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What was the most significant sport in America?


What was the most popular sport in 1870?


When were the very first Olympic games and what country started them?

In 400 A.D. and in Greece

Where did organized baseball begin?

New York! It became organized when rules were written down and teams were created. It started in the city because young men who worked in offices needed to have some physical activity after work.

What sports helped develop football?

Rugby + Soccer + Innovation

What was the National Agreement?

That there is only one National League but all baseball players that have a contract in the other leagues will be respected.d

What are Interscholastic Sports?

When 2 schools play against each other in a sport to determine what school is better.

Senior Circuit

nickname for NL

Who plays American football?

only the United States and Canada


stood for Intercollegiate Football Club

What was the beginning of intercollegiate sports in America?

-Crew racing - first boat race in 1840's between Harvard and Yale at Sarasota Springs (idea came from the 1829 boat race with the 2 oldest universities, Oxford and Cambridge in England)

What happens in Springfield, Massachusetts?

1) becomes home of the international YMCA training school for directors 2) becomes global movement of the YMCA 3) Beginnings of "the playground movement"-

What did Luther Gulick do?

1)Designed inverted triangle "Mind, Body, Spirit" symbol of the "Y". 2)Created inside game of basketball-biggest thing to come out of the YMCA. 3)created PSAL - Public School Athletic League in Brooklyn focusing on participation sports and adds interscholastic competition(schools play other schools). Offers medals for fitness activities 4) Helps wife create Campfire Girls 5) helped start playground movement in cities

What equipment was used in Baseball?

A glove to catch the ball, a mask for the catcher, helmets were optional when at bat but now mandatory.

What was a "Reserve List" in the National League?

A list of the 5 best players that the owners could retain for the next year and the year after that.

What 2 institutional sports were created in 1876?

American Football and Baseball

Who played in the "Nationals" tour in 1867?

An amateur team of office workers from Washington DC decided to go on tour and play baseball teams anywhere and everywhere. They traveled 3,000 miles, costing $5000, charged admission only to pay for their expenses- they only lost 1 game.

Where was the home of the U.S. Open Tennis Tournament?

At the CASINO in Newport, Rhode Island -today it's a restaurant. The U.S. Open moved to NY because interest in the sport grew.

How would you describe the Amateurism ideal

Athletes that are not professionals or not paid can compete in the Olympics, mostly made up of college students do this because they love their school or they love the sport. Mostly American college students and people from the middle east participated

What sport is associated with "Sporting Fraternity"?

Baseball - drinking, gambling, and rat fights Negative aspects of the Sporting Fraternity

Why was the Little League World Series created?

Because it was the belief that children would have more fun if it was done a little better -actual playing field (just like the big leagues).

Where was the first country club?

Boston, Massachusetts

Who was Cy Young?

Called "cyclone" because of how fast he could pitch- holds the record of the greatest number of wins as a pitcher.There is an annual award in baseball known as the "Cy Young Award". Best player in Baseball, played for the American League

William Hulbert

Came up with idea -Can make $ for entertainment -Organizes league, creates schedule, sells tickets for revenue. Needs revenue to pay players He makes NL work

What is the CYO?

Catholic Youth Organization started by a bishop in Chicago in 1930 and focused on athletics- open to everyone - no need to be catholic/spread all over the country

Who was the first professional team in Baseball?

Cincinnati Red Stockings in 1869 - the only team in baseball history to go thru a season undefeated. Won 58 games/tied 1. Became part of a tradition: 1st game was always against the Red Stockings

Who created American Football

College Students created the game

Where is the Baseball Hall of Fame?

Cooperstown, NY because a little boy,Abner Doubleday, came up with an improved version of the game called baseball.

A G Spaulding

Created brand name sporting equipment Great Pitcher - considered "Unhit-able" Washington Nationals lost to Spalding's team

When and Why were Country Clubs established?

Developed in the late 1800's, they were established to promote sports for the elite, promoting not only health but social status and a way to "get away from the city" - mostly focused on golf and tennis

Explain the U.S. Open?

Established in the 1800's - these were contests among country clubs for both golf and tennis. In the late 1800's/ there was a U.S. Open(1st national championship) for women in golf and tennis.

Walter Camp

Father of American Football -promoter Built Yale Football-played 6 years-most successful college program/Attended the original meeting of the intercollegiate league and every meeting after/ Established "line of scrimmage"/President of New Haven Clock Company/Invented "First Down"(got rid of sitting on ball)/Can't advance ball by kicking/Punt to other team/His efforts increased game violence/Secret fund used to pay tutors for Yale athletes

Why is Physical Education a big deal in schools?

