Strength and Conditioning Chapter 21: Nutrition
Research suggests to maximize digestion, a post-workout shake should have a carbohydrate-to-protein of
Regarding cell water absorption, research suggests a single gram of glucose can create a higher level of intracellular water by bringing how many grams of water into the cell mass?
Anywhere from two to four
What type of food classification mainly consists of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen molecules, and can be broken down for energy?
Which of the following is true regarding carbohydrates and the glycemic index (GI)?
The GI assigns carbohydrate-rich foods a score of 0-100.
Which of the following is true regarding weight loss and weight gain?
When energy output exceeds input, weight is lost.
In their simplest form, proteins exist as
amino acids.
The rate at which an endothermic animal expends energy while at rest is called
basal metabolic rate (BMR).
The effect a food has on a person's blood sugar levels is known as the
glycemic response.
How many calories (kcal) does fat contain, per gram?
The branched-chain amino acids are: isoleucine, leucine, and