Spanish 2 - El viaje perdido - review for the test

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After eating dinner the second night, what does the grandmother tell the boys?

their futures

What did Carlos & Jaime do on the beach?

they fell asleep

What did they do on the cruise ship before getting off?

they went to the cafeteria & ate sandwiches & ice-cream

After visiting sites in Puerto Rico, ¿where do Carlos & Jaime go to rest? (specific name)

to Condado Beach

After the day that Carlos was on the beach with Carmen & Jaime worked at the pharmacy, Carlos & Jaime just want...

to go back home

Where do Carmen & Carlos go when they leave the pharmacy?

to the beach

When they tell a couple that they don't know where they are & they want directions, the couple thinks that Carlos & Jaime are...

vagabonds (people begging for money)

A man wants Francesa to speak with his wife on his behalf because she's ____.


What do they plan to do in the cafeteria?

drink water, listen to music, & dance

What do they order from a girl on the beach?


They say thar Puerto Rico is the island of...


One woman wants medicine for her daughter's ____ ___.

evil eye

The grandmother says that Jaime...

is going to study many years, be a doctor, marry a woman that's a little bit heavy with glasses, & have kids

What happened while they were walking to the port?

it started to rain

What are caretas & what are they used for?

masks that seemed like part animal & part monster -they're used during carnival (the carnival celebration)

Did Carlos have a very good day on the beach with Carmen?

no, he had a very bad day -he had to be Carmen's slave

Is this Carlos' first cruise ship trip?

no, it's his second

Is San Juan a new city?

no, it's old

Did Carmen miss the ship too?

no, she's going to visit her grandmother in Puerto Rico

Did they arrive before the cruise ship left?

no, they missed the ship

What's Mrs. Rivera like?

old; short; fat; with short hair; green, strange eyes; & she smelled like old shoes

Where do they plan to sleep (at first)?

on the street

What are piononos?

plantains with meat

What kind of problems does Puerto Rico have, according to the girl on the beach?

poverty & thieves

Who gets good grades?

Carlos & Jaime, but Jaime gets super-good grades.

Who is robust & tall?

Carlos is.

Where did everyone sleep at Carmen's grandmother's house?

Carmen & her grandmother slept in a bed & the boys slept on the floor

What did Carmen prepare for dinner the second night at the grandmother's house?

rice with beans & piononos

What did they eat for dinner the first night at Carmen's grandmother's house?

rice with chicken, black beans, fried plantains, & a banana pastry

What's Carmen's grandmother's name?

Francesa Rivera

What type of music was there everywhere in Puerto Rico?

salsa, tropical, strong (loud)

How's Alicia?


What did Carmen do because she felt bad about what happened with her grandmother & the boys?

she got a super-good room for the boys

Why does the grandmother wake up so early?

she has a lot of things to do -she prays a lot, she speaks with & helps a lot of people

When Carlos says that he & Carmen are very much in love, what doe Carmen do to Carlos?

she hits him

When the grandmother realizes that Carlos & Carmen aren't boyfriend/girlfriend & that they lied to her, what does she do?

she yells that the boys are bad & that they have to leave from her house

To what island are they going on the cruise ship?

Puerto Rico

What's the grandmother's house like?


What had happened to Carlos & Jaime on the beach while they were sleeping?

someone stole their wallets

What does Alicia want to do?

stay in her room & sleep

What's the pharmacy like?

strange, with a very nasty (ugly) smell, without a lot of light, & with a lot of strange things

Carlos says that Jaime can say that they are _______ a thousand times.

stupid (or fools/dummies)

When the grandmother's telling Carlos' future, she realizes what?

that Carlos & Carmen aren't boyfriend/girlfriend & that they lied to her

When Carlos tells the grandmother that there are no pharmacies like hers in Ohio, what does Carmen say?

that he meant Ohio street -that's where Carlos lives in New York (because he's pretending to be Carmen's boyfriend from New York)

How did the grandmother's voice change?

the first night it was soft, but in the morning it was like the voice of an elephant

What mode of transportation do they use to get to the beach?

the guagua (local bus)

What does Carlos love?

the sea

In the end, did they arrive on time for the next cruise ship?

