Substance Use and Misuse - EXAM 2 - Dr.Johnny Moore

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In the US, a standard drink (or one alcoholic drink-equivalent) is one that contains ________ of pure alcohol

0.6fl oz or 14 g

Type of Steroid and their effects: anabolic effects

- increased muscle mass - control of the distribution of body fat - increased protein synthesis - increased calcium in the bones - increased in the size of various internal organs

Frequent Cognitive Effects: Acute

- marijuana causes less dramatic effects: slowed cognitive processing, some maybe tolerant to cognitive effects

In the 1980s, the War on Drugs and Nancy Reagan's "_________" campaigns had cause widespread fear among parents

"Just Say No"

The War on Drugs has failed due to:

- Ineffective -Increases overdose

environmental-level interventions

- designed to change the campus and community envious where student drinking occurs - major goal is to reduce the availability of alcohol

Long term effects of Steroid Misuse:

- enlarged heart - high blood pressure - changes in blood cholesterol

Type of Steroid and their effects: androgenic effects

- features become more masc - initial growth of the penis and other male sex glands - deepening of the voice - increased facial hair

Infrequent Cognitive Effects: Acute

- marijuana disrupts cognitive performance: slowed cognitive processing, disrupted short-term memory, disrupted inhibitory control, loss of sustained concentration or vigilance, disrupted visuospatial processing


- process though which the legislature removes criminal sanctions against a crime - the drugs would remain illegal, but the legal system would not prosecute - the penalties would range from no penalties to a civil fine - the production and sale of decriminalized drugs is still prosecutable by law

Individual-level intervention

- target high risk groups - edu & awareness programs - cognitive behavioral sills based approaches - motivation and feedback-related approaches - behavioral interventions by health professionals


- the act of allowing something into law - allows for the removal of all specific drug-related offenses from criminal law - regulation are typically established to manage where and how the legal drug can be produced, sold, and consumed - criminal or civil penalties may apply if production, sale or consumption occur outside of regulations

Certain aspects of college life, such as __________, widespread availability of alcohol, inconsistent _______ of underage drinking laws, and limited interactions with parents and other adults can lead to the problematic alcohol use

- unstructured time - enforcement

LaGuardia Report, 1944

- use of marijuana did not induce violence, insanity or sex crimes, or lead to addiction or other drug use - concluded that marijuana use had less serious effects than commonly believed

What is the legal BAC limit

0.08 BAC

NIAAA defines binge drinking as a pattern of drinking alcohol that brings blood alcohol concentration (BAC) to _______

0.08% or higher

The most recent statistics from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) estimate that about ______ college students ages 18-24 die from alcohol-related unintentional injuries


Two major operations of the War on Drugs

1. Government seizures of large amounts of illegal drugs 2. Arrests of big-name drug traffickers

2 types of steroids are _______ and ______

1. corticosteroids 2. anabolic-androgenic steroids (anabolic)

Smoking has declined from 20.9% in 2005 to _____ in 2019


What is the half-life of marijuana?

19 hours

Sullivan Ordinance

1908, NYC made it illegal for a woman to use tobacco in public, but was vetoed shortly after

Joseph Robinson is credited with the first e-cig patent in what year?


What year was testosterone first synthesized


Which bill, co-authored by Biden, helped fund a new complex of state and federal prisons which helped fuel mass incarceration?

1994 Crime Bill

Biden, who chaired the influential Senate Judiciary Committee, later co-authored the controversial _______ that helped fund a vast new complex of state and federal prisons, which remains the larger in the world

1994 crime bill

Academic problems: about ______ students report experiencing academic difficulties from drinking, such as missing class or getting behind in schoolwork


Some research suggest that ____ college women experience sexual assault during their time in college


Complete elimination of THC and its metabolites may take ______

2 to 4 weeks

Portugal decriminalized drug possession in ______


What year did Portugal decriminalize drug possession?


Oregon Decriminalization of 2020. Marijuana Legalization: Since _____, the state has let adults 21 and older possess and grow marijuana


Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD): Approximately _____ of full-time college students (18-22) meet the criteria for past-year AUD


What is the lethal dose of nicotine in humans?


