Substance Abuse Midterm

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Anxiety disorders are common psychiatric diagnoses with...

alcohol and other drugs.

The third leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer is

alcohol misuse


alcohol, tranquilizers, barbiturates, and opiates

Harm reduction is _______________.

any positive change

Early American colonists used alcohol for all except...

as a deodorant

Naltrexone works by...

blocking brain activity that produces a high.


cocaine, crack, amphetamines (ADHD meds), nictoine, and meth

The drug court movement promotes what action with individuals whose legal problems are related to their addiction?

decarceration - treatment in the community

The annual rate of remission for individuals with co-occurring disorders is...


According to the DSM-5 what term replaced the word dependence?


About 90% of the world's heroin comes from?


According to the text, to understand the pain connected with the addictive and compulsive behavior, one must:

understand the pleasure side of the activity

Nicotine causes addiction in...

the majority of its users.

The highest age of alcohol consumption is found among...

21 year olds

What percent of patients treated at mental health centers have problems with alcohol and substance abuse?


"No wrong door" -

Integrated approach; no matter what door you enter, they will find a way to help you with your addiction

Mood disorders include:

Major depression, mania, hypomania, Bi-polar I, Bi-polar II, Dysthymia and Cyclothymia

Cross-tolerance -

Occurs if you are used to one substance your body will have tolerance for other drugs in their class

Tolerance reversal -

Occurs when the liver is so bad that it doesn't matabolize alcohol like it used to so you get drunk easier

Tolerance -

Occurs when the person no longer responds to the drug in the way that person initially responded

Withdrawal -

The process of ceasing to take an addictive drug

Interactionism is seen most vividly, according to the text, in

family system dynamics

Dual diagnosed population have a greater rate of...


A concept that is stressed in the text for its explanatory value is:


______________ is the basic principle that cause and effect interwined.


The behavior most clearly associated with the temperence movement was:

moderation of drinking

According to Hester and Miller's empirical research, the highest treatment effectiveness scores were obtained for

motivational enhancement

Marijuana activates the...

receptors in the brain involved in the increase of appetite.

Alcohol is most commonly used substance by individuals with...

severe mental disorders

According to the text, the following behaviors can become addictive except for:


A behavior pattern of compulsive substance abuse is the definition of:

the concept of addiction

According to the text, alcoholism is described in this book as an illness because:

the concept recognizes alcoholism as both a medical and social problem

As stated in the text, addiction is an illness of:

the mind, body, and soul

Which of the following treatment modalities was not highly rated in empirical research for effectivness?

use of educational tapes, lectures, and films

Antabuse is a drug...

used to treat alcohol abuse

Alcohol is the leading risk factor of death among...


What countries have the highest total per capita consumption in liters of alcohol?

Moldova and Czech Republic

The most effective method of treatment for individuals with low motivation is?

Motivational Enhancement

What are some effective treatments for alcohol dependence?

Naltrexone, behavioral counseling, and medication management in cases of co-occurring disorders.

Which of the following are NOT typical symptoms defined by the DSM-5 to diagnose substance use disorder:

Nervous facial tics

The DSM-5 has made the following change from the previous version of the DSM:

The term dependence will now be used only for physiological dependence

The inability to feel pleasure?


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