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Preterite - pretérito

ar: é, aste, ó, amos, asteis, aron er/ir: í, iste, ió, imos, isteis, ieron Occurred in the past. This tense is equivalent to the simple past in English. ayer (yesterday), anteayer (the day before yesterday), anoche (last night), una vez (one time), dos veces (two times), la semana pasada (last week), etc. I spoke Spanish yesterday. -- (Yo) hablé español ayer.

kid (m) he is a man who doesn't have much faith

chiquillo él es un hombre que no tiene mucha fe

ungainly wrinkles cheeks (face)

desgarbado arrugas mejillas

to fire to decrease to sign to form a line to retire

despedir disminuir firmar hacer fila/cola jubilarse

all in all all the same all the while

después de todo, al final de cuentas da lo misma, da igual todo el tiempo

singer billboard joke circus comedian

el (la) cantante cartelera chiste circo el (la) comediante

client competition chart retirement business

el (la) cliente la competencia la gráfica la jubilación los negocios

abandonment fertilizer, maure agricultura settlement, shantytown lack, shortage, scarcity

el abandono el abono la agricultura el asentamiento la carencia

act performance fan

el acto la actuación el (la) aficionado(a)

act performance fan party pooper host

el acto la actuación el (la) aficionado(a) el (la) aguafiestas el anfitrión/ la anfitriona

dance ballad soundtrack seat (at a theater or movie theater) song

el baile la balada la banda sonora la butaca la canción

cashier automatic teller machine foreign currency exchange checkbook commission

el cajero el cajero automático el cambio de moneda extranjera la chequera la comisión

contract resumé unemployment employee company manager

el contrato el curriculum vitae el desempleo el (la) empleado(a) la empresa el (la) gerente

When we were sailing last Sunday an enormous rain shower fell over us. I will write you next week. Elena says she will come next week.

Cuando navegábamos el domingo pasado nos cayó un chaparrón enorme. La próxima semana te escribiré. Elena dice que vendrá la semana que viene.

She told me that they had gone to the beach. I couldn't see my friends because they had already left.

Ella me dijo que habían ido a la playa. No pude ver a mis amigos porque ya se habían ido.

short film review of a film critic director special effects

el cortometraje la crítica el (la) crítico(a) el (la) director(a) los efectos especiales

crop agriculture cattle farm vegetable garden, orchard

el cultivo la ganadería el ganado la granja el huerto

feature-length film halftime popcorn screen amusement park

el largometraje el medio tiempo las palomitas de maíz la pantalla el parque de diversiones

percentage loan receipt credit card debit card

el porcentaje el préstamo el recibo la tarjeta de crédito la tarjeta débito

audience ballroom talent box office, ticket office plot

el público el salón de baile el talento la taquilla la trama

salary full-time job part-time job

el sueldo el trabajo de tiempo completo el trabajo de tiempo parcial

She had never been so impressed. I'm traveling around Spain, but I have been here before a few years ago.

Ella nunca había estado tan impresionado. Estoy viajando por España, pero había estado aquí antes hace unos años.

It's good that he is studying It's good that he studied

Es bueno que estudie Es bueno que haya estudiado

It's good that he got married. It doesn't seem to me that the journey was long.

Es bueno que él se casara/casase. No me parece que el viaje fuera/fuese largo.

It is possible that it rains tomorrow. It is good that you work a lot. It is sure that it rains tomorrow.

Es posible que mañana llueva. Es bueno que trabajes mucho. Es seguro que mañana llueve.

It is true that you work a lot. It would have appreciated me that the sun would shine. If I ate more, I would have been very fat.

Es verdad que trabajas mucho. Me había alegrado de que hiciera sol. Si yo comiera más, estaría muy gordo.

This afternoon I went for a run, but I had already taken a walk this morning. It surprised me to see the gift because they had already given it to me last year.

Esta tarde he corrido, pero ya había dado un paseo esta mañana. Me sorprendió ver el regalo porque ya me lo habían dado el año pasado

We had to clean the house before going out. I already had plans when you called me.

Habíamos tenido que limpiar la casa antes de salir. Ya había tenido planes cuando me llamaste.

I do what I want and I die in the attempt Going through all these lands I failed, I found myself, I lived it and I learned

Hago lo que quiero y muero en el intento Atravesando todas estas tierras Fracasé, me encontré, lo viví y aprendí

at that rate at the moment at the worst time possible/possible time

en todo caso actualmente, por el momento a un paso de, a punto de

skinny ungainly wrinkles

flaco desgarbado arrugas

a while back/ a while ago about time after a while

hace un tiempo ya era hora después de un rato

we have done a lot My grandpa had taught me much and you didnt leave me because I had lost hope

hemos hecho mucho Mi abuelo había enseñado a mi mucho y no me dejaste porque hubiese perdido la esperanza

to flee almohada sheep

huir pillow Oveja

I had done it many times before, so I did not think about it. I had already made food when my boyfriend came home with takeaway.

