
अब Quizwiz के साथ अपने होमवर्क और परीक्षाओं को एस करें!


"Blood tumor" - bruise

Cranial nerves

-2nd = vision -5th = jaw movement and sensation -9th = swallowing -12th = tongue movement


-Don't place electrodes on the left for kids, too much electrical activity -speed = 25mm/s

Order of draw (Capillary blood)

-EDTA -additives -nonadditives -Serum tubes

How to prepare for EKG?

-Rest for 30 mins before -Empty bladder at least 10 mins before -Inform patient it will not hurt

Business letter layout

-Sender's address at the top right corner -Recipient's address on the left -Reference # below that -Date -Salutation

Appropriate introduction

-Your name -Identification as a medical assistant -Info on what you're about to do

Schedule I drugs Schedule II drugs

-illegal -require written prescription

Weber test Rinne test

-tests if hearing is better in one eat than the other -raise hand when no longer hear; uses tuning fork

QRS interval

0.04-0.10 seconds

Normal breathing rate for a healthy adult

12-20 breaths/minute >20 = tachypnea

RBCs regenerate every ____ days and WBCs regenerate every ___-___ days

120; 7-10

Platelet levels should be in what range


Sodium levels should be in what range


Standard processing time for autoclaves

15-20 minutes until the instruments are clean and sterile

At what angle should you insert a needle for venipuncture?

15-30°; mainly 15

Intradermal injection

15° - no aspiration; bevel up 27-28 gauge

What gauge needle is used for phlebotomy?

16-18 gauge

Kidneys process how much waste/day

180 L

Lab disinfectant

1:10 = bleach:water Cidex

Dispose of sharps container when it's how full?


Intramuscular gauge


What gauge is needed for IM?


Statute of limitations with OSHA

24 hours

What gauge is needed for subq?


At what angle should an IV be put in?

25 degrees

You shouldn't go past __mm with a lancet in babies' heels; __mm for adults in finger pricks

2; 9

You should get a tetanus booster every ___ years


How many stages of grief in the Elizabeth Kubler-Ross Theory?

5 -Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance

Surgical hand washing should last how long?

6-10 minutes

Proper hand washing requires how many seconds of scrubbing with soap and warm water?

60 seconds

When washing your hands use soap or what percent alcohol rub?

60% - quarter sized drop

Diastolic BP range

60-90 mmHg

Stitches should be removed how many days after being placed?


Fasting blood glucose range is:


Insulin injections are administered at what angle

90 degrees

Intramuscular injections are administered at what angle?

90 degrees

Systolic BP range

90-120 mmHg

Normal O2

94-100% Below 94 - medical emergency


A condition in which blood pressure is too low and not enough oxygenated blood can sustain your body. Often happens to a person after a traumatic experience. -Symptoms = increased HR, pale skin, weakness -Lay patient supine on the floor


A means of suppressing natural emotions and instead relying on the intellect to overcome a problem. Thus instead of allowing anger or grief to come out, a patient with a terminal diagnosis may become convinced s/he can find an intellectual solution to the problem.

What determines test site for PKU?

Age and development

What determines when to do a capillary puncture?

Age and development

infection control/ chain of command

Agent, portal of exit, mode of transmission, portal of entry, susceptible host

Atrial Fibrillation

Atrial fibrillation is cuased by multiple irritable sites all over the atria firing at a rate exceeding 250 bpm No identifiable P waves can be seen fibrillatory erratic f waves are seen in all the leads Controlled atrial fibrillation uncontrolled atrial fibrillation

Atrial Flutter

Atrial flutter is characterized by rapid depolarization of a single atrial focus at a rate of 250-350 bpm Because the AV node cannot transmit every impulse at excessive rates there is typically a slower ventricular rate Typical saw-toothed waves, named F waves followed by almost normal QRS complexes with a slower rate are seen in all the leads

Third degree AV block

Atrial rate is greater than ventricular rate P waves are normal, there are no measurable PR intervals The atrial rhythm is regular, and the ventricular rhythm is regular there is no relationship between P waves and QRS complexes if the escape rhythm is junctional the QRS complexes may appear normal in width and the ventricular rate may be slightly higher if the escape rhythm is ventricular, the QRS complexes will be abnormally wide with a slower ventricular rate


Arterial blood gas -Only nurses and above can perform this test -MA's can only transport -Transport in ice (goes for all gasses)


Blood in the urine -For women, ask when their LMP was bc may just be menstrual blood -May indicate kidney infection, kidney stones, or prostate cancer


Blood in your chest -Internal bleeding

Ventricular repolarization

T wave-the first wave after the QRS complex has the following characteristics;the deflection produced by ventricular re polarization, it is slightly asymmetric no more than 5 mm in height U wave- Is the deflection see following the T wave but preceding the diastole; represents repolarization of Purkinje fibers, Round and symmetric less than 1.5 mm in height, a prominent U wave is due to hypokalemia

Vital signs

Temperature; pulse; respiration; blood pressure

Who has ownership of a patient's records?

The care provider

Normal Interval and Junctions

PR Interval: is defined as P wave and PR segment and is measured from the beginning of P wave to the beginningof QRS complex. The normal interval is 0.12 - 0.2 sec. QT interval: It represents the total centricular activity and it is measured from the beginning of QRS to the end of T wave the normal duration of this interval depends on the age and the HR RR interval: it is important to determine the HR and its regularity, this is the interval between two R waves J(RST) junction: point at which QRS complex ends and ST segment begins ST segment: from J point to the onset of the T wave. this segment is compared to the PR segment to help identify myocardial ischemia or injury

Type I second degree AV blocks (Wenckebach, mobitz I)

PR interval lengthens in each interval until one QRS disappears

V Codes

Part of the ICD-9 -Designed for occasions when circumstances other than a disease or injury result in an encounter or are recorded by providers as problems or factors that influence care


Past medical history; Family History; Social History

In the event of patient mortality without payment received who is accountable for the outstanding balance?

