Test 1 & 2 Practice

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An organization's culture _____. a.is focused on customer satisfaction b.can become a weakness c.is found throughout the organization d.is focused on fun and excitement


Which of the following occurs when a firm headquartered in one country purchases operating facilities in a foreign country? a.A strategic alliance b.Direct investment c.Exporting d.Licensing


Which of the following refers to a normal process leading to system decline? a.Synergy b.Entropy c.System d.Theory Y


Andy runs a profitable jewelry manufacturing company and sells in many international markets. However, one country he sells to has just placed a limit as to how his company can sell in that country. Which of the following will now limit how much Andy can sell? a.Tariff b.Export restraint agreement c.Quota d."Buy national" legislation


Which of the following is a dimension of an organization's task environment? a.Owners b.Board of directors c.Regulators d.Employees


Which type of management skills are necessary to accomplish the specific kind of work done in an organization? a.Technical b.Interpersonal c.Conceptual d.Diagnostic


Which field of management typically works with clients and consumers in areas such as new product development, promotion, and distribution? a.Marketing b.Financial c.Public relations d.Research and development


Which of the following are two or more companies that work together in a joint venture or other partnership in the task environment? a.Strategic partners b.Regulators c.Interest groups d.Competitors


What is often considered to be the most important and most challenging of all management activities? a.Organizing b.Controlling c.Leading d.Planning


As a first-line manager, Payal spends a lot of time training her employees and answering questions about work-related problems. Which type of fundamental skill does Payal use to do this? a.Time management b.Diagnostic c.Technical d.Conceptual


Many brick-and-mortar stores are facing challenges from online sales companies. According to systems theory, a primary objective of management at these traditional companies would be to keep pace with these changes in the marketplace in order to avoid _____. a.entropy b.synergy c.a lack of a universal perspective d.open systems


Many managers are facing an increased work pace, less time to think through a decision, and more information to process. This can all be tied to which contemporary management challenge? a.New technology b.Globalization c.Social responsibility d.Diversity


Rene is a manager at a medium-size hospital. She has basic familiarity with all functional areas necessary to manage the hospital. Which type of manager is she? a.Marketing b.Administrative c.Operations d.Human resources


Slow's BBQ donates food to the city's public library, which provides free lunches to children in the summer. Slow's is attempting to manage social responsibility through what? a.Legal compliance b.Philanthropic giving c.Whistle-blowing d.Ethical compliance


The availability of natural resources and the variation in government regulation are just two of the challenges posed by _____. a.synergy b.globalization c.systems perspective d.entropy


The purchasing department at a printing business begins buying higher quality and more expensive paper. This leads to higher costs and cash flow problems identified by the finance department. Marketing notes that prices must be increased slightly, but that customer satisfaction improves, leading to more sales. According to the systems perspective, this scenario is an illustration of a subsystem with _____. a.independence b.interdependence c.entropy d.synergy


According to the systems perspective, the marketing, production, or finance functions of a company would all be considered _____ . a.marginal systems b.subsystems c.open systems d.closed systems


Alacorp wants to open a new plant and has narrowed the search down to three possible cities. Mikel's job is to investigate the deed and zoning restrictions of each potential location, as well as the tax rates. Mikel also must report on each city council's history in working with new businesses. Mikel is focusing on which dimension of the general environment? a.Technological b.Political-legal c.Economic d.Regulatory


As a middle manager, what might Yui's job entail? a.Meeting officials from other organizations b.Implementing policies and plans c.Creating strategies and goals d.Overseeing day-to-day operations


Car manufacturers must meet certain emissions standards as dictated by the federal and state governments. This requirement is an aspect of which dimension of the general environment? a.Technological b.Political-legal c.Economic d.Regulatory


What is a Theory X assumption? a.People seek responsibility under favorable conditions. b.People prefer to be directed and to avoid responsibility. c.People view work as a natural part of their lives. d.Under most organizational conditions, people's potential is underutilized.


