survey of the old testament (Final)

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Habakkuk 2:4 which is quoted three times in the New Testament says ____________________.

"the righteous shall live by his faith"

Which of the following is the correct division of the different sections of the book of Psalms?

1-41, 42-72, 73-89, 90-106, 107-150

The Egyptian document known as the Instruction of Amenemope is dated to about __________or 200 years before the time of King Solomon.

1200 B.C.

Which book of the Bible provides information on where Jonah was from?

2 Kings

Despite ongoing opposition-the Jews that had returned from exile completed the (second) temple in ___________.

516 B.C.

What is a covenant?

A binding relationship or agreement that can be between God and people, or between humans

What hopeful assertion is made at the very end of 2 Kings?

A descendant of David is alive and well

The subject of the first nine chapters of 1 Chronicles is ___________________.

A genealogy starting with Adam

What is an idyll?

A simple description of rustic life

What is an allegory

A story where many examples are used

What is a fast?

A time of abstaining from food in order to commune closely with God

The oldest copies of the Masoretic text of the Old Testament date to somewhat earlier than _________________.

A.D. 1000

What was the primary obstacle to God fulfilling His promises to Abraham.

Abraham's wife was barren (unable to have children)

Israel's patriarchs were __________________________ and they most likely lived between ___________________.

Abraham-Isaac- Jacob- 2000-1500 B.C.

Which of David's sons led a full-scale rebellion against him?


What poetic feature is used in Psalm 119?


What poetic literary ploy is used in Prov. 31:10-31


What poetic ploy is used predominantly in the book of Lamentations?


What is the subject matter of Genesis chapter 3?

Adam and Eve sinning

What two sins did David commit that caused terrible consequences for the rest of his reign?

Adultery and murder

Who was the first king of Judah to imitate the wicked sins of the kings of Israel?


Which of the following is NOT true about Ahiqar and his teachings?

Ahiqar visited King Solomon on several occasions, which influenced his writing

After the battle of Jericho- where were the Israelites initially defeated as a result of one man's sin?


What is the subject matter of Prov. 20:1?


Which of the following books of the Minor Prophets emphasizes the issue of social justice


When read literally what is the subject matter of the book of Song of Songs

An expression of love between a man and a woman, often of an erotic or sexual nature

When read literally what is the subject matter of the book of Song of Songs?

An expression of love between a man and a woman, often of an erotic or sexual nature

Which of the following was part of Isaiah's call to ministry (Isaiah chapter 6)?

An overwhelming vision of God's majesty

Where was Jeremiah from?

Anathoth Babylon

"For the Lord watches over the way of the righteous but the way of the wicked shall perish" illustrates what type of parallelism

Antithetical parallelism

What empire destroyed Israel (the northern kingdom) in about 722 B.C. and deported many of the Israelite people?


The capital of Israel was captured by the ________________ in _________________.

Assyrians- 722 B.C.

Where does the book of Chronicles appear in the Hebrew canon?

At the very end

Which empire destroyed Judah and its capital- Jerusalem-in about 586 B.C.- forcing the nation into exile?


Judah's captial- Jerusalem-fell to the ________________ in _______________.

Babylonians-587 B.C.

What was the name of the prophet sent to curse Israel- but instead he blessed them (Numbers 22-24)?


Who worked closely with Jeremiah and sometimes served as his scribe?


Which of the following is NOT true about the Tower of Babel story in Genesis 11?

Because of the evil of this event, God decided to send the flood to destroy humanity

At what point in Jeremiah's life had God appointed him to be a prophet?

Before he was born

What two great creatures are described in Job chapters 40 and 41?

Behemoth and Leviathan

God ordained sacrificial _____________ as the means for cleansing sin (Leviticus 17:11).


Who does Ruth marry after she returns to Israel with her mother-in-law Naomi?


God's first call to Moses happened at the site of a ___________________ (Exodus ch. 3 and 4)

Burning bush

Which of the following is NOT one of the sacrifices described in Leviticus chapters 1-7?

Burnt offering

Which of the following was NOT a judge in Israel?


What are the basic characteristics of the psalm type identified as imprecatory?

Calls for God's judgment against God's enemies and/or His people's enemies

What 20th century approach focused on the study of the received OT text in order to expose its theological message?

Canonical criticism

Which of the following is NOT a possible translation of the Hebrew word hebel in Ecclesiastes?


