ssc101 chap 14

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42) One of the ways in which a job applicant's managerial potential, commitment, and motivation is evaluated, is by conducting a(n) ________. A) personality test B) cognitive test C) integrity test D) substance test E) job skills test


43) If you realize that your future employer has been reviewing your credit record, you should ________. A) sue them, because it is an invasion of your privacy B) reconsider joining that organization C) inform the authorities D) ask your employer for an apology E) consider it part of the background check process


1) A job interview is sometimes viewed as a test to guess the right answers, or as an interrogation where you have to defend your background and skills. However, an interview should be thought of as an opportunity to _________. A) say the right thing B) share information C) sell yourself D) showcase your skills E) persuade


10) While drafting application letters, the AIDA model should be ________. A) applied to only solicited application messages B) applied to only unsolicited application messages C) applied to both solicited and unsolicited application messages D) generally avoided E) used sparingly


11) The middle section of a job application letter, should ________. A) present your strongest selling points in terms of their potential benefit to the organization B) give your entire work history, in case the employer doesn't read your résumé C) stress ways in which you do not meet the job qualifications D) discuss each requirement listed in the job, if it is an unsolicited letter E) point out personal qualities specifically mentioned in the résumé


12) Mentioning your strengths in an application letter ________. A) can be a strong selling point, when backed up with relevant experience B) takes a lesser priority compared to stressing about experience C) is usually overlooked by applicants D) can be repetitive as it is already mentioned in the résumé E) is required only in solicited letters


13) Shopmart has advertised for a store manager position in their South Oak, Iowa centre. You want to apply for this position since, you have assisted your store manager and have thorough knowledge of the skills required for the job. When writing an application letter to Shopmart you should ________. A) stress that you have not held any managerial roles B) include a copy of the advertisement with your letter C) discuss each of the requirements specified in the job posting D) restrict your message to just core job duties E) never highlight personal characteristics


14) One way of getting the reader's attention in an unsolicited application letter is to ________. A) inquire about the organization's needs B) ask which skills will benefit the organization C) identify where you discovered the job opening D) refer to the company's publicized achievements and new changes E) volunteer salary history


15) In a job application letter, salary requirements ________. A) need not be mentioned B) are mentioned only if the organization has asked for it C) should be clearly mentioned, in accordance with Bureau of Labor Statistics standards D) should state a negotiable amount E) should state a non-negotiable amount


16) In the final paragraph of your application letter make sure you ask the reader for a specific action and ________. A) to facilitate a reply B) a request for an interview C) an offer to give further details if required D) to enquire about the organizations needs E) thank the reader for their time


17) Alicia was told by Mark about a vacancy at his organization and that they are accepting applications for the next two weeks. Alicia applies within a week. What should she do next? A) She should call as soon as she submits the application. B) She should e-mail after three days. C) She should wait for their call. D) She should call after a week or two. E) She should ask Mark to contact them.


18) Jenny has applied for the position of an office assistant at an MNC. What should she do, if her application letter and résumé fail to bring a response within a month? A) She should call to find out why she hasn't heard from the prospective employer. B) She should send a follow-up letter or e-mail. C) She should cross this particular job possibility off her list and apply somewhere else. D) She should mail them another copy of her application letter and résumé. E) She should mail them a letter addressing the lack of response.


19) When preparing to apply for jobs, it is best to ________. A) focus your research on only 2-3 companies for whom you want to work B) realize that employers rarely expect candidates to have done any research C) explore a wide range of firms and positions D) expect fewer job offers E) make sure the process takes up the least amount of time


2) Which among these is the crux of your job search package? A) job-inquiry letter B) application letter C) résumé D) job advertisement E) application forms


20) Nicole has cleared seven rounds of interviews in three days and she still hasn't been offered the job. In her previous organization she cleared two rounds of interviews and she got the job. Nicole should ________. A) be worried because she may not be offered this job B) commend herself on getting this far and persevere through the rest of the rounds C) express her concern to the organization D) insist that further rounds be conducted on the telephone, to save her the trouble of commuting E) let the company know that she can attempt only one more round


