Technical Competency: People - Talent Acquisition

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HRM primary talent acquisition concerns

Assimilating workforce planning & employment strategies Addressing both short-and long-term needs of org so staffing reqs can be anticipated in timely manner Hiring for cultural fit

Background investigations

Authenticate info (education & work history) supplied by job applicant; usually improve hiring decisions

Achievement of work environment awards

Award evaluation & high rankings that increase an org's exposure & credibility with EEs + candidates & promote an org as a positive place to work Ex: Public recognition and rankings on lists such as best places to work, best places to launch a career, top places to intern, top organizations for diversity, best employers for workers over 50

Recruiting Methods

Internal: Identifies candidates within domestic or global operations Typically uses internal postings & succession planning External: Finds candidates thru a variety of sources outside the org Talent shortages & globalization force orgs to cast a "wide net"

Employment brand

Persona an org presents to current or prospective employees; it is the value an org promises about the total employment experience; key part of org's recruiting efforts


Precursor to actual recruitment. Generates a pool of qualified applicants thru internal & external advertising -- social media, professional associations, internal postings, referrals, etc.

Essential functions

Primary job duties individual must be able to perform with or without reasonable accommodation

Recruitment Cost Ratio (RCR)

(External costs + Internal costs) / (Total first-year compensation of hires in a time period) x 100

External Recruiting Services

- Advertising (print and nonprint media) (print publications like Wall Street Journal) - Agencies (third-party recruiters) - Community awareness (increases org brand awareness & identifies as premier place to work, participation in community volunteer programs, humanitarian events, local job fairs, local school events) - Contract agencies (specialists for longterm projects contract b/w org & technical services firms - Educational institutions - Employer websites (interactive use of website, EE profiles & online app) - Former employees (retirees, EE left before for personal/assume other postions/downsizing - Geofencing (advertising partnership to provide advertising in certain geographical area targeting certain people) - Government agencies - HR associations (online boards can post jobs like SHRM) - International job boards (bulletin boards) - Internships - Intraregion recruiting (sourcing specific skills in country that local hires can't fill) - Online social networks and blogs - Open houses - Outplacement services Services that maintain job sites or job boards for individuals displaced due to layoffs - Personal networking - Referrals (candidate referrals from recent hires, current employees, retirees, and association colleagues - Temporary agencies - Trade and professional organizations

Recruiting Effectiveness

- Be proactive (defined TA strategy) - Brand (energize best potential candidates to apply & high performers to stay - Use realistic profiles (job specs & preferred candidate profiles should reflect everyone's input mgrs, coworkers) - Automate (database of qualified candidates, system to identify qualified candidates) - Innovate (opps to market openings in new ways) - Interact (show real interest in job seekers) - Promote (build alumni base of former EEs, keep informed w/ org news & prospective jobs) - Adapt (strategies to nuances of recruiting in diff locations/cultures) - Champion diversity (seek out candidates who value everyone as indiv and/or have multicultural orientation) - Be judicious (select recruiting sources carefully to get right talent @ right time suited to current & future needs) - Be vigilant (recruit continuously vs to fill specific/existing openings)

External Recruiting Advantages

- Brings new ideas/talent into org - Helps org gain needed competencies - Provides cross-industry insights - May reduce training costs (experienced hires) - Helps org promote a diverse & inclusive environment

Internal Recruiting Disadvantages

- Org inbreeding; candidates may have a limited perspective and/or no outside perspective - Heavy burden on learning & development - Neg work environment as people compete for promotions

External Recruiting Disadvantages

- Possible misplacements - May increase recruitment costs - May cause morale problems for internal candidates - Requires longer onboarding & orientation

Internal Recruiting Advantages

- Rewards good work of current employees - Capitalizes on "familiarity"—candidates are already familiar with org's goals and & culture and org is familiar with candidates' KSAs & competencies - Could be more cost-effective than recruiting externally - Improves morale - Promotes career paths & adds to the EVP (Employee Value Proposition)

