Study guide ch. 6-10

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A pregnant woman is scheduled for a transvaginal ultrasound test to establish gestational age. In preparing this woman for the test the nurse should: A. Place the woman in a supine position with her hips elevated on a folded pillow B. Instruct her the woman to come for the test with a full bladder C. Administer an analgesic 30 minutes before the test D. Lubricate the vaginal probe with transmission gel


A woman's last normal menstrual period (LNMP) began on September 10, 2016, and ended on September 15, 2014. Using Nägele's rule, the estimated date of birth is: A. June 17, 2017 B. June 22, 2017 C. August 17, 2017 D. December 3, 2017


Based on genetic testing of a newborn, a diagnosis of achondroplasia was made. The parents ask the nurse if this could happen to future children. Because this is an example of autosomal dominant inheritance, the nurse would tell the parents: A. " For each pregnancy, there is a 50/50 chance the child will be affected by dwarfism" B . "This will not happen again because the dwarfism was caused by the harmful genetic effects of the infection you had during pregnancy." C. "For each pregnancy there is a 25% chance the child will be a carrier of the defective gene but unaffected by the disorder." D. "Because you already have had an affected child, there is a decreased chance of this happening in future pregnancies."


A pregnant woman is concerned about what she should do if she notices signs of preterm labor suck as uterine contractions. After reviewing the signs of preterm labor with the woman, the nurse reviews measures the patient would implement should the signs occur. The nurse should discuss which of the following measures with this woman? SATA a. empty bladder b. drink 3-4 glasses of water to ensure hydration c. assume a supine position d. assess contractions for 2hr or more e. report contractions that occur every 10 minutes or more for 1hr f. recognize that uterine contractions may be perceived as a tightening in her abdomen or as a backache

A, B, E, F

A nurse is assessing a pregnant woman during a prenatal visit. Several presumptive indicators of pregnancy are documented. Which of the following are presumptive indicators? A. Nausea and vomiting B. Quickening C. Ballottement D. Palpation of fetal movement by the nurse E. Hegar sign F. Amenorrhea

A, B, F

A pregnant woman at 10 weeks of gestation exhibits the following signs of pregnancy during a routine prenatal checkup. Which ones would be categorized as probable signs of pregnancy? SATA a. hCG in urine b. breast tenderness c. ballottement d. fetal heart sounds e. hegar sign f. amennorrhea

A, C, E

The nurse evaluates a pregnant woman's knowledge about prevention of urinary tract infections (UTIs) at the pre- natal visit following a class on infection prevention that the woman attended. The nurse recognizes that the woman needs further instruction when she tells the nurse about which measures that she now uses to prevent urinary tract infections. (Circle all that apply.) A. I drink about one quart of fluid a day. B. I have stopped using bubble baths and bath oils. C. I have started wearing panty hose and underpants with a cotton crotch. D. I have yogurt for lunch or as an evening snack E. I should stop having intercourse with my partner because it increases my risk for UTI F. If I drink cranberry juice during breakfast and dinner I will not get a bladder infection

A, E, F

During an early-bird prenatal class, a nurse teaches a group of newly diagnosed pregnant women about their emotional reactions during pregnancy. What topics should the nurse discuss with the women? (Circle all that apply.) A. Sexual desire (libido) usually increases during the second trimester of pregnancy. B. A referral for counseling should be sought if a woman experiences conflicting feelings about her pregnancy in the first trimester. C. Rapid, unpredictable mood swings reflect gestational bipolar disorder. D. The need to seek safe passage and prepare for birth begins early in the third trimester E. A woman's own mother is usually her greatest source of emotional support during pregnancy. F. Attachment to her baby begins late in the third trimester, when she begins attending childbirth preparation classes and realizes that the baby will arrive soon.

A, F

A 25-year-old pregnant woman is at 10 weeks of gestation. Her BMI is calculated to be 24. Which one of the following is recommended in terms of weight gain during pregnancy? a. total weight gain of 18kg b. first trimester weight gain of 1-2kg c. weight gain of 0.4kg each week for 40 weeks d. weight gain of 3kg per month during the second and third trimesters


A 40-year-old woman at 18 weeks of gestation is having a quad marker test performed. She is obese, and her health history reveals that she is Rh negative. The primary purpose of this test is to screen for: A. Spina bifida B. Down syndrome C. Gestational diabetes D. Rh antibodies


A female carries the gene for hemophilia on one of her X chromosomes. Her father does not have hemophilia. Now that she is pregnant she asks the nurse how this might affect her baby. The nurse should tell her: A. A female baby has a 50% chance of also being a carrier. B. Hemophilia is always expressed if a male inherits the defective gene. C. Female babies are never affected by this disorder D. A male baby can be a carrier or have hemophilia


During an exam of a pregnant woman the nurse notes that her cervix is soft on its tip. The nurse would document this finding as: a. friability b. Goodwell's sign c. Chadwick sign d. Hegar sign


