Test 1 Chapters 1-8 MRKT 336

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Researchers must take into account serval considerations when deciding on a survey data collection mode. Describe and discuss the considerations associated with decisions related to survey data collection modes.

- speed - data must be collected quickly- short deadline - cost- with tight budget can't consider more costly methods - quality- should be deep, broad and thankful. Diminished by constraints and realities - other- such as survey circumstances

Researchers realize that an important part of developing research objectives is determining what type of information should be measured. What is the term for multiple characteristics used to measure a concept?

A construct

Define "what makes you special"?

Accentuate your differentiation. Play up what is different about you. What is it about your background that makes you creditable. Key in on how your better than your competitors.

Explain the advantages and disadvantages of secondary data.

Advantages- it can be obtained quickly, inexpensive, readily available, may enhance primary data, and may be all that is needed to achieve the research objective Disadvantages- there are incomplete reporting units, mismatch of measurement units, data classification may have different definitions, timeliness, and data reported may have lack of information to establish creditability

The _____ May represent the most significant change in the availability of secondary data to be used for marketing research purposes in several decades.

American community survey

If ________ is at hand, research that is representative of some population and that has some known margin of error (quantitative research) should be used.

An operational decision

The Internet of Things offers real promise for greater ________________ and exciting applications for the future.

Automation of marketing research

The umbrella term ________ is information that is available from more sources than ever before-from government statistics to sensor data to tracking studies.

Big data

Describe in your own words what is meant by "use percents" while speaking?

Calculate it for them. Shows a relationship with numbers better than just numbers. Percents communicate better than dollars, they are easier to understand.

The term used for research conducted within an organization is called:

Client-side research

When the CEO of T-Mobile said, " I don't do public math", and it backed up in the S4 boom. What does this mean?

Congress asked him to do math and he says he doesn't do math in public. Numbers trip you up. Use numbers as sparingly as possible because some bozo in the back of the room is trying to calculate and trying to prove you wrong with any errors. Check answers with uninformed person.

Wearables turn people into walking, talking trails of data. The generated data from wearables can be particularly valuable to which industry?

Consumer products industries

In selecting a data collection mode, a researcher balances quality against:

Cost, time, and other considerations

A major retailer uses shoppers to observe and record sales clerks assistance, courtesy, and efficiency. This an example of what type of observational research?

Covert observational research

As part of the research process, researchers develop a goal-oriented statement or question that specifies what information is needed to solve a problem. This is called:

Creating the problem statement

Nielsen tracking studies are ________ that monitor a variable such as sales or market share over time.

Cross-sectional studies

The types of descriptive research study that measure a population at only one point in time is:

Cross-sectional studies

It is important to consider who collected data that a company may use. An emerging trend is the:

Crowdsourcing of data

Problems exist with secondary data because:

Data have not been collected specifically to address the problem at hand but have been collected for some other purpose.

Action standards provide a path for:

Decision making

Collected data that may be accessed and analyzed using tools and techniques that assist managers in decision- making is the:

Decision support system

Once a firm decides to conduct marketing research, the second step is to:

Define the problem

The ______ of focus group participants should be judged against the target market profile to assess to what degree the groups represent the target market.

Demographic and buyer behavior characteristics

Sales, market share, customer satisifaction, sales force turnover, time spent on site and unique net profits are examples of:

Dependent variables

The marketing research industry relies on:

Derived demand

General Mills used ____________ to understand how children eat breakfast, leading to the launch of Go-Gurt, a mid morning snack for schools children.

Direct observational research

The difference between basic research and applied research is that applied research is conducted to:

Expand our knowledge to solve a specific problem.

What is the type of study in which one or more independent variables are manipulated to see how one or more dependent variables are affected, while also controlling the effects of additional extraneous variables?

Experimental research study

A situation analysis is a form of _______ undertaken to gather background information and data that may be helpful in properly defining the problem decision.

Exploratory research

The term "research design" refers to the research approach used to meet the research objectives. Three widely recognized research designs are:

Exploratory, descriptive, and causal

______________ are small groups of people brought together and guided through an unstructured spontaneous discussion for the purpose of gain information relevant to the research problem.

Focus groups

Marketing research can also be used to do which of the following?