Effective Questioning Techniques

- Turn each desired skill set or characteristic of job (& what it takes to achieve success in the position) into a series of open-ended questions - Facilitate the candidates' sharing their experience & expertise through their response - Ask questions that lead a candidate to describe, in detail, his or her technical expertise, discuss core competencies, & demonstrate problem-solving behavior, learning and communication style, & other necessary attributes

In-depth Interview

- Usually 1 hour > - Usually conducted by line management - May include interviews conducted by potential colleagues

Pre-Screening Interview

- Usually < 20 mins - Usually conducted by HR - Useful for high volume of applicants

Fishbowl interview (Group)

2 forms: Brings together multiple job candidates to work with each other in a true-to-life work setting pairs an applicant with a group of staff members to work on a true-to-life work issue. Either form helps an employer learn how an individual interacts with others to solve business-related issues as well as the individual's depth of analytical skills and natural abilities as a leader and/or a team player.

Interview Question Focus

Adapability Analytical ability Comm Interpersonal skills Work ethic Customer focus

Social Media in Recruiting

Adv - low cost, branding, target globally, reduce time to fill, engage passive applicants (employed but would leave for better opportunity) Disadv - can't trust everything you see, inadvertently learn too much (legal risks! -- freedom of speech, discrimination)

CPH Term: External Costs

All sources of spending outside the org on recruiting efforts during the time period in question. Ex. third-party agency fees, advertising costs, job fair costs, & travel costs in the course of the recruiting effort.

Application Forms

All the fields of information required should be complete, easy to read, and easy to review. - Basic personal data (name, address, phone number) - Education, training, and special skills - Work history (including dates of employment) - Previous application or work experience with employer - References (which can be checked at a later stage of the selection process) - Authorization to verify all information provided - Authorization to check references and perform background checks - Statement regarding truthfulness and completeness of information provided - Candidate signature User friendly & doesn't deter applicants

Days to Fill

Also time to fill - number of days from when a job requisition is opened until the offer is accepted. Helpful, but should look at this with new hire quality & ensure balance of 3 factors (cost efficiency, quality, speed) Helps HR determine realistic amt of time for hiring new EE Helps mgrs plan how to best redistribute work Supports resource & budget planning Emphasing speed may increase recruitment costs & decrease quality of hire Overpromotion of cost efficiency may impact quality of hire & lengthen process, focus on quality only may cause longer cycle time and increase costs Factors dramatically influence this metric: Type/level/role of EE, legal compliance reqs, labor market conditions, total rewards offerings

Selection screening

Analyzing the candidates' application forms, curricula vitae, and résumés to locate the most-qualified candidates for an open job. Outcomes: Identify applicants who fit the minimum selection criteria Provide a source of questions for subsequent intws Provide information for reference checks. Help to ensure that line management or other internal stakeholders spend time interviewing only qualified candidates

Candidates should submit an application form in addition to a CV or résumé because...

Application form provides info you want to know vs. CV & resume provide info candidate wants you to know Application form indicate if candidate exaggerated accomplishments on CV/resume Candidates signature on applocation serves as legal verification that info is correct & truthful

Personalized channels for external audiences

Applications customizing & personalizing brand messaging to best fit user responses to profile questions Ex: Website background music uniquely meaningful to potential interns or candidates just out of college, streaming online messages tailored to the experience level of the potential applicant

Cognitive ability tests

Assess skill candidate already learned, measure mental abilities, multiple choice pen paper test/computer format Ex. Perf test/work sample test

SAGE (Self-Assessment for Global Endeavors)

Assessment tool orgs can use to assist in decision-making for EEs contemplating global assignment Candidates can use to evaluate 3 areas (self, career, family) before making decision to accept global assignment Includes version for spouses/partners to identify strenghts & areas of challenge that may confront them on int'l assignment

Interview Guidelines

Before: - Become familiar with position's duties & reqs - Be prepared to answer general questions about the org - Formulate your questions - Organize the questions (e.g., in the order to be asked). Review the candidate's application, CV, and/or résumé. During: - Establish rapport - Listen carefully - Make smooth transitions from one topic to another - Observe nonverbal behavior - Take notes - Conclude the interview


