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Which area of the brain interprets the brain as a threat?


Identify the cognitive restructuring techniques

(Every technique involves self-talk and power phrase) -choose a stress time -reframe with optimistic thinking psych yourself up reframe with humor have the attitude of gratitude look for the good in the bad

Identify health consequences of stress-heart disease

(as young as 5 years old) higher LDL with stress, Stroke-sever stress, Immune system (ex. common cold, allergies, RA, Lupus, Cancer, AIDS), Obese or overweight, OTHERS (hair loss, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, change in appetite or weight, extreme sleeplessness, drug use, skin problems

Describe what happens during the stress response

(the hypothalamus releases-CRF which then activates Patuitary gland, which then releases which hormone ACTH, which then alerts the adrenal glands, which results in the release -Cortisol which release epinephrine and norepinephrine • Placing body into hyper alertness

What does the speaker say about the effects that stress hormones have on the body for extended periods of time?

-After awhile can physically age causing us to physically age as well -impact your immune system, effect your memory making brain cells shrink permanently.

Describe how stress affects each of the physiological systems and organs

-Cardiovascular system-Increased cardiac output, increase in blood vessels 300-400% increase in blood flow, B1 receptors stimulates heart, Heart beast faster and harder -Respiratory System- breathing becomes more rapid, allow more oxygen into lungs to the body -Immune System- infection fighters can be repositioned. Immune boosting troops are sent to the front lines where injury or infection is most likely to occur (skin). Increase levels of cortisol(steroid) suppress IS resulting in increase susceptibility to infections -Muscular System- subsconstionsly contract muscles, ex shoulders, in face, neck, back -Skeletal System-muscles are contracted pull your skeletons out of alignment -Endocrine System-(Glands secrete hormone into the blood stream -Nervous System (CNS Central Nervous system {brain&spinal cord} PNS peripheral Nervous system {neural pathways to extremeties}) ••Autonomic Nervous system= •Sympathetic-responsible to activate stress response ••Parasympathetic-responsible for conserving energy and bringing one back to homeostasis -Reproductive System

Identify the physiological reactions of stress that he mentions

-Your body crashes up the gears to get you moving. Heart starts pumping blood to increase blood pressure Glucose is sent to the muscles as a fuel injection You become focused on Fight or flight!

Describe the types of anger mismanagement

-somatizers: passive behaviors people who suppress anger -self-punisher :channel their anger into guilt -exploder:uncontrolled aggression TYPE A PERSONALITY -Underhander: usually target their aggression to their cause of the anger

Describe the stage of the Model of Stress

1.Encounter a stressor( Life event) ex. Running late, getting stuck in traffic, giving a presentation in front of class 2. Thoughts/perceptions-cognitive appraisal is made is this stressor bad? If so how bad is it? Thoughts determine your feelings 3. Feelings/Emotions- ex. Anger, irritation, despair 4.Physiological reactions-that thought ever single emotion effects your body at a cellular level 5.Health consequences

Describe the ABC Human Needs

A: Accomplishments- feel like you have accomplished (esteemed) B: Belonging- sense of belonging and acceptance(social) C: Comfort-physically comfortable(psychological) D: Dependability- feel like you can rely to others (social) E: Esteem- respect of others or need of status or self respect(esteem)

What are the 5 As to managing stress?

Acknowledge Avoid Alter Adapt Accept

What is in the center of the adrenal glands, which are connected to the brain through the nervous system?

Adrenal medulla, gives off adrenaline

Which hormone is released from the adrenal glands and increases the amount of sugar in the blood, increases heart rate, and amount of energy available to muscles?


Which area organizes the response to the stress and then sends messages down the spinal cord to the adrenal glands?


What are some things stress does?

Leads to chronic health problems, increase chances of many disease; obesity, heart disease, digestive issues, memory impairment, pressure immune system and fertility issues

What is Dr. Frankl main's premise or basic philosophy?

Life has a meaning under all conditions

Describe oxytocin and what it does.

Oxytocin- "cuddle hormone"; neuron hormone it fine tunes the brain social instincts, strengthen close relationships, enhances empathy, crave physical contact, willing to help support people you care for. (Stress hormone) Acts on the body to protect your cardiovascular system from stress, helps heart cells regenerate and heal (strengthens heart)

Describe results of the study that tracked 30,000 adults over 8 years

People who experienced a lot of stress on the previous year had a 43% increase risk of dying but that was ONLY true for people who believed that stress was harmful for your health;182,000 people died from the BELIEF that stress is bad for you

Describe the results of a study published in the Journal of the National Medical Association.

People who respond negatively to anger are 9% more likely to have a heart attack

What happens next?

Prompts your adrenal glands located above kidneys to release hormones (adrenaline and cortisol)

Define psychoneuroimmunology and psychophysiology

Psychoneuroimmunology= Conciousnes+Central nervous system+Immune system Psychophysiology=Mind/ body connection

Describe Maslow's Hierarchy of Human Needs-

behaviors are based on our needs we behave according to whether or not are needs are met. A pyramid with Physiological needs at the bottom most important, Safety, Social, Esteem, and Self-Actualization last on top and least important.