What are he two effects of testosterone?

Androgenic & anabolic

What are the names of the two types of cannabinoid receptors in the human body?

CB1 & CB2

Delta-8 has a slightly weaker attachment to which receptor compared delta-9.

CB1 receptor

Hemp has a lot more ______


The most common cannabinoids found in cannabis products are _______ & _____


Activation of these receptors also produce rapid increases in ________ levels within the skeletal muscle, heart, and brain cells


In 1996, ________ became the first state to approve the use of marijuana for medical purposes


The first state to approve the use of marijuana for medical purposes.


alcohol dependence

a strong craving for alcohol, the development of tolerance, and symptoms of withdrawal if alcohol consumption stops abruptly

The Marijuana Tax Act was replaced in 1970s by the _________

Controlled Substances Act (CSA)

What two theories are drug courts grounded in?

Disease Model & Rational Actor Model

Steroids do not trigger rapid increases in the brain chemical ______ which reinforces most other types of drug taking behavior


These are "Specialized court docket programs that target criminal defendants who have alcohol and other drug dependency problems".

Drug Courts


E-cigarette, or Vaping product use Associated Lung Injury

What is the name of the only FDA approved CBD medication?


What is the defining feature of the Controlled Substances Act of 1971?

Establishing schedules

The ______ doesn't oversee medical marijuana like it does prescription drugs


In 1969, the Supreme Court declared the Marijuana Tax Act unconstitutional as a violation of which amendment?

Fifth amendment

This process refers to increasing the amount of oxygen-carrying red blood cells in the blood

blood doping

This act grants the FDA the authority to regulate tobacco products

Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act of 2009

Which act required that all tobacco products have warning labels?

Federal Cigarette Labeling and Advertising Act of 1965

On April 17, 2019 Gov. Brian Kemp signed the ________ HB 423 - into law

Georgia Hope's Act

Patients in GA may access medical cannabis oil in-state with no more than 5% THC, thanks to which act?

Georgia's Hope Act

Cannabis can promote the release of a particular hormone that stimulates hunger. Which is called?


The number of new _____ diagnoses dropped dramatically


Stunted height

can occur if teens use steroids before their growth spurt

Stunted growth

can occur when high hormone levels from steroids signal to the body to stop bone growth too early

Cannabis is plant that makes a think substance full of compounds called _____.


Who published the first "anti-tobacco" piece of literature

King James of England in 1604

The first documented reference to an e-cig is a patent granted to ___________ in the 1930s

Joseph Robinson

In 1993, Environmental Protection Agency classified secondhand smoke as a known ___________


Marijuana smoke contains many of the ______ found in tobacco smoke


Tobacco was the most important __________ in colonial america

cash crop

D.A.R.E. was created from a collaboration between which 2 entities?

LA police department and LA school system

The alcohol and drug use was not the ________ of the mental illness, however, but rather a _____ that coincides with the undetected development of mental health symptoms

cause & behavior

Peliosis hepatitis

caused by bloody cysts in the liver

THC-9 is a highly _______ drug, meaning that it is rapidly absorbed and stored in the fat deposits of the body.


What is the single most avoidable cause of death in the US

cigarette smoking

What is the main difference between a cigar and a cigarette?

cigars are wrapped in a tobacco leaf, cigarettes are not wrapped in tobacco

This act made the possession or transfer of marijuana illegal. The first US attempt to specifically regulate marijuana.

Marijuana Tax Act of 1937

In 2016, the first-ever state-level decriminalization bill was introduced in which state?


Advocate says ________ (Drug Addiction Treatment and Recovery Act) replaces criminal justice-centered approach with a public health approach

Measure 110


combining two or more different steroids and mixing oral and or injectable types

Oregon Decriminalization of 2020: Those caught with small amounts of the drugs will be able to choose between a $100 fine or a "____________" through an addiction recovery center

completed health assessment

You must have a ______ that qualifies for medical marijuana use


The first U.S. state to decriminalize possession of "street drugs".


alcohol misuse

consumption to the point of physical, social, and moral harm to the drinker

alcohol abuse

continued use of alcohol despite negative consequences

Corticosteroids mimics the hormone ______


Monetary Benefits: Decriminalization would improve the ______ of limited public health resources


Define "Binge Drinking"

Pattern of drinking that brings BAC to 0.07% or higher in a short period of time

Which country has completed decriminalized drugs?


