Teacher Interview Questions

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What are the elements of a good lesson?

1. Begins with the end in mind. 2. Involves all students 3. differentiates when necessary 4. is fun and engaging 5. Meets it's objective and results in learning. 6. well planned

What is wrong with education todaY?

1. Parents are not involved enough. 2. Our schools are overcrowded.3. School spending is stagnant, even in our improving economy.

What are Larry Bell's 12 Power Words?

1. Trace-List the steps 2. evaluate-judge 3. formulate-create 4. infer- read between the lines 5. predict - tell what happens next 6. compare - tell how they are alike 7. contrast-tell how they are different 8. Support - Back it up 9. Explain - Tell how 10. summarize-Give me the short version 11. Describe - Tell about it 12. analyze - break to apart "on your worst day on the job you are some child's best hope." Unravvel poster

How do you teach vocabulary?

1. Words drawings 2. Interactive computer games like Kahoot. 3. Quizlet 5. Cloze -Especially for ELL 6. Concept Maps 7. Acrostics 8. Science GraffitiTEACHING WORDS If you haven't heard of him, I'd like to introduce Robert Marzano. This guy is pretty amazing, having spent countless hours observing students and teachers. An education researcher and teacher, he stresses that in all content areas, direct vocabulary instruction is essential and suggests six steps: Step one: The teacher explains a new word, going beyond reciting its definition (tap into prior knowledge of students, use imagery). Step two: Students restate or explain the new word in their own words (verbally and/or in writing). Step three: Ask students to create a non-linguistic representation of the word (a picture, or symbolic representation). Step four: Students engage in activities to deepen their knowledge of the new word (compare words, classify terms, write their own analogies and metaphors). Step five: Students discuss the new word (pair-share, elbow partners). Step six: Students periodically play games to review new vocabulary (Pyramid, Jeopardy, Telephone). Marzano's six steps do something revolutionary to vocabulary learning: They make it fun. Students think about, talk about, apply, and play with new words. And Webster doesn't get a word in edgewise.

I What's your approach to leading a team?

1. inspiring, motivating and encouraging the team to put in their best effort. 2. decision-making and problem-solving. 3. setting a good example for the team. 4. setting goals and objectives and providing vision or direction for the team. 5. taking responsibility. 6. Sticking to positive solutions and staying away from negative interactions

What is a successful teacher?

A successful teacher is one that is able to establish relationships with her students while at the same time having the highest expectations for student achievement. (Randy)1. Successful teachers hold high expectations of their students. The most effective teachers expect their students to succeed, they believe in them, and motivate them to keep trying until they reach their goal. As a result, they set the bar high and create an environment where students can push themselves beyond their comfort zone to reach their goals, but also have a safety net to catch them if they fail. 2. Successful teachers have a sense of humor. If you ask a student who their favorite teacher is, they are more than likely to tell you about the teacher that makes them laugh. They aren't afraid to be silly and can laugh at their own mistakes. Humor helps create that lasting impression. 3. Successful teachers are knowledgeable in their field. The best teachers are masters in their subject area. They know their craft and never stop learning. They are curious, confident, and do not need a textbook to teach their students. They stay abreast of their subject and transfer their love of knowledge to their students. 4. Successful teachers use teaching strategies that cause them to think outside of the box. Productive teachers think creatively and try and make classroom experiences exciting for students. They identify ways to leap outside of the educational norms and create experiences that are unexpected, unique, and ultimately more memorable. They use research based instruction practices. 5. Successful teachers take risks. A popular saying is, "If there is no risk, there is no reward." Successful teachers know that risk-taking is a part of being successful. Children learn by observing, and when they see you try new things (and watch how you handle success and failure) they too will know how to handle similar situations. 6. Successful teachers are consistent. Successful teachers are consistent in ALL that they do. Do what you say you're going to do and stick with it. This applies to enforcing class rules, a consistent grading system, and the expectations for all your students. Do not play favorites or make special exceptions. 7. Successful teachers communicate with parents and students. Effective teachers know that communication is the key to student success. They create an open path of communication between parents and students, and recognize that a united front between both groups lowers the chance that children will get left behind. 8. Successful teachers are up-to-date with the latest in technology. Great teachers take the time to explore new tools and stay up-to-date with latest technology. They are not afraid of what technology holds for education in the future, and are willing to learn and incorporate the new trends into their classroom. 9. Successful teachers make learning fun. This goes hand in hand with having a sense of humor, but making learning fun doesn't mean you have to put on a comedy show. Find ways to mix up your lesson plans based upon your students' interests. When they see you putting in effort to get to know them and mold your teachings around their lives, the more successful you will become. 10. Successful teachers can empathize with students. The best teachers are patient with students, and understand when they are under stress or have problems with material. They do whatever is necessary to get their students back on track, and are able to recognize that everybody has bad days.

