STATS Homework questions

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The histogram to the right represents the weights​ (in pounds) of members of a certain​ high-school debatedebate team. How many team members are included in the​ histogram? A histogram has a horizontal axis labeled from less than 110 to 170 plus in intervals of 10 and a vertical axis labeled from 0 to 6 in intervals of 1. Vertical bars, 10 units wide and centered on the horizontal axis values, have heights as follows: 110, 4; 120, 0; 130, 0; 140, 3; 150, 1; 160, 0; 170, 5. 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 0 2 4 6


Determine whether the value given below is from a discrete or continuous data set. The volume of cola in a can is 11.5 oz.The volume of cola in a can is 11.5 oz. nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing Choose the correct answer below.

A continuouscontinuous data set because there are infinitely many possible values and thosethere are infinitely many possible values and those values cannot be counted

Determine whether the value given below is from a discrete or continuous data set. In a test of a method of gender selection comma 690 couples used the XSORT methodIn a test of a method of gender selection, 690 couples used the XSORT method andand 544544 ofof themthem hadhad babybaby girls.girls. Choose the correct answer below.

A discretediscrete data set because there are a finite number of possible valuesthere are a finite number of possible values

Which of the following is associated with a​ parameter?

A parameter is a numerical measurement describing some characteristic of a population.​ So, a parameter is associated with data that were obtained from an entire population.

What is a voluntary response​ sample?

A sample in which the subjects themselves decide whether to be included in the study. A voluntary response sample is one in which the subjects themselves decide whether to be included in the study.

A scatterplot is a plot of paired data​ (x,y) and is helpful in determining whether there is a relationship between the two variables.

A scatterplot​ (or scatter​ diagram) is a plot of paired​ (x,y) quantitative data with a horizontal​ x-axis and a vertical​ y-axis. The horizontal axis is used for the first​ (x) variable, and the vertical axis is used for the second variable. The pattern of the plotted points is often helpful in determining whether there is a relationship between the two variables.

A histogram aids in analyzing the​ _______ of the data.

A shape of the distribution. A histogram is a visual tool used to represent and analyze data. It is basically a graphic version of a frequency​ distribution, and it can show the​ center, variation, and the shape of the distribution of the data.

What is a​ self-interest study?

A survey in which the sponsor can enjoy monetary or other gains from the results A​ self-interest study is a survey in which the sponsor can enjoy monetary or other gains from the results. Be very wary of studies where the sponsor has certain interests to promote.

Identify which type of sampling is​ used: random,​ systematic, convenience,​ stratified, or cluster. To determine customer opinion of their inflight serviceinflight service​, Continental AirlinesContinental Airlines randomly selects 150150 flightsflights during a certain week and surveys all passengers on the flightspassengers on the flights.


Identify which type of sampling is​ used: random,​ systematic, convenience,​ stratified, or cluster. To determine customer opinion of their inflight serviceinflight service​, Continental AirlinesContinental Airlines randomly selects 4040 flightsflights during a certain week and surveys all passengers on the flightspassengers on the flights. Which type of sampling is​ used?


Identify which type of sampling is​ used: random,​ systematic, convenience,​ stratified, or cluster. To determine customer opinion of their safety featuressafety features​, Daimler minus ChryslerDaimler−Chrysler randomly selects 7070 service centersservice centers during a certain week and surveys all customers visiting the service centerscustomers visiting the service centers.


To determine customer opinion of their safety featuressafety features​, ToyotaToyota randomly selects 150150 dealershipsdealerships during a certain week and surveys all customers visiting the dealershipscustomers visiting the dealerships.


Identify the type of sampling used​ (random, systematic,​ convenience, stratified, or cluster​ sampling) in the situation described below. A manman experienced a tax audit. The tax department claimed that the manman was audited because everyoneeveryone inin sixsix randomlyrandomly selectedselected districtsdistricts waswas beingbeing audited.audited. nothing nothing nothing Which type of sampling did the tax department​ use?

Cluster Sample

Identify the type of sampling used​ (random, systematic,​ convenience, stratified, or cluster​ sampling) in the situation described below. A manman experienced a tax audit. The tax department claimed that the manman was audited because everyoneeveryone inin fourfour randomlyrandomly selectedselected districtsdistricts waswas beingbeing audited.audited. nothing nothing nothing Which type of sampling did the tax department​ use?

