solar system

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gravitational force gets stronger as the _____ of the objects increases


which planet has the most extreme variations in temperature


what is the strength of gravity on the surface of earth

9.8 N/kg

which planet is closest to earth in size, gravitational strength, and composition?


gas planets

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and neptune


a chunk of burning rock traveling through earth's atmosphere

asteroid belt

a huge gap that cuts the solar system in two


a massive object orbiting a star, like the sun. A true planet has cleared the neighborhood around its orbit and has enough mass so that its gravity forms it into a spherical shape


a meteor that passes through earth's atmosphere and strikes the ground

gravitational force

all objects that have mass attract each other through this force


an object in space made mostly of ice and dust


an object that orbits the sun but is too small to be considered a planet

the orbits of the planets are ellipses instead of perfect circles because

as the solar system formed from swirling gases, interactions between planets caused slight variations in velocity vector

gravitational force gets weaker as _________ increases


what can affects the gravitational forces between objects



dwarf planet which appear as small dots compared with the size of the sun

mercury is most similar to _______

earth's moon

astronomical unit

equal to 150 million kilometers.

terrestrial planets

mercury, venus, earth and mars

planetary satellite

small body of matter that orbits a planet

as the comet gets closer to the sun, it will form a ______



the brightest planets in the sky


the closest planet to the sun, has no moon, and no atmosphere

relationship between gravitational force and distance

the decrease in gravitational force is proportional to the inverse square of the distance from the center of one object to the center of the other

the force is directly proportional to each object's mass

the force goes up by the same factor as the mass

newton's law of universal gravitation

the force of gravity between objects depends on their masses and the distance between them


the force of gravity between you and Earth


the inner core of the comet


the largest object in the solar system


the outer layer of the comet as it approaches the sun, and some of its ice turns into gas and dust

solar system

the sun, planets, and their moons, and other objects that are gravitationally bound to the sun

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