Lo había hecho muchas veces antes, así que no pensé en ello. Ya había hecho la comida cuando mi novio llegó a casa con comida para llevar.

Conditional -- condicional

ar/ir/er: ía, ías, ía, íams, íais, ían based upon, or having a condition attached on something else. It is the equivalent of "would..." in an English sentence. It is often found in "if ..., then ..." sentences. I would speak Spanish, but ... -- (Yo) hablaría español, pero ...

Imperfect -- imperfecto

ar: aba, abas, aba, ábamos, abais, aban er/ir: ía, ías, ía, íams, íais, ían occurred in the past. It is the equivalent of the "used to ..." in an English sentence. There is no formal equivalent Imperfect Tense in English. I used to speak Spanish. -- (Yo) hablaba español.

I wanted to say something, but the moment had passed. It was obvious they had had a good time.

Yo quería decir algo, pero el momento había pasado. Era obvio que lo habían pasado bien.

at any price at all times at every stop

a cualquier precio en todo momento, siempre en cada paso

through dark

a través oscuro

as well as at a moment's notice at a time

además de de inmediato a la vez

at last/ at long last at one time at that point

al fin, por fin hace tiempo en ese momento, en esta etapa

ahead of time all along all day long

al final de cuentas todo el tiempo todo el día

Subjunctive -- subjunctivo

ar/er/ir: e, es, e, emos, eís, en express feelings, emotions, opinions, recommendations, preferences, disbelief, denial, or commands about other things or people. This tense also has no formal equivalent in English. It often translates into the present tense. The teacher prefers that the students do their homework. -- El profesor prefiere que los alumnos hagan su tarea. Ser + adj que = es bueno que, no es verdad que, es posible que

Future Perfect--futuro perfecto

ar/er/ir: habré, habrás, habrá, habremos, habréis, habrán + ado/ido indicates that an action will have been completed (finished or "perfected") at some point in the future. This tense is formed with "will" plus "have" plus the past participle of the verb (which can be either regular or irregular in form): "I will have spent all my money by this time next year. I will have run successfully in three marathons if I can finish this one."

Conditional Perfect- condicional perfecto

ar/er/ir: habría, habrías, habría, habríamos, habríais, habrían + ado/ido It is used primarily to indicate something hypothetical or unreal in past time, in a context where the subjunctive is not required such as in the main clause of a sentence: Sí, yo habría ido a la luna. Yes, I would have gone to the moon [but they didn't ask me].

Past Perfect Pluperfect -- presente perfecto

ar/er/ir: había, habías, había, habíamos, habíais, habían + ado/ ido had already been done. This tense's use is similar to the Preterite Tense, except that this tense To indicate that the action actually had taken place. This tense uses the imperfect tense of the auxillary/helping verb "haber" to have followed by the past participle form of the action verb. I had spoken Spanish already. -- (Yo) ya había hablado español.

Present Perfecto Subjunctive

ar/er/ir: haya, hayas, haya, hayamos, hayáis, hayan + ado/ido is used when a verb or expression requiring the subjunctive in the main clause is in the present, future, or present perfect.

Present Perfect -- presente perfecto

ar/er/ir: he, has, ha, hemos, habéis, han already been done. This tense's use is similar to the Preterite Tense, except that this tense To indicate that the action actually has taken place. This tense uses the present tense of the auxiliary/helping verb "haber" to have followed by the past participle form of the action verb. I have spoken Spanish already. -- (Yo) ya he hablado español.

Pulperfect Subjunctive

ar/er/ir: hubiera, hubieras, hubiera, hubiéroms, hubierais, hubieran 1. If the verb in the independent clause expresses wishes, emotions, recommendations, possible non-realities, doubts, denial, etc. and is in the preterite, imperfect or conditional tense and the subjunctive verb refers to something that has or should have already taken place, then the verb in the dependent clause will be past perfect subjunctive. Doubts Dudaba que hubiera venido. (I doubted that he had come.) 2. When preceded by the term "ojalá (que), we can express a desire that something in the past had happened differently. Construction: - Ojalá (que) + past perfect subjunctive + rest of sentence Ojalá hubiera llegado a tiempo. (If only he had arrived on time.) Construction: - si + past perfect subjunctive + conditional perfect + rest of sentence - conditional perfect + rest of sentence + si + past perfect subjunctive Si hubieran ido de vacaciones, nos habrían comprado regalos.) (If they had gone on vacation, they would have bought gifts for us.)

