Subtest II:Science

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The fourth stage of mitosis in which the chromosomes' centromeres dissolve and sister chromatids are pulled toward opposite poles of the cell-AWAY See photo


They are flowering plants that bear their seeds within fruits. Ex: grasses, palms, lilies, and orchids, wheat


Largest artery that carries blood from the heart to the body. It is the vessel that connects to the heart's left Ventricle. Blood that enters the _______has just finished traveling through the lungs to the heart, and is freshly oxygenated, ready for its journey throughout the body. The main artery leaving the heart.


Blood vessels that lead away from the heart to the extremities.


It is a type of reproduction that one parent is involve. All of the genes come from a single parent, so the offspring are genetically identical to the parent.

Asexual Reproduction

Made up of billions of ________s, the _____ _____ lies between Mars and Jupiter-divides the first four planets and last four planets. First four planets form the inner Solar System. Beyond the ____ ____, in the outer Solar System, lie the rest of the planets (four).

Asteroid Belt

Sometimes called minor planets or planetoids, are bodies, primarily of the inner Solar System, that are smaller than planets, but larger than meteoroids, excluding comets. The difference between _________ and comets is made by visual appearance; when discovered, comets show a perceptible coma (head) of bright light while asteroids do not.


Is a layer of air that surrounds the earth's surface. The ______ is made up of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water vapor, as well as tiny amounts of many other substances.


They are made up of several tiny parts. The most basic block of matter.


Involves the direct effect of atmospheric chemicals or biologically produced chemicals (also known biological weathering) in breakdown of rocks, soils, and minerals. Examples: 1) Dissolution: Dissolving by water, gas, or solution. 2) Oxidation: Oxygen reacts with iron to form iron oxide (rust) 3) Moss or plants growing in between cracks or on top of it (biological weathering)

Chemical Weathering

Found in plants cells and eukaryotic algae that conduct photosynthesis. Special leaf structure called ________ contain green pigment called chlorophyll. The pigment absorbs light energy from the sun. This energy is used to combine water from the soil and carbon dioxide gas from the air into sugar. During this reaction, oxygen is given off and released into air ( this process of photosynthesis is responsible for the oxygen we breath) Capture light, and are members of a class of organelles known as plastids.

Chloroplast (only in plant cells)

It pumps and carries oxygen and nutrients carried by the blood throughout the body. The blood is composed of PLASMA-red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. The PLASMA is the liquid component of the blood that carries the blood cells. Red blood cells carry oxygen. White blood cells fight infection and disease. Platelets stop bleeding by forming blood clots. The heart pumps the clean oxygen carrying blood through blood vessels called ARTERIES that carry it out to blood vessels called CAPILLARIES. When blood passes through CAPILLARIES it gives up oxygen and nutrients to the cells of the body. It also picks up water and waste products including carbon dioxide. The blood passes from CAPILLARIES to blood vessels called VEINS. The VEINS carry blood to to the kidneys and skin, where water and certain waste products are sent out of the body through urine and sweat. Then the veins take the blood back to the heart. The blood is then sent to the lungs to exchange carbon dioxide for oxygen. Then the cycle repeats.

Circulatory System

When air rises, it goes to lower pressure where it expands and cools. If enough water vapor is in the air it will read its dew point and condense to form a cloud.


Large areas of cold air moving together in the same direcion

Cold Air Masses

Occurs when cold air pushes under warm masses. Since the warm air is lighter, it is pushed up above the cold air. The rising warm air cools and condenses, sometimes causing rainstorms and mild temperature.

Cold Front

Is a small Solar System body that orbits the Sun and, when close enough to the Sun, exhibits a visible coma (head) of bright light-both primarily from the effects of solar radiation upon the comet's nucleus. _______ nuclei are themselves loose collections of ice, dust, and small rocky particles, measuring a few kilometers or tens of kilometers across. ________ are thrown from these outer reaches of the Solar System inwards the Sun by gravitational influence from the outer planets or nearby stars, or as a result of collisions.


When one species benefits and the other is not affected, but is not harmed either. Ex: Whale and barnacles: Barnacles are non-moving sea creatures. They rely on currents to bring food past them in order to eat. When some barnacles attach to sides of a whale, they have a greater advantage position in life. These barnacles benefit by receiving transportation all over the ocean, which exposes them to more currents and feeding opportunities.


The study of body structure shows the similarities between different animals.

Comparative Anatomy

Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet ROY G. BIV

Components of White Light

Are formed by the chemical combinations of two or more elements in a fixed ratio. Chemically combine two or more elements in such a way that we can break them again through chemical reactionEx. Water is made up of molecules with the composition of H2O. One water molecule is built from two atoms of Hydrogen and one atom of Oxygen. Ex. Table salt is a ____________ composed of one atom of sodium and one atom of chloride (NaCl, sodium chloride). P.266


High in the atmosphere, particles of water move slowly because it is very cold. These water particles lose heat energy and collect together in clouds. See Photo


Is the geological theory that the relative position of the continents on the earth's surface have changed considerably over time, and that each continent is a fragment of an ancient super continent hat geologists call Pangaea.

Continental Drift Theory

Occurs when hot air is less dense than cool air and therefore rises. When the heat moves in a circular pattern, _______ currents are formed. Heat can be transferred by the circulation of fluids due to buoyancy from changes in density. Familiar examples are the upward flow of air due to a fire or hot object, the circulation of water in a pot that is heated from below.


It is also called collision boundary. Two plates are moving towards each other and colliding-objects hitting each other with strong force. When two continental plates (are made of granite and other felsic rock) the impact is so significant that that the material in the subduction zone is pushed upwards-this is how mountain ranges are form ex. Himalayas in Asia. They form strong earthquakes, volcanic mountains, or islands when the oceanic plate melts.

Convergent Boundary

The Earth's rotation causes winds on the surface (not just on the north and south). The Earth's rotation causes the deflection (divert) of both wind and water currents. In the Northern Hemisphere wind is directed to the right and in the Southern Hemisphere wind is deflected toward the left.

Coriolis Effect

Clear front surface of the eye. It is like a window that allows light to enter.


Gases that can transition directly to a solid, such as the formation of frost on grass overnight-small crystals form on surfaces due below zero temperature


When sediments are deposited in a different location by natures (wind or water)


It take up about one-third of the earth's land surface. They usually have a large diurnal (day) and season of a temperature range, with high daytime temperatures, and low night time temperatures (due to extremely low humidity). Many ________ are formed by rain shadows; mountain blocking the path of precipitation to the desert.


Water that condenses on surfaces when the temperature cools enough to change water vapor into liquid-the dew point.


The cytoplasm of plant cells also contains plastids, bodies with chlorophyll that carry out photosynthesis. Cell plants have cell walls to give them support and rigidity to plant cells-keep them upright. Wall cells look like rectangular or hexagonal appearance. The cell wall protects the cell. Animal cells don't have wall cells. They don't have a define shape, looking soft and squishy blobs.

Differences in animal cells and plant cells

Water, like the ocean, has a high specific heat, so it changes temperature slower. Land, like sandy beaches, has a low specific heat, so with the amount of heat, increases temperature more quickly compared to water. This property of land and water is not only responsible for blowing wind, but for more severe weather like thunderstorms monsoons.

Differential heating between water and land

Food is broken down in the mouth by the action of chewing. The food mixes with SALIVA which is produced by the SALIVARY GLANDS. The food and saliva mixture moves down the PHARYNX which is a passage that connects the back of the mouth and the nose to the ESOPHAGUS. The esophagus is a tube that leads to the STOMACH. Acid and ENZYMES breaks down the food in the stomach and passes into the SMALL INTESTINE, where BILE is introduced from the LIVER and the food is broken down into nutrients and waste. The nutrients are separated and enter the BLOOD STREAM. The waste is then passed to the LARGE INTESTINE where it is then excreted out of the body.


It is a collection of organs or cells in an organism's body to break down food.

Digestive System

The continents of earth disrupt water bodies, and so this can produce different tidal patterns like semidiurnal or _______. One tidal cycle per day, which means only one high tide and one low tide each day. Example: Golf of Mexico


A fault where two plates are moving away from each other. Plates pull apart forming mild earthquakes and volcanoes as magma comes to the surface.

Divergent Boundaries

Are defined as not large enough to have "cleared orbital region of other objects"-they do not "clear the neighborhood" when they are orbiting the sun. Five dwarf planets have been discovered: Ceres, Haumea, Makemake, Pluto, and Eris. Four of these dwarf planets ,except Ceres, are located in the Kuiper Belt.

Dwarf Planets

Travels in an orbit that is slightly elliptical (oval), and so the distance from the sun ranges from 91.5 to 94.5 million miles. Its daily rotation deforms the earth to a flattened sphere, with a polar radius slightly less than the equatorial radius.


If resources are destroyed ,through climate, predation, or pollution, growth of certain populations may be limited. It can happen suddenly, or gradually, over time

Environmental Alteration

They occur twice a year, when the tilt of the earth's axis is oriented neither from nor to the sun, causing the sun to be located vertically above a point of the equator. Derived from Latin meaning equal + night because the night and day are equally long. The Northern Hemisphere, the March _______, is called the Vernal ________. While in September the it is called Autumnal ______. In the Southern Hemisphere it would be the opposite of whatever the _____ is in the Northern Hemisphere.


