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The fetal cardiac should occupy _______ of the fetal thorax. 1/4 2/3 1/2 1/3


Which of the following days does the late proliferative phase of the menstrual cycle occur out of the 28 day cycle? 1-5 20-28 10 -14 15-20

10 -14

The discriminatory zone for FIRP for transvaginal visualization of a gestational sac on ultrasound is: 800 mIU/ml -1200 mIU/ml 1000 mIU/ml -2000mIU/ml 3600 mIU/ml 1800 mIU/ml

1000 mIU/ml -2000mIU/ml

Nuchal translucency is measured between the gestational age of 16 -21 weeks 14- 16 weeks 11-13wks 6 days 10wks 6 day

11-13wks 6 days

During what week of gestation should medial rotation of the lower limbs occur? 6 18 12 10


What gestation age can the bladder first be seen? 10 weeks 8 weeks 16 weeks 12 weeks

12 weeks

How many cells does a morula contain? 15-20 10 -17 2-8 12-15


Which of the following endometrial thickness measurement represents the upper limit of normal in the premenopausal patient? 14 mm 8 mm 24 mm 5 mm

14 mm

At what gestational age does the kidneys become the predominate manufacturer of amniotic fluid 16 weeks 26 weeks 5 weeks 12 weekd

16 weeks

Sonography's role in assisting patients who have had IVF after day 8 of treatment should measure follicles that are ________________. greater than 10mm 18mm-22mm all follicles should be measured 11 mm


According to the March of Dimes, what is the risk in the US for having a baby with a chromosomal abnormality? 1:250 1:30 1:150 1:100


What is the number of primordial follicles a female is born with? 100,000 200,000 20,000 300,000


Which needle gauge would be most appropriate for a fine needle aspiration? 18 22 16 22


How many pairs of chromosomes do humans have? 46 23 69 45


In a normal pregnancy, the hCG should double every _______________ in the first trimester 48 hours 72 hours 24 hours 36 hours

48 hours

Hepatic artery thrombosis is most common to occur during the first __________________ post transplant. 3 months 6 week 2 week 6 days

6 week

Which month of gestation should the testicle be present in the scrotal sac? 4 months occurs at birth 7 months 3 months

7 months

For a correlation of carotid angiography and noninvasive carotid testing the specificity was calculated at 94.6% and the sensitivity was calculated at 90.3%. The overall accuracy can be: 92.3% 24.3% 95.1% 88.5%


A 75% diameter reduction is equivalent to which circumferential area reduction? 90% 50% 94% 99%


What percentage of pulmonary emboli originate from lower extremity deep venous thrombosis? About 50% >90% 75% 25%


Which of the following characteristic of Potter's syndrome is not seen sonographically? hyperechoic kidneys Large cystic masses Oligohydramnios enlarged kidneys


Which of the following is the common for a renal anomaly? Ectopic Insertion Extrarenal Pelvis UPJ obstruction Dilated urete


Which of the following ureter obstructions is not seen in a male fetus? Ureteral stricture Extraremal pelvis Ectopic insertion Posterior urethral valve


The use of improper Doppler settings can result in: A false positive for stenosis Will provide a fall negative for stenosis Artifact Will over or underestimate the results

A false positive for stenosis

Which of the following is characteristic of a pelvic kidney? A normal appearance in an abnormal location Anormal appearance in a normal location an irregular shape An abnormal appearance in a normal location

A normal appearance in an abnormal location

What is a karyotype? A picture of chromosomes and how they look structurally The person's physical appearance A chromosomal abnormality A screening exam for the first trimester

A picture of chromosomes and how they look structurally

Which of the following is a common complication caused by a biopsy of a renal transplant kidney? Urioma Seroma Lymphocele AV Fistula

AV Fistula

Which of the following commonly occurs from a renal transplant from a cadaver? Lymphoma Acute Tubular Necrosis fromToxicity Acute Tubular Necrosis from ischemia Rejection

Acute Tubular Necrosis fromToxicity

What is a common sonographic finding in a patient who is in renal failure immediately following a renal transplant? nephrocalcinosis hypernephroma Acute tubular necrosis perirenal fluid collection

Acute tubular necrosis

At what point does the renal length correlate to the gestational age? After 12 weeks gestation After 33 weeks gestation After 24 weeks gestation After 30 weeks gestation

After 24 weeks gestation

Which of the following is a complication of an immunosuppressant used to prevent renal transplant rejection? All of the options provided are complications of an immunosuppressent drug Cancer Toxicity Lymphoma

All of the options provided are complications of an immunosuppressent drug

Male infertility can result from prostatitis prostatic lesion All options provided blocked seminal vesicles

All options provided

Which clinical finding can be associated with parathyroid adenoma? Pancreatitis HTN All options provided Cholelithiasis

