SS Quiz 2/23

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Kepler explained that the tides are affected by the __________?


what foods do you eat that came from the Americas in the Columbian Exchange?

Citrus fruits, apples, grapes, bananas, sugar, peaches, pears, olives, rice, wheat, barley, oats, milk, pork, beef, and lamb.

What is Rene Descartes famous quote from the video? (both english abd latin)

"Cogito... ergo, sum' " I think, therefore I am"

What was smallpox?

-It's caused by a virus and is highly contagious -produces a high fever with small blisters on the skin that leave pitted scars -the virus would finally be eradicated from the US in the 1900s.

What is Geocentric Theory?

-Was promoted by Aristotle and Ptolemy -It was a theory that placed the Earth at the center of the universe.

Who was Johannes Kepler?

-a German scientist who concluded that Copernicus's -basic ideas were correct. -Kepler added That the planets had elliptical,or oval,orbits rather than perfect circular ones.

When did the Pilgrims arrive in Plymouth, Massachusetts?


how many slaves went to brazil?

4 million

Who was Nicolaus Copernicus?

A Polish scientist that was studying the locations of the stars to create a more accurate calendar.

Who was Francisco Pizarro?

A conquistador that set off to invade the reportedly rich land of the Biru, what is now Peru

What is a colony?

A group of people who settle in a new land but keep ties to their native country.

What advances made long sea voyages possible in the 1400s?

Advances in shipbuilding and navigation made it possible. These advantages included the caravel, astrolabe, quadrant, magnetic compass, and more accurate maps. More-advanced knowledge of astronomy also aided navigation.

Who was Isaac Newton?

An English scientist that further expanded scientific understanding of the universe in the 1600s. He proposed the law of universal gravitation, Which holds that all objects in the universe attract one another. With this law and his three laws of motion. Newton created a complete mechanical explanation of motion in the universe.

Who was Robert Hooke?

An English scientist who used his microscope to produce detailed drawings of tiny creatures such as fleas. In 1665, who coined the word cell To name the microscope creatures he observed in thin slices of cork. Hook was the first scientist to describe cells..

Who was Galileo Galilei?

An Italian scientist that used more powerful telescopes and made observations that further supported Copernicus's theory. The church required Galileo to deny support for Copernicus's Theory. And was sentenced to house arrest for the rest of his life by the Catholic Church when he tried to explain his theory to him. Over time, however, the heliocentric theory gained acceptance.

Who were 2 Greek thinkers that promoted geocentric theory?

Aristotle and Ptolemy

What was Tenochtitlan?

Aztec capital

Where were Spain's colonies?

Central and South America

What sources of knowledge did the scholars turn to before the Scientific Revolution?

Before the Scientific Revolution, Scholars relied on the works of ancient Greek thinkers and medieval Muslim scholars.

How was Pizarro's conquest of the Inca similar to Cortes' conquest of the Aztec?

Both Pizarro and Cortes had a relatively small group of soldiers, but they had weapons that were Superior to those of the native people and they had horses, which the native people lacked.

summarize two important thinkers of the 1600 Sir Francis Bacon and Rene Descartes.

Both Sir Francis Bacon and Rene Descartes promoted ideas that eventually led to an entirely new approach to science. This approach led to the scientific method.

How were explorations of Portugal similar to those of Spain? How were they different?

Both Spain and Portugal wanted to find a sea route to Asia. They were different because Portugal: -discovered in eastern sea route to Asia -established a profitable Asian trade Spain -wanted to find a sea route by sailing west across the Atlantic - established colonies in the Caribbean and parts of the Americas.

Why was the Columbian Exchange Disastrous for Native Americans?

Europeans brought to the Americas many deadly diseases, such as measles, malaria, and smallpox, to which the native populations had no resistance. Many millions of Native Americans died as a result

Who is considered the Father of Modern Physics?

Galileo Galilei

Why did the Catholic Church condemn Galileo's ideas?

Galileo's ideas challenge old, accepted beliefs promoted by the Catholic Church, such as the idea that the Earth was the center of the Universe.

What were some of the major effects of European exploration?

Global trade increased, more Europeans moved to Asia, Africa, and the Americas and established farms, towns and cities. European countries became rich by exploiting the resources of native people of their colonies. European culture was introduced around the world. Europeans ended up controlling much of the world.

What are the 3 G's?

Gold, God, and Glory

What navigational tools do you use today?

Google maps, Waze, and Apple Maps.

Which two scientists' discoveries advanced the fields in biology and chemistry?

Robert Hooke and Robert Boyle.

Who was Hernan Cortes?

He was conquistador that led the invasion of Mexico with about 500 men who had come to the Caribbean to make their fortunes.

