortens the period of debilitating old age is known as

compressed morbidity.

One weakness of ___________ is that it tends to overlook the role of external, social, political, and economic factors on the aging process.

continuity theory

When Professor Martin quickly reviewed the events of the 1960s that were experienced by the baby boomers-such as the assassinations of John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, and Martin Luther King, Jr.; the shooting of Oswald; the violence against civil rights protestors; and the Vietnam War and antiwar protests-he was illustrating which social aging theory?


The fact that older African American women experience a poverty rate five times that of older white men is an example of

cumulative disadvantage

Contrary to popular belief, it is not time that heals grief, but rather

dealing directly with it.

The grief process can be best compared to the process of ___________ in its inclusion of

death; anxiety about one's ability to carry on with life

Which of the following is a predictor of social isolation?

declining cognition and mobility

The gap in life expectancy between Whites and African Americans is shrinking largely because of

declining heart disease among African Americans

In the last 10 years, the percentage of older adults needing help with activities of daily living has


Which of the following combinations accounted for nearly two-thirds (64 percent) of the federal budget in 2015?

defense, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid

When Jamal, an 80-year-old African American uses the terms passed or passed on, he is

describing the soul carrying on a journey after death

In 2000, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that state laws ensuring visitation rights to grandparents

did not take precedent over parents' rights.

The definition of old age varies from country to country in part because of

differences in life expectancy

The widespread marketing of sex-enhancing drugs to older adults can create a catch-22 situation among some older adults because

disapproval of sex among older adults is still common

Frank's refusal to attend his father's funeral and discuss his death had a direct correlation to his future marriage and work difficulties. This experience is known as

disenfranchised grief

Inflammation and infection of the pouches or sacs in the intestinal wall is known as


Changes to the central nervous system of older adults

do not significantly degrade intellectual and motor function.

The Social Security Act grew out of the

economic crisis of the Great Depression

The first wave of Southeast Asian immigrants after 1975 were primarily

educated Vietnamese who had aided the American military

When Scott, a 75-year-old gay man, learned that he had late-stage lymphoma, he felt that his accumulated loss of friends and lovers to AIDS and his subsequent suffering had

enabled him to face the news calmly and philosophically.

When a sommelier says that one wine has "crisp, apple aromas" and another has "buttery notes," he or she has

engaged in sensory discrimination.

Social Security and Medicare are

entitlement programs

Public policy in the 1970s exhibited a prevailing liberal ethos

even when Republicans controlled the White House

formulating theories of aging is something that

everyone does consciously or unconsciously

Loss of lung reserve capacity in older adults can sometimes be slowed through


Policy challenges in trying to craft a policy agenda for the entire population of older adults are such that

expansion of public programs for older adults is highly unlikely in the near future

one recent hopeful sign for older adults is the

fact that the relatively older age of presidential candidate in 2016 was not an issue.

The greatest cause of hospitalization, generally after an emergency department visit, is


Viewed per capita or as a percentage of gross domestic product, health care costs in the United States

far exceed those of other developed countries

In the United States, the proportion of older minority adults is expected to grow ________ the white population of older adults.

faster than

A major obstacle to improved preventive and long-term care is the U.S. health system's

fee-for-service business model

One of the risk factors for osteoporosis is

female gender

Compared to non-Hispanic Whites, African American older adults tend to have a broader range of supports such as

fictive kin.

In China and Taiwan, a sense of reverence and deference toward elders is known as

filial piety.

Medicaid pays for services

for adults and children with disabilities as well as older adults

One infrequently mentioned purpose of retirement is to

force older people out of the labor market

Some theorists have criticized the concept of productive aging because it could

further marginalize minorities

Which of the following terms has become more fluid in our culture?


According to feminist gerontological perspective,

gender structures opportunities and inequities

According to feminist gerontological perspective,

gender structures opportunities and inequities.

The earliest studies of women and aging

generally ignored gender.

Immunosenescence is the

gradual deterioration of the immune system.

It is predicted that the future well-being of elders of color will be significantly impacted by today's

growing rates of childhood poverty.

Urogenital atrophy

has little impact on sensation or feeling

Because a wine-tasting professional relies heavily on the sense of smell, many older adults working in this field could

have an advantage over some younger adults.

Older women are less eager to date than men typically because they

have larger social networks than their male peers.

Ideally, the primary care physician should prescribe all medications because

having more than one prescriber adds significantly to the possibility of error

When Jerome visited his cardiologist a few months after he turned 65 and had enrolled in Medicare, he received a bill from his doctor and was surprised to learn that

he still owed $50 on a $250 office visit charge

The common term for acute myocardial infarction is

heart attack

The primary cause of death for men and women is

heart disease

A revival of interest in native identity and spirituality among some American Indian tribes has led to

higher esteem for elders who possess ritual knowledge.

a revival of interest in native identity and spirituality among some american Indian tribes has led to

higher esteem for elders who process ritual knowledge

Compared with women, over time men generally experience

higher levels of marital satisfaction.