All options provided

Which of the following are Theca Lutein cysts associated with? All options provided multiple gestations hypestimulation of the ovaries molar pregnancy

All options provided

Which of the following are considered to be germ cell tumors? All options provided Dysgerminoma cystic teratomas immature teratomas

All options provided

Which of the following in an indication for a hip sonograms? family history of displacement foot deformity All options provided increased birth weight

All options provided

Which of the following is a risk factor for developing hip displasia? All options provided family history female breech position oligiohydramnios

All options provided

A renal sonogram is performed and an echogenic well-defined mass is identified in the renal cortex. This is characteristic of which of the following? Junctional defect Dromedary hump Angiomyolipoma Renal stone


In the sequential images below the arrows are pointing to ________________type of cardiac anomaly. Mid Muscular VSD Apical VSD Perimembraneous VSD Muscular VSD

Apical VSD

Xanthomas are found in association with which tendon? radial Archilles supraspinatus biceps


In which of the following vascular conditions would you expect to see a tardus parvus waveform? Venous Thrombosis Arterial stenosis Open vessel Arterial blockage

Arterial stenosis

All of the following are complications of a renal transplant except: Urioma Biloma Hematoma Lymphoma


The image below is diagnostic for: Bladder diverticulum Bladder cysts Ureterocele bladder cance

Bladder diverticulum

Laboratory results completed to assess a patient for bleeding abnormalities include all of the following except: international normalized ration C-reactive protein prothrombin time activated partial thromboplastin time

C-reactive protein

A sonographer is scanning a fetus and notices the heart is not in its normal position and the surrounding tissue is complex with an increase in echogenicity associated with cystic structures as seen in the image below. This is diagnostic for: Cystic Fibrosis CCAM Carcinoma Diaphragmatic hernia


Which of the following has the option to provide a double kidney transplant? One kidney from a living relative and one from a non relative Cadaver Auto Living Donor


The identification of dilated cardiac chambers is indicative of: Valvular stenosis Normal Volume overload Cardiomyopathies


Which of the following is not caused by valvular incompetence? Stasis dermatitis Leg swelling Ulceration Cellulitis


The most important reason for performance of quality assurance is: Reputation of the interpreting physician Consistency in examination accuracy for patient management Reputation of the sonographer Marketing of the facility is enhanced

Consistency in examination accuracy for patient management

The adrenal gland can be divided into which of the following parts: Cortex and medulla Fundus and body major and minor calices Pelvis and sinus

Cortex and medulla

Identify the syndrome that is associated with an adrenal mass Cushing's syndrome Graves' disease Frohlich's syndrome Murphy's syndrome

Cushing's syndrome

A small T-shaped uterus is associated with which of the following? septate uterus unicornuate uterus DES exposure bicornuate uterus

DES exposure

Which of the following is considered a form of thyroiditis that is viral in nature and can present with fever and pain? Grave's Disease De Quervains Hashimoto's Disease Takayasu's Disease

De Quervains

The position of the fetal heart is referred to as ________________ , when the heart apex points to the left, but is positioned in the right hemithorax. Dextroposition Normal position Levopostion Mesoposition


If a sonographer is scanning and notices that the stomach is seen within the thoracic cavity, the assumption can be made that there is a Omphlocele Diaphragmatic hernia Gastroschisis normal anatomical position

Diaphragmatic hernia

In the NASCET criteria, the measurement of the ICA diameter for the denominator is obtained at: Proximal to the bulb region Distal to the bulb region Proximal to the area of stenosis Outer walls at the area of stenosis

Distal to the bulb region

in reviewing the sonographic image below, the sonographer can determine that the patient had a: Ectopic kidney Tranplanted kidney located next to the native kidney Double transplant Crossed ectopia renal anomaly

Double transplant

Which of the following complications from a renal transplant would ultrasound not be helpful in diagnosing? None of the options provided Drug Toxicity and Rejection Just Rejection Just Drug Toxicity

Drug Toxicity and Rejection

A cardiac anomaly where a downward displacement of the tricuspid valve creating a small RV and a large RA is referred to as: Ebstein's anomaly Hypoplastic right heart Hypoplastic left ventricle none of the options provided

Ebstein's anomaly

Which structure sits posterior to the left lobe and lateral to the trachea? CCA Esophagus Strap muscles IJV


Which of the following arises from the Ostium of the IVC Eustachian valve Thebesian valve Moderator band Tricuspid valve

Eustachian valve

The fetal bladder empties approximately Every 15 minutes Every 5 minutes The bladder can empty at any time Every 25 minutes

Every 25 minutes

Which of the following symptoms relates to hyperthyroidism? Excessive Sweating Hair loss Constipation Weight gain

Excessive Sweating

A cystic mass that extends from the renal pelvis to outside the renal capsule is: A renal artery aneurysm A parapelvic cyst A duplex collecting system Extrarenal pelvis

