Some good basic grammar and phrases
Minta obat pilek/ minta yang paling keras
"Cold medicine please"/ the strongest medicine you have please.
Tolong dualagi sekali lagi/tolong pelan-pelan/ Tolong dualangi pelan pelan Sekali lagi
"Once again please"/Slowly please/ Please repeat again slowly
Minta tolong bawa saya ke dockter/ Saya perlu ke dokter/ Saya perlu ke apotik./ Minta tolong bawa saya ke apotik/ Minta tolong hubungi ambulans
"Please take me to the doctor"/ I need a doctor/ I need a pharmacy/ Please take me to a pharmacy/ Please call an ambulance
Seorang/ dua orang
1 person/ 2 people
Alphabet pronounce
A-a, B-be, C-ce, D-de, E-e, F-ef, G-ge, H-ha, I-i, J-je, K-ka, L-el, M-em, N-en, O-o, P-pe, Q-ki, R-er, S-es, T-te, U-u, V-fe, W-we, X-eks, Y-ye, Z-zet
Siang(11AM-6PM), Sore(3PM-6PM), Pagi(4AM-11AM), Tengah malam atau malam(12AM-4AM)
Afternoon(11AM-6PM), Afternoon(3PM-6PM), Morning(4AM-11AM), Midnight or Evening(12AM-4AM)
Plural words using the words twice
Anak-anak= children using the same words twice is usually plural
Small numbers, point, point zero three nine four four five, ten cents, quarters, fifty cents, ninety nine cents
Angka kecil, titik, titik nol tiga sembilan empat empat lima, sepuluh sen, perempat, lima puluh sen, sembilan puluh sembilan sen
Numbers, Zero, One, Two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten
Angka, Nol or kosong, Satu, Dua, tiga, empat or pat, lima, enam or nem, tujuh, delapan, sembilan, sepuluh
Minta/ boleh minta/ boleh minta ini/ boleh minta air minum/ minta bon ya?
Ask, request, Charge, boleh saya(May I please)/ may I have/ can I have this, this please/ may I have some drinking water/ Check please
Membawakan, bawa, membawa/ membacakan, membaca, baca/ memberikan
Bring/ read/ give
Bukan, tidak(formal), nggak(casual), ndak(casual), tak(formal)
Boleh dikembalikan di Yogya?/ Saya mau sewa mobil/ Kapan harus dikembalikan?/ Saya mau sewa sepeda
Can I return it at Yogya?/ I want to rent a car/ When do I have to return this?/ I want to rent a bike
Apa bisa berbahasa ingris? Bisa kamu berbicara ingris? bahasa, bahasa Indonesia, bahasa Jepang?
Can you speak English? Can you speak english? Language, Indonesian language, Japanese language
Tolong potret, ya?/ Satu dua tiga ya!/ Mau dipotret?/ Mau dipotret sama saya? / Boleh potret disini?
Can you take my picture/ one two three cheese/ Tolong means to help or to do something for you/ May I take a picture of you? / Wanna have a picture taken with me?/ May I take pictures here?
Mau check-in dulu./ Siapa nama Anda?/ Bagaimana dieja?/ Jam berapa checkout?/ Ada konverter listrik?/ Boleh minta handuk lagi?/ Sikat gigi, Pasta gigi, Syampo, Sabun
Check in, please/ Your name please/ How is it spelled?/ What time is checkout?/ Do you have a power converter?/ Can I have some more towels?/ toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, soap
Selamat berbahagia!/ Selamat ulang tahun!/ Selamat hari raya idul fitri!. Selamat hari raya galungan dan kuningan!/ Selamat hari raya nata!
Congratulations / Happy birthday/ Happy idul fitri/ happy Galungan-kuningan/ Merry Christmas
Hari/Hari ini/besok/kemarin/minggu/ tahun/ bulan
Times for telling the clock different from saying good day or night ( Selamat malam etc. )
Dini hari 1:AM- 4-AM / Pagi 5 AM- 11AM / Siang 12PM- 2PM/ Sore 3pm- 6PM/ Malam 7pm- 12AM
Ada kartu telpon?/ lima kartu lima ribuan
Do you have a telephone card? One Rp 5,000 card, please.
Ada pedoman yang pakai bahasa inggris?
Do you have an English information guide?
Do you want...?