What is a theory? a.The determination of how activities and resources are to be grouped b.A conceptual framework for organizing knowledge and providing a blueprint for action c.The set of processes used to get members of an organization to work together d.The means of measuring an organization's progress towards its goals


What is often at the center of debates on ethics and social responsibility? a.Norms b.Corporate governance c.Quality d.The service economy


Whenever Jena's Juice introduces a new flavor, the company donates five cents for each unit sold to fund breast cancer research. Jena's Juice is responding to which contemporary management challenge? a.Globalization b.Social responsibility c.Quality d.Ethics


Which perspective suggests that because each situation is unique, universal theories cannot be applied by organizations? a.Classical b.Contingency c.Behavioral d.Quantitative


Which type of management skills refer to the manager's ability to correctly recognize and define problems and opportunities? a.Communication b.Decision-making c.Time management d.Conceptual


Anke assumed that, like her, all of her students would want to earn the highest grades possible and that would motivate them to do their best work. She was surprised to discover that many students were happy to just "get by" with an average grade. When she meets with students, she accepts average work from students who seem less concerned with their grade, but challenges good students to do even better. Anke's experience is consistent with which view of management? a.The quantitative theory b.The behavioral theory c.The contingency perspective d.The systems perspective


Destani bought stock in her favorite technology company, giving her legal property rights to the business. Destani is now a(n) _____. a.employee b.member of the board of directors c.owner d.supplier


Employees at Sabine's organization are expected to report any suspected illegal or unethical conduct by members of the organization. This is a policy that encourages _____. a.legal compliance b.philanthropic giving c.whistle-blowing d.corporate governance


Geert runs a medium-size agricultural company and is facing conditions of rapid growth and labor supply shortages. If Geert adopts the principles of behavioral management theory, he is most likely to address his immediate concerns using _____. a.job redesign b.organizational restructuring c.industrial psychology d.mathematical models


Lupita's company is slowly recovering from the most recent economic recession. While the recession forced her firm to make tough decisions, it also enabled her to reframe her company. What might Lupita have done during the recession that will make the company stronger in the long run? a.Manage increases in cost by expansion b.Hire more employees at lower wages c.Streamline operating procedures d.Expand operating systems


The local university has set up a task force and committed to increasing recycling efforts and reducing its carbon emissions by 50% in the next ten years. These efforts demonstrate a commitment to _____. a.emerging ethical issues b.corporate governance c.social responsibility d.legal compliance


Avec runs an organization that is in a rapidly changing environment. Which management perspective should Avec take when planning how to respond to changes in the environment? a.Administrative b.Behavioral c.Systems d.Contingency


Which of the following influences patterns of work-related behavior and attitudes toward work? a.Norms b.Organizational configuration c.Quality d.Social responsibility


Which of the following is the key element in quality decisions about what is right behavior for a situation? a.Personal judgment b.Formalized ethical standards c.Training and classes d.Ethics committees


Which type of system interacts with its environment? a.Closed b.Subsystems c.Open d.Entropy


Samir is the supplies purchaser for his office. Samir's brother is a sales rep at a firm that offers a competitive price on the copier paper Samir needs to buy, so Samir did not look for a less expensive supplier. What might have occurred in this scenario? a.Violation of the code of ethics b.Whistle-blowing c.Violation of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act d.Conflict of interest


What is a characteristic of the art, rather than the science, of management? a.logic b.rational thinking c.intuition d.systems


Dajhia is currently a first-line manager, and wants to move up into middle management. What job title should she look for when looking at her company's internal job postings? a.Plant manager b.Supervisor c.Coordinator d.Office manager


How can managers use knowledge of theory and history in contemporary organizations? a.As the basis for new, personal theories b.As abstract ideas c.As a way to set organizational goals d.To apply rules of scientific management to current issues being faced


In light of recent ethical standards in which the boards of major companies have approved loans or bonuses to CEOs or board members, increased attention has been paid to _____. a.corporate governance b.whistle-blowing c.philanthropic giving d.legal compliance


Excessive transportation costs, government regulations, and home production costs might lead a firm to choose which approach to internationalization? a.Exporting b.Importing c.Licensing d.Direct investment


Although standards of ethics vary from person to person, how do we apply the concept of ethical behavior? a.Generally accepted social norms b.Norms that guide managers in their tasks c.Behaviors that do not create conflicts of interest d.Based on a formal code of ethics


Culture determines the organization's _____. a.profits b.feel c.shared experiences d.corporate success


As the head of IT, Ramon feels strongly about online privacy and has taken measures to address this issue. What can Ramon do to ensure all employees and users of the company systems are aware of the firm's stand on privacy? a.Post the policy on the company website. b.Provide users the chance to review information. c.Disallow the collection of any personal information. d.Rely on regulatory agencies to protect the privacy of all users.


