Standard 5 Midterm Test Review

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B. inspiring a sense of purpose in supporting the candidate.

A candidate running for state office used a slogan implying that he will bring about big changes to improve society. This kind of propaganda appeals to voters by A. explaining the leadership qualities of the candidate. B. inspiring a sense of purpose in supporting the candidate. C. publicizing endorsements by other major figures. D. bringing attention to the shortcomings of the other candidates.

B. increasing employment opportunities for minorities.

Affirmative action programs were originally developed primarily for the purpose of A. monitoring the business practices of organizations. B. increasing employment opportunities for minorities. C. requiring welfare recipients to perform community service. D. improving the job skills of unemployed adults.

B. send persuasive messages to government officials.

An informed public has an advantage in influencing the political direction of the nation because it can A. uphold the integrity of an election campaign. B. send persuasive messages to government officials. C. determine how the voting process will operate. D. use public relations groups to impact government policies.

A. making officials more accountable.

Constitutional guarantees of voting rights best help to ensure responsible political leadership by A. making officials more accountable. B. requiring candidates to campaign. C. establishing term limits for officials. D. regulating state and federal elections.

D. social welfare programs.

Democratic party platforms typically emphasize A. tax breaks for businesses. B. private gun rights. C. harsh criminal penalties. D. social welfare programs.

A. exercising First Amendment rights

During the 1950s and 1960s, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference engaged in sit-ins, protests, demonstrations, and marches. Which part of the political process do these actions best represent? A. exercising First Amendment rights B. using propaganda C. preserving national security D. fulfilling legal responsibilities

D. social conservatism.

During the 1980s, many blue-collar workers became "Reagan Democrats" partly because they supported A. executive privilege. B. grassroots activism. C. federal supremacy. D. social conservatism.

D. by exerting influence on legislative bodies

Historically, how have professional lobbyists most affected the workings of the U.S. government? A. by operating secretly to change laws B. by organizing groups of citizens to vote C. by arguing for their positions during court cases D. by exerting influence on legislative bodies

C. by depriving African Americans of some basic human rights

How did Jim Crow laws violate basic principles of American democracy? A. by denying African Americans the right to own businesses B. by enforcing the slavery system in the southern states and territories C. by depriving African Americans of some basic human rights D. by enforcing federal laws that restricted the rights of minorities

D. They allow Americans to express their opinions without government interference.

How do the personal freedoms guaranteed by the First Amendment affect the American population on a daily basis? A. They provide Americans the opportunity to carry weapons on a regular basis for protection. B. They allow Americans to be free from government officials taking their property or arresting them. C. They provide Americans protection against being tried by jury more than once. D. They allow Americans to express their opinions without government interference.

D.They win protest votes from citizens dissatisfied with the two major political parties.

How do third parties, such as the Green Party and the Reform Party, typically affect the U.S. election process? A.They often gain enough votes to defeat mainstream party candidates. B.They only discourage voter turnout by confusing the public over minor issues. C.They draw votes away from the Republican Party only. D.They win protest votes from citizens dissatisfied with the two major political parties.

B. The number of each state's electoral votes is determined by census population data.

How does information gathered by the U.S. Bureau of the Census impact the Electoral College? A. The census identifies the number of senators who will represent each state in the Electoral College. B. The number of each state's electoral votes is determined by census population data. C. The census determines the proportional representation of the majority party in the Electoral College. D. The Electoral College casts ballots based on the results of surveys taken by the census.

C. by giving each state the number of electors equal to its total number of senators and House of Representatives delegates

How does today's Electoral College system attempt to provide a fair representation of the voting public? A. by giving each citizen a means of voting directly for the candidate of his or her choice B. by allowing the states to choose electors from their state legislatures C. by giving each state the number of electors equal to its total number of senators and House of Representatives delegates D. by ensuring through Constitutional law that electors vote for the candidates of the political party that nominated them

C. serve in the military in times of peace.

In 1948, President Truman signed the Women's Armed Services Integration Act, which granted American women the right to A. fly combat missions in wartime. B. live with an enlisted spouse on a base. C. serve in the military in times of peace. D. apply for promotion in military rank.