Patient's estate


Thin, plastic stick with strips of chemicals on it that's placed in urine to detect abnormalities -Tests for pH, concentration, protein, sugars, bilirubin, evidence of infection, blood

Holter Monitor

This is an ambulatory EKG done to rule out intermittent arrhythmias or ischemia that could be missed on a routine EKG five electrodes are attached to the patients trunk instead of the arms and leg to prevent muscle artifacts

Exercise stress test

This test is performed until atleast 85% of the target heart rate is reached or symptoms or EKG changes develop which requires the test to be terminated. Target heart rate is 220 minus the patients age


Tuberculosis -Transmitted through the air

Red tubes

Used for serology and -Glass tubes - no additives so no inversions -Plastic tubes contain coagulants and require 5 inversions -Used for serum glucose, electrolytes, blood urea nitrogen

Grey tube

Used for testing blood glucose levels -Contains potassium oxalate combined with sodium fluoride which helps prevent glucose deterioration -Require 8-10 inversions

Blood culture

Used to detect the presence of bacteria or fungi in the blood (Hear culture, think bacteria)

Utility software

Used to maintain a computers function

Spiral fracture

Usually caused by a twisting force

Six lead placement (v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6)

V1: right of sternum, 4th intercostal space V2: left of sternum, 4th intercostal space V4: left chest, 5th intercostal space midclavicular V3: in between V2 and V4 V5: anterior axillary line V6: midaxillary line

Code white

Disaster -fire, terrorist, flood, etc.

Disposal of a razor

Dispose in the room in which it was used --> not allowed to walk with sharps -Dispose in sharp's container


Distance acuity test/vision test

Implied consent

Does not require a form; verbal, nonverbal, gesture


Purified Protein Derivative -Use 0.1ml for a TB test in an insulin or TB syringe -Mantoux test

Peripheral blood slide

Put blood into one slide and use another to slide it to observe the microscopic component of blood

Ventricular Depolarization

QRS complex represents ventricular depolarization The ventricle is depolarized from the endocardium to the myocardium to the epicardium Normal duration is no more than 0.1 sec Q wave the inital negative deflection produced by ventricular depolarization R wave the first positive deflection produced by ventricular depolarization S wave the first negative deflection produced by the ventricular depolarization that follows the first positive deflection R wave


Radioallergosorbent test -Blood test using radioimmunoassay test to detect specific IgE antibodies, to determine the substances a subject is allergic to

The best passwords for computers are



Rectal- 98.6 F to 100.6 F Oral- 97.6 F to 99.6 F Axillary- 96.6 F to 98.6 F Tympanic Membrane 98.6F

Drawing insulin from a multi-dose vial

First, inject the air equivalent of the dose needed

Intermittent Fever

Fluctuating fever that returns to or below baseline then rises again


Follicle Stimulating Hormone -A gonadotropin that determines fertility in men and women -Often tested to understand why a couple can't get pregnant -High FSH may be indicative of someone who has just gone through menopause


Food and Drug Administration -Control all consumed substances to make sure they are safe

Brachial pulse

Forearm -Used for infant CPR

Bundle of HIS

Found at the superior portion of the interventricular septum, it is the pathway that leads out of the AV node and connects to the bundle branches

SA Node

Found in the upper posterior portion of the right atrial wall just below the opening of the superior vena cava. It is the primary pacemaker of the heart and has a normal firing rate of 60- 100 beats per minute

Purkinje fibers

Found within the ventricular endocardium, it consists of a network of small conduction fibers that deliver the electrical impulses from the bundle branches to the ventricular myocardium


Fourth intercostal spac, right sternal border


Fourth intercostal space, left sternal border


Free from pathogenic micro-organisms; reduces germs but doesn't kill

Class B fire

From flammable liquids and vapors - requires extinguisher or method that removes oxygen


Gall stones

G tube

Gastronomy tube - inserted through the abdomen that delivers nutrition directly through the stomach -bypasses esophagus to get to stomach; requires surgery


General appearance; state of nutrition; body habits; symmetry; posture and gait; speech


Glucose tolerance test -Drink glucocola after fasting, wait 30-45 minutes, test how one tolerates sugar

Standard Precautions

Guidelines that instruct healthcare providers to minimize risk of disease transmission when giving care - set guidelines for the safe handling of blood and bodily fluids -Originally Universal Precautions

Clinical Lab and Standards Institute (CLIA)

Guidelines to assist the development of a safety program

Sinus Arrhythmia

HR 60 to 100 bpm Normal equal P and QRS in all the leads as well as normal PR intervals Different diastolic pause after each systole I there are changes with the respiration named respiratory sinus arrhythmia otherwise called nonrespiratory arrhythmia

Normal sinus rhythm

HR 60-100 bpm Similar P in all the leads in front of all QRS A constant PR (0.12 to .2 sec interval in all leads regular rhythm

Sinus Bradycardia

HR less than 60 bpm Normal equal P and QRS in all the leads as well as normal PR intervals Diastolic pause is longer Bradycardia decreases the blood flow in the brain and other body tissues

Sinus Tachycardia

HR over 100 Normal equal P and QRS in all the leads as well as normal PR intervals Diastolic pause is very small or non existent Tachycardia reduces the blood supply to the cardiac muscle


Health Insurance Portability Act -Oversees anything and everything having to do with privacy and confidentiality

1500 form

Health insurance claim for -has all of patients demographics -insurance holder is written on it -look on google doc

Identify and examine the P waves

Identify the P waves, PP interval and measure the size of the P wave in different leads

S-T segment

J point


Joint Commission on Accreditation on Healthcare Organizations


Kidney Ureter Bladder A.K.A UA


Kidney stones


Lack of O2 and blood supply to a specific area



EKG rate calculations

Large box = 300 (300/x) Small box = 1500 (1500/x)

Administering oxygen

MA cannot do this without instruction from physician


Maintaining a stable internal environment - how the internal environment reacts to the external environment

Barrier Protection

Masks; Goggles; Face shields; respirator


Material Safety Data Sheet -Every item has a MSDS sheet that explains its intended uses and risks that should be stored alphabetically in a binder

Assess intercals (PR,QRS, QT)

Measure each of these intervals and determine if they are normal


Measurements of the body -Height, weight, BP, pulse, temp, length, etc.

ED50 stands for

Median effective dose of a drug

The motor cortex of the brain is responsible for the regulation of...

Motor movement

Correcting errors

NEVER use white-out - instead, draw a line through, initial, write error, and re-write

What four pieces of information should go on a urine sample?