Belief that one's own culture and practices are more correct than other cultures' expressions, can lead to unconscious biases

Employer Branding Best Practicies

Brand pillar identification Achievement of work environment awards Personalized channels for external audiences

Yield Ratios

Can determine which recruitment source/method/type of recruiter produces greatest yield & identify areas that my need improvement Qualified applicants / total applicats Minority applicants/total applicants Female applicants/total applicatns Offers extended/qualified candidates Offers extended/final intws Offers accepted/offers extended

Brand pillar identification

Clear statements of most important attributes & principles the org wants to consistently comm in all aspects of talent acquisition & talent management Ex: Quality, expertise, passion, community involvement, honesty, learning environment, flexible environment, or other attributes & principles that convey the opportunities for an employee or applicant to succeed


Clusters of highly interrelated attributes, including knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs), that give rise to behaviors needed to perform a given job effectively

Cost Per Hire (CPH)

Cost Per Hire (CPH) = Σ(External costs) + Σ(Internal costs) / Total number of hires in a time period SHRM standard that addresses problems with variability in the traditional cost-of-hire measure (total costs divided by number of new hires) A ratio of the total dollars an org spends (in both external & internal costs) to the total number of hires in a specified time period A measure of the effort exerted (defined in financial terms) to staff an open position in an organization. The CPH standard provides an approach for accurately calculating the cost of locating, recruiting, and hiring talent that all types of organizations (domestic and global, public and private, government entities, and so forth) can apply Differentiates between internal and comparable CPH metrics: - Cost per hire, internal (CPHI) - Cost per hire, comparable (CPHC)

Cost of Hire

Cost of Hire = Total Costs / # of New Hires Includes: advertising costs, recruiter and agency costs, referral incentives, relocation bonuses, referral bonuses, screening costs, travel costs, and the costs associated with the salary and overhead of internal recruiting staff

Psychomotor tests

Demonstrate minimum strenght, physical dexterity, coordination in specialized skill area, based on key job duties, appropriate onyly if primary duties of job req such abilities Ex. Manual dexterity test given to candidate for factory assembly job

Talent Acquisition Implications of Growth Strategies: Strategic alliance

Depending on type of alliance, could have no or considerable staffing impact EE remains with their own companies. If a new venture is formed in alliance, then talent acquisition plans are directly affected.

Job specifications

Describe the minimum qualifications necessary to perform a job, should reflect what is necessary for satisfactory performance, not what ideal candidate should have; must be written to ensure compliance w/ local laws (includ nondiscrimination policies) Ex: experience, education, training, licenses & certification, mental & physical skills, & level/org responsibilities *Pro tip: before exporting job specifications to another county, they should be examined for local relevancy & legality

Selection Interviews (Step 2)

Designed to probe areas of interest to the interviewer to determine how well candidate meets needs of org - Ask the candidate a series of questions - Qualify candidates more than any other procedure in the selection process - Require that interviewers are properly trained

Nonessential functions

Desirable but not necessary aspects of the job

Building an Employment Brand

Determine existing perceptions of org in country/local area (ask current/potential EEs what they know via focus groups, surveys, benchmark successful companies etc) Identify main competition for high-quality EE (conduct labor mkt research where org fits as an employer of choice & why Assess org strengths & weaknesses (develop obj list to determine what distinguishes org) Develop employment brand (what are values, perceived benefits, importance of value & perf standards in building loyalty) Ensure brand = consistent (link msgs for current + future EE to consumer msgs for community at large) Test brand & make modifications (identify confusing/incomplete parts & revise) Execute brand (comm brand by creating awareness thru # of activities) Reassess & revitalize brand (over time remeasure where org is as employer of choice, ask EE why stay/leave, fine-tune/expand brand Reinforce brand (find ways to remind EE why org is great place to work, promote what's valued--diversity, flexibility etc)