yes, & they saw Carmen while they were waiting to board it

Did they call their parents before going to Carmen's grandmother's house?

yes, & they were angry that they missed the ship, but happy because they were alive

Does the couple tell them how to get to the port?

yes, after Jaime explains the situation

Is Carmen American?

yes, all Puerto Ricans are Americans

In the end, was Carmen a good person?

yes, she was good -but a little bad too

Dis Carlos & Jaime call their parents when they missed the cruise ship?

yes, they left a message on Carlos' parents machine & Jaime's parents weren't home either

Do Carlos & Jaime leave from the house?

yes, they run away

Is Carmen pretty?

yes, very pretty

Where do Carlos & Jaime study?

Ohio State University in Columbus

When they woke up, how many minutes did they have to get back to the ship?


In what year was San Juan founded?


How old is Carmen?


What time did they arrive at the port?


Where did Carmen study?

Columbia University

Who accompanies Carlos on the cruise ship?

Jaime & his aunt, Alicia

Who's skinny & short?

Jaime is.

Who says that he's crazy about and in love with Carmen after speaking with her?

Jaime says that.

What's the name of the cruise ship?

La Fiesta (The Party)

What buildings do Carlos & Jaime see in San Juan?

La Fortaleza, El Morro, y la Casa Blanca (The Fortress, The Morro (which was also a fortress) & the White House (Ponce de Leon's family home)

Where does Carmen live?

New York

Where do Carlos & Jaime live?


In what city do they get off the cruise ship?

San Juan

Why does the grandmother put secret magic in the fried eggs?

She puts it in because she wants Carmen & Carlos to get married.

Why was she happy when they told her that Carlos was Carmen's boyfriend?

She was happy because she wants Carmen to get married.

Who gave Carlos this trip?

The cruise ship company gave it to him.

Who do they meet in the ship's cafeteria?

They meet Carmen Moreno.

Who did they see in the cafeteris in Puerto Rico?

They saw Carmen Moreno.

Is Puerto Rico part of the United States?

Yes, it is.

Do many people enter the pharmacy?

Yes, many enter.

Does Carmen think that Carlos & Jaime are too young for her?

Yes, she does think that.

Does Carmen know that she's pretty & that men look at her?

Yes, she knows.

Does Carmen think that they can take the cruise ship in 2 days?

Yes, she thinks so.

Was she happy when they told her that Carlos was Carmen's boyfriend?

Yes, she was happy.

Is Carmen going to help Carlos & Jaime?

Yes, she's going to help them.

Do Carlos & Jaime get off the cruise ship in Puerto Rico?

Yes, they get off.

Do Carlos & Jaime speak with Carmen in the cafeteria?

Yes, they speak with her.

Did they use the guagua (local bus) again to try to get back before the cruise ship leaves?

Yes, they used it.

What does the grandmother have at her house?

a lot of candles, statues, statues of saints, & caretas

What time does the pharmacy close & Carmen & Carlos come back from the beach?

at 5:00 in the afternoon

What time does the grandmother wake Carlos & Jaime up?

at 5:00 in the morning

At what time is the ship leaving again?

at 8:00 on the dot

Where are Carlos & Jaime going to sleep the first night?

at Carmen's grandmother's house

Carmen says that she possibly likes young guys, but not ______.


What does guagua mean in South America?


What's Puerto Rico's most popular sport?

baseball, & Carmen & her grandmother know a lot about baseball

Carmen wants Carlos to say that he's her _________ to her grandmother.


What things does the grandmother sell at the pharmacy?

cat toenails & dead snakes

Puerto Rico's ______ is very strong.


For whom does Carmen work?

for the cruise ship company

For what did CArlos use his last $2.00?

for the guagua (local bus)

What do they eat for breakfast?

fried eggs

What happened on Carlos' first cruise ship trip?

he helped a woman find a necklace that another woman had stolen

Carmen says that Jaime has to help her grandmother by doing what?

helping her at her pharmacy

What season is it in Puerto Rico now?

hurricane season

When does the cruise ship return to Puerto Rico?

in 2 days

Where did they sleep their last night in Puerto Rico?

in a church

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