Name, DoB, time, MA initials

NG tube

Nasogastric feeding tube - inserted tube through the nose, past the throat, and down to the stomach



Failure to give appropriate care


Normal HR

Normal HR = 72 Range = 60-100 40's for athletes

General evaluation and conclusion

Notify the doctor for any abnormaility that you can find on the EKG strip

What should you avoid before a Papanicolau test (cervical cancer screening)?

OTC vaginal cream


Occupational Safety Health Administration -Protects employees in their work environment by setting standards to ensure the workplace is safe

Atrial Depolarization

P wave is the first deflection after the diastole, produced by atrial depolarization it is smooth, round, not more than 2.5mm high and no more than 0.11 sec positive in I, II, and V2 to V6 the normal P wave in standard, limb, and precordial leads does not exceed 0.11s in duration or 2.5 mm in height There is no wave for atrial repolarization, becuase is obscured by the larger QRS complex

Evaluate ST segments and T waves

ST segment elevation or depression and/ or T wave abnormalities can suggest the presence of myocardial ischemia or injury

Iris, Metzenbaum, and Mayo are all types of


What position do you put patients in when putting in an NG or G tube?

Semi-Fowler's 45 degrees

Tickler system

Sends out automatic appointment reminders to patients, either through automatically issued letters, emails, SMS or automated telephone calls


Separates blood

Somatic tremor

Shaking - from anxiety, cold, Parkinson's, etc. -Can cause wandering baseline on an EKG -Give patient a warm blanket

Left Upper Quadrant

Stomach and Spleen


Stool culture -Use a guaiac card


Strep throat


Study of ways of coping with death

Allergy shots are given


Family History

Summary of health problems of siblings, parents, and other blood relatives that could alert the physician to hereditary and/ or familial disease

Office manager>







Clinical Lab Improvement Act -Control who can and can't perform what procedures and where -Some simple tests fall under wavers from this body

If a patient makes their condition worse by ignoring medical advice, this is considered

Contributory negligence

Quality control

Control quality of environment, specimen, equipment

Phrenic nerve

Controls breathing by signaling the diaphragm to contract and/or relax


Circulation Motor Sensory or Centers for Medicare and Medicaid

Internodal Pathways

consits of anterior, middle and posterior divisions that distribute electrical impulses generated by the SA node throughout the right and left atria to the atrio-ventricular node

Large Boxes Method

count the number of large boxes between two consecutive RR and divide into 300 for the ventricular rate and count large boxes between two consecutive P waves for the atrial rate. used mainly in regular rhythms

Expired tubes

Vacuum pressure is reduced and can no longer suck out blood

What is candida albicans?

Vaginal yeast infections

Ventricular Tachycardia

Ventricular Tachycardia is characterized by 3 or more PVC's in a row at a rate over 100 bpm regular fast rhythm 100 to 250 bpm no P waves wide, bizarre QRS complexes with T waves pointing in opposite direction from main QRS direction

If your patient has a latex allergy use what kind of gloves?

Vinyl or nitrile

Occipital lobe responsible for


3 ways urine sample is evaluated:

Visual, dipstick, microscopic

Fat soluble vitamins

Vitamin A, K, and D -Do not require daily consumption because they are absorbed by fatty tissue

Water soluble vitamin

Vitamin B -required daily by the body in small amounts

Medical etiquette

What is regarded as socially acceptable behavior for medical practitioners -includes the way you speak to a patient and body language

For fragile veins use:

Winged infusion; hold by its wings and remove safety device after needle is removed


With oxygen -Always take aerobic blood (blue) before anaerobic blood -blue


Without menstrual flow


Without oxygen; lavender


World Health Organization -Deal with all different diseases throughout the world and really anything that has to do with health

Order of draw (whole blood)

Yellow Blue Red Green Lavender White Grey (Young Boys Rarely Get Lovely Wholesome Girls)

If a letter is addressed "Dear Sir/Madam" what should the sign off be?

Yours sincerely -Should always use this with someone you don't know


a contagious skin infestation because of a burrowing mite; need gloves and gown to treat

Wright stain

a histologic stain that facilitates the differentiation of blood cell types. It is classically a mixture of eosin (red) and methylene blue dyes. It is used primarily to stain peripheral blood smears, urine samples, and bone marrow aspirates which are examined under a light microscope


a myocardial cell's ability to shorten(or contract) in response to a stimulus

Fowler's position

a sitting or semi-sitting position where the back of the examination table is elevated to either 45 degrees or 90 degrees the knees maybe raised slightly by placing a pillow underneath, but usually used for patients with cardiovascular or respiratory problems and for the examination of the upper body and head

Cardiovasular agents epinephrine

a sympathetic drug used to manage cardiac arrest, becuase increases heart contractibility

Advance directives can be updated:

any time

Right lower quadrant



are caused by diseases of the valves or other structural abnormalities

The pulmonary arteries

are the only arteries in the body that carry deoxygenated blood

the pulmonary veins

are the only veins in the body that carry oxygenated blood


as needed

Epinephrine reduces:


Anthropometric literally means:

body measurements

What's the pulse used for infants?


albuterol is a



by mouth or orally

If patient has history of thromboses, use what to take blood?


What's the pulse used for adults?


What is the database?

collection of associated files that function as a basis for retrieving information; "sort and retrieve"


infectious microorganisms that can be classified into groups namely: viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites


insufficient blood supply to the myocardium

Artifacts of ambulatory EKG recording loose connection

intermittently loose connection in the insertion of the electrodes into the recording apparatus can result in the absence of all EKG signals which may mimic bradycardia- tachycardia syndrome

Cold water in the ear can cause



dizziness, ear problem, feeling faint

Symptoms of a CVA or stroke

dizziness, mental confusion, difficulty in speaking, loss of vision, headache, difficulty in breathing or swallowing, and potential loss of bowel and bladder control

What position do you put patients in for urinary catherizations?

dorsal recumbant

To identify a person, use their ________ and __________

drivers license/state ID or insurance number


each night

Conduction blocks

electrical impulses go down the usual pathway to encounter blocks and delays

Ectopic rhythms

electrical impulses originate from somewhere else other than the sinus node




farsightedness caused by loss of elasticity of the lens of the eye, occurring typically in middle and old age

What are the types of ways to perform a GTT?

fasted urine test, oral swab, glucocola (wait 1 hr after drinking)

If blood falls on non-intact skin...

fill out an accident report

Pulse oximetry levels are taken on what parts of the body?

finger, earlobe, nose

Remittent Fever

fluctuating fever that remains elevated; it does not return to baseline temperature


fungal yeast

cardiovascular agents oxygen

given to all patients with angina pectoris

Redraw for lipid profile

gold top tube

Your middle finger is also called the "__________" finger



highest amount of pressure exerted during the cardiac cycle the period of contractions of both arial and ventricles


humpack, curvature of thoracic spine

For swelling, what's the best method to help it go down/relieve it?