Groups and subgroups

Divides & subdivides employees into categories (e.g., executive, manager, staff, trainees, contractor, status). Knowing composition of the workforce helps planning for diversity & operational reqs


Documentation of employee understanding of job description

Contingent Assessments

Drug tests (assess those who abuse alcohol/drugs, eliminate candidates w/ negative work behaviros could jeopardize others' safety) Medical exams (to identify potential health/fitness risks in job candidates)

Internal Recruiting Sources

Employee referrals - current EE supply prospects from family/friends Inside moonlighting - EE holds 2nd job outside working hrs Job bidding - allows EE to indicate interest in position b4 one becomes available Job posting - Provides brief description of job & allows EE to respond to internal promo opps Nominations - mgrs nominate high performing indiv as candidates Skill banks & skill tracking systems - Computerized talent/skill inventories furnish lists of qualified ppl Succession planning - Potential talent in an org is identified & developmental plans are established to help prepare individuals for promotional roles

Selection Equity & Cost-Effectiveness

Equity: Has the organization been successful in identifying and selecting a diverse, multifaceted workforce? Do job applicants view the process & decisions as fair? Cost-effectivness: Do the costs of assessment & the entire selection program correlate with productive & successful hires?

Variations in job descriptions

Essential functions, nonessential functions, sign-off, disclaimers


Experience, local market development, skills sets for particular int'l location

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Fairly detailed overview of a candidate's accomplishments, especially those relevant to the realm of academia, starting out 2-3 pages but for more seasoned indiv can be double digits Name and contact information Areas of academic interest Education (e.g., degrees earned or in progress, institutions, years of graduation, title of dissertation or thesis) Grants, honors, and awards Publications and presentations Employment and experience Scholarly or professional memberships References

Head count

Indicates the number of people on org's payroll at a particular time. Calculating average head count over a year provides a representation of the average number of EE the org requires

Predictive Analytics

Forward-looking & help org to create economic value from their talent data Improves candidate selection & help orgs b/c more competitive & successful Efficiently leveraged can help staffing teams: Identify traits that make for successful perf in a job Find broader range of candidates vs. provided traditional emthods Reduce search time Improve analysis of quality of candidates Reduce time to fill

Employee Value Proposition (EVP)

Foundation of employment branding, why a talented person wants to work for an org + continue work for org, creates magnet to org's employment brand, must be aligned with org strategic plan, vision, mission, values, create image that attracts ppl, & provide accurate image of employment for EEs & candidates

Writing Job Descriptions & Specifications

Give jobs realistic and descriptive titles Keep the summary short (no more than four or five sentences) List only the most important duties, tasks, or responsibilities Identify the essential job duties and responsibilities Review the KSAs to be sure they are job-related Secure approvals and dates Include any appropriate disclaimers *Jobs change & necessitate regular reviews and updates.


HR function acts on org human capital need identified thru workforce planning, attempts to provide adequate supply of qualified individuals to complete body of work needed for org's financial success

Workforce Reporting

Head count, representation of groups and subgroups, demographics provide basis for decisions regarding EE deployment in key talent areas & predicting future staffing needs

Substantive (Pre-employment) Assessments

Help reduce candidate pool to finalists for job, generally faciliate more precise decisions about applicants--those who meet minimum qualifications are more likely to be high performers if hired Cognitive ability tests (assess skill candidate already learned) Personality tests (measure candidates social skills & behavior patterns) Aptitude tests (measure ability to learn new skill) Psychomotor tests (demonstrate minimum strenght, physical dexterity, coordination in specialized skill area) Assessment centers (method of assessing higher-level managerial and supervisory competencies)

Assessment Methods

Help to identify applicant knowledge and skills that cannot be determined through interviews, categorized as substantive, discretionary, & contingent

Workforce Planning

Identifies workforce that can implement org's strategies & goals, now & in future

Considerations in Using Assessments

Important to establish equity & cost-effectiveness, org and candidates all conducting their own evaluation of other party & experience a candidate has can impact org's ability to recruit future applicants All costs & overall cost of selection program must be considered Org to be profitable = must able to attract & retain good EEs Final analysis selection program must be measured by extent to which it fulfills LT needs of org Important measure of selection lies in: % successfully onboarded & orientation Performance on job Reduction of EE turnover Retention of EE