Generate, refine, and evaluate a potential marketing action

Describe in your own words "relate it to them" in the perspective of public speaking.

Get in early, get to know your audience, never walk-in with a canned speech. Tailor every speech or presentation toward the audience. Don't walk in and say " idk what you do but this is what I think".

High gasoline prices and concerns about fossil emissions bothered consumers, so Toyota developed the Prius. This is an example of what use of marketing research?

Identifying marketing opportunities and problems

A great deal of marketing research is conducted to determine the size of various market segments. Not only are managers interested in knowing the size of a market segment but also:

If that segment is growing or shrinking and how well competitors are fulfilling the wants and needs of that segment.

A motion-sensitive camera might be placed in people's kitchens to observe the behavior of family members as the inspect the contents of their refrigerator, prepare breakfast, unpack groceries, and conduct the many other routine activities that occur in kitchens. This is an example of:

In situ observational research

There is an increasing demand for researchers to present results:

In unambiguous, understandable, easy-to-grasp reports

____ is the percentage of the population. That possesses some characteristic nexsssRy to be included in the survey.

Incidence rate

Level of advertising expenditure, type of advertising appeal (humor, prestige), display location placement of website ads, method of compensating salespersons, price, and type of product are examples of:

Independent variables

One of the main advantages of online communities is that they are ________, allowing a wide variety of data to be collected, including posts, photos, and videos.

Inexpensive and flexible

_____________ measures are rating scales for subjective properties where, for adjacent levels, the distance is normally defined as one scale unit.

Interval scale

Falsifying data in order to make the findings consistent with predetermined points of view would demonstrate.

Lack of research integrity

Marketing researchers use standard scales rather than inventing new ones for each research project. Discuss and differentiate among the likert scale, semantic differential scale, and the staple scale. Why should the scale fit the construct?

Likert scale- respondents indicate their degree of agreement/disagreement on a symmetric agree/disagree scale for each of a series of statements. Scale captures intensity of their feelings. Semantic differential scale: interval scale sprung directly from the problem of translating a persons qualitative judgements into metric estimates. Contains a series of bipolar adjectives for the various properties of the study object and respondents indicate their impressions of each property by indicating location along its continuum. Staple scale: relies on positive/negative numbers, ranking -5- + 5 and bipolar objectives for attributes not needed.

Online surveys have major advantages, which include:

Low cost, speed, and real-time access to data

Misrepresenting the impact of the sampling method and its impact on sample data violates ethics codes of the marketing profession. This code would falls into the category of:

Maintaining research integrity

A disadvantage of the mall- intercept survey is:

Mall shoppers may not be representative of the target market population.

The ____________ goes on continuously and searches a broad range of information sources to bring pertinent information to decision makers.

Marketing intelligence system

A research seeks to ___________, which is defined as the ability of a questions wording or format to influence respondents answers

Minimize question bias

__________ involves the study of an individual's involuntary responses to marketing stimuli, including eye movement, heart rate, skin conductance, breathing, brain activity (using functional magnetic resonance imaging (FMRI), and brain waves (electroencephalography (EEG)).


After many years of relative stability in marketing research methods, the industry is undergoing great change due to:

New sources of data and technology

Race, religion, type of dwelling, gender, brand last purchased, and buyer/nonbuyer are examples of:

Nominal measures

____________ are physically verifiable characteristics such as age, income, number of bottles purchased, store last visited, and so on.

Objective properties

The choice of the type of research design depends largely on:

Objectives of the research

_______________ is an example of internal secondary data.

Online information database.

Drawbacks of _______ include sample representativeness, respondent validation, and difficulty in asking probing types of questions.

Online interviews

If the respondent is asked to indicate his or her first, second, third, and fourth choices of hotels, the results are:

Ordinally scaled

Because there is reluctance worldwide to take part in surveys and in combination. With technological advances, ________ have become a viable and pillar means of data collection.

Panel companies

Data that are gathered without overt questioning or other types of interactions with consumers have become a new and valuable source of information. This type of data are called:

Passive data

Exploratory research is unstructured research, which means it does not have a:

Predetermined set of procedures.

_________ involve situations in which participants are placed in simulated activities in the hopes that they will divulge things about themselves that they might not reveal under direct questioning.

