statics quiz 1
A push or a pull
A quantity that has magnitude and direction
newtons 3rd law
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction
newtons 2nd law
moment equation
M=Fd (scalar) or M=rxF (vector) M=moment F= force creating the moment d= perpendicular distance form line of action of force to moment center r= position vector from moment center to force
rigid body
a body that maintains a constant shape, the distance between any two particles remains constant
external forces
a force acting on the outside of a structure set in equilibrium
internal forces
a force effect within the entity or any component part of a structure set in equilibrium
distributed load
a force or force system spread over an area, either uniformly or non uniformly
a mathematical model of an object as a mass point
moment definition
a moment of force provides a measure of the tendency of a force to cause an object to rotate about a point or axis
a physical quantity that has magnitude but no direction
lateral transfer therom
allows the moment of a force laterally (different from line of action) as long a moment (couple) is added
12th statics principle
area moment of inertia
varignon's therom
can use the force or the component of a force to calculate the moment
does not matter whether you push or pull as long as you maintain the same line of action. the result is the same
3rd statics principle
6th statics principle
1st statics principle
collinear forces
force acting along the same line of action
concurrent forces
forces that all intersect at a common point
coplanar forces
forces that lie in the same plane
11th statics principle
free vector
has a definite magnitude and direction but no specific location in space ex: the moment vector of a couple
8th statics principles
lateral transfer therom
a force's direction is defined by
line of action
force is characterized by:
magnitude, direction, point of application
4th statics principle
9th statics principle
newton's third law
general space force system
non-coplaner, non-parallel, non-concurrent, non-collinear force system
newtons 1st law
object in motion remain in motion. object at rest stays at rest unless a force acts on it
sliding vector
one which can be moved along a given line collinear with the vector itself ex: force causing rotation on a rigid body
bound vector
one with a specific point of application ex: force acting on a deformable body; position vector
2nd statics principle
parallelogram rule
concentrated force (load)
represents the effect of a loading which is assumed to act at a point on a body
10th statics principle
identification of forces
the first step in dealing with any problem in mechanics
line of action
the infinite straight line along which a force acts
the length of a vector
7th statics priniciple
5th statics principle
varignon's therom