Study Questions for History 7-12

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Which of the following figures was not a permanent Texas political figure of the 1960s?

Kay, Bailey Hutchinson, US senator

Which geographic feature allows the mid Atlantic colonies to have a longer growing seasons in the new England colonies?

Mild climate

Agriculture, manufacturers, commerce, and navigation, the four pillars of our prosperity, are the most driving when mostly free to individual enterprise. - President, Thomas Jefferson, first annual message, December 8, 1801. Which economic principle is President Jefferson showing support for in this expert?

Minimal government regulation

In which country does a large part of the native, traditionally nomadic people currently live in large tents known as yurts or gers?


Trade between the west coast of India in the east coast of Africa before 1450 CE what is dilatated by which of the following?

Monsoon winds

Which of the following was the first Anglo, American to be granted a contract to settle 300 families in the Mexican state of Texas, though he never lived to see his contract for field?

Moses Austin

When did Augustus, the first emperor of Rome, die?


When did the civil war end?


What time period is represented by this information? -growth of social media -increased use of cell phones -election of first african american president


Eli Whitney's Cotton gin was innovated in?


We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created, equal that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights are among these are life liberty, and the pursuit of happiness that to secure these rights governments are instituted among men deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. -Declaration of Independence, 1776 Which phrase from this excerpt is most directly related to the 19th amendment?

" deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed"

Which of the following would not have been a feature of hunter gatherer societies before the neolithic revolution?

Grind stones

Which of the following countries is an example of a post-industrial society?


How did the National Organization for Women (NOW) affect the feminist movement during the 1970s?

By supporting the proposed Equal Rights Amendment to the U.S Constitution.

Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) was elected to how many terms of office as President of the U.S?

4 Terms

Which of the following was not a feature of Woodrow Wilson's 14 points?

A German war guilt clause

Which of the following best explains the changes in Asian and European population between 600 CE and 1300 CE?

A global warming trend an improved agricultural techniques

Which of the following was not a cause of rapid population growth in western Europe in the 1700s?

A much higher birth rate

Which human geographic factor help the union win the Civil War?

A network of railroads in the north allowed union soldiers to be moved quickly over long distances.

Which of the following terms did not originate in the cattle culture of the vaqueros of Mexico and Texas?


Which of the following has the greatest role and turning the assassination of the heir to the throne of Austria Hungary, into a war involving all the great powers of Europe?

A system of alliances and joint defense agreements that divided the great powers

Progressive Era Reforms- -Merit system established for police and fire departments -Examinations required for positions in the civil service Which factor contributed MOST to these changes?

Abuses of he spoils system by political machines

James Madison and Thomas Jefferson compromise with Alexander Hamilton during Washington's first turn on office, agreeing to accept Hamilton's banking and debt assumption program and exchange for

Agreeing to move the nations capital from Philadelphia to Washington DC

Which U.S action was the MOST direct and immediate response to the Soviet blockade of West Berlin?

Airlifting supplies to people in West Berlin

President Woodrow Wilson's Response for Entering WWI -Assert American rights to "freedom of the seas" -Stop German plans to aid Mexico -? What additional reason Best completes this list?

Assist the Allied powers against German aggression

With the outbreak of World War I in Europe, Woodrow Wilson, and most Americans

Believe that the United States should remain neutral

What was one effect of the 15th amendment?

Black voters help bring the Republican Party to power in the south.

The primary invasive species threatening texts, cotton Farms in the early 20th century was the

Bol weevil

Which condition did both slaves and free blacks in the United States experience in the antebellum period?

Both groups were denied citizenship rights

In what way was Christianity spread into Western Europe similar to Buddhism's Spread into China after the second century CE?

Both took advantage of instability, resulting from the weakening of the Han empire, and the Roman empire

How did Great Depression affect American society?

Businesses were forced to close, causing widespread unemployment.

How did the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine affect the role of the United States in the world?

By announcing a willingness to intervene in the affairs of western hemisphere nations

What is one example of how space exploration and technology have improved the quality of life?

By developing satellites to send communication signals.

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution (1964) Events US destroyers stationed in Vietnam reported they were fired upon by Northern Vietnamese forces—-> President Lyndon B. Johnson request to increase US military presence in Indo China—> Congress passes the gulf of Tonkin resolution How did the events in this cause-and-effect diagram affect the relationship between the executive and legislative branches of government?