Is the carrying away or displacement of solids (sediment, soil, rock, and other particles), usually by the agents of currents such as wind, water, or ice by downward or down-slope movement in response to gravity. It occurs when a rock particle (loosened by one of the two weathering process) moves down slope due to gravity. _________ agents are: water, wind, and glaciers.


Stream erosion carries and deposits material. Waves strike rock cliffs and split bedrock. Waves also scour away rock by grinding of sands and pebbles.

Erosion: Water

Wind erodes by glacial abrasion, deflation, and deposition.

Erosion: Wind

Solar, chemical, electrical, magnetic, nuclear, sound, light, and electromagnetic.

Forms of Energy

D=M/V or Density=Mass/Volume

Formula for finding density on an object

_________ provide evidence that a great variety of species existed in the past. They are usually found in sedimentary rocks. They can be used to study past climates and environments.

Fossil Record

Traces of ancient life preserved in the strata as shells, footprints, and the like. _______ differ from older strata than more recent deposits. Strata deposited during once geological period contain characteristic life forms different from those of any other period.


Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins, Nucleic Acids

Four Types of Organic Compounds in Living Environment

The process which an organism splits into pieces and each piece develops into a new organism. Ex: starfish, worms


How fast the wave vibrates or goes up or down. ________ and wavelength are inversely related, meaning that a low ________ wave has a long wavelength and vice versa.


Is where two or more masses meet. Two types: Cold Fronts and Warm Fronts


The side of the moon facing the Earth is now completely lit by the Sun.

Full Moon

The main function of a female parts is to catch the pollen and deliver the sperm inside the pollen to the egg that is waiting to be fertilize. They also house the eggs.

Function of a female part of a flower

The main function of a male part of the flower is to produce pollen grains. -POLLEN grains contain sperms which will fertilize the egg and create a seed to sprout the next generation of plants. -STAMEN: main part of the male. It is divided into two parts the anther and filament -Anther: it produces the pollen grains that contain the sperm needed for fertilization. -FILAMENT: supports the anther See photo

Function of a male part of the flower

Blood enters the right Atrium from the body, moves to the right Ventricle, is sent to the lungs for oxygenation (more oxygen), returns to the left Atrium, moves to the left Ventricle, and is bumped there to the rest of the body. See video-Atrium: Heart Function and Definition

Function of the Heart

They include molds, yeasts, and mushrooms. They lack chlorophyll and thus are incapable of manufacturing food, so they either parasites, preying on other living organisms, or saprophytes, existing on waste products and decaying organism.


These plants lack true roots, stems, and leaves.

Fungi and Algae

Opposite of fission. ______ provides energy when very light nuclei unite to heavier nucleus. Ex. Stars (including the sun) derive their energy from nuclear _______.


Collections of billions of stars, gas and dust held together by gravity.


Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune Beyond the Main Belt, in the outer Solar System, lie the four known as the gas giants.

Gas Giants Planets

They expand to fill up any available space. It is compressible (make it compact). Its volume determined by pressured and temperature of the environment. The volume varies inversely with the pressure, a relationship known as Boyle's Law. If pressure increases, the volume decreases. The reverse is true as well. Molecules spread really far apart and move at high speeds.


It is a record of Earth's geologic history as scientist have come to understand by studying the layers in rock. Four eras in the _____ ______ _____. Precambrian, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, Cenozoic.

Geological Time Scale

It is the science that describes and interprets the earth. It classifies the materials that make up the earth, observes their shapes and distribution, and tries to discover the process that caused the materials to be formed in that manner.


The seeds end up in the ground. It needs air, water, and soil to grow. When a seed starts to grow is called ______. The first growth will be roots and then stems.


Is the scraping away of surface particles from rock debris embedded along its base as the ice grinds over the ground. By extracting rock (plucking) being pushed out from the glacier bed.

Glacial Abrasion

When white light (including sunlight) is refracted by a _______, it is separated into its components colors as a beautiful spectrum.

Glass Prism

It is a natural phenomenon by which objects with mass attract one another. It is responsible for keeping the earth and the other planets in their orbits around the sun; for keeping the moon in its orbit around the earth; for the formation of tides; for convention (hot fluids rise); for heating the interiors of forming stars and planets to very high temperatures


They are cone-bearing plants (including pines) with seeds exposed on cone scales. No flowers. Ex: pines, conifers, ginkos


Refers to various properties of matter in the solid phase that gives it a high resistance to its shape changing when force is applied.


An organ made of mostly muscle. It is necessary to pump blood throughout the body. It has four chambers: Two Atria located at the top of the heart. Two Ventricles located at the bottom of the heart.


The spontaneous transfer of thermal energy through matter, from a region of higher temperature to a region of lower temperature. Heat energy is transferred from one material to another by direct contact. Metals are good _______of heat. Hot things always cool down, while cold things warm up to match their surroundings. Ex: if a cup of coffee is stirred with a metal spoon, the spoon will quickly get hot through__________. The molecules in the coffee make the atoms in the spoon vibrate quickly.

Heat Conduction (Thermal conduction)

Organisms that eat others to survive-herbivores, predators, and decomposers


As the moon pulls the ocean, the earth itself is also pulled toward the moon but with less strength. This pulls the Earth away from the water on the opposite side of the Earth, making the water on that side bulge as well, but not as much as the other side since is further (call it high tide too). Therefore, high tide occurs on both sides of the planet at the same time. Meanwhile the earth is rotating. So, we experience tides throughout the day. See Photo C----B----A

High Tide

Cold, dense air stays low, preventing the buildup of rain clouds. This means drier-than-usual conditions in the eastern Pacific.

High pressure systems

Large areas of hot air moving in the same directions

Hot Air Masses

Theory that high heat energy below the crust causes volcanoes. Also known as "mantle plumes". This is a place where magma pushes upward through the crust as the surface moves over it. It's like a conveyor belt (like a treadmill, but this belt transports;used in factories) of mountain building. The islands of Hawii were formed this way and are still active.


A compound that does not contain carbon and hydrogen bond(CH) Tend to be minerals Most but not all contain a metal. Since they contain a metal they can conduct electricity They have many uses in the world like pesticides Examples: water,coating on clothing and shoes, chemicals

Inorganic Compound

A group of specialized organs dedicated to the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. When you breath in, you take oxygen present in the air through your nose. The air passes through your nostrils. Then the air travels through the windpipe, also called TRACHEA.The trachea filters the air inhaled. The trachea branches out to two tubes called the called BRONCHI that leads to the LUNGS. The lungs are elastic organs that filter oxygen into the blood streams. The right lungs has three lobes and the left side has two lobes. The lobes are filled with tiny air sacs called ALVEOLI. The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide happens in the alveoli. It is in the alveoli that blood picks up oxygen and let go carbon dioxide. Beneath the lungs there is a dome shape muscle called DIAPHRAGM which contracts when you breath in, and expands when you breath out. It also separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity.

Respiratory System

It converts the light into electric signals. It perceives the world as upside down.


Is a natural flow of water, usually freshwater, traveling toward an ocean, a lake, or another stream. In some cases, a _______ flows into the ground or dries up completely before reaching another body of water-sea or ocean. Lagers streams are called _______, smaller streams are called creeks, rivulets, rills, and many other terms. A _____ is a component of the water cycle.


Both are eukaryotic cells-similar celss. The cell membrane is semi-permeable, allowing some substances to pass while excluding others. The cytoplasm, varies in consistency from a fluid to a semisolid. Cytoplasm consist of the Centrosome that participates in cell division, Ribosomes for constructing proteins, Mitochondria that conduct metabolism, Golgi bodies involved secretion, and Vacuoles used in digestion. see photo

Similarities of animal cells and plant cells

A mechanical device that changes the direction or size of a force. ________ can use this energy to lift, cut, or move masses.

Simple Machines

It takes place when the moon passes between the earth and the sun, with the moon blocking the sunlight for about two minutes. It can be seen only from a small zone on the Earth. (moon between earth and sun) See photo

Solar Eclipse

Ability to retain their shape. Particles are packed closely together, and they don't move freely. When heated and vaporize they melt slightly.They become _______ when cooled sufficiently.


Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars They are small and rocky and form the inner Solar System.

Terrestrials Planets

Organisms that feed (get their energy) on smaller primary and secondary consumers. Ex: The snake eats the rat. The Hawk eats the rat.

Tertiary Consumers

Not only does the Earth rotate around the Sun every year but, the Earth spins in circle every 24 hours. This is what we call a day. However, the Earth doesn't spin in a straight up and down manner relative to the Sun. We are slightly tilted. In scientific terms, we are tilted 23.5 degrees from our orbital plane with the Sun. See photo

The Earth is Tilted

It has two major effects: the angle of the Sun to the earth and length of the days. For half of the year the earth is tilted such that the North Pole is pointed towards the Sun. For the other half of the year, the South Pole is pointed at the Sun. When the North Pole is angled toward the Sun, the days on the Northern part of the planet (north of the equator) get more sunlight or longer days and shorter nights. With longer days the northern hemisphere heats up and gets summer. As the year progresses, the Earth's tilt changes to where North Pole is pointing away from the Sun producing winter.