Cluster Sampling

Identify the type of sampling used​ (random, systematic,​ convenience, stratified, or cluster​ sampling) in the situation described below. A womanwoman experienced a tax audit. The tax department claimed that the womanwoman was audited because everyoneeveryone inin threethree randomlyrandomly selectedselected districtsdistricts waswas beingbeing audited.audited. nothing nothing nothing Which type of sampling did the tax department​ use?

Cluster sampling

Which sampling method divides the population up into​ sections, randomly selects some of those​ sections, then chooses all the members from the selected sections to​ study? Choose the correct answer below.

Cluster sampling involves subdividing the population and using all members from a randomly selected group of subdivisions.

The definition of​ "Census" is a

Collection of data from every member of a population

Identify which type of sampling is​ used: random,​ systematic, convenience,​ stratified, or cluster. Upper A magazineA magazine asks its readersreaders to call in their opinion regarding the quality of thethe quality of the articles.articles. Which type of sampling is​ used?


Identify which type of sampling is​ used: random,​ systematic, convenience,​ stratified, or cluster. Upper A television stationA television station asks its viewersviewers to call in their opinion regarding the variety ofthe variety of sports programming.


Determine whether the value is from a discrete or continuous data set. Time to learn a song is 4 hoursTime to learn a song is 4 hours Is the value from a discrete or continuous data​ set?


Identify which type of sampling is​ used: random,​ systematic, convenience,​ stratified, or cluster. An internet siteAn internet site asks its membersmembers to call in their opinion regarding their reluctancetheir reluctance to provide credit information provide credit information online. Which type of sampling is​ used?


Identify which type of sampling is​ used: random,​ systematic, convenience,​ stratified, or cluster. Upper A television stationA television station asks its viewersviewers to call in their opinion regarding the desirabilitythe desirability of programs in high definition TV.of programs in high definition TV. Which type of sampling is​ used?


Determine whether the value is from a discrete or continuous data set. Number of pieces of lumber used to make a deck is 113Number of pieces of lumber used to make a deck is 113


Determine whether the description corresponds to an observational study or an experiment. Thirty university students are divided into two groups. One group receives freeThirty university students are divided into two groups. One group receives free tutoring in mathematics comma the other doesn't.tutoring in mathematics, the other doesn't. After one semester comma scores on finalAfter one semester, scores on final mathematical examinations are compared.mathematical examinations are compared. Does the description correspond to an observational study or an​ experiment?


the Heights of the bars of a histogram correspond to ____ values.

Frequency. A histogram is a graph consisting of bars of equal width drawn adjacent to each other​ (without gaps). The horizontal scale represents classes of quantitative data values and the vertical scale represents frequencies. The heights of the bars correspond to the frequency values.

Which of the following would be classified as categorical​ data?

Hair color would be classified as categorical data. Categorical data consist of names or labels that are not numbers representing counts or measurements.

A bar chart and a Pareto chart both use bars to show frequencies of categories of categorical data. What characteristic distinguishes a Pareto chart from a bar​ chart, and how does that characteristic help us in understanding the​ data?

In a Pareto​ chart, the bars are always arranged in descending order according to frequencies. The Pareto chart helps us understand data by drawing attention to the more important​ categories, which have the highest frequencies. A bar chart uses bars of equal width to show frequencies of categorical data. The vertical scale represents frequencies or relative frequencies. The horizontal scale identifies the different categories of qualitative data. When one wants a bar chart to draw attention to the more important​ categories, one can use a Pareto​ chart, which is a bar chart for categorical​ data, with the added stipulation that the bars are arranged in descending order according to frequencies. The bars decrease in height from left to right.

Identify which type of sampling is​ used: random,​ systematic, convenience,​ stratified, or cluster. To determine customer opinion of their pricingpricing​, AmtrakAmtrak randomly selects 4040 trainstrains during a certain week and surveys all passengers on the trainspassengers on the trains. Which type of sampling is​ used?

In a random sample members from the population are selected in such a way that each individual member has an equal chance of being selected. In systematic sampling​, select some starting point and then select every kth element in the population. With convenience sampling​, simply use results that are very easy to get. With stratified sampling​, subdivide the population into at least two different subgroups​ (or strata) so that subjects within the same subgroup share the same​ characterisitcs, then draw a sample from each subgroup​ (or stratum). In cluster sampling​, first divide the population area into sections​ (or clusters), then randomly select some of the​ clusters, and then choose all the members from those selected clusters. Cluster

A discretediscrete data set because there are a finite number of possible valuesthere are a finite number of possible values


Determine whether the sampling method described below appears to be sound or is flawed. In a survey of 529human resource​ professionals, each was asked about the importance of the appearance of a job applicant. The survey subjects were randomly selected by pollsters from a reputable market research firm.