Job Descriptions in Global Environment Uses

Intracountry and cross-border transfers (help match EE w/ right skill set to right job to avoid inappropriate/$$$ transfers) Career management and succession planning (enables systematic career mgmt & succession planning, global career paths can be mapped thru jobs w/ known characteristics to ensure right knowledge & skills acquired in proper sequence) Compensation studies (enhance ability to compare salaries across countries, salary & payroll cost comparisons valid when base on jobs with same JD, JDs commonly understood across borders helps reduce ambiguity bout compensation policy & mgmt expectations) Statistics for job types across organization (mgmt of info about # of various job types across entire org, as well as current & projected need to fill those positions, not possible w/o consistent JDs) Comparison and alignment of business processes across countries (creating globally consistent bus processes easier when jobs in processes have same title & JDs)

Job description elements

Job ID - title, dept/location, date JD completed, reporting Position summary - brief overview summarize purpose/obj, expected results, degree of freedo Minimum qualifications - KSA req to perform job satisfactorily Duties & responsibilities - primary duties & responsibilities of job Success factors - personal characteristics (behaviors/proficiencies) contribute to an individual's ability to perform well in job; often referred to as job competencies physical, demands, working conditions, performance standards ex: Physical demands (minimum physical reqs, frequency of performing these physical demands) Working conditions (environment which job is performed, esp any unpleasant/dangerous conditions Performance standards (specify how person will be evaluated against goals, obj, & org performance factors (e.g. quality, safety, attendance, customer service, productivity)

Talent Acquisition Implications of Growth Strategies: Joint venture

Joint venture type, what the partnership agrees to, & ppl the partner contributes (e.g., number of employees, skill sets) all influence talent acquisition

Job Descriptions in Global Environment Challenges

Lack of global competency model (provides part of the basic vocabulary in staffing, w/o it harder to define jobs & comm info about them across org) Country variations: > Interpretations of job functions (same words used to describe job maybe diff meaning across globe, or diff words may be used to describe tasks, activities, entitlements) > Expectations for similar jobs (can be interpreted diff from country 2 county, important create global JDs, mgrs & EEs in local settings may find difficult to change traditional interpretation of given job title) > Approaches to on-the job development (some countryes = job viewed as pathway for professional dvlpmnt & reasonable risk taking is OK; other counties EE in same job title expected to implement superior's directives, consider each diff when analyzing & describing jobs) > Work environments (working conditions, labor laws, union requirements, bargaining agreements, works councils, or other local factors may result in different prerequisite qualifications for same job titles) > Compliance requirements (Employment & labor laws differ greatly from country to country & even within a country, further complicated by culture) > BFOQs Obtaining permission to work - person generally cannot enter a foreign country looking for a job. The job must already be in place, and the employee's work authorization is usually contingent on the employer's ability to demonstrate that comparable skills do not exist in the local workforce. when orgs want to hire foreigners, they often have to certify to the gov't that they were unable to find locals with the required skill sets

Bona Fide Occupational Qualification (BFOQ)

Legitimate job criterion that employers can legally & permissibly use to hire a foreigner (e.g. bring expatriate into country for a job)


Loss of EE for reasons other than firing & other employer-initiated events Implies employer has no direct control over how many personnel are lost to EE attrition Important understand why EE leave not just that they leave, have crucial implications for future retention rates amoung current staff, job satisfaction, EE engagement, & orgs ability to attract talented ppl Essential to workplace planning & strategy ex. new hire attrition (departure of new ee) has direct monetary costs and indirect goodwll & reputation type costs

Aptitude tests

Measure ability to learn new skill, look at person's natural ability to function, predict learning & training success Ex. Test measures natural aptitute for computers & problem solving for computer professionals

