Test 1 Research methods

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Correlation studies

(do not cause cause and effect)

Characteristics of research

- . Systematic plan, identify, design, collect, evaluate - 2. Logical: examine procedures to evaluate conclusions - 3. Empirical: decisions based on data. - want to have evidence backing you... (says why you are doing it...) - 4. Reductive: general relationships are established from data (now I can establish relationship now that I have the data that supports it..) - 5. Replicable: actions are recorded (didn't tell you that reason she got strong was because she took extra supplements- now people cant replicate because you left shit out)

- Null hypothesis

- A hypothesis used primarily in the statistical test for the reliability of the results -saying you will observe no difference, saying there is no statistical significance between the two variables or a difference (in a kineseotape study, on shoulder, she says there will be a difference due to the tape. You think there will be no difference (your null hypothesis


- Controlled by researcher - Choosing particular instruments, choosing particular subjects (chosing male over female for exercise tests- because the menstural cycle cannot be controlled- affects performance- as result, only chosing males for the exercise study) - If I chose both females and males- (and only got females)- it is now a limitation- cant control the menstural cycles...

Deductive reasoning

- Fact to a fact- (estrogen replacement therapy in 60 yr old females- found that it improves bone mineral density- now I go to my aunt- and say hou should take the therapy- because you will not fall when youre 80.. take one fact- bring it to another fact) - (see man behind wall- go over to check if he is acutally all behind wall)

Applied research

- Goal: immediate solutions -Approach: Real-world settings -real world setting ex.- physiological effects of exercise and disease on promotion of physical activity - Lifting weights later in life could help prevent sarcopenia (loss of muscle mass- due to sitting/ not movint) and dynapenia (loss of strength) - Focusing on physiological effects of exercise... so its applied research

Pilot testing

- Helps to: avoid methodological faults, make sure procedures are appropriate - Run through to see if the methods are solid... (before you do actual experiment- run through methods, solidify what will be done, avoid methodological errors.) - Allows researchers to go back to make changes before starting actual study - Not baseline data, making sure methods are feasible- can't use this data =

Primary vs. secondary sources

- Secondary source: describe, interpret, comment upon, analyze, evaluate, summarize and process primary sources - Ex. encyclopedia, review paper, methodology book, etc. 9 tf 8 mult, 5 matching, 4 fill in blanks (if here, it wil be easy) 6 short answers- fill in table if you know it- notes!!!


- Set of reasons for a particular course of action. (for methodology- want to test endurance and firefighters- didn't have stair stepper- no firefighter is running constantly in a fire... so we use actual stairs..)


- Shortcomings or influences that either cannot be controlled or is the result of the delimitations imposed by the investigator - Ex: sample characteristics, size, location of populations

Describing participants

- age -sex -level of performance/training -size -number -can you obtain permission

Reading research

- become familiar with relevant publications - read studies of interest -read as practitioner would - read abstract first -be critical but objective (be skeptical still about research)


- denotes the theory taht every complex phenomenon, especially biology or psychology, can be broken down into smaller parts (easier to understand) -ex. When I contract a muscle.. how many steps does it take to contract my muscle??- I must break up every single step in order for the muscle to contract- (making hard -breaking it down-concept into smaller concepts to make it understandable)


- doesnt have hypothesis -questions to guide research -observation and interviews

Choosing title

- done after study has been conducted -statement of problem -length important -defines purpose -conveys content -audience important

Quality research involves:

- identify/delimiting the problem - searching, reviewing, writing about the literature -specifying/defining testable hypotheses - selecting, describing, testing, treating the participants -discuss meaning of findings

Research synthesis

- large number of studies to determine common findings, agreements, and disagreemnets

Principles of planning experiments

- less is more -simple is better

Considerations for instrument selection

- reliable and valid -degree of difficulty for obtaining measure -access to instruments -how to evaluate outcome -will instruments yield range of measures -will participants take time to complete willingly

research hypothesis

-A hypothesis deduced from theory or induced from empirical studies that is based on logical reasoning and predicts the outcome of the study - Research- states what the researcher expects to find...

Basic research

-Goal: theory driven, conducted in -Approach: LABORATORY SETTING - EX. the cardiac cellular and molecular adaptions in response to exercise -bandura's theory- behavior is learned from the environment through the process of observation (ex. Bullying- learned from other bullies)

Methods section is made up of (4)

1. Participants 2. instruments 3. procedures 4. design and analysis

Steps of scientific Method (4)

1. develop problem- (whats being studied.. to what extent?) 2. formulate hypothesis- (anticipated outcome- must be testable!!!) 3. gather data-(maximize internal and external validity) 4. analyze and interpret results- (inductive reasoning)

Reasons for not reading research

1. not understandable 2. technical language 3. Confusing terminology 4. Not practical enough

Characteristics of research (5)

1. systematic 2. Logical 3. Empirical 4. Reductive 5. Replicable

Characteristics of research: Replicable

Actions are recorded


Cling to beliefs regardless of lack of scientific support -ex. superstitions


Common sense/self-evident (gut feeling) -lacks factual evidence

Describing procedures

Data collection -when, where , time - pilot data -data imput Treatments -duration, intensity, frequency -participant adherence -pilot data -appropriate treatemnts

Which of the following is NOT one of the five characteristics of research?