The Earth's Tilt

Lever, Pulley, Inclined Plane, Screw

The Four Classical Simple Machines

The sun initiates the water cycle. The sun's rays warm the oceans, changing water into water vapor through the process of EVAPORATION. Evaporation allows water from rivers, lakes, streams, etc., to escape into the atmosphere. When the vapor cools, it condenses into tiny droplets that form clouds. The clouds eventually release the water in the form of precipitation (rain, snow, sleet, etc.) that falls back to Earth. The water is either absorbed into the ground or runs off into rivers and streams. The cycle then repeats itself.

The Hydrologic Cycle

_____________ must be older than the rock they are in. Chunks, pieces of another layer (like a chocolate chip cookie; chocolate chips where there before the cookie was baked) are older than the layer that they are in. Example: conglomerate layer has pebbles within the layer of conglomerate. This means that the pebbles are older than the layer that they are in. Where the pebbles came from, another layer, it was deposited first.

The Law of Inclusions

Sedimentary layers are deposited horizontally. If they are not is because something happen to cause the rock layers not to look horizontally-deformation includes folding, faulting, and tilting.

The Law of Original Horizontality

The layers of rock on the bottom are older. The top layers are younger.

The Law of Superpositon

More than one trillion comets make up the _____ _____. A giant spherical shape surrounding the sun, planets, and Kuiper Belt objects. It's like a big bubble with thick walls around our solar system.

The Oort Cloud

Darwin's book that included the following key points: -Survival of the fittest: individuals that are more fit (or better able to survive and reproduce) -Natural Selection -Evolution of species over time. -Genetic variation through geographic isolation.

The Origin of Species

It arranges all of the known elements from left to right and top to bottom in order of increasing atomic number, and they generally coincide with their increasing atomic mass. Rows are arranged with similar properties fall into the same vertical columns to form groups or families. Ex. Fluorine and chloride are highly reactive gases that form strong acids in solution. Helium, neon, argon are inert, "noble" gases that do not form chemical compounds. The table contains 117 chemical elements whose discoveries have been confirmed. Ninety-four are found naturally on the earth, and the rest are synthetic elements that have been produced artificially in particles accelerators. P.266

The Periodic Table of Elements

A model used to describe the creation, alteration, and destruction of the rocks from magma. A group of changes. See photo

The Rock Cycle

At the center of the the _____ _____, the powerful gravitational force of the Sun holds the eight planets in orbit around it. It contains at least five dwarf planets: Ceres, Pluto, Makemake, Haumea, and Eris. See photo

The Solar System

It is measure of the acidity or basicity (containing a base) of a solution. The _____ is not an abolute scale; it is relatively to a set of standard solutions whose _______ is established by international agreement. Solutions with a _____ less than 7.0 are said to be acidic, and solutions with a _____ greater than 7.0 are said to be basic or alkaline. ______ measurements are important for medicine, biology, chemistry, food science, environmental science, oceanography, and many more applications.

The pH Scale

Heat can be converted to motion, and motion can produce heat. Ex: The air blowing out from a haridryer is hot because electrical energy is converted into ______ ______.

Thermal Energy

Is electromagnetic radiation produce and discharged from the surface of an object, which is due to the object's temperature.________ _________ is generated when heat from the movement of charged particles within atoms is converted to electromagnetic radiation. When infrared radiation is absorbed by an object, it is changed to heat. Ex: electric heater, burning charcoal, fire

Thermal Radiation

About 12 miles thick at the equator and 5 miles thick at the poles. More than half the atmosphere's gases, water vapor, and dust particles are in the first 4 miles. We live here. Clouds and weather form here, too.


Are giant walls of water that rise from the ocean floor in response of tectonic shock (earthquake). They are not noticeable at sea, but when they near shores, they can rise anywhere from six to sixty feet high with a speed between 500 to 600 mph.


One plate subducts, forming trenches and volcanoes. Oceanic plates are made mostly of basalt and other mafic rocks.

Two Oceanic Convergent Boundary

Binary Fission, Fragmentation, budding, and vegetative propagation

Types of Asexual Reproduction

Mutualism, Commensalism, Parasitism

Types of Symbiosis

Breeze that blows from the valley to up the mountains. The air in the mountains becomes warmer and less dense, thus creating areas of low pressure. The breeze will flow from high to low, so the breeze will go up the mountain from the valley.

Valley Breeze

Is a way for a plant to grow without seeds. A new plant grows from parts of the original plant.

Vegetative Propagation

Are blood vessels that carry deoxygenated blood back to the heart-dirty blood because it contains carbon dioxide. Veins receive dirty blood from the CAPILLARIES. It enters the right side of your heart to drop off carbon dioxide and pick up oxygen in the lungs. Then the left side of your heart pumps it out into the aorta for another trip through the body. Deoxygenated blood flows towards the heart (dirty blood) Oxygenated blood flows away from the heart (clean blood)


It is the rate of change of position with time. Ex. an automobile that is 100 miles farther along a highway at 3 pm than at 1 pm has an average velocity during the interval of: velocity=distance/time v=100miles/2 hours= 50miles/hour


Part of the sensory system. Cornea, lens, and vitreous body focus on the retina, where an image is formed. Optic nerve then carries it to the brain. See photo


Some mountains form when molten rock from deep inside the earth rises to the surface, then pours out the form of lava. It is an opening, or rupture, in the surface or crust, which allows hot, molten rock, ash, and gases to escape from below the surface. Are usually found where tectonic plates are diverging and converging. Examples: Mid-Atlantic Ridge (caused by divergent tectonic plates pulling apart) The Pacific Ring of Fire has examples of volcanoes caused by convergent tectonic plates coming together. There is no volcano form by two tectonic plates sliding past one one another ( transform plates)


During this phase, only a very small part of the moon can be seen. The moon continues to shrink as it completes its trip around the Earth.

Waning Crescent

At this point in the moon's trip around the Earth, the moon looks as if it's shrinking. It looks slightly less than full. Waning means shrinking

Waning Gibbous

As the moon shrink in the sky from one night to the next, you observe what is called ________ moon. The moon appears to get smaller, but it's really all in how we see it. see photo

Waning Moon

Occurs when a warm air mass moves over a cold air mass. The rising warm air condenses as it rises in elevation, creating clouds, light rain, or snow. (precipitation)

Warm Front

1) Evaporation 2)Condensation 3)Precipitation 4)Percolation (Infiltration)-water is soaked into the ground and plant roots are available to take in the water -Groundwater: Some water is kept under ground -Runoff: Some water rolls off from the surface and work its way downhill to a nearby stream or river. Water is in a constant move and eventually makes into the ocean. Water cycle begins again. -Transpiration: After plants use the water they eventually release it back into the atmosphere in the form of water vapor.

Water Cycle in order

The distance between two peaks of the wave.


As the moon moves around the Earth, we begin to see the lit surface. During this phase, only a very small piece of the moon's edge can be seen from Earth. This crescent or small piece of the moon is curved. Waxing means growing

Waxing Crescent

The moon is still growing during this phase. It now looks almost full. Gibbous means hump, swollen

Waxing Gibbous

When you see the moon getting bigger in the sky you are seeing more and more of its illuminated surface. This growing moon is called _______ moon.

Waxing Moon

The state of the atmosphere at a given place and time in regards to heat, cloudiness, dryness, sunshine, wind, rain, snow, fog, and dust storms. Less common events include natural disasters such as tornadoes, hurricanes, and ice storms. Almost all familiar _______ occurs in the troposphere.


Is the decomposition of earth rocks, soils, and their minerals through direct contact with the planet's atmosphere. It is the process of chemical or physical breakdown of the minerals of the rocks. Two classifications of weathering process exist: Mechanical or Physical Weathering AND Chemical Weathering


The materials left over after the rock breaks down combine with organic material to create soil. The mineral content of the soil is determine by the parent material; thus, a soil derived from a single rock type can often be deficient in one or more minerals for good fertility, while a soil weathered from a mix of rock types often makes more fertile soil.

Weathering Part II

Fight infections and disease

White Blood Cells

As the Moon and the Earth revolve and orbit, the amount of sunlight that hits the face of the moon changes; these shift of sunlight hitting the moon are what account for the shape of the moon changing.

Why does the Moon have Phases?

________ carries the clouds throughout the atmosphere. See Photo


1st law: Referred as inertia. In the absence of the application of an outside force (gravity or friction), a body at rest will remain at rest, while moving in a straight line will continue to move in a straight line with a uniform speed. Unless an outside force acts on it (like gravity or friction) Ex.:When you kick a ball, forces start to act on it immediately. This includes resistance or friction and gravity. Gravity pulls the ball down to the ground and the air resistance slows it down. 2nd law: It relies on the first law and proposes that the greater the mass in an object, the more force it will take to accelerate the object. Equation: Force=mass x acceleration (F=ma) The harder you kick the ball the further it will go. 3rd law: Asserts that for every action (applied force), there is an equal and opposite reaction. Ex. When the air rushes down in a balloon (action), then the balloon will go up (reaction)

Isaac Newton's Three Laws of Motion

Are atoms with the same number of protons but that have a different number of neutrons. Since the atomic number is equal to the number of protons and the atomic mass is the sum of protons and neutrons, we can also say that _________ are elements with the same atomic number but different mass numbers. The number of neutrons can be calculated by calculating the difference between the atomic mass and atomic number. See photo


Energy of motion. As an object speeds up, it contains more ___________. EX: rocket ship

Kinetic Energy

Permanent magnets and around electric currents. The earth's magnetic field (core) orients the iron needles of navigational compasses. An electric current also generates a magnetic field, demonstrating an intimate connection between electricity and magnetism. Recent work has united these phenomena, as well as light, into electromagnetic radiation.