D. Plessy v. Ferguson, which introduced the doctrine of "separate but equal."

In Brown v. Board of Education (1954), the Supreme Court overturned its earlier ruling in the case of A. Cherokee Nation v. Georgia, which allowed states to take land from private groups. B. Korematsu v. United States, which authorized involuntary relocation. C. Bartlett v. Strickland, which made it more difficult to challenge electoral systems. D. Plessy v. Ferguson, which introduced the doctrine of "separate but equal."

C. by informing viewers about important public issues

In an election year, how do responsible media shape the results of the popular vote? A. by exposing the personal flaws of candidates B. by rallying support for particular candidates C. by informing viewers about important public issues D. by running advertisements exclusively for one party

A. right to minimum wage

In the United States, which right of citizenship is an economic right? A. right to minimum wage B. freedom of religion C. right to vote D. freedom of the press

C. determining how many representatives each state receives in Congress

In which way does the data collected in the U.S. Census, taken every ten years, have a major impact on the national political system? A. showing how residents in each state voted in previous elections B. deciding which states receive more senators in Congress C. determining how many representatives each state receives in Congress D. revealing which political groups dominate each region

A.equal opportunity for all.

Laws prohibiting housing discrimination against minorities can be justified on the basis of A.equal opportunity for all. B.rights to access to services. C.developing a sustainable economy. D.promoting social responsibility.

A. exercise the right to vote.

One way to simultaneously act on personal beliefs and satisfy a civic responsibility is to A. exercise the right to vote. B. write a letter to a friend. C. serve on a jury. D. obey the rules of the community.

D. fundraising to support campaigns.

Political action committees (PACs) influence the political process mainly by A. reforming fiscal policies. B. supporting nonprofit organizations. C. conducting voter research. D. fundraising to support campaigns.

B. prohibiting slavery and involuntary servitude.

Ratified in 1865, the Thirteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution helped advance democratic ideals by A. safeguarding privacy. B. prohibiting slavery and involuntary servitude. C. expanding voting rights. D. guaranteeing the right to a fair trial.

A. government contractors give equal consideration to minority job applicants.

Since the 1960s, U.S. affirmative action policies have required that A. government contractors give equal consideration to minority job applicants. B. private employers adopt a strict quota system for hiring members of minority groups. C. polling places prohibit discriminatory practices against minorities. D. minority rights be free of direct conflict with the rights of non-minorities.

A. reducing business taxes.

Since the Reagan era, the Republican party platform has largely favored A. reducing business taxes. B. regulating corporate affairs. C. cutting defense budgets. D. supporting social relief programs.

B. unrestricted voting rights

The 1924 Indian Citizenship Act extended citizenship to all native-born American Indians. When the Act was fully implemented, what new privileges did the native-born American Indians receive? A. tribal allotments B. unrestricted voting rights C. government registration D. integrated public facilities

C.Employers give preference to individuals with disabilities when hiring workers.

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 requires employers to give equal opportunities and fair accommodations to workers with disabilities, and requires public places to be accessible to people with disabilities. Given these guidelines, which result should not take place? A.Students with disabilities have appropriate facilities set up for them at school. B.Handicapped parking spaces and curb ramps are available in all public parking lots. C.Employers give preference to individuals with disabilities when hiring workers. D.Courts consider how particular disabilities should be addressed in the workplace.

D. Hiring disabled Americans should be encouraged because they are entitled to equal opportunities.

The Americans with Disabilities Act prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities and applies to several areas of society, including employment and access to public facilities. Which statement in support of the American Disabilities Act addresses the personal rights of American citizens? A. Voting access for disabled Americans should be protected because their votes can impact elections. B. Giving disabled Americans rights and freedoms will reduce health care costs. C. Hiring disabled Americans will increase spending power that will strengthen the economy. D. Hiring disabled Americans should be encouraged because they are entitled to equal opportunities.

