teacher test 5

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A recent assessment was given to 100 students. On the first question, 57 student answered "A" the correct answer. What is the difficulty index?


What is the difference between cognitive prompts and metacognitive prompts?

A cognitive prompt is based on student knowledge of a process or procedure while metacognitive prompts are based on student reflection.

A teacher used the following question and answers on a multiple choice test. Why is this a poor example of a multiple choice question?

The answers are not plausible or homogenous.

What is the purpose of STAAR/EOC assessments?

Identify the proficiency levels of individual students, schools, and districts

What is one of the benefits to using portfolio assessments?

Student portfolios reflect real-world tasks.

Vi is a new student Ms. Ta's eighth grade English Language Arts and Reading class. According to Freeman, Freeman, and Ramirez (2008), what should Ms. Ta do first?

acquire background knowledge about the student

Which of the following is an example of a modification?

altering a test to account for 3 out of 5 TEKS

Which of the following terms is closely associated with informal assessment?

assessment for learning

In addition to meeting the criterion for one of the thirteen disabilities, what other criteria must a child meet to become eligible for special education services?

educational need

Which environment would be best for a student who needs specific and intensive instruction related to their specific area of disability?

general education classroom and special education resource classroom

What is the primary benefit to asking "robust" questions?

helps a teacher determine what students know, how they use information, and the need for clarification

What is a primary benefit to using constructed responses?

helps improve student writing

Why should learning objectives be clearly posted for ELL students?

to build a connection between language objectives and content objectives

What is the primary objective of the English Language Proficiency Standards?

to develop English language skills in students whom English is not their first language

Why is creating a blueprint for a test helpful?

to ensure objectives are covered at the appropriate rigor level

What does checking for understanding allow a teacher to assess?

whether or not the teacher needs to further scaffold instruction the skills and content the learner has mastered why a student is thinking a particular way

Why might a teacher choose to use a non-traditional form of assessment?

to provide insight into a student's thinking and problem solving skills

According to research, how long should a teacher wait after asking a question?

3 seconds or more

Juan is a student in Ms. Waltman's third grade class. When Ms. Waltman was explaining directions, Juan looked interested and engaged. However, Ms. Waltman noticed that when she told the students to "get to work" Juan just sat in his seat. According to the TELPAS Proficiency Level Descriptors, how should Ms. Waltman evaluate Juan's listening level?

Beginning Proficiency Level

Which of the following teacher prompts would be appropriate for a student with 1-3 years of language acquisition?

Can you explain how to create the color purple?

Which of the following statements best summarizes the characteristics of effective feedback?

Feedback includes the recognition of the desired goal, evidence of a student's present work, and way to close the gap between the curricular goals and the current work.

How does formative assessment differ from summative assessment?

Formative assessments are assessments for learning, while summative assessments are assessments of learning.

Mr. Razo is working on building academic vocabulary with his students. To help students retain, comprehend, and apply vocabulary, he begins by describing the words using photographs and stories. After, he has the students restate the definition or description of the word. Once these steps are completed, students engage with activities that help students add to their understanding of the terminology. Occasionally, if time permits, he will play a jeopardy game to test students understanding of the words. According to Marzano, how could Mr. Razo revise his plans to reflect best practices for building academic vocabulary?

Hold small group discussions in which students apply new vocabulary. Have students to construct a visual or symbol for the word.

Read the TEK from the eighth grade Language Arts and Reading curriculum. Read the questions that follow. Which of the following question stems would help the teacher determine if the student has met the standard? (7) Comprehension of Literary Text/Literary Nonfiction. Students understand, make inferences and draw conclusions about the varied structural patterns and features of literary nonfiction and provide evidence from text to support their understanding. Students are expected to analyze passages in well-known speeches for the author's use of literary devices and word and phrase choice (e.g., aphorisms, epigraphs) to appeal to the audience.

How does the author's use of an aphorism contribute to the overall meaning of the text?