Rationalistic method

Derive knowledge through reasoning - Marcus is tall. Tall people play basketball. Marcus plays basketball

Characteristics of research: Logical

Examine procedures to evaluate conclusions

The only type of research that can manipulate treatments and establish a cause and effect is

Experimental research

The generalizability of the results pertains to what kind of validity?


T/F Most research is either classified as basic OR applied.


- Assumption

Following a diet, following restrictions, participants effort (you assume participants are following the diet- not eating extra meat/dessert on the sides) - Tell participants not to do squats outside of exercise study... your assumption is that they will not do anything outside of the study... if they squat outside study, your assumption was wrong

Characteristics of research: Reductive

General relationships are established from data

External validity

Generalizability of study's results -field experiment: Low internal, high external

Moderate Relevance

Goal: Theory -based using relevant movements Approach: similar to real world task or resting ex. Bandura self-efficacy- hockey penalty shot- (ive made this shot before in practice... I can do it again!)

Analytical research types:

Historical- events, organizations, institutions, people Philosophical- hypothesizes, examines and analyzes Reviews- author must be extremely knowledgable about available literature, topic, procedures

OPERATIONALLY defining terms

If I say fatigue- and want to give operational definition, I wouldn't say fatigue is tired... I would say that fatigue happens at X stage in the procedure... examples: -intensity -fatigue -stretching -pain

Is something purely applied or basic in research?

Important to remember most research is neither purely applied nor purely basic

The extent to which the results of a study can be attributed to the treatments used in the study is the definition of what kind of validity?


Special language that is regularly used in a particular field but which may not be meaningful to people outside the field is called


Experimental research

Major advantage is manipulation- independent variable - Exp. Research has CAUSE AND EFFECT (hint hint)

Advantage to experimental research

Manipulation of independent variable -Cause and effect

Planning is important to:

Maximize true variance minimize error variance control extraneous variance

The term that denotes using ideas, writings, or drawings of others as your own is


Descriptive research types

Questionnaire- interview, survey research Case study- aims to determine unique characteristics -job analysis Observational research- behavior observed in natural setting Developmental studies Correlation studies Epidemiological

Another term that describes the unscientific method of tenacity is....


T/F A salary freeze is an example of internal sanctions for scientific misconduct.


T/F Researchers discuss the limitations of their study within the research article.


An instrument can be Reliable and not ___________ BUT an instrument can never be__________ and not ______________.

Valid, valid reliable


a factor that could affect the relationship between the independent and dependent variables but is not included or controlled. (


a kind of independent variable that cannot be manipulated (age, height, gender, race)


accuracy- how consistent it tests -repeatibility of the findings


author must be extremely knowledgable about literature

Researchers must __________ the risk and reward of their study.


Empirical method

based on objective measurements (based heavily on experience) Rationalist- uses common sense to make conclusions Empiricist- must find evidence to back up his question, then makes conclusions

When we say that research is empirical, we mean that the researcher

collects data on which to base decisions

Characteristics of research: Empirical

decisions based on data


depends on another variable

The determining factor in the order of authorship of a research publication is that the first author is the person who

develops the idea and plans the research

Historical research

events, organizations, institutions, and people

Internal validity

extent to which results attributed to treatments in study (Lab experiment: high internal validity, Low external)


factor that could possibly influence the results that is kept out of study (looking at Lysol/Clorox... look at how clean the product is.. not controlling for how how dirty counter was, same mess? -something not controlling for)

T/F Poor data storage is not a part of the seven areas of scientific dishonesty.



how well test measures what it is supposed to measure...

- Independent:

manipulated by the researcher

MAXICON Principle

method of controlling any explanation for the results excepth the hypothesis that hte research intends to evaluate

Characteristics of research: Systematic

plan, identify, design, collect, evaluate


source of knowledge from a person of power - ex. Galileo was imprisoned because his finding disputed others

- Inductive reasoning-

trends to generalizing- making conclusion/ generalization based on a limited number of observations- (take 40 vegeterians- give survey on personality- just so happens they are all introverts- meet person on street- tells her shes a vegetarian- now I automatically assume cass is an introvert) -this doesn't use factual evidence! - See man behind wall, don't go over to wall to see if hes all there, because we know- assume

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