SS chapter 5

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For most of the Revolutionary War, the city of ___ was the capital city of the U.S


Who was King George III?

became King of England in 1760

Who was Samuel Adams?

A colonist from Massachusetts who spoke out against the king

Who was John Hancock?

Boston patriotic leader/ general Gage was instructed to arrest Samuel Adams and John Hancock

Who won the Battle of New York in 1776?


The battle of Bunker Hill took place in the state of ___ in 1775


Who was Baron von Steuben?

A soldier from Germany

What is Pennsylvania?

After the British captured New York City, they drove Washington's forces there

When was the battle of Lexington and Concord?

April 1775

The U.S and France formed an ___ during the Revolutionary War.


Who were the loyalist?

americans that supported the king

What was the treaty Of Paris?

*Two years after the surrender of English army, Great Britain signed the Peace of Paris in 1783. This recognized America's independence *this treaty established the new nation's boundaries: Canada on the north, the Mississippi River on the west, and florida on the South. *England was forced to return Florida to Spain

What did the document of Declaration of Independence say?

*the basis is all men are created equal. *there are 2 sections. the first section describes the natural rights all people should have as citizens. All men have certain rights: right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. the people who wrote the Declaration believed it was an agreement between the government and the governed * the second section listed specific acts the King George III had committed against the colonists. This explained the reasons for ending their connection with England. They were free and independent states.

Who is Crispus Attucks?

A free African American who was killed in the Boston Massacre

In ___ most Americans did not want independence from Great Britain


Who was George Washington?

U.S commander and Chief

Who was Horatio Gates?

led Americans to victory at Saratoga, NY

The british King wanted patriot leaders in Massachusetts arrested for the crime of __-


Why was the battle of Saratoga the turning point of the war?

that battle said France to get involved, agreed to help colonist

Why did the British finally leave Boston to the Americans?

the colonist were well organized and the # of American soldiers was increasing General Howe viewed his position as hopeless, the British solders left quietly, couldn't control boston

What state was the first to take military action against the British?

the first state that took military action against the british was Massachusetts

What is the basis of the Declaration?

they had the responsibility provide freedom to independence, all men are equal

Why did the British generals have so little respect for the American army?

they lost more men and the did not arrest sam Adams or John Hancock, untried and they call them peasants

How did the French navy help end the war?

they made them get a victory, lot of men to fight British and supplies, rating towns help win battles British surrender

Why was it important to capture Montreal and Quebec?

they thought they would get British candians help, afraid come through and come to New York

Why did South Carolina and Georgia refuse to sign the Declaration at first?

they wanted the slaves gone

Why did the British turn their attention toward the South?

they were discouraged about there lack of success in North and West

Why did the British army leave Boston?

they were wounded and some were killed, controlled Boston, increase in #, organized

Why was the battle of Saratoga important?

this victory convinced the french to assist the Americans/ This assistance was very important to America's final victory.

What did they petition the king for?

to change the harsh unfair english laws

The redcoats were ordered to arrest Samuel Adams and John Hancock for ___, because they had betrayed Great Britain


Who were the Minutemen?

untrained soldiers fighting for the Americans; important in the Battle of Lexington and Concord

Why was war a reality after the Declaration was signed?

wanted independence, bc establish colonist would be freedom to citizens

After the French entered the war, the British began a ___ in the southern states, and fighting eventually stopped in the north.


What did Congress have the power to do?

Can do- Protection against future British attacks, declare war Can not do- interfere with private company

What group made George Washington commander of the American army?


Who surrendered on October 19, 1781?

Cornwallis at Yorktown, Virginia. The English army was forced to surrender.

When did Washington crosses the Delaware?

Dec 1776

When we the Battle at Trenton, NJ?

Dec 1776

When was the winter encampment begins at Valley Forge?

Dec 1777

Who was Charles Townshend?

English minister of finance in 1767- imposed taxes on the colonist

Who was Frederick North?

English prime minister and minister of finance- ordered a tax on tea

True or False-The Americans accepted the King's first peace offer?


True or False: The Declaration of Independence was written by George Washington


True or False-General Washington was sure the British would attack Richmond?

False, New York

True or False-Hessians were volunteer soldiers.

False- Germans paid to fight British

True or False- The battle of Saratoga ended with general Washington's retreat?

False- huge victory

When was the American French alliance signed?

Feb 1778

US captures a fort in Indiana ?

Feb 1779

Where was the first battle of the Revolutionary War held and where was the last battle fought?