21) Kelly has scheduled her screening interview for tomorrow and she has requested the interviewer to conduct it over the phone. Since the interview is via telephone Kelly should ________. A) dress formally because it is still a formal meeting B) work on her verbal and non-verbal skills C) make sure that her answers are elaborate and detailed D) schedule it for a time when she can be focused and free from interruptions E) not bother to have her résumé with her, because the interviewer will not ask for it over the phone


22) Eucalygen Technologies (E.T.) is recruiting young, creative and talented individuals to fill their vacancies. As an applicant for this job your objective should be to ________. A) mirror company objectives B) upgrade your creative skills C) conduct research on their customer base D) find out if the job is a right match for your goals and capabilities E) make sure that the company goals are aligned to your goals


23) You have been asked to hire 10 consultants for H.Q. Services, but the company insists that you need not conduct preliminary screening interviews, because they believe that it may lengthen the hiring process. Which of these arguments could help convince them about the benefits of preliminary screening interviews? A) Screening interviews help companies to thoroughly investigate their applicants. B) They can give multiple tests at the screening round. C) It will help them in restricting the number of applications they would receive. D) They can narrow the field of applicants. E) They can hire more candidates, as a reserve


24) Indus Tec is hiring market analysts for the automobile industry. You have applied for this position and have been asked to appear for a screening interview. During the screening interview you would ________. A) ask as many questions as possible, interviews are knowing the organization too. B) keep your answers short while differentiating yourself from other applicants C) give elaborate and descriptive answers so that the interviewer is aware of your attention to detail D) keep a low profile because the time to differentiate yourself from other candidates is yet to come E) insist on a computer-based screening system


25) An open-ended interview where the interviewer adapts his or her line of questioning based on the answers you give, and any questions you ask, is still a ________ meeting. A) professional B) informal C) casual D) selection E) screening


26) You have been assigned the duty of recruiting candidates for your team, by conducting open-ended interviews. During the interview which of these strategies would you apply? A) The candidates would be asked a series of questions in a predetermined order. B) The candidates would only be given written tests. C) You would make sure that the candidates do not ask any questions, so that more applicants can be interviewed. D) You would initiate questions but base further questions on the candidate's reply. E) You would avoid upsetting the candidates.


27) In the selection round of interviews, your best approach is to ________. A) stick to brief, yes or no answers B) relate your training and experience to the organization's needs C) inquire about salary and benefits D) identify top candidates and underplay their skills E) inquire about benefits and bonus


28) Jason has just cleared the final round of the interview and was told that he will be sent the offer letter by e-mail. Jason should ________. A) congratulate himself and look forward to his offer letter B) insist that the offer letter be hand-delivered to him C) request that they also let him know about it on the phone, as further confirmation D) call them back frequently E) request that the offer letter be given immediately, because he may not be in town


29) You have cleared four rounds of gruelling interviews at Steadfast Solutions and have been asked to come for one last meeting with Edward Simmons, V.P. of Finance. At this stage of recruitment, Mr. Simmons is most likely to be concerned with ________. A) your previous job experience B) selling you the benefits of joining Steadfast Solutions C) your educational background D) checking your references E) reviewing your persuasion skills


3) When sending résumés and application letters be aware that ________. A) application letters are mailed earlier and then résumés B) application letters are mailed after résumés C) hand delivered letters are better appreciated D) most companies request only a résumé E) employers prefer an application message to accompany your resume Answer: E


30) Michael needs to hire two computer programmers for his team. For the interviews his best approach would be to ________. A) insist all applicants get their laptops B) forego the screening process, because it doesn't apply to programmers C) restrict the number of applicants to ten D) ask the applicants to write a code for an assigned task, so that he can compare their work E) use a conversational tone in the interview


31) In a(n) ________ interview, the interviewer (or a computer program) asks a series of questions in a predetermined order. A) open-ended B) structured C) unguided D) unstructured E) group


32) Aaron has cleared the selection round and in the next round, he will be interviewed by a group of interviewers. This kind of interview is a(n) ________. A) stress interview B) structured interview C) open-ended interview D) panel interview E) group interview


33) During an interview, if several candidates are asked to discuss a certain topic with each other it is a(n) ________. A) forum B) structured interview C) open-ended interview D) panel interview E) group interview


34) Beth and Ruby need to know, which of their short-listed candidates are good with problem solving while working as a team. Which of these interview formats would you suggest? A) panel interview B) group interview C) behavioral interview D) stress interview E) structured interview