Is the amount of matter in a chemical substance. Does not mean how much it weights because weight in physics means the strength of the gravitational pull on the object-that is how heavy it is, measured in newtons. Weight of an object is proportional to its______, which usually makes it acceptable to use the same word for both concepts. ________ is measured with an appropriate scale or balance.


It is anything that has mass and occupies space. Everything you touch, see, smell, or feel is composed of ________. Three things make up _______: atom, element, and molecule Molecule: atoms combined to form molecules. They can be made of two elements or more than two. Ex. water- two hydrogen atoms linked with one oxygen molecule (H2O)


It is the beginning of a scientific wisdom. Can it be measured? Can I describe it with numbers? (first reaction to a physicist asks). Physical quantities range from subatomic smallest to astronomic hugeness, and so the numbers are conveniently expressed in scientific notation: N x 10p (p should be small and high next to the 10) N is the number between 1-10, and P is a power of 10. Ex. Brazil's population is about 130,000,000 using scientific notation it could be written like this 1.3 x 10 8( 8 small and high next to the 10) P.267


Involves the breakdown of rocks and soils through direct contact with atmospheric conditions, such as heat, water, ice, and pressure. Examples: 1)Frost -Wedging: water expands when it freezes. 2)Thermal Expansion: Repeated heating and cooling of rock. 3) Physically breaking rocks

Mechanical or Physical Weathering

A process of cell division in which each daughter cell receives half the number of sets of chromosomes found in a parent cell (in humans: two sets of 23 to one set of 23). Used to produce gametes (sex cells-sperm and egg/ova)


Both the male and female gametes are formed during of cellular reproduction called ________. It is the process of reductional division in which the number of chromosomes per cell is cut in half. It occurs in all eukaryotes (animals, plants, fungi, and protist are eukaryotes) that reproduce sexually. The DNA is only replicated or copied one time. However, the cells are divided into four separate cells. This means that the new gamete cells have only half of the number of chromosomes as other cells. During ________ DNA and chromosomes are copied, then split into two cells ( with one full set of chromosomes each), then again it is split into two more cells, leaving half of the chromosomes in each cells. These new cells with half of the chromosomes will mature into new gametes. The gametes are Haploid cells because they only have one set of chromosomes. When they unite they will join their single sets of chromosomes to make a complete set, and they will be consider diploid cells. See photo

Meiosis Process

Occurs when pollen enters an ovule in the ovary. After a pollen grain lands on the stigma, it sprouts a tube. The tube grows down inside the STYLE, the slender neck that connects the stigma to the ovary. The pollen tube then enters the ovule (egg), allowing the male plant cells to ________ the female plant cells. The _________ ovule develops into a seed containing a plant embryo.

Meiosis-Fertilization of a flower plant

1. Single cell 2. Duplicate 3. Splits in two, then into four haploids, special sex cells. -Has half the number of chromosomes -To form a new organism, two sex cells must join together

Meiosis: Sexual Reproduction

245-65 million years ago -Dinosaurs -Deciduous and flowering plants -Warm climate (no poles) -Pangea


It is rock that changes (like a butterfly changes in different stages). Rocks change when they are under heat or pressure. They form from sedimentary, igneous, or other ________ rocks that have metamorphosed, or changed over time. Heat and pressure work together to change the minerals in the original rocks into new _________ rocks., all without melting the rocks.

Metamorphic Rocks (3)

Is a distinct change in physical appearance an organism can go through between birth and adulthood. Ex: frogs and butterflies


The third stage of mitosis in which the chromosomes are aligned across the middle of the cell on the metaphase plate. The nucleus dissapears See photo


Meteors that don't burn up completely can fall through the atmosphere and land on Earth.


They are small rocklike objects that move from outer space into Earth's atmosphere. Friction with the atmosphere causes them to become white METEORS, which burn up before they reach Earth's surface.


They are also called shooting stars.


Our sun, Earth, and all the stars you see when you look up at the night sky are part of the Milky Way Galaxy. Large spiral galaxy of about hundred billions stars in the form of a disk, with a central bulge. Surrounded by a flat disk with spiral arms, which wind out from the nucleus like a giant pinwheel.

Milky Way

They are natural, nonliving substances made up of particles that are arranged in regular patterns. They are the building blocks of rocks. Minerals include salts, talc, metal ores, and gemstones. Some rocks consists of only two _______, while others are made up of dozens. _______ give rocks their basic qualities-color, hardness, texture, density, and luster-looks metallic, or glassy, or pearly, and so on. These physical properties are used by scientists to classify all the _______ on Earth. When the igneous rocks change into metamorphic rocks, the _______ change, too, into new forms of minerals.


Is a membrane-enclosed organelle found in most eukaryotic cells. It is sometimes described as the power plants because they generate most of the cell's supply of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), used as a source of chemical energy. It signals cellular differentiation, and cell death, as well as the control of the cell cycle and cell growth. See photo

Mitochondrion (plural mitochondria) in both animal and plant cells

A process of cell division in which each daughter cell receives the same number of sets of chromosomes (in humans: sets of 23, for a total of 46)


It is a substance made by combining two or more different materials without reaction occurring (the objects do not bond together). It is a blending or mixing of chemical substances. Each ingredient substance retains its own chemical properties and makeup. Ex. a _______ of salt and pepper would still be identifiable as salt and pepper-no physical changes. ______ they can usually be separated into their original components and they are either homogeneous (similar) or heterogeneous (different)


Rates minerals and puts them on a scale from 1 to 10 (1 is the softest and 10 the hardest). Ex. talc is at 1 and a diamond is at 10.

Mohs' scale of hardness

It travels the earth each month. Distance from the earth is about 237,000. It takes about 29 days or about a month to make one orbit around the Earth. It also takes the _____ about a month to rotate/spin on its axis. The moon does not have any light so the phases of the moon are because of the the light of the sun reflecting off of the moon.


It means their is a constant change in the location of a body, and is described by stating an object's position, velocity, and acceleration.


They transmit signals from the central nervous system to muscles.

Motor Neurons

Is any point that rises at least 1,000 feet above its surroundings. A _____ is usually steeper than a hill. Is usually produced by the movement of lithospheric plates. The compressin forces, isostatic uplift, and intrusion of igneous matter forces surface rock upward, creating a landform higher than the surrounding features. The major _____ tend to occur in long linear arcs, indicating tectonic plate boundaries and activity. Two types of mountain are formed, depending on how the rock reacts to the tectonic forces: block mountains or fold mountains.


Mountains cool faster than the valley (at night), so the air above the mountains becomes cold and dense forming an area of high pressure. The air above the valley is warm and less dense, so it creates an area of low pressure.

Mountain Breeze

When both species benefit from their relationship. Ex: Bees and flowers-Flowers rely on honeybees to transfer their pollen to another plant. In return, the bees feed on nectar supplied by the plant.


A process in which individuals that are well suited to their environment will survive and reproduce better than other individuals. Over many generations, this leads to adaptation evolution in which organism are very well suited to their environment.

Natural Selection

When the moon is at First Quarter (visible half of it) or Third Quarter the gravity is pull in different direction and the sun actually takes from the moon's tidal effect. The high tides are not so high and low tides are not so low this moderate tide is called ________. See photo

Neap tide (First Quarter & Third Quarter)

Is a complex collection of nerves and cells that carry messages and controls actions. It is composed of the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves that extend throughout the body.

Nervous System

Specialized cells in the nervous systems that transmit signals throughout the body. It has two extension-Dendrites and Axon First, when a signal comes in, it excites the neurons into action. Positively charged sodium ions (NA+) begin to enter the cell membrane (Nucleus/Cell Body). Then the DENDRITES carry the electric current to the AXON. The axon takes the electrical signals all the way to the TERMINAL BUTTON. In the terminal button the electrical signals are fire off to another neuron.


They carry no charge


The moon is not visible from Earth because the Sun lights the side of the moon that does not face the Earth. The unlit side is not facing the Earth. The only time the moon can be seen during this phase is if there is a solar eclipse.

New Moon

It is energy taken from finite resources that will eventually dwindle, becoming too expensive or too environmentally damaging to retrieve. Examples: fossils fuels include coal, petroleum, and natural gas.

Nonrenewable Energy

Has been obtain by two different means, fission and fusion.

Nuclear Energy

Energy released when a heavy nucleus splits into smaller fragments. Ex. Bombarding uranium with a neutron produces an unstable intermediate, which disintegrates to lighter nuclei with the conversion of 1% of the mass into energy. It is used in power plants and atomic bombs.

Nuclear Fission

Found in chromosomes Element: CHONP (carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphate) Uses: Protein Synthesis: RNA (ribonucleic acid) Ribo stands for the type of sugar is used which is called ribose. It is single stranded; one side Hereditary information (pass on traits): DNA (dioxyribonucleic acid) Dioxyribo stands for the type of sugar is used which called dioxyribose. Double stranded

Nucleic Acids

It is a separate mass containing nucleoli and chromosomes, the genetic material. Found in all eukaryotic cells. Organized as multiple long and linear DNA molecules in complex with a large variety of proteins, such as histones, to form chromosomes. The function of the ________ is to maintain the integrity of these genes and to control the activities of the cell by regulating gene expression. See photo


It is located in the center of the atom. It is made up of particles called protons and neutrons.