Most people who try marijuana never go on the use any other ________

illicit substances

There's no convincing evidence that even heavy, long-term marijuana use by adults permanently _______ or other cognitive functions

impairs memory

Time & Law Enforcement:_________ between law enforcement agencies and the communities they have sworn to protect and serve

improves relationships

How to make things diff across countries differing policies?


steroid misuse is closely associated with which body dysmorphic disorder?

muscle dysmorphia

Marijuana is categorized under which schedule?

Schedule 1

This term is used to describe substance that are used to improve any form of activity performance in humans.

performance enhancers


period of time during which a drinker is conscious but has partial or complete amnesia about events

Marijuana Trafficking on national level

person faces a mandatory 5 years imprisonment and a $50,000

Black Market does not exude physicians - often referred to as ______

pill mills

Effects are influenced by expectations

placebo effects

Demographic trends: _______ report different trend

political parties

The growth of DARE can be attributed to _______

politicians and school officials

Which law made it illegal for women to use tobacco in public?

Sullivan Ordinance

The facade of success

politicians and stakeholders did not want people to see DARE as anything less than a huge success

________ is a key example of the potential life-saving benefits of decriminalization


Marijuana mainly contains much more _______ than hemp


What are the 2 most common cannabinoids found in cannabis products?


Marijuana trafficking

possesses, grows, brings into the state more than 10 pounds of marijuana

On August 18, 2021 the US District Court for the Eastern District of Texas _______ the effective date of the "Required Warnings for Cigarette Packages and Advertisements" final rule


Define BAC and how it is measured.

The amount of alcohol in grams in 100 millimeters of blood, expressed as a percentage

Marijuana Trafficking on state level

potential of up to 30 years in state prison to a $100,000

Despite the criminal penalties associated with substance use, substance use in the US has not significantly changed. ________ being the only substance that has decreased.


Tobacco 21 or T21

prohibits the sale of tobacco products to any person under the age of 21, and requires FDA to adopt regulations to implement this change

In June 2011, the FDA released 11 ________ intended to promote behavior change

proposed graphic images

________ is strongly linked to the EVALI outbreak

Vitamin E

Oregon Decriminalization of 2020: Therapeutic psychedelics: through a separate ballot measure, Oregon allowed the supervised, therapeutic use of _______


Trained facilitators at a _______ will help administer and then supervise the psychedelic trip

psilocybin service center

The 2019 __________ found that among high school students, during the past 30 days 29% drank alcohol, 14% binge drank, 5% of drivers drove after drinking alcohol, 17% rode with a driver who had been drinking alcohol

Youth Risk Behavior Survey

CBD does not cause ____

a "high" feeling


a colorless volatile flammable liquid that is produced by the natural fermentation of of sugars and is the intoxicating component of wine, beer, spirits, and other drinks


a thin cylinder of finely cut tobacco rolled in paper for smoking

Mechanisms of Action: Mimics ___________ by acting at several nicotinic subtypes of cholinergic receptor site


There has also been substantial growth in public funding for health care and treatment for people who use drugs, due in large part to passage of the ________

affordable care act

Public Opinion: Support for marijuana legalization differs widely by _______

age and party

Most people diagnosed with severe mental illness have a history of _______

alcohol and/or drug use

Alcoholism is also known as...

alcohol dependence


alternating, overlapping, or substituting with another steroid to avoid developing a tolerance

Anabolic Steroids: Once receptor is activated your body starts to produce more proteins. This process is called ______


The process that synthesizes larger molecules from smaller ones?