First- Massachusetts and last- Yorktown, Virginia

After the victories at Saratoga, New York in 1777, the country of ____ entered the war on the side of the Americans. The Battle of Saratoga was a turning point of the war. America began winning victories in the west and in the seas.


After the victories at Saratoga, New York the country of ___ entered the war on the side of the Americans.


Who was commander in chief of the American army?

General George Washington

The commander of the U.S forces during the revolutionary war was ____ _____. Congress made this decision. Congress had the power to provide protection against future ____ attacks and the power to declare war. They did not have the power to interfere in private matters of the colonies.

George Washington British

Who were the minutemen? What did they do at lexington and Concord?

Group of men that had to be soldiers and be ready in less than a minute, they were responsible for the victory at lexington and Concord

Why was capturing Fort Ticonderoga and Crown Point important for he colonists?

Guarded entrance of Canada

Who was Charles Cornwallis?

Important British General

Who was Chief Pontiac?

In 1793, he organized Native Americans nations to attack colonial settlements in the Ohio Valley

Thomas ___ was the main author of the Declaration of Independence


The Britain were eager to capture ____ ___ and ____ ___ because they were leaders in the fight for independence. They had betrayed Great Britain and were opposed to King George III.

John Hancock Samuel Adams

When was the declaration of Independence adopted?

July 1776

When was the declaration of Independence approved by congress?

July 4, 1776

When was the Battle of Bunker Hill?

June 1775

Who is Horatio Gates?

Led Americans to Victory at Saratoga, NY

The first battle of the Revolutionary war was fought in the state of ___ and its last battle was fought in ___

Massachusetts virgina

Where did the battle of Bunker hill take place?

Massachusetts in 1775, this was the bloodiest battle of the entire revolutionary war. The location of this was actually Breed's hill. this was also important because General Howe knew he could not control Boston or the American soldiers.

Some colonist took preventative measures against possible attacks. They seized military supplies in ___; they stopped ships from trading with _____ _____ or any of its colonies, and NJ, PA, the Carolinas and MD increases their militia.

New York Great Britain

US final victory at Saratoga, NY ?

OCT 1777

The capital of the U.S was located in the state of ___ during the Revolutionary war


Who proposed the Declaration of Independence?

Patrick Henry, Samuel Adams and Richard Henry Lee

Where was the Second Continental Congress held? Who were new delegates?

Philadelphia in 1775. New delegates were Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson

When and where did the Second Continental Congress meet?

Philadelphia on May 10, 1775

What was the Capital of the U.S during the revolutionary war?

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

What were British soldiers sometimes called in the Revolutionary war?

Redcoats. the general had little respect for the minutemen and called them an army of peasants.

Benedict Arnold was the U.S genera who went to the British side in the middle of the ____ ____. He plotted to turn ___ ____ over to the British for a high British army rank. He was caught but escaped to England.

Revolutionary War West Point

When was the Peace of paris officially signed?

September 3, 1783

What is Yorktown, Virginia?

Site of the war's last battle

What was Fort Ticonderoga?

Source of cannons used o drive the British from Boston

Why were the British eager to arrest John Hancock and Samuel Adams?

Spoke out against King, leaders fought for independence

How did the colonists prove they were equal to the British Army?

The British lost more men than Americans, British didn't capture Sam Adams or John Hancock

Why did the British surrender the forts quickly?

The british surrender the forts quickly because he British were not prepared to fight

What was Savannah, Georgia?

The first city to fall in the Britain's southern campaign

What did the Revolutionary War shortly start after?

The revolutionary war shortly began after British troops marched toward Concord, Massachusetts to search for weapons and gunpowder.

What were the soldiers called Hessians from Germany paid to do?

They were paid to fight for the country of Great Britain during the Revolutionary war.

What preventative measures did the colonists take against possible attacks?

Thieve, they stopped ships from military supplies trading against great Britain in NJ, NY, PA, Maryland states (coroling) increase there military

Who wrote the formal document and presented it to Congress for approval?

Thomas Jefferson

Who were some of the new delegates to the Second Continental Congress?

Thomas Jefferson of Va, and Benjamin Franklin of PA

True or False- William Howe, Admiral Richard Howe's brother, was a general?


True or False: In 1774 most Americans didn't want independence from Great Britain


True or False: The battle of Bunker Hill was the bloodiest of the entire Revolutionary War


True or False: The first battle of the revolutionary War was fought in Massachusetts?


True or False:Soldiers from both Germany and France fought in the Revolutionary War


Who is George Washington?