Evaluate the scenario below: Mrs. Anderson teaches World Geography to a diverse group of ninth grade students. She asked the students to list the seven continents. Geraldo quickly raises his hand (as he always does) and Mrs. Anderson immediately calls on him. After correctly listing the seven continents, Mrs. Anderson continues to the next question. On the next unit assessment, she realizes that 50% of her students are not mastering the basic skills. What advice can you provide to Mrs. Anderson?

Increasing the wait time will increase the accountability of all students. Increasing the wait time after asking the question and after the answer is provided for second language learners and students with processing difficulties will help increase student participation. Asking probing questions will help guide instruction and help hold students accountable.

Joey, a tenth grade student, is struggling to pass his English I End of Course exam. Which of the following should Joey's teacher use to determine current level of performance and growth?

Ipsative standards

How does organizing and managing a classroom benefit students?

It defines clear rules and expectations for classroom behavior. It builds self-responsibility and accountability for learning. It aids in acquiring content vocabulary.

Mr. Braden is an eighth grade social studies teacher with seven English Language Learners in his class. His upcoming unit is over the California Gold Rush. Which of the following would help assist ELL learners throughout this unit?

Pose the question, "Have you ever wanted something so badly, that you would do anything to get it?" Have a word wall with the words "gold", "rush", and "Westward Expansion"

Mr. Le, a special education teacher at Rydell High, has noticed that other staff members seem resistant to "dealing" with special education students. He has overheard teachers complaining that they have to "water down curriculum" for students, or that the "special education teacher is the only one that should have to work with those students." In order to create a quality inclusion program, what should Mr. Le emphasize?

Providing ongoing staff development on differentiated instruction that will help teachers address the needs of all students. Fostering a collaborative working environment between special education teachers and general education teachers. Collaborating with related service providers and all staff that serve students with disabilities. Developing a campus wide positive behavior support system that create an inviting learning environment for all students.

Ms. Chang has a very welcoming classroom environment. Her desks are in pods to elicit conversation with a word wall and several manufactured posters hanging around the room. Which of the following should Ms. Chang change to help improve the learning environment?

Replace manufactured posters with anchor charts created with her class. Add visuals to the word wall to help students make connections. provide a list of sentence stems to help elicit conversation

According to Krashen, which of the following hypotheses states that the learner will progress with language acquisition if the input level is one step beyond his or her stage of competence?

The Input Hypothesis

Which of the following is a good example of a true/false question?

The setting of Romeo and Juliet is in Verona, Italy.

A data team recently met to discuss the following ninth grade test scores from a district benchmark in English. The team noticed that students 85% of students did not meet the standard for the English I, objective (TEK) 5A (analyze non-linear plot development e.g. flashbacks, foreshadowing, sub-plots, parallel plot structures and compare it to linear plot development). With this data in mind, how should the data team proceed?

The team will reteach how to analyze non-linear plot using a variety of texts that have a non-linear plot.

Why is it important to increase the wait time for English Language Learners?

They have to translate both the question and answer.

Which strategy is used when a teacher models his process of thinking for students to hear?

Think Aloud

Which of the following scenarios would be best for an ELL student?

a classroom that relies on the discussion of open ended questions a classroom that using Kagan's cooperative structures

In order for a student to exit an ESL program, which of the following criteria must be met?

a proficient score on a norm-referenced standardized test in mathematics fluent score on the English OLPT

Which of the following describes the three phases for making data part of the ongoing cycle of instructional improvement?

collecting and preparing data, interpreting data, testing hypotheses

Which type of questions elicit higher thinking skills?

constructed response

What are the three ways in which validity can be measured?

content, criterion, construct

Which of the following skills should a teacher have in ensure data is used to positively influence student achievement?

correlate instructional practices to the data understand the components of quality assessment. question and identify patterns in data work collaboratively in data teams

Mr. Smith, a tenth grade English Language Arts teacher, wants to conference with students during class about a recent writing assignment. What does he need to consider?

creating an activity that aligns to TEKS that students can complete independently

Rather than simply correcting a student that responds incorrectly to a question, which of the following strategy would be best for a teacher to use?