At what time of day is a persons temperature at it's lowest?

in the morning

OSHA form 301

incident report

Past medical history

includes all health problems, major illnesses, surgeries the patient has had, current medications complete with reasons for taking them, and allergies

Social History

includes material status, occupation, educational attainment, hobbies, use of alcohol, tobacco, drugs, and lifestyles

Artifacts of ambulatory EKG recording with an analog system

incomplete tape erasure this can result in EKG tracings belonging to two different patients confounding both the scanner and the interpreter tape drag within the apapratus this will result in recording of spuriously rapid cardiac rhythms a narrowing of all EKG complexes and intervals should give clue to this situation

Height, weight, body mass index (BMI), waist-to-hip ratio, and percentage of body fat

these measures are then compared to reference standards to assess weight status and the risk for various diseases

pericardial sac

thin layer of fluid between the parietal and visceral pericardium

cardiovascular agents dopamine

this drug is indicated and is used in cases with hypotension it causes vasoconstriction it should be used at the lowest dose that produces adequate perfusion of vital organs


this involves listening to sounds produced by internal organs


this involves tapping or striking the body, usually with the fingers or a small hammer to determine the position, size and density of the underlying organ or tissue


this is a regular pattern of irregular breathing rate


this is a respiration rate of greater than 40/ min it is transient in the newborn and maybe caused by the hysteria in the adult


this is a temporary absence of breathing which may be a result of a reduction in the stimuli to the respiratory centers of the brain

History of Present Illness

this is an explanation of the chief complaint to determine the onset of illness; associated symptoms; what the patient has done to treat the condition

Review of Symptoms

this is an orderly and systematic check of each organ and system of the body by questions. Both positive and pertinent negative findings are documented


this is difficulty of inability to breath unless in an upright position

Movement of electrodes

this may occur during scratching the chest near the electrodes and can produce tracings that look like malignant ventricular arrhythmias

Artifacts of ambulatory EKG recording Battery depletion

this may result in varying QRS amplitude

AV junction

this node is located at the posterior septal wall of the right atrium just above the tricuspid valve. There is normally a .12 to .20 second delay of electrical activity at this level to allow blood to flow from the atria and fill the ventricles with blood


this procedure used in medical asepsis using various chemicals that can be used to destroy many pathogenic microorganisms

Pharmacologic Stress test

this test is appropriate for patients with physical limitations or those who could not exercise to reach the target heart rate. Medications such as adenosine, sipyridamole or dobutamine are given intravenously through an IV line to cause the heart rate to climb to the target level or the same symptoms and EKG changes as the exercise test develop. The test is concluded after 85% of the target heart rate is achieved


thoracic cavity between the lungs just behind the sternum


three times a day

Which hearing test measures hearing by using air and bone conduction?

tuning fork


twice a day

Double booking

two patients scheduled at the same time; one may be seen by a physician while the other gets diagnostic tests--works in urgent patients

Hearing test is called


Micturate and void both mean


Laser surgery

used for photocoagulation therapy procedures because this surgery uses light waves for thermal vaporization, coagulation, and ablation.

Length, height, weight, weight-for-length, and head circumference

used to assess growth and development in infants, children and adolescents. Individual measurements are usually compared to reference standards on a growth chart


used to remove excess water from the body


uses an instrument to deliver an electrical current that can cut tissue.

steam sterilization (autoclave)

uses steam under pressure to obtain high temperature of 250-254 F with exposure times of 20-40 minutes depending on the item being sterilized

chemical sterilization

uses the same chemical used for chemical disinfection but the exposure time is longer

What is a bacteria that resembles a comma shape?



wave plus a segment

Standard Precautions

wear gloves when collecting and handling blood, body fluids or tissue specimen; wear face shields when there is a danger for splashing on mucous membranes; Dispose of all needle and sharp objects in puncture- proof containers without recapping

Cardiovascular agents isoproterenol

produces an overall increase in heart rate and myocardial contractility but newer agents have replaced it in most clinical setting

If a guy takes a pregnancy test and it comes out positive, what does this indicate?

prostate cancer

Whistleblower Protection Act

protects employees from retaliation when reporting unsafe activities



What's the most common pulse?



raised body temp, fever


rate, rhythm, and depth

Right ventricle

receives deoxygenated blood from the right atrium which it pumps to the lungs for oxygenation through the pulmonary trunk and then to the pulmonary arteries

right atrium

receives deoxygenated blood returning to the heart from the body via the superior vena cava which caries blood from the upper body and the inferior vena cava which carries blood from the lower body

left atrium

receives oxygenated blood returning from the lungs via the tight and left pulmonary veins

Standard Bipolar Limb Leads

record electrical activity in the frontal plane

Augmented Unipolar Leads

record the heart electricity from one limb and compare it with a zero voltage lead in the center of the heart

left ventricle

reeceives the oxygenated blood from the left atrium and pumps it to the body through the aorta, the largest artery of the body

HR provides info about the heart's:

rhythm, volume, and vessel elasticity

What's the most important of the 10 rights?

right patient

Electrical impulse are initiated in what node?

sinoatrial node

What is malfeasance?

when a person knowingly commits an unlawful/wrongful act

Arrhythmias of sinus orgin

where electrical flow follows the usual conduction pathway but is too fast, too slow, or irregular

Bowman's capsule

where the kidney filters water and waste from the blood -shaped like a C

What's the most important thing to remember when doing a capillary puncture?

wipe away the first drop of blood bc bacteria

Centimeters to inches

x cm * 0.39 = x inches

Inches to centimeters

x inches * 2.54 = x cm

Event monitoring

some patients have sympotoms very infrequently that a holter monitor yields little useful data. these patients are best suited for an even recorder, a hand held device carried in the patients pocket or purse which is switched only when the patient is actually experiencing the symptom