Personality tests

Measure candidates social skills & behavior patternsm report traits, temperments, dispositions, paper pencil/computer format Ex. Multiple choice measure personality factors like extraversion, conscientiousness, agreeableness, openness to experience, emotional stability

Assessment centers

Method of assessing higher-level managerial and supervisory competencies, req candidates complete series of exercises simulate actual situations, problems, that would face on the job, lasts a few days, observe pef of candidates during assessment process & evaluate on standerdized rating Method of evaluating candidates who are presented with content-valid workplace situations to which they respond & who are then evaluated on their responses Ex. Candidates go through battery of standardized tests, written tests, comprehensive intws, indiv and/or group role-play exercises, in-basket exercises, work-relate perf tests

Discretionary Assessment

Methods some-times used to separate finalists who receive job offers Applicant characteristics that are assessed are typically very subjective and rely heavily on the intuition of the decision maker Organizations intent on maintaining strong cultures may consider assessing the person/organization match Should not be used solo, substantive methods should precede them Ex. Assessment assesses candidate against org's staffing philosophy re: employment equity (org commiment to enhance rep of minorities & women in workforce), demographic characteristics of finalists may be given weigh in decision on who to offer job

Workforce Analytics

Mitigates collecting volumes of data or "analysis paralysis" Improves vital decisions about talent and helps address workforce challenges Software products/tools help org draw conclusions from HR data quickly & efficiently Capture meaningful data on TA > transform data into actionable info > provide insights needed to make smart decisions


More concise and general introduction to a candidate's experiences and skills. A résumé is often modified for each position a candidate applies for to emphasize those skills and experiences most relevant to the work for which he or she is applying; usually 1-2 pages, accompanied by cover letter that provides a permanent written record of the résumé transmittal (to whom it is being sent, for what position, and who sent it). Cover letters are called "letters of interest" and "motivation letters" in some countries Name and contact information Education Work experience

Talent Acquisition Implications of Growth Strategies: Greenfield operation

New site needs all new staff Due diligence is important to understand local laws & employment regulations This can be a huge effort, especially when local labor market is underdeveloped.

Talent Acquisition Implications of Growth Strategies: Merger/acquisition

New talent resources become part of org Retention of key talent = major issue Critical to have HR practitioners play a major role in due diligence to ensure that all potential costs are identified beforehand

Building employer's brand techniques

Org website Media ads Social media Collateral materials (brochures) Mktg campaigns, rep of org at traditional recruiting events (job fairs, schools) Presence at community events, sponsorships, Formal/informal WOM comm from EEs, former EEs, & retirees, dialogue w/ current EEs, publicizing testimonials & results from EE surveys


Org's right to change responsibilities & tasks as needed by employer

Background and reference checks

Orgs wait to verify candidates background info & check references until applicant is good candidate for job, legality for certain bg checks like criminal/credit vary by locale Statement on application form asking candidate's permission to seek info from former employers or signed release from candidate needed BG investigations should be same for all candidates applying for same job Reference checks used to verify employement & learn about applicant's aptitude & character


Process of encouraging candidates to apply for job openings, quality is critical factor


Process of evaluating the most suitable candidates for a position, based on the position criteria set during job analysis and job documentation. 4 Steps: Screen > Intw > Assess & Evaluate > Select & Offer Also consider candidate culture fit


Provides basic statistics and characteristics about EE groups (e.g., age, occupation, income). Demographic trends provide important metrics for HR planning & forecasting

Applications, CVs, Resumes Warning Signs

Red Flags Overqualified or underqualified Attempts to hide employment gaps Excessive "filler information" Messy, poorly organized, or incomplete Too much self-promotion (versus team credit) Vague terms Inconsistent career path

Cross-Cultural Adaptability Inventory (CCAI)

Self-scoring assessment instrument help indiv/groups identify current strengths & weaknesses within 4 skill areas important for effective cross-cultural comm & interaction: Adapting to new situations Interacting w/ ppl diff from oneself Tolerating ambiguity Maintaining sense of self in new/diff surroundings

Competency model

Set of competencies defining the reqs for effective performance in a specific job, profession, or organization

