Speech Chapter 10

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How to prepare for a -mediated presentation: use technology as a channel outside of the speaker or audience to exchange a message Establish the type of presentation

1st step- determine the type of mediated presentation you are required to give or that would be best for your speech situation


A constant pitch, is distracting and boring

The bobber

A speaker who bobs up and down rhythmically from notes to audience Practice speech so you don't rely on your notes

How to prepare for an extemporaneous speech Prepare for question

Anticipate questions you might get and plan answers Practice your answers If topic complex, prepare a facts sheet Remain calm, confident, and professional with difficult questions Be honest if you do not know the answer, offer to look for an answer Have practice audience ask you questions

Appearance Your dress and grooming choices How ppl form 1st impressions of you Don't draw attention to your appearance, you want your audience to focus on your message

Be well groomed Dress for the occasion Consider environmental issues Use appearance to support topic Think about the mood, attitude, or image you want to project Avoid wearing distracting items

Dialect How a particular group of people pronounces and uses language Can be regional or ethnic

Can distract your audience and decrease your effectiveness When speaking outside of your region/culture, use more standard vocabulary, this will prevent misunderstanding and distraction

Eye contact Establish and maintain eye contact if you want your audience to stay focused and view you as trustworthy

Direct eye contact: briefly looking straight into the eyes of the other person Randomly select ppl in the audience to make direct eye contact with Choosing members who are actively listening and smiling will help boost your confidence

Happiness: raise mouth corners into a smile Fear: raise brows, open eyes fully, and open moths slightly Surprise: arch brows, open eyes wide to expose more white,and drop jaw open slightly

Disgust: raise upper lip and wrinkle nose bridge Anger: lower brows, press lips together,bulge eyes Sadness: lower mouth corners and raise inner portions of brows

Emblems Speech-independent and culturally learned gestures that have a direct verbal translation May not mean the same thing in another culture

Ex Shrugging shoulder conveys "I don't know"

Be sure to involve and connect with your audience by using

Image-rich and evocative language Personal examples Shared experiences of your audience

Articulation How completely and clearly you utter a word Enunciation The distinctiveness and clarity of linked whole words

Lazy speech Speaking fast, mumbling, running words together, and dropping vowels or consonants Warm up your mouth, open it several times, stretching your jaw muscles, then hum as your rapidly vibrate your lips together

Facial expressions The use of facial muscles to convey your internal thoughts or feelings

Match your expressions to your verbal message Keep your expressions natural. Avoid overdoing When speaking across cultures, consider the universality of your expressions

Posture The position of your body during your speech, can convey inner thoughts and feelings you have about yourself, your audience, the topic, and the situation

Nervous, your body might be rigid and straight Close off your body, might seem less approachable Bad posture-crossing arms or leaning against the lectern Good posture-more natural and inviting to the audience

Hybrid engagements Type: hybrid

Occur when part of your audience is interacting and real-time and a subset of the audience is not

Rate The speed at which you speak average rate is between 120 and 150 words per minute very your rate to add excitement, exhilaration, or urgency to your speech

Pay attention to your audience, if they seem bored speeding up may help If the topic is difficult to understand, slowing down may help If you feel out of breath, it is an indication that you're speaking too fast

How to prepare for an extemporaneous speech Do a final dress rehearsal

Simulate as closely as possible the exact event when you will give the speech Rehearse in the space where you will give the speech use the exact delivery outline, number the pages Use the exact presentation aids Try to rehearse at the exact time Rehearse standing or sitting, as you will when you give the speech Wear the clothing you plan to wear Rehearse until you are as comfortable as possible

The stargazer

Speaker who looks above and beyond the audience Don't be afraid to look at your audience

The obsessor

Speaker who looks at only one or two audience members during the whole speech Use more of the space in front of the audience, forcing you to look at more ppl

The obliterator

Speaker who tends to look at only one side of the audience and forgets the rest Familiarize yourself with the edges of the audience in all directions. Move around use more space

How to prepare for an extemporaneous speech Prepare for the day of the speech

The day before the speech: avoid activities that will stress your voice, mind, and body, get a good nights sleep, eat right, keep hydrated, limit your caffeine and alcohol Prepare what you will wear Practice at least once, so you feel confident The day of the speech: Don't forget to eat Get to the speech event early so that you are not rushed check on necessary equipment keep water handy prepare yourself mentally look over your notes and make sure they are in the right order walk to the front of the room with confidence

How to prepare for an extemporaneous speech Consider your support materials

Understand your material Practice saying aloud the entire support material segment, Become familiar with the words Employee dramatic affect, speak with enthusiasm, use dramatic pauses, stress important words, and vary the pace of your words Use repetition or restatement to help your audience understand and remember Consider using presentation aids to reinforce what you are saying