35) An interview where the job candidate is criticized or provoked is a type of ________. A) stress interview B) structured interview C) screening interview D) situational interview E) critical interview


36) To encourage candidates to use their own experiences and attributes to craft answers, many employers now rely heavily on ________ interviews in making hiring decisions. A) video B) virtual C) behavioral D) screening E) structured


37) In the selection round of an interview, you are asked, "Meeting deadlines is paramount in our industry. If you are unable to meet your deadline and realize this two days earlier, would you ask your colleague to help meet your deadline?" Such an interview which helps assess your behavior, is called a ________. A) stress interview B) closed-ended interview C) situational interview D) behavioral interview E) structured interview


38) During an interview in Innova for a team-lead position, the applicant was asked to lead a brainstorming session. This kind of interview would be classified as a ________. A) situational interview B) behavioral interview C) working interview D) stress interview E) skill interview


39) Realistic job simulation tests ________. A) cannot mimic actual job skills B) fails to give applicants an idea of what the job might be like C) should not be used for testing applicants' skills, in decision making scenarios D) needs further fine-tuning to appeal to the masses E) are good tools for online interviews


4) Land-Air Global Transport has an immediate opening for a supply chain pricing analyst. You are interested in this job offer and wish to apply for it. In order to impress Land-Air Global Transport with your application letter, you should ________. A) use an embellished layout B) show that you understand the company and the position C) use a personal, "chummy" tone D) only e-mail your cover letter E) give descriptive details of your accomplishments in the cover letter


40) Compatibility with an organization and a position is judged on the basis of attitudes, style, and ________. A) personal background B) academic goals C) work experience D) employment tests E) realistic simulations


41) Which of these tests when used in a job interview, would involve, testing a candidate's reading, comprehension, mathematics, problem solving, and decision making skills? A) key skills test B) job skills test C) cognitive test D) aptitude test E) academic test


44) Your dream job is to be a Food Analyst at Fast Foods Inc., a company which prides itself as being the "King of Fries." They also promote themselves as a company which respects their employees' right to privacy. When you applied to this job, you were asked to take a few tests. Which of these tests could be perceived as an invasion of your privacy? A) integrity tests B) personality tests C) cognitive tests D) drug tests E) job skill tests


45) Barney has been invited for an interview at McLloyd Brokerage. Before his interview, he wants to try and learn all he can about the organization. The most effective strategy for this would be ________. A) to download podcasts of any news related to the company B) contact the employees on LinkedIn and get their opinions about the organization C) refer to business books and directories D) e-mail management with questions E) go deeper than just basic research by learning everything you can about the organization and your position


5) Cover letters accompanying the résumés, should ________. A) be detail oriented B) repeat the information from the résumé C) be descriptive D) not be mandatory E) be given as much care as the résumé


6) Sharon professes that résumés grab recruiters' attention rather than cover letters. So cover letters need not be drafted with as much care as a résumés. But Sheila insists that, a poorly written cover letter can prompt employers to skip over your résumé, even if you are a good fit for the job. If you were applying for a job, you would ________. A) consider Sharon's advice B) consider Sheila's advice C) avoid using cover letters D) repeat details in the résumé and the cover letter, so that you can give equal attention E) avoid prospecting for jobs


7) Taking the initiative to write to companies even though they haven't announced a job opening that is right for you is ________. A) being proactive B) an easier way to get jobs C) usually looked down on by employers D) testing the waters E) prospecting


8) You are applying for the position of an H.R. Consultant but are unsure which companies in your city have an opening. You decide to mail your résumé to a few companies. Which of these guidelines would you keep in mind while mailing your application letter? A) You thoroughly research the requirements of your position. B) You mail the letter to only those companies where you are acquainted with the managers. C) You refrain from mailing unsolicited application letters. D) You only e-mail all the application letters. E) You mail them hand-written cover letters to portray personal attention


9) Ruth is applying for jobs but she doesn't know how to begin an application letter; she comes to you for advice. In the opening paragraph you would ask her to ________. A) include questions about the company needs B) include an explanation about her purpose for writing the letter C) briefly mention qualifications D) include details of her skills E) match AIDA requirements

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