Interview Questions

Should assess an applicant's qualifications, level of skills, and overall competence to perform the specific job

Reynold's Changing Global Staffing Patterns

Start by hiring lots of expatriates until your local workforce is ready, when you can then send your expatriates elsewhere and hire locally

Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI)

Statistically reliable, valid measure of intercultural competence; 50-item inventory based on Development Model of Intercultural Sensitivity (DMIS) to assess the extent of an individual's intercultural development along a continuum

Types of In-Depth Interviews

Structured "repetitive intw" - Every candidate is asked same questions, ensures similar info gathered from all candidate Unstructured "non-directive intw" - more conversational, building on candidate's responses; informal, open-minded, flexible; relies on social interaction Behavioral - past perf is best predictor of future perf; focus is on how candidate handled past situations & on pointed questions about minimum qualifications; "give me an example...", "describe a situation...", "tell me how you handled..." Competency Based - candidates are asked to illustrate how they demonstratedneeded KSAs in past; "How did you manage this situation?" Group Interviews - Multiple candidates are interviewed at the same time; Each candidate is interviewed by multiple people; fishbowl/team/panel intws Stress Interview - Interviewerputs the applicant under some degree of stress; Interviewer attitude, Puzzles, Case interviews & simulations

Assessment Goal

To determine if candidate has potential to be successful in job, aim for transparent decisions based on fact

Boudreau & Ramstad "uncharted opportunities"

Traditional job descriptions reflect grouped tasks that logically describe what individuals do, but they often miss essential actions across jobs

Cross-Cultural Assessment Tools

Valuable for orgs w/ global operations

Cultural Orientations Indicator (COI)

Web-based cross-cultural assessment tool that allows individuals to assess their work style & cultural preferences; provides respondents with recommendations & suggests relevant resources for building effective skills & cultural agility

Applicant tracking systems (ATS)

aka automated tracking systems or electronic pre-employment screenings provide automated way for orgs to makage entire recruting process from receive applications > hiring EEs Scans candidate docs for keywords, align candidate qualifications w/ job reqs, saves time & improves efficiency of screening, benefit is greatly reduces time HR + hiring mgrs spend reviewing docs (ZIPRECRUITER)

Pre-employment Assessment

employer gains valuable job-related information to assist in ensuring that the candidate is the right fit for the role and the org

Cost Per Hire, Internal (CPHI)

measure for a single organization

Cost Per Hire, comparable (CPHC)

measure for comparison across organizations

Employment branding

process of positioning an organization as an "employer of choice" in the labor market This strategy should: Create a positive, compelling image of the org (e.g., social responsibility, conduct, ethics, reputation). Provide a clear & consistent message about what it is like to work at the org (e.g., commitment to diversity & inclusion, innovation, teamwork, work/life balance, total rewards, opportunities for growth). Encourage best potential candidates to apply for jobs Reinforce public's image of the org Ex: Organization: International Rescue Committee (IRC) Brand slogan: From harm to home Employment brand: Restoring safety, dignity and hope to millions who are uprooted and struggling to endure

CPH Term: Internal Costs

variable comprises all sources of internal resources and costs used for staffing efforts during the time period in question. Ex. salary and benefits of the recruiting team and fixed costs such as physical infrastructure (e.g. talent acquisition system costs).

Job Description

written description of a job and its essential functions and requirements, including tasks, knowledge, skills, abilities, responsibilities, and reporting structure; ensures EE throughout org has consistent understanding of job; supports org's efforts to attract & retain ideal talent to perform that work

Online Recruiting Disadvantages

• High volume of responses, many from unqualified candidates • May require labor-intensive and costly filtering processes • May be restricted by data privacy regulations • May exclude qualified candidates - Who would rather send a résumé - Who do not have access to the technology

Online Recruiting Advantages

• Widens recruitment sourcing (e.g., active & passive candidates) • Provides almost immediate response • Increases applicant pool • Facilitates better candidate matching • Supports realistic job previewing • Supports targeting specialized skills & particular lifestyle/culture-fit groups

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