It appears to be sound because the data are not biased in any way.

Determine whether the sampling method described below appears to be sound or is flawed. In a survey of 674subjects, each was asked how often he or she read a book. The survey subjects were internet users who responded to a question that was posted on a news website.

It is flawed because it is a voluntary response sample.

Determine whether the given value is from a discrete or continuous data set. When a busbus is randomly​ selected, it is found to have a tire pressure of 32 psia tire pressure of 32 psi. Choose the correct answer below.

It is from a continuouscontinuous data set because the number of possible values is infiniteinfinite andand not countablenot countable.

Determine whether the given value is from a discrete or continuous data set. When a trucktruck is randomly​ selected, it is found to have a gas tank that can hold 18 gala gas tank that can hold 18 gal. Choose the correct answer below.

It is from a continuouscontinuous data set because the number of possible values is infiniteinfinite andand not countablenot countable.

Determine whether the given value is from a discrete or continuous data set. When a trucktruck is randomly​ selected, it is found to have a gas tank that can hold 19.4 gala gas tank that can hold 19.4 gal.

It is from a continuouscontinuous data set because the number of possible values is infiniteinfinite andand not countablenot countable.

youryour oddsodds ofof carcar thefttheft byby nbsp 300 percent." 300 percent." What is wrong with this​ statement?


Based on a study of agesages of men and women whowho have childrenhave children​, a researcher concludes that being a parentbeing a parent causes people to ageage. Do you agree with this​ conclusion?

No. There may be a relationship between having childrenhaving children and the age of an adultthe age of an adult​, but that does not mean that one causes the other.

Determine which of the four levels of measurement​ (nominal, ordinal,​ interval, ratio) is most appropriate. Hair colorsHair colors Choose the correct level of measurement.


A(n) _______ distribution has a​ "bell" shape.

Normal. When​ graphed, a normal distribution has a​ "bell" shape. Characteristics of the bell shape are​ (1) the frequencies increase to a​ maximum, and then​ decrease, and​ (2) symmetry, with the left half of the graph roughly a mirror image of the right half. Next Question

Determine which of the four levels of measurement​ (nominal, ordinal,​ interval, ratio) is most appropriate. Positions of runners in a racePositions of runners in a race Choose the correct level of measurement.


A study is conducted to measure​ children's growth rates without any treatment applied to the children. What best classifies this​ study? Choose the correct answer below.

Observational study involves observing and measuring specific characteristics without attempting to modify the subjects being studied.

Determine which of the four levels of measurement​ (nominal, ordinal,​ interval, ratio) is most appropriate. The rankings of songs in the top 100The rankings of songs in the top 100 Choose the correct level of measurement.


Determine whether the given value is a statistic or a parameter. In a study of all 1452 students at a college comma it is found that 45 % own a computer.In a study of all 1452 students at a college, it is found that 45% own a computer. Choose the correct statement below.

ParameterParameter because the value is a numerical measurement describing a characteristic of a populationpopulation.

Determine whether the given value is a statistic or a parameter. In a study of all 4171 professors at a college comma it is found that 45 % own a television.

ParameterParameter because the value is a numerical measurement describing a characteristic of a populationpopulation.

Which of the following is NOT a level of​ measurement?

Quantitative refers to a data​ type, not a level of measurement.

Choose the correct answer below

Quiz scores from a college level statistics course are analyzed to determine student progress. Using quiz scores from a college level statistics course that are analyzed to determine student progress would not be a voluntary response sample because respondents themselves do not decide to be included.

Identify the type of sampling used​ (random, systematic,​ convenience, stratified, or cluster​ sampling) in the situation described below. A manman experienced a tax audit. The tax department claimed that the manman was audited because hehe waswas randomlyrandomly selectedselected fromfrom allall thethe taxpayers.taxpayers. nothing nothing nothing nothing Which type of sampling did the tax department​ use?

Random sampling

Identify the type of sampling used​ (random, systematic,​ convenience, stratified, or cluster​ sampling) in the situation described below. In a poll conducted by a certain research​ center, 793793 adults were called after their telephone numbers were randomly generated by a​ computer, and 83 %83% were able to correctly identify the president.president. Which type of sampling did the research center​ use?