German immigrants(first in America) associated Physical Ed with the military

Who was Harry Wright and why was he important?

Harry Wright was the manager of the Cinncinati Red Stockings. He put together the team,had the team train, practice and scheduled games.

What did Alexander Cartwright do for baseball?

He created an organization initiated the "New York game" in 1845 in NYC known as the Knickerbocker Baseball Club using the diamond-shaped infield and 9 players on each side which emerged as the dominant form and is still used today. He was the author of the first set of rules.

Why did Walter Camp create the "All American" team?

He did this to promote interest in the sport and wrote books and articles in men's magazines to promote American football.

Why did Pierre de Coubertin want to start up the Olympics again?

He thought that sports were good for people, he liked that it was a competition, he thought it would promote international understanding, for men only

Tell me about Christy Mathewson?

He was a star pitcher, a college graduate from Bucknell University - which was rare. In the 1905 World Series, he pitched 3 complete games, won all 3 and all 3 were shutouts - no hits by the other team.

Who is Ban Johnson and what is he known for?

He was from the midwest and became head of a Minor League known as the Western League. He renames it and calls it the American League

What journalist promoted Baseball as "The National Pastime"?

Henry Chadwick, an immigrant from England during the 1860's. He published guide books, wrote and updated rules. He was involved in the Cooperstown story and is in the Baseball Hall of Fame.

What was the very first big sporting event in American history?

Horse racing. The horse "Eclipse" was the winner of the first organized horse race in 1823 on Long Island, NY -people were attracted because of the beauty of horses.

When and where was the first football game held?

In 1869 Rutgers vs Princeton- no organized set of rules. Played 3 games, Rutgers won first game, Princeton won next 2. Ruters won't win again until the 1930's.

What year and where was the first modern Olympics held and what was the main sport?

In 1886 in Athens, Greece and they competed in track and field

Where and what year were the first Olympics held in the United States?

In St. Louis, Missouri in 1904

What year were the first winter Olympics held?

In the 1920's

Why is the American (baseball)Association established in 1881?

Known as "Beer Ball League", had beer sales, charged 25 cents a game, had games after church on Sunday afternoons/ NL forces to develop an agreement to respect each other's contracts/American Association collapsed in the 1890's

Where and in what year were the first Olympics held in the United States?

Lake Placid, in 1932.

In Baseball, what was the first crisis?

Louisville Grays in 1877 -throwing games because of gambling, they would get paid off Uncovered by newspapers who became suspicious about missed plays -4 players confessed and were expelled-black listed - could not play anymore

What is the MLB and what 2 groups are part of it?

Major League Baseball is made up of the National League and the American League

What was the first professional team sport and most popular sport in America?

Organized Baseball

What is PAL?

PAL is the Police Athletic League which was created to prevent crime and give people something more productive to do.

Where can you provide recreation in the city?

Parks, Central Park, School (recess/gym classes)

What was the "Players' League"?

Players wanted to be paid more/resented salary cap imposed by NL but collapsed after 1 season because the old owners had deeper pockets -established in 1889 but fell apart in 1890's

What was a "revolver" in baseball?

Players who switched teams in mid season

What was the first team sport to get established and have a set schedule?

Pro Baseball in the late 1800's

Why did Rules of Baseball change in the 1800's?

Rules changed because player's skill levels increased - Pitching underhand was switched to overhand. - Distance from the pitching mound to home plate changed - Used to be 9 balls till you walked/ now it's 4 balls

NL or National League

Short for National League Professional Baseball Clubs - began as a commercial/business proposition -established Feb 2, 1876 in NY Made up of 8 pro teams - $100 to enter - no gambling, no beer, no games on Sunday. Cost 50 cents to attend (discount if came to game late)

What does IOC stand for?

The International Olympic Committee

What happened to baseball after the American Association and the Player's League collapsed?

The NL consolidated into a 12-team organization.

When did the NABBP get started?

The National Association of Base Ball Players started in 1858 - issues included rule violations and amateur vs professionals

What is the Second Biggest Global Sport?

The Olympics -the first is Soccer or Basketball????

In Baseball, what was the "reserve clause"?

The Reserve Clause bound players to their teams for life unless traded, sold or released.

How did the Civil War (1861-1865) affect baseball?

The number of Baseball clubs fell by 2/3rds and slowed down the sport but it did help spread the sport because it was played by soldiers in camps

Who started tradition of having a championship football game on Thanksgiving?