How would you describe your teaching style?

Creative, well organized, enthusiastic, structured, interactive, collaborative

How would you deal with mixed ability classes?

Differiented instruction is key to mixed ability classes.

What gives you the greatest pleasure in teaching.

Everyday when I walk in my classroom I enjoy seeing my kids. They are happy to see me. We have a relationship and I truly care for them and think about them. Of course there is the cliche "light bulb" moments.. but really I just enjoy being around the kids and see them grow and think and believe in themselves.

What qualifies you for this job?

First of all I have the credentials as well as experience teaching both culturally diverse as well as academically diverse students I have 30 years teaching experience and I still love and and am still learning and growing. In addition, I'm becoming a technology enthusiast and realize its value in education. I think I have all the skills for the job: teaching skills, IT skills, communication skills, teamwork skills, research skills. I am hard working, methodical and professional in my approach to work. I am also research-oriented and a technology enthusiast.

What is your teaching philosophy?

I believe every child can learn. That the teacher/child relationship must be founded on trust and is fundamental to the success of the student in the classroom. Communication, collaboration, accountability, and teamwork are vital for the success of students, educators, parents, and community. Meaningful learning allows students to discover their potential by providing real world experiences and problem solving opportunities. I will... Empower learners to be self-sustaining, successful contributors, to life and the global communityIt is my belief that all children are unique individuals, capable and creative. I believe that the educational experience should be structured to provide an appropriate environment in which children can grow emotionally, socially, intellectually and physically. The curriculum should be arranged to benefit the students academically and prepare them effectively for advanced education or an easy transition to the workforce. Strong emphasis should be placed on basic education skills at each level. Every effort should be made to maintain an aligned curriculum, which tests students on information they are expected to learn. This information is included in the instruction they receive.

What is you philosophy on teaching?

I believe that students should enjoy being life long learners. This means their different learning styles, strengths, and abilities should be taken into consideration when creating all lessons and activities. Using multiple means of engagement, representation, and expression. Student centered activities.

What do you think you can bring to this job.

I bring a wealth of experience. I am hard worker and self motivated. I am a team player and have high expectations for myself as well as my students. I require minimal supervision.

What do you know about this school or why do you want to work here?

I know that you have done the kindness challenge and we have done something similar with the our wishes campaign. YPS was named one of the top work places for 2016 -2017. I love that you have a mentor program. I think that is so important to foster healthy relationships with the kids. In addition, you've started a healthy and fit advisory committee that I think is so important for the health and education of our children. You value tradition and excellence in academics as well as sports. There is obvious school spirit and pride. YPS will empower learners to be self-sustaining, successful contributors, to life and the global community. Five Star ranking, from the North Central Association in each of its five categories; staff, community, students, curriculum, and facilities.

What made you want to apply for this job?

I wanted to work in a stable but progressive environment. I have searched a number of institutions very carefully, and I found that you have an excellent reputation as a fair and rewarding employer. I think this job may give me more responsibility and I am ready for the challenge. This job builds on what I have been doing in my current job, and I hope I would make a valuable contribution to your institution.

How do you help you Ell Students?

Make it visual. Write directions and diagrams on the board. Use much less teacher-led, whole-class instruction, and more small groups, where students can practice language with their peers in a more personal, lower-risk setting. Pair them with a student that speaks their native language. Using pictures or videos to teach vocabulary and leaving out words not necessary to understanding lesson. Have them keep a journal of the vocabulary with pics. Differiented assessments. Hands on activities. Do model for students what they are expected to do or produce, especially for new skills or activities, by explaining and demonstrating the learning actions, sharing your thinking processes aloud, and showing good teacher and student work samples. Speak slow and clear. Provide background knowledge.

What are your greatest strengths?

My ability to make difficult subject matter easy to understand. I often use funny stories, drawing, acting out, role playing, humor, role to get an idea across. I have students often tell me that I've never had a teacher explain it like you in a way that I can understand it. I've had experience with such many different types of students, those that are above and those that are below that I've learned how to differentiate my lessons. Also, many different socioeconomic levels as well as multicultural. These experiences have helped me to know how to communicate in ways that best serve the students.Building sustaining relationships with students is also one of my greatest strengths. I look beyond what is going happening on the outside and find ways to bond with the child.

What kind of principal would I like to work for?

One that I can communicate with openly and trust. One that loves and cares for the kids as much as I do but just as he/she believes the best for the kids also does the same for the teachers. I want to support my principal and all times treat him/ her with the upmost respect which I would like to receive in return.

How do you differentiate in your classroom?