Mode of Transmission

specific ways in which microorganisms travel from the reservoir to the susceptible host. There are 5 main modes of transmission: contact (direct and indirect), droplet, airborne, common vehicle, vectorborne


state in which reduced amount of air enters the lungs resulting in decreased oxygen level and increased carbon dioxide level in blood


state in which there is an increased amount of air entering the lungs

Urinary catherizations are used for what kind of samples?



structure in the middle of the heart divides the heart into two sides





Assess Rhythm/ Regularity

the HR is considered regular if all the RR or PP intervals on the EKG leads are equal. If there are changes in their duration the rhythm us urregular


the ability to receive and transmit electrical impulses to adjust cells


the ability to respond and react to stimulus


the ability to spontaneously trigger electrical impulses without being stimulated by another source

Cardiac Output

the amount of blood ejected outside the heart per minute cardiac output= stroke volume x HR per/min

What happens if an electrode is disconnected?

the baseline is interrupted; the tracing moves into the margins


the blue sheet used in sterile fields for surgery

Medical Asepsis

the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms after they leave the body; it also involves environmental hygiene measures such as equipment cleaning and disinfection procedures

Cardiovascular agents lidocaine

the drug of choice for the suppression of ventricular ectopy contractions including ventricular tachycardia and ventricular flutter

Pre-excitation syndromes

the electrical impulses bypass the normal pathway and instead go down an accessory short cut


the examiner uses the sense of touch to determine the characteristics of an organ system

Blood Pressure

the force exerted by circulating blood volume on the walls of the artery during circulation BP=cardiac output x vascular resistance Higher cardiac output will result in a higher BP High vascular resistance will also result in a higher BP Lower cardiac output Or lower vascular resistance will result in a lower BP

Susceptible host

the infectious agent enters a person who is not resistant or immune

visceral pericardium or epicardium

the inner most layer of the pericardium


the innermost layer of the heart

Lead aVL

the left arm is positive and the other limbs are negative

Lead I

the left arm is positive and the right arm is negative

Lead III

the left leg is positive and the left arm is negative

Lead II

the left leg is positive and the right arm is negative

Lead aVF

the left leg or foot is positive and the other limbs are negative

INR means

international normalized ration (1:9 sodium citrate: blood)

Portal of exit

the method by which an infectious agent leaves its reservoir


the middle and contractile layer of the heart

Account receivable

the money that a company has a right to receive because it had provided customers with goods and/or services





Entering without knocking is considered

invasion of privacy

Stress testing

is a noninvasive diagnostic procedure to determine indirectly the presence and severity of coronary artery disease and the heart muscle lack of blood supply

EKG Basic Concepts Electrode

is a paper, plastic or metal sensor placed on the patients skin on a specific location and transmits it to the cable

EKG Basic Concepts Lead

is a recorded tracing of the heart electricity from one or two electrodes that provides a specific view of the heart


is the outermost layer of the heart

Cardiovascular agents verapamil

is used in the treatment of paromxysmal supraventricular tachycardia effective in terminating more than 90% of episodes of PVST in adults and infants

Somatic Tremor

it is a jittery pattern caused by the patients shivering or by shaking wires

Type II second Degree AV block (Mobitz II)

it is a more serious pathology Conducted P waves have a constant PR interval; but there are always non-conducted P waves between cardiac cycles, usually producing a "conduction ratio" between atria and ventricles

Asystole (cardiac arrest)

it is a total absence of ventricular electrical activity.

Supraventricular tachycardias Atrial Tachycardia

it is caused by an irritable focus in the atria that fires electrical impulses after the normal firing of the SA node pacemaker HR is regular between 100 to 150 bpm

Atrio-Ventricular Blocks Type I first degree AV block

it is characterized by a delay of impulses at the level of AV node PR interval is prolonged and is greater than 0.2 sec

Wandering Baseline

it is when the baseline moves up and down on the EKG paper

What is remittance advice?

it notifies the provider if denial of a claim by an insurance carrier occurs

Lbs---> kg kg----> lbs

lbs x.45 = kg kg x 2.2 = lbs

Where do you perform a TB test?

lower forearm -.1 cc -PPD in syringe


lowest amount of pressure exerted during the cardiac cycle the period of relaxation and filling of all cardiac chambers

S1 first heart sound

lubb occurs during ventricle contraction and the closure of AV valves

What is the most important thing to remember when using a mechanical lift?

make sure the brakes are on!!!

Microgram abreviation



means four times a day

Blood pressure

measurement of the amount of force exerted by the blood on the peripheral arterial walls and is expressed in millimeters of murcury



Diabetes mellitus vs. diabetes insipidus

mellitus is metabolism of sugar and insipidus is an disorder of salt and water metabolism

What is shingling?

method of filing paper medical records involving placing newer reports on top of older ones



To properly dispose a needle into the Sharps container, drop it in how?

needle first


occurs immediately after depolarization and is the movement of positively charged ions back to the outside of the cell, returning the cell back to its original polarized state


occurs when positively charged ions rapidly move from outside the myocardial cell membrane to the inside changing the overall charge from negative to positive

Gas sterilization

often used for wheelchairs and hospital beds. useful in hospitals but costly for the office

Small boxes

one minute has 1500 small boxes. count the number of small boxes between an RR interval and divide into 1500. This method is more accurate and is used for regular rhythms only

parietal pericardium

outermost layer of the pericardium

Common cardiovascular agents

oxygen epinephrine isoproterenol dopamine beta blockers lidocaine verapamil digitalis morphone sulfate nitroglycerin

Pediculosis/lice is a


Trendelenburg position

patient is placed flat on the back, face up, the knees flexed and legs handing off the end of the table with the legs and feet supported by a foot board. this position is used primarily for surgical procedures of pelvis and abdomen

Modified wave scheduling

patients are scheduled in 15-minute and 30 minute increments


per rectum or by way of the rectum

To confirm a patient's understanding of insulin administration, have them dow aht

perform a self demonstration and observe the patient

Dorsal lithotomy position

position is similar to the dorsal recumbent position, except that the patient's legs are well separated and thighs are acutely flexed. the feet are usually placed in stirrups and a folded sheet or bath blanket is placed crosswise over thighs and legs so that genital area is easily exposed

