Speech 101 Ch 14 p2
When designing slides, you should use
44 to 36 point type for headings.
Noah wanted to illustrate for his audience the change in the number of homeless people living in Chicago between 2000 and 2010. Which of the following types of visual aids would most effectively display his statistics?
A bar graph, a line graph.
Meagan wants to explain how college graduation rates differ between men and women who are Hispanic, African American, and Asian American. Which of the following would best help her do this?
A bar graph.
When it is not feasible to use an object itself as a visual aid because of its size or location, which of the following visual aids are other options for showing that object?
A drawing, a model, a photograph, and a video
Denise was given a speech on dental care and wanted to show the class proper technique. In order to give them a three-dimensional view, her best choice would be
A large scale model of a mouth.
In which of the following ways can a video do more harm than good in a speech?
A low-resolution video might be blurry when projected, a video that is not cued up can cause an unwanted pause, a video longer than 30 seconds can distract the audience.
Benita wanted to explain to her audience the various areas of spending in the budget of the American Cancer Society. Which of the following types of visual aids would be the best choice?
A pie graph.
Which of the following are recommended guidelines for constructing slides with text using presentation technology?
Do not use more than two fonts per slide, choose fonts that are easy to read, use fonts consistently.
When demonstrating a process, sometimes speakers use them selves as a visual aid. What are the benefits of this?
It helps keep the audience involved, it can help reduce speaker nervousness, it can add clarity for an audience.
When preparing a presentation using presentation technology, you should do which of the following?
Keep the slides fairly simple, use limited amount of text, use fonts that are easily read.
If you cannot visit the presentation room prior to the day of your speech, which of the following is a good idea?
See if you can find out what type of presentation equipment the room has, before your presentation ensure equipment is working properly, arrive early the day of your speech
Duncan has several photographs in a slide show, and he has decided that informational slides between these visual aids will be unnecessary. What is the best way for Duncan to present his visual aids?
Show the photos only when they are being discussed and use blank slides before or after each one.
Which is the most important benefit for the audience when the speaker uses fewer words on slides?
The audience can process images and graphics rather than reading.
What are some key points to remember when practicing using presentation technology?
You should practice with the mouse and keyboard so you won't have to fumble or look down much to advance your slides, you should allow extra time for rehearsal, you should address the audience and not the screen.
A determining factor in deciding whether visual aids are large enough is that a person sitting __________ of the room should be able to see them clearly.
at the back
When discussing a visual aid, a speaker's eyes should be focused on the
When deciding whether to use a chart as a visual aid, you should remember that charts
should be uncluttered, help present blocks of information, should not contain too much information
What are recommended guidelines for adding color to a slide?
use color consistently, use high contrast between font color and background color.
Drawings, photographs, graphs and videos are examples of
visual aids.
How does advanced preparation of visual aids help you maximize the effectiveness of this material?
Advanced preparation ensure sufficient time to create effective aids, advanced preparation helps you plan for smooth integration of visual aids.
Jesse has brochures she would like to give her audience so that they could take me to material home. When would it be the correct time to pass out the material?
At the close of her presentation.
True or False: It is best to wait until the day of your presentation to prepare visual aids so that you can adapt them to the final version of your speech
Adding color to a visual aid can do which to the following?
It can increase impact when done well, it can help a speaker highlight key points, it can make it difficult to see clearly when contrast is low.
Which of the following are true about passing around visual aids during a speech?
Listeners my explore an object or handout at their own pace rather than focusing on what the speaker is saying about it, listeners might be handling the visual aid instead of listening to the speaker, while waiting for the visual aid to come to them, listeners my focus on the person who has it before them instead of focusing on the speaker.
What are recommended practices when practicing a speech using presentation technology?
Mark cues in the speaking notes indicate slide changes, rehearse with the mouse or keyboard unless requires only a glance at the equipment, decide exactly when to change sides.
Belinda made a line graph illustrating the amount of money that music companies made over the past decade. during her presentation she briefly shows the graph and says, "Clearly, there has been a decrease in sales over the past several years." She then moves on to her next visual aid. What mistake did she make
She did not take time to explain the visual aid.
When Deshanna went to the front of the room for her speech, she took a long time finding where to insert her flash drive, and then she could not determine how to switch to slide show mode. during the presentation, she forgot to move to the next slide on several occasions. How could Deshanna have avoided these problems?
She should have indicated in her speaking notes when to change slides, she should have rehearsed more with her visual aids, she should have familiarized herself with the equipment in the room.
Her speech on the artist Claude Monet, Keisha prepared presentation slides, which she emailed herself. When she got to class she found out that the school network was down period of the following options, which one would have been the best backup plan?
She should have saved a copy of her slides to a flash drive.
When constructing visual aids you should make them ____________ to help your audience comprehend them.
Simple, clear, to the point.
Dominique wants to discuss various types of money used in the 1700s. She has several coins at home she can bring to show her audience. What is the best way for Dominique to effectively incorporate the coins into her speech?
Taking photos of the coins in projected them with presentation technology.
Which of the following are true of speakers who use visual aids effectively?
They have more confidence in their whole presentation, they are heightening their listeners' interest, they may come across as more professional.
Speakers should construct visual aids
before they begin the rehearsal process.
When constructing an all-text slide using presentation technology, you should make the text
Bobby want to show his audience how to make homemade salsa. Which of the following would be an effective visual aid?
Mixing salsa with ingredients already chopped.
Barry wanted to explain to his audience the various types of nautical flags. His best option for a visual a to illustrate his ideas would be
Photographs of the flags in use.
When presenting an object or a model, a speaker should
decide ahead of time the best place to display it.
when presenting visual aids, speakers should
display them in a prominent place only while the visual aid is being discussed.