One way I differentiate is through Kessler Learning Stations.. I set up stations is the classroom or the lab with various problems to solve. Some of the stations are: Research it, Write it, Organize It, Evaluate it, Watch it, Illustrate it. I will have certain stations that are requirements and others that are optional to show that they have mastered a particular topic. One center might haves students set up an experiment that requires them to figure out if fertilizer a or fertilizer b helps plants to grow the fastest. Another center might ask them to do an illustration to show that they understand the process of photosynthesis (6CO2 + 6H2O + light energy = C6H12O6 + 6O2) another might ask them to make up lyrics to teach the photosynthesis equation. In addition, we often act scientific ideas in the classroom like with kinetic or potential energy. We sing songs like the cell rap and we illustrate concepts. Differentiation refers to adjustments that teachers make in response to student performance—not the way students are grouped, per se. In a differentiated classroom, students work in a variety of configurations—from whole-group to individual to pairs to other small groups—for different reasons Other ways I differentiate is through using the jigsaw technique where I assign groups different chunks of info to lean and to teach others.I have used debate to where students provide an opposing view to an idea. In-out-circles, quiz-quiz trade, gallery walks, graffiti wall, graphic organizers RAFT assignments encourage students to uncover their own voices and formats for presenting their ideas about content information they are studying. Students learn to respond to writing prompts that require them to think about various perspectives: Role of the Writer: Who are you as the writer? A movie star? The President? A plant? Audience: To whom are you writing? A senator? Yourself? A company? Format: In what format are you writing? A diary entry? A newspaper? A love letter? Topic: What are you writing about? Example Role : a solid Audience: gases and liquids Format: a letter Topic: Why it's better to be a solid that a liquid or a gas. Make a skit to show the food chain. Draw the food chain Make up a song about the food chain Write a research paper about the food chain Teachers who differentiate are teachers who consider student learning preferences, abilities, styles, and interests Differentiated instruction is simply providing instruction in a variety of ways to meet the needs of a variety of learnersnts, they make slight adjustments within the same lesson to meet the needs of students. All students learn the same fundamental skills and concepts but through varying modes and activities. The tiers appropriately challenge students at their ability levels. The teacher's challenge is to make sure all tasks, regardless of the tier level, are interesting, engaging, and challenging. Activities and assignments can be adjusted in any of the following ways Many teachers have been differentiating without ever attending a workshop on the topic. They have realized one-size-fits-all instruction doesn't work with the diversity of students in their classrooms. Strategies such as flexible grouping, cooperative learning, learning contracts, learning stations/centers, tiered assignments, independent study, direct instruction, authentic and alternative assessments, multimedia, inquiry, and problem-based learning can be used skillfully and purposefully to fit the many needs and varied interests of their students.

What are your 3 highest priorities in teaching.

Reaching all of my students by incorporating a variety of learning styles and student interests Instilling a passion for learning and inquiry. For each child to feel safe enough to make mistakes and to grow

What are your expectations for students

Rules: 1. Act like a champion 2. Follow all procedures 3. When in doubt follow rule one Relationship: I will always refer to you in a positive way. I will brag on you often. I will never accept your excuses because I believe in you. Rigo: 1. I will make the work challenging and you can do it. 2. You will have to work hard but this will prepare you for life. 3. I expect you to finish your work on time.

If I came into your classroom what would I see?

Students actively engaged, working on a project alone with a partner or a larger group. I would be the facilitator

What skills are you trying to instill in students? What are your objectives?

Students will be able to effectively transfer thoughts and ideas with others through different forms of communication. Students will be able to demonstrate critical thinking skills through routinely analyzing, summarizing, paraphrasing and assessing open-ended problems in various curricular settings. Students will apply life skills in every area to establish and maintain positive relationships and a strong work ethic. Students will demonstrate adaptability through creative and independent thinking. Students will demonstrate literacy skills in all subjects. Students will cooperatively work together in a various size group to achieve a common goal. Learners will locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media. All learners will be able to utilize appropriate problem-solving skills when presented with a variety of situations.

What are the traits of an effective teacher?

The ability to develop relationships with their students. ...Students don't care how much you know until they know how much you care. Patient, caring, and kind personality. ... Knowledge of learners. ... Passion for teaching. ... Engaging students in learning. Knowledge of subject matter. Effective teachers have good classroom management. Effective teachers are lifelong learners that continually add to their knowledge base.


Underline headings and subheadings Number your paragraphs read question choices Are you circling key words in questions Verify your answers -all parts must be true Eliminate wrong answers. Read all choices. Look at pictures and read captions.

How do you teach science Vocabulary

Word walls, teaching roots prefixes and suffixes, illustrations, doodles

Blooms's taxonomy

knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis , synthesis, evaluation(ORIGINAL) Remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, create (NEW)

What's the importance of project based learning?

real world application, collaboration, communication, creativity,

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