Imperfect Subjunctive

ar/er/ir: ra, ras, ra, ramos, rais, ran (или) ar/er/ir: se, ses, se, semos, seis, sen Introduced with a preterite, imperfect, conditional, or past perfect WEIRDO verb in the independent clause, the imperfect subjunctive often refers to a previous experience, but can also refer to unlikely events or possibilities.

Past Perfect--preterite perfecto

ar/ir/er: hube, hubiste, hubo, hubimos, hubisteis, hubieron + ado/ido pluperfect, is a verb tense used to talk about actions that were completed before some point in the past. I'm watching a movie that I have already seen. Estoy viendo una película que ya había visto.

Present - Presente

normally take place or that are taking place at this time. ar: o, as, a...amos, aís, an er/ir: o, es, e...imos, eís, en

Cuban: We'll catch you later bus

nos cogemos la guagua

Imperative -- imperativo

one person to command another person or a group of people to do or not to do something. Mike, throw the ball! -- Miguel, ¡tira la bola!

as a rule as if, as though as usual

por lo general como si como siempre

by all means/ by any means by way of day after day/ day by day

por todos los medio por medio de día tras día

I doubt you'll do it I doubt that you did it

present subjunctive: Dudo que lo hagas. present perfect subjunctive: Dudo que lo hayas hecho.

love me for a moment let go of me, cure me, let me Nobody cares what I'm doing

quiéreme de apoco ahógame, Cúrame, déjame A nadie le importa lo que estoy haciendo

Flock It was beginning to get dark cieling

rebaño empezaba a oscurecer el techo

recient shore to climb

reciente la orilla trepar

return (v) empty (v) to toughen (v) to load/fill (v) to show

regresar vaciar acerarse cargar mostrar

to apply, to request to work overtime to transfer funds

solicitar trabajar horas extras transferir fondos

day in, day out either way every now and then

todos los santos días de cualquier manera de vez en cuando

she/he had an eventful life this has been an eventful week

tuvo una vida rica en experiences han pasado muchas cosas esta semena

To bathe in the sea without reason, without problem Sitting without doing anything Looking from afar and being relaxed

A mí me gusta estar en la arena Bañarme en el mar sin razón, sin problema Estar sentada sin hacer nada

Remember Acapulco of that night Maria Bonita, Maria del alma; remember that on the beach, with your little hands the little stars you rinsed them. Your body, from the sea toy ship to the gare came the waves were swinging while I watched you I say it with feeling My thoughts betrayed me. I told you many words of those pretty with which hearts lull asking you to love me that you turned into realities My illusions. The moon that looked at us I was already a little while it became a little misunderstood why when lavi hidden I kneel to kiss you why give you all my life. Loves you have had many loves Maria Bonita, Maria del alma; but none so good or so honest like the one you made in my bud I bring it full of flowers as an offering to let it down under your plants, receive it excited why swear that you do not lie because you feel idolized.

Acuerdate de Acapulco de aquella noche Maria Bonita, MarÃa del alma; acuerdate que en la playa, con tus manitas las estrellitas las enjuagabas. Tu cuerpo, del mar juguete nave al garete venÃan las olas lo columpiaban why mientras yo te miraba lo digo con sentimiento mi pensamiento me traicionaba. Te dije muchas palabras de esas bonitas con que se arrullan los corazones pidiendo que me quisieras que convirtieras en realidades mis ilusiones. La luna que nos miraba ya hacÃa ratito se hizo un poquito desentendida why cuando lavi escondida me arrodille para besarte why asà entregarte toda mi vida. Amores habras tenido muchos amores Maria Bonita, MarÃa del alma; pero ninguno tan bueno ni tan honrado como el que hiciste que en mi brotara Lo traigo lleno de flores como una ofrenda para deajarla bajo tus plantas, recibelo emocionada why jurame que no mientes porque te sientes idolatrada.

I was looking for a book that had had good reviews. It surprised me that you had gone to Peru. I hoped that you had eaten. It was not true that he had said that.

Buscaba un libro que hubiera tenido buenas críticas. Me sorpendía que hubieras ido a Perú. Esperaba que hubieras comido. No era verdad que hubiera dicho esto (Pulperfect Subjunctive)

Lydia never has breakfast in the morning. Next summer my friends are going for holiday to the United States. Right now you're going at José's house and you bring the book. Yesterday I was with Carlitos in the park and suddenly Carla comes and asks me: Who are you waiting for?

Lydia nunca desayuna por la mañana. El verano que viene mis amigos se van de vacaciones a los Estados Unidos. Ahora mismo vas a casa de José y traes el libro. Ayer estaba con Carlitos en el parque y de pronto viene Carla y me dice: ¿A quién esperas?

I went against the current and I also lost And you do not have to travel so much to find the answer The only thing that matters is what is inside

Me fui contra la corriente y también me perdí Y no hay que viajar tanto pa' encontrar la respuesta Lo único que importa es lo que está por dentro

I didn't believe that he had told me the true story. I couldn't remember what to do even though he had told me twice.