Extrarenal pelvis

The non-invasive test was negative and the Gold Standard was positive. What is this called? True positive True negative False negative False positive

False negative

Please mark all of the appropriate answers. The hypothalamus is responsible for which of the following? Follicle stimulating hormone releasing factor (FSHRF) luteinizing hormone (LH) Luteinizing hormone releasing factor (LHRF) follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)

Follicle stimulating hormone releasing factor (FSHRF) & Luteinizing hormone releasing factor (LHRF)

Which of the following is the 2nd most common type of thyroid cancer? Papillary Carcinoma Medullary Carcinoma Anaplastic Carcinoma Follicular Carcinoma

Follicular Carcinoma

Which of the following abnormality is generally identified by a halo surround it? Follicular adenoma Cysts Goiter Papillary Carcinoma

Follicular adenoma

Which of the following is not considered part of the fetal circulation? Ductus Venosus Foramen of Winslow Foramen Ovale Ductus arteriosus

Foramen of Winslow

A renal sonogram is performed on a 30 year old patient with right flank pain, elevated BUN, and creatinine. The findings in the image below are consistent with all of the following except: A stone in the ureter an enlarged prostate Bladder mass Gallstones


A pregnant female patient is scanned because of an increase of maternal serum alpha-feto protein. The sonographer notes free floating bowel and a right sided abdominal wall defect. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis? Omplalocele Pentralogy of Cantrell Gastroschisis Bladder and Cloacel Exstrophy


The kidneys, the perinephric fat, and the adrenal glands are all covered by which of the following? Glisson's capsule Gerota'a fascia Peritoneum True capsule

Gerota'a fascia

Which one is not evaluated in the ultrasound of the knee? Glenohumeral joint Thigh muscles IT band Prepetellar bursa

Glenohumeral joint

Lymphoma in the thyroid has an association with which thyroiditis? De Quervains Acute Graves Hashimoto's


Patients at risk for developing deep vein thrombosis are those who: Have atherosclerosis Had hip surgery 9 months ago Recently lost weight Have metastatic disease

Have metastatic disease

Which of the following is considered to be a primum septal defect? left to right shunt Inferior portion of the atrial septum lacks fusion with the AV junction Tricuspid regurgitation located in the anterior portion of the septum

Inferior portion of the atrial septum lacks fusion with the AV junction

What is the junction of the endocervical canal and the endometrial canal called? isthmus cornua external os Internal os

Internal os

The thickness of the right ventricle in the fetus is: Is similar thickness to the atria Is greater in thickness in comparison to the left ventricle Is thinner in comparison to the left ventricle Equal in thickness to the left ventricle

Is greater in thickness in comparison to the left ventricle

A correlation of a noninvasive test to its gold standard yields a sensitivity of 93%. Which of the following statements regarding the specificity is correct? It must be greater than the sensitivity It must be equal to the sensitivity It must be a value from 0 to 100% It must be less than the sensitivity

It must be a value from 0 to 100%

What is a ureterovesical junction? Junction between the renal pelvis joins the proximal ureter Junction between the distal ureter and the base of the bladder Junction between the renal pyramids and the distal calyces Juncetion between the ejaculatory ducts and uretha

Junction between the distal ureter and the base of the bladder

Which of the following cardiac structures is closest to the fetal spine? Right atrium Left ventricle Left atrium Right ventricle

Left ventricle

Which of the following liver transplant causes the most complications for the recipient? Living Auto Cadaver Living and Cadaver both equally have a risk for increased complications

Living and Cadaver both equally have a risk for increased complications

Which of the following neck muscles is seen posterior to the thyroid gland? Sternocleidomastoid muscle Strap muscle Longus Coli Muscle Hyoid muscles

Longus Coli Muscle

Patients with hypothyroidism presents with: High T4 and Low TSH High T4 and High TSH Low T4 and high TSH Low T4 and Low TSH

Low T4 and high TSH

A cold nodule on a nuclear medicine test is suggestive of: Inflammation Benign Calcifications Malignancy


Where are the renal pyramids found? Renal sinus Renal pelvis Cortex Medulla


The failure of which ____________________structures results in a didephys uterus? Mullerian ducts Wolfian ducts fallopian tubes none of the options provided

Mullerian ducts

Boyd's perforating vein is located: In the proximal thigh In the distal thigh In the lower calf Near the knee

Near the knee

What is a malignant tumor of the adrenal gland found in children called? Lymphoma Neuroblastoma Nephroblastoma Hepatoma


Which of the following is the most common cancer that occurs in patients that receive a liver transplant? Melanoma Lung Gastrointestinal Nonmelanoma


A sonographer is scanning a 28 week gestational fetus and has identified a unilateral kidney. Which of the following should the sonographer expect to find during the exam? Polyhydramnios A small kidney Normal amniotic fluid Oliohydramnios