US commander and Chief

Washington and his men encamped at ____ ____ for the winter of 1777-1778

Valley Forge

the commander of the US forces during the Revolutionary War had the last name___


What was Valley Forge?

Winter encampment site

The last battle of the Revolutionary War was fought near the town of ___ Virginia


Who was Marquis de Lafayette?

a french soldiers who persuaded his Nation (france) to sent military aid to the Americans

Washington's men did not have ___ food, shoes, or clothing at Valley Forge


Why was it important to capture Montreal and Quebec?

because the colonists were afraid the English would invade New York from the north. The battle at Quebec was a victory, but the Americans lost the battle at Quebec

Why was the battle of North Carolina important?

because to reduced the loyalists' desire to fight and it raised the spirits of Americans.

Explain martial law/

complete control by the British army

The Revolutionary War began shortly after British troops marched toward ___, Massachusetts to search for weapons and gunpowder.


When did the Battle at the city of Quebec in Canada?

dec 1775

Because of American's war for independence, a new type of government called ___, came into being at a time when most people were still being ruled by kings and queens.


Because of Americans's war for independence, what was the new government called? it came into being a time when people were still being ruled by kings and queens.


How did the British generals view the American soldiers?

feeling superior to the poorly prepared minutemen, army of peasants

Why was Benedict Arnold considered a traitor?

he turned West point to Great Britain/ he told treason about Americans to British high rank in British Army

Soldiers called___ from Germany were paid to fight for the country of ___ during the Revolutionary War

hessian Britain

Who was Charles Cornwallis?

important British General

Describe how the Declaration of Independence is composed.

it is 2 sections, first section describes the natural rights that all people should have as citizens. 2 section list 27 specific acts king George III had committed against the colonist. "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness', gov has responsibility to provide these freedoms to its citizens.

Why did Congress decide it was necessary to form an army?

it protects personal freedom of its people, read to fight British protects tax of these people

Soldiers, like the Hessians who can be hired to fight are know as ___


Who was Captain John Paul Jones?

naval hero who is called the Father of the US nave

British soldiers in the revolutionary war were sometimes called ____


british soldiers were also called ___ because of the color of their uniform


Why was the Declaration of Independence important to the colonies?

signaled the birth of a nation. it strengthen the cause American independence

Why was John Paul Jones considered a hero?

successfully raided english towns along the coast, captured surripites

Where was the Battle of Bunker Hill actually fought?

Breeds hill in Boston Harbor

Who was William Howe?

British general

Who was the Redcoats?

British soldiers of the Revolutionary War period

___ wad the US general who went over to the British side in the middle of the revolutionary War

Benedict Arnold

Who is John Hancock?

Boston patriot leader

How did the French navy helped the americans?

1. Bringing supplies 2. attacking British ships 3. raiding British towns 4. by fighting in the final battle that forced the British to surrender

What was the declaration of Independence?

*the colonies wanted to be free and independent states. *they wanted to separate from England and indecent of British rules. *Patrick Henry, Samuel Adams, and Richard Lee fought for the separation. *Thomas Jefferson wrote the document and presented it to Congress in 1776. It was sighed by John Hancock of Massachusetts and fifty five other Representatives of the 13 U.S of America. *The Declaration of Independence discussed the importance of having a democratic government. *the southern states refused the original Declaration if the slave clause (end of slavery) remained.To save the Declaration, Jefferson removed the clause. *The declaration of Independence was approved by Congress on July 4,1776. It signaled the birth of our nation

What was the purpose of the Declaration of Independence, who wrote it and what did it say?

1. Formally let Britain know that american Colonies were independent of British rules 2. written Thomas Jefferson 3. special committee appointed buy congress modified it (slave clause) 4. it says men were created equal and have right- life, liberty, pursuit of happiness 5. explains complaints against british regard unfair acts 6. explains the importance of the a democratic gov't (a gov't that exist by the consent of its people)

In ____, the colonists captured Fort Ticonderoga and Crown Point. Why was the important

1775 these forts contained military supplies and they were the entrance to Canada.

When was the peace of Paris officially signed?

1783, two years after victory

Who was Paul Revere?

Along with William Dawes and Samuel Prescott, Paul revere was sent to want the colonists that the British were coming. Paul Revere and William Dawes were arrested on the way

How was the battle in North Carolina important?

Americans defeated British loyalist, came move Navel attacks raised Americans they lost they aren't gonna be nice to King, declare war, not infeare in private matters of colonies

Why did the British King want patriot leaders in Massachusetts arrested?

Arrested for crime of treason

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