Compared to those in urban areas, older adults in rural areas have

higher rates of chronic diseases

Compared to Whites, African Americans ages 45 to 64 experience health disparities due to

higher rates of hypertension and greater delays in obtaining health care and medications.

Among the elderly of all racial and ethnic groups, older Latinos have the

highest poverty rates

The most common major asset and source of net worth for older adults is

home equity

Among older adults, the group with largest number of newly diagnosed cases of HIV/AIDS is

homosexual White men

A patient's prognosis must state that he or she has about six months to live for them to be eligible for

hospice care

Congruence between preferred and actual location of death typically occurs when

hospice is a viable option

A naturally occurring retirement community (NORC) is a geographically defined community that

houses over 50 percent older adults

A book titled Invisible Woman would most likely be about

how older women are invisible in social situations

A book titled Invisible Woman would most likely be about

how older women are invisible in social situations.

The degeneration and functional loss of muscle and bone tissue, the disease of "disuse," is


Moderately vigorous physical activity in older adults

improves working memory

The majority of AI/NA population live

in urban areas

The Supplemental Poverty Measure (SPM), which shows the poverty rate among elders to be higher than for other age groups,

includes out-of-pocket medical spending.

When we say someone does not "act their age," we are making a judgment that their chronological age is ______ their psychological, social, and biological age.

incongruent with

By 2060, the proportion of elders of color to the entire U.S. population over the age of 65 will

increase dramatically

Arthritis is expected to become more common in future cohorts because of

increases in obesity

Role theory explains how

individuals adjust to aging

When older adults experience functional limitations they tend to turn first to

informal networks

When older adults experience functional limitations, they tend to turn first to

informal networks.

Conflicting expectations and emotions toward family members is known as

intergenerational ambivalence.

When Jacob, a 78-year-old male, decides that he is ready to die because he can no longer contribute economically to his community, he is most likely

internalizing society's ageism

The combined negative effect of ageism and sexism is one example of


The Immigration Reform Act of 1965 allowed an immigrant who obtained citizenship to

invite their parents to apply for permanent residence.

Significantly, Medicare does not reimburse home health care such as rehabilitation benefits unless the older person

is capable of improvement

For the general adult population, a diastolic blood pressure of 90 mm Hg or higher

is indicative of hypertension

When establishing health practices that include cultural competence, it is important to create an organizational climate that

is more informal and accounts for the heterogeneity of the population.

Overall the theory of aging

is not definitive

The paradox of gender differences in health

is not readily explained by any current theories.

One critique of the women's movement of the late twentieth century is

issues specific to older women were ignored

One critique of the women's movement of the late twentieth century is

issues specific to older women were ignored.

Ethnicity is important to gerontology because

it influences how people respond to aging

Ethnicity is important to gerontology because

it influences how people respond to aging.

The AARP is known as the "800-pound invisible gorilla in the room" because of

its staunch defense of Medicare and Social Security.

The main purpose of Medicaid HCBS is to

keep low-income elders in their homes

In addition to losing a spouse, widows typically suffer other losses that include

lack of a sexual partner

The cause of the life-expectancy discrepancy between men and women is:

largely unexplained.

An ethical will can

leave a personal legacy to one's family

Jim Obergefell was the lead plaintiff in the legal case that won

legalization of same-sex marriage.

Cross sectional studies are __ to perform than longitudinal studies

less expensive

An effective nonpharmacological treatment for pain is

listening to music

Despite a tradition of reverence for elders in Japan, the percentage of parents _________ declined from 87 percent in 1960 to 47 percent in 2005.

living with their children

The crossover effect in older adults refers to

lower mortality rates after age 75 among elders of color

In comparison to Whites, Latinos have

lower mortality ratios for cancer

"Use it or lose it" has special meaning for a person with arthritis because movement stimulates production of synovial fluid, which

lubricates the joints

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease results from damage to

lung tissue

The wear-and-tear theory of aging means that the body wears down like a


Services provided by Medicaid are

mandated in part by the federal government

The opioid most commonly administered for end-of-life pain control is


A good way to get a sense of the relative age of a country's population is to compare the

median age.

Due to the increased ________of aging, it is predicted that

medicalization; the field of bioethics will grow

Free radicals are

molecules with an unpaired electron.

In comparison with older men, older women experience

more involvement in activities beyond the family.

An example of "environmental press" as used in social gerontology is

moving to a new home.

The labor force participation by older men (65+) in 1900 was

much higher than in 1985.