Normal amniotic fluid

Which of the following imaging modalities is more sensitive to cancers? MRI Nuclear Medicine PET Scan Ultrasonography

PET Scan

Which of the following is most likely to increase a females risk for infertility? History of ovarian cysts using contraceptives for more than 5 years Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) having a retroverted uterus

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)

Characteristic of an anterior diaphragmatic hernia, midline abdominal wall defect, cardiac defect, a defect of diaphragmatic pericardium, and a lower sternal defect is associated with which of the following abdominal wall defects? Pentralogy of Cantrel Bladder and coacel exstrophy omphalocele Gastroschisis

Pentralogy of Cantrel

Which term is used when the donor's suprahepatic IVC is anastomosed to the recipient's IVC in an end to side manner? Partial PTLP Piggy back Complete

Piggy back

Boyd's perforators connect the GSV to the: Common femoral vein Great saphenous vein Posterior tibial vein Popliteal vein

Popliteal vein

Which of the following renal obstructions is only seen in males? UPJ obstruction Ectopic ureter placement Posterior Urethral Valve obstruction Ectopic Ureterocele

Posterior Urethral Valve obstruction

The soleal sinuses drain into which vein? Greater saphenous Gastrocnemius Popliteal Posterior tibial

Posterior tibial

Which vein may not normally have a spontaneous Doppler signal? Popliteal External iliac Femoral Posterior tibial

Posterior tibial

Which of the following veins have the most valves? Common femoral vein Inferior vena cava Posterior tibial vein Common iliac vein

Posterior tibial vein

Why is it necessary to add progestin therapy in a postmenopausal patient who has not had a hysterectomy progestin protect against heart attacks Progestin counteracts the endometrial proliferation caused by continuous estrogen stimulation, thereby, decreasing the risk for uterine cancer progestin helps reactivate the ovaries and relieves the symptoms of menopause progestin protects from getting osteoporosis

Progestin counteracts the endometrial proliferation caused by continuous estrogen stimulation, thereby, decreasing the risk for uterine cancer

Which of the following commonly occurs from a renal transplant from a cadaver? Lymphoma Acute Tubular Necrosis fromToxicity Acute Tubular Necrosis from ischemia Rejection


Which other systems should be sonographically evaluated when a uterine anomaly is detected? cardiac Renal vascular Liver


An increase in the first trimester nuchal translucency raises the concern for all of the following except: diaphragmatic hernia Renal obstructive anomaly chromosomal abnormalities cardiac abnormality

Renal obstructive anomaly

Staghorn calculus refers to a large stone within which of the following? Hepatic duct Renal pelvis of the kidney Urinary bladder Neck of the gallbladder

Renal pelvis of the kidney

What is a hypertrophired column of Bertin? Complication of a renal transplant Benign tumor of the kidney A common cause of hydronephrosis Renal variant

Renal variant

Which one would not be a clinical indication for ultrasound of the shoulder? subdeltoid and subacrominal bursitis biceps tendonitis and lenosynovitis Retrocacaneal bursitis rotator cuff tears

Retrocacaneal bursitis

Which of the following cardiac structures is closest to the fetal spine? Right atrium Left ventricle Left atrium Right ventricle

Right ventricle

Which of the following is a function of the prostate? hormone secretion spermatozoa production testosterone production Secretion of the seminal fluid

Secretion of the seminal fluid

The most common atrial septal defect is: Primum Septal defect Unroofed coronary sinus defect Sinus Venosus septal defect Secundum septal defect

Secundum septal defect

The ability of a test to detect disease when it is really present is called: PPV Specificity Sensitivity Accuracy


Which uterine wall layer is the also called the perimetrium:? none of the options provided Serosa Endometrium Myometrium


Which laboratory test is used to assess renal function? Serum bilirubin Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) Serum Amylase Serum creatinine

Serum creatinine

Venous ulcers are typically: Deep, regular-shaped, and painful Shallow, moist, and located at bony prominences Shallow, moist, and above the medial malleolus Deep, red , and scaly

Shallow, moist, and above the medial malleolus

Which is not a risk factor for DVT? Surgery Smoking Age Cancer


Where does an acute DVT usually originate? In the superficial venous system Soleal sinus of the calf In the posterior tibial veins Only in the femoral vein

Soleal sinus of the calf

A hematoma or abscess that has the potential to displace the uterus posterior is located in which of the following spaces? Pouch of Douglas Space of Retzuis Anterior cul-de-sac Posterior cul-de-sac

Space of Retzuis

Which of the following Doppler waveforms from the popliteal vein would suggest congestive heart failure? Spontaneous, phasic flor Spontaneous, pulsatile flow Spontaneous, non-phasic flow Absence of flow

Spontaneous, pulsatile flow

Virchow's triad includes: Aging, cancer, and bedrest Stasis, hypercoagulability, and intimal injury Stasis, aging, and venous injury Aging, hypercoagulability, and intimal injury