By giving the president, the power to fight a war without getting a formal declaration from Congress

How did the Battle of Midway alter the course of the war in the Pacific?

By halting the process of Japanese expansion

how did the American colonies react to enforcement of the intolerable acts?

By holding the First Continental Congress to discuss unified resistance

Picture of person using a Var Code Scanner: How has the use of the device shown in this photograph affected business in the Ynited States?

By improving the efficiency of making purchases

How did the United States respond to the launch of Sputnik I in 1957 by the soviet union?

By increasing funding for math and science education

How did Dr. Martin Luther King,Jr's 1963 "I Have A Dream" speech affect the U.S politics?

By increasing pressure on political leaders to pass federal civil rights legislation

How does the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) continue to affect U.S citizens?

By protecting the savings bank customers during an economic crisis

How did Sam Walton benefit the U.S economy?

By providing jobs in rural areas across the country

Sweatt vs. Painter "In a unanimous decision, the Court held that the Equal Protection Clause required that Sweatt be admitted to the university" How did the decision in this 1950 case benefit minorities?

By setting a precedent for Brown v. Board of Education

Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) National Child Labor Committee (NCLC) Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) Woman's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) How have these groups influenced U.S culture?

By supporting the implementation of social reforms

Which question is associated with the passage of the Espionage and Sedition Acts during World War I?

Can the government limit the constitutional rights of citizens during wartime?

Which of the following was NOT one of the groups which generally advocated for prohibition?

Catholic Immigrants

The Texas economy before 1900 depends primarily on which of the following commodities?

Cattle and cotton

Which of the following is not an example of the impact of the Columbian exchange on the Texas environment?

Chili peppers

What was one result of immigration to the northeastern United States during the early twentieth century?

Cities became more densely populated

How has the free enterprise system contributed to technological innovation?

Companies have competed to make better products

Which factor has MOST contributed to the improvement of cell phone technology?

Competition between cell phone companies to gain new customers

U.S Responses to the Terrorist Attacks on 9/11 -obtained a pledge of support from NATO and the United Nations -Passed the USA Patriot Act to improve counter-terrorism efforts -___?____

Conducted military operations in Afghanistan

Uptown Sinclair's novel "The Jungle" What was the immediate response to the practices mentioned in this excerpt?

Congress passed legislation to protect consumer health and safety

Which concern directly contributed to U.S involvement in the Korean War during the 1950s?

Containing the spread of communism

Ancient Mesopotamian text written on clay tablets, using a read stylus. Because of the wedge shape marks the reeds made, the writing became known as which of the following?


" as for the constitution of the Athenians, their choice of this type of Constitution I do not approve... first of all, then, I shall say, that at Athens, the poor in the commons seem to have the advantage over the world, born and wealthy;... it may be said that they ought not to have allowed everyone intern to make speeches or sit on the council, but only those are the highest capability and quality.-Xenophon Which of the following paired political systems, Xenophon referencing in the passage above?

Democracy... Aristocracy

What is one qualification that must be fulfilled for a person to become a U.S citizen?

Demonstrating an understanding of the principles of American government.

Manifest destiny refers to the belief that

Do United States had a God-given right to expand across the North American continent

If South Viet-Nam went...but would also give the impression that the wave of the future in southeast Asia was China and the Communists...-Kennedy Which idea reflected in these remarks formed the basis for U.S involvement in Vietnam?

Domino Theory

I found near Boston in the jails in asylums for the poor in numerous class, but into a suitable connection with criminals in a general massive poppers. I referred to insane person's dwelling, in circumstances, not only adverse to their own physical in Morrow improvement, but productive of extreme disadvantages to all other persons butt into association with them.- Memorial to the legislature of Massachusetts, 1843 Which women pot to create legislation to help the people described in the excerpt?

Dorothea Dix

Which statement describes one result of the war of 1812?

Great, Britain stopped the practice of impressment.

Which group helped establish the colony of Maryland in the 1630s?

English Catholics seeking religious freedom

Which historical action was protected by the first amendment guarantee regarding religion?

Evangelous lead revivals in New England

Which title correctly replaces the question mark? ? -Japan invades Korea and China -Germany invades Poland -Japan attacks Pearl Harbor

Events that led to U.S involvement in WWII

Reasons for the Great Depression -collapse of the stock market -???????? Which reason correctly replaces the question mark the list?