B. African American men residing in the United States

The Fifteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified in 1870. Which group was allowed to vote after this amendment was passed? A. women in the United States of all ages and races B. African American men residing in the United States C. male citizens in the United States under the age of 21 D. immigrants who had lived in the United States for at least two years

B. the privacy of individuals where there is only suspicion of wrongdoing.

The Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution prohibits "unreasonable searches and seizures" of citizens and their property. This amendment protects A. suspects who have been taken into police custody for further investigation by officials. B. the privacy of individuals where there is only suspicion of wrongdoing. C. convicted felons from harsh or unusual treatment while in prison. D. individuals accused of committing public disturbances from being detained by citizens until police arrive.

B. the right for women to vote.

The National American Woman Suffrage Association worked within the U.S. political system to achieve A. the permission for women to participate in political special interest groups. B. the right for women to vote. C. the right for women to work. D. the recognition of women's effectiveness in political campaigns.

D.abolishing literacy tests as a condition for voting.

The Voting Rights Act of 1965 expanded democratic participation by A.allowing women to vote in all elections. B.lowering the minimum voting age for citizens. C.establishing special voting districts for minorities. D.abolishing literacy tests as a condition for voting.

B. to hold the mayor accountable for his actions

The mayor of a city is not fulfilling his duties and responsibilities to the city. What is the main responsibility of the city's residents in this situation? A. to support the leadership of the mayor at all times B. to hold the mayor accountable for his actions C. to disregard the election process and find a new leader D. to identify other leadership to handle the problems

A. citizen participation is necessary in a democratic system.

U.S. Census data in 2004 stated that voter turnout was about 64 percent of U.S. citizens eighteen years old and older. This is considered to be a problem because A. citizen participation is necessary in a democratic system. B. citizens should support their elected officials. C. elections should offer the best candidates for the job. D. terms of office should be extended for fewer election cycles.

B. a democracy cannot function without the participation of its citizens.

Voting in U.S. elections is a civic responsibility because A. citizens must be at least 18 years old to participate. B. a democracy cannot function without the participation of its citizens. C. an election requires two-thirds of the population to participate in order to be valid. D. voting is an action performed outside the home.

A. They were not citizens of the United States according to the Constitution.

What did the Supreme Court ruling in the landmark 1857 case Dred Scott v. Sandford state about people of African descent and their ancestors? A. They were not citizens of the United States according to the Constitution. B. They had no ability to earn their freedom from slavery. C. They were granted the right to own property. D. They were granted the right to vote.

C. leaders that answer to the people

What does the right to vote help ensure? A. a fair and speedy trial by jury B. the continuation of a monarchy C. leaders that answer to the people D. elimination of government censorship

B. allowing groups of people with similar goals to unite

What is the main purpose of the party system in American politics? A. organizing the voting process in the Electoral College B. allowing groups of people with similar goals to unite C. enabling the government to track the preferences of citizens D. simplifying the process of putting candidates on the ballot

C. They convey the election platforms to the public.

What is the primary way volunteers contribute to the success of political campaigns? A. They help to choose electors from each state. B. They count the votes after the polls close. C. They convey the election platforms to the public. D. They write speeches for the candidates.

D. practice any religion.

When the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution was ratified, all Americans were guaranteed for the first time the right to A. have personal privacy. B. earn dual citizenship. C. receive a public education. D. practice any religion.