Stasis, hypercoagulability, and intimal injury

More than four parathyroid glands is termed? Supernumerary Hyperplastic Ectopic Pyramidal


When evaluating a transplanted kidney for perfusion, the sonographer must: To apply pressure to obtain the best image Just take an image of the upper pole of the kidney Also demonstate prefussion in the non functioning kidney Take precautions not to press to hard

Take precautions not to press to hard

A fetus with an overriding aorta, RV hypertrophy, pulmonary stenosis, and a VSD is diagnostic for: Tetralogy of Fallot Truncus arteriosis Pulmonary atresia Transposition of the great vessels

Tetralogy of Fallot

The kidneys begin to produce urine at The end of the 2nd trimester The end of the 1st trimester 16 weeks gestation 8 week gestation

The end of the 1st trimester

Which type of cyst is associated with an excessive hCG level? corpus luteum cyst Theca Lutein cyst follicular cyst All options provided

Theca Lutein cyst

A cystic lesion that is seen midline within the neck is most suggestive of: Thyroid cyst Thyroglossal duct cyst Brachial cyst Trachea

Thyroglossal duct cyst

Micrognathia is associated with Trisomy 21 Triploidy Trisomy 18 Turner's syndrome

Trisomy 18

The noninvasive test was negatie and this result was supported by the Gold Standard. This is called: False negative True positive True negative False positive

True negative

Which of the following anomalies is associated with a single truncal valve, and the pulmonary arteries arise off of the truncal valve or the descending aorta? Truncus Arteriosus Pulmonary Atresia Transposition of the great Vessels Tetralogy of Fallot

Truncus Arteriosus

An infant was referred for a hip ultrasound due to a clack that was heard on a clinical exam. The sonographer measured an alpha angle of <50 degrees. This is most likely suggestive of: Type II normal Type I Type III

Type III

Which type of ADPKD is the adult form? Type 1 Type IV Type II Type III

Type III

A 23-year-old female patient presents for a pelvic sonogram with a history of a right adenexal mass palpated on the clinical exam. The sonographer identified a mass in the right adenxa that is complex in appearance including an echogenic foci that casts a strong shadow. The would be most consistent with which of the following pathologies: mucinous cystadenoma endometrioma cystic teratoma corpus luteum

cystic teratoma

Contraindications for performing of an interventional procedure includes all of the following except: patient on anti-coagulant therapy prolonged prothrombin time elevated WBC patient is unable to sign the consent

elevated WBC

With subluxation of the biceps tendon, the bicipital groove will appear: full of fluid normal empty echogenic with a fibrillar pattern


The internal os is located at the junction of: endocervical canal and vaginal canal cervical canal and endometrial canal cervical canal and vaginal canal endocervical canal and endometrial canal

endocervical canal and endometrial canal

A 72 year-old female presents with bleeding. The sonographer notes an endometrium thickness measurement of 12 mm. This would be most suggestive of: adenomyosis endometriosis normal finding endometrial cancer

endometrial cancer

Which of the following represents the most common cause of abnormal bleeding in pre-menopausal and post menopausal women? uterine leiomyomas uterine cancer endometrial polyps endometrial hyperplasia

endometrial hyperplasia

Which of the following ovarian pathology is associated with cyclic pain and dysparunia? endometrioma inclusion cyst Theca Lutein cyst paraovarian cysts


Renal Pelvis dilatation is considered to be abnormal after 24 weeks gestation if the measurements are equal to or greater than .7cm equal or greater than 12mm equal or greater than 4mm equal or greater than 4cm

equal to or greater than .7cm

The ovarian follicles produce: estrogen FSH luteinizing hormone Progesterone


Which of the following hormones is responsible for abnormal proliferation of the endometrium? follicle stimulating hormone progesterone estrogen lutenizing hormone


How many lobes is the prostate divided into? four three five two


Post transplant examination of a liver transplant should include images of ______________ anastomotic areas for patency and evidence six seven five four


What effects do high levels of FSH have? growth and maturation of the endometrium growth and maturation of the corpus luteum growth and maturation of ovarian follicle stimulates ovulation

growth and maturation of ovarian follicle

A 19-year-old female presents for a pelvic sonogram because of a positive pregnancy test. The beta hCG level were 800mlU/ml (FIRP). There is no sonographic evidence of an intrauterine gestation sac. Which of the following is true? hCG level is above the discriminatory zone, therefore, it should be assumed the patient has a ectopic pregnancy. hCG levels do not relate to sonographic findings and are irrelevant hCG level is markedly elevated,it is worrisome for trophoblastic disease hCG level is below the discriminatory zone, therefore, the pregnancy may be too early to detect sonographically.

hCG level is below the discriminatory zone, therefore, the pregnancy may be too early to detect sonographically.