Failure of banks

Dissatisfied. With the way, in which Puritan leaders and post of you as a biblical Commonwealth on the Massachusetts bay colony, Roger Williams

Founded the settlement of Providence plantation (later Rhode Island) where he advocated, greater religious tolerance, and no established state Church

Which president of the United States changed the date of Thanksgiving form the last Thursday of November to the 4th Thursday of November?

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Which president established these traditions for the executive branch? -first to appoint cabinet members -Recommend the title, Mr. President -First serve two terms

George Washington

The Second Reich was the

German Empire

Which of the following medieval European institutions, her self governing organizations are regulated labor conditions, guaranteed quality control in limited admission to trade and commerce?


When Jacob Riis published How the Other Half Lives on 1890...Disease, sanitation, garbage and hygeine issues were constant concerns... Which issue was discussed in the writing of Jacob Riis?

Harsh conditions of tenement housing in U.S cities

Which breakthrough did Hiram Rhodes Reveals accomplish during reconstruction?

He became the first African-American to win his seat in the US Congress.

And the Dred Scott decision in 1857 the Supreme Court determined that the plaintiff had no standing to sue for his freedom even though he had lived for sometime and territories, where slavery, had not been permitted, because.

He had no citizenship rights in the United States in Congress has no authority to outlaw slavery in the territories

Why is Thomas Jeffersons riding in the declaration of independence considered to be one of his grades contributions to American history?

He helped define rights that would defeat Tyranny

Why did president Andrew Jackson oppose the second bank of the United States?

He thought it was unconstitutional and favored the wealthy.

The popularity of American fast food, restaurants in country, such a South Korea, and Japan is an example of which of the following kinds of diffusion

Hierarchal diffusion

Which of the following beliefs systems, has sought to achieve social harmony by situation, each individual within a fixed caste, closely linking status an occupation?


Why was President Ronald Reagan criticized for the Iran-Contra Affair?

His administration violated an embargo by selling weapons to Iran.

The demographic structure of the United States changed in the late 19th century with the arrival of ---

Immigrants from southern and eastern Europe seeking industrial jobs

what has been one effect of population growth on the physical environment?

Increased damage to coastal ecosystems

Newspaper Headline: Pullman Strike On. What was one effect of the event described in this headline?

Increased federal government involvement in labor union activities.

Which of the following developments result of most immediately from the egalitarian spirit unleashed by the American revolution?

Inheritance laws favoring first born son's were abolished across the 13 original states

Which action was a goal of President Barack Obama's administration?

Introducing reforms to health care insurance

Which of the following would be an example of a historical migration, driven primarily by push factors?

Irish migration to 19th century America in response to the potato famine

Which statement describes how the passage of the Kansas Nebraska act of 1854 increase sectionalism?

It allowed slavery to expand into the territories.

Protests in U.S History -Women Picket Outside of the White House, 1917 -African AMericans Picket Outside of the White House, 1965 What was one result of the activism shown in these events?

It brought national attention to problems associated with voting.

What is the historical significance of the Dome on the Rock site to muslims?

It is the traditional site of Mohammed's ascent into heaven.

Conditions for agricultural success in New England differed from those in the middle colonies, primarily in that

It's rocky soil's enjoy your growing season, resulted in poor harvest

Where did the first universities in the world develop?


In the aftermath of the Soviet union's development of an atomic bomb, and the fall of China to communism, this, Wisconsin senator, sought to route, our communist sympathizers in Hollywood, universities, and government agencies.

Joseph McCarthy

This political slogan is from the mid 1800s. American platform of principles, 1857 " Americans must rule America!" What motivated some people to support this nativist slogan?

Large scale, immigration to cities in the belief that immigrants saw jobs from native born citizens.

Which of the following figures is most often described as the prototypical renaissance man?

Leonardo da Vinci

What is a primary reason why Hurricane Katrina caused major destruction to New Orleans in 2005?

Levees surrounding the city collapsed under pressure from floodwaters.

Which of the following has no impact on climactic conditions?


Which of the following was a powerful empire that existed in Africa during the Middle Ages?

Mali Empire

1st great human civilization was...


Accomplishments of Dolores Huerta -Secured disability insurance for California farmworkers -Directed a national grape boycott to protest the dangers of pesticides for farm workers -???? Which accomplishment correctly completes this list?

Negotiated to secure better working conditions for farmworkers

Which cause united many college students, civil right activists, and labor union members during the 1960s?

Opposing U.S participation in the Vietnam War

which action did congress take to help protect native plants and animals form extinction?

