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Which piece of evidence most strongly supports the correct answer to Question 7?

B. "Research on related children who did not grow up in the same environment shows that while genetics may set the baseline for intelligence, it does not determine potential."

Which sentence from the text most strongly supports the correct answer to Question 5?

B. "It is our people's way of showing the newborn respect, ensuring that he starts his life on the path of spirituality."


A counterargument is a viewpoint that opposes your main argument. Counterarguments are part of good persuasive writing and speaking strategy because they show that you've considered other points of view. They also set up the chance to refute the opposition and show why your position is the right one to have.


A statement put forth and supported by evidence

Which quote from the Point essay most strongly supports the correct answer to Question 5?

A. "I am the first to admit that genetics is not the whole story—but it is indisputably crucial. It is not a life sentence, but it is a very good predictor."

Which of the following statements best demonstrates the father's belief that the Western school does not appreciate his culture?

A. "You wanted to call him Wind, insisting that Wolf somehow must be his middle name."

What is most likely the main message Didion is trying to get across in the following passage (paragraph 2)? My daughter was making, that day in Chicago, an entirely unconscious, but quite basic assumption about people and the work they do. She was assuming that the glory she saw in the work reflected a glory in its maker, that the painting was the painter as the poem is the poet, that every choice one made alone—every word chosen or rejected, every brush stroke laid or not laid down—betrayed one's character. Style is character. It seemed to me that afternoon that I had rarely seen so instinctive an application of this familiar principle, and I recall being pleased not only that my daughter responded to style as character but that it was Georgia O'Keeffe's particular style to which she responded: this was a hard woman who had imposed her 192 square feet of clouds on Chicago.

A. Georgia O'Keeffe's art is an expression of self and one that her daughter happily embraced.

Which of the following best identifies the central idea of the essay?

A. O'Keeffe was a courageous artist who, in spite of criticism, should be celebrated for her strength and commitment to her style as an artist.

authors purpose

An author's purpose is his reason for or intent in writing. An author's purpose may be to amuse the reader, to persuade the reader, to inform the reader, or to satirize a condition. ... To relate a story or to recount events, an author uses narrative writing.

The following sentence, "He is caught between two worlds, torn by two distinct cultural systems," (paragraph 14) mainly shows that fill in the blank________________.

B. Both Indian and Western culture influence Wind-Wolf and he struggles to belong in each world.

How mainly does the author's description of O'Keeffe in paragraph 8 add to the essay's themes?

B. By revealing examples of adversity O'Keeffe faced which served to impact her work.

What is most likely a theme in "A Father's Plea"?

B. Cultural difference does not mean cultural disadvantage.

Which inference is most strongly supported by the answer to Question 7?

B. Didion expresses her admiration for O'Keeffe and celebrates her style.

Which of the following statements best summarizes why O'Keeffe painted "Cow's Skull: Red, White and Blue?"

B. O'Keeffe offered a different interpretation of what symbolized America.

Which of the following inferences is best supported by the passage below (paragraph 2)? At the age of 5, he has already been through quite an education compared with his peers in Western society. As his first introduction into this world, he was bonded to his mother and to the Mother Earth in a traditional native childbirth ceremony. And he has been continuously cared for by his mother, father, sisters, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and extended tribal family since this ceremony.

B. Wind-Wolf has received more education than his peers at this early age.

The Counterpoint author believes that the Flynn effect disproves the notion that intelligence is fixed at birth mainly because

B. if the worldwide average IQ increases over time, then IQ can't be determined genetically

Which meaning of foray most closely matches its meaning in the following passage (paragraph 13)? So you see, all of these influences together make him somewhat shy and quiet—and perhaps "slow" according to your standards. But if Wind-Wolf was not prepared for his first tentative foray into your world, neither were you appreciative of his culture. On the first day of class, you had difficulty with his name. You wanted to call him Wind, insisting that Wolf somehow must be his middle name. The students in the class laughed at him, causing further embarrassment.

B. verb | to go on an excursion

Which sentence or phrase from the text best supports the correct answer to Question 5?

C. "I made you take time to look at what I saw and when you took time to really notice my flower you hung all your associations with flowers on my flower and you write about my flower as if I think and see what you think and see—and I don't."

Which idea is best supported by both Point and Counterpoint texts?

C. An individual's intelligence is determined by both their genetics and their environment.

What is the author's reason for the statement (paragraph 10), "It takes time to adjust to a new cultural system and learn new things."

C. He offers an explanation for his son's behavior in school.

Which of the following selections best states a central idea of the Point essay?

