Spanish/spanish speakers- final exam semester 1
asistió la reunión
he/she attended the reunion/meeting
jugó a los bolos
he/she bowled
se cepilla los dientes
he/she brushes his/her teeth
escogió esta ropa
he/she chose these clothes
se corta el pelo
he/she cuts his/her hair
hizo una búsqueda
he/she did a search
no almuerza
he/she doesn't eat lunch
se viste
he/she dresses him/herself
se viste para la boda
he/she dresses him/herself for the wedding
se seca el pelo
he/she dries his/her hair
se levanta
he/she gets him/herself up
Sacó una buena nota
he/she got a good grade
no esta cómoda/o
he/she isn't comfortable
se acuesta
he/she lays him/herself down
oprendió de memoria
he/she memorized it
Nunca presta atención
he/she never pays attention
Respeta las reglas
he/she obeys the rules
se pintó las uñas
he/she polished his/her nails
praticó la natación
he/she practiced swimming
se pintó los labios
he/she put lipstick on him/herself
se pone agua de colonia
he/she puts cologne on him/herself
se pone desodorante
he/she puts deodorant on him/herself
se pone las joyas
he/she puts jewelry on him/herself
se pone el maquillaje
he/she puts makeup on him/herself
Grabó la canción
he/she recorded the song
ensayó con el coro
he/she rehearsed with the choir
se afeita
he/she shaves himself/herself
se ducha
he/she showers him/herself
entrenó para los olímpicos
he/she trained for the olympics
se despierta
he/she wakes up
se lava la cara
he/she washes his/her face
era una ganga
it was a bargain
hacia muchos años que
it's been many years that...
el equipo ganó
The team won
Antes de la cita
before the date/appointment
el/la cantante
the singer
luego participa en un concurso
then he/she participates in a contest