Speech Chap 10

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Flip charts and Poster Board

Flip chart - reveal visuals one at a time. Major adv - simple to prepare and easy to use; eliminates risk of equipment failure. May be too small for easy viewing and too large for transport

Claim: configuring a wireless network isn't as hard as it might seem

Here's a video that shows how easy it can be.

Americans expect an answer upfront followed by supporting argument. Latin Americans might first give the supporting arguments that lead to the answer.

In latin america examples and stories that evoke an emotional reaction can be more compelling than data-based arguments

tables and lists points

Keep the visual aid simple - list only highlights, use only keywords, phrases, never full sentences Use numbered and/or bulleted lists to emphasize key points; numbered lists for ranking, bulleted lists for items of equal importance Use text sparingly - if you need more than 7 lines of text, create 2> tables. lines of text should never exceed 7 words across Use large type Enhance the list's or table's readability - careful layout and generous use of white space will make it easy to read

Presentation software

MS Powerpoint, Apple Keynote, Prezi created

educational background, career focus and socioeconomic status can also be powerful

a smart speaker will consider all these variables when choosing how to support argments

Bar and Column Charts

bar chart - compare the value of several items column chart - reflects changes in a single item over time


brief illustrations that back up or explain a point


brief reference that illustrates a point clarify; add interest (if sufficient number given) Usually best in groups of 2> if example is brief. Often an extended example is most effective

Factual stories

can also add interest and clarity.

Verbal supporting material

can be used to add interest, clarity, or proof to a presentation.

Chalk and Dry-Erase Boards

can be useful for recording info that comes up on the spot, brainstorming, tally of audience responses; use a mediu that doesn't require you to turn your back on the audience and write or draw freehand Instead of chalk or whiteboard consider large size post - it notes

Visual Aids

charts, diagrams and other graphic aids are part of most business presentations 1. Show how things look 2. Show how things work 3. Show how things relate to one another 4. Emphasize important points

After explosion killed 12 in a W Virginia coal mine- used to argue that weak federal laws make it financially worthwhile for mine owners to break safety rules

driving solo in a California carpool lane carries a bigger fine than allowing combustible materials to accumulate in a coal mine


explains meaning of a term clarify important when terms are unfamiliar to an audience or used in an uncommon way

Comparisons should possess 2 characteristics

familiar part should be well known by the audience be sure comparisons are valid not a good comparison using the copy machine for personal papers is a crime, just as much as robbery or assault. better comparison you wouln't help yourself to spare change from a cash register; everybody with a conscience knows that would be a case of petty theft.

Stories com e in 3 categories:

fictional hypothetical factual


show correlation btwn 2 quantities; show trends such as growth or decline in sales over time; large amt of data w/o becoming cluttered; can chart single trend or show relationships among 2> trends identical data can be manipulated by adjusting the horizontal and vertical axes.

Citing your sources

showing your ideas are based on authoritative sources boosts your credibility.


supporting material can enliven a presentation by making your main points more vivid or meaningful to the audience.


supporting material can make abstract or complicated ideas more understandable


Numerical representations of point Clarify; prove; add interest (when combined with other form of support) Link to audiences's frame of reference; Use sparingly; round off; supplement with visuals, handout

Tips for bar and column charts

Always represent time on the horizontal axis of your chart running from left to right Arrange the bars in a sequence - high to low, low to high, alphabetical, importance Make sure the numerical values represented are clear - putting numbers next to bars or columns

When asked what is your favorite color.

Americans - ten to work down from that question and explain the reasoning behind the answer. typical answer, my favorite color is blue, and this is why Latin Americans would answer something along the lines of "when I was a kid I preferred yellow because the flag of my foavorite sports team was yellow, but then I started to like balck because of the color of my first girlfreind's eyes until after a long personal dialogue they answer , so my favorite color is blue.

Whenever you propose adopting a policy or using an idea because it worked well somewhere else you're also using comparisons as proof

Bill Gates vivid statistical comparison to demonstrate misplaced priorities in drug research Ten times as much funding is devoted to research on the prevention of male baldness as malaria, a disease that kills more than 1 million people each year.

Pie chart guidelines

Place the segment you want to emphasize at the top center (12 o'clock) position on the circle. Wen not emphasizing a segment organize wedges from largest to smallest beginning at 12o'clock w/ the largest one Label each segment - either inside or outside figure List the percentage for each segment as well as its label

Avoiding computer catastrophes in presentations

Set up in advance Always bring 2 of everything Back up your programs Have backup technical support available Beware of the Web Have a contigency plan

Other comparisons are literal

We need to spend more of our advertising budget on direct mail. That approach worked wonders on the BNT campaign and I think it can do the same for us here.

This account of a farmer and his children shows how stories can make a powerful point, in this case, a farmer's contrast btwn conventional agriculture and an organic approach

When I worked for a conventional far, I would come home and my kids would want to hug me. They couldn't because I had to shower first and my clothes had to be removed and disinfected. Today, I can walk right off the field into the waiting arms of my kids because there's nothing toxic on my body to harm them.

Besides being involving, hypothetical stories allow you to create a situation that illustrates exactly the point you are trying to make.