Which of the following is NOT a way in which Ugaritic texts help us to understand the Old Testament better

Certain books of the Old Testament also appear almost verbatim in Ugaritic texts, most notably Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes

Daniel chapters 2-7 form a structure known as __________.


Viewed in its entirety Psalm 8 is a good example of what literary feature


Words or phrases constructed in an inverted sequence or cross-over of parallel parts (i.e. A B B' A') is known as ____.


What practice does God institute in Genesis 17 as a physical sign of His covenant with Abraham?


What is a doxology with respect to the book of Psalms?

Closing verses at the end of each section of Psalms which ascribe praise to the Lord

Arnold and Beyer suggest that rather than a drama Song of Songs is better viewed as a ____________________ with no particular plot or story line.

Collection of love songs

Many scholars suggest that Song of Songs is best viewed as a ____________________ with no particular plot or story line

Collection of love songs

What are the basic characteristics of the psalm type identified as penitential?

Confesses sorrow for sin, appeals to God for grace and forgiveness

The theme of the second half of Exodus is _______________ (chapters 19-40)


Creatio ex nihilo means ____________________.

Creation out of nothing

What is the name given to the wedge-shaped writing developed by the Sumerians in Mesopotamia around 3100 B.C.?


The Jewish people were allowed to return from exile during the rule of this Persian king.


The genealogy at the end of Ruth concludes with what person?


What is the subject matter of 1 Samuel 17.

David fights Goliath

What is the subject matter of 1 Samuel 17?

David fights Goliath

Which of the following is NOT a major theme of the book of 1 Samuel?

David's reign as king

On what day of the year was the high priest permitted to enter the Holy of Holies (innermost part of the tabernacle Leviticus 16)?

Day of Atonement

According to some scholars the laws of Deuteronomy 12-26 are an expansion of the ____________________.


Who were the Levites?

Descendants of Levi, one of the twelve sons of Israel, who were appointed to act as priests and offer sacrifices to God

What are the basic characteristics of the psalm type identified as messianic?

Describes some aspect of the Messiah's person or ministry

Scholars who hold to the view that Isaiah has two authors refer to the author of chapters 40-66 as __________.


In Daniel chapter 2 what was Daniel asked to do?

Discern and interpret the king's dream

The theory that the Pentateuch is a combination of four originally independent ancient sources (JEDP) is known as the _______

Documentary Hypothesis

Which of the following is NOT true concerning the Hebrew term toledot found in Genesis 2:4?

Each occurence in Genesis refers to a specific individual

After the fall of Jerusalem going against Jeremiah's advice a large group of Jews fled to __________.


Which of the following is NOT one of the three major powers that most directly affected the history of Judah and Israel during the time of the prophets?


Where did the encounter between David and Goliath take place?

Elah Valley

God's choosing of Israel for a specific purpose--to serve as His instrument of salvation for the world--is an example of _____________.


According to the conclusion of Malachi which Old Testament character will be sent before the Day of the Lord in order to call people to repentance?


Who is the prophet who took part in a challenge against the prophets of Baal in 1 Kings 18?


Elijah was succeeded by ____________________.


Which statement best describes the amount of text in 2 Kings devoted to Elisha's ministry?

Elisha's ministry covers about 2/5 of the entire book

What two intellectual movements combined to challenge the traditional view of the authorship of the Pentateuch in the 1800s?

Enlightenment thinking, evolutionary tenets

One theme of the prophets is the Day of the Lord which could refer to either a time of immediate judgment or to God's __________ judgment at the end of time.


The term used to describe a man who has been castrated and performed duties as a harem attendant or officer of state is a __________.


What is the subject matter of Isaiah chapters 60-66?

Events of the distant future where God would bring ultimate victory for His people

What plague is described in Exodus chapters 11-12?

Every firstborn male in Egypt was put to death

The book of _________ outlined the Ten Commandments-while the book of ________ is concerned with laws for covenant worship and ritual cleansing.

Exodus Leviticus

The book of __________ outlined the Ten Commandments-while the book of ________ is concerned with laws for covenant worship and ritual cleansing.

Exodus Leviticus

What are apocryphal books?

Extra books within the Old Testament that are found in Roman Catholic Bibles

Early Jewish tradition-as well as many scholars up until recent times-have held that ____ wrote 1 and 2 Chronicles.


The point of the Abraham narrative is to show Abraham as having what charater trait?

Faith, or obedience to God

What is Deuteronomistic Theology?

Faithfulness to the covenant will result in blessings in the future while disobedience will result in curses

What are the basic characteristics of the psalm type identified as royal?