Ms. Gonzalez, a sixth grade science teacher, is looking for a way to bring closure to her lesson over weather. Which of the following activities would you suggest for Ms. Gonzalez?

engaging in a metacognitive activity

What does modeling allow students to better understand?

how to develop a skill or problem solving strategy how to develop inner dialogue

Which of the following is the LPAC (Language Proficiency Assessment Committee) responsible for?

identification of ELL students reclassification of ELL students instructional needs of ELL students program placement of ELL students

Mrs. Romney, a first grade teacher, notices that her student Kezia if falling behind learning the required TEKS. Additionally, Kezia has been acting out by hitting her peers and verbally attacking them. When Mrs. Romney attempts to correct Kezia's behavior, Kezia becomes emotional and shuts down. Mrs. Romney has already contacted and met with Kezia's parents. What is the next step Mrs. Romney should take?

initiate the screening process using response to intervention

According to Fisher and Frey, what type of "robust" question is provided below? If you could give Romeo and Juliet advice, what would you tell them?

inventive question

Which of the following can help motivate students involved in an inclusion program?

leadership opportunities peer tutors or mentors

In order to ensure an appropriate assessment is given, what needs to be considered?

learning target

Which of the following is considered a best practice for assessment?

provide an overview of the concepts that will be on the assessment

When preparing for an interview, what will the Texas Academic Performance Report help you better understand?

scores and trends of the school

All of the following can negatively influence a student's intrinsic motivation EXCEPT—


Diana is struggling to answer simple science questions because she struggles with starting a sentence. Which of the following accommodations would best help Diana participate in class discussions?

sentence stems

Mr. Jackson teaches third grade math. His students are currently struggling with multiplication problems. Which of the following would be the best way to efficiently check for understanding after teaching a lesson?

solve problems on a personalized white board

In addition to the summative data, what else should be considered when disaggegating the data to draw an informed conclusion?

student attendance student mobility rate

Jesse is struggling to write an expository essay in English class. Which of the following formative assessment would Jesse benefit from?

student-teacher conference

With regards to testing, which of the following is best defines reliability?

the extent to which the results are consistent

When creating a summative assessment, what should the teacher consider FIRST?

the objective and rigor listed in the TEKS

Formative assessment plays a critical role in student learning and achievement. When planning lessons, what should the teacher consider?

type of questions asked, wait time provided, number of opportunities to respond to higher order questions, and quality feedback

Which of the following is the best way to order questions in a test?

vary difficulty of the questions

According to research, when does formative assessment have the biggest impact on student achievement?

when assessments yield accurate information and effective feedback is given

What should the teacher explicitly state during direct instruction?

when it will be used what is being taught how it will be used

Which of the following explains why a teacher might ask an elicitation question as opposed to a heuristic question?

when the teacher wants to engage a student a student in problem-solving

Ms. Phillips is trying to create a print-rich environment for her students. Which of the following should she consider utilizing in the classroom?

word bank word wall anchor charts labels

Which of the following is (are) considered Supplementary Aids and Services?

Adaptive Equipment Occupational Therapy Assistive Technology Speech Therapy

Who makes educational decisions for the student receiving special services?

Admission, Review, and Dismissal Committee

What is one of the benefits of a "two-way bilingual" (Dual Language) program?

It allows English and Spanish speakers to become fluent in another language

What is criterion validity?

The extent to which scores on a test agree with or predict an external criterion.

