Tableau Set 3
Left Join
A left join is used to join all the records from a left table and common records from the right table. One or more join conditions can be specified to left join two different tables.
At most
A maximum or minimum value of a measure is given to filter the data.
At least
A minimum value of a measure is given to filter the data.
Data Relationship
A relational Database/Excel file consists of multiple Tables/sheets. These multiple tables/sheets can be connected to each other in Tableau. This connection is established by 'Join' or 'Union' feature present in Tableau. The relationship between data in two or more tables needs to be specified while joining tables.
Right Join
A right join is used to join all the records from a right table and common records from left table. Based on the requirements, one or more joining condition can be set.
Full/Outer Join
An Outer join is used to join all the records from both left and right table. Joining conditions can be set to join common records.
An option to select null or non-null values and filter the data.
Create Hierarchy
Can be built in tableau to visualize data the data in granular level.
Measure Filter
Can filter the data based on the values present in measure. Aggregated measure values can be used in measure filter to modify the data. A measure filter can be applied in a worksheet by following the procedure.
Current Sheet
Current Sheet can be viewed with the name of the sheet. All the sheets, dashboards and story board present in the workbook can be viewed here.
Data Sorting
Data present in the data source can be sorted based on the user requirement. It can be sorted using data source order, ascending, descending, ascending per table and descending per table. Once the data is connected to Tableau, data sorting can be done using the "Sort Fields" option. The option is present in the "Data Source" tab.
Sort data
Data present in the visualization and worksheet can be sorted based on the requirement. It can sort the data based on data source order, ascending, descending or depend on any measurable value.
Different types of filters
Extract Filters, Data Source Filters, Context Filters, Dimension Filters, Measure Filters
Custom or Quick Filter
Filters can be customized based on the user selection. The filters can customize worksheets and dashboards to modify the data dynamically.
Create Group
Group is used to combine members present in a field.
Menu Bar
It consists of menu options such as File, Data, Worksheet, Dashboard, Story, Analysis, Map, Format, Server, and Windows. The options in the menu bar include features such as file saving, data source connection, file export, table calculation options, and design features for creating a worksheet, dashboard, and storyboard.
Inner Join
It joins all the common records between two tables or sheets. The joining condition can be given based on the primary key. One or more joining conditions can be specified to join the tables. Many tables can be joined together in Tableau for visualization.
Data Source order
It sorts the field based on data source order.
It sorts the field based on other dimension or measure values.
It sorts the field based on the alphabetic order.
Sort order(ascending)
It sorts the order of selected dimension in ascending order.
Marks Card
Marks card can be used to design the visualization. The data components of the visualization such as color, size, shape, path, label, and tooltip used in the visualizations can be modified in the marks card.
Tableau Desktop Work space contains
Page Shelf, Filter shelf, Dimension Shelf, Measures Shelf, Sets and Parameters Shelf, Menu Bar, Toolbar Icon, Worksheet
Page Shelf
Page shelf can be used to view the visualization in video format by keeping the relevant filter on the page shelf.
User Filter
Secures the row level data present in a dataset. can be used when publishing the workbook on a server. Different filter conditions can be applied to for different users.
Ends with
Select the members if the member name ends with typed characters
Exactly matches
Select the members if the member name exactly matches with typed characters
Starts with
Select the members if the member name starts with typed characters
Select the members if the members name contains typed characters
Build Sets
Sets create a set of members out of the field present in a data set. Acts as a seperated field or dimension
Connecting to Tableau Server
Tableau Server can store extracted data sources and database connections. In enterprise level, it is important to keep all the required data connections in Tableau Server. It helps all the users of the enterprise to connect to the data source easily.
Tableau can "join" tables. It can join up to 32 tables in a data source. While joining, the relationship between two or more tables can be specified. The tables present in the data source can be related to each other using the joins such as inner join, left join, right join and outer join.
Replacing Data Source
Tableau can connect multiple data sources in a single workbook. The different data sources can be used to build various sheets and dashboards in Tableau. In some cases, data sources need to be replaced with updated file. Tableau has a data source replacing feature which can replace data sources. This feature does not affect the already built visualizations using the old data source. It is important to keep or replace all the used dimensions and measures while replacing the data source. The data source connected in Tableau can be replaced with another data source.