C. Intelligence is inherited in one's genetic makeup, and is only slightly affected by one's environment.

What is most likely the main message the author is trying to communicate in paragraphs 2 and 3? At the age of 5, he has already been through quite an education compared with his peers in Western society. As his first introduction into this world, he was bonded to his mother and to the Mother Earth in a traditional native childbirth ceremony. And he has been continuously cared for by his mother, father, sisters, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and extended tribal family since this ceremony.From his mother's warm and loving arms, Wind-Wolf was placed in a secure and specially designed Indian baby basket. His father and the medicine elders conducted another ceremony with him that served to bond him with the essence of his genetic father, the Great Spirit, the Grandfather Sun, and the Grandmother Moon. This was all done in order to introduce him properly into the new and natural world, not the world of artificiality, and to protect his sensitive and delicate soul. It is our people's way of showing the newborn respect, ensuring that he starts his life on the path of spirituality.

C. The traditions, ceremonies, and care Wind-Wolf received by the age of five, served to introduce him to the spiritual world and demonstrate respect for the young

The Counterpoint author most likely includes the following passage to . However, studies of adopted children show that adoptees show some similarity in IQ both to their adoptive parents and to other children raised in the same household who are unrelated to them. In fact, a French study showed that transferring babies from impoverished households to wealthy ones improved childhood IQ scores by 12 to 16 points.

C. demonstrate that intelligence can be increased or decreased by a child's home and family

Which meaning of horizon most closely matches its meaning in the following passage (paragraph 8)?

C. noun | where the earth and sky meet

Which passage from the text best supports the correct answer to Question 7?

D. "My son, Wind-Wolf, is not an empty glass coming into your class to be filled. He is a full basket coming into a different environment and society with something special to share. Please let him share his knowledge, heritage, and culture with you and his peers."

What is most likely the main message Didion is trying to get across in the following passage (paragraph 6)?

D. Georgia O'Keeffe was a woman who spoke through her art, regardless of the critics and her conventional childhood.

Based on the passage below, the Point author most likely believes that . So even though people may say, "Oh, IQ tests are not valid because people have different intelligences and are good at different things," it seems clear that even if you believe that you are visually intelligent and do best on non-verbal tests, the odds are good that if you do well on those, you will also succeed on other forms of tests. If you take one of the many standard IQ tests, you will find that it includes a variety of types of tests whose scores are put together to make up your IQ score. So not only are you given a test that examines multiple intelligences, but you are also given a test whose various components correlate well.

D. IQ tests are a perfectly valid measure of intelligence.

Which of the following selections best states the central idea of the Counterpoint essay?

D. Intelligence is affected primarily by one's environment, rather than being determined solely by genetics.

The author's intention in the following passage (paragraph 8) is . At twenty-four she left all those opinions behind and went for the first time to live in Texas, where there were no trees to paint and no one to tell her how not to paint them. In Texas there was only the horizon she craved. In Texas she had her sister Claudia with her for a while, and in the late afternoons they would walk away from town and toward the horizon and watch the evening star come out. "That evening star fascinated me," she wrote. "It was in some way very exciting to me. My sister had a gun, and as we walked she would throw bottles in the air and shoot as many as she could before they hit the ground. I had nothing but to walk into nowhere and the wide sunset space with the star. Ten watercolors were made from that star." In a way one's interest is compelled as much by the sister Claudia with the gun as by the painter Georgia with the star, but only the painter left us this shining record. Ten watercolors were made from that star.

D. to explain O'Keeffe's artistic influences and how her work should be a celebrated record of those influences.


In literature, a claim is a statement that asserts something to be true. A claim can either be factual or a judgment. ... However, in literature, claims have a special function of presenting the author's main ideas or opinions which he or she can later support with more evidence.


The definition of "tone" in literature is the way the author expresses his attitude through his writing. The tone can change very quickly or may remain the same throughout the story. Tone is expressed by your use of syntax, your point of view, your diction, and the level of formality in your writing.

sentence transitions

Transition statements are a sort of signal. They are words, phrases, or sentences that connect one topic or idea to another in a paper or essay in a smooth, coherent way. They essentially let your reader know that you about to change directions.


make (an idea, impression, or feeling) known or understandable to someone.


combinations of parts into a whole

Fallacious reasoning

faulty or mistaken logic ,ruins arguments


irrelevant or unrelated to the subject being dealt with.


prove (a statement or theory) to be wrong or false; disprove.

Function (also known as purpose) -

the kind of action or activity proper to a person, thing, or institution; the purpose for which something is designed or exists; role.

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