Focuses on the king as son of David and as God's chosen man to rule His people

Prophets were __________ in that they relayed God's truth to their own generation.


After the fall of Jerusalemwho was appointed governor of Judah


What are the basic characteristics of the psalm type identified as wisdom?

General observations on life, especially God and our relationship to Him

What is the name of the ancient Mesopotamian story that has parallels to the flood narrative of Genesis?

Gilgamesh Epic

What two characters have a conversation in the first chapter of Job?

God and Satan

What problem is presented in Genesis 1-11?

God created a universe that was "good," yet the effects of human sin became progressively worse

What was the point of the flood of Noah?

God determined that sin and wickedness had grown to such an extent that creation should be destroyed

Which of the following was NOT a way in which God confirmed Jeremiah's call?

God gave Jeremiah a giant scroll

What happened in Exodus chapter 34?

God replaced the stone tablets (which contained the law) that Moses had broke

Which of the following is NOT a symbolic act that Ezekiel was instructed to perform in Ezekiel chapters 4 and 5?

God told Ezekiel to wear a yoke to symbolize Jerusalem's submission to Babylon

What is significant about God's judgment of Babylon (chapters 50-51)?

God wanted all the world to see who really controlled the nations

What does the use of the Hebrew word rib signify in Hosea chapters 4 and 5?

God was bringing a legal dispute against Israel

Which of the following was NOT part of the covenant that God made with David in 2 Samuel 7?

God would appoint David's descendants as priests in Israel

What is the subject matter of Jeremiah 31:31-34

God would establish a new covenant with His people

Who are considered to be the ultimate foes of God mentioned in Ezekiel 38-39?

Gog and Magog

God commanded Hosea to marry an unfaithful wife or harlot named __________


Which of the following is NOT an example of how Saul's heart turned against God?

He decided to go into battle without the ark of the covenant

Which of the following is NOT true about Isaiah?

He served as a prophet in the royal court of Israel

What did Jeremiah do to the earthenware jar after prophesying in the Hinnom Valley (Jer. 19)

He smashed the jar to pieces on the ground

What sin did Moses commit at Kadesh (Numbers 20)?

He spoke to the people instead of the rock

What did God do in Genesis 12:1-9?

He tells Abraham to leave his country and go to a land that He would show Abraham

Which of the following is NOT true about Joshua?

He traveled to the top of Mount Sinai with Moses to receive the law

The Old Testament was originally written in what two ancient Semitic languages?

Hebrew and Aramaic

What German scholar was influential in classifying Psalms into different genres?

Hermann Gunkel

Who was the pioneer of form criticism?

Hermann Gunkel

What important thing did God reveal to Moses in Exodus 3:14-15?

His personal name

Moses' speeches in Deuteronomy provide a parallel to what Ancient Near East documents?

Hitite Suzerainty Treaties

Leviticus chapters 17-27 is known as the _______________________.

Holiness Code

Which of the following prophets did NOT prophesy during the period of Babylonian domination?


What does the term imago Dei mean?

Humans are created in the image of God

The book of Exodus begins at about what period of time?

Hundreds of years after the time of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob

Why is Genesis 15:6 important for Christian doctrine (all responses mention books from the New Testament)?

In Romans chapters 3 and 4, Paul references the verse to illustrate the doctrine of salvation by faith alone

What is the English translation of the Hebrew title for the book of Numbers?

In the desert

What is the name of the ancient Egyptian collection of thirty chapters of proverbs dated to roughly 1200 B.C.?

Instruction of Amenemope

In Daniel 3 where were Daniel's friends put when they refused to bow down to a statue?

Into a fiery furnace

The most famous of the "servant passages" is __________.

Isaiah 52:13-53:12

After he wrestled with God Jacob's name was changed to ______________


Which of the following is NOT an example of what made Israel unique regarding animal sacrifice?

Israel had its own exclusive terms and phrases associated with animal sacrifice

Which of the following is NOT one of the three major sections of the book of Joshua?

Israel wonders in the desert for 40 years

What does Moses recount in his first speech recorded in Deuteronomy?

Israel's recent history

After the reign of Solomon- the nation of Israel was divided-with __________________ in the north and _______________ in the south.

Israel- Judah

Which of the following is NOT one of the geographical/chronological parts of the book of Numbers?

Israelites enslaved in Egypt

What is significant about the 18th century B.C. letter from Mari (textbook p. 68)?