How did Robert Hooke Advanced the field of biology?

Hooke built the first practical compound microscope and was the first scientist to describe cells, which Advanced biologist understanding of the microscope structure of organisms.

How did technology and direct observations helped Advance science in the 1500s and 1600s?

Improvements in telescopes and microscopes allowed scientists to make direct observations that disprove some of the theories that led to new discoveries.

How did the roots of the words geocentric and Observatory help clarify their meanings?

In the word geocentric, the root geo means "Earth "and Centric means "at the center," so geocentric means with Earth at the center. In the word observatory, the root observe leads to the definition "a place to observe the stars and planets."

Who was Atahualpa ?

Incan emperor

What is a caravel?

Is a small sailing ship for the Portuguese and Spanish.

What is quinine?

It comes from the bark of a tree in South America and as a remedy to malaria.

What is the scientific method?

It is a logical procedure for developing and testing ideas.

What is the heliocentric theory?

It is a theory stating that the sun was the center of the universe.

How did scientific rationalism undermine the authority of the Catholic Church?

It led to the development of democratic government.

How did the classical knowledge that was lost to European at the collapse of the Roman Empire survived?

It survived first and was kept alive in the Muslim empire.

What is scientific rationalism?

It was the ideas of Bacon and Descartes, it provided a procedure for establishing proof for scientific theories.

Where was the first British permanent colony in 1607?

Jamestown, Virginia

What does elliptical mean?

Kepler said that Oval and orbits rather than perfect circular ones.

How did the Columbian Exchange benefit Europeans?

Many new foods, plants, and animals were introduced to Europe. Many Europeans grew wealthy by trading and exploiting the resources of the new world.

How did Medieval Muslim Scholars help Advance the field of mathematics?

Medieval Muslim Scholars Advanced the field of mathematics by bringing together learning from different cultures.

Where were the British Colonies?

North America/ the 13 Colonies

Which Explorer founded a direct sea route to Asia? Describe the route.

Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama found a direct sea route to Asia. He sailed from Portugal, along the western coast of Africa, around the southern tip of Africa, along part of the east coast of Africa, and along the Indian Ocean to India.

What is a conquistador?

Spanish adventurers who led the conquest of the Americas.

What drove the Spanish to invade and conquer large areas of the Americas?

Spanish launched their invasion and the conquest of large areas of the Americas to obtain gold.

Why did Portuguese Kings encourage Brazilian colonists to set up plantations for growing sugarcane?

Sugar, which is made from sugarcane, was a rare luxury in Europe, and it's important that huge profits for pourtragul and it s colonies . plantations were needed to grow and process large quantities of sugarcane for a lucrative sugar trade

What generalizations can you make about the observations and inventions discussed in this lesson?

That the philosophers made observations that furthered supported other philosophers theories. The inventions of the microscope and telescope helped scientists study further into astronomy and biology.

What was the Dutch East India Company?

The Dutch founded the company to compete for trade in the Indian Ocean

Why were small numbers of the Spanish able to conquer large areas of the Americas?

The Spanish had superior weapons and horses, the native people were weakened by European diseases, and the Spanish were relentless and brutal.

In what ways did slave trade benefit the Colonial Portuguese economy?

The african slave labor that was used to extract natural resources in south america made the Portuguese very wealthy. The slave trade itself benefited the Portuguese economy as well

How did the caravel enable sailors to make long sea journeys?

The caravels were fast, sturdy, and easy to maneuver. They also used triangular sails, which enabled them to sail effectively against the wind.

What caused Europeans to change their views of the world?

The causes include the spirit of adventure and curiosity about the world encouraged by the Renaissance and the desire of merchants to find new markets.

Why did Europeans introduce foods such as wheat and apples to the new world?

They wanted to recreate their lifestyles from back home including the foods they ate

What is the plantation?

a large farm

What is a theory?

a proposed explanation for a set of facts

What is a hypothesis?

an explanation that can be tested.

How has the development of the scientific method affected your life?

by promoting the idea that people should think for themselves and take more control over their lives, scientific rationalism undetermined the Catholic Church, which taught that people should follow and not questioned the teachings of the church.

Why is it important to share the results of experiments?

so that other scientists can evaluate the work and build upon it .

Why did the Europeans want to find a sea route from Europe to Asia?

so that they could control the profitable trade between Asia and Europe.

How did Portugal and Spain settle the dispute over who would control newly encountered lands?

they agreed on the treaty of Tordesillas The treaty drew an imaginary line through the Atlantic Ocean. Spain would get the newly encountered lands to the west of the line and Portugal would get the easterly lands.

According to Bacon and Descartes, what are the best ways to build knowledge?

through observation, experimentation, mathematical reasoning, and logic.

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