test 2 q's geography midterm
How often does the earth make one revolution?
1 year
What is a mega city?
10 million or more people
When did the agricultural revolution begin?
10,000 years ago
How many countries are recognized by the United Nations?
What year was the state of Israel founded?
When did the first civilization begin?
3500 BC
What is the population of the world?
7.5 billion
What is the southern boundary of the high latitude region in the north hemisphere?
Arctic circle
What has been the most common type of government?
What is the oldest type of government?
How is the population growth measured?
Birth rate + immigration -death rate + emigration
Which direction do the currents rotate in the southern pacific ocean?
Counter clockwise
In what month is the shortest day of the year in London?
When is the summer solstice in Australia?
When is the winter solstice in New York?
What is the most important factor in determining climate?
Earth/Sun relationship
in what structure of government is the power shared by a national government and a local government?
What is not true about religion and culture?
Governments do not like religions in their countries
What is the oldest known religion?
In what month is the longest day of the year in Paris?
What is not an example of internal cultural change?
In which type of government is power inherited?
What is a component of the first cultural hearths?
Mountain barrier
Identify the 5 cultural hearths?
Nile river, Indus river, yellow river, tigris, euphrates and the yucatan peninsula
In what hemisphere do 90% of the world's population live?
Where are the horse latitudes located?
North of the Tropic of Cancer
What is the spring equinox for Brazil?
What is an example of inexhaustible resource?
Solar power
Where are the Doldrums located?
The equator
For most of human history, what has been the most common form of economic system?
What is the northern boundary of the low latitudes?
Tropic of Cancer
Which country has a diverse population?
In what structure of government does one central government rule the country?
What social class has lost significance in the past 100 years?
What would you expect to find on the leeward side of a mountain?
arid conditions
Which direction do the currents rotate in the arctic ocean?
Which direction to the winds rotate in China?
What is the most common form of government?
What type of precipitation would you find in the tropics?
3 types of government
democracy, autocracy, oligarcy
what line of latitude receives direct sunlight during the spring equinox
How often does the earth make one rotation?
every 24 hours
What is the number one social group in all cultures?
In what region does sunlight vary the most?
high latitude
What was the key activity to the establishment of civilization?
What is the number one factor in all cultures?
Which region has the greatest variation in climate?
mid latitude
What is not a characteristic of a sovereign state?
minimal population of 5,000 citizens
What is the oldest type of government?
Which type of government is ruled by a small group of people?
3 types of precipitation
orograhpic, convection and frontal
What would you expect to find on the windward side of a mountain?
significant rainfall
The 4 characteristics of a country?
soveriengty, popuation, government and territory
Which direction does the earth rotate?
west to east