Passed the Endangered Species Act

___ became the first European to travel to Brazil

Pedro Alvares Cabral

Industry in the late 1800s expanded-> job opportunities became available-> ? Which trend of the late 1800s correctly replaces the question mark in this cause and effect diagram?

People moved from rural to urban areas

What was one effect of rock and roll music on U.S society during the 1950s?

People were exposed to more diverse musical styles.

The doctrine of "separate but equal" has no place- Brown vs. Board of Education Which previous Supreme Court decision had protected the practice described on this excerpt?

Plessy vs. Ferguson

How did the crusader army that went on the 1st crusade differ from the crusader armies that Pope Urban II envisioned?

Pope Urban II had envisioned an army of skilled knights and professional soldiers, Instead, men and women from all classes joined together to retake the Holy land.

Which of the following New World crops contributed most to the population growth in Europe and Asia in the 18th and 19th centuries?


Which action is a goal of all these groups? -MexicanAmerican Legal Defense and Educational Fund -American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee -National Asian Pacific American Legal Consortium

Protecting civil liberties

Which social science can be effectively and objectively used to study the personal motivations of Adolf Hitler?


Which of the following best explains the legal principles underline Hammurabi's code?

Punishments for both crimes vary, depending on the status of both the victim and the perpetrator.

What Comanche warrior led the most significant post-Civil War resistance against white encroachment on Comanche lands?

Quanah Parker

What is the characteristic that marks, modern developing countries and stage two of the demographic transition model?

Rapid increase in population growth

Which of the following consequences of the development of the printing press in the middle of the 15th century contributed most to the protestant reformation and the scientific revolution?

Reading became a more private and intimate practice that allowed greater independence a thought.

Which title best completes this diagram? -Some factories offer housing for workers with families -Factories offer jobs for people

Reasons for urbanization

Which era involved legislation enacted by the radical Republicans?


Which of the following has not contributed to growing interconnectedness of the global economy since 1989?

Reduction of international flight times with increase adoption of supersonic transport

Which action by the federal government was one cause of the Great Depression?

Refusing to regulate the stock market

Which type of cultural diffusion would most likely be the result of human migration?

Relocation diffusion

What is the meaning of unalienable rights?

Rights that cannot be taken away or denied

The oldest continuously occupied European settlement in what would become the United States is located in which of the following?

Saint Augustine, Florida

What is a direct result of the annual movement of the Earth and its orbit around the sun?

Seasonal climate variation

Following the abolition of slavery, most white landowners employed, which of the following approaches to acquiring sufficient labor to work there land?


Harriet Tubman Elizabeth Cady Stanton William Lloyd garrison The people on this list are similar because their actions -

Showed a commitment to rights and freedom

Which of the following was the first southern state to secede from the union?

South Carolina

Texas suffragettes like Jane McCallum, I believe that women voters would

Sport of the reforms, like prohibition, an end to child, labor, laws, and education improvements.

Who was the founder of western Christian monotheism?

St. Benedict of Nursia

What is the correct chronological order of the following acts?

Stamp Act Repeal of the Stamp Act Declaratory Act Townshend Act

Which action BEST prepares a responsible citizen to vote?

Staying informed about issues affecting the country and communities.

Thomas Jefferson argue that the only power of the federal government could legally exerciser those explicitly granted to it in the US Constitution. This view of the constitution is known as

Strict constructionism

What artificial waterway was instrumental in connecting Asia trade with European trade during the 19th century?

Suez canal

Which of the following old world crops contributed most to the emergence of the transatlantic slave trade?


Which event was one cause of the US Mexican war?

US in Mexican soldiers fight over disputed territory north of the Rio Grande

Which of the following machines was a major component of battle during WWI?


Which of the following new deal programs brought electricity to rural communities, thereby allowing them to enter into American consumers society in earnest?

Tennessee valley authority (TVA)

Which of the following Native American tribes only migrated into Texas in the late 17th in early 18th century?

The Comanche

Which of the following international incidents during the Cold War seemed most likely to result in a nuclear exchange between the United States and the Soviet union?

The Cuban missile crisis in 1962

Which historic document had the greatest influence on the first 10 amendments to the US Constitution?

The English bill of rights

After several earlier commanders, Lincolnton, the war effort to this general who successes on the wars, western front, suggested a strategy that would lead to victory.

Ulysses S Grant

The Mexican, American war in 1846 to 1848 was impart triggered by territorial dispute over which of the following?