Delta-8-THC is an _______ of delta-9-THC


Synthetic anabolic steroids were developed to have fewer ______ effects and more _____ effects

androgenic & anabolic

Synthetic anabolic steroids where developed to have fewer ________ effects and more _______ effects

androgenic & anabolic

Some of the unique chemicals in marijuana, such as cannabidiol (CBD) seem to have ________

antispychotic properties


are a result of a common reaction to alcohol toxicity characterized by headache, stomach upset, thirst, and fatigue

Rational Actor Model

assumes people weigh the benefits of their actions against the potential consequences of those action

In 1975, The Olympics add anabolic steroids to its list of ________

banned substances


psychotic symptoms prior to using marijuana

4 stages of withdrawal: stage 3

delusions, disorientation, delirium, and amnesia

Implications of WoD: Government seizes large amounts of drugs - higher prices may not dampen the ______ of the substance


Drug criminalization also fuels mass ________

detentions and deportations

Marijuana as a schedule 1 substance: Biden's reforms ______ the schedule status of marijuana

did not change

Alcohol has a ______ physiological effect


Risk of a fatal crash due to driving under the influence is ______


Marijuana is the most ___________ & __________ drug in the U.S.

easily accessible & popular illicit

The strongest predictor of cigarette smoking behavior is ______


For a notable number of people, marijuana is an _______ in drug use


Currently, the only CBD product approved by the Food and Drug Administration is a prescription oil called ______


Chemical name for alcohol


Chemical name of alcohol


New evidence suggests that marijuana can even serve as an _______

exit drug

What comes with legalization? It establishes a process for ________ all cases for simple possession


Public Opinion: Approximately, 9 in 10 Americans _____ some form of marijuana legalization


As a violation of the ________, since a person seeking the tax stamp would have to self-incriminate

fifth amendment

CB1 receptors

found in the central nervous system

CB2 receptors

found in the peripheral nervous system

Steroid: any of a class of natural or synthetic organic compounds characterized by a molecular structure of 17 carbon atoms arranged in _______

four rings

Food Intake: marijuana intake can promote the release of the hormone

gherlin: which stimulates hunger

On Sept 5, 2018 the judge order FDA to speed up _________ for cigarettes

graphic warnings requirement

4 stages of withdrawal: stage 2

hallucinations, which are auditory, visual, tactile, or a combination of theseL and, rarely olfactory signs (smell)

Nicotine can be _____________ in large enough doses

highly toxic

The physiological effects of cannabis intake depend on _____

how someone is using it

Difficult for researchers to obtain and study because it is often _____


legal access does not mean _____

increased use

Hookah is a popular _______ used to smoke tobacco


Smoking during pregnancy can have long lasting effects on both the ______&______ development of children

intellectual and physical

Testosterone effects: androgenic

involved in the development of male characteristics

Testosterone effects: anabolic

involved in the growth of many tissues, especially bone and muscle

Roid Rage

is a kind of manic rage that has been reported by some steroid users

Cigarette Smoking ____

is the chief, single, most available cause of death in the US

Marijuana as a schedule 1 substance: options for congress #1 "amend the CSA to move marijuana to a _______ schedule"

les restrictives

The legal limit of BAC

less than 0.08

Use of nicotine increases the activity of ___________ that are responsible for nicotine deactivation

liver microsomal enzymes

Potential Harms of Decorum: More drugs = ______

lower prices

Cannabidiol (CBD) products claim to help _______

manage chronic pain, inflammation, migraines, epilepsy, autoimmune diseases, depression, and anxiety

Steroids is also a term used to refer to ___

manmade medicines that mimic the chemicals naturally produced by our bodies

CBD & THC can be found in both ______ & ______

marijuana & hemp

in 2016, the first ever state level decriminalization bill was introduced in ________, and a similar version of that bill was re-introduced in 2017


Use is closely associated with distorted make body image - most specifically, ________

muscle dysmorphia

Marijuana as a schedule 1 substance: options for congress #2 "Create an entirely ____ schedule for marijuana"


Tobacco naturally contains ______, which is the main cause for tobacco addiction


There is ________ evidence that marijuana causes some psychiatric disorders in otherwise healthy individuals


does alcohol kill brain cells?


There is _______ that cannabis causes mental health problems

no evidence

No ______ have been reported

no human overdose deaths

Withdrawal: DSM-5 has ________ of cannabis withdrawal

no listing

Close to 80% of federal and 60% of state prisoners who are incarcerated for drug offenses are black or Latino. Most for _____ crimes like possession or small-time dealing to support their habit.