You can adjust details, create dialogue, and use figures that support your case. But your account will be effective only if it is believable

Fictional stories

allow you to create material that perfectly illustrates the point you want to make. uses humor to hep listeners understand the importance of being proactive in business

Suppporting material

anything that backs up the claims in a presentation

US senator Mitch McConnell used comparison to illustrate the magnitude of spending in a multitrillion bill before Congress

if you had spent a million dollars every day since Jesus was born, you still wouldn't have spent a trillion


illustrate a point by describing an incident in some detail. It can drive home a point better than logic and reasoning alone.

Pie charts

illustrate component percentages of a single item; show how money is spent; allocation of resources


illustrating action; can be risky, last too long and lack of continuity, casting the rest of your msg in an unprofessional light

Review points

supporting material is vital in any presentation and serves 3 purposes: to clarify ideas to make material more interesting to offer proof Definitions, examples, stores (fictional, hypothetica, factual),statistics, comparisons (figurative, literal), quotations all serve as verbal support Speakers create ethical and credible presentations by knowing when and how to cite their sources In business presentations, well-designed visual aids can make a point more quickly and clearly than words alone, add variety and interest, and boost a speaker's professional image Visuals serve several functions: they highlight important info, show how things look, how they work or how they relate to one another Speakers can use several types of visual aids: objects, models, photographs, diagrams, lists and tables, pie charts, bar and column charts, pictograms, graphs, and videos Visuals can be presented via a number of media: chalk and dry-erase marker boards, flip charts and poster boards, computer displays and handouts Presentation sw allows presnters to develop professional-looking visual exhibits. Take care not to overuse features that result in cluttered and overstimulating, but unclear, visuals. Successful speakers plan their msgs carefully, emphasize content over design, and strive for simplicity and clarity. Whatever the medium, all visuals should follow the same basic conventions: easy to understand, purposeful, suited to the point they illustrate and to the audience, and workable in the presentational setting. Speakers need to be familiar with their visuals to avoid unpleasant surprises during delivery.

Facutal and fictional stories can make a presentation clearer and more interesting only the factual type can prove a point

"cutting payroll by using temps sounds like a good idea, but it has problems. Listen to what happened when we tried it at the place I used to work.." "I'm sure Wes can handle the job. Let me tell you what happened last year when we assigned him to manage the Westco account..."

4 step method for citing sources without interrupting the flow of your presentation

1. State your point - the trend of working from home is growing 2. Identify the source of your citation - in the March 12 edition of USA Today colunist Stephanie Armour states that 3. State the content of you citation- "just about anyone with a high-speed internet connection and a telephone can become a virtual free agent, handling customer service calls fro major corporations 4. Explain how and why the material is important for members of your audience-That means almost everybody in this room has the potential to work from home whether you are going to school, raising a child, or have limited mobility

A speaker arguing for an enhanced pkg of employee benefits could cite examples of companies that already provide a variety of perks

A marketing consultant explaining how the name of a business can attract customers could back up the claim by citing examples of clever names.

Poorly used statistics can spoil a presentation.

Bury an audience under an avalanche of numbers too many numbers are too dry

Cite sources guidelines

Cite the Source in a Way That Adds to the Credibility of Your Presentation - explain why the source is credible Cite Sources That Have Credibility with Your Audience - citing Karl Marx about the abuse of workers won't impress an audience of Republican manufacturers whereas a similiar msg from an article in the Wall Street Journal might be effective Restate the Point of Long Citations - summarize the point it makes before moving on

Adv of presentation sw

Deliver an onscreen show with special effects such as smooth transitions btwn screens, animation, and synchronized timing that reveals each point as you raise it. Organize a set of speaker's notes for yourself Prepare a variety of handounts for your audience Create "run-time" versions of your displays so you can distribute copies of your presentation to people Create charts, graphs, and tables


Detailed account of an incident Clarify; Add interest; prove (factual only) Adapt to audience ;must clearly support thesis; Tell at appropriate length

Bollywood is the informal name of the Hindi language film industry based in Mumbai, India. The term is a combination of the words "Bombay" - the old name for Mumbai and 'Hollywood.'



Examinations or processes that show how one idea resembles another Clarify; add interest (figurative);prove (literal) Tailor familiar item to audience; make sure comparison is valid

This story, from a frustrated consumer, illustrates the thesis that many businesses are more interested in making a sale than in supporting their products after the deal is closed. Notice how the last sentence restates the main idea so the point of the story is clear

Last Tuesday I decided to call the automobile dealership. There were 2 numbers listed in the phone book, one for Sales the other for Service. I asked the service manager if I could bring my car in the following Saturday. Service managers always have a way of making you feel unwanted, and he seemed pleased to be able to tell me that they were closed Saturday and wouldn't be able to take me until a week from Thursday Called Sales and Sales is open on Saturdays. If you can buy a car on Saturday why can't you get one fixed on Saturday?

Taking the time to help customers will boost their loyalty and increase your commissions

Let me read you a letter written just last week by one satisfied customer.