Ava is known to take a very scientific approach to management. When making decision, she seems to be _____. a.logical b.subjective c.intuitive d.instinctual


Which skills are particularly important in the art (as opposed to the science) of management? a.Decision-making b.Diagnostic c.Communication d.Technical


Who was one of the earliest advocates of scientific management? a.Frederick Taylor b.Henri Fayol c.Max Weber d.Lyndall Urwick


Olli is a strong believer in corporate social responsibility. Which argument would support Olli's view? a.Corporations are citizens in our society. b.The purpose of a business in society is to generate a profit. c.Involvement in social programs gives businesses too much power. d.Organizations have the expertise to manage social programs.


The culture at SilverCircle is quite weak. The management team changes often. Employees are not able to sense any direction or purpose for the company, and there is a high turnover rate. In contrast, employees at Wellesby speak very highly of their company. Many of them have worked there for years under the guidance of a steady management team. The differences in culture at the two companies are in part attributable to what? a.Shared experiences b.The founder c.Language barriers d.Values and beliefs


What is an effective way to establish one common vision and direction when organizations with different cultural norms merge? a.Promote employees whose behaviors are consistent with the desired culture. b.Promote internal competition among divisions. c.Reinforce the slogans and ceremonies that made each group successful. d.Recognize that cultural change can only be achieved by replacing the top leaders of both firms.


Which of the following is a goal of the World Trade Organization? a.To establish impartial procedures for resolving trade disputes b.To promote trade benefits to most favored nationals c.To promote human rights over globalization d.To limit the value of all goods that can be traded


Which of the following is accurate regarding organizational culture? a.It is intangible in nature. b.It can be quantifiably measured. c.It is best to maintain it even if it appears to become dysfunctional. d.It should be consistent throughout the organization.


Who or what is generally the starting point of an organization's culture? a.Its founder b.Its CEO c.Its stockholders d.Its employees


Jewel wants to expand into the South America market by purchasing a small production company in a South American country to handle production and distribution. Which of the following best characterizes this arrangement? a.Jewel wants to export products to South America. b.Jewel wants to buy a wholly owned subsidiary in South America. c.Jewel wants to outsource production to South America. d.Jewel wants to develop licensing agreements with countries in South America.


Logan Chemicals has a long history of dumping waste in a local stream. Recently, it has made major efforts to reduce pollution in order to help clean up the environment. Logan Chemicals is responding to which contemporary management challenge? a.Globalization b.Social responsibility c.Quality d.Ethics


Management can best be defined as _____. a.people working together to achieve a set of goals b.achieving organizational goals in an efficient and effective manner c.making the right decisions and successfully implementing them d.the set of processes used to get members of the organization to work together


Nila applied for a management position in her organization, but did not get it. She was told she had not yet demonstrated the ability to think in the abstract and did not seem to grasp how all the parts of the organization fit together. Which type of management skill does Nila need to work on? a.Technical b.Conceptual c.Diagnostic d.Time management


Organizations relate to their environments in ways that often involve ethical dilemmas and decisions. These situations are generally viewed within the context of the organization's _____ . a.ethics b.social responsibility c.financial standards d.legal compliance


Polly is working on her firm's approach to social responsibility. How should she approach the development of this strategy? a.With informal dimensions of social responsibility b.The same way as any other business strategy c.Based on legal compliance d.Through ethical compliance of all employees


The light assembly plants built in Northern Mexico close to the U.S. border, which are given tax breaks by the Mexican government, are referred to as _____. a.joint ventures b.maquiladoras c.economic communities d.strategic alliances


What is an advantage of importing or exporting over other approaches to internationalization? a.Extended profitability b.Small cash outlay and little risk c.Access to materials and technology d.Enhanced control of existing infrastructure


Which type of environment includes everything outside an organization's boundaries that might affect it? a.General b.External c.Task d.Internal


Culture can be maintained by _____. a.mergers b.growth of rival factions in an organization c.slogans and ceremonies d.emphasizing competition among divisions


Kamiya owns a small business that has always put customer service first, even if it meant a loss in profit. Kamiya's company is being bought by another firm that has always emphasized profits to the point that some employees are fired if they cost the company profit. What will be the greatest challenge of integrating the two companies? a.Navigating the political-legal environment b.Establishing a consistent code of conduct c.Establishing a single organizational culture d.Aligning operations to achieve potential synergy


