TBS Phase 1 Exam (2020)

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5 horizontal themes

A Man or Woman of exemplary character. Devoted to leading Marines and Sailors 24/7 Able to decide, communicate and act in the fog of war A Warfighter who embraces our Naval character and the Corps' warrior ethos. Mentally Strong an Physically Tough

Purpose of designating main effort

Another important tool for providing unity is the main effort. Of all the actions going on within our command, we recognize one as the most critical to success at that moment. The unit assigned responsibility for accomplishing this key mission is designated as the main effort—the focal point upon which converges the combat power of the force. The main effort receives priority for support of any kind. It becomes clear to all other units in the command that they must support that unit in the accomplishment of its mission. Like the commander's intent, the main effort becomes a harmonizing force for subordinate initiative.

Types of bleeding

Arterial Bleeding: is characterized by the flow of bright red blood (due to the oxygen content) that pumps out in distinct spurts. The flow can be alarmingly profuse. Arterial bleeding is not likely to clot unless the flow of blood is minimal or the artery is very small. COULD BLEED OUT IN 1 TO 2 MINS DEPEDING ON LOCATION OF WOUND Venous bleeding: is characterized by a steady flow of dark red or maroon-colored blood. Although veinal bleeding may be profuse, it is much easier to control than arterial bleeding. must beware of drawing in air bubbles Capillary bleeding: is characterized by the slow oozing of blood, usually from minor wounds. Because of the large amount of surface area that may be involved, the threat of contamination may be more serious than blood loss.

4 elements of a MAGTF

Command Element Ground Combat Element Air Combat Element Logistics Combat Element

symptoms of frostbite

Frostbite symptoms are: • Sensations of cold or pain. • Complete loss of sensation in the affected area. The sensation is described as feeling "like a stump," "like a block of wood," or "cube-like." • Tissue becomes hard and red, and then turns white, white-yellow or mottled blue-white, and cold. • Swelling may occur, and blisters may form on the affected area.

Describe policy on hazing

Hazing is defined as any conduct whereby a Service member or DOD employee knowingly, recklessly, or intentionally and without proper authority but with a nexus to military service causes a Service member or members, regardless of Service or rank, to suffer physically or psychologically or be exposed to any activity which is cruel, abusive, humiliating, oppressive, demeaning, harmful, or creates a risk of physical or psychological injury. Doesn't include authorized incentive training permitted at the Marine Corps Recruit Depots. Abuse is prohibited. No Marine, or service member attached to a Marine command, including Marine detachments, may engage in abuse or consent to acts of abuse being committed upon them. Any violation, attempted violation, or solicitation of another to violate this order, subjects involved members to disciplinary action under Article 92 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ).

Types of hear injuries and severity

Heat Cramps Heat cramps are caused by a lack of electrolytes (salt) in the system. They can be brought on when you have been sweating profusely and suddenly drink a large quantity of cold water. Heat cramps symptoms are: • Muscle cramps, particularly in the legs and abdomen. • Profuse sweating and faintness. Heat Exhaustion Heat exhaustion is caused by the pooling of blood in the capillaries close to the surface of the skin. Exposure to high temperatures and humidity, heat directly from the sun, and excessive activity by unacclimatized individuals are primary contributors to heat exhaustion. Heat exhaustion symptoms are: • Rapid, shallow breathing. • Dizziness. • Blurred vision. • Pale, clammy skin. • Profuse sweating, normally accompanies this condition. Heat Stroke Heat stroke is a serious malfunction of the body's heat regulatory mechanism. Heat stroke may be brought on by the same environmental conditions that cause heat cramps or heat exhaustion. Symptoms of heat stroke are: • Shortness of breath. • Weakness. • Headache. • Dizziness. • Loss of appetite. • Nausea. The victim will also experience: • Muscle-twitching leading to convulsions. • Dilated pupils. • Lack of sweating. • Full, fast pulse; delirium and eventual loss of consciousness.

What are the Levels of war

Highest: Strategic Operational Tactical Lowest.

Describe/define mission tactics

Mission tactics is the assignment of a mission to a subordinate without specifying how the mission must be accomplished. It is a key tenet of maneuver warfare. In mission tactics, the higher commander describes the mission and explains its purpose. The subordinate commander determines the tactics needed to accomplish the task based on the mission and the higher commander's intent. In this way, each leader can act quickly as the situation changes without passing information up the chain of command and waiting for orders to come back down

Given a scenario, a mission and a mental estimate of the situation, provide commander's intent to facilitate decentralized operations.

Mission tactics is the assignment of a mission to a subordinate without specifying how the mission must be accomplished. The commander's intent provides the overall purpose for accomplishing the task assigned through mission tactics.