Projective techniques

Chobani launched a campaign, called "The Break You Make", in 2015 to increase awareness of the Chobani Flip, an afternoon snack yogurt. Research determined that the campaign was very successful , with sales of Chobani Flip up 300% over the previous year. The main use of this tripe of research would be related to:

Promotion Research

What type of qualitative method involves placing a person in a decision- making situation and asks him or her to verbalize everything he or she considers when making a decision?

Protocol analysis

Neuromarketing is an emerging field that may offer additional _____ into consumer behavior.

Qualitative insights

When Procter and Gamble is interested in improving its ultra tide laundry detergent, it may invite a group of age 30 to 45 year old women to brainstorm how ultra tide could perform better or how it's packaging could be improved or to discuss other features of the detergent. What type of research method are they using?

Qualitative research

Since the data from the IoT generally lack context, pairing passive data with _________ will be important.

Quantitative data

Research involving the administration of a set of structured questions with predetermined response options to a large number of respondents is:

Quantitative research

What is the document that the marketing researcher pledges to deliver as a result of the marketing research process?


The rise of technology and the _________ by consumer underlie a troublesome data collection dilemma face by marketing researchers all over the globe.

Rapid adoption of sophisticated personal communication systems

An actual number of purchases in a certain time period, dollars spent, miles traveled, number of children in the household, or years of college education are examples of:

Ratio scale

The type of measure in which a respondent responds in the same or very similar manner to an identical or near-identical question is called:

Reliable measure

The information that tells the researcher exactly what needs to be gathered and analyzed to allow managers to make decisions related to a problem is contained in the:

Research objectives

Two serious ethical issues in marketing research are deception and invasion of privacy. Which of the following is NOT an example of deception or invasion of privacy?

Respondents participate in a focus group and are compensated for their opinions.

To what does the number of elements of the population that are used to make up the sample refer?

Sample size

The process of designing questions and response formats to measure the subjective properties of an object is known as:

Scale development

____________, or other questions that require some degree of mental activity, such as evaluations choices, voicing opinions, recalling past experiences, indicating intentions, or responding to what if questions, are placed deeper in the survey.

Scaled-response questions

___________ is the process of searching for and interpreting existing information relevant to the research topic.

Secondary data analysis

Research design should be:

Selected after thoroughly considering the problem and research objectives.

Creating the proper mix of product/service, price, promotion, and distribution for a market begins with:

Selecting the segment of the market as a company's target.

A specialized interval scale format that has sprung directly from the problem of translating a person's qualitative judgements into metric estimates is the:

Semantic differential scale

Data collection method choice is shaped by _______ such as cultural norms and/or communication or other systems that are in place.

Situational factors

One of the fastest-growing areas of marketing research involves the organization and analysis of:

Social media data

By providing access to the unfettered opinions of consumers,________ offed an instant way to gain background information for a problem, to define terms, to clarify problems and hypotheses and to establish research priorities.

Social media platforms

A ______________ is easily recognized, as it has numbers that range from a minus end to a corresponding plus end, with or without a zero as the midpoint.

Staple scale

Marketing research can also be used to generate, refine, and evaluate a potential marketing action. In this context, actions may be thought of as:

Strategies, campaigns, programs, or tactics.

What types of studies do descriptive research studies include?

Studies that need answers to who, what, when, where, and how questions.

Researchers often desire to measure ______, which cannot be directly observed because they are mental constructs such as a persons attitude or intentions.

Subjective properties

Firms sometimes hire an outside marketing research company to conduct its research. This is referred to as:

Supply-side research

Compared to observation or other qualitative methods, ________ allows the collection of significant amounts of data in a systematic, economical, and efficient manner, and they typically involve large sample sizes.

Survey methods

Nielsen ratings service, which measures TV audience size and viewer demographics for TV programs, is an example of:

Syndicated data processing firm

The service-oriented logic as a marketing philosophy implies:

That to successfully practice marketing in today's environment, marketers require more and better access to information

The scale that captures the intensity of feelings toward a statements claim or assertion because respondents are asked how much they agree or disagree with the statement is:

The Likert scale

Why is the ACS a major secondary data resource for marketing researchers?

The data have the US census bureau'a "high marks" for reliable data and will be current

Which of the following concerns internal validity?