Possible complications associated with interventional procedures include all of the following except: pseudoaneurysm arteriovenous fistula pneumothorax hamartoma


When scanning the Achilles' tendon, the foot should remain: hanging comfortable prone off the bed or chair extended supine flexed

hanging comfortable prone off the bed or chair

What is the most common location for a spermatocele? head of the epididymis tunica vaginalis tail of the epididymis body of the epididymis

head of the epididymis

A 12-year -old female patient presents for pelvic sonography with pelvic pain. The patient states that she has not started menstruating yet, and is not sexually active. The sonographer identifies a large fluid collection within the uterine and vaginal cavity. This finding is consistent with which of the following? endometrial cancer cervical stenosis hematometrocolpos septate uterus


The vaginal canal's sonographic appearance is a highly reflective canal with a hypoechoic outer muscular layer highly reflective canal with a hyperechoic outer muscular layer A bright echogenic line surrounded by hypoechoic areas hyporeflective canal

highly reflective canal with a hypoechoic outer muscular layer

What is the sonographic appearance of the testicular mediastinum? hypoechoic anechoic complex hyperechoic


If a normal parathyroid can be identified sonographically, its echo texture will be what in compared to the thyroid gland? hyperechoic hypoechoic heterogenous complex


Which of the following best describes prostate cancer? echogenic hypoechoic sonographically variable anechoic


Which of the following is responsible for the production and secretion of gonadatropin releasing hormones? uterus hypothalamus ovaries Pituitary gland


Which of the following bones create the pelvic girdle? posteromedial aspect of the femoral head ischium, pubis, acetabulum ilium, ischium, femoral head ilium, ischium, pubis

ilium, ischium, pubis

A teflon coated biopsy needle improves needle tip visualization because it: increases scattering decreases non specular reflection increases specular reflection decreases artifactual echoes

increases scattering

Which of the following is proper patient position for hip exams? infant prone and leg straight infant supine and legs straight infant prone and legs straight infant supine and legs relaxed

infant supine and legs relaxed

Which of the following is a risk factor for ovarian CA? premenopause family history of lung cancer multiparity infertility


If the physician's request is for evaluation of cryptorchidism, the sonographer should pay particular attention to which area? rete testis epididymal head inguinal canal epididymal tail

inguinal canal

The proximal portion of the fallopian tube that enters the cornua of the uterus is the: ampulla infundibulum interstitial isthmus


The shortest portion of the fallopian tube is the: ampulla infundibulum isthmus interstitial


Which of the following is the junction of the uterine body and the cervix? vagina isthmus cornua fundus


Patients having endorectal prostate sonography are commonly examined in which of the following positions? left lateral decubitus position the trendelenburg position Fowler's position an erect position

left lateral decubitus position

The left testicular vein drains into which of the following veins left internal iliac vein inferior vena cava prostate vein left renal vein

left renal vein

A 34 year-old female of African descent presents with irregular, heavy periods. The sonographer notes a diffusely enlarged uterus containing multiple hypoechoic masses. This would be most consistent with: PID uterine cancer endometriosis leiomyomas


The postmenopausal endometrium without hormone replacement therapy should measure: less than 5 mm the endometrium varies between 8-10mm greater than 5 mm

less than 5 mm

A 24 year old female presents for a sonographic evaluation of the pelvis to rule out a mass in the left adenxa. On the transverse image of the uterus, the sonographer notices the uterus fundus is located left of the midline. Which of the following terms is used to describe this positional variant? dextroverted retroverted levoverted anteverted


Which of the following is a gonadatropin? follicle stimulating hormone estrogen luteinizing hormone progesterone

luteinizing hormone

Transverse images at the base of the prostate are used to: image the urethra measure the diameter image the seminal vesicles image the transitional zone

measure the diameter

What is the main nerve of interest in carpal tunnel syndrome? ulna nerve radial nerve suprascapular median


The thyroid gland during embryology: descends to the thorax and lies posterior to the sternum stays in position it forms migrates superiorly from the sternum to just superior to the clavicles migrates inferiorly in the midline and just superior of the clavicles

migrates inferiorly in the midline and just superior of the clavicles

The false pelvis contains: adnexa ovaries mostly bowel uterus

mostly bowel

Adduction is defined as: move toward the medial move away from the medial rotate lateral rotate medial

move toward the medial

The fusion of these paired embryologic ducts are responsible for the formation of the uterus. wolfian uterine mullerian gartners


Which of the following is most suggestive of ovarian malignancy? mural nodules increased vascular supply anechoic thin septationsmural nodules

mural nodules

Image optimization can be achieved with all of the following except: use of needles with the teflon coating on the tip needle placement with the sound beam parallel to the needle focal zone placement at the level of the lesion use of compound imaging

needle placement with the sound beam parallel to the needle

Which structures assist the sonographer in locating the ovaries common femoral artery external iliac artery and veins iliopsoas muscles internal iliac artery and veins

nternal iliac artery and veins

Rheumatoid arthritis can cause all the above except: hyperemia erosion tendinosis numbness and tingling

numbness and tingling

Which of the following is responsible for the production and secretion of estrogen and progesterone? hypothalamus ovaries pituitary uterus