Know where a marines LES can be found


Know the phases of the Marine Corps Alchohol Abuse Program

Proactive Phase. This phase consists of various measures used to prevent the abuse of alcohol. This phase has both education and deterrent measures. It is obvious that the consumption of alcohol is not essential to unit deployment capabilities and the fostering of Marine Corps pride. Activities that encourage drinking should be avoided. Official functions and activities must offer nonalcoholic beverages when alcoholic beverages are served. Reactive Phase. The objectives of the reactive phase are to confirm that an alcohol related incident has occurred; take appropriate disciplinary, judicial, or administrative action; and evaluate the individual. Individuals are screened to determine the level of alcohol abuse involvement and, if necessary, the appropriate level of treatment. Once a Marine has been evaluated the following may occur: Relevant treatment provided Return the Marine to full duty Those who do not successfully complete treatment programs may be separated.

Know the components (jackets/shirts) for the service uniforms

Service "A" (or Alpha) is the base uniform. It consists of a green coat, green trousers with khaki web belt, khaki long-sleeve button-up shirt, khaki tie, tie clasp, and black shoes. The coat is cut to be semi-form fitting, with ribbons and marksmanship badges worn on the left chest of the coat. Women wear a green necktab in place of the tie, pumps instead of shoes, and have the option of wearing a skirt instead of slacks. It is sometimes appropriate to remove the jacket while indoors. Service "B" (or Bravo) is identical to the "A" except the coat is removed. Ribbons may be worn on the shirt. Service "C" (or Charlie) is identical to the "B" except with a short-sleeve button-up shirt and no tie.

Define Nature of war / identify battlefield dynamics

The Nature of War War: War is a violent clash of interests between or among organized groups characterized by the use of military force. These groups have traditionally been established nation-states, but they may also include any nonstate group—such as an international coalition or a faction within or outside of an existing state—with its own political interests and the ability to generate organized violence on a scale sufficient to have significant political consequences. —Friction——Uncertainty-—Fluidity— Disorder—Complexity—The Human Dimension— Violence and Danger—Physical, Moral, and Mental Forces—The Evolution of War—The Science, Art, and Dynamic of War—Conclusion

identify the role of tactical communications in the MAGTAF without error.

Tactical Communications' role within the MAGTF is demonstrated by the enabling of information flow throughout all levels of command within the MAGTF.

identify the role of the Red Cross without error.

The American Red Cross provides many services that are available 24 hours a day. They can provide emergency communication throughout the world relating to notification of births, deaths, and health conditions within the Marine's family. Under certain circumstances, emergency financial assistance (loans, grants) may be available for travel. They also provide information and referral services by connecting military personal and families to community resources.

Marine Cops policy on use of illegal Drugs/substances

The Marine Corps recognizes the need to develop an illegal drug prevention program in order to curb illegal drug use. Although there is no standard or recognized model, any successful program must address four inherent elements: leadership, enforcement of standards, identification, and education. Experience over the last decade has indicated that a successful substance abuse program must consist of the following key elements: Prevention Deterrence Identification Early Intervention Counseling Services Aftercare

identify the role of the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society without error.

The mission of the Navy and Marine Corps Relief Society (NMCRS) is to provide financial, educational, and other assistance to eligible personnel and their families. The agency provides military family members with emergency financial assistance, Quick Assist Loans, for living expenses (bills, food, gas). This assistance can even be provided during deployments.

identify the duties of the user of cryptographic controlled items without error.

These items are controlled and governed by the Electronic Key Management System (EKMS). EKMS sets guidelines on handling procedures for CCI. In order for a user to handle CCI, a user form must be signed. This form requires the following constraints to be met. 1. A user must acknowledge that they have read and understand EKMS and understand the handling, accountability and disposition requirements of CCI. 2. A user assumes full responsibility for the proper handling, storage, inventorying, accounting, and disposition of CCI.

Define Sexual harassment

Unwelcome sexual advances. Requests for sexual favors. Verbal/physical conduct of a sexual nature. Complicity.

Know the triage categories

Urgent: A severe injury; threatening to life, limb, or eyesight • Airway and breathing difficulties. • Gunshot wounds. • Spinal or pelvic fractures. • Cardiac arrest. • Uncontrolled or suspected severe hidden bleeding. • Open chest or abdominal wounds. • Severe head injuries with evidence of brain damage, no matter how slight. • Several medical problems: o Poisonings. o Diabetes with complications. o Cardiac disease with failure. Priority: An injury that requires immediate medical attention, but is not threatening to life, limb, or eyesight • Burns without complications. • Major or multiple fractures. • Back injuries without spinal damage. • Heat/cold injuries—not counting heat stroke. Routine An injury that is not threatening to life, limb or eyesight. Routine casualties are transported or treated last. • Injuries of a minor nature, i.e. sprains, small fractures, minor lacerations, etc. • Obviously mortal wounds where death appears reasonably certain. • Obviously dead.

manuever warfare concepts / differences between attrition and manuever warefare

Warfare by attrition pursues victory through the cumulative destruction of the enemy's material assets by superior firepower. On the opposite end of the spectrum is warfare by maneuver which stems from a desire to circumvent a problem and attack it from a position of advantage rather than meet it straight on. Rather than pursuing the cumulative destruction of every component in the enemy arsenal, the goal is to attack the enemy "system"—to incapacitate the enemy systemically. Enemy components may remain untouched but cannot function as part of a cohesive whole.

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