The extent to which the change in the dependent variable was actually due to the independent variable

WhG is the interval scale that has mainly depress of positive positions?

The non symmetric interval scale

The advantage of mobile ethnography is that it can ___________ that a researcher might miss, with respondents viewed as the experts of their own lives.

Uncover authentic behavior and feelings

The five largest markets, by country, for marketing research are:

United States, United Kingdom, Germany, France, and China

What is the term for any information that is created by users of online systems and intended to be shared with others?

User-generated data

____________ should only be used when the researcher knows a fair amount about the problem.

causal research

The most important step in the marketing research process is:

defining the problem

A winery wants to know more about sales channels, product outlets, and even whether these channels are motivated. What type of research would the winery use to answer these questions?

distribution research

The marketing research process contains multiple steps. The first step of the process is:

establishing the need for marketing research

Research design types include:

exploratory, descriptive, causal

The two basic types of studies categorized as descriptive research include:

longitudinal studies and cross-sectional studies

A _______________ is a structure consisting of people, equipment, and procedures to gather, sort, analyze, evaluate, and distribute needed, timely, and accurate information to marketing decision makers.

marketing information system

Which of the following is a short definition of marketing?

meeting needs profitably

The Arizona Republic newspaper has used online focus groups for brainstorming, and the outcomes of these sessions are then used to devise online surveys. This is an example of:

mixed methods research

Collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data by observing what people do and say is:

qualitative research

What term describes how each sample element is to be drawn from the total population?

sample plan

When a gap exists between what did happen and what could have happened, it is known as:


What is the definition of marketing research?

the process of designing, gathering, analyzing, and reporting information that may be used to solve a specific marketing problem

Research designs are classified into three traditional categories: exploratory, descriptive and causal.

• exploratory research is informal, unstructured, establish baseline and undertaken to gain background about the generalized nature of the problem • descriptive research is define terms, clarify problems, hypotheses, establish priorities undertaken to describe answers to questions of who, what, when, where and how. • causal research is used to measure causality in a relationship, in which one or more variables. If x then y (dependent). An example is conducting an experiment in which independent variables are manipulated to see how dependent variables are affected.

Why is it important to "be the most passionate person in the room", in regards to public speaking?

• if you are not passionate, why should they be? Every idea has to have " one burning sun of energy"- energy dissipates as it leaves the sun. The stronger it burns the hotter it will be when it burns out. • you need to passionate internally • passion is contagious

Marketing researchers describe measures in several different ways. Describe the three measures used by SPSS: nominal, ordinal and scale.

• nominal use only labels; possess only the characteristics of description - Ex. Include designations as to race, religion, dwelling type, gender, brand last purchased and buyer/no buyer. Answers: yes/no, agree/disagree, and this where descriptors cannot be differentiated except qualitatively • ordinal- researcher ranks order the respondents of their response - relative size differences between objects are not •scale: where distance between each level is known - ratio scale= where a true zero origin exists(actual number of purchases, dollars spent, miles traveled, number of children in household years of college) - interval scale= rating scales for subjective properties (coffee brand rated 3 in taste is one unit away from one rated 4). Researcher assumes that each designation is one unit away from the preceding and succeeding one

Describe the differences among qualitative research, quantitative research and mixed methods research.

• qualitative research is the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data by observing consumer actions and verbal words. Unstructured. • quantitative research administers a set of structured questions with predetermined response choices to a large quantity of respondents • mixed methods research combines both quantitative and qualitative research to gain the benefits of both methods

Defining the problem properly is the most important step in the marketing research process. Describe the processes that maybe used for defining the problem or in some cases, potential opportunities.

• recognizing the problem • understand the problem's background - situation analysis, clarifying the symptoms, determining the symptoms probable causes, determining alternative decisions • determine what decisions must be made • identifying what additional information is needed - inventorying the current info state, identifying information gaps, exhaust secondary research first • formulate the problem statement

S4S 1) what does it mean to "solve something" while public speaking?

• what you are saying should be action focused • paying it forward- passing knowledge • crowd specific • no one should listen to you, unless you are trying to solve something for them. • you wouldn't have been asked to speak in front of that audience if you didn't have something to offer them. Make every time you interact with an audience be action- oriented

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