It addresses the use of slain animals in ancient treaty ceremonies, which is similar to the narrative of Genesis 15

Which of the following is NOT true about the book of Proverbs?

It contains wisdom in the form of narrative, poetry, and prophecy

What does the book of Job teach us about the doctrine of retribution?

It is a general moral principle, not a hard and fast rule to be applied to every case

Which of the following is NOT true about Mesopotamian wisdom literature?

It rejects the doctrine of retribution

Which of the following is NOT a criticism of the Documentary Hypothesis made by conservative scholars?

It should be considered the combination of six, perhaps seven, ancient documents, not four

Which of the following is NOT a criticism of the Documentary Hypothesis made by conservative scholars?

It should be considered the combination of six- perhaps seven-ancient documents-not four

Which of the following is NOT a possible interpretation of "the virgin will conceive and bear a son" (Isaiah 7:14)?

It should be interpreted as "an woman past childbearing age shall conceive"

What is significant about the placement of Deuteronomy in the Old Testament?

It ties together what precedes it and what follows it

What example does the New Testament book of Hebrews draw from the book of Numbers?

It warns Christians not to have evil, unbelieving hearts that turn away from God like the Israelites did

What was the primary purpose of the wilderness tabernacle that God instructed the Israelites to build?

It was God's way of living in the midst of His people

Which of the following was NOT a similarity between Israel and other cultures of the Ancient Near East with regard to sacrificing animals?

It was done to discern the future actions of God, or gods

What was the significance of the land that David bought from Araunah in 2 Samuel 24?

It was the future site of the Temple

In 2 Samuel 5-David defeated the ___________________ and made Jerusalem the capital of Israel.


According to early Jewish and Christian tradition__________ wrote the book of Lamentations?


Which of the following prophets did NOT prophesy during the period of Assyrian domination?


Judah's captial

Jerusalem, fell to the ________________ in _______________.,Babylonians-587 B.C.

To whom did Ezekiel prophesy?

Jews in exile in Babylon

Which book of the Minor Prophets opens with a description of a severe locust plague?


Which of the following is NOT a New Testament passage that relates to Jeremiah 31:31-34?

John 3:16

Genesis chapters 37-50 tells the story of _______who was sold into slavery but later rose to power in Egypt.


Which of the following is NOT associated with helping to lay the foundation for classical prophecy?


Who was Moses' successor?


The "historical books" of the Old Testament cover a period of time at least 800 years in length-from ________ to __________.

Joshua's conquest the time of the Persian Empire

The "historical books" of the Old Testament cover a period of time at least 800 years in length-from ________ to __________.

Joshua's conquest-the time of the Persian Empire

Judah experienced religious revival during the reign of King __________.


What historical event is described in Isaiah chapter 38?

King Hezekiah's illness and recovery

What does the Hebrew term goel mean?


Which type of psalm is Psalm 41?

Lament psalm

Which of the following is NOT one of the poetical books of the Old Testament?


What are the basic characteristics of the psalm type identified as lament?

Laments one's condition usually includes statements of lament rust in God and affirmation of praise

What two key promises did God make to Abraham?

Land and descendants

The era of Moses and Joshua is associated with which period of history?

Late Bronze Age

What document from ancient Mesopotamia contains examples of casuistic law similar to that found in Exodus?

Law Code of Hammurapi

Which body part is NOT extolled by the lover in Song of Songs 4:1-6?


What should be done when a biblical passage is difficult to interpret even after applying the rules of hermeneutics?

Let Scripture interpret Scripture

Which of the following is NOT a way in which New Testament authors saw Jesus as a fulfillment of Isaiah 52:13-53:12 ("Isaiah 53")?

Like the suffering servant Jesus performed miracles while He was dying

Which of the following is NOT a way in which New Testament authors saw Jesus as a fulfillment of Isaiah 52:13-53:12 ("Isaiah 53")?

Like the suffering servant, Jesus performed miracles while He was dying

Which is the most plausible solution to the problem of the chronology of the book of Judges?

Many judges were local or regional leaders whose reigns overlapped

Who is associated with the hypothesis that an anonymous editor ("Deuteronomist") combined several sources into a document detailing Israel's history?

Martin Noth

Which New Testament book quotes Hosea 11:1 to claim that Jesus fulfilled God's words in this verse?


What were the three regions of the Ancient Near East (ANE)?

Mesopotamia, Syria-Palestine, Egypt

What is tribute as it applies to the Ancient Near Eastern world?