Which of the following infertility treatments is not considered assisted reproductive technique? IVF ZIFT GIFT ovulation stimulation with clomiphene citrate

ovulation stimulation with clomiphene citrate

Mittelschmerz is: pain that occurs prior to menstruation pain that occurs at ovulation pain that occurs at the end of menstruation pain that occurs during menstruation

pain that occurs at ovulation

Interventional procedures for pallative therapy are performed for: cytology histology evaluation progression of disease patient comfort

patient comfort

Early acute liver allograft refection is often demonstrated by: portal vein thrombosis hepatic artery thrombosis hepatic artery stenosis portal vein stenosis

portal vein thrombosis

How do high levels of estrogen affect FSH? production of FSH from the ovaries will increase production of FSH from the ovaries will decrease production of FSH from the hypothalamus will increase production of FSH from the pituitary will decrease

production of FSH from the pituitary will decrease

The corpus luteum produces: progesterone luteinizing hormone FSH estrogen


The urine pregnancy test is a: qualitative affirmation quantitative analysis provides the discriminatory zone none of the options provided

qualitative affirmation

The ability to distinguish a corpus luteum cyst from a follicular cyst is determined by which of the following characteristics? somewhat layered thick wall All options provided ring of fire

ring of fire

A 30 year-old male presents with unilateral enlargement and no pain. This is characteristic of which of the following? seminoma abscess cryptochidism torsion


Which of the following hormone replacement regiments demonstrates cyclic variations in endometrial thickness in the post menopausal uterus? estrogen cream continuous estrogen daily progestin and estrogen sequential therapy

sequential therapy

Which of the following represents the most common form of ovarian cancer? serous cystadenocarcinoma Brenner tumor dysgerminoma endometrial tumor

serous cystadenocarcinoma

Which of the following is not an adverse reaction to general sedation? cardiac arrhythmias pneumonitis hypotension skin rash

skin rash

Which of the following describes the appearance of of a seminoma of the testicle large, multilocular cystic mass small cystic mass diffuse enlargement of the testicle solid homogenous mass

solid homogenous mass

Where is the acetabular labrum located? posterolateral aspect of the femoral head lateral surface of the ilium superolateral aspect of the femoral head posteromedial aspect of the femoral head

superolateral aspect of the femoral head

Which of the following double walled tubular structure surrounds some tendon? bursa synovial sheath nerve ligaments

synovial sheath

What medication is a thrombolytic agent? Heparin Aspirin Warfarin tPA


Which intratesticular tumor is more prevalent in the pediatric age group? teratoma embryonal sertoli seminoma


Cell free DNA examines placental fluid none of the options provided tests for fetal cells in maternal serum tests for fetal cells in the amniotic fluid

tests for fetal cells in maternal serum

A 7 year-old female presents for a pelvic sonography because of premature secondary characteristic development. The sonographer notes a pear-shaped uterus with the fundus proportionately larger than the cervix, and 2 cm ovarian follicle. This would be most consistent with which of the following? the patient should be evaluated for associated congenital renal anomalies this is a normal finding in pediatric patients the findings are associated with true precocious puberty the findings are characteristic of precocious puberty

the findings are associated with true precocious puberty

Which of the following best describes the dual blood supply to the ovaries? the ovarian artery which originates from the internal iliac artery, and the gonadal branch from the spiral arteries the ovarian artery which originates from the aorta, the ovarian branch of the uterine artery the internal and external ovarian arteries, which branch off the internal iliac artery the ovarian artery which branches off the common iliac artery, and the gonadal artery which branches off the aorta

the ovarian artery which originates from the aorta, the ovarian branch of the uterine artery

A patient presents with acute scrotal pain and unilateral enlargement. A sonographic examination is performed and the testicular parenchyma is hypoechoic with decreased vascular flow. This is consistent with which of the following? varicocele epididymitis torsion orchitis


Benign prostatic hypertropy usually occurs in the: central zone anterior lobe peripheral zone transitional zone

transitional zone

Which maneuver gives a sonographic appearance of a flower? coronal with neutral hip position transverse with neutral position of hip coronal with hip flexion transverse with hip flexion

transverse with neutral position of hip

Fluid collections commonly associated with liver transplants include all of the following except: seroma urinoma ascites biloma


Which of the following contraceptives devices prevents the female from ovulating? post-coital contraception barrier contraceptives vaginal ring none of the options provided

vaginal ring

What is the term for enlargement of the veins in the spermatic cord? varicocele spermatocele veinocele hydrocele