A woman demonstrates an understanding of the importance of increasing her intake of foods high in folic acid (100 mcg or more) when she includes which of the following foods in her diet? SATA a. seafood b. legumes c. eggs d. liver e. asparagus f. oranges

B, D, E

A nurse is teaching a pregnant woman about the importance of iron in her diet would tell her to avoid consuming which of the following foods at the same time as her iron supplement because they will decrease iron absorption? SATA a. tomatoes b. spinach c. meat d. eggs e. milk f. bran

B, D, E, F

A 30-year-old pregnant woman with a BMI of 31 asks the nurse about recommendations for diet and weight gain during pregnancy. Which of the following with the nurse tell this woman? a. counsel her to begin a lifestyle change for weight reduction b. recommend a total weight gain goal of 4kg during pregnancy c. set a weight gain goal of 0.3kg per week during the second and third trimester d. limit her third trimester calorie increase to no more than 600kcal more than prepregnant needs


A pregnant woman at 6 weeks of gestation tells her nurse-midwife that she has been experiencing nausea with occasional vomiting every day. The nurse could recommend which of the following as an effective relief measure? a. eat starchy foods such as buttered popcorn or peanut butter w/ crackers in the morning before getting out of bed b. avoid eating before going to bed at night c. alter eating patterns to a schedule of small meals every 2-3hrs d. skip a meal is nausea is experienced


An essential component of prenatal health assessment of pregnant women is the determination of vital signs. Which of the following would be an expected change in vitals as a results of pregnancy? a. increase in systolic BP by 30 mmHg or more after assuming a supine position b. increase is diastolic BP by 5 or 10 mmHg beginning in the first trimester c. chest breathing replaces abdominal breathing with upward displacement of the diaphragm d. gradual decrease in the baseline pulse rate of approximately 20bpm


As part of preparing a 24-year-old woman at 42 weeks of gestation for a nonstress test, the nurse should: A. Tell the woman to fast for 8 hours before the test B. Explain that the test will evaluate how well her baby is moving inside her uterus C. Show her how to indicate when her baby moves D. Attach a spiral electrode to the presenting part to determine FHR patterns


During a contraction stress test, four contractions lasting 45 to 55 seconds each were recorded in a 10-minute period. A late deceleration was noted during the third contraction. The nurse conducting the test documents the result as: A. Negative B. Positive C. Equivocal or suspicious D. Unsatisfactory


When teaching a class of pregnant women about fetal development, the nurse would include which of the following statements? SATA A. "The sex of your baby is determined by the 9th week" B. "The baby's heart begins to pump blood during the 10th week" C. "You should be able to feel your baby move by weeks 16-20" D. "We will begin to hear your baby's heartbeat using an US by the 18th week" E. "Your baby will be able to suck, swallow, and hiccup while in your uterus" F. "By the 24th week of your pregnancy, you will notice your baby responding to sounds in the environment"

C, E, F

A 24-year-old woman at 36 weeks of gestations has been scheduled for a biophysical profile. She asks the nurse why the test needs to be performed. The would tell her that the test: A. Determines how well her baby will breathe after it is born B. Evaluates the response of her baby's heart to uterine contractions C. Measures her baby's head and length D. Observes her baby's activities in utero to ensure that her baby is getting enough oxygen


A pregnant woman carries a single gene for cystic fibroses. The father of her baby does not carry this gene. Which of the following is true regarding the genetic pattern of cystic fibrosis as it applies to this family? A. The pregnant woman has cystic fibrosis B. There is a 50% chance her baby will have the disorder. C. There is a 25% chance her baby will be a carrier. D. There is no chance her baby will be affected by this disorder


A pregnant women with 4 children reports the following OB history: a stillbirth at 32wk, triplets born via C-section at 30 weeks, a spontaneous abortion at 8 weeks, and a daughter born vaginally at 39 weeks. Which of the following accurately expresses this woman's current OB history using the 5-digit system? a. 5-1-4-1-4 b. 4-1-3-1-4 c. 5-2-2-0-3 d. 5-1-2-1-4


A woman at 30 weeks of gestation assumes a supine position for a fundal measurement and Leopold maneuvers. She begins to complain about feeling dizzy and nauseated. Her skin feels damp and cool. The nurse's first action is to: A. Assess the woman's respiratory rate and effort B. Provide the woman with an emesis basin C. Elevate the woman's legs 20 degrees from her hips D. Turn the woman onto her side


Doulas are becoming important members of a laboring woman's health care team. Which activity should be expected as part of the doula's responsibilities? A. Monitoring hydration of the laboring woman, including adjusting intravenous (IV) flow rates B. Interpreting electronic fetal monitoring tracings to determine the well-being of the maternal-fetal unit C. Eliminating the need for the husband or partner to be present during labor and birth D. Providing continuous support throughout labor and birth, including explanations of labor progress


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