No creí que me había dicho la historia real. No podía recordar qué hacer a pesar de que me había dicho dos veces.

It isn't sure that it rains tomorrow. It is not true that you work a lot.

No es seguro que mañana llueva. No es verdad que trabajes mucho.

I didn't know they had already arrived. I entered quietly because I had arrived late.

No sabía que ya habían llegado. Entré en silencio porque había llegado tarde.

It has never been harder to find work here. It has never been so easy to talk to people in other countries.

Nunca había sido tan difícil encontrar trabajo aquí. Nunca había sido tan fácil hablar con gente en otros países.

If only he had arrived on time. If only we had met each other earlier.

Ojalá hubiera llegado a tiempo. Ojalá que nos hubiéramos conocido antes. (Pulperfect Subjunctive)

I would paint more often if I had more time. I would like two weeks of vacation.

Pintaría más seguido si tuviera/tuviese más tiempo. Quisiera/Quisiese dos semanas de vacaciones.

That I have already lost consciousness Just stay a moment Until we evaporate in the wind

Que yo ya perdí el conocimiento Sólo quédate un momento Hasta evaporarnos en el viento

I want to watch a movie that I haven't already seen. They were happy to see me because they hadn't seen me in months.

Quiero ver una película que no ya había visto. Ellos estuvieron contentos de verme porque no me habían visto en meses.

I wanted you to come to my party. I was scared it wouldn't rain. I was going to lend him money so he could buy a coat.

Quise que vinieras/vinieses a mi fiesta. Tenía miedo de que no lloviera/lloviese. Le iba a prestar dinero para que se comprara un abrigo. (imperfect subjunctive)

If they had gone on vacation, they would have bought gifts for us. I would have played in the football game if I hadn't broken my leg.

Si hubieran ido de vacaciones, nos habrían comprado regalos. Habría jugado en el partido de fútbol si no me hubiera roto la pierna. (Pulperfect Subjunctive)

If I had more money, I would travel around the whole world. If I were you, I wouldn't do it.

Si tuviera más dinero, viajaría por todo el mundo. Si yo fuera tú, no lo haría. (imperfect subjunctive)

Present Progressive -- presente progresivo

in progress are taking place presently. This tense's use is similar to the Present Tense, except that this tense is used when the action is actually taking place. This tense uses the present tense of "estar" to be followed by the present participle form of the action verb. I am speaking Spanish now. -- (Yo) estoy hablando español ahora.

to innovate to have a good/bad time to produce bonus paid at the end of the year bonus

innovar pasársela bien/mal producir el aguinaldo el bono

to invest to pay in installments to quit to withdraw funds

invertir pagar a plazos renunciar retirar fondos

crowd, mass of people asphalt district, neighborhood cement residential subdivision

la aglomeración el asfalto el barrio el cemento la colonia

service window to charge (to credit/debit card) to charge (for merchandise, for work, a fee) to hire to deposit

la caja cargar cobrar contratar depositar

current boat with me, you, him

la corriente la barca/ el bote conmigo/tigo/sigo

bill (statement showing amount owed) checking account savings account deposit cash

la cuenta la cuenta corriente la cuenta de ahorros el depósito el efectivo

scene show, performance premiere success ending

la escena el espectáculo el estreno el éxito el final

photography failure show sweets, snacks intermission

la fotografía el fracaso la función las golosinas el intermedio

movie, film animated classic funny, comedy action adventure science fiction horror mystery suspense documentary drama romantic

la película... animada/de animación clásica cómica de acción de aventuras de ciencia ficción de horror de misterio de suspenso documental dramática romántica

fishing population town small farm, ranch outskirts

la pesca la población el pueblo el rancho las afueras

soirée exciting, thrilling funny to act to comment

la velada emocionante gracioso(a) actuar comentar

earnings mortgage coin payment percent

las ganancias la hipoteca la moneda el pago por ciento

to show brown stain

las pardas manchas faenar

benefits position, job job application bill (money) stock market

las prestaciones el puesto la solicitud de trabajo el billete la bolsa de valores

Rolls of fishing line mast candle/sail

los rollos de sedal el mástil la vela

cheeks of deaft

mejillas de la derrota

Past Progressive -- pasado progresivo

were in progress or were taking place in the past. This tense's use is similar to the Preterite Tense, except that this tense To indicate when the action was actually taking place. This tense uses the imperfect tense of "estar" to be followed by the present participle form of the action verb. I was speaking Spanish yesterday. -- (Yo) estaba hablando español ayer.

Future -- futuro

will be taking place. I will be speaking Spanish tomorrow. -- (Yo) hablaré español mañana.

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