Math-A-Mazing requires all employees to wear something math-related to work every day. They help by providing pins, scarves, and caps printed with numbers or math signs. Employees can wear one of these items or come up with their own. According to the company, this policy makes the company a fun and exciting place to work. This management decision affects the _____. a.task environment b.technological dimension c.organizational culture d.political-legal dimension


Theo works for a data mining company. He recently discovered a coworker who has knowingly breached the company's online privacy policy to complete an important project for his manager. If Theo decides to report this breach, his actions will be considered _____. a.corporate governance b.philanthropic c.whistle-blowing d.legal compliance


What a company stands for, how it does things, and what it considers important are all learned from the _____. a.task environment b.technological dimension c.organizational culture d.political-legal dimension


Why is it important for managers to study history? a.History can provide a conceptual framework for organizing knowledge b.Understanding historical context can provide a blueprint for action c.The historical context can help managers avoid the mistakes of others d.History can provide a mechanistic point of view of management


Zereth recently made a lateral move in the company and now oversees a new department. She has mentioned to a friend that the management style she used in her former department is falling flat with her new staff. They do not seem to respond to the same sorts of incentives, and she is looking for new ways to motivate and encourage them. Zereth's experience is consistent with which view of management? a.The classical theory b.The behavioral theory c.The contingency perspective d.The systems perspective


A major computer technology firm has committed to building a computer lab at the local university, and it is awarding scholarships to students who pursue this field. This action is an example of _____. a.corporate governance b.legal compliance c.ethical compliance d.philanthropic giving


Determinants of organizational culture include _____. a.philanthropic giving b.whistle-blowing c.ethical compliance d.shared experiences


If a company creates a committee to review its guidelines concerning selection and promotion, it is attempting to manage social responsibility through what? a.Legal compliance b.Philanthropic giving c.Whistle-blowing d.Ethical compliance


In a single organization, members of the sales staff always wear business attire, while the product development staff dresses more casually. What does this illustrate? a.Management does not have control over employee behavior. b.Some employees refuse to follow rules. c.The culture is consistent throughout the organization. d.The same culture is not found throughout the organization.


Keane Industries is a privately owned firm that manufactures and installs large, deep well digging equipment that can be operated with little technical expertise. The company has a cash surplus due to a highly profitable decade of sales in its domestic market. Now ready to enter foreign markets, the biggest priority for the owners is to maintain full control of any new operations. What level of international business activity is Keane Industries seeking? a.Exporting b.Licensing c.Strategic alliances d.Direct investmentB


Since the company's founding, Paula and her top executives have provided a consistent message to employees that customers, employees, communities where the company did business, and shareholders were all important. This is an example of which type of informal organization dimension of managing social responsibility? a.Legal compliance b.Whistle-blowing c.Philanthropic giving d.Leadership practices


The language, values, symbols, and beliefs that guide behavior in a country are that country's _____. a.general environment b.internal environment c.external environment d.cultural environment


What is a key disadvantage of licensing agreements as an approach to internationalization? a.Tariffs b.Political risks c.High transportation costs d.Inflexibility


When suppliers and customers have a question about the organization's products, they talk with Aisha, who helps them to understand the products. Which type of skills would be especially important for Aisha in her interactions with them? a.Technical b.Conceptual c.Decision-making d.Interpersonal


Where does any effort to enhance ethical behavior in the workplace begin? a.Legal compliance b.Social responsibility efforts c.With a code of ethics d.With top management


Which of the following describes an individual's personal beliefs about whether a behavior, action, or decision is right or wrong? a.Ethical behavior b.Unethical behavior c.Managerial ethics d.Ethics


Which of the following includes inputs, transformation processes, outputs, and feedback in a way that allows them to function as an interrelated set of elements? a.Outputs b.Feedback c.Inputs d.System


Which of the following is a part of an organization's general environment? a.Physical work environment b.Regulatory agencies c.Suppliers d.Interest rates


Which of the following is true of organizational culture? a.It does not vary across organizations b.Its point of origin is the organization's chief competitor. c.It is not influenced by corporate success. d.It consists of a firm's set of values and beliefs.


Which type of manager would be responsible for supervising and coordinating the activities of operating employees? a.Top manager b.Middle manager c.Lower-level manager d.First-line manager


Why is the contingency perspective different from universal perspectives? a.It is effective only when used in a closed system. b.It encourages rewarding employees to avoid entropy. c.It can be generalized to other situations. d.It does not attempt to identify the one best way.