Vater is an acronym for what group of abnormalities. vertebral, abdominal wall, thorax, extremity, radial aplasia Vascular, abdomen, thoracic spine, esophageal, renal vascular, anal , TE fistula, radial aplasia vertebral, anal, TE fistula, renal anomal

vertebral, anal, TE fistula, renal anomalies

Phalen's sign is an indication for sonography of which joint? wrist ankle shoulder elbow


The two stages of an embryo is called a/an: blastocyst zygote oogonia morula


The brachial veins connect the: Ulnar and radial veins to the axillary vein Radial vein to the axillary vein Ulnar and radial veins to the subclavian vein Ulnar vein to the cephalic vein

Ulnar and radial veins to the axillary vein

The image below is diagnostic for: Bladder cyst Foley catherter Ureterocele Diverticulum


Exstrophys of the bladder is described as Where the bladder is externalized onto the abdominal wall Abnormal kidney being more common in females Observing oligohydramnios

Where the bladder is externalized onto the abdominal wall

Double renal transplants use kidneys from which of the following donors? Older adult with full functioning kidney Young child with full functioning kidneys Young child with marginally functioning kidneys A young adult with marginally functioning kidneys.

Young child with marginally functioning kidneys

What is a dominant graafian follicle referred to as if it becomes 3.0 cm or greater? complex cyst corpus luteum a cyst hemorrhagic cyst

a cyst

What is the ultrasound appearance of a normal tendon? a fibrillar pattern that is compact and thin a fibrillar pattern of hyperechoic parallel lines on a longitudinal image scicular pattern that is hypoechoic hypoechoic parallel lines separated by bright fasia

a fibrillar pattern of hyperechoic parallel lines on a longitudinal image

Which of the following is commonly included in the sonographic features of acute prostatitis ? a midline anechoic mass a hypoechoic nodule on the peripheral zone a hypoechoic gland with anechoic areas unilateral enlargement of the seminal vesicle

a hypoechoic gland with anechoic areas

During the consent process, the time out/procedural pause describes: a pause after the consent has been signed to review the order, patient, and procedural being performed a pause after the consent has been assigned to allow patients to use the restroom to prevent interruptions during the procedure a pause after the consent has been signed to double check that all of the required equipment is available a pause during the procedure to allow the pathology/cytology technician to review the sample to insure an adequate diagnosis

a pause after the consent has been signed to review the order, patient, and procedural being performed

CVS is performed at what gestational age? after 10 weeks after 8 weeks 6-8 weeks Before 9 weeks

after 10 weeks

At what gestational age would it be appropriate to diagnose an abdominal wall defect? after 14 weeks any week before week 14 between 12 and 14 weeks between 8 and 10 weeks

after 14 weeks

Which of the following is not a characteristic of Eagle- Barrett Syndrome Abnormal development of urinary tract Lack of abominal muscles agensis of the ovariaes Undescended testes

agensis of the ovariaes

A sonographer is performing a routine ultrasound on a 20 week gestational fetus, and notices floating membranes and cannot identify the right hand. This is most likely suggestive of Pentralogy of Cantrel omphalocele Gastroschisis amniotic band syndrome

amniotic band syndrome

The sonographic findings of the "three-line sign" indicates which of the following? an endomtrium is the post ovulatory phase an endometrium during menses an endometrium immediately following menses an endometrium in the periovulatory phase

an endometrium in the periovulatory phase

The artifact that gives the sonographer incorrect information on the tendon's integrity due to the sound beam not being perpendicular to the central axis is called: anisotrophy apodization attenuation refraction


Fluid collections commonly associated with renal transplant include all of the following except: ascites lymphocele urinoma abscess


The thin echogenic line of the endometrium is the ___________________ layer, and the surrounding hypoechoic area of the endometrium is referred to the ___________________ layer. basal/functional both are referred to as the basal layer both are referred to as the functional layer functional/basal


What is the most common prostate condition in a male over the age of 50? acute prostatis prostate cysts benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) carcinoma

benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH)

Where is the location of the retrocalcaneal bursa? between the Achlilles and superior calcaneus at the lateral gastrocnemius and posterior surface of the calcaneum in the heal between the skin and Achilles tendon Between the gastrocnemius and Achilles tendon

between the Achlilles and superior calcaneus

What sonographic technique should be used to help identify the kidneys on an ultrasound before 17 weeks gestation? Increase the gain change the position of the probe Apply Tinting decrease the gain

change the position of the probe

Which protocol does the sonographer keep the legs neutral with a 15 degree- degree flexion and see the ilium as a straight line? transverse with hip flexioin transverse with neutral position of hip coronal with neutral hip position coronal with hip flexion

coronal with neutral hip position

Sonographic evidence of a hypoechoic, irregular shaped structure within the ovary most likely represents which of the following? a secondary ovarian follicle graafian follicle primordial follicle corpus luteum

corpus luteum

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