Demographic trends: education is _____ a great discriminator in people's use of marijuana


As part of the __________, 1990, anabolic steroids became listed on Schedule 3 controlled substance

omnibus crime control act

Research suggest that cigars are more likely to _____ cancer, and cigarettes are more likely to cause ______ cancer

oral & lung

The goal of blood doping is to increase the amount of the _________ in the blood

oxygen-carrying red blood cells

THC binds with receptors, mostly in the brain, that control _________

pain, mood, and other feelings

The federal government holds a ____ on marijuana for the purpose to treat traumatic brain injury


problem drinking

pattern of use that impairs the drinker's life, causing personal difficulties and difficulties for others

Disease model

people with a SUD use drug compulsivity - despite negative consequences

In a 1994, interview published in Harper's Magazine, Nixon adviser John Ehrlichman suggested _______ was among the motives shaping the drug war

racial animus

Marijuana as a schedule 1 substance: Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) ______ petitions to reschedule


Cannabis use is ____________

relatively safe

Marijuana as a schedule 1 substance: options for congress #3 "______ it entirely from the CSA"


In 2022, Biden announced reform to federal marijuana policy which plans to ______

remove civil limitations (such as restrictions on the right to vote, sit on a jury, etc)

Anabolic steroids are categorized under which schedule

schedule 3

4 stages of withdrawal: stage 4


Barry Bonds

set the single season home run record (73)


slowly increasing the dose or frequency of steroid misuse, reaching a peak amount, and then gradually tapering off to zero

Most countries' drug laws exist on a ______ between criminalization and decriminalization


Medical treatment is usually sought in stage ______, as rapid intervention with a sedative drug will prevent stage 3 or 4 from occuring

stage 1 or 2

Which stage of alcohol withdrawal syndrome involves hallucinations?

stage 2

What stage of alcohol withdrawal syndrome includes delusions, disorientation, delirium, and amnesia?

stage 3

What stage of alcohol withdrawal syndrome includes seizures?

stage 4

Marijuana Tax Act of 1937

state laws made possession and use illegal

Nicotine has both ______&______ effects

stimulant and calming

Analog Drug

substances that are chemically similar to other illegal or illicit drugs

In 2001, the ________ of the US placed DARE in the category of "ineffective primary prevention programs"

surgeon general


taking multiple doses for a period of time, stopping for a time, and then restrating

In 1935, _________ was first synthesized and was used to treat hypogonadism (testosterone deficiency)



the active chemicals in medical marijuana; are similar to chemicals the body makes that are involved in appetite, memory, movement, and pain

Loss of brain tissue: degenerative disorder caused by the lack of ______ (Vitamin B1)


this law prohibits the sale of tobacco products to anyone under the age of 21

tobacco 21 or T21

Most convicted federal drug offenders are sentenced for violation of drug ______ laws rather than simple possession


Drug court benefit: integrates drug ______ with other rehabilitation services


Portugal: the policy was part of a comprehensive health-oriented approach to addressing problematic drug use that also included a major expansion of ________

treatment and harm reduction services

4 stages of withdrawal: stage 1

tremors, rapid heartbeat, hypertension, heavy sweating, loss of appetite, and insomnia

In 1969, the United States Supreme Court declared the Marijuana Tax Act as ________


Drug court critics say: drug court research is often ______


Which substance is strongly associated with EVALI?

vitamin e acetate

The Federal Cigarette Labeling and Advertising Act of 1965 required ___________

warning labels

DARE's original curriculum ______ created by substance misuse and prevention specialist

was not

Derek Chauvin's murder trial, the former officer's defense claimed aggressive police tactics were justified because of small amts of fentanyl in George Floyd's body - critics described the argument as an attempt to "_______" Floyd's substance use disorder


Marijuana as a schedule 1 substance: gap between federal and state marijuana policies

which would include how financial institutions may provide banking services to marijuana -related businesses

CDC states that ______ people used marijuana at least once in 2019


Public Opinion: _____ of U.S. adults say either that marijuana should be legal for medical and/or recreational use


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