Tidak(formal), Enggak(Informal), Mengerti(Formal), Ngerti(informal)
Don't, Don't, Understand, Understand
Using Ku in the end of a word
Example: Keluarga(ku) means my family / Bolaku means my ball etc.
Kelas eksekutif, kelas bisnis, Kelas ekonomi/ Minta Karcis ke yogyakarta, ya?
First Class, Business class, Economy class/ One ticket to yogyakarta please.
For he and she. Siapa nama dia ? What's his name
Goes before a verb
Opa and oma/ Om and Tante
Grandpa and grandma/ Uncle and aunty
Selamat ulang tahun!/ Umur, berapa umurnya/ Umur saya duapuluh tujuh tahun hari ini/ keep in mind some Indos use different calender so just tell them your age in America is lol/ Usia
Happy birthday, Ulang tahun: birthday, pronounce tahun with H as silent/ Umur: age, what is your age / I'm twenty-seven years old today/ Usia Also means age
Selamat jalan, Sampai ketemu, selamat tingall, da-da, Sampai Jumpa, Sampai nanti
Happy going, Until we meet, happy staying, Goodbye, See you later —Sampai ketemu and Sampai jumpa most common, tingall and jalan formal the rest informal
Kepala, Perut, punggung, Gigi,kulit, pipi, tubuh, tangan
Head/ Stomach/ Lower back/ teeth/Skin/ cheeks/ body/ hand
Tolong!/ Hubungi polisi!/ Tolong Copet: Help pickpocketing!
Help!/ Call the police
Apa kabar?/ Nama saya eddi/ Salam Kenalan
How do you do/ My name is Eddy/ Glad to meet you
Bagaimana cara makan ini?/ Apa lagi yang harus ditambahkan?/ ini pedas?
How do you eat this?/ Do you add something to this?/ Is this spicy
Bagaimana bilang "flower" di bahasa Indonesia?/ Bagaimana bilang ini di bahasa Indonesia?/ Bagaimana bilang itu di bahasa Indonesia?
How do you say flower in Indonesian? How do you say this in Indonesia?/ How do you say that in Indonesia
Bagaimana udaranya besok?/ Besok Hujan/ Besok cerah/ Bagaimana cuacanya nanti?/
How is the weather tomorrow/ it will rain tomorrow/ it will be sunny tomorrow/ what will the weather be like later (today)?
Sakit, Dokter, Demam, pilep, Dokter gigi, Sakit perut
Hurt, doctor, Fever, cold, Dentist, Stomach pain
Saya senang/ Saya senang sekali/ Saya tidak senang
I like it/ I really like it/ I don't like it
Saya perlu obat/ Saya sakit perut/ Saya menceret!/ Saya sakit kepala/ Saya perlu ke apotik/ Saya perlu ambulans
I need medicine/ I have a stomache/ I have diarrhea/ I have a headache/ I need a pharmacy / I need an ambulance
Saya mau ke kraton yogya. / di sini cukup baik
I want to go to the kraton yogya/ here is fine. Cukup means enough baik means good
Saya mau sewa HP./ Apa telpon yang masuk gratis?/ Berapa kalau menelpon ke Amerika?
I would like to rent a cell phone/ Are incoming calls free?/ How much are calls to the US?
Sau mau Kirim ini ke Ney York. / Saya mau kirim kartu pos ke New York/ Surat/ Paket/ Ada apa di dalam Paketnya?/ Patung batu, Lukisan, Patung Kayu, Alat musik tradisional
I'd like to send this to New York/ I'd like to send this postcard to New York/ Letter/ Package / What's inside the package/ stone statue, paintings, wooden statue, traditional instruments
Saya kena reaksi alergi/ saya alergi udang/ Saya alergi kacang
I'm having an allergic reaction/ I'm alergic to shrimp/ I'm allergic to peanut
I, me, my, mine
Finding the endings like Nya, Ku etc.
If you find patters just save them to memorize certain grammer in words
Breaking down words
Is a great way to understand single words that use more than one Indonesian words. Example: Saudara perempuan means sister in English. If you break it down Saudara means sibling and perempuan means woman.
Ada bank yang dekat dari sini? Ada apotik yang dekat dari sini?
Is there a bank near here? Is there a pharmacy near here?