Identify characteristics associated with those who handle stress effectively

control their lives and look for active solutions to problems committed to meaningful goals little nicotine or caffeine relax 15+ min/day, regular aerobic exercise actively involved with others

Describe each of the dimensions of health

•Physical Health-ability to perform normal activities of daily living •Social Health-ability to have satisfying relationships with others •Emotional Health-ability to feel and express emotions but in an appropriate and controlled manner •Intellectual Health-ability to have an open mind and learn new things •Spiritual Health-strong meaning, purpose and direction in life •Environmental Health-external factors that affects the preceding dimensions •Occupational health- all dimensions but as they pertain to an occupational setting

Identify the stages of the GAS(General Adaptation Syndrome-Hans Seyle)

1. State of alarm- initial encounter, all senses are put alert. (acute) 2. State of Resistance- body tries to revert back to homeostasis (chronic stress) 3. Stage of Exhaustion-"burn out", health consequences, body says no more and get sick.

What is the 90/10 rule?

10% what happens to us 90% is how we respond

What percent of all disease and illness is related to stress?

90% of ALL; stress is related to help problems from common cold to cancer

What percent of health care costs in the US is spent on treatment versus prevention?


Identify the two emotions that are especially associated with the stress response

ANGER (most dangerous emotion) FEAR

Identify the 3 Cs of a hardy personality:

Challenge-see problems as "stepping stones" Control-feel in control of their lives Commitment- strong level of commitment to accomplish goals

What does he say is the single most important thing you can do to better manage your stress?

Change your thinking style

What are some questions that Dr. Lewis-Hall asks in order to determine if stress is a problem for you?

Do you have trouble juggling your many obligations? Are you frequently angry? Do you overeat or under eat when you feel stress?

What are the emotional and physical signs of stress?

Emotional: Anxiety, depression, change sex drive, lack of focus Physical: sleep disturbance, muscle tension, chest pain, fatigue and frequent headaches

What gland in your brain sets of an alarm system?


How does he describe despair?

In terms of mathematical equation -D(despair)=S(suffering)-M (meaning) Despair is suffering without meaning.

Describe the Yerkes-Dodson Principle and the muscle analogy

Lifting weights can cause microscopic tears, which allow you to gain muscles. Experiencing and dealing with stress can cause microscopic tears that can help us out emotionally. But if lifting too much your muscles can be torn down just like if you have too much stress or a big stressors frequently might not have time to recover from previous stressor. Weight is too light and too easy not doing good. Not enough stress is not helping you out either. A muscle that is not stressed enough or frequently will quickly atrophy (deteriorate) especially after 25 years old

What does epinephrine do when it goes to cells of the liver, lungs, heart, digestive system, and muscles?

Liver: trigger a signal transduction pathway convert glycogen to glucose. Glucose is the energy supply. Glucose and Epinephrine go through the body. Cells in lungs: will speed up breathing rate. Cells in heart: speed up heart beat. Digestive system: slow down digestion. Muscle: vasodilate, move more blood to those areas

What is the relationship between GPA and stressors?

More stress=lower GPA Less stress= higher GPA

What did researchers find on the day of the sudden death penalty shot between the Dutch and the French?

Relative increase in risk of death of a heart attack by about 50% among Dutch men. No effect on French men or women from either Dutch or French.

Describe the SRRS and concept of the LCU (Life Change Scale)- SRRS(Social Readjustment Rating Scale):

Richard ray and Holmes----Major life event was assigned a number, correlation to recent life changes and on set of illness. The greater the change, the greater the chance of illness especially in the year following SRRS- our reactions events vary with persons perception differences what frazzles one may excite or challenge another

Identify behavioral consequences of stress

Road rage (young men) Substance abuse (drugs or alcohol) Violent Suicide

Identify the stress hormones and the relaxation hormone

Stress hormone=Cortisol Relaxation hormone=Acetylcholine

Describe the two types of stress & distress

Stress= Eustress and Distress=1) Acute stress 2) Chronic Stress

In one study, extreme Type As produced how much more stress hormones during simple math problems compared to Type Bs?

TYPE A Producing up to 400% more stress hormones in their blood stream than Type B Type A Personality- Walking time bombs, pessimist, worrier

Identify characteristics of stress-prone personalities

Type A, helpless hopeless, time urgency and impatience, polyphasia- multitasking, Ultra-Competitiveness, manipulative control, hyperaggressiveness & hostility, codependent-base their feeling of self worth or self identity in the approval of others, Hepless-Hopeless-no control over their life, Learned Helplessness

Describe the components of personality:

Values-abstract qualities that give meaning to our life Attitudes: are perceptions derived from our values Beliefs: thoughts, ideas, & perception based on attitudes &values Behaviors: actions based on values, attitudes, beliefs

What does Dr. Sapolsky say about our stress response compared to a zebra running from a lion?