Things Tableau can do
Tableau can connect to various data sources like Excel, databases, and websites. It can join various sheets or tables present in the data source. The joining conditions used in Tableau are an inner join, right join, left join and outer join. Tableau can connect and join various sheets present in an excel file. The database can be connected to Tableau by connecting the database server. Tableau can connect websites by using web connector. Data sorting is available in the Tableau's data source Tab. Tableau Server can be connected to Tableau Desktop.
Tableau Repository
Tableau repository is used to store all the files related to tableau desktop. It includes various folders such as Bookmarks, Connectors, Datasources, Extensions, Logs, Mapsources, Services, Shapes, TabOnlineSyncClient and Workbooks. My Tableau repository is usually located in the file path C:\Users\User\Documents\My Tableau Repository.
Data Source
The addition of new data source of modification of existing data source can be done using the 'Data Source' tab present at the bottom of the Tableau Desktop Window.
Dimension Shelf
The dimensions present in the data source can be viewed in the dimension shelf.
Filter Shelf
The filters that can control the visualization can be placed on the filter shelf, and the required dimensions or measures can be filtered in.
Measure Shelf
The measures present in the data source can be viewed on the measure shelf.
The user can manually sort the data using this option.
Sets and Parameters Shelf
The user-defined sets and parameters can be viewed in the sets and parameter shelf. It can also be used to edit the existing sets and parameters.
The worksheet is the place where the actual visualization can be viewed in the workbook. The design and functionalities of the visual can be viewed in the worksheet.
There are various types of filters in Tableau, they can be applied to a worksheet to to restrict the number of records present in a dataset.
Toolbar Icon
Toolbar icon present below the menu bar can be used to edit the workbook using different features such as undo, redo, save, new data source, slideshow and so on.
With sort by, field can be sorted by different types of methods, they are
data source order, alphabetical, field, manual.
Context Filter
is an independent filter that can create a seperate dataset out of the original data set and compute the selections made in the worksheet. One or more categorical filter that seperates the dataset into major parts can be used as a context filter All other filters used in the worksheet works based on the selection of context filter. Any dimension can be added as a context filter.
Sort order (descending)
it sorts the order of selected dimension in descending order.
Data can be
organized and simplified by using various techniques in tableau.
go to File > New
to open a Tableau Workspace
Range of values
Minimum and maximum range of measure value can be given and filtered.
Connecting to various data sources
Tableau can connect to various types of data sources. It can connect to text files, excel files, PDF files, etc. It can also connect to various databases using its ODBC connector. Tableau has the capability to connect to servers and web connectors.
New Dashboard
The new dashboard icon present in the tab can be used to create a new dashboard in the Tableau Workbook.
New Sheet
The new sheet icon present in the tab can be used to create a new worksheet in the Tableau Workbook.
New Storyboard
The new storyboard icon present in the tab can be used to create new storyboard in the Tableau Workbook.
Dimension Filters
When a dimension is used to filter the data in a worksheet. It's a non-aggregated filter where a dimension, group, sets and bin can be added. A dimension filter can be applied through the top or bottom conditions, wildcard match and formula. Members present in a dimension can be included or excluded from the list using this filter. Can be shown in a sheet or dashboard to change the filter condition dynamically.
Advantages of using context filters
When used in large data sources, it can improve the performance as it creates a temporary dataset part based on the context filter selection. Performance can be effectively improved through the selection of major categorical context filters. Can be used to create dependent filter conditions based on the business requirement. When the data source size is large, context filter can be selected on the major category, and other relevant filters can be executed.
Data source filter
used to filter the data in data source level . It can restrict the records present in the data set. Similar to extract filter on securing the data. But data source filter and extract filter is not linked to each other. Data Source filter works on both live and extracts connection.
Extract Filters
used to filter the extracted data from the data source. This filter is utilized only if the user extracts the data from data source. Once text file is connected to tableau, you can see the live and extract option in the top right corner of data source tab. Live connection directly connects to data source. Extract connection, extracts the data from a data source and creates a local copy in tableau repository.