Large body of salt water that surrounds a continent. The _____ cover three-quarters of the earth's surface and have a great impact on the biosphere (crust-living things live). The evaporation of these _______ is how we get most of our rainfall, and their temperature determines our climate and wind patterns. (Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Arctic Ocean, and Southern Ocean


They obtain energy from both plants and animals


Oceanic plate subducts beneath the continental plate forming mountains on the continental side and trench on the oceanic side.

One Oceanic and One Continental Convergent Boundary

An object does not allow light to travel through it. Ex: animal, wall, book, etc.


Transmit the electric signals to the brain. The brain flips the image.

Optic Nerve

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune (My Very Excited Mother Just Served Us Nachos)

Order of the Planets

Compounds that contain both carbon and hydrogen atoms.

Organic Compound

All living things. Most living ________ absorb carbon. During its lifetime, an ________ continually replenishes its supply of carbon just by breathing and eating. Carbon is released from ecosystems as carbon dioxide gas by the process of respiration. Respiration is the process of breaking down food so that it's energy can be used. They form organic compound.


Small egg in flowering plants. In plants, the ______ is the structure that gives rise to and contains the female reproductive cells. After fertilization, the _________ develops into a seed. The _______ is located within the actual flower, the part of the carpel known as the ovary, which ultimately becomes the fruit. Depending on the plant, flowers may have one or multiple _______ per ovary. The _______ is attached to the placenta wall of the ovary through a structure known as the funiculus, the plant equivalent of an umbilical cord.


Is associated with the plate boundaries surrounding the Pacific Ocean. Tectonic plates are giant masses of solid rock that float upon the earth's mantle. The boundaries between plates are likely areas for volcanoes to form. The Pacific Plate collides with, separates from, or scrapes against a number of significant plates, including the North America, Cocos, Eurasian, Philippine, and Australia-Indian plates. In these boundaries are zones of weakness that allow magma to travel upward through the crust. Volcanoes are generally found along subduction zones. In subduction zones, the denser oceanic plates are forced under continental plates. This adds massive volumes of water to the mantle, allowing magma to melt more readily and rise to the surface to form volcanoes. The narrow band of land along the Pacific Plate accounts for the majority of earthquakes and volcanoes worldwide. See Photo

Pacific Ring of Fire

325-245 million years ago. -Shellfish, insects -Mass extinctions -Ice Age


When one species benefits and the other is harmed. Ex: Human and tapeworm: The _______ is an organism that lives on or inside another, known as the host. It either eats the body of the host or consumes some of its food. The host is disadvantaged by the the relationship.


CARPEL/PISTL: Main female parts. Three parts fused into one: stigma, style, and ovary. Stigma: is the top of a carpel. It is sticky to catch the pollen STYLE: a long tube that attaches the stigma to the ovary. The pollen will eventually slide down the tube to fertilize the egg. OVARY: located at the end of the style. It's where the ovule/egg is waiting to be fertilized. The fertilized ovule becomes a seed, and the ovary matures and forms the fruit See photo

Parts and function of a female part of a flower

Receptacle: part of the branch on the plant where the flower in attach Sepals: parts that look like little leaves that cover the flower before it blooms. Petals: the delicate and usually brightly colored part that gives the flower its character

Parts of a plant

Nucleus, protons, neutrons, and electrons.

Parts of an Atom

Trachea, Bronchi, Lungs, Alveoli, Diaphragm see photo

Parts of the respiratory system

The movement of rainwater as it filters through soil and rocks into the ground, becoming GROUNDWATER. See Photo


Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase

Phases of Mitosis

It takes about a month to go through the eight phases. Each change happens slowly and may look as if it last a couple of days. New Moon, Waxing Crescent, First Quarter, Waxing Gibbous, Full Moon, Waning Gibbous, Last Quarter, Waning Crescent. See photo

Phases of the moon

Is a metabolic pathway that converts light energy into chemical energy.


Plants and animals are classified into _______ on the basis of their cells, tissues, organs, and overall organization.


Any change such as size, shape, or state.They do not involve one substance changing into another. Example, water can change from gas (water vapor) to liquid (water) to a solid (ice), but the water molecules do not change. The particular state of water is determined by pressure and temperature. Typically it is reversible.

Physical Changes

The way something looks, feels, smells, and taste. Properties used to differentiate matter are: color, size, density, malleability (how easily something can be flattened, shaped, or pressed), magnetism, boiling point and melting point, solubility (how easily something dissolves in another substance)

Physical Properties

The branches of natural sciences that study the nature and properties of energy and non-living matter.

Physical Science

Are systems present in an organism that allow it to perform certain biochemical reactions. Ex: making venom, secreting slime It is the adjustment to environmental conditions and to other living things in an organism's lifetime.

Physiological Adaptations

Are generally divided into two main types: large, low-density gas giants, and smaller, rocky terrestrials.


Fungi Algae Ferns Gymnosperms Angiosperms


They lack seeds and reproduce by means of spores, each of which develop into a new plant without fertilization. No seeds. Examples of plants that don't have seeds: moss, liverwort, horsetail, fern

Plants that don't make seeds

Plants obtain nutrients through a process called PHOTOSYNTHESIS. Photosynthesis begins when water and nutrients are transported up through tubes in the stalk of the plant called XYLEM. The water is distributed to the stems and leaves. CHLOROPHYLL molecules (green pigment) in leaves trap energy from the sunlight and store the energy in CHLOROPLASTS in the plant's cells for later use. CARBON DIOXIDE, water, and nutrients are collected by the chloroplasts. The stored energy is then used to process the carbon dioxide, water, and nutrients into sugars. This process also creates oxygen, which is released by the plant. The sugars are brought down through tubes in the stalk called PHLOEM and are stored as sugar or starch. Photosynthesis: Water+Carbon Dioxide+Sunlight(energy)=sugar and oxygen See pg. 28 Science

Plants-Digestive System

Red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Nutrients, wastes, hormones, antibodies, and enzymes are dissolved in the _______.


Place where two plates meet. Earthquakes, volcanic activity, mountain-building, and oceanic trench formation occur along ______ ______s.

Plate Boundary

The movements of the plates away from, towards, and past each other. They are giant masses of solid rock that float upon the earth's mantle. Theory: Magma rises between plates in the earth's crust (faults) and forces the plates apart. The magma rises due to convection in the earth. Convection currents are by the hot magma near the core rising towards the surface, while cooler magma near the crust sink, setting up a current that causes the plates to move.

Plate Tectonics

Initiate the clotting necessary to stop bleeding after a wound.


All move in different directions and at different speeds ________ sometimes crash together, pull apart, or sideswipe each other. ________ that make up the land of the the seven continents are called the continental plates. _______ that make up the floors of Earth's oceans are called oceanic plates. There are also deep cracks in the Earth's crust called faults. These cracks can be anywhere ion the ________ where is a break in the solid rock.


If there are adequate resources, and few diseases or predators, population will increase. Overpopulation by any species can impact the environment due to increased used of resources.


Stored energy an object has due to its position or state, but could be converted into movement (kinetic energy). You can think of _______ _______ as kinetic energy about to happen. Ex: Car on top of hill: When the car is on top of the hill it has ______ ______. If it is sitting still, it has not kinetic energy. As the car starts to roll down the hill, it looses _____ ______, but gains kinetic energy. The ______ _______ of the position of the car at the top of the hill is converted into kinetic energy.

Potential Energy

4.6 Billions-325 million years ago. From the formation of the Earth to mostly single-celled creatures in oceans-bacteria


If a cloud experiences a drop of temperature the water will become too heavy and can no longer stay airborne. Water in the atmosphere falls to the Earth in the form of rain, hail, snow, or sleet. See Photo


Herbivores obtain energy from plants. It can range from insects to elephants. Ex. Grasshopper eats grass

Primary Consumers

Producers are the green plants in an ecosystem that can manufacture their own food through the process of photosynthesis

Primary Producers

The first stage of mitosis in which the cell's DNA condenses and spindle fibers are formed from the centrosome. Sister chromatids are together by protein at the centrosomer. See photo

Prophase (Pro-Before)

Make up the compounds in chromosomes. Elements: CHON (carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen) Building Blocks: Amino Acids (20 types) Uses: Chemical messengers (hormones) Cell membrane: (Receptors and transport channels in order to move things in and out of the cell) Control chemical reactions: Compounds called enzymes Cell structures: one of many is hair Immunity: Antibodies- helps fight diseases


They have a positive electrical charge.


A simple machine that uses a groove in it and a rope. The rope fits into the groove and one end of the rope goes around the load. You pull on the other end of the rope. The ______ helps you move the load or change direction of the force. Ex.: cranes and window blinds. person uses a ____to raise a flag They magnify a small force into a large force. They work by moving a load around a turning point. Examples: Pliers-the effort is applied on the opposite side of the fulcrum to the load. Nutcracker: the load is positioned between the effort and the fulcrum. Tongs-the effort is applied between the load and the fulcrum See p.186 Science Book

Pulley (also called a block)

Is where moist air gets blocked by mountains. It is a dry area on the side of a mountain opposite to the wind. If wind is approaching from the west, the _______ ________ is on the east. If the wind is approaching from the east, the rain shadow is on the west.

