STAAR EOC Weekly Quiz #2

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Who said, "You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns. You shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold."?

William Jennings Bryan

The political cartoon suggests that industrialists were involved in the American economy by

Controlling the senate

Which of the following people believed in using their wealth for philanthropic activities to benefit their community?

Andrew Carnegie

Henry Bessemer

Developed a cheap and effective manufacturing process for making steel.

Which answer shows how the completion of the transcontinental railroad contributed to the closing of the western frontier?

Greater ease of travel led to higher demand for unclaimned territory.

Thomas Edison

His accomplishments allowed factories to run at night, increasing production.

Andrew Carnegie

Millionaire tycoon who made his riches in the steel industry while remaining philanthropic.

Thomas Nast, illustrator of this political cartoon clearly shows his bias regarding political machines, what is this bias?

Nast opposes political machines because they control the voting

The Homestead Act of 1862 provided land to willing settlers in an effort to continue the settlement of the west. As settlers improved and adapted to their environment this eventually led to the following...

The closing of the frontier and the decline of Plain Indians

J.D. Rockefeller

This man owned 90% of the world's oil trade, becoming a billionaire.

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