Supervisory Management Chapter 13
strategic control point
a performance measurement point located early in an activity to allow any corrective action to be taken.
management by exception
a supervisor focuses on critical control needs and allows employees to handle most routine deviations from the standard.
a unit of mesurement that can serve as a reference point for evaluating results.
tangible standars
clear, concrete, specific, and generally measurable.
feedback controls
controls that measure completed actiities and then take corretive action if needed.
time standars
expressed in terms of time.
numerical standars
expresssed in numbers.
feedforward controls
preventive controls that try to anticipate problems and take corrective action before they occur.
monetary standards
refer to quality, durability, size, and wight.
intagible standars
relate to human characteristics and are not expressed in terms of numbers, money, physical qualities, or time.
concurrent controls
sometimes clled screening controls, these controls are used while an activity is taking place.