solidworks fml

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When constructing Draft Features, what does the Neutral Plane refer to?

It is the first option needed within the feature building window, and it refers to the need for you to select a surface that is perpendicular to the way the draft angle displays outward from the object.

What do the words: cut and boss signify when using SW?

"Boss" refers to adding material, and "cut" refers to removing material.

What are the 2 optional steps in creating a feature?

"Dimensioning" and setting up "Relations".

What are two sketch elements necessary when building a Revolve Feature?

1 A closed profile 2. A sketched Construction Line to pivot around (both drawn in the same sketch)

What does Master Modeling refer to when working SW?

1 Allows you to develop more than 1 shape or "Body" at a time in Part Mode. 2 It also lets you carve away reliefs from other bodies.

What does Right Click - Select Other do for you?

1 In sketch mode it allows you to select lines mistakenly layered on top of each other. 2 Outside of sketch mode Right Click - Select Other allows you to select faces that are on the back side of objects. This saves you time, you don't have to keep rotating the part around in order to make simple selections.

When working in sketch mode, what geometric circumstance is needed in order to build most features?

A closed shape

What is the difference between a Parent & Child features in SolidWorks?

A parent feature is built up in the model tree first, the child feature follows it in the tree. The child feature relies upon and cannot exist with or the parent feature. The bond between the family is the relations and dimensions shared by two different features.

What are 2 ways you can turn lines from blue to black?

Add relations or dimensions.

What is the last step when creating most features?

Adding the 3D depth options for the feature by selecting a feature tool such as "extrude feature".

What is Draft Angle when in the context of a molded plastic part?

All molded plastic parts have a slight taper to all vertical surfaces. Never will you have a true 90 wall with a molded part. This is due to the need to slip freely out of the mold when opening, 90 degree edges will stick in the mold. The exception to this is metal casting 1 time molds that get destroyed after just one use

In the context of a molded part, what is an Undercut?

An undercut is basically a Ship in a Bottle, hollow enclosed shapes with detail inside.

When drawing in sketch mode, what do black lines indicate & what do blue lines indicate?

Black are constrained & blue lines are free to move around.

What are the 3 primary strategies when constructing parts in SolidWorks?

Build parts up using many simple features, start with creating the larger form elements, Work in a cubist fashion.

When working in sketch mode, what is the difference between dashed lines vs. solid lines?

Dashed lines (construction lines) will not construct 3D feature geometry.

What are some ways we can more sustainably design when using plastic?

Design objects that can easily be disassembled at the landfills. Use as little screws and hardware as possible. Use one type of screw head when screws are used, "Design for Disassembly". Only use screws to the length you need, don't use extra-long screws. Avoid using glue, it is very difficult to disassemble at the landfills. Design Click Fits and snaps to be accessible from the outside of the products for ease of disassembly. Whatever manufacturing process you are using, as the designer you should become the expert on that material and the best way to use it with sustainable considerations behind your manufacturing choices.

How do you move features back within the model tree?How do you move features back within the model tree?

Drag and drop.

What are Driven & Driving Dimensions?

Driving Dimensions (black): They are parametric and drive the movement and changes to the geometry. Driven Dimensions (blue): They are there just for visual display of a dimension.

What is Feature based Modeling?

Each alteration to the object that is being built up is recorded as a "feature", each feature may be adjusted later during form evolution process.

What tool is used to colorize Bodies in SW?

Expand the model tree menu on the right & in the Bodies folder select different colors for each body.

What is a Pierce Relation used for?

If you encounter problems building Guide Curves for Sweeps or Lofts, often the Pierce Relation in necessary, it insures that the Guide Curve points are accurately placed with points on the section view sketches.

Why use the Modify Sketch tool?

If you want to move geometry it gets all messed up, relations and dimensions you previously sketched don't like to behave when moving them. The modify sketch tool lets you more easily move the geometry if you encounter this problem. When you use it there can be no relations from previous geometry or sketches, delete them if you have to.

With lofts do the plans of each section have to be perpendicular?

No, you can angle them to a point depending on what type of object you are lofting. If the loft does not work, reduce the angle of the plan and use two angled plans other than just the one to span the distance.

What is the difference between: SolidWorks Part mode, SolidWorks Assembly Mode, and SolidWorks Drawing Mode?

Part mode builds an object made up of features, Assembly mode lest you simulate many parts puts together, and drawing mode lets you create dimensioned drawings of a part for fabrication or documentation.

How do you "edit" a past feature and why?

Right click in the feature icon (in the model tree) that you want to edit, we do this when we want to make changes on depth of a previously built feature.

How do you "edit" a past sketch and why?