Random sampling

Identify the type of sampling used​ (random, systematic,​ convenience, stratified, or cluster​ sampling) in the situation described below. In a poll conducted by a certain research​ center, 894894 adults were called after their telephone numbers were randomly generated by a​ computer, and 9 %9% were able to correctly identify the secretary of state.secretary of state. Which type of sampling did the research center​ use?

Random sampling

Identify the type of sampling used​ (random, systematic,​ convenience, stratified, or cluster​ sampling) in the situation described below. In a poll conducted by a certain research​ center, 900900 adults were called after their telephone numbers were randomly generated by a​ computer, and 20 %20% were able to correctly identify the president.president. Which type of sampling did the research center​ use?

Random sampling

Identify the type of sampling used​ (random, systematic,​ convenience, stratified, or cluster​ sampling) in the situation described below. In a poll conducted by a certain research​ center, 911911 adults were called after their telephone numbers were randomly generated by a​ computer, and 55 %55% were able to correctly identify the president.president. Which type of sampling did the research center​ use?

Random sampling

A​ _______ histogram has the same shape and horizontal scale as a​ histogram, but the vertical scale is marked with relative frequencies instead of actual frequencies.

Relative frequency. A histogram is a graph consisting of bars of equal width drawn adjacent to each other​ (without gaps). A relative frequency histogram has the same shape and horizontal scale as a​ histogram, but the vertical scale is marked with relative frequencies​ (as percentages or​ proportions) instead of actual frequencies. Next Question

Determine whether the results below appear to have statistical​ significance, and also determine whether the results have practical significance. In a study of a weight loss​ program, 4 subjects lost an average of 44 lbs. It is found that there is about a 21​% chance of getting such results with a diet that has no effect. Does the weight loss program have statistical​ significance? Does the weight loss program have practical​ significance?

Results are said to be statistically significant if they are unlikely to occur solely by chance. No, the program is not statistically significant because the results are likely to occur by chance. The statistical significance of a study can differ from its practical significance. It is possible​ that, based on the available sample​ data, statistical methods can be used to reach a conclusion that a weight loss program is​ effective, but common sense might suggest that the program does not make enough of a difference to justify its use or to be practical. Yes, the program is practically significant because the amount of lost weight is large enough to be considered practically significant.

Which sampling method subdivides the population into categories sharing similar characteristics and then selects a sample from each​ subdivision?

Stratified sampling method involves subdividing the population and uses a sample of members from each subdivision of the population. Next Question

The Definition of a​ "Sample" is a​

Subcollection of members selected from a population

Identify the type of sampling​ used: random,​ systematic, convenience,​ stratified, or cluster. To estimate the percentage of defects in a recent manufacturing​ batch, a quality control manager at General ElectricGeneral Electric selects every 1919th refrigeratorrefrigerator that comes off the assembly line starting with the tenthtenth until she obtains a sample of 8080 refrigeratorsrefrigerators. Which type of sampling is​ used?


dentify the type of sampling​ used: random,​ systematic, convenience,​ stratified, or cluster. To estimate the percentage of defects in a recent manufacturing​ batch, a quality control manager at ToshibaToshiba selects every 1313th laptoplaptop that comes off the assembly line starting with the thirdthird until she obtains a sample of 130130 laptopslaptops. Which type of sampling is​ used?


Identify the type of sampling used​ (random, systematic,​ convenience, stratified, or cluster​ sampling) in the situation described below. A manman is selected by a marketing company to participate in a paid focus group. The company says that the manman was selected because everyevery 5000 th5000th personperson inin thethe phonephone numbernumber listingslistings waswas beingbeing selected.selected. Which type of sampling did the marketing company​ use?

SystematicSystematic sampling

Identify the type of sampling​ used: random,​ systematic, convenience,​ stratified, or cluster. To estimate the percentage of defects in a recent manufacturing​ batch, a quality control manager at MicrosoftMicrosoft selects every 2020th software CDsoftware CD that comes off the assembly line starting with the eightheighth until she obtains a sample of 120120 software CDssoftware CDs.


dentify the type of sampling​ used: random,​ systematic, convenience,​ stratified, or cluster. To estimate the percentage of defects in a recent manufacturing​ batch, a quality control manager at IBMIBM selects every 1313th computercomputer that comes off the assembly line starting with the secondsecond until she obtains a sample of 110110 computerscomputers.