Money or valuables paid by one sovereign nation to another as an acknowledgement of submission

What type of behavior is depicted throughout the book of Judges?

Moral relativism

In the book of Esther- who says- "Who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?"


Both Jewish and early Christian tradition consistently associated ___________ as the author of the Pentateuch.


Second Kings 2 depicts Elijah as a second _________________.


The five verse introduction of Deuteronomy ends with what important idea (Deuteronomy 1:5)?

Moses began to expound this law

What important event happened in Numbers 13?

Moses sent spies to Canaan, but most of them reported that the Israelites could not take the land

Which of the following is NOT an argument for the one-author view of Isaiah?

Most of the text of chapter 1 is the same as the text at the end of chapter 66

Where did Moses die?

Mount Nebo

Daniel and his friends were forcibly taken out of Judah to serve King __________.


Jonah was told to preach to the city of __________ but instead he fled to __________.


Which of the following was NOT one of Israel's patriarchs


Which book of the Minor Prophets tells about God's message against Edom


Which of the following prophets did NOT prophesy during the period of Persian domination?


What is the theology of retribution?

Obedience to God's commands brings blessings while disobedience brings curses

According to Jeremiah 31:31-34 in the future where would God place His law?

On people's hearts

Where did most of the events of Deuteronomy take place?

On the Plains of Moab, just outside the Promised Land

Where are the Plains of Moab?

On the other side of the Jordan River from Jericho

Divine communication or revelation given by God to the prophet Isaiah that described His plans to deal with the other nations of the ancient world is known as the ____________________.

Oracles against the nations

What principle is associated with the birth of Jacob and his twin brother Esau?

Order of birth has nothing to do with inheriting God's favor

The prophecy in Zechariah 9:9-17 foretells what future day?

Palm Sunday

What is the most important feature of Hebrew poetry


Who had Jeremiah beaten and put in the stocks (Jer. 20:1-18)

Pashhur the priest

At the end of Chronicles- the Jewish people were allowed to return to Jerusalem as a result of the decree of Cyrus-the leader of what kingdom?


Which nation or kingdom was NOT included in Jeremiah's oracles against the nations in chapters 46-51?


What was the OT name for the "sea peoples" that settled on the southwest coast of Syria-Palestine around 1200 BC?


What unusual command did God give Zechariah (Zech. 6:9-15)?

Place a crown on the head of the high priest

What did Jonah do while he was in the belly of the great fish?


What is primeval history?

Pre-history or the earliest phases of human activity

What is vaticinium ex eventu

Prophecy written after the event

What is vaticinium ex eventu?

Prophecy written after the event

Which psalm begins by observing that the heavens and the sky proclaim God's name?

Psalm 1

Which psalm makes a comparison between a man who is like "a tree" and those who are like "the chaff"?

Psalm 1

Which psalm states "Enter into His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise"

Psalm 100

Which psalm exhorts the reader to praise God with many different instruments

Psalm 150

Which psalm begins with the question "Why do the nations rage and the peoples plot in vain"

Psalm 2

Which psalm begins with the words "My God my God why have you forsaken me?

Psalm 22

Which psalm begins with the words "My God my God why have you forsaken me?"

Psalm 22

which psalm begins with the words "The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want"?

Psalm 23

Which psalm is a plea (by David) for forgiveness?

Psalm 51

Which psalm begins and ends with the same phrase: "O Lord our Lord how majestic is Your name in all the earth"?

Psalm 8

The book of Esther provides the background for the Jewish holiday of _____________.


Which best describes the attitude of the Israelites during their time in the desert?


What term is used to distinguish biblical history from general history?

Salvation history

Who is the central character in Judges 13-16?


The book of 1 Samuel begins with the account of the birth of __________________.


Which of the following is NOT claimed as one of the authors in the book of Psalms


Who was Israel's first king?


Which of the following best describes the events of 1 Samuel 18-27?

Saul chased David, David continually showed his alliegance to Saul

In 2 Samuel 2-4- David's rise to power was opposed by _____________________.

Saul's son Ishbosheth

Who were the first three kings of Israel?

Saul, David, Solomon

Which is NOT true about the Ugaritic language?

Scholars do not know how to translate it

What does the word Deuteronomy mean?

Second law

The Assyrians under King _________ invaded Judah in 701 B.C. Judah's king at the time was _______.

Sennacherib- Hezekiah.

What is the name of the Greek translation of the Old Testament?


