Surveying 2401 S&T Final Study Guide
What is the Conversion between Chain and Feet?
1 Chain = 66 feet
How many chains are in a mile?
1 mile = 80 chains = 5280 feet
What is surveying?
1. Measurement of the relationship between points, lines, planes, and volumes on or near Earth's surface 2. Making measurements to define and position elements on the Earth for a map or construction projects1. 3 .Making measurements to position objects on the existing ground before a project starts
How many feet are in a Full Station? How many in a half station?
100 feet (1+00) 50 feet (0+50)
What is Gunter's Chain?
100 links = 1 chain = 66 feet
How many feet in a meter?
3.28 ft
How many feet are in an acre?
43,560 feet
What is a section?
640 acres
What are the steel tape standard conditions?
68* F Tape fully supported Tape under tension of 10 pounds
What is a turning point?
A hard point where a shot is taken, used to transfer elevation
What is a Benchmark?
A man-made point of known elevation
What is a meridian?
All arcs drawn between the North and South poles
Random error
Associated with the skill and vigilance of a surveyor. Good accuracy, low precision.
Precision ratio
Change / average closure error / distance known delta x / x
What are the three classes of surveys?
Control - horizontal/vertical projection Preliminary - boundary, topography Layout - construction staking, wooden hubs, rebar monuments
Geodetic Surveying
Engineering Surveys of wide extent which take into account the spheroidal shape of the earth
Systematic error
Errors based on magnitude that can be easily calculated to adjust, usually caused by temperature with steel tape. Low accuracy, high precision.
Errors made from carelessness, confusion, inexperience, or incompetence. These errors are not mathematical and cannot be measured. For example, confusing an 8 for a 3, or reading 900 instead of 9.00
Global Positioning System - uses satellites
Basic measurements done by surveyors
Horizontal distances, Horizontal angles, Vertical distances, Vertical angles, Slope distances, positional coordinates
Plane Surveying
Land Surveying Earth is considered to be a flat surface, taken over smaller distances
Lattitude vs Longitude
Lattitude - parallel with the equator Longitude - north pole to south pole, passes trough Greenland
Highway Classification Order
Local - provides access to properties Collector - connects local streets Arterial - relatively high level of traffic movement. connects towns. Freeway - highest level of service
Measured from closest Northing, then goes to Easting. max 90*
Measured from the North Y-axis, goes clockwise. max 360*
Nadir angle
Measured from the negative y-axis counterclockwise
Vertical angle
Measured from the x-axis counterclockwise
Zenith angle
Measured from the y-axis clockwise
Northing VS Easting
Northing y-axis Easting x-axis
Precision ratio * 1,000,000
All survey measurements are ________ until verified
What is a Datum?
reference point for measuring elevation