Determine which of the four levels of measurement​ (nominal, ordinal,​ interval, ratio) is most appropriate. Placements of swimmers in a swim meetPlacements of swimmers in a swim meet Choose the correct level of measurement.

The four levels of measurement are summarized as​ follows: Nominal Categories​ only; data cannot be arranged in an ordering scheme. Ordinal Categories are​ ordered, but differences cannot be found or are meaningless. Interval Differences are​ meaningful, but there is no natural zero starting point and ratios are meaningless. Ratio There is a natural zero starting point and ratios are meaningful. ORDINAL

Determine whether the given description corresponds to an observational study or an experiment. In a study of 381381 girlsgirls with a particular​ disease, the subjects were injected with vitamins towere injected with vitamins to determine if the vitamins have an effect on the disease.determine if the vitamins have an effect on the disease. Does the given description correspond to an observational study or an​ experiment?

The given description corresponds to an experimentan experiment.

Determine whether the given description corresponds to an observational study or an experiment. In a study of 408408 womenwomen with a particular​ disease, the subjects were monitored with an EEGwere monitored with an EEG while asleep.

The given description corresponds to an observational studyan observational study.

Determine which of the four levels of measurement​ (nominal, ordinal,​ interval, ratio) is most appropriate for the data below. Years in which an Olympics was heldYears in which an Olympics was held Choose the correct answer below.

The intervalinterval level of measurement is most appropriate because the data can becan be ordered commaordered, differences left parenthesis obtained by subtraction right parenthesisdifferences (obtained by subtraction) can becan be foundfound and areand are meaningful commameaningful, and thereand there is nois no naturalnatural startingstarting zerozero point.

Which level of measurement consists of categories only where data cannot be arranged in an ordering​ scheme?

The nominal level of measurement is characterized by data that consist of​ names, labels, or categories only. The data cannot be arranged in an ordering scheme​ (such as low to​ high).

Determine which of the four levels of measurement​ (nominal, ordinal,​ interval, ratio) is most appropriate. Types of restaurants left parenthesis fast food comma organic food comma sea food comma etc. right parenthesisTypes of restaurants (fast food, organic food, sea food, etc.) Choose the correct answer below.

The nominalnominal level of measurement is most appropriate because data cannotdata cannot be arrangedbe arranged in an ordering schemein an ordering scheme.

Determine which of the four levels of measurement​ (nominal, ordinal,​ interval, ratio) is most appropriate for the data below. Flight numbers

The nominalnominal level of measurement is most appropriate because the data cannotcannot bebe ordered.ordered. nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing

Determine which of the four levels of measurement​ (nominal, ordinal,​ interval, ratio) is most appropriate for the data below. Types of movies left parenthesis drama comma comedy comma adventure comma documentary comma etc. right parenthesisTypes of movies (drama, comedy, adventure, documentary, etc.) Choose the correct answer below.

The nominalnominal level of measurement is most appropriate because the data cannotcannot bebe ordered.ordered. nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing

Which of the following consists of discrete​ data?

The number of suitcases on a plane is a number representing a count. This would consist of discrete data.

Determine which of the four levels of measurement​ (nominal, ordinal,​ interval, ratio) is most appropriate. Critic ratings of movies on a scale from 1 star to 7 stars.Critic ratings of movies on a scale from 1 star to 7 stars. Choose the correct answer below.

The ordinalordinal level of measurement is most appropriate because categories are ordered commacategories are ordered, but differencesbut differences cannot be found or are meaninglesscannot be found or are meaningless.

Determine which of the four levels of measurement​ (nominal, ordinal,​ interval, ratio) is most appropriate. Ratings of hotels on a scale from 0 stars to 4 stars.Ratings of hotels on a scale from 0 stars to 4 stars. Choose the correct answer below.

The ordinalordinal level of measurement is most appropriate because categories are ordered commacategories are ordered, but differencesbut differences cannot be found or are meaninglesscannot be found or are meaningless.

Determine which of the four levels of measurement​ (nominal, ordinal,​ interval, ratio) is most appropriate. Ratings of hotels on a scale from 0 stars to 7 stars.Ratings of hotels on a scale from 0 stars to 7 stars. Choose the correct answer below.

The ordinalordinal level of measurement is most appropriate because categories are ordered commacategories are ordered, but differencesbut differences cannot be found or are meaninglesscannot be found or are meaningless.