Right click in the sketch icon (in the model tree) that you want to edit, we do this when we want to make changes to geometry on a past sketch.

How do you build a new Feature back within the model tree?

Roll back the model to the desired position within the model tree and build the new feature, the new feature will stay located back in the tree after you roll it forward.

What are the first 2 steps when creating most features?

Selecting a plane (or a face) to sketch on and then sketching the profile on that plane.

What is the difference between Surface Modeling and Solids Modeling?

Surface Modeling deals with objects without inner volume, and Solids Modeling objects have volumetric substance.

What is the Convert Entities tool in Sketch Mode, and what type of relation does it attach to previous features already built back in the Model Tree window?

The Convert Entities tool converts previous geometry edges as duplicate lines to the current sketch. The new lines are associated with the older edge.

methods for working with Surfaces in SolidWorks:

The Patch-Work-Quilt Method:, The Widdeling Method, Creating a Solid from Imported Surfaces from Rhino, Spline on Surface drawing tool, Delete Face tool, Surface Boundary Tool, Projected Curves

With a Swept Feature what order should the sketches be build in the model tree?

The Path sketch should be first, and the profile sketch should be second.

With a Shell Feature command what is needed first when opening that command window?

The selection "Open Ends", openings in the shell enclosure.

What are the 3 different areas of the SolidWorks interface once you start a part file?

The top menu display choices, the Command Manger, and the Model Tree.

When introducing the concept of Master Modeling last week, what was the point of the demonstration?

To demonstrate that you can have two overlapping objects in a part file and that you can use one of them to carve out the other shape with an impression. Strategy-wise master modeling can often be the only way to achieve a certain forms, and can save lots of time doing things that could take forever without using the Master Modeling approach.

What are common causes for getting unwanted Failures & how do we fix them?

To over constrain a sketch (if you do over define decide which dimensions or relations have to be removed and remove them.) , Missing relations in sketches or features (If you see brown geometry remove the relations that show up brown in the list.) , Missing sketch planes for previous sketches (To fix this re- assign the sketch to another new or existing plane with a right click of the feature in the Model Tree "edit sketch plane".)

If a Loft feature doesn't achieve the results you were hoping for, what can you do to gain more control over the results of the loft?

Try making sure each section sketch of the loft has the same amount of line segments as the other sketches, Split Line sketch tool, When Lofting and having troubles, reference the sketch with the polygon with the most amount of segments, and segment the simpler polygons in other sketch to match that number.

What are "2 Directional Linear Patterns"?

When building 2 Directional Pattern Features it is a way of creating a matrix of duplicate shapes running off in 2 directions. The second direction choice is located within the Pattern Feature dialog window, a second straight edge or straight line will need to be selected.

What command will allow a strategy for you to build features up to an object from sketch planes located away from the object?

When defining the depth of objects, use the up to surface or up to bodies commands. This strategy is needed to achieve certain geometric circumstances. Up to Surface command not only works with flat plane surfaces but also with complex wavy surfaces with relief. Up to Bodies lets us hit several surfaces.

What is a Nominal Wall Thickness?

When designing plastic objects to be molded you need to have a Nominal Wall Thickness in order for parts to not distort as they come out of the mold. Nominal means constant wall thickness throughout the part. The world of plastic components are all made up of shell forms that are hollow and cored out. for everything except 3D printer.

When creating "Linear Pattern Features", and working within the first field within the dialog window: what do you need to select in order to create duplicates that run off into one direction?

You need to select a pre-existing edge running in the desired direction for the duplicates to lineup, or select a pre-existing sketch of a straight line drawn in the desired direction. If you move the line it will also reshape the direction of the pattern.

Why use Relations in sketch mode?

You use them to position and constrain geometry in controlled ways. Using them also ensures accuracy and builds intelligence between certain geometric circumstances of sketches. They are commonly used alone or with dimensions in order to control the shape and position of sketched geometry. Relations are parametric and can be deleted.

Why do we want to create new Sketch planes?

cannot build many shapes with just the Top, Right, and Front plans, often more custom plans are needed.

"parts" placed into Assembly Mode,


What is Parametric Modeling?

geometry is based on math, if a value is changed the shape changes.

What does the "Tools - Customize" Menu choices do for you?

set-up custom tools in the command manager or the floating tool bars.

What does the "Tools - Options" Menu choices do for you?

set-up different measurement systems and other SW defaults.

Strategy-wise why use the Scale Feature tool besides just making something bigger or smaller?

use it to also scale in just one axis, effectively letting you take a shape that is built up with many features, and pinch that shape squishing them all as one object. The Scale feature tool lets you squish forms in an organic way.

Strategy-wise, why use Up to Surface?

you build geometry referencing entities outside the geometry you have previously built.

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