According to Chapter 74.4b, what are the responsibilities of the district?

provide linguistically accommodated instruction

Joey is a fifth grade student with a visual impairment. Which of the following reflects an appropriate accommodation for this student?

providing enlarged copy of print and text

Which of the following is an example of a performance assessment in a music class?

singing a song at the winter choir show

What is the first component a teacher needs to consider for effective differentiated instruction?

student learner characteristics

Which of the following best describes the type of assessment of the State of Texas (STAAR) test?

summative and criterion-referenced

What do the eight domains of PDAS, the Professional Development and Appraisal System currently used by the state of Texas, reflect?

the proficiencies of learner-centered instruction

Why are teaching cognates important for English Language Learners?

bridges new vocabulary to a student's first language

Ms. Bray, a high school teacher, is part of a data team that is analyzing the scores from the most recent End of Course administration for US History. The team has noted remarkable improvement in the scores of African American students. Which of the following would be an appropriate and purposeful response?

What interventions have been offered that led to the improvement of this subgroup?

Which of the following statements is true regarding data and best practices?

A quality assessment will produce purposeful data that will drive instructional practices.

Which of the following is true regarding academic conversations?

Academic conversations lead to critical thinking, and then critical writing. Academic conversations take time to build. academic conversations should be modeled by the teacher

Why is the "No Child Left Behind" act of 2001 and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 important in education?

Both stress the importance of providing high quality, scientifically-based instruction and interventions. Both hold schools accountable for the progress of all students, including those with disabilities.

Which of the following reflects a SMART goal?

By May 2012, all AP Biology students will demonstrate growth in analyzing data and sources of error by improving at least one rank level from the AP Exam pre-assessment given in the fall to the official AP Biology exam given in the spring.

How does academic and conversational English differ?

Conversational English usually has the context embedded

What is the best way to prevent giving a subjective assessment?

Create a rubric to align standards for scoring.

Tai is a fourth grade English Language Learner. His teacher, Mr. Newkirk, asked him to write about the water cycle. This was his response: Water starts in clouds. Clouds creates high in sky. Rain comes down and makes it wet. Heat makes water evaporate. Evaporate means gas. Water is liquid a gas and Solid. Based on the response, which of the following describes his proficiency level for writing?

Intermediate: Tai explains the content but lacks vocabulary to develop the response.

What is the difference between readiness standards and supporting standards?

Readiness standards are essential for success in the current grade while supporting standards prepare students for success in upcoming years.

Which of the following is an early intervention process for children at-risk for not meeting their grade level standards?

Response to Intervention (RtI)

Which of the following standardized test is a student with a significant cognitive disability who accesses and participates in grade level TEKS required to take?


What is the purpose if having a diverse continuum of special education services?

To ensure the student is placed in the least restrictive environment

Ms. McKend, a fifth grade math teacher, gave a quiz to assess students' ability to round decimals to the nearest tenths. However, Ms. McKend became discouraged when only two out of her 25 students passed the exam. What should Ms. McKend consider first?

Was the assessment appropriately aligned to the learning standards?

What is TELPAS?

a statewide assessment a summative assessment

Which of the following describes a Long Term English Learner?

a student who is proficient with conversational English but struggles with academic English

What do the ipsative standards compare?

a student's performance on the assessment compared to that of his prior performance

According to Fisher and Frey, what type of "robust" question is provided below? Can you show me where you found that information?

clarification question

What is needed in order to make accurate and effective decisions about individuals?

data from multiple sources

Which of the following type of formal assessment is easy to design, mark, and assess?

multiple choice questions

When is homework most effective?

when it has a defined purpose

Prior to going on an interview Ann looked up and read the following data provided on the TARP for Star High School. Ann was able to obtain the following data: The student had a high at-risk population. 84% of the students are economically-disadvantaged. 5% Pacific Islander, 20% of the school population is Hispanic, 35% African American, 40% Caucasian. The passing rate for the Algebra I End of Course Exam is 33%. How should Ann use this information to her advantage during an interview?

Provide her experience working with economically-disadvantaged students. Inquire about interventions that worked for students meeting the passing standard.

How might a teacher increase a student's intrinsic motivation?

offering choice providing challenges (without a threat)

Which of the following outlines the four types of decisions assessment helps educators make?

screening, progress, diagnostic, or outcome

Which of the following strategies will help an ELL acquire academic vocabulary?

word wall visual representation

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