Too little environmental stress can have a ________ on individual performance.

negative effect

Some scientists believe that aging is reversible based on

new research on telomeres.

Increasingly, throughout the 1990s and into the new century, older adults were

no longer viewed as a homogeneous, politically sympathetic group

The Baltimore Longitudinal Studies of Aging have shown that a number of old age disorders are the result of disease, not

normal aging.

Older women's sexual activity may be more restrained than men's partly because of

normative expectations

Under Medicare, mental health services

now have near-parity with other health services

The age dependency ratio-a measure of the economic and social burden of an older population-is defined as the

number of people over 65 years old per 100 workers.

Medicaid is the primary funder of

nursing home and community-based care

Religious individuals tend have a lesser fear of death than non-religious individuals because religion

offers a way to make sense of death

Aging is currently thought to be influenced by environmental and behavioral factors, but also

partially genetic.

The Obama administration

passed few age-related initiatives

The term "euthanasia" originally referred to

peaceful death

Sexual satisfaction in older adult men can be negatively affected by

performance anxiety

Increased "active life expectancy" could be considered the ______ result of compressed morbidity.


A primary risk factor for tooth loss is

poverty and a lack of insurance

Social Security payments are


In terms of their health status, the oldest-old persons of color may

prove a widely tested hypothesis that age is a leveler of differences in life expectancy among people of different ethnicities.

Since ethnicity, cultural values, education, patterns of immigration, and SES can influence healthcare disparities

race may not be identifiable as the straightforward cause of inequities

Since ethnicity, cultural values, education, patterns of immigration, and SES can influence healthcare disparities

race may not be identifiable as the straightforward cause of inequities.

Ethnicity is different from culture in that it can include

racial attributes and distinctive behaviors that differentiate a group from others in society.

Early retirement and increased longevity have pressured the social welfare budgets of many countries, leading some to

raise the retirement age.

Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act

raised eligibility to 138 percent of the poverty line

Definitions of old age have traditionally rested on

reaching an age defined by government agencies. ?

Older women are twice as likely to live in poverty as men partly because they

receive less Social Security.

Resveratrol, a chemical that appears to have preventative benefits against heart disease, is found plentifully in

red wine.

Caregivers providing prescription medications for older adults should take into account typical changes such as

reductions in liver and kidney function

Biculturalism is a concept that

refers to integrating two cultures into one's lifestyle.

Research is most effective when driven by a hypothesis that can be tested, and gerontology research has been hampered by

relative inattention to theory.

Examples of external factors underlying medication misuse include

religious beliefs and medication cost

In comparison to older Latino men, older Latino women tend to

remarry more often

Longitudinal research requires

repeated measurement of the same person over time

Longitudinal research requires :

repeated measurement of the same person over time.

A sample of older women who owned dogs instead of cats

reported higher levels of overall health.

Regarding political agendas, efforts to modernize Medicare generally mean

restructuring how it is financed

The exposure of childless elders to precariousness is reduced because they tend to

retire with more assets.

Volunteer organizations that pay a small stipend to their volunteers appear attractive to retirees because the stipend

seems to lend credibility to the program.

The normal decline in of our organ systems is known as

senescence. ?

Masters and Johnson's study found that

sexual limits based on age do not exist

Activity theory began to fade as disengagement theory explained successful aging by

shifting attention to the social system.

The steps of the Kubler-Ross model of the grief process occur in the following order

shock, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance

The steps of the Kubler-Ross model of the grief process occur in the following order:

shock, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance

In the "clusters of grief" model, the "avoidance" phase consists of

shock, denial, and fear

Compared to those in other developed countries, citizens of the United States have

shorter life expectancies

Typically, our longest-lasting relationships are with a


Illustrating environmental press concepts, Jackson, a 75-year-old marathoner, typically ran best when his 78-year-old cousin, who was ___________, ran with him.

slightly faster

In comparison to widowers, widows tend to be buffered from some of the negative effects of widowhood by

social connectedness

That we learn to be old by how others treat us is a tenet of

social constructivism.

Education, employment, and health care are ________ of health that influence active aging.

social determinants

If it is confirmed that eliminating childhood exposure to lead in gasoline lowered inner city violence by youths, this would be a striking example of

social genomics.

Social policies are manifested through

social programs and regulations

In contrast to geriatrics, gerontology focusing on the relation of aging to

social structures.

Understanding who defines terms such as "successful" or "active" aging is one important reason to study the

social theories of aging.

in laboratory studies, calorie restriction was most effective at extending life span on animals when initiated

soon after birth

As compared with disengagement theory, gerotranscendence theory gives more attention to


The village movement caters to the strong preferences of older adults to

stay in their neighborhood as they age

As life expectancy increases and active aging extends into later years, many baby boomers will want to continue to work but may not be able to find jobs. They will probably try to convince opinion leaders, politicians, and the general public to address this

structural lag.

