SSN301 Chap 3

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56. Substantive interests A) are the interests that relate to the focal issues under negotiation. B) are related to the way we settle the dispute. C) mean that one or both parties value their relationship with each other and do not want to take actions that will damage the relationship. D) regard what is fair, what is right, what is acceptable, what is ethical, or what has been done in the past and should be done in the future. E) All of the above relate to substantive interests.


58. Successful logrolling requires A) that the parties establish more than one issue in conflict and then agree to trade off among these issues so one party achieves a highly preferred outcome on the first issue and the other person achieves a highly preferred outcome on the second issue. B) no additional information about the other party than his/her interests, and assumes that simply enlarging the resources will solve the problem. C) that one party is allowed to obtain his/her objectives and he/she then "pays off" the other party for accommodating his/her interests. D) a fundamental reformulation of the problem such that the parties are disclosing sufficient information to discover their interests and needs and then inventing options that will satisfy both parties' needs. E) Successful logrolling requires all of the above.


61. What questions can be asked to facilitate nonspecific compensation? A) What are the other party's goals and values? B) How can both parties get what they are demanding? C) What issues are of higher and lower priority to me? D) What risks and costs does my proposal create for the other? E) None of the above can be used to facilitate nonspecific compensation.


69. Which of the following is not necessary for integrative negotiation to succeed? A) Each party should be as interested in the objectives and problems of the other as each is in his/her own—each must assume responsibility for the other's needs and outcomes as well as for his/her own. B) The parties must be committed to a goal that benefits both of them rather than to pursuing only their own ends. C) The parties must be willing to adopt interpersonal styles that are more congenial than combative, more open and trusting than evasive and defensive, more flexible (but firm) than stubborn (but yielding). D) Needs have to be made explicit, similarities have to be identified, and differences have to be recognized and accepted. E) All of the above are essential for integrative negotiation to succeed.


75. Which of the following 5-step processes has been used successfully in a collective bargaining situation? A) commitment, explanation, validation, prioritization, negotiation B) commitment, exploration, verification, prioritization, negotiation C) collaboration, explanation, validation, prioritization, negotiation D) collaboration, exploration, verification, prioritization, negotiation E) None of the above processes have been used in collective bargaining.


51. Which of the following is not an element of integrative negotiations? A) a focus on commonalties B) an attempt to address positions C) a required exchange of information and ideas D) the use of objective criteria for standards of performance E) All of the above are elements of integrative negotiations.


54. In which major step of the integrative negotiation process of identifying and defining the problem would you likely find that if the problem is complex and multifaceted the parties may not even be able to agree on a statement of the problem? A) define the problem in a way that is mutually acceptable to both sides. B) state the problem with an eye toward practicality and comprehensiveness. C) state the problem as a goal and identify the obstacles to attaining this goal. D) depersonalizing the problem. E) separate the problem definition from the search for solutions.


56. An interest is instrumental if A) the parties value it because it helps them derive other outcomes in the future. B) the parties value the interest in and of itself. C) it relates to "tangible issues" or the focal issues under negotiation. D) the relationship is valued for both its existence and for the pleasure that sustaining the relationship creates. E) All of the above relate to instrumental interests.


65. When confronted with complex problems, or a large number of alternative options, which of the following steps is necessary? A) broaden the range of solution options B) evaluate solutions on the basis of quality, standards, and acceptability C) decide on criteria while evaluating options D) maintain a focus on the influence of tangibles in selecting options E) All of the above steps should be used when confronted with complex problems.


67. A common goal is one in which A) all parties share the result equally B) the parties work toward a common end but benefit differently C) all parties work together to achieve some output that will be shared D) individuals with different personal goals agree to combine them in a collective effort. E) All of the above are characteristics of a common goal.


71. Which of the following factors does not contribute to the development of trust between negotiators? A) We are more likely to trust someone we perceive as similar to us or as holding a positive attitude toward us. B) We often mistrust people who are dependent upon us because we are in a position to help or hurt them. C) We are more likely to trust people who initiate cooperative, trusting behavior. D) We are more likely to trust negotiators who make concessions. E) All of the above contribute to the development of trust between negotiators.


55. Which of the following processes is central to achieving almost all integrative agreements? A) moderating the free flow of information to ensure that each party's position is accurately stated B) exchanging information about each party's position on key issues C) emphasizing the commonalties between the parties D) searching for solutions that maximize the substantive outcome for both parties E) All of the above processes are central to achieving integrative agreements.


57. Which of the following statements about interests is true? A) There is only one type of interest in a dispute. B) Parties are always in agreement about the type of interests at stake. C) Interests are often based in more deeply rooted human needs or values. D) Interests do not change during the course of an integrative negotiation. E) All of the above statements about interests are true.


63. In brainstorming A) individuals work in a large group to select a single optimal solution. B) all solutions are judged and critiqued as they are recorded, and a weighted-average percentage is assigned to each solution. C) parties are urged to be spontaneous and even impractical. D) the success of the approach depends on the item-by-item evaluation and critique of the solutions as presented. E) None of the above is a part of the brainstorming process.


68. A joint goal is one in which A) all parties share the result equally. B) the parties work toward a common end but benefit differently. C) individuals with different personal goals agree to combine them in a collective effort. D) all parties work together to achieve some output that will be shared. E) All of the above are characteristics of a common goal.