Which of the following statements is true about the dividing of the Promised Land in Joshua?

Several tribes did not drive out the peoples inhabiting their territory

Leviticus chapter 18 is a warning to the Israelites to guard themselves against ___________________.

Sexual immorality

What happened to Ezekiel's wife just prior to the destruction of Jerusalem?

She died

Deuteronomy 6:4 is known as the _________________.


Lamentations was most likely written _______________

Shortly after 586 B. C.

Lamentations was most likely written _______________.

Shortly after 586 B. C.

Judges 2:6-3:6 describes the general literary pattern of the book-which includes the cycle of ____________________________.

Sin, Israel given over to an enemy, God sends a judge who delivers them, the nation falls back into sin

What does the term Sitz im Leben mean?

Situation in life

What is the subject matter of 1 Kings 3:16-28?

Solomon resolves a dispute between two prostitutes regarding their babies

What are the basic characteristics of the psalm type identified as hymns?

Songs of praise and thanksgiving to God for who He is and what He has done

What is casuistic law?

Specific cases in which the principles of covenant law are applied to life

What words are repeated over and over to describe the people of Judah in the passage dealing with Ezekiel's commission (Ezek. 2:1-3:27)?

Stubborn and rebellious house

What is a theophany as applied to the Old Testament

Sudden appearances by God at decisive points in Israel's history

What is a theophany as applied to the Old Testament?

Sudden appearances by God at decisive points in Israel's history

"The heavens declare the glory of God the skies proclaim the work of His hands" illustrates what type of parallelism?

Synonymous parallelism

"Cast your bread upon the waters for after many days you will find it again" illustrates what type of parallelism?

Synthetic parallelism

What was the name of the Mesopotamian agricultural god?


Why did God instruct Jeremiah not to marry (Jer. 16:1-4)

Terrible times were coming

The Egyptian document known as the Instruction of Amenemope has much in common with __________.

The "thirty sayings" mentioned in Prov. 22:2

Ancient Israel was one small part of a larger area known as ____________________.

The Ancient Near East

What is the archaeological find that describes Cyrus' policy of allowing conquered peoples to return and rebuild their homelands?

The Cyrus Cylinder

What historical event does God mention in Jeremiah 31:31-34?

The Exodus

What miraculous event during the time of Moses is the formative event in Israelite history and the best example of God's power and grace?

The Exodus

What are the groups of books in the English version of the canon?

The Law, historical books, poetical books, Major Prophets, and Minor Prophets

What are the three groups of books in the Hebrew version of the canon?

The Law, the Prophets, and the Writings

What was the name of the ancient inscription that mentions King Omri of Israel?

The Mesha Inscription

Which of the following is NOT true about the Pentateuch?

The Pentateuch is a Latin term which means "God's creation salviation guidance law and holiness"

Which of the following happened during the "ark narrative" of 1 Samuel 4-7?

The Philistines captured the ark but later returned it to the Israelites

What was the name of the figure that Daniel saw in a vision (in chapter 7) that Jesus later used to refer to Himself?

The Son of Man

What is the subject matter of Exodus chapter 20?

The Ten Commandments

In which section of the Jewish canon does Daniel appear?

The Writings

What is explanatory power?

The ability of a worldview to explain the world in a reasonable and coherent way

What is pluralism?

The acceptance of conflicting religious views side by side

Which of the following is NOT a historical problem with the book of Exodus?

The actual location of ancient Egypt

What is the term theodicy mean?

The attempt to justify God's ways, particularly why there is evil in the world

What is syncretism?

The attempted reconciliation or union of different or opposing principles, practices, or religious beliefs

Which of the following is NOT true about the book of 1 Kings?

The author lists all wives, concubines, sons, and daughters for each king, as well as the age at which the king took the throne

What is the subject matter of Joshua 6?

The batlle of Jericho

What is the meaning of the title "Song of Songs"?

The best song

Which of the following is true about the authorship of Ecclesiastes?

The book nowhere claims Solomon as its author

Dating the exodus to around 1446 B.C. is based on 1 Kings 6:1 which states that ______________________.

The building of Solomon's Temple was begun 480 years after the exodus.

Which of the following does NOT describe the situation in Jerusalem during Jeremiah's ministry

The city was engaged in a bitter war against Babylon

Which of the following is NOT true about the book of Psalms?

The collection of 150 psalms is divided into four sections

What prophecy is made in Joel 2:28-32?

