Soft Skills for the work place
A person with this skill possesses innate and learned qualities that allow him or her to take charge and execute a set of objectives with minimal direction, while making the right decisions and executing a set of tasks to accomplish the established goals. These people project a sense of knowing where they're going, as well as the energy to get there, and sustainable commitment to get the job done. They challenge others to perform at their maximum ability. They can provide appropriate positive feedback and constructive criticism.
A sense of commitment, excitement, energy, and a yearning to accomplish a set of goals rooted deeply in self-satisfaction upon accomplishing the goals.
Also called a Self-Starter. Term means you are able to identify things that need to be done, and start doing them without having to be told. This person can outline worthwhile objectives (either informally or through a formal process), determine who can perform the tasks required to accomplish those objectives, determine first steps, get buy-in, and start the process by accomplishing initial tasks and energizing others.
Positive Attitude
Attitude 40% image and appearance 25% communication skills 25% job skills 10%
Being one is willing to put in the time and effort to accomplish objectives, and is able to face challenges positively.
Strong work ethic
Belief in the moral benefit and importance of work
Good communication skills
Connection of information between people
Self confidence
Feeling of trust in ones abilities, qualities, and judgement
Having gone through projects and knowing what works and does not work is a real strength. This is one soft skill that takes time to develop, but accumulating a body of knowledge in a particular technical or procedural area will make an employee more valuable.
Time management
Having mental control over the amount of time spent on specific activities
Time Management and Organizational Skills
It's critical to develop the ability to spend time wisely, assigning one's time to the most important tasks and being as productive as possible. Being organized helps decrease the amount of time looking for lost information, and helps one keep track of important details.
What can problem solving include?
Mathematical or systematic operations and can be a gauge of an individual's critical thinking skills
Team Player
Person who plays or works well as a member of a team or group
Soft Skills
Personal qualities, attitudes, and habits employers look for during the hiring process
Possessing a sense of values, principles and modes of behavior; doing the right thing as defined by the corporation, laws, basic sociological acceptable behavior and thinking, and selflessness.
Problem solving skills
Process of working through details of a problem to reach a solution.
Communication skills
The ability to succinctly explain thoughts and concepts to other people is a valuable asset for any employee, from the entry level worker all the way up to the CEO. The ability to interpret feedback (including verbal reaction, facial expressions, body language) sets some employees apart. Asking probing questions to ensure complete transfer of knowledge, thought, or feeling indicates a high level of communication skill.
The ability to work with other people to get a job done. Promoting a sense of community among co-workers who are trying to accomplish a task. They do what is needed to succeed and to provide growth and satisfaction to the community.
Communication methods
Verbal, non-verbal, written, visual
What are the top ten soft skills?
strong work ethic, positive attitude, good communication skills, time management, problem solving skills, team player, self-confidence, accepting and learning from criticism, flexibility/adaptability, work well under pressure