Why is the planning and decision making function important to managers in an organization? a.To coordinate day-to-day operations b.To determine human resource needs c.To help contemporary organization grow in complexity d.To determine how to allocate resources


Woojin often meets with government officials and executives of other organizations to shape policy and industry standards. Which level of management is Woojin? a.First-line manager b.Operating personnel c.Middle manager d.Top manager


DynaView produced a cartoon program that became extremely popular. DynaView went on to create toys and games based on the characters in the program, launch a breakfast cereal featuring the program's characters, and start a line of children's clothing. All of these separate divisions within DynaView benefit from the success of the others. In this situation, according to the systems perspective, DynaView is benefiting from _____. a.entropy b.synergy c.contingency perspectives d.closed systems


Eli's company has decided to pay workers a living wage instead of a legally required minimum wage. Eli considers this part of the ethical treatment of his employees. Which type of ethical standards is Eli promoting in his organization? a.Conflict of interest b.Managerial c.Interest group regulation d.Political-legal


Because operations management is less mathematical and statistically less sophisticated than management science, _____. a.it can be applied to a much smaller range of problems b.it does not address efficiency c.it can be applied more directly to managerial situations d.it can be applied directly to operations, but not to areas such as human resource management


Neil's department has come in behind schedule on its last three projects. He determined that initial specifications did not always match up with the actual demands of the project, meaning that department resources were not properly allocated and schedules could not be met. Neil introduced a project start-up procedure that would gather more information in order to verify the accuracy of the specifications before the schedule was written and the resources allocated. This scenario illustrates Neil's _____. a.communication skills b.conceptual skills c.diagnostic skills d.interpersonal skills


Raphael believes that a single set of rules should be applied to all employees in all situations, with no variation. Juan, on the other hand, feels that employees and situations are unique. Rules should either be written with options to apply to different situations or, ideally, they should be flexible. Juan's position is best aligned with which view of management? a.The classical theory b.The behavioral theory c.The contingency perspective d.The systems perspective


When the right decisions are made and implemented, the management process is considered to be _____. a.controlled b.centralized c.effective d.efficient


Which type of management perspective deals with improving the performance of individual employees? a.Quantitative b.Administrative c.Scientific d.Operations


Which type of managers are concerned with creating and managing the systems that create an organization's products and services? a.Marketing b.Human resources c.Operations d.Administrative


An individual who gets along well with others at all levels in the organization is said to have good _____. a.communication skills b.conceptual skills c.diagnostic skills d.interpersonal skills


Aviva has mathematical models that she relies on at the start of each new project to determine how to allocate the resources within her department. Aviva is making use of _____. a.administrative management b.Theory X and Theory Y c.scientific management d.management science


Mike is a manager who likes change. When people become complacent, he tries to shake things up to reenergize them. Mike is likely to see change management as: a.A cause for alarm b.A way to attract new, long-term workers c.A way to improve the organization's social media reputation d.An opportunity


Pollack Food Services supplies meals for all the schools in the Culver City public school system. In the Pollack Food Services task environment, the school system is considered to be a _____. a.supplier b.competitor c.strategic partner d.customer


Bobby is the head of human resources at a large firm. For the past few years, his firm has had a difficult time hiring and retaining employees. What can Bobby do to better attract and retain today's workers? a.Provide new and different incentives. b.Use groups to keep people motivated and interested in work. c.Build large corporate campuses that foster a sense of community. d.Eliminate their presence on social media.


Cora is an operations manager for a privately owned Midwestern trucking company. She spends the first day of each month reviewing the previous month's productivity levels and compares that information against monthly goals. This basic management function is known as _____. a.controlling b.planning c.leading d.organizing


In some countries, it is expected that people shake hands when they are introduced. In other cultures, the appropriate action is to bow slightly or to exchange business cards. These are examples of which type of process that vary in a global economy? a.Behavioral b.Universal c.Analytic d.Systemic


Management science and operations management are the two branches of which management theory? a.Quantitative b.Behavioral c.Human relations d.Administrative


Manoj is very good at transmitting ideas to others, coordinating work with peers and colleagues, and keeping higher-level managers informed. In other words, Manoj excels at which type of skills? a.Communication b.Conceptual c.Diagnostic d.Time management


Neil's department was recently assigned a new project. His next task on the project is to determine how his people and other resources will be allocated to the project. At this point, which managerial function is Neil tackling? a.Organizing b.Controlling c.Leading d.Planning