Between now and 2050, growth of the older population will be greatest in

sub-Saharan Africa.

By comparison with the African American population, the non-Hispanic white population is experiencing more deaths from

suicide and Parkinson's disease

Siblings tend to

supplement one another's efforts in times of crisis.

Culture can be defined as

symbolic behavior

In 1983, legislation addressed the looming near-term deficit of the Social Security Trust Fund by taking several actions, including

taxing Social Security benefits for high-income recipients

As baby boomers age, aging in their community will become a more viable option thanks to

technology that reduces P-E incongruence

One defining characteristic of palliative care is

that it a holistic, rather than medical, approach

Meals on Wheels is one of the local community services bolstered by

the Older Americans Act of 1965

The kinesthetic system which becomes less precise with age monitors and controls

the bodys position in space

When telomeres, protective structures at the end of chromosomes, shorten to a critical length,

the cell stops replicating.

Osteoarthritis involves

the gradual degeneration of the joints that are most subject to stress, such as hands and hips

Social Security includes three features that particularly benefit women, including

the guarantee of benefits for life.

The primary focus associated with aging-related research and services is becoming increasingly associated with

the health challenges women experience given their longer life expectancy.

Motivation is an important part of an older adult's motivation to contribute volunteer work in the community, but equally important is

the impact of cumulative advantage and disadvantage.

The incidence of cancer in the United States will continue to rise simply because of

the increasing number of older adults

As a model of aging, activity theory lacks the emphasis that active aging puts on

the larger community.

The longer elder immigrants are in the United States,

the more peripheral they are to their children's nuclear families.

Senescence is

the normal process of bodily changes over time.

For postmodern gerontologists, caregiving is

the outcome of socialization that provides cost benefits to society.

Politicians will rarely attack age-based programs directly because

the programs are supported by elder adults with high voting rates

Finding synergy among theory, method, and data describes

the scientific method.

As baby boomers age, improved access to services and care so that more older adults can experience active aging is likely to depend more and more on

the use of technology

In Singapore, the government opened a special court where older persons can bring legal claims against

their children for not providing them assistance in their old age.

The "advantage" of Medicare Advantage plans is that

there is a limit to out-of-pocket costs

A common assumption among health care providers that can lead to a misdiagnosis of HIV in older patients is that

there is decreased sexual activity among older adults

Social Security taxes are regressive, in part because

they are not adjusted for the number of dependents

Older women tend to have more networking possibilities as they age compared to older men because

they have more connections not linked to their spouse

Older women tend to have more networking possibilities as they age compared to older men because

they have more connections not linked to their spouse.

Women are less likely than men of the same age to be fully retired because

they have more debt to pay off.

Older adults can experience an inability to metaolize medications because

they undergo changes in the amount of fat, muscle, and water in their body.

Increasingly, older adults prefer

to die at home surrounded by loved ones

When Alexander tells his wife that he is rejecting another round of chemotherapy to treat his cancer, despite his doctor's estimation that, without treatment, he would have six months to live, his probable intention is

to gain control over his remaining life

Jeffrey, a 79-year-old male, suffered a massive heart attack on Saturday night while dining at his favorite steak house and was rushed to the hospital. His wife and his cardiologist were out of town. After bypass surgery, he spent two days in the hospital, went to a nursing home for a week, and then was sent home and asked to continue his rehab at a local independent rehab facility. Jeffrey did not understand what medications he was supposed to take. Within 10 days, he was back in the hospital after suffering a mild stroke. Jeffrey would have benefited from better

transitional care

Total health care expenditures in the United States amount to

trillions of dollars

The challenges faced by older lesbians and bisexuals are often classified as

triple jeopardy.

Between 1970 and 2013, the percentage of immigrants in the U.S. population


Alzheimer's disease is deleterious and progressive, but not


An older person has a strong sensation of needing to urinate due to irregular bladder contractions. This individual is most likely experiencing

urge incontinence

In Native American communities, an elder opposed to an older person is defined by his or her

value to the community

During the George W. Bush administration, deregulation of finance, private sector competitiveness, tax cuts for upper-income adults, and personal responsibility

were neoliberal goals

Statistics may not reveal the full extent of poverty among older women because widows with low income are not counted as poor

when they live in a household with younger persons above the poverty line.

If the current rate of change remains steady, women's wages

will reach parity with men's in several decades

The new paradox of men's and women's health is that

women rate their health higher than men despite greater physical impairment

The new paradox of men's and women's health is that

women rate their health higher than men despite greater physical impairment.

The effect of modernization on older people separates them socially, morally, and intellectually from

younger people.

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