The coming of God's Holy Spirit

What is the subject matter of Moses' second speech in Deuteronomy?

The covenant way of life

Which of the following is NOT true about the book of Esther?

The covenants of Abraham and David are key themes

What is the most controversial problem associated with the book of Daniel?

The date of composition

What event is recorded in Deuteronomy 34?

The death of Moses

What event is reported differently in 1 Samuel 31 ands 2 Samuel 1?

The death of Saul

Which of the following is NOT an argument for the multiple-author view of Isaiah?

The different spelling of the name Isaiah in chapters 1-39 and 40-66

What is the subject matter of Prov. 31:10-31?

The excellent wife

What two events constitute the central act of redemption in the Old Testament

The exodus and the Sinai covenant

What is the subject matter of Jeremiah chapters 34-38?

The failure of Jerusalem's leadership

What is the Pentateuch?

The first five books of the Old Testament

Which of the following is NOT a plausible interpretation of Ezekiel 40-48?

The fulfillment is found in the present-day country of Israel, formed as a homeland for Jews

Whom did Ezekiel criticize in chapter 34?

The leaders

What is a worldview?

The lens through which a person views or interprets the world

What is the carefully orchestrated theme of Genesis 3-11?

The moral failure of humankind

What is the theme of Lamentations chapter 3?

The people's hope lay in God's faithfulness to them

What is Sheol?

The realm of the dead

Which of the following is NOT a major section of the books of 1 and 2 Kings?

The reign of King David over Israel

The subject matter of the first nine chapters of 2 Chronicles is _________________________.

The reign of Solomon

What does the word atonement mean?

The sacrifice of an animal ransoms a sinner from the death that he or she deserves

Which of the following is NOT a theme of the book of Chronicles?

The sins of the kings

What was the meaning of the proverb quoted by the people of Judah as the exile approached (Ezekiel 18)?

The situation was not their fault, but the fault of their ancestors

What theme runs through the book of Ruth?

The sovereign plan of God is worked out through the faithfulness of the main characters

What is the subject matter of the majority of the book of Job (chapters 4-27)?

The speeches of Job's three friends, and Job's responses

What does the Hebrew word herem mean?

The spoil of war--God's command to destroy completely a nation that opposed Him

What does the term hermeneutics mean?

The study of how to interpret the Bible

What characteristic is true about nonliterary prophets?

The tended to focus on the king and his court

Which of the following is NOT an aspect of the "Day of the Lord"?

The total defeat of the Babylonians

What is the subject matter of Ezekiel 37?

The vision of dry bones coming to life

What worldview does the Old Testament claim for itself?


What is the theme of Eccl. 3:1-8?

There is a time and season for everything

Which of the following is NOT a difficulty resulting from the reported Israelite population in the two censuses of the book of Numbers?

There is no way God could have fed that many Israelites for 40 years in the wilderness?

Why is Jeremiah chapters 30-33 known as "The Book of Comfort"?

These chapters relate that despite coming judgment, God has not given up on His people

Which of the following is NOT a step taken by the Masoretes to ensure textual accuracy?

They developed new Hebrew letters to account for "gaps" in the ancient manuscripts

Which of the following is true regarding 1 and 2 Samuel?

They originally formed one united work in the Hebrew Bible

Which statement best describes the attitude of ancient scribes who copied and transmitted the text of the Old Testament?

They took great care because they believed they were copying the very words of God

Which of the following describes the people who acted as judges in Israel?

They were charismatic military leaders whom God raised up to deliver the people

Which of the following is NOT true regarding the "sons of Korah"?

They were experts in musical arrangement and in playing the harp and lyre

Which of the following is NOT true about the classical prophets?

They were individuals who lived from 800 B.C. until the time of Jesus

How many speeches of Moses are recorded in Deuteronomy?


What was the purpose of the scapegoat in the Day of Atonement ceremony (Leviticus 16)?

To be led into the wilderness to symbolize the removal of the nation's sin

What is the purpose of the "Oracles against the Nations" (Ezekiel 25-32)?

To list the kings of all nations in the Ancient Near East at the time

How did Paul use the events of the book of Numbers in the New Testament (in 1 Corinthians 10)?

To show that God's people can sometimes fall into sin and rebellion

What physical act did God instruct Jeremiah to do in Jer. 27-28?

To wear a yoke to symbolize Judah's future submission to Babylon

The books of Ezra and Nehemiah provide details surrounding _______________________.