Rain Shadow

The hindbrain (cerebellum and medulla oblongata) operates unconsciously and automatically to regulate vital functions like circulatory, respiration, excretion, and muscle tension. The CEREBRUM is the largest part of the brain (four Lobes: Frontal Lobe-process movements, speech, problem solving, and emotions, Parietal Lobe-process what you touch, Occipital Lobe-process what you see, and Temporal Lobe-process information of what you hear.


Blow from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure. All of the breezes occur when there is an equal heating, whether that be between mountains and valleys, or the ocean and the land. The colder, the denser air creates areas of high pressure, and the warmer air creates low-pressure areas.


When an organism forms a growth that develops into a new organism and then breaks off. Ex: yeast


Cracks in the earth's crust between the plates. As the plates move, stress builds up along faults. When this stress is released, the blocks or plates move and and earthquake occurs.


Planets are orbited by one or more moons, which can be larger than small planets.

Features of Planets

During this phase, half of the moon appears to be lit by the Sun. It has gone a _______ of its cycle.

First Quarter

Most flowers contain both male part called STAMEN and a female part called a CARPEL.

Flowering Plants (Angiosperms)

As the great plates on the earth's crust move toward each other, the sediments deep below the earth's surface are squeezed up to form mountain ranges.

Fold Mountains

Is a chain of living things. It is the flow of energy from one organism to the next, and so on. They are grouped into trophic levels (levels moving up). Trophic levels may contain either a single species or a group of species that are presumed to shared both predators and prey. They usually start with a plant and end with a carnivore. A single pathway of energy transfer.

Food Chain


Food Chain Example

It illustrates energy flow in an ecosystem. The base of a ______ (producers) supports all of the other levels of the ________. At each succeeding level of the _____ _____, there is a decrease in available energy. See photo

Food Pyramid

Shows all the different relationship/possible energy transfers between selected groups of species. ______ _____ help explain predator/prey relationships in an ecosystem and include networks of food chains. See photo

Food Web

It conducts signals from the sense organs to the central nervous system, the spinal chord, and the brain.

Sensory Neurons

A group of subsystems used for detecting and understanding the world around you.

Sensory System

Gametes (sperm and egg) are the productive cells used during sexual reproduction to produce a new organism call ZYGOTE.

Sexual Reproduction

Are thought to originate in the Kuiper Belt, or associated scattered discs, which lie beyong the orbit of Neptune. See photo

Short-Period Comets

The fifth and last stage of mitosis in which the spindle fibers break down, nuclear membranes reform, and the DNA relaxes. See photo

Telophase (Telo-End)

C=5/9(F-32) F=9/5C+32

Temperature Conversions

With each transition of energy, the food chain moves up levels: Primary producers, Primary consumers (herbivores), Secondary consumers, Tertiary Consumers, Decomposers

Trophic Levels

It is a measure of how much matter is packed into the space (volume) that the object fills. For similar objects is determined by dividing the mass by the volume. Volume is measured by the geometry of the object or by the displacement of a fluid. Ex. if steel and wood have equal dimensions, the steel would have a greater mass as it is more ________.


Non-living: water, air, sunlight, nutrients, and temperature


Determining the actual age of a rock or fossil by using radioactive decay. This can help you find the actual age in using specific numbers.

Absolute Dating

It is the process of taking in something. Ex: The _______ of heat into a frying pan handle can make your hand burn if you don't wear a glove.


The rate of change of velocity with time. If the automobile in the previous example had an initial velocity of 40 mph and a final velocity of 60 mph, then its average acceleration would be: acceleration=velocity/time a=20 miles/hour divide into 2 hours= 10miles/hour/hour P.268


When species evolve together and form a special relationship. Ex: Symbiosis


It is a trait that an organism has that increases its chance of surviving and reproducing in its specific environment.


It is the change in living organisms that allows them to live successfully in an environment. Enables a living organism to cope with environmental stresses and pressures. It can be structural, behavioral, or physiological.


A large area of air with the same characteristics; bodies of heated or cooled air. There are two types: Hot Air Masses and Cold Air Masses

Air Masses

Stars, Sun, Galaxies, and Milky Way

Bodies in the Universe

They range from a single cell to huge seaweed; mostly they inhabit lakes and oceans.


Extensions of neurons that conducts signals away from the cell body to other cells


Factors that impact an ecosystem's balance by affecting its resources: Temperature Range, light, water, soil composition (moisture/water and nutrients in soil) Effects of air, water, and soil can cause: Acid rain, global warming, ozone depletion, overpopulation, and extinction

Balance of an Ecosystem

A chemical reaction can be written as a chemical equation, where the REACTANTS are always on the left side of the equation and the PRODUCTS are always on the right side. Example: 2H2+?=2H2O (the ? is missing) (reactants)=(product) In a balanced equation, the number of atoms on one side of the equation always equals the number of atoms on the other side. The number in front of a molecule determines how many entire molecules there are. In balancing the chemical equation in the example above, 4 hydrogen atoms are in the reactants (2x2) and 4 hydrogen atoms are in the product (2x2). Two oxygen atoms are in the product, and so 2 oxygen atoms need to be in the reactants 2H2+O2=2H2O (2x2)+(2x2)=2H2O see pg. 231 (study guide)

Balancing a Chemical Reaction

Quantity: Length, volume, mass Unit: meter(m), liter(l), gram(g) Approx: 1.1 yard, 1.1 quart, 1/30 ounce

Basic Units of the Metric System

Are special ways a particular organism behaves to survive in its natural habitat. Ex: Hibernation-animals wait until the food in their ecosystem is plentiful again. During hibernation, the animal's body process slow down, and they survive on stored food or fat.

Behavioral Adaptations

It is the process which one cell is divided into two cells. Ex: Bacteria

Binary Fission

Living things: animals, plants, fungi, and micro organisms


Blocks of rock split along the fault lines and slide in opposite directions (they are forced upward along the fault) See Photo

Block Mountains

Two types of fluids that move through the circulatory system. The blood, heart, and blood vessels form the cardiovascular system. The lymph, lymph nodes, and lymph vessels form the lymphatic system. Both systems collectively make up the circulatory system.

Blood and Lymph

Tiny blood vessels that provide oxygen to the body and exchange it for carbon dioxide.


Supply energy to plants and animals. Elements: CHO (carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen) Uses in Organism: Fuel/energy source, cell structure, and stored energy in plants Building Blocks: Simple sugars or single sugars Examples: Glucose (simple sugar), Fructose (sugar found in plants), starches (found in plants, stored energy), sucrose (sugar used in coffee or tea)


All living organisms contain carbon 14. Scientist can determine a fossil's age by measuring the amount of ____ _____ left in it. After an organism dies and becomes fossil, _____ ____ continues to decay without being replaced. To measure the amount of radiocarbon left in a fossil, scientist burn a small piece to convert it into carbon dioxide gas.

Carbon 14 Dating

They are the building blocks of all living things, both animals and plants. It is the smallest amount of living matter.


Last 65 million years -age of mammals


Includes mountains, hills, valleys, plains, and plateaus. Most _______ are created through process, such as erosion, weathering, volcanoes, and earthquakes.

Characteristics of Land Forms

A naturalist who observed many aspects of nature and compiled his ideas into a theory called natural selection.

Charles Darwin

Example: water and carbon dioxide converting into sugars and oxygen. It shows the number of molecules or formula units of the reactants and products. Example: nitrous oxide is a colorless, odorless gas that causes hysteria when inhaled (laughing gas). It is prepared by heating ammonium nitrate crystals. See p.265 Example: taking a piece of wood and place it on the hot pan, allowing it to burn.

Chemical Change

When matter changes into new substances with new properties. It occurs whenever compounds are formed or decomposed. During this reaction, there is a rearrangement of atoms that makes or breaks chemical bonds. It is not reversible, unlike physical changes. Ex. rust. Iron chemically reacts with air and water to form rust (ferrous oxide) and is unable to change back to iron. It is a change of one substance into different substance.

Chemical Change

They are composed of only one atom and cannot be separated into different substances except in some instances by radioactive decay or by nuclear reactions. ________ are assigned atomic numbers equal to the number of protons in the nucleus of their atoms. Each __________ has a different number of protons. The sum of the protons and neutrons gives an average of atomic mass for the __________. P.266

Chemical Elements

Faults are younger than the rocks they cut through.

Cross-cut relationships

When a solid substance has a repeating pattern of atoms, it is a _________


The amino acids in DNA are common to all organisms (animals and plants)

DNA Sequence

Bacteria, insects, earthworms, and fungi, break down dead plants and animals and use them for food, and in the process, they release nutrients to the soil . Plants take up and use the nutrients to grow. They have the job of recycling dead organisms and waste into non-living elements. They reduce dead animals, plants, and feces, into chemicals such as nitrogen and carbon. These chemicals become part of the soil and those nutrients can then be used by living plants and animals that consume them. Scavengers are not decomposers, even though they eat large chunks of dead animals, because they're not reducing the animal into chemical that becomes part of the soil


Process in which winds remove loose rock particles from the surrounding area.


Can refer to a specific temperature on the _____ scale, as well as serve as a unit increment to indicate a temperature interval. Zero degrees- freezing point of water, 100 C-boiling point of water.