Determine which of the four levels of measurement​ (nominal, ordinal,​ interval, ratio) is most appropriate for the data below. Alert system of yellow left parenthesis lowest right parenthesis comma orange comma and red left parenthesis highest right parenthesis

The ordinalordinal level of measurement is most appropriate because the data can becan be ordered commaordered, butbut differences left parenthesis obtained by subtraction right parenthesisdifferences (obtained by subtraction) cannotcannot be foundbe found or areor are meaningless.meaningless. nothing nothing

Determine which of the four levels of measurement​ (nominal, ordinal,​ interval, ratio) is most appropriate for the data below. Brain volumes measured in cubic cmBrain volumes measured in cubic cm Choose the correct answer below.

The ratioratio level of measurement is most appropriate because the data can becan be ordered commaordered, differencesdifferences can becan be foundfound and areand are meaningful commameaningful, and thereand there is ais a naturalnatural startingstarting zerozero point.

Determine which of the four levels of measurement​ (nominal, ordinal,​ interval, ratio) is most appropriate for the data below. Car lengths measured in feet

The ratioratio level of measurement is most appropriate because the data can becan be ordered commaordered, differencesdifferences can becan be foundfound and areand are meaningful commameaningful, and thereand there is ais a naturalnatural startingstarting zerozero point.

A particular country has 4545 total states. If the areas of allof all 4545 states are added and the sum is divided by 4545​, the result is 202 comma 196202,196 square kilometers. Determine whether this result is a statistic or a parameter.

The result is a parameterparameter because it describes some characteristic of a populationpopulation.

A particular country has 5555 total states. If the areas of allof all 5555 states are added and the sum is divided by 5555​, the result is 212 comma 072212,072 square kilometers. Determine whether this result is a statistic or a parameter. Choose the correct answer below. A.

The result is a parameterparameter because it describes some characteristic of a populationpopulation. This is the correct answer.B.

A particular country has 6060 total states. If the areas ofof 2020 states are added and the sum is divided by 2020​, the result is 179 comma 532179,532 square kilometers. Determine whether this result is a statistic or a parameter. Choose the correct answer below.

The result is a statisticstatistic because it describes some characteristic of a samplesample.

Determine whether the description below corresponds to an observational study or an experiment. In a studystudy sponsored by a​ company, 14 comma 66914,669 people were asked what contributes most to their sadness commasadness, and 36 %36% of the respondents said that it was their partner.partner. Is the study described above an observational study or an​ experiment?

The study is an observational study because the survey subjects were not given any treatment.

Determine whether the source given below has the potential to create a bias in a statistical study. A certain medical organization tends to oppose the use of meat and dairy products in our​ diets, and that organization has received hundreds of thousands of dollars in funding from an animal rights foundation.

There does appear to be a potential to create a bias. There is an incentive to produce results that are in line with the​ organization's creed and that of its funders. In this​ case, there is a potential to create a bias because the medical organization could have an incentive to produce results favorable to its​ funder, the animal rights foundation. One should be very wary of a study in which the sponsor can somehow profit from the results because there is an incentive to produce biased results.

What is the goal of learning​ statistics?

To learn to distinguish between statistical conclusions that are likely to be valid and those that are seriously flawed Statistics is the science of planning studies and​ experiments, obtaining​ data, and then​ organizing, summarizing,​ presenting, analyzing,​ interpreting, and drawing conclusions based on the data. Statisticians universally agree that statistical thinking is​ good, but there are different views of what actually constitutes statistical thinking. Statistical thinking involves critical thinking and the ability to make sense of results. Statistical thinking might involve determining whether results are statistically significant.

Which of the following is NOT a misuse of​ statistics?

Utilizing valid statistical methods and correct sampling techniques Whether conducting a statistical analysis of data that we have​ collected, or analyzing a statistical analysis done by someone​ else, we should not rely on blind acceptance of mathematical calculations. We should consider the factors below. bullet• Context of the data bullet• Source of the data bullet• Sampling method bullet• Conclusions bullet• Practical implications When doing​ so, it is important to utilize valid statistical methods and correct sampling techniques. Next Question

The population of ages at inauguration of all U.S. Presidents who had professions in the military is​ 62, 46,​ 68, 64, 57. Why does it not make sense to construct a histogram for this data​ set?