Two waves of returning exiles, the first in 538 B.C., and the second in 458 B.C.

What issue is associated with Zephaniah's background?

Whether he was related to King Hezekiah

What is the implied message of the book of Job found in Job 28:20-28?

Wisdom belongs ultimately to God

What are omen texts?

Writings based on the belief that cause-and-effect relationships had supernatural meaning

What are Mari prophecies?

Writings based on the ecstatic dreams or trances of prophets who served a certain god or goddess

What are Akkadian prophecies?

Writings that list various political events from a period of history, intended to prophecy future events

Which of the following is NOT a test for canonicity?

Written before 700 B.C.

Many Jewish interpreters have taken the Song of Songs as an allegory of the love between __________ and __________

Yahweh and Israel

Which book in the Minor Prophets contains a biblical apocalyptic style and structure?


In 538 B.C. the first group of Jews returned to Jerusalem under the leadership of _____________ a descendant of David.


Who ruled as governor in Judah during the time of Haggai?


What contains a creation story that has parallels to the biblical record

but appears relatively late in Mesopotamian history?, Enuma Elish

Where was Ezekiel when he received his first message from God?

by the Chebar River

Ecclesiastes 9:7-9 finds a parallel in what Ancient Near East document?

epic of Gilgamesh

Proverbs 1:7 states that "the __________ of the Lord is the beginning of __________ but __________ despise wisdom and discipline."

fear knowledge fools

Which of the following is NOT part of Job chapter 38?

flowers such as roses, tulips, and daisies

Which empire destroyed Judah and its capital- Jerusalem- in about 586 B.C.

forcing the nation into exile?, Babylonian

In Malachi 3:7-12 God expresses concern over the people's failure to __________.

give tithes and offerings

Who are considered to be the ultimate foes of God

mentioned in Ezekiel 38-39?, Gog and Magog

The Egyptian document known as the Instruction of Amenemope is dated to about __________

or 200 years before the time of King Solomon, 1200 B.C.

Which psalm begins and ends with the same phrase: "O Lord

our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth"?, Psalm 8

What is the name given to different types of literature (i.e. narrative

poetry, prophecy)?, Genre

What is a distich?

proverbial sayings in poetic verse of two lines each

The word psalm means ___________________.

song or hymn

Despite ongoing opposition

the Jews that had returned from exile completed the (second) temple in ___________., 516 B.C.

In the Old Testament the foundation of wisdom is _________________ (Proverbs 1:7).

the fear of the Lord

After the reign of King Solomon

the kingdom of Israel was split into two: _____________ in the north, and _____________ in the south., Israel, Judah

How did Paul use the events of the book of Numbers in the New Testament (in 1 Corinthians 10)?

to show that God's people can sometimes fall into sin and rebellion

In his farewell speech to the Israelites

what did Joshua proclaim (Joshua 24:15)?, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord"

After the birth of Isaac

what surprising command does God give to Abraham (in Genesis 22)?, God commands Abraham to sacrifice Isaac

The term messiah comes from the Hebrew word masiah (ma-SHE-ach)

which means,Anointed one

Of the three types of context

which one usually influences the meaning of a biblical passage the most?, Immediate context

What was the title of the leader of Egypt

who was revered as a god-king?, Pharaoh

In Genesis chapter 37

why are Joseph's brothers angry with him?, The other three responses are all correct

In 1 Kings 3 what did Solomon request from God?


The book of Proverbs continues the theme of other portions of the Old Testament by contrasting two ways of life: __________ and __________.

wisdom folly

What is the most important aspect of the Dead Sea Scrolls discovery

with regard to the textual transmission of the Old Testament?, The scrolls confirm the reliability of the Masoretic text.

What is the most important aspect of the Dead Sea Scrolls discovery

with regard to the textual transmission of the Old Testament?,The scrolls confirm the reliability of the Masoretic text.

Beginning in Proverbs 1:20-33 we see wisdom personified as a __________


What was Job's response to God (Job 42:5-6) after God showed him the greatness of His creation (chapters 38-41)?

" "I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes"

What is a key phrase that appears twenty-five times in the book of Isaiah?

"Holy One of Israel"

What was Job's response to God (Job 42:5-6) after God showed him the greatness of His creation (chapters 38-41)

"I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes"

What phrase is repeated in the book of Judges that suggests the author's perspective was from the later vantage point of the monarchy?

"In those days Israel had no king"

Which of the following phrases is NOT repeated in Genesis 1?

"Thou shalt not"

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