The hypothalamus controls the body's temperature through the use of a

positive feedback loop

6 second method

the number of QRS complexes between 6 sec marks on the EKG paper is multiplied by 10. Used generally for estimating slow or irregular rhythms


the number of respiration per minute; normal range for adults is 12 to 20 per minute

Sim's Position

the patiene is on his/her left side with the right knee flexed against the abdomen and the left knee slightly flexed. the left arm is behind the body; the right arm is placed comfortably

Dorsal recumbent position

the patient is on his/her back with knees flexed and soles of the feet flat on the bed

Knee-chest position

the patient is on his/her knees with his/her chest resting on the bed and elbows resting on the bed or arms above head the head is turned to one side. the thighs are straight and lower legs are flat on the bed

Prone position

the patient lies on his/her abdomen with head turned to one side for comfort, the arms may be above head or alongside the body

Horizontal Recumbent position

the patient lies on his/her back with legs extended; Arms may be above the head, alongside the body or folded on the chest

Who owns the medical record?

the provider

Ventricular Fibrillation VF

the rhythm is a chaotic deflection of different waves that vary in size, shape and duration There are no normal visible waves there is no contraction there is no blood ejected in the blood vessels so the blood can clot. this is a medical emergency which requires defibrillation and CPR

Lead aVR

the right arm is positive and the other limbs are negative

Answer the telephone by which ring?



Excessive urination

Hemoglobin is abbreviated:


Body mechanisms

How we conduct ourselves when we are working with patients -bend knees -don't reach/twist

Mechanical lift

Hoyer lift is what it used to be called -Originally for obese patients but now used for paraplegics, children, and other populations -Important to lock the wheels when loading a patient!


Human Chorionic Gonadotropin -Hormone released during pregnancy/pregnancy tests check for presence of this hormone


Inflammation of the veins

The infection process cycle

Reservoir host --> means of exit --> means of transmission --> means of entry --> susceptible host

Wernicke's area

Responsible for language comprehension

pH of urine for adults should be in what range?


RBC for males: RBCA for females:

4.7-6.1; 4.2-5.4

Subcutaneous injection

45° - aspirate for blood


American Medical Association

Payment for treatment should be taken when?

Anytime before treatment

Find an unconscious patient - before beginning CPR:

Call for help

TJC recommends healthcare professionals be immunized against



Proportion of blood that consists of packed RBC expressed as a percentage by volume -For men = 40-54% -For women = 36-48%

MI Myocardial Infarction

defined as sudden death of the myocardial tissue due to an abrupt cessation of the blood flow Marked ST elevation with hyperacute T waves reflect complete muscular wall damage in later stages deep Q waves are seen on the leads facing the lesion manifesting necrosis Pathological Q waves and inverted T waves are signs of fibrosis and scar tissue formation

Correcting errors in an EHR

delete it

When a patient's private info is disclosed without their consent it's considered:

A breach of confidentiality


adult range is 60 to 100 bpm Radial artery- found in the wrist on the same side as the thumb Apical pulse- taken over the apex of the heart by auscultation using the stethoscope

When should you label a specimen, before, during, or after collection?



after meals or not on an empty stomach

How are mumps transmitted?


Surgical Asepsis

all microbial life, pathogens and non pathogens are destroyed before an invasive procedure is performed

precordial chest unipolar leads

all these elctrodes are positive and record the heart electricity in the horizontal plane

Portal of entry

allows the infectious agent access to the susceptible host. Common entry sites are broken skin, mucous membranes, and body systems exposed to the external environment such as respiratory, gastrointestinal and reproductive.

Leads I,II,and III are




PKUs are tested with a


Pinworms are a parasite known as



"Per os" - taken by mouth

Encounter form

"superbill" -info about services provided, referrals, follow up appt

Starling Law

"the greater the volume of blood inside the heart during diastole, the stronger the heart contraction force during the systole"


-30 compressions + 2 breaths -100-120 compressions/minute

3 types of patient records

-Active -Inactive -Closed

Urine Collections

-Pregnancy = want 1st morning void -24-hr collection = collect throughout the day, discard 1st sample -Urine should be stored in the refrigerator -Sample should be labeled on the container NOT lid. Should include patients name (last, first), date, and your initials

the specific gravity of urine in adults should be in what range?


10 rights of drug amn

1. Right drug 2. Right patient 3. Right dose 4. Right route 5. Right time and frequency 6. Right documentation 7. Right history and assessment 8. Drug approach and right to refuse 9. Right drug-drug interaction and evaluation 10. Right education and information

Four steps to cleaning instruments

1. Sanitization 2. Disinfect 3. Sterilize 4. Autoclave

6 Rights of Medication Administration

1. The right medicine 2. The right route 3. The right time 4. The right client 5. The right dosage 6. The right documentation

When taking a newborn babies heel stick, do not use a lancet longer than...

2.4 mm

What does the Department of Health say that the chance of catching HIV from a single needle stick is?

3 in 1000 or 0.3%

Potassium levels should be in what range


Continuous Fever

A fever that remains constant above the baseline; it does not flucuate

Chain of custody

A form -Required for evidence -Everyone who comes into contact signs -MA's can only transport

PVC- Premature Ventricular complex

A premature ventricular complex arises from an within the ventricles the QRSs of PVC is typically greater than 0.12 sec because the ventricular depolarization is abnormal or aberrant T waves are usually in opposite direction of the QRS complex A full compensatory pause usually follows a PVC


A procedure for determining the ratio of the volume of packed red blood cells to the volume of whole blood by centrifuging a minute quantity of blood in a capillary tube coated with heparin


A respiratory condition marked by spasms in the bronchi of the lungs, causing difficulty in breathing. It usually results from an allergic reaction or other forms of hypersensitivity


Abnormal electrical activity in the brain


Abnormal swelling -Skin is puffy and pale -palpate, if it doesn't bounce back, it's edema


Absence of fever

Volume 2

An alphabetical index that contains the same conditions and diseases in alphabetical order


Antibiotic that may be used to treat URI

Cardiac cell properties

Automaticity, excitability, conductivity, contractility


Blood clotting factors that help keep blood levels in check -stopping of blood flow


Blood clot in the brain -Bulging of the artery --> bursts --> hemorrhage --> stroke

Korotoff sounds

Blood pressure sounds

Comminuted fracture

Bone breaks in multiple places

Compound fracture

Break through the skin


Breakdown of blood cells by bursting open -Never shake test tubes containing blood - only invert