With a data set that is so​ small, the true nature of the distribution cannot be seen with a histogram.

The population of ages at inauguration of all U.S. Presidents who had professions in the military is​ 62, 46,​ 68, 64, 57. Why does it not make sense to construct a histogram for this data​ set? Choose the correct answer below.

With a data set that is so​ small, the true nature of the distribution cannot be seen with a histogram.

The population of ages at inauguration of all U.S. Presidents who had professions in the military is​ 62, 46,​ 68, 64, 57. Why does it not make sense to construct a histogram for this data​ set?

With a data set that is so​ small, the true nature of the distribution cannot be seen with a histogram. Your answer is correct.C.

n a​ graph, if one or both axes begin at some value other than​ zero, the differences are exaggerated. This bad graphing method is known as a nonzero axis.

X Nice Work! Using an axis that does not begin at zero can create an incorrect impression that small differences are substantial.

In a study of a weight loss​ program, 4545 subjects lost a mean of 3.13.1 lbs after 12 months. Methods of statistics can be used to show that if this diet had no​ effect, the likelihood of getting these results is roughly 1010 chances in 1000. Does the weight loss program have statistical​ significance? Does the weight loss program have practical​ significance?

Yes, because the results are unlikely to occur by chance. No, someone starting a weight loss program would likely want to lose considerably more than 2.42.4 lb.

Determine whether the value is from a discrete or continuous data set. Amount of fabric needed for a dress is 2.5 ydsAmount of fabric needed for a dress is 2.5 yds Is the value from a discrete or continuous data​ set?

You answered DiscreteDiscrete. The correct answer is ContinuousContinuous because the value for the "amount of fabric needed for a dress""amount of fabric needed for a dress" is one of infinitely many possibleone of infinitely many possible valuesvalues and thoseand those values cannot be counted.

Determine whether the value is from a discrete or continuous data set. Weight of gravel in a pile is 120 lbWeight of gravel in a pile is 120 lb Is the value from a discrete or continuous data​ set? Continuous

You answered DiscreteDiscrete. The correct answer is ContinuousContinuous because the value for the "weight of gravel in a pile""weight of gravel in a pile" is one of infinitely many possibleone of infinitely many possible valuesvalues and thoseand those values cannot be counted.

Determine whether the given value is a statistic or a parameter. Upper A sample of employees is selected and it is found that 65 % own a computer.A sample of employees is selected and it is found that 65% own a computer. Choose the correct statement below

because the value is a numerical measurement describing a characteristic of a samplesample.

Determine whether the value is from a discrete or continuous data set. Time to learn a song is 4 hoursTime to learn a song is 4 hours Is the value from a discrete or continuous data​ set?


Determine whether the value is from a discrete or continuous data set. Number of bacteria in a petri dish is 12 comma 120Number of bacteria in a petri dish is 12,120 Is the value from a discrete or continuous data​ set?


A(n) frequency polygon uses line segments to connect points located directly above class midpoint values.

frequency polygon

Determine whether the given description corresponds to an observational study or an experiment. In a study of 420420 menmen with a particular​ disease, the subjects were injected with vitamins towere injected with vitamins to determine if the vitamins have an effect on the disease.determine if the vitamins have an effect on the disease. Does the given description correspond to an observational study or an​ experiment?

he given description corresponds to an experimentan experiment.

Determine which of the four levels of measurement​ (nominal, ordinal,​ interval, ratio) is most appropriate. Ages of children: 3 comma 4 comma 5 comma 6 comma and 7Ages of children: 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 Choose the correct answer below.

he nominal level of measurement is characterized by data that consist of​ names, labels, or categories only. Data are at the ordinal level of measurement if they can be arranged in some order. The interval level of measurement is like the ordinal​ level, with the additional property that the difference between any two data values is meaningful. The ratio level of measurement is the interval level with the additional property that there is also a natural zero starting point.

Determine which of the four levels of measurement​ (nominal, ordinal,​ interval, ratio) is most appropriate. States in a regionStates in a region Choose the correct level of measurement.


Determine which of the four levels of measurement​ (nominal, ordinal,​ interval, ratio) is most appropriate. Voltage measurements of batteries: 1.5 Upper V comma 3 Upper V comma 4.5 Upper V comma 6 Upper V comma and 7.5 Upper VVoltage measurements of batteries: 1.5 V, 3 V, 4.5 V, 6 V, and 7.5 V Choose the correct answer below.


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