Nour 's responsibilities include creating organizational goals and overall strategy for the organization. In terms of her level in the organization, what type of manager is Nour? a.Top manager b.Middle manager c.Lower-level manager d.First-line manager


Supply chain management and enterprise resource planning are both management concepts that were evolved from which management perspective and use of models to solve problems? a.Quantitative b.Classical c.Behavioral d.Administrative


Teresa has several open positions at her firm. What could Teresa's firm offer Millennial candidates to attract them to her firm? a.Flexibility in work arrangements b.Structure c.Long-term opportunity d.Strong corporate identity


The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 _____. a.imposes tough measures to deter corporate and accounting fraud b.requires all employees to have and enforce a code of ethics c.ensures the board of directors monitors managed decisions so they are in the best interest of shareholders d.guarantees an employee's right to privacy in online activities


What is generally true about management theories that are used to build organizations and guide them to their goals? a.They are grounded in reality b.They are abstract c.They are simple d.They are scientific in nature


What is the basic premise of ethical leadership? a.Leaders serving as role models b.Leaders being subjected to corporate governance c.Online privacy d.Social responsibility


What is true regarding quality as a contemporary management challenge? a.Enhancing quality lowers costs. b.Enhancing quality lowers productivity. c.Enhancing quality raises costs. d.Enhancing quality results in more waste.


What might occur to an organization when it does not monitor feedback from its environment and make adjustments as needed? a.Entropy b.Synergy c.Generalization d.Paradigm shift


When Amina needs additional employees on a short-term basis, she contacts an employment agency. This agency not only has employees Amina can contract with on a short-term basis, but it shares information on trends and economic conditions with Amina. Which aspect of the task environment does the employment agency work in when supporting Amina? a.Supplier b.Competitor c.Strategic partner d.Customer


Which area of classical management should you study to learn more about managing the total organization? a.Administrative b.Scientific c.Industrial psychology d.Theory X and Theory Y


Ira is a manager at a textile company. He and his staff are focused on accounting, cash management, and investment activities. In which area of the company does Ira work? a.Marketing b.Finance c.Operations d.Human resources


Julius just got promoted and now has the title of division head. In terms of his level in the organization, what type of manager is Julius? a.Top manager b.Middle manager c.Lower-level manager d.First-line manager


Behaviors that relate to ethical ambiguity in areas such as advertising, purchasing, solicitations, bargaining, and other business relationships are part of _____. a.ethical leadership b.corporate governance c.managerial ethics d.ethics and technology


During her recent annual performance review, Arayla was highly rated on her ability to prioritize work, to work efficiently, and to delegate work appropriately. Which management skills does Arayla use to accomplish these things? a.technical b.conceptual c.diagnostic d.time management


Jo was elected by stockholders to oversee a company's management. While she provides general oversight, she does not get involved with the daily activities of the company. Jo fills which role of a company's internal environment? a.A regulator b.An owner c.An employee d.A member of the board of directors


Selecting the course of action that would most likely lead to success would be included in which management function? a.Organizing b.Controlling c.Leading d.Planning


Synergy refers to _____. a.a normal process leading to system decline b.the failure of an organization to monitor feedback from its environment c.systems working independently to increase their degree of efficiency d.two or more subsystems working together to be more successful than working alone


The managerial function of controlling involves _____. a.determining how best to group activities and resources b.selecting a course of action from a set of alternatives c.getting members of an organization to work together d.monitoring an organization's progress toward its goals


What distinguishes the behavioral management perspective from earlier management theories? a.It conceptualized organizations as machines and workers as cogs within those machines. b.It emphasized the need to standardize the behavior of employees. c.It focused on how managers could control the behavior of their employees. d.It placed more emphasis on individual attitudes, behaviors, and group processes.


What is the relationship between quality and productivity? a.Improving quality tends to increase productivity because making higher-quality products generally results in more waste and rework. b.Improving quality tends to decrease productivity because making higher-quality products generally results in more waste and rework. c.Improving quality tends to decrease productivity because making higher-quality products generally results in less waste and rework. d.Improving quality tends to increase productivity because making higher-quality products generally results in less waste and rework.


What is the term that describes differences among people? a.Norms b.Culture c.Ethics d.Diversity


When Riley began a new job, included in her packet of information was a set of guidelines for how to act in accordance with the firm's values. These guidelines are the firm's _____. a.strategic plan b.business code c.corporate governance d.code of ethics


When considering the basic management functions, decision making is part of which process? a.Organizing b.Controlling c.Leading d.Planning


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