Femoral pulse

By the groin

Chief Complaint

CC the reason why the patient came to see the physician


Cannot control sugar intake - body is unable to produce or respond appropriately to insulin -Diabetes mellitus

Code blue

Cardiac arrest

Individual patient records should be organized by



Center for Disease Control -Control the spread and containment of diseases in the population


Cerebrovascular accident -like a stroke (lack of oxygen) -aneurysm (rupture of an artery) -seizure (abnormal electrical activity)

Angina pectoris

Chest pain


Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease -blockage in lungs



If there is no diagnosis

Code signs and symptoms


Color blind acuity test


Commission on office laboratory accreditation

Anti-embolic stockings

Compression hose used to avoid deep vein thrombosis (blood clots) and promote circulation -For people who gait (walk)

Transmission- Based precautions

Contact precautions; Airborne precautions;droplet precautions


Current procedure terminology -Used to bill outpatient and and office procedures -AMA is in charge of CPT -CMS in finance stands for Center of Medicare and Medicaid

Blood vessel (system) that supports the heart

Coronary system


Covers the spouse of a veteran




Death of tissue in your body


Death of tissue in your heart -aka a heart attack

Capillary puncture

Drawing blood from capillaries instead of veins usually in by way of the fingers or heel -Use a lancet -Use middle or ring finger -Most important step = wiping away the first drop of blood


Drug Enforcement Agency -Handle all drug interactions and distributions whether legal or illegal


Drugs intended to cause vomiting

S2 second heart sound

Dupp occurs during ventricular relaxation when SL valves close

At the beginning of the day, you should check appointments with

Each team member

Difference between EMR and EHR

EMR is specific to that location; EHR is for everyone/everywhere

Class C fire

Electrical fire - requires non-conductive extinguishing

The limbic system of the brain is responsible for the regulation of...


How often should you move transdermal patches?

Every 30 mins


Excessive sweating

Mononucleosis is caused by



Equidistant between V2 to V4


Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate -how fast or slow blood separates -lower number, the healthier you are -27 = healthy for girls 20 = healthy for boys -high numbers indicate inflammation

CPT code broken down into 6 sections:

Evaluation & Management - includes physician encounters for all patient visits and services Anesthesia Surgery Medicine Pathology Lab & Radiology


Exclusive Provider Org -Requires that physician work for them

Every medical institution is required by OSHA to have what kind of control plan?

Exposure Control Plan

You must obtain a release form if you are going to send a patient's medical records by

Fax -DO NOT if by hand or classified mail


Fifth intercostal space, anterior axillary line


Fifth intercostal space, left midclavicular line


Fifth intercostal space, midaxillary line

Mucinex and Albuterol

Improve breathing status

Where do you find the diagnosis for ICD-9?

In the index - then check out the diagnosis in the tabular list


Inflammation of the bronchioles

Parenteral medication



Inserting a tube into the urethra to obtain urine -Used to obtain completely sterile urine -Position patient in dorsal recumbent -Put on sterile gloves after opening the sterile kit

physical examination

Inspection; palpation; percussion; ausculation


Insurance that covers dependents of those on active duty


International Classification of diseases -To find specific code look in the tabular list?

Entering a room without knocking is:

Invasion of privacy


Involves freezing


Involves the use of tiny instruments

Cleaning a site

Inward --> outward

What does "Respondeat Superior" mean?

Let the master answer

Privacy Rule

Limits info given to the minimum possible to receive payment

The only position for women only:

Lithotomy -On back, heels above hips

Bundle Branches

Located at the interventricular septum, the bundle of HIS divides into the right and left bundle branches the function of which is to conduct the electrical impulse to the purkinje fibers throughout the vnetricles

Code pink

Missing infant in the hospital -now they have infant security devices (ankle security devices)


Molecular protein in blood that carries O2 to the tissues A1C assay - for diabetics - tracks blood sugar management for ~3 month time period

Account payable

Money owed by a business to its suppliers shown as a liability on a company's balance sheet


Neutrophils Lymphocytes Monocytes Eosinophils Basophils


Nighttime urination

Business size envelopes

No. 10

Carotid pulse

On the neck -Used in adult CPR

Radial pulse

On the wrist -most common

Class A fire

Ordinary fire with combustable materials - can be put out with water or water based solution

Volume 1 = tabular list

Organized by disease and injuries according to etiology and organ system -Contains 5 appendices, V codes, E codes, and 17 chapters -Diseases and condition listed in numerical order -Sub-classification gives the highest level of specificity and has 5 digits

Organ that produces insulin



Phenylketonuria -Series of tests 24 hr after any birth in the US -Metabolic disorder than causes brain damage -heelstick

What gland atrophies as we age?


If a patient complains of fainting If a patient is have a seizure

Place them gently on the floor in the supine position


Presence of fever

Thyroid gland

Produces hormones


Prothrombine -clotting factor


Prothrombine test -light blue tube -how well blood clots -3/4 inversions International Normalized Ratio 1:9 - standardized around the world 9 parts blood 1 part sodium citrate


Prothrombine time test; how long it takes blood to clot


Pulmonary Function Test -Spirometer or peak flow meter -For asthmatics or post-op

Informed consent

Requires a signed form -Dr has to sit down with patient to explain procedure and obtain signature -MA cannot explain form, but witnesses signature

Security Rule

Requires special precautions that ensure patient info is stored and transmitted in a way that remains confidential, accessible, and of high quality


Redness of the skin


Release of info


Remove dentures top first



R.A.C.E for fires

Rescue/remove, alarm, contain, extinguish/evacuate


Social Security Income

Broca's area of the brain is responsible for the regulation of...


Sterile field

Sterilization - to kill and destroy all germs, pathogens, viruses, disease etc


The making of an opening

Who is generally responsible for making sure that medical personnel keep their professional status up-to-date?

The office administrator

A discharge summary report must include...

The patient's final condition


The process of using the number of member enrolled in a plan to determine the salary of the physician

An emulsion

Tiny particles of oil suspended in fluid

MA duties

To greet and instruct


To listen to a sound by touching


To listen with a stethoscope


To pull something back

Primary function of melatonin

To regulate sleep/wake cycles


To spread/enlarge


Too little urine/lack of urine

Parietal lobe responsible for

Touch and body movements

When a physician asks you to write up their record consultation, you're acting as a...