The owner of the Detroit Lions in 1930's made it a tradition in Detroit

\What made sports become a big business in the 1880's?

The rise of American Sports especially baseball made William Hulbert believe he could make $ off of it by organizing, scheduling games,

What games in England helped form the game of Baseball?

The word baseball was used in England. American baseball was similar to a child's game in England called Rounders and was also similar to Cricket

Explain Muscular Christianity

There was a shift or movement in thinking that started in England that Christians to not only take care of your mind and spirit but your physical body also. The YMCA was a big part of helping create this new focus on exercise with their triangle symbol -mind,body, spirit -as was Catherine Beecher who wrote that women need to get out and move their bodies advocated physical training. Also the book by Thomas Hughes who wrote "Tom Brown's School Days" about a headmaster of a Rugby School named Tom Arnold who felt sports idealized a sense of honor, fair play, and character development. The belief "Strong Men built Strong Nations. Sports give men power over their bodies. the feeling was that the Victorian age and it's values were making men "soft". So by the middle of the 19th century, sports started to become a big part of the American culture.

How has sports changed since the 1800's?

There were no organized sports in the 1800's. Two sports that were popular were horse racing and fighting. The first big sporting event in American history was a horse race on Long Island in 1823. A horse named Eclipse won the race. People didn't have much time for recreation because they worked 6 days a wk 11-12 hours a day. In the early mid 1800's people became concerned about Health because of working in offices. Muscular Christianity made sports popular because it now focused on not only the intellect and the spiritual being but also the physical being. L. Gulick helped start the YMCA and the inside game of basketball. Also the Playground movement was also important and parks were created for recreational purposes. Catherine Beecher, a writer, told women they need to "Get up and Move". In the 1870's baseball and football came into being. Baseball came out of English games called Rounders and Cricket but then it developed into Baseball and became organized by rules and scheduling games. A man named W. Hulbert realized that perhaps you could make $ and turned baseball into a business opportunity. As time went on it became known as America's pastime. Leagues were formed- eventually the NL and American League became two divisions of Major League Baseball. A.G. Spaulding, a great pitcher, started creating equipment for the game of baseball and then other sports and made his living doing that. Football was created by college students from the games of rugby and soccer. The Father of Football was Walter Camp and he spent his whole life involved in developing the game, creating rules and writing about it. Country Club sports became popular in the late 1800's also promoting golf and tennis. Now there are Hall of Fame museums for most sports and great players are voted in as great sportsmen. Finally, A Frenchman named Pierre DuColbertin(spelling) decided to start the Olympic games to bring different countries together to help create an understanding of different cultures. Hockey was invented in England but shaped into the modern day game by the Canadians in 1875. By the 1900's, all major sports existed. Today, rules continue to change and the games continue to evolve but sports are an important part of our culture.

Why were Turner Societies formed?

These societies kept alive the German identity and the idea and importance of physical culture

Who wrote "Tom Brown's School Days 1857" and what was he promoting?

Thomas Hughes wrote this book to inspire boys to try harder in sports, in the classroom and a way to develop character - influential.

Why did people go to Elysian Fields?

To play baseball, people rode across on ferries. NEED MORE INFO

Why did the NL create a "Standard Contract"?

To prevent revolvers. All players had to sign and make promises to stay with a team.

How many players are there per side in football?

Today there are 11 - at first the rules said 15 on each side

Why was the English book about a Rugby School important in England?

Tom Arnold, the headminister of that rugby school in England. promoted the idea that "Sports Builds Character" and felt it was a way for kids to release their anger

What did Catherine Beecher do?

Writer during a time where there was no TV or Radio - Gave advice for people to "get up and move"- women were spending too much time reading, working - recommended exercise/physical training. Most influential spokesperson for housewives.

What is the "YMCA"?

Young Men's Christian Association created to keep young men out of trouble/started in big cities/a place to go to meet the right kind of people/ buildings created gyms and offered athletics/ started in England in 1844-then in America in 1851/ promoted organized play

Who is Allie Camp?

mother of american football-supervised practices, took notes, same mindset as walter

What competition proves that the American League and the National League are equal?

the 1903 - the First World Series. This game was arranged at the end of the season Boston beat Pittsburgh 5 games to 3 games. Cy Young through out the first pitch BTW, there was NO world series in 1904

What were the main sports in the 1800's?

there were NO ORGANIZED SPORTS back then -horse racing because it drew crowds and people could gamble -fighting had no refs and no gloves -no rules People were machines - worked 6 days a week//11-12 hours a day, needed to rest on Sunday-no recreation

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