We turn it on with memory, emotions and taught. Wear and tear in the system.

What does she say worrying does?

Worrying may produce stress hormone

Describe why the stress response is unhealthy-stressors today do not require increase power, speed, and streght;

You have physiological reactions to stressors that are NOT physical; because you are not using increased power, speed, and strength; body suffers when its not ready to fight or run

Identify results from NCHA in 2006 regarding stress as it's related to general health, BMI, and smoking

being both under weight and overweight effects; cigarette usage is effected by stress never smoked least effective

Describe "in a nutshell" what happens to your body to make it stronger during a stressful encounter-

blood is diverted to less vital organs in the body(stomach and intestines) to more vital organs(arms and legs, so you can fight or run away) -Heart rate increase to supply more blood quickly, to exhibit increase strength -Respiratory rate increase to get more oxygen to your body and more glycogen (carbohydrates stored in the liver)

Which area of the brain first recognizes something through the eyes?


Adrenaline signals the liver to flood the body with

glucose (blood sugar) for fuel.

Identify characteristics of stress-resistant personalities

hearty, resilient-stress work for you, adapt when things go wrong, Decisiveness, sense of purpose, Values, flexibility, self-care, humor, responsibility, support, optimisim

Describe how the health dimensions are interrelated and how stress and health are interrelated-physical health effect emotional

social health-stressful, emotional-anger frustration -may either perpetuate or exacerbate a stressful life -or contribute to homeostasis and relatively peaceful life

Describe what psychosomatic disease experts found among patients in a mental hospital

• Physical Ailment>>>> Emotional States • End a situation or get rid of somebody or something= Diarrhea • Determined to preserve through some problems=Constipation Felt interfered with or were prevented from doing something that they wanted to do= Hives

Describe results of the study in the Annals of Internal Medicine

• those who got the CBT had 41% reduction heart attacks & 28% lower risk of death - more CBT sessions a person attended the better they did

Describe how stress affects each of the physiological systems and (organs)

•Spleen-shrinks to expel blood to the blood vessels •Salivary gland- decreases production of salivation (mouth and throat become dry making it difficult to speak or swallow. •Gastro intestinal tract- is deprived in blood supply resulting in poor digestion, rate slows down •Skin-decrease blood to the skin causing the skin to become cold and clammy •Erectile prilame muscle- goose bumps •Colon-transit time in colon resulting in loose stools •Stomach- decrease blood results in worsening of ulcers that might be present along the walls of the stomach

Based on the definitions of stress provided in the lecture, identify the components of which stress is comprised

1)Stressor 2)Perception 3)Emotional Reaction 4)Behavioral Reaction 5)Physiological Reaction

Briefly identify the 4 steps of anger management.

1. Breath control-2-3min breathing deeply 2.Muscle relaxation-unclench fist, loosen up shoulders 3.Get it out- write down exactly what made you angry 4. Seeking context- thinking about things rationally instead of emotionally

Identify the steps to creative problem solving (Stressor Inventory)

1. Indentifying the stressor: What is distressing me? 2. What am I willing to do about it? 3. How am I handling it now? 4. What am I going to do about it? 5. How have I put my plan into action? 6. What results can I see?

Describe the types of stressors

1: Physiological stress- ones level of physical comfort (usually stems from illness or injury 2: Environmental Stress- created from environmental factors (too hot or too cold, excessive noise) 3. Sociological Stress-relationship or interactions with others (ex. Arguments with friends and family, dealing with death of loved one, divorce or termination of relationship) 4. Psychological stress- created within yourself. Your relationship with yourself (self worth)(ex. Depression or unable to handle things) 5.Philosophical stress-not living in congruent with your philosophy, beliefs or values.(running late when you cant stand when people run late, feeling bad you got a bad grade

What does adrenaline and cortisol do?

Adrenaline=increase heart rate, elevates blood pressure, and boost energy supplies Cortisol(primary stress hormone)= increases sugars(glucose) in the blood stream

Describe the difference between internal and external LOC (Locus Of Control)

External LOC: external events rule their life, external environment determines their life, expect to have exceptions made for them Internal LOC: completely in charge of what happens to them, focus on what they could do better

Identify effects of stress on academic performance

GPA goes down more stressed or depressed

What are some characteristics of Type A that Eli Bay mentions?

Hard driving, competitive, ambitious, at war with time, impatient, feeling guilty relaxing

What is the source of energy that is always stored in our muscles?

Instant energy, stores energy. ATP Adenosine triphosphate, fuels are muscles

What were the findings of a study conducted at Harvey University in which participants were taught to re-think their stress as helpful?

Less stressed out more confident; blood vessels stayed relaxed like moments of joy and courage; how you think about stress matters

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