Pause Can be used for slowing down you're speaking rate allow your audience to linger on a thought can be used as a tool for enhancing or emphasizing a point Can draw your audiences attention to a point you're about to make

Use pauses to avoid fillers such as like, or you know, um, ah Practice your speech numerous times, will decrease the time it takes you to recall what to say next

Memorized speaking Rehearse the speech so much that you commit the full text to memory

Used when accuracy and the appearance of spontaneity are equally important, works well for brief speeches Rehearse it a lot, make it sound fresh, keep your excitement high


Varying your pitch, helps to demonstrate enthusiasm, excitement, concern, and dedication to the topic


When you use your body and parts of it to convey a message and feelings Usually emblems or illustrations

PITCH how high and low your voice is in frequency and is determined by how fast or slow your vocal chords vibrate Women's vocal chords tend to be short and thin allowing the chords to vibrate fast, voices usually higher and pitch then men

When you're excited, tense or frightened the muscles around your voicebox unconsciously tighten, raising the pitch of your voice

Extemporaneous speaking Is considered the most acceptable contemporary method of delivery More audience centered, speaking "with" your audience and not "at" them

You plan out, rehearse, and deliver the speech from an outline

Variety Jean Paul Richer : the variety of mere nothings gives more pleasure than the uniformity of something Vocal variety a necessity if you want to give an effective speech

You use vocal variety when you fluctuate, change, or adjust your volume, pitch, rate and pauses Doing so brings your voice and words to life, filling them with expression and animation

Illustrators Speech dependent and closely linked to what is being said Help you demonstrate words or messages in speech

Ex. Putting up one finger as you say "my first point" Effective gestures should: vary Be appropriate to the speech, audience, and occasion Be purposefully used and add to your message

Address unique factors when giving mediated presentations

Familiarize yourself with equipment and tools Always be aware that the technology could be on and recording you Presentation environment example is the background cluttered Consider your clothing stay away from complicated colors designs Use vocal variety keep your hair out of your eyes and don't wear tinted glasses use some movement especially with your hands try to keep your message short If you are not visible vocal delivery and interactivity are even more important

Pronunciation Standard or commonly accepted way to make a word sound Poor pronunciation can slow down your audiences listening skills as they try to figure out what you intend

Not knowing how to correctly pronounce a word can lower your ethos Find out the correct way to pronounce words

Asynchronous engagements Type: recorded

Occur when the speaker and audience interaction is not in real time

Synchronous engagements Type: live

Occur when the speaker and the audience interact in real time via some sort of mediation

Impromptu speaking Very little preparation or rehearsal If any outline is used, it is simply notes jotted down quickly

Often uses very basic organizational strategy, lacks solid evidence, and uses simplistic language Always be prepared with appropriate knowledge and info Pay close attention during the event Write down keywords, ideas Limit your remarks to 2-3 points Think about evidence to support your points

Volume How loud or soft your voice is Aim for a volume that can vary and still be heard in the back row of the audience when you are at your softest, and not hurt you at your loudest

Pay attention to the cues your audience sends you about your volume

How to prepare for an extemporaneous speech Read aloud the preparation outline:

Pay attention to the order of your points, support material, and order,of support material Introduction and conclusion need to be interesting and must flow well Make necessary changes to correct issues and to adhere to the time limit Rehearse your speech as many times as you need to move successfully to the next step

How to prepare for an extemporaneous speech Practice multiple times

Practice exactly as you plan to give it practice from the delivery outline practice in front of a mirror or to record your speech Recording your speech will allow you to focus on vocal quality and pay attention to body language and Eye contact Time yourself several times while using presentation aids and necessary equipment Practiced with a rehearsal audience, evaluate their feedback & rehearse incorporating changes made

How to prepare for an extemporaneous speech Prepare your presentation aids

Prepare aids exactly how you will use them Do not cut corners here practice with finish aids Make them seem a natural part of your speech

How to prepare for an extemporaneous speech Prepare your delivery outline

Reduced your preparation outline to only key words, phrases, and important quotations, the statistics, or details Do not include too much of the introduction or conclusion add delivery cues where you might need them know cues for presentation aids

Movement Your use of motion and space during the speech If formal, such as a graduation, too much moving is less acceptable

Standing completely still can make you seem rigid or unapproachable and can cause any nervous tension in your body to intensify Avoid using a lectern, to be able to build a friendlier and more approachable relationship Stand to the side or move around periodically, but avoid pacing Make movements purposeful and consistent swith your verbal message, not distracting

Manuscript speaking When you read word for word from a copy of the speech

Used when you must present the speech exactly as planned, so you do not omit important details Make as much eye contact as possible, gestures high, keep,your voice dynamic Mark delivery tips on manuscript

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