C. to lobby lawmakers

Which action best describes the role of environmental groups and labor unions in American politics? A. to nominate political candidates B. to uphold conservative political views C. to lobby lawmakers D. to formally introduce legislation

A. voting in elections

Which action is a civic responsibility? A. voting in elections B. meeting work deadlines C. helping family members D. attending religious services

C. People with different backgrounds respond to polls with different frequencies.

Which factor limits the usefulness of public opinion polls in forming government policy? A. Opinions of current programs tend to remain low if they were widely opposed beforehand. B. Differences in opinion may be shaped by the educational backgrounds of those polled. C. People with different backgrounds respond to polls with different frequencies. D. People who are polled are likely to express a wide variety of views.

C. right to worship

Which feature of citizenship in a democratic society is a purely personal right, as opposed to a political or economic right? A. right to work B. right to vote C. right to worship D. right to petition

B. to recruit people to run for a political office

Which goal is not a typical purpose for political canvassing? A. to persuade people to vote for a particular candidate B. to recruit people to run for a political office C. to remind people about upcoming elections D. to hand out campaign literature to voters

D. to work with other small parties to form a majority

Which goal is not typically held by third parties in the U.S. election process? A. to bring attention to a political cause B. to back candidates unaffiliated with mainstream parties C. to draw votes away from leading candidates D. to work with other small parties to form a majority

B. to persuade listeners that he or she is similar to members of the audience

Which goal is the most likely reason a political candidate would use the "plain folks" propaganda technique when speaking to an audience? A. to impress the crowd by using difficult vocabulary B. to persuade listeners that he or she is similar to members of the audience C. to avoid talking about particular issues by speaking in generalities D. to prove that people worthy of respect agree with his or her opinions

C. freedom of speech

Which interest is protected under the Constitution as a political right? A. religious freedom B. ownership of property C. freedom of speech D. health care

B. Elected officials serve the people best when they do not owe favors to campaign contributors.

Which opinion most likely belongs to supporters of campaign finance reform? A. Most candidates for political office are too corrupt to be entrusted with campaign funds. B. Elected officials serve the people best when they do not owe favors to campaign contributors. C. The size of campaign contributions has little effect upon a candidate's future behavior. D. Individual states should decide the allowable amount of campaign contributions.

D. They try to influence members of committees who consider legislation.

Which role do professional lobbyists typically play in the passage of Congressional bills? A. They propose legislation in the House of Representatives. B. They persuade citizens to vote a certain way on issues. C. They filibuster to delay the passage of measures they oppose. D. They try to influence members of committees who consider legislation.

A. nominating candidates for public office

Which role of political parties in the process of government is the most significant? A. nominating candidates for public office B. selecting people for government committees C. giving citizens a role in writing new laws D. representing the population in the Electoral College

C.Each major political party has continued to represent specific agendas.

Which statement best describes one reason why a two-party system dominates U.S. politics? A.Constitutional law prohibits the recognition of new political parties. B.Only a representative democracy may have multiple political parties. C.Each major political party has continued to represent specific agendas. D.The Electoral College system would not work with additional political parties.

D. serving as an elected official on a local board

Which type of political participation would most likely require the greatest time commitment? A. contacting government officials about a policy issue B. attending a town hall meeting with local officials C. campaigning for a candidate in a local election D. serving as an elected official on a local board

C. Although there are many political parties, most voters belong to one of two main parties.

Why does the United States have a two-party political system? A. Only two parties are described in the Constitution. B. The two-party system is the best way to organize candidates for national elections. C. Although there are many political parties, most voters belong to one of two main parties. D. The two-party system prevents unopposed totalitarian rule.

C. The number of electors in each state depends on its population.

Why is an accurate census important to the process of selecting the U.S. president? A. The number of residents in a state determines the outcome of the popular vote. B. It is important to know how many citizens will vote in primary elections. C. The number of electors in each state depends on its population. D. It is important to estimate the population in order to understand political trends.

A. It helps people critically evaluate political messages.

Why is staying informed about current events and issues an essential part of upholding American democracy? A. It helps people critically evaluate political messages. B. It enables Americans to participate in volunteer activities. C. It prevents people from developing biases against other ethnic groups. D. It forces citizens to participate in local, state, and national elections.

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