January February March April May June, July August September October November December
Januari Februari Maret April Mei Juni, Juli Agustus September Oktober November Desember
Using Apa grammar
Juice apa bir =Juice or Beer? / Mau juice apa = What juice do you want
Using Ke and Di
Ke to some place, go to/ Di means at or in a place
Suka, senang
Bu,Mba/Nona/Nyonya/ mas, /mbak,/ pak/ tuan
Ma'am/Miss/Mrs, madaam/ sir, brother / Sister/ sir, Mr/ sir
New, just happened. Saya baru makan means I just are. Baru Mulai just beginning started. Can use Baru before a verb (they just did something)
Minta satu karcis, ya?
One ticket please
Using mu ending in a word
Padamu: to you / Cintamu / your love etc. (So you or your)
Orangtua/ Keluarga/ tua/ muda
Parents, Family/ old elder/ young
Sekali(formal), Banget(informal), sungguh
Really/ really/ really, serious
Bilang/ dengar/ dengarkan
Say/ heard/ to hear
Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-one, thirty, thirty-one, hundred, thousand, hundred thousand, million, billion, trillion
Sebelas, dua belas, tiga belas, empat belas, lima belas, enam belas, tujuh belas, delapan belas, sembilan belas, dua puluh, dua puluh satu, tiga puluh, tiga puluh satu, ratus, ribu, seratus ribu, juta, miliar, triliun/ seratus and seribu means one hundred and one thousand
Setop, Pak!/ Boleh Naik/ Mau Ke mana? / Berapa ongkosnya
Stop, sir!, Setop is stop and pak means mister or sir/ Can I go in?, Naik means to go in / Want to go where?/ How much is the fare?
Terima kasih, sudah kenyang/ Say terima Kasih while shaking your head to decline something
Thank you but I've had enough./ dont say kenyang in Bali instead say penuh
Using atas. Terima Kasih atas semuanya / terima kasih atas goreng itu/ Kembali/ tidak apa apa
Thank you for everything/ thank you for the fried chicken/ your welcome or return/ your welcome or its nothing no problem
Ada/ ada apa?/ Saya ada waktu
There is/ What's up/ I have time (use ada for abstract things) / Informal--Ada can mean to have when there is subject(I person) like Saya ada mobil, I have a car.
Ini oleh-oleh saja/ Boleh Masuk?/ Silahkan masuk
This is just a small gift/ May I come in?/ Please come in
Belok kiri belok kanan/ Jalan terus / ada di sebelah kanan(Kiri)/ Di pojok/ Di lampu lalu lintas
Turn left turn right/ Go straight/ It's on the right(left)/ at the corner/ at the light
seratus rupiah — "100 rupiah" dua ratus rupiah — "200 rupiah" lima ratus rupiah — "500 rupiah" seribu rupiah — "1.000 rupiah" dua ribu rupiah — "2.000 rupiah" lima ribu rupiah — "5.000 rupiah" sepuluh ribu rupiah — "10.000 rupiah" dua puluh ribu rupiah — "20.000 rupiah" lima puluh ribu rupiah — "50.000 rupiah" seratus ribu rupiah — "100.000 rupiah"
Use rupiah for money
Used to negate nouns only, used before a noun. Example: Saya bukan Guru, Saya bukan orang Jepang
Apa bus ini akan ke Stasiun besar tugu/ halta depan yang man? Apa Universitas gaja mada yang halte depan?/ Minta Karcis ke Jakarta ya? Berapa taritnya ke Jakarta? Dua Karcis
WIll this bus go to stasiun besar tugu?/ What is the next stop? Is Universitas Gajah Mada the next stop?/ Ticket to Jakarta please? How much is it to Jakarta? 2 tickets
Color, Red, Green, Purple, yellow, Black, white, brown, blue, Gold, silver, platinum, orange, pink, grey
Warna, Merah, Hijau, Ungu, kuning, Hitam, putih, coklat, biru, Emas, perak, platinum, oranye, merah jambu, abu-abu
Kamar kecil, kamar mandi, WC (Way-say), pria, laki-laki, wanita, perempuan, cewe
Washroom, bathroom, WC (Way-say), male, male, female, female
apa maksudnya? Apa maksudnya singaktan pkb? Apa maksudnya singkatan ini or itu?
What does it mean?/ What does this acronym PKB mean?/ What does that or this acronym mean?