The Nueces trip between the Nueces and the Rio Grande river's

In which historical time period were these laws enacted? -Passage of the Clayton ANtitrust Act -Ratification of the eighteenth Amendment -Passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act

The Progressive Era

NATO was created in response to concerns about-

The Soviet Union and Communism

Picture of Bill Clinton Awarding the Medal of Honor to Vernon Baker, 1997 What was the significance of the event depicted in the photograph?

The U.S government honored an African American veteran for bravery during WWII.

Why did the Spanish-American War move the United States into the position of a world power?

The United States acquired Spanish territories in the Caribbean and the Pacific

Geneva Accords Agreement Two -Neither North Vietnam nor South Vietnam would join alliances with outside parties, and general elections to unify the country were scheduled for 1956. Why was the United States concerned about Agreement 2?

The administration opposed the creation of regional alliances.

Which statement explains in effect of the Missouri compromise?

The compromise maintains a balance between the number, free states, and slave states in the Senate.

Juneteenth, which was established as a federal holiday in 2021, commemorates, which of the following events?

The day that enslaved persons in Texas were informed that they were no longer legally the property of their owners

Which statement describes how the GI Bill affected the United States during the 1950s?

The educational benefits included in the act helped provide training to military veterans

Picture of Osage Indian School Football Team, 1910 Which trend of the 1800s and early 1900s is BEST reflected in this photograph?

The emphasis on cultural assimilation

Which of the following was the immediate cause of increased Spanish settlement interest in Texas in the 1690s?

The establishment of Sieur de la Salle's short-lived French colony on Matagorda Bay, and growing French presence along the Mississippi

Which of the following is not a future of Spanish settlement of Texas in the late 17th and the 18th centuries?

The establishment of a Cortes generales representative assembly

In the early 1800s, Great Britain was in a conflict with France. Both countries try to prevent the United States from trading with other country. As a result of British impressment of US sailors, Congress pass the embargo act of 1807. This act closed US ports to exports and PLACE restrictions on British imports. In 1809 Congress repealed this act and replace it with a law that specifically prohibited trade with Great Britain and France. What was one effect of these actions on the United States?

The expansion of manufacturing

What was one result of the creation of the civilian conservation corps (CCC) during the 1930s?

The federal gov't provided aid to people suffering from unemployment.

"Hence arises the maxim that everyone is the best and the sole judge of his own private interest, and that society has no right to control a man's actions, unless they are prejudicial to the common weal [good].....-Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America. Which U.S government action is MOST CLOSELY based on this idea?

The federal government passes laws to protect individual liberties.

Which of the following claims about the great awakening, could be inferred from the passage and George Whitefield journal?

The great awakening, encourage colonial Americans to challenge authority

Among the natural rights of the colonists are these: first, a right to life; secondly, to liberty; thirdly, to property; together with the right to support and defend them in the best manner they can. - Samuel Adams, 1772. In the early days of the colonies, a belief in these rights, helped lead to -

The growth of representative government

Why was the third amendment prohibiting the quartering of troops added to the US Constitution?

To address colonial treatment by the British military.

The image of a woman welding an airplane wing in a plant near Houston, illustrates which of the following?

The importance of women's work to the American war effort during World War II

which statement describes one of the MOST important reasons why the United States annexed the Kingdom of Hawaii?

The location was strategically valuable to both military and business leaders.

Which action opposed the civil rights advances that the Reconstruction amendments had promised?

The passage of Jim Crow laws

Features of the Homestead Act of 1862 After 5 years on the land, the person claiming the land paid a registration fee and officially owned the land. What was one effect of the described in this list?

The population of settlers in the American West increased

Which statement describes how the Transcontinental Railroad affected the United States during the late 1800s?

The railroad contributed to the rapid settlement and growth of towns in the west.

Which issue was debated in Gibbons v. Ogden?

The regulation of interstate commerce by federal or state laws

Which of the following best explains the decline an Asian in European population between 1200 and 1400 CE?

The spread of epidemic disease is including the bubonic plague

"Other industrialists, including John D. Rockefeller, merged the operations of many large companies to form a trust. Rockefeller's Standard Oil Trust came to monopolize 90% of the industry" What was one DIRECT effect of the business practice discussed in this excerpt?

There was decreased competition among producers.

John Hancock, Patrick Henry, and Samuel Adams oppose the ratification of the United States Constitution largely because

They argued that state and local governments had lost too much power to the national government

Consider these cases originating in Texas: Del Rio v. Salvatierra in 1930, Mendez v. Westminster in 1945, and Minerva Delgado v. Bastrop ISD in 1948. Which of the following best illustrates what ties all three together?