Transient Ischemic Attack -Poor O2 circulation



Point of care

Treatment done other an intentional treatment

Apical pulse

Under the left chest -Used with infants -Apex of the heart


Urinary Tract Infection -90% from sex (so considered an STI)

Abnormal urine pH levels may indicate

Urinary tract infection or disorder -Normal = 6-7.4

Sequential compression devices

Use compression to prevent against blood clots -Made for the whole body -For those who don't gait

Peak Flow Meter

Used for PF testing to measure how well air moves out of the lungs -commonly used with asthmatics


Used for PF testing to measure the air capacity of the lungs

Yellow tubes

Used for blood cultures -Contain ACD or SPS -Require 8-10 inversions

Green tubes

Used for chemistry tests that require plasma or whole blood and STAT chemistry tests -Contain heparin -Require 8-10 inversions

Blue tubes

Used for coagulation tests -Contain sodium citrate or CATD -Used for prothrombine tests -Require 3-4 inversions

Lavender tubes

Used for hematology (hemoglobin, hematocrit, white blood cell, red blood cell, and platelet count, reticulocyte count, eosinophil count, body fluid counts, sickle cell test, and erythrocyte sedimentation rate) and some blood banking tests -Contain EDTA which helps maintain the shape of the cell and reduce platelet clumping -Require 8-10 inversions


Used for pain management


abnormal increase in the depth and rate of breathing

Allergy tests are performed on the:

back or lower forearm

Why shouldn't you pump when making a fist?

bc of hemoconcentration




believed that moral development and ethical behavior relied on the age and problem-solving ability of the individual

cardiovascular agents beta blockers

beta blockers reduce heart rate, blood pressure, myocardial conductibility and myocardial oxygen consumption which make them effective in the treatment of angina pectoris and hypertension

semilunar valves

called semilunar because they have half-moon shaped leaflets, with the following characteristics: three leaflets shallow in depth they have no accessory organs

Broken record

can be cause by a damaged wire or loose electrodes

When conducting an alcohol test, instead of using alcohol to clean, you should use:


60-cycle interference

caused by improperly grounded electrical equipment that is directly or indirectly in contact with the patient


causes the kidneys to become more permeable in order to retain more water.

Largest and uppermost part of the brain


Varicella zoster virus

chickenpox; airborne

Color red indicates

danger , warning


decrease in number of respiration

A depletion of lipids would lead to...

decreased amount of estrogen produced -Lipids are the precursors to many hormones in the body and with a depletion of lipids, this would result in a decrease in hormones like estrogen.

To clean EKG cables, always:


How should wounds be wrapped?

distal to proximal


every day




excessive urination at night


hardened proteins that are washed out in the urine, and may provide many diagnostic values -Sediment = any waste particles in the urine, different than casts

EKG Basic Concepts Cable

is a wire that connects the electrode to the EKG machine


is an unwanted interference or jitter on the EKG recording

Supraventricular tachycardia AV reentry Tachycardia

is caused when the elecrtical impulse passes through a passage other than AV node. Cardiac rhythm is regular but up to 250 bpm. P waves are often hidden by the QRS complexes or the QRS complexes that follow a P wave are different and with different P interval

Bicuspid mitral valve

is located between the left atrium and the left ventricle

Tricuspid valve

is located between the right atrium and right ventricle

Heart skeleton

is made up of four rings of thick connective tissue; these rings which surround the base of the heart and large vessels, create the cardiac septum, and provide a solid connection between the heart chambers and strong attachment for the heart valves

Subendocardial ischemic injury

is manifested by ST segment depression in the leads recording in front of the ischemic site

Subepicardial and transmural injury

is manifested by ST segment elevation in the leads recording in front of the lesion

Absolute refractory period

is the 1st phase of repolarization in which a myocardial cell is unable to react to any electrical stimulus

Relative refractory period

is the 2nd phase of repolarization during whcih time a strong enough electrical stimulus might cause new depolarization and contraction



Liminents vs medicated lotions

liminents have more oil to protect dry/cracked skin


line between two waveforms

Right Upper Quadrant:

liver and gallbladder

heart base

located at the level of the second intercostal and the tip of the heart (apex) is located at the level of the 5th intercostal and mid-clavicular line on the left

Atrioventricular valves

located between the atria and ventricles: they have tough fibrous rings long and strong leaflets(cuspids) they have accessory organs, such as papillary muscles and chordae tendinae

Aortic valve

located between the left ventricle and aorta

pulmonic valve

located between the right ventricle and the pulmonary trunk

Always puncture ________ to the fingerlines when doing a fingerstick



pink eye

wave form

refers to movement away from the isoelectric line either upward (positive) deflection or downward (negative) deflection

Depth of respiration

refers to the amount of air that is inspired and expired during each respiration

Respiratory rhythm

refers to the pattern of breathing

Dry heat sterilization

requires higher temperature that steam sterilization but longer exposure times; used for instruments that easily corrodes

Before administering insulin, what should you do to the bottle first?

roll it

What day do you send a specimen to the lab?

same day

Wave scheduling

scheduling patients on the hour and then taking them in order of who comes

Cluster scheduling

scheduling patients with the sam problems/conditions/symptoms

Normal EKG segments

segments are lines between waveforms PR segment: this segment is measured from the end of the P wave to the beginning of the QRS complex. represents depolarization of AV node and its delay and depolarization of the Bundle of His and the Bundle Branches ST segment: this segment represents the time of ventricular contraction and the beginning of re polarization of both ventricles. It is measured from end of QRS to the beginning of the T wave. The point where QRS complex and the ST segment meet is called the junction or J point. ST segment is the most sensitive part of EKG changed by cardiac ischemia

sequence method

select the R that falls on a dark vertical line. Number the next consecutive dark line as 300-150-100-75-60-50 Note where the next R wave falls in relation to the dark lines


several waveforms


skin infection that causes sores on the face


skin pigmentation; lack of reproduction of melanin

Tort Law

slander (what's said), libel (written); falls under HIPAA

Gauges = bigger the number,

smaller the needle

Cancer can present itself by...

suspicious lumps, a chronic cough, persistent indigestion, and coughing up blood.

Enteric-coated tables should ONLY be:



swayback; major inward curve of lumbar spine

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