Siapa nama anda? /Siapa namanya / Nama Saya
What is your name? (formal) / What is your his name? / My name is
Jam berepa/ Jam Berepa Mulai/ Mulai jam Lima sore / Jam lima lewat tiga puluh sore / Pukul lima tiga Puluh sore / Pukul Lima tiga puluh lima sore / Jam Lima lewat tiga puluh lima sore/ Pukul lima lewat tiga puluh lima sore / So you can use Pukul (O'clock) or Jam and Lewat( past ), overal pukul is faster
What time / What time will start/ Starts 5 pm / 5:30 pm / 5:30 pm / 5: 35 pm / 5: 35 pm
Dimana bisa tukar uang?/ Ada mesin ATM yang dekat dari sini?/ Minta uang kecil?/ Ada bank yang dekat dari sini
Where can I change money?/ Is there an ATM near me?/ Smaller denominations please/ Is there a bank near here?
Di mana mencari payung? Dimana bisa mencari obor? Mau cari apa? Cari( the thing you looking for)
Where can I get a umbrella? Where can I get a flashlight?/ Mencari: to look for/ What do you want to look for? Cari: to look for
Yang mana
Which one
Who, that, what that, the, Do you, that you, what you ( relative clause a clause that modifies a noun stayta verbs or adjective )
nya(Ending if a word such as namanya)
Your, his, her / Nya can stand for a 2nd possesive or 3rd person possessive pronoun/ Can't be used as a firt person possessive pronoun like our
Semua/ mereka
all of them everybody/ them, they
big numbers, three hundred thirty six thousand, hundred thirty three million four hundred sixteen thousand five hundred thirty eight,
angka besar, tiga ratus tiga puluh enam ribu, ratus tiga puluh tiga juta empat ratus enam belas ribu lima ratus tiga puluh delapan,
excuse me
Ordinal numbers(nomor urut), Pertama, kedua, ketiga, keempat / kedua puluh dua/ kesebelas/ tangal dua puluh satu/ ordinal letters in english are 1st, 2nd, and 3rd use -st, -nd, and -rd, but 4th-20th use - Basically use the words that makes the most sense for english. Like 3th doesn't sound as good as 3rd/ Tanggal /
first, second, third, fourth/ 22nd/ 11th/ tanggal means date like 44th anniversary or 55th birthday/ Pertama- This word can comfortably fit after any noun, like so: Ini mobil pertama yang saya punya. "This is the first car I've had."/ we simply add ke- as a prefix to any other number and get the ordinal form.
kakek, nenek, Kakek neneku
grandfather/grandmother/ my grandparents
bagaimana, gimana
kalau, jika,
Sebentar duluh
just a moment
left/ right/ straight/ back
kiri/ kanan/ lurus, terus/ belakang
'lebih'.......'daripada' literally means 'more'.......'than' :
lebih penting daripada = more important thanlebih besar daripada = larger thanlebih kecil daripada = smaller thanlebih dalam daripada = deeper than
Ibu, Bunda, mama/ ayah
mother/ Dad
Apa nomor teleponmu? "What's your phone number?" Nomorku kosong empat lima... "My number is zero four five..." Maaf mbak, satu kali lagi — kosong empat lima apa? "Sorry miss, one more time — zero four five what?"
number "zero" is read as kosong (literally "empty" when translated) when reading out phone numbers. "eight" (delapan) is often truncated to lapan. Unlike in English, each number is read out individually, not combined into two-digit numbers.
Harga/ berapa harga, berapa ini berapa itu/ bisa turun sedikit ya?/ terlalu mahal
price/ how much, how much is this that/ Can you lower the price/ too expensive
safe, congratulations, blessed, happy
Sampai besok/
see you tomorrow
Using ter, means the most
ter-" prefix is used here to form the superlative ('most' / '-est'). terpenting = paling penting = most important.terbesar = paling besar = largestterkecil = paling kecil = smallestterdalam = paling dalam = deepest
ini/itu----ini mobil, mobil ini---orang itu, itu orang ---anak ini/ orang cantik itu/ pohon tingi ini/ mangga mangga enak itu
this/that/---this is a car, this car is---that person, it's a--these children / that beautiful person/ this tall children / those delicious mangos
minta maaf, maaf/ mohon maaf, tidak apa apa
to apologise; to ask forgiveness(medium formal), sorry (maaf can be used for excuse me or getting someone's attention in a polite way)/ to ask for forgiveness(Highest formal), no problem (idiom) or it's nothing.
to have ( for physical things ) formal
Banget, sekali, sangat
Ketika, bila, Kalau
apakah/ using apa in the beginning is also the same yes or no question
yes/no question
you (plural), you all