They challenge desegregation of Mexican, American school children well before Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas, in 1954

What was one way the role of women in society changed during the 1920s?

They were allowed increased participation in the political process. (suffrage movement)

Which statement describes the rules of George McKellen and Ulysses S Grant during the Civil War?

They were union generals, who commanded the army of Potomac.

Which Enlightenment thinker is associated with the social contract?

Thomas Hobbs

This pamphlet published in 1776+ perhaps the most widely read appeal for American independence:

Thomas Paine's common sense

The great rule of contact for us, in regard to foreign nations is in extending our commercial relations to have with them a little political connection as possible-president, George Washington, farewell, address, 1796 Why did president Washington give this advice about the future of US foreign-policy?

To avoid being drawn into European wars

President Wilson's Fourteen Points, 1918 -open and public peace treaties -freedom of he seas outside territorial waters -removal of trade barriers among all nations -arms reductions -an association of nations Which statement describes the purpose of this plan?

To create conditions that prevent future global conflicts

Why did European explorer searched for the Northwest passage?

To discover a new sea, route to Asia.

Nineteenth Amendment Twenty-Fourth Amendment Twenty-Five Amendment What was one reason why these amendments were added to the Constitution?

To expand the rights of individual to participate in the government

"The Great Society rests on abundance and liberty for all. It demands an end to poverty and racial injustice...." According to the excerpt, which goal was the focus of the Great Society?

To fight social inequality

What is the purpose of the Securities and Exchange Commission?

To maintain fair markets and increase investor confidence in financial institutions.

What was the main reason tanks were introduced during WWI?

To overcome trench defenses and end stalemates

What was one goal of the Ku Klux Klan marches held before elections in the early 1900s?

To prevent racial minorities from participating in the political process

Why were vaccination programs developed during the twentieth century?

To prevent the outbreak of dangerous diseases

Which of the following best explains why the colony of South Carolina was founded in 1663?

To provide Barbados and other sugar, islands with corn, rice, and other supplies

Why did the government implement a draft during the Vietnam War?

To provide the military with additional manpower.

During the 1960s, Mexican American students in Los Angeles participated in the Chicano movement by organizing school walkouts. What was the primary goal of these walkouts?

To raise awareness of insufficient educational opportunities.

Why did the constitutional convention agreed to the 3/5 compromise?

To settle debates over the issue of counting the enslaved population for representation

To whom was the Declaration of Independence addressed and why?

To the King of England because parliament was passing laws for them even though they did not have the right to elect members of parliament to represent their interest.

Inspired by the African-American civil rights movements methods in 1963 Cesar Chavez set out to organize Mexican Americans

To unionize and use the boycott to improve working conditions, living conditions and wages for MexicanAmerican farm workers

What are the three main climate zones of planet earth?

Tropical temperate and polar

Which of the following middle latitude climate types is the result of the influence of ocean currents in the presence of mountains?

Tropical, wet, dry

Which of the following countries did not join the League of Nations?


Picture: Buying Victory Garden Seeds in New Jersey, 1943 This photograph shows an example of—

U.S citizens contributing to the war effort.

What effect did the sinking of the Luisitania have on WWI?

U.S public opinion shifted against Germany

In the 1960s which action of the Black Panthers was MOST DIFFERENT from the philosophy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr?

Using armed patrols to protect neighborhoods

Addition to cotton, the Texas panhandle region depended upon which of the following cash crops?


Which group(s) of people were originally responsible for selecting the members of the U.S Senate?

state legislatures

The "shot heard around the world" refers to

a shot fired when a British guard surrounded rebelling colonists.

How did the White Ribboners contribute to U.S society during the late 1800s?

by leading efforts to achieve prohibition and women's suffrage

How were these rights formally obtained? -suffrage for African American men -suffrage for women -suffrage for 18-year-old men and women

by ratifying constitutional amendments

Section 251 of the USA Patriot Act of 2001 -Allows the federal bureau of investigation to search for "tangible things" without probable cause -allows search warrant to be issued for any U.S citizen believed to be involved in terrorist activities. This act has caused conflict between----

individual rights and the authority of the government to maintain national security

Which of the following questions would most likely be asked by a historian concerned with the philosophy of history?

should history be measured by changes in individual lives or by larger political trends

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