In the tax code, a capital gain is not the same as ordinary income. It is the profit that results when you sell assets like real estate or shares of stock for more than you paid for them. A capital gains tax is the amount govt charges on that profit.j


Types of visual aids

Objects and Models - can add interest, clarity and proof to your topic make sure it is large enough for audience to see don't pass object around for audience to examine- this will distract both the person who has the object at a given moment and the other people who are craning their necks to get a preview Photographs Diagrams- 2 types: drawings and maps; show important properties of objects w/o being completely representational; are excellent for conveying info about size, shape, and structure Lists and Tables - highlighting key facts and figures; effective when you list steps, highlight features, or compare related facts: adv/disadv, current/past performance, your product vs competition.


Opinion of expert or articulate source Clarify; add interest (sometimes); Prove Paraphrase lengthy quotes; Veryshort quotes can be read verbatim; cite source; use sources credible to audience; follow up with restatement or explanation

Guidelines for using visual aids

Selection - Be sure you have a reason for using a visual aid - if image doesn't explain a point better than words alone don't use it Keep your slide show brief - less is more Match the sophistication of your visuals to the audience Design - confusing or sloppy exhibits will be conterproductive Make sure visual is large enough to see Keep the design of your visuals simple Use only a few words Use only horizontal printing Label all items for clear identification Display a visual only while you are discussing it Make sure your visulas will work in the meeting room Practive using your visuals

Effective stories have several characteristics

Should be brief Interesting Appropriate for your audience Support the point you are trying to make

Claim: We could increase sales by staying open until 10pm on weekday evenings.

Support: Article in Modern Retailing cites statistics showing that stores with extended evening hours boost profits by more that 20% of the direct overhead involved with the longer business day.


Supporting material can provide evidence for your claims and make your presentation more convincing.


Suppose you were unlucky enough to have a nasty accident that kept you from working for 6 months. Imagine dealing with the pain and inconvenience of your injuries. Then imagine yourself trying to cope with your loss of income. Would you have enough money saved to support yourself and the peope who are counting on you? Would you have enough insurance coverage to make up for your lost income?

In many cases you don't need to look outside your own experience for examples to back up a point. Union members claiming that mgt cares more about buildings and grounds than employees ight back up their claim by offering examples.

When they are used to prove a point, examples are most effective when several are given together. If you are supporting the claim that you are capable of taking on a more challenging job, it is best to remind your boss of several tasks you have handled well. After all, a single example could be an isolated instance or a lucky fluke.

Cherry picking support

a few good examples does not represent the kind of feedback you need. Use complaints and complements


artistic variations of bar, column, or pie charts not mathematically exact however are more interesting than ordinary bars; aimed at lay audiences; suitable for not precise data

Media for presenting visual aids

choosing most advantageous way to present your visual aids is just as important as picking the right type. the best photo, chart or diagram will flop if it isn't displayed effectively

Whenever you use others' work to back up your claims

cite the source

Supporting material can make a presentation more effective by adding 3 things:

clarity interest proof

Computer Displays

computer and data projector can present, photos, charts, graphs, video; easy to transport don't count on fast, stable internet; compatibilty problems

Most common supports for business and professional presentations

definitions, examples, stories, statistics, comparisons, and quotations. Consider your audience's preferences

A smart electrical meter doesn't just measure how much energy a customer uses. It identifies when you used it and sends that information back to the local utility for monitoring and billing purposes"


Arguing a serious manufacturer problem

describing 1 or 2 dissatisfied customers would not prove that the problem went beyond the acceptable rate of error

Claim: Employer-sponsored day care can boost productivity as well as help parents.

for example, the claim that employer-sponsored day care is good for employers is strengthened by citing a survey done a respected bank. The same claim wouldn't be as persuasive coming from a survey of employees who were seeking day care because their motives would be more self-serving.

Culture shapes support preferences

in Latin America an inductive approach that begins with multiple pieces of support can be more compelling.


make a point by showing how one idea resembles another also called ANALOGIES they are FIGURATIVE they compare items from an unfamiliar area with items from a familiar one. Add clarity and interest to presentation

Disadv of presentation sw

need to learn; resist temptation to overuse it Poorly conceived msgs - easy to create charts, graphs, images, animation but if the structure of your presentation isn't clear, listeners won't understand your msg or believe what you say Design over content - spend more time on the design of a presentation than its content. Overly complex presentations - dazzling displays may draw attention away from your msg; may make msg confusing


numbers used to represent an idea most statistices are collections of examples reduced to numerical form for clarity used to measure the size of market segments, sales trends, decreasing or increasing profites, changes in costs and many other aspects of business

Research bears out the power of stories to reach an audience

one group gave statistics and the other group told the story of a little girl and said she was 7 yrs old poor and you donation would change her life for the better. People in the 2nd group gave significantly more


permanent record of your ideas; intricate features of a product, names, phone numbers, do's and don'ts; use to reduce your listener's need to take notes problems- can be distracting; compete for your audience's attention, distribute after you've finished speaking


remove this sort of confusion by explaining the meaning of terms that are unfamiliar to an audience or used in a specialized or uncommon way


think about a typical customer, imagine yourself, what would you do if

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