72. When people do not trust each other they are more than likely to engage in which of the following behaviors? A) promoting collaboration B) communicating accurately C) positional bargaining D) committing to a joint solution E) none of the above


59. What approach can parties use to generate alternative solutions by redefining the problem or problem set? A) brainstorming B) logrolling C) surveys D) nonspecific compensation E) None of the above approaches can be used to redefine the problem.


60. In nonspecific compensation A) resources are added in such a way that both sides can achieve their objectives. B) one party achieves his/her objectives and the other's costs are minimized if he/she agrees to go along. C) the parties are able to invent new options that meet each sides' needs. D) one person is allowed to obtain his/her objectives and "pay off" the other person for accommodating his interests. E) All of the above are related to nonspecific compensation.


62. "What are the other's real underlying interests and needs?" is a question that can facilitate the _____________ process. A) expanding the pie B) logrolling C) nonspecific compensation D) bridging E) The question should not be used with any of the above processes.


66. Which guideline should be used in evaluating options and reaching a consensus? A) keep the range of solution options as wide as possible B) evaluate the solutions on the basis of speed and expediency C) keep detailed records throughout the discussion and evaluation process D) be alert to the influence of intangibles in selecting options E) None of the above should be used in the evaluation process.


73. When formal channels of communication break down, negotiators are permitted to finding alternatives and can use which of the following? A) conversations over coffee breaks B) separate meetings between chief negotiators outside of the formal sessions C) off-the-record contacts between key subordinates D) all of the above E) none of the above


53. Which of the following is a major step in the integrative negotiation process? A) identifying and defining the problem B) understanding the problem and bringing interests and needs to the surface C) generating alternative solutions to the problem D) choosing a specific solution E) All of the above are major steps in the integrative negotiation process.


64. When identifying options in an integrative negotiation, solutions are usually attained through: A) hard work B) information exchange C) focusing on interests rather than positions D) firm flexibility E) Solutions are attained by using all of the above.


70. Which of the following is a major characteristic of a pre-settlement settlement? A) The settlement results in a firm, legally binding written agreement between the parties. B) It occurs in advance of the parties undertaking a full-scale negotiation. C) The parties intend that the agreement will be replaced by a more clearly delineated long-term agreement which is to be negotiated. D) It resolves only a subset of the issues on which the parties disagree, and may simply establish a framework within which the more comprehensive agreement can be defined and delineated. E) All of the above are characteristics of a pre-settlement settlement.


74. Integrative negotiation fails because A) negotiators fail to perceive the integrative potential of the negotiating problem. B) of distributive assumptions about the negotiation problem. C) of the mixed-motive nature of the issues. D) of the negotiator's previous relationship with one another. E) All of the above are reasons why integrative negotiations fail.


"Expanding the pie" as a method of generating alternative solutions is a complex process, as it requires much more detailed information about the other party than do other methods.


An integrative negotiation problem should be defined as a solution process rather than as a specific goal to be attained.


For successful integrative negotiation to occur, each party should be as interested in the objectives and problems of the other side as each is in his own.


In brainstorming, participants are urged to be spontaneous, even impractical, and to censor anyone's ideas (including their own).


In integrative negotiation, decisions must be finalized in each step of the negotiation process.


In integrative negotiation, the goals of the parties are mutually exclusive.


In integrative negotiations, negotiators are encouraged to state the problem in terms of their preferred solution and to make concessions from these most desired alternatives.


Integrative agreements have been shown to be facilitated when parties exchanged information about their positions on particular issues, but not necessarily about their priorities on those issues.


Intrinsic relationship interests exist when the parties derive positive benefits from the relationship and do not wish to endanger future benefits by souring it.


Multiple communication channels should not be used as they inevitably pass along inaccurate and confusing information.


Negotiators who are firmer about insisting that their own point of view become incorporated into the group solution achieve less integrative agreements than those who are less firm.


Whether the integrative negotiation is simple or complex, the evaluation and selection steps must always be kept separate, or a contamination of the negotiation effort may occur after an informal decision has already been made.


A common goal is one in which all parties share the result equally.


Although there is no guarantee that trust will lead to collaboration, there is plenty of evidence to suggest that mistrust inhibits collaboration.


Focusing on interests allows parties to move beyond opening positions and demands to determine what the parties really want—what needs truly must be satisfied.


For positive problem solving to occur, both parties must be committed to stating the problem in neutral terms.


If both parties understand the motivating factors for the other, they may recognize possible compatibilities in interests that permit them to invent positions which both will endorse as an acceptable settlement.


In generating alternative solutions to the problem, groups should also adopt procedures for defining the problem, defining the interests, and generating options, however, to prevent the group process from degenerating into a win-lose competition or a debating event.


In logrolling, if the parties do in fact have different preferences on different issues, each party gets their most preferred outcome on their high priority issue and should be happy with the overall agreement.


Intangibles can lead the negotiator to fight harder to attain a particular solution option if that option satisfies both tangibles and intangibles.


Most situations are mixed-motive negotiations, containing some elements that require distributive bargaining processes, and others that require integrative negotiation.


Parties should enter the integrative negotiation process with few preconceptions about the solution.


Successful bridging requires a fundamental reformulation of the problem such that the parties are no longer squabbling over their positions; instead, they are disclosing sufficient information to discover their interests and needs and then inventing options that will satisfy both parties' needs.


The failure to reach integrative agreements is often linked to the failure to exchange sufficient information that will allow the parties to identify integrative options.


When a specific solution must meet the criteria of both quality and acceptability, those evaluating the solution options may have to be prepared to make trade-offs between the two to insure that both criteria are met.


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