Degrees Celsius (C)

Extensions of neurons that receive signal and conduct them toward the cell body.


They take place when a planet or moon passes between planet, moon or the sun. There are two kinds of eclipses: eclipse of the moon and eclipse of the sun


It is the interaction between organism and their environment. The sum of the interacting living organisms and their non-living environment (the biotope) in an area is termed ecosystem


How plants and animals within a habitat interact with each other and with the nonliving parts of their environment. It can be as small as under a rock to the vast ocean, city, country, lake, pond, etc. An ______ can be defined as terrestrial and aquatic. Four main types of terrestrial (found in land): tundra, taiga, temperature deciduous forest, and grassland Two types of aquatic (body of water): freshwater and marine


Are primarily governed by chance events, the reactions these events provoke on non-living material, and the responses by organisms to conditions surrounding them. In a E.R, there's a prey and predator. When the number of prey declines so the predator.

Ecosystem Relationships

Climate: Volume of ocean affects weather patterns and temperature Geography: It has caused continents, mountains, volcanoes, fault lines, etc. Ice Age Extinctions

Effects of Plate Tectonics

Is an abnormal weather pattern caused by the warming of the Pacific Ocean near the equator, off the coast of South America. The sun warms the water near the equator, which can make more clouds and, therefore, more rain. However, normally there are trade winds, which blow that warm water west. During _________, though, those trade winds weaken, or even reverse, which lets the warm water that is usually found in the western Pacific remain or flow east. This warm water displaces the cooler water that is normally found near the surface of the eastern Pacific, setting off atmospheric changes that affect weather patterns in many parts of the world.

El Nino

A complete path or circuit an electric current flows. If the path is broken and there are not alternative paths for the electrons to follow, the electrons will not move. _________ make it possible for electric energy to operate a vast range of technology.

Electric circuit

It can be converted into heat and motion. It can be used to produced sound, light, and power. It exists where the number of negative electrons does not precisely equal to the number of positive protons. Electrons are held in the atom by an electrical force and have an electrical charge. When the electrons are not held tightly in their atoms, the electrons can move freely and can carry electricity from one place to another. When electrons flow from one object to another it is referred to as electric current.


They carry a negative charge and circle around the nucleus. This attraction keeps the electrons in orbit around the nucleus.


Chemical reaction where light and heat energy are absorbed during a chemical reaction.


The ability to perform work, giving objects the ability to move or glow with heat.


Partially enclosed area of coastal water, where a river or stream meets the sea and ocean. Are associated with high levels of biological diversity. They are typically the tidal mouths of rivers and they are often characterized by sedimentation or silt carried in from terrestrial runoff. They are made of brackish water-freshwater of rivers and streams mixed with the salt water of the ocean. _______ are under threat from human activities such as pollution and overfishing.


The sun heats the surface of a body of water, such as a lake or ocean. This heat energy from the sun causes the water particles to move rapidly and change into a vapor. The droplets of water rise into the atmosphere.


Is water transpired from plants and evaporated from the soil.


Adjustment in a population over many generations

Evolution Adaptation

Air, helium, steam

Example of Gases

Rubbing a balloon against your hair or a wool sweater. Rubbing the objects together can result in the balloon becoming negatively charged and your hair becomes positively charged. Since opposite attract, the balloon will cling to your hair. Lighting is another example.

Example of Static Electricity

A block of dry ice (CO2) which will turn into vapor (CO2) at room temperature.

Example of Sublimation

Excavator: The digger moves on tracks, which are driven by wheels acting as pulleys at each end. The shovel uses a wedge to cut into the ground, and moves using hydraulic levers.

Example of a compound simple machine

water, oil, milk, honey

Examples of Liquids

Rocks, crystals, wood, feather, ice

Examples of Solids

(Volcanic) Form on the surface

Extrusive Rocks

Fossil record, comparative anatomy, DNA sequences

Factors that support the theory of evolution

Temperature scale that is name after the German physicist Daniel Gabriel _________. On this scale, freezing point of water is 32 degrees______(F) and boiling point is 212 (F)


Bodies of water with high salinities. Lakes with high salinity are in hot, dry areas. In these area, there is a high evaporation and less precipitation in open oceans.


It is also called fire rock. When magma cools (either inside the Earth or outside it as lava), it turns into ________ rock. Types of rocks made from ______ rocks are: granite and pumice

Igneous Rock (1)

It is a flat surface whose endpoints are at different heights, resulting in a slope (slanted flat surface). By moving an object up an ___________ rather than completely vertically, the amount of force required is reduced. Ex. A heavy load can be pushed up a ramp in a continuous motion that requires a smaller force than lifting it straight up. Ex. slides, ramps

Incline Plane

The stage before mitosis in the cell cycle in which cell's DNA is duplicated. Centrosomes are also duplicated (the location in which the sister chromatids are linked together). They are loosely packed and not condensed. See photo


____________ are younger than the rocks they metamorphose (already have change and deposited)

Intrusions (igneous intrusion)

(Plutonic) Form below surface

Intrusive Rocks

Decides how much light should enter the eye.


Seems to travel in perfectly straight lines as rays. It is the only type of electromagnetic radiation we can see. We are able to perceive it as a wide range of colors. It is the fastest known speed in the universe. Depending on the type of matter _____ comes into contact, ______ will behave differently. Sometimes it will travel through the matter like air and water(transparent object). No matter the type of medium _____ travels through, the wavelengths of _______ will change, but not the frequency.


Surrounding the planets. It is a region of mainly icy-rocky bodies and a small number of dwarf planets, such as Pluto. Beyond this lies the Oort Cloud, a sphere of yet more ice bodies left over from the formation of the Solar System.

Kuiper Belt

Is a weather pattern defined by the cooling of the ocean surface along the tropical Pacific coast of South America. The easterly trade winds blow more strongly than usual. This pushes the warm surface waters of the Pacific Ocean westward, making room for the cold, deep, ocean waters to emerge. The effect starts to pick up steam, snowballing into consequences all around the globe. The trade winds continue pushing the warm surface waters of the Pacific west. This leads to warmer-than-usual waters in the western Pacific (Southeast Asia and Australia) and cooler-than-usual waters in the eastern Pacific (the Americas).

La Nina

Large body of water surrounded by land on all sides; a very large _______ is a sea.


It occurs at night, when warm air over the ocean rises and cool air from the land blows out to sea.

Land breezes

During this phase, half of the moon looks lit by the Sun.

Last Quarter

It is the degrees north or south of the equator


Locations of the earth's surface are described by a grid of ______________ and __________ lines.

Latitude and Longitude

About 31 percent of the earth's mass is a dense core of iron and nickel metals, melted by the extremely high temperature of the center of the earth. Around that liquid core is the largest zone of the planet (68%). It has an inner core and outer core. Outer core-liquid and iron. Inner core-solid nickel and iron

Layers of the Earth: Core

Above the mantle, which makes up 1% of the earth. Thin layer that contains mostly rocks. See photo

Layers of the Earth: Crust

Beneath the crust. Thick layer Rich in magnesium, calcium, and iron Very hot, mainly solid, but local melting to magma (molten rock) is the source of volcanic eruptions.

Layers of the Earth: Mantle

Focus and defocus how far the object is from your eye.

Lens and Vitreous Body

A rigid object that is used with an appropriate fulcrum or pivot point to multiply the mechanical force that can be applied to another object. Ex. hammers acts as ____ to pull out the nail


All living things have a ____ _____. A _____ ____ represents the stages an organisms goes through from birth to death (birth---reproduction---death).

Life Cycle

It is unlike that of many insects. Butterflies go through a complete metamorphosis. Butterflies lay eggs on leaves. These grow into caterpillars/larva. Caterpillars form a chrysalis and enter the pupa stage. In the chrysalis, metamorphosis, or change, takes place. The pupa emerges as a butterfly.

Life Cycle of a Butterfly

A female frog generally lays thousands of eggs in water. -The eggs hatch and life continues as tadpoles-herbivorous, feeding mostly on algae. They develop hind legs, then front legs, loose their gills, and develop lungs. -At the end of the tadpole stage, frogs undergo metamorphosis and they transition into adult form (frog) -They may leave the water and disperse into terrestrial habitats, or continue to live in the aquatic habitat as adults

Life Cycle of a Frog

_______ are protected by fruit. Fruit is formed from the ovary surrounding the ____. Moist, fleshy fruits include peaches, grapes, tomatoes, and melons. Dry, hard fruits include coconuts, walnuts, and pea pods.

Seed Protection

Form the cell membranes and store energy. Elements: CHO (carbon, hydrogen, Oxygen) Uses: stored energy in animals, cell membrane (helps the cell membrane make it very flexible and fluid like), coating on leaves called cuticle ( it's a waxy layer that makes it water proof) Building Blocks: Fatty Acids and Glycerol (long chains in our bodies that are made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. When we break these bonds we create energy) Examples: Fat (animal fat, saturated and unsaturated), oils (from vegetables), and waxes (candle)


Take the shape of their containers, cannot be compressed. The volume of a liquid is constant unless vaporized. State of intermediate between the solid and gaseous state. Particles move around fast enough to overcome attractive forces.


Consists of the crust and the rigid uppermost part of the mantle. Below the __________ lies the asthenosphere-solid, relatively low viscosity and shear strength and can flow like a liquid on geological time scales. Below the asthenosphere is more rigid due to the higher pressures. The ________ is broken into seven large, rigid pieces called plates. The physical between the _____ and asthenosphere generates a considerable amount of pushing and pulling on the ___________ as rocks below move around.


It is a water-soluble mixture of different dyes extracted from lichens (fungi and alga). It is absorbed onto filter paper. The resulting piece of paper or solution with water becomes a pH indicator (one of the oldest), used to test materials for acidity. Blue _______ paper turns red under acidic conditions, and red _____ paper turns blue under basic (ex, alkaline) conditions. Another indicator of the presence of an acid is that when acids react with metals, hydrogen gas is release, causing bases to feel soapy when touched. P.267


Are believed to originate at a much greater distance from the Sun, in a cloud (the Oort cloud) consisting of debris left over from the condensation of the solar nebula.

Long-Period Comets

It is the degrees east or west of the prime meridian through Greenwich, England.


Lowest level of the tide. See Photo

Low Tide

Are caused by warm air rising and condensing into clouds. This leads to the rainstorms in the western Pacific that often take place during a La Nina event.

Low pressure systems

A period about 29 days as the moon's shape seems to change from our vantage point on Earth. We can see different portions of the illuminated surface of the moon.

Lunar Cycle

It darkens the moon as the earth passes between the moon and the sun, casting a shadow on the moon. It may be seen from anywhere the moon is visible, about half of the Earth. (earth between moon and sun) see photo

Lunar Eclipse

Is hot, melted rock that sits under the surface of the Earth. _______ above ground is called LAVA. Melting is caused by one or more of the following processes: and increase in temperature, a decrease in pressure, or change in composition.


They require fertilization, and male pollen grains are carried to the female ovule by vectors like the wind and insects.

Seed plants

It is caused by the Earth's changing relationship to the Sun. The Earth travels around the Sun, called an orbit, once a year or 365 days. As the Earth orbits the Sun the amount of sunlight each place on the planet everyday changes slightly. This change causes the seasons.

Reason for Seasons

Carry oxygen to the body

Red Blood Cells

Happens when light waves bounce off a surface. The angle of reflection being equal to the angle of incidence.


It is the change of direction of a beam of light. Light that crosses the boundary, however, deflected in another direction, and the of _______ does not equal to the angle of incidence. When light moves from one medium (air, water, glass, etc) to another, the change in speed makes the beam change direction.


Light does not travel as quickly through a solid as it does a liquid or gas-light travels very fast through air. When light travels from air to water, it changes speed and causes the light to slow down. But if the light goes from air to water at an ANGLE, it will cause it to refract or bend. Light bends when it changes speed and direction. If you put a pencil in a glass of water at an angle, it will look like the pencil is broken.

Refraction Example

Determining which fossil, rock, or event came first, second, third, etc. Geological sequencing

Relative Dating

It is energy from natural resources -such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, and geothermal heat-which are renewable (naturally replenished).

Renewable Energy

It is a plant that produces a flower or fruit. There a sex cells called GAMETES. Male gametes (sperm) and female gametes (egg/ova) in a plant and are involved in creating the next generation plant, therefore it is sexual reproduction.

Reproduction of Angiosperms

In most _________, eggs develop inside the mother's body, and the babies are born live.

Reproduction of a Mammal

The process of breaking down food so that its energy can be used is called ______. In this process, cells use oxygen from the air to release the food energy. Carbon dioxide and water are given off during the reactions. After photosynthesis, ______ takes place. Sugar+Oxygen=Water+Carbon Dioxide+Sunlight (energy)


The continents of earth disrupt water bodies, and so this can produce different tidal patterns like ________ or diurnal. Two high tides and two low tides each day. In most locations, tides are ____________.


Where the ground is not porous enough for the water to filter through, the water will move downward, along the surface to be collected in bodies of water. Typically, water will collect in streams and rivers to flow into large bodies of water such as lakes and oceans. See Photo


The amount of dissolved salt in a body of water. _______ in the ocean differs from the location to the next, and oceans have a higher saline content as they get deeper.


observing, conjecture (opinion), calculation, prediction, and testing

Scientific Method

All______ are incline planes. A _____ can convert a rotational force to a linear force, and vice vice versa. A ______ wraps around an axle (rod), so the load moves up the _______ as it turns. The tip is often pointed, so it also acts as a wedge. Ex. screws, lids


It occurs when land heats up faster than water, rising and creating a low pressure system. The high pressure air from the sea influxes (inflow), creating a _______ _________.

Sea breezes

Carnivores obtain energy from animals (primary consumers). Ex: The rat eats the grasshopper

Secondary Consumers

Is material like sand and rocks that have been moved by water or wind. They are tiny grains of sand, silt, clay, or bits of other rocks.


Once the igneous rock is formed and on the surface of the Earth, wind and water begin to break it down into smaller pieces. The little pieces of rock that are broken down are called sediment (weathering;erosion). The sediment gets washed down to the bottom of rivers, lakes, and oceans. Over thousands of years, layers of sediment pile up causing pressure and weight on the bottom of the pile. This causes the sediment on the bottom of the pile to press together creating _______ rock. Sediments cover 75-80% of the earth's land area, and includes common types such as limestone, chalk, dolostone, and conglomerate, some type of breccia, and shale. May produced by the following too: fragments of broken off from parent rock, and by transportation to the place of deposition.

Sedimentary Rocks (2)

When the moon is in front of the sun we can only see its dark night side, this is the New Moon position (it is not visible, it is its dark night side). When the sun, the moon, and the earth form a line (New Moon position), their gravitational attraction combined make super tides. This extreme tides are called _______ tides. So the high tides becomes higher and the low tides become lower. At the Full Moon position (the entire moon is visible), the moon and sun's gravity line up again making it another _______ tide. The word ______ is not associated with the season, but rather the verb meaning "to jump" or "to leap up". See photo

Spring Tide (New Moon & Full Moon)

Large balls of gas that give off light


Solids, Liquids, and Gases

States of Matter

Electrical charges build up/increases on the surface of a material. When an object contains an excess of electrons, it is said to be negatively charge. It will repel other negatively charged objects. Objects containing many atoms that have lost electrons are positively charged. Such objects attract negatively charged objects, and repel positively charge objects. Since the electrons are not flowing to or from such objects, this type of electricity is called__________. Objects with ______ charge also attract neutral objects, by repelling electrons within them to leave an area of positive charge.

Static Electricity

It just means those individuals that are more fit (or better able to survive and reproduce) are the ones that survive and pass on their favorable traits (or adaptations) to future generations.

Survival of the fittest

Organisms live together closely in a way that affects one or both organisms. The two species cooperate with each other.


Layers of sediment deposited in a quiet environment. Common sites of deposition are lakes, deltas, at the mouths of rivers, beaches and sandbars along the coast, and the marine environment. Are commonly very extensive laterally (side by side) and relatively thin vertically, like a blanket (layers of different rock). Two stratigraphic principles: 1) sediments are deposited in beds that were originally horizontal, and any tilted (slope) is due to later earth environments. 2) Surperposition: younger beds were originally deposited above older beds. See Photo


Stretches to about 30 miles. Icy winds blow through the lower parts, speeding supersonic jets like the Concorde to their destinations. Above the clouds, the air is usually dry and clear. The ozone layer, which absorbs harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun, is here.


Is a line of powder left behind when a mineral is rubbed on a hard, white surface. Some minerals are classified according to the color of the ____or mark they leave on a white surface.


Are special body parts of an organism that help it to survive in its natural habitat. Ex: skin color, shape, and body covering

Structural Adaptations

When two plates meet, one inevitably gives way and sinks below the other.


Makes it possible for some elements and compounds to transition from solid to a gas phase without becoming a liquid.


The state change where a solid (ice or snow) changes directly to a gas (water vapor). Ice and snow can _________ directly into water vapor.


Medium-sized star that provides the light and heat energy that living things need to survive. It is the largest object in our solar system. The ______ is the enter of the solar system, It also has a very strong force of gravity. This gravity keeps all of the planets in our solar system in orbit around it.


Scratch hardness: Resistance to fracture of plastic deformation due to friction from a sharp object. Indentation hardness: Resistance to plastic deformation due to a constant load from a sharp object. Rebound hardness: Height of the bounce of an object dropped on the material, related to elasticity.

Three Principal Operational Def. of hardness

Igneous, Sedimentary, and Metamorphic

Three Types of Rocks

Are the periodic rise and fall of ocean waters. The gravitational pull of the moon and sun creates the tides. -The moon pulls the ocean closest to it and makes it bulge outwards. Where it bulges is called a HIGH TIDE and where it does not is called LOW TIDE. Expect one high tide each day and one low tide each day as well. See photo


An area on Earth that has an specific time that all citizens can set their clocks to. It is a region of the earth that has uniform standard time, usually referred to as the local time.

Time Zones

Plates slide each other, forming strong earthquake. Example: San Andreas Fault

Transform Boundaries

Light can go through it. You can see through it.


Most of the water a plant takes in through its roots passes though the plant and out the pores on the underside of the leaves. The water then evaporates into the air. This process is called _________. The process moves like sipping soda through a straw